Ian A. Fraser

The last index for -Northern Studies' appeared in Vol. XIII. pp. 42-47. and covered Vols. I-XII. The index below covers all issues up to Vol. XX (1983). The years of publication are as follows: XIII. 1979: XIV. 1979~ XV, 1980~ XVI, 1980~ XVII, 1981~ XVIII, 1981~ XIX. 1982~ and XX, 1983. In the text, contributors' names appear in small capitals and titles of contributions in bold type. the following abbreviations are used: d - diagram; m - map; p - photograph.

Alexander Lindsay, a Rutter of the Scottish Seas, by A.B. Taylor (Review) XVIII, 51-52. Annual Conference: : 9-13 April, 1979 XIV, 3-5. Annual Conference: 31 March-4 April, 1980: Strathmore, the Heartland of the Scottish Kingdom XVI, 38-43. loA.R.B.E.' (Edinburgh Magazine contributor) XV, 4-8 passim. loAtomstodin' CThe Atom Station') XVIII, 3-12 passim.

BALDWIN, JOHN R. XVII, 36-41; XVIII, 49-50; XX, 5-37; XX, 107-108; XX, 108-110. barns (assoc. with seterhouses) XII, 24-25. BATEY, COLLEEN E. XV, 17-22. Beachview: Burnside (Birsay Excavations) XIII, 8, 9m. Beachview: Studio Site (Birsay Excavations) XIII, 3, 4m. 7m. Bellman, Carl Michael, XV, 3,7-8. Berhard Faerftyvik's Contribution to the Documentation of Norwegian Inshore Craft XVII, 3-8. Bibliography of Onomastic and Related Topics Relating to and Scandinavia XVIII, 13-19. Birsay, Brough of, Excavations XVI, 17-28, 18m, 26m. Birsay 'Small Site' Excavations and Survey 1978 XIII, 3-19, 4m. Beachview Studio Site XIII, 3, 4m, 7m. Beachview: Burnside XIII, 8'1 9m.

51 Brough Road XIII, 8-17, 9m. Blicher, Steen Steensen XVII, 27-35. Boat Types, Danish XVIII, 43-48. Boats (Mull of fishery) XX, 64-68. Boats, Norwegian Inshore XVII, 3-8. bondagers XX, 86. bondagers at work XX, lOOd. BORCHGREVINK, ANNE-BERIT 0 XVI, 53-69; XVII, 9-35. Brough ofBirsay, , Excavations and Survey 1979 XVI, 17-28. Brough Road (Birsay Excavations) XIII, 8-17. Bru, Hedin XX, 45-47. BRUFORD, ALAN J. XV, 34-38; XIX, 38-40. bu or sel (seterhouses) XVII, 9-26 passim. building traditions (Norway) XIV, 30-44. byres (assoc. with seterhouses) XVII, 22-24, 23p. 24p. Caithness Conference, Lecture Programme XIV, 5. cattle (in Gasadalur) XX, 16-18. Change in a Norwegian Rural Landscape Concepts and Case Study ,XIV, 6-44., CHEAPE, H. XX, 79-104. 'Christian Sculpture in Norse ',in Fr6dskaparrit 28/29 (Review and Synopsis) XX, 107-108. Corbett, William XX, 91-92. Contribution of Christian Nielsen to the Recording of Traditional Danish boat Types XVIII, 43-48. COWAN, TED XV, 23-28. CRAWFORD, BARBARA XIII, 37-41.

Da Biggins, Papa Stour XIII, 37-41, 38m. Danish Boat Types XVIII, 43-48. Danish Maritime Museum XVIII, 44.:48 passim. Durham University, Excavations by XVI, 17-28. DURRENBERGER, E. PAULXix, 23-37.

Earl's Bu (Orphir Excavations) XV, 17-22, 18m. Edinborgarfelagic (The Edinburgh Society) XIX, 7. Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, Scandinavian literature in XV, 3-8. Edinburgh's Runestone XV, 29-33.

52 Edmondston, Laurence XIII, 20-21. Edmondston, Thomas, a Neglected Shetland Genius XIII, 20-25. Eidi, Eysturoy, Faroe Islands XVII, 36-41. Erlend, Bishop, of Faroe XX, 39-43 passim. Essays on Swedish Literature from 1880 to the Present day, ed. Irene Scobbie (Review) XVI, 44-45. Excavations at 'Da biggins', Papa Stour, Shetland, 1978, Progress Report on XIII, 37-31. Excavations at Orphir, Orkney, 1979 XV. 17-22.

Faer0yvik. Bernhard XVII, 3-8 passim. Faer0yvik, 0ystein XVII, 4. Farm Servant, The XX, 79-104. Faroe Islands XVII, 38m. Faroes, Introduction to the XX, 1-4. Faroese loan-words XVI, 5-16 passim. Faroese writers XX, 45-57. Fate and Fortune in the work ofMartin Joensen and Hedin Brn XX, 45- 57. Fell, Barry XV, 26-27. FELLOWS-JENSEN. GILLIAN XVI, 38-43; XVIII,13-19, 40-42. FENTON. ALEXANDERXVI, 5-16. fish-curing XX, 69-70. Fishery, Hand-Line, The XX, 58-78, 59m. Flora of Shetland XIII, 23, 25. FRASER. IAN A. XIII, 42-47; XVIII,51-52. 'From the Vikings to the Reformation: A chronicle of the Faroe Islands up to 1538' by G.V.C. Young~(Review)XX, 105-6. ~fullseter' XVI, 55. 'Futhark' from Eidi, Eysturoy, Faroe Islands, A XVII, 36-41. ~Furthark', runic XVII, 37. ~Furtharks', Northern XVII, 39.

Gaelic loan-words in Faroese XVI, 6-18. Gasadalur, Faroe Islands XX, 5-37, 10m, 13m, 20m, 27m, 30m. Gautrek's Saga, Reciprocity in: An Anthropological Analysis XIX, 23-37. GlemanuiIl XX, 62-63. ~Greenvoe' XVIII, 3-12 passim.

53 Gregson, Keith XVI, 29-37.

~Hakon the Old - Hakon Who?, by Magnus Magnusson (Review) XX, 108, 110. ~hayingseter' XVI, 56. Herald, HMS XIII, 20,24. Highland workers on Lothian farms XX, 102-103. hind (labourer) XX, 82-103 passim. hinds' cottage XX, 97d. ~History of the under the Norse or Now Through a Glass Darkly' by G.V.C. Young (Review) XX, 106-107. 'home-seter' XVI, 56, 59p. House, Black, Lewis XVI,_46-52. house-styles (Norway) XIV, 30-44. Houses of the Norwegian 'Seters': An Analysis of Local Type­ Variations XVI, 53-59 (Pt. I); XVII, 9-35 (Pt. 11). Hovin and T00mmesslette XIV 14-44 passim, 15m, 16p, 17m (geology), 18m, 19m; 21p, 22p, 23p, 24d, 25m, 30p, 31d, 34p, 35d, 37p,40p.

Icelandic Impressions of Scotland and the Scots in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries XIX, 3-22. Ingstad, Helge XV, 23-26 passim. Inksterfamily XVI, 33, 36-7d. 'Isle of Man, Man and Environment in the', (Contents List of Publication) XIV, 54-56.

JACKSON, ANTHONY XX, 1;:4; XX, 105-106, 106-107. JACKSON, MAYA XVI, 44-45. Joensen, Martin XX, 45-47. Johnson, Charles XVIII, 25-38 passim. JONES, MICHAEL XIV, 6-44. JONES. W. GLYN XX, 45-57.

KEILLAR. IAN XIII, 20-25; XX, 38-44. kenningar XIII, 34-36 passim. Kirkjubffur XX, 38-44. Knorr (type of Viking ship) XIII, 33i.

54 'laft' construction XVI, 62p, 63, 66p. Lamb, Gregor. 'Orkney Surnames' (Review) XIX, 38-40. land divisions (in Gasadalur) XX, 22-34. Landscape Change (in Norway) XIV, 6-44. L'Anse aux Meadows XV, 23-28 passim. conservation of site XV, 25-26. Lavacroon (Orphir Excavations) XV, I8m, 20, Laxness, Halld6r Kiljan XVIII, 3-12 passim. Lewis Black House in 1980, The: The End ofan Old Tradition XVI, 46­ 52. lotman or tasker XX, 84. Lothian Farm Servant, the XX, 7-104.

Mackay Brown, George XVIII, 3-12 passim. Mackay Brown, George, 'Portrait of Orkney' (Review) XVIII, 49-50. McNaughton, Adam XV, 29-33. MacPherson, James XVII, 27-35 passim. Maritime Catastrophies, Their Archaeological and Documentary Legacies: with Reflections on the CentenaryoftheShetland Fisheries Disaster of 1881 XVIII, 20-39. MARTIN, ANGUS XX, 58-78. Matras, Christian XVI, 9,10. Melhus Commune (Norway) XIV, 14-44 passim. MENNIE, DUNCAN M. XV, 3-8. 'milkingseter' XVI, 55. Morris, ChristopherD. XVI, 17-28; XIII, 3-19. MORRISON, IAN A. XVII, 3-8; XVIII, 3-19. 'mountain-seter' XVI, 56, 60p. Mull of Kintyre Hand-Line Fishery, The XX, 58-78, 59m. Mykines and Western Vagur XX, 5, 6m. Mythological Viking ship Names, XIII, 29-30.

National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Bicentenary Conference. Northern and Western Isles in the Viking World: Survival, Continuity and Change XVIII, 40-42. Newfoundland, Norse: an Ongoing Tradition? XV, 23-28. Nielsen, Christian XVIII, 43-48. Norse Newfoundland: an Ongoing Tradition? XV, 23-28. Northern Links XVI, 5-16.

55 --Northern Studies' Index Vols. 1-11 XIII, 42-47. Norwegian Inshore Craft XVII, 3-8. Norwegian ~Seters'l, Houses of XVI, 53-69; XVII, 9-35.

Old Norse Ship Names and Ship Terms XIII, 26-36. Onomastic and Related Topics, Bibliography XVIII, 13-19. 'Orkney, Portrait of' (Review) XVIII, 49-50. Orkney Surnames by Gregor Lamb (Review) XIX, 38-40. Orkney, teaching of Scandinavian languages in schools XV, 12-13. Orphir, Orkney, Excavations at, 1979 XV, 17-22. OSLER. ADRIANXIV, 45-53. Ossian XVII, 27-35. Outfield, use and organisation XX, 5-37.

Papa Stour (Excavations) XIII, 37-41. peat (in Gasadular) XX, 8-10. peat-cutting, in Norse Scotland XVI, 6-8. peat-spades XVI, 7-9. Pottinger brothers XVI, 30-37 passim. Pottinger, lames XVI, 30. Powis Academy, Aberdeen XV, 11-12.

Reciprocity in Gautrek's Saga: An Anthropological Analysis XIX, 23- 27. Rinns, fishermen XX, 58-77 passim. Rinns of XX, 61-75 passim. Robinson, Andrew XVI, 29. roof construction (seters) XVI, 65-69, 65d, 67p, 68p, 69p. Runestone, Edinburgh's XV, 29-33.

St. Kilda Handbook, A, ed. Alan Small (Review) XVII, 42-3. Scandinavian Literature, Contemporary, in the Scottish Periodical Press, t785-~807 XV, 3-8. Scobbie'l Irene XV, 10-15 passim. Scots Magazine, Swedish literature in XV, 6-8. Scottish-Swedish Society, XVIII, 53. seabird fowling (in Gasadular) XX, 14-16. Seamanship and Kinship. One Shetland Family's Connection with the North East of England XVI,. 29-37.

S6 sel or bu (seterhouses) XVII, 9-26, lld, 12d, 13d, 14d, 15d. seterhouses XVII, 9-26 passim. seters XVI, 53-69; SVII, 9-35. Seton, Alexander XV, 31-33. sheep (in Gasadular) XX, 18-22. 'Sheep Letter' XX, 42-43. Shetland Boat, The - Measuring and Recording Techniques XIV, 45- 53. Shetland Fisheries disaster of 1881 XVIII, 20-39. Shetland, teaching of Scandinavian languages in schools XV, 13. SIGURDSSON, INGI XIX, 3-22. SIMEK, RUDOLF XII, 26-36. Sixareen, Shetland XVIII, 22-39 passim, 26d. 'skjeleter' - building technique XVI, 64d; XVII, 25. SMITH,JOHN A.XIV, 3-5. Southend, Kintyre XX, 70-76 passim. 'stave' construction XVI, 63, 63p. Steen Steensen Blicher and MacPherson's Ossian XVII, 27-35. Stine, Anne XV, 23-28 passim. Structure in a Community: The Outfield, its Use and its Organisation in the Settlement of Gasadular, Faroe Islands XX, 5-37.

tasker or lotman XX, 84. Teaching of Scandinavian Languages in Scotland XV, 9-16. Through Northern Eyes: Scoto-Scandinavian Literary ParallelsXVIII, 3-12. Thule Press (Review) XV, 34-38. trackways (in Gasadular) XX, 12-14.

Vagur~ Western XX~ 5-37 passim" 6m. Viking Ship Names XIII. 26-36 passim. Viking ships (found in Roskilde Fjord) XIII .. 32i.

WATSON. HARRY XV, 9-16~ XVII, 27-35~ XVIII~ 3-12. WHYTE. (AN XVI, 46-52. Wighc Andrew XX, 93-94. Wilson, John XX, 93. Winterseter XVI, 56, 57p.

57 Yawl, Greencastle XX, 64d, 65p. Young, Arthur XX, 93.

.. 58