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» ' ^ / • ^. bj O. S. Weathe NET PRESS BUN B artfo rd . AVEBAQB DAILY CIRCULATION for the Month of December, 1929. . state library—Gb«p* Snow tonight and Tnesday, pos> i Conn sibly changing to rain and rising 5 , 5 1 6 temperature. Memben of the Audit Barean of Circulation* _____ PRICK THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN'., MONDAY. JAJ^UARY 27, 1930. TWELVE PAGES (Classified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 100. When Cupid Visited Hospital ASKS FOR CUT PLAN to COMPROMISE CONVICTS CONFESS INRATESON DETAILS OF ‘BREAK’ RAYONYARNS ON LIMITING FLEETS

TdllWwtiTe Hkkey H.wi^^|)3|NINDIA Senator Wheeler A p p d sj^ ^ ^ ^ PoltCe of BostO/l Great Britain Makes New for Reduction of Tariff to I i jrr i Gesture of Faith When It START TROUBLE Help Our Cotton Manu-i For Bears and Wolves Announces Cancellation : ATaATHERINGS of Construction of Her facturers—-His Appeal, i Boston, Jan. 27.—(AP.)—It seemsAsend the Algerian farmers a few the Algerian farmer is having hisTwolves, wild dogs, sled dogs, bears, pumas, wild boars and peccaries to Two Newest Cruisers; Hartford, Jan. 27.—(APT—Con-' D-J-p Tfialf* Fla? InStSad of Washington, Jan. 27.-*-(AP)—Ap­ troubles too, and could do with a eat up the grasshoppers which are fessions obtained from Roland G .; naiSC IDCir T ldg lUMCdU Ul pealing ior a reduction in the tariff bit of farm relief. Superintendent devouring the parsnips and turnips, on rayon raw materials and yarns. of Police Michael H. Crowley made or whatever it is Algerian farmers Italian Parity Prohlem Lalone, Leo Landry and Watson j grow? If such grasshopper destroy­ Moulthrope, fugitives from the Con- j National Banner and Free Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Mon- this discovery today after an inter-- . ' pre,ter translated a voluminous ap er's are unavailable, M. Bellanoq necticut state prison who were cap- | tana, asserted m the Senate today received by mail from one thinks some agoutis, hedgehogs, Still Remains Unsolved. tured in Florida and are to be tried , for All Fight Follows; Sev­ that British interests controlled pro­ Papis ~ Bellanoq, “ pensioned school­ marmots and goats might do. In for the murder of a Jacksonvill^de-, addition to the animals, M. Bel­ mys' duction in this coimtry. master of Media, Algeria, tective, have cleared up the “If there’s one schedule in this en­ Would the prefect of police of lanoq would have the prefect send London, Jan. 27.—(AP)—As the tery of their escape from the eral Persons Are Injured. tire bill that is going to take mil­ this such a wonderful city use his some tourists to aid his beloved Al­ naval powers moved toward com­ Wethersfield institution, it was The unique wedding ceremony, pictured above, was held in a Los geria. Angeles hospital because Dr. Violetta G. Shelton, woman plastic surgwn lions from the American farmer and good offices and wide influence to promise today on two of their most learned today. put it in the hapds of the greatest Warden Charles S. Reed, adimtted Bombay, India, Jan. 27.— (A P I - of Cincinnati, believes that weddings should never be postponed. Al­ troublesome problems—the physical though Dr. Shelton had suffered a broken spine in an auto accident, ^ d trust in the world it ic rayon,” he that Parole Officer George H. Brad­ Stirring scenes were enacted in var­ said. methods of limiting fleets and Italy’s ley. who with County Detective Ed- was held rigid in bed by surgical appliances, she insisted that her son Gil­ demand for parity with France— ious parts of India Sunday as Na- man, 19, and Ethel Raney, marry on the scheduled date. Left to nghlj The American Viscose Company, wLd J. Hickey questioned the trio chief rayon producer, is owned and Great Britain made- a new gesture in Florida, has notified him that the tionalist advocates the empire over 1 g^j.g £>j.. Shelton, in bed, the bride. Rev. J. H. Moore, officiating clergyman, LOCKED IN A BUNKHOUSE of faith in the naval conference suc­ controlled by London interests, he details of the prison break on tlm gathered to express their aspira- j and the groom. contlnufed, adding it had “piled up cess by announcing that construc­ morning of January 4 aje now tions for Indian independence. millions in profits” and had “paid tion of her two newest cruisers has known to him. The warden is await­ One hundred thousand assembled been cancelled. ing a full report from Mr. Bradley, tremendous dividends in cash and TEAMSTERS DIE IN FIRE for a monster mass meeting atj stock.” The British announcement coin­ he said. . Chowpathy Sands and passed an in-j cided with a meeting of the “Big Confessed All. Wheeler’s Request dependence resolution. A strong MITCHELL URGES SPEED Asking a rate of 35 per cent on Five” in Downing street at which County Detective Hickey admitted further progress was said to have to a representative of the Hartford Communists mill workers faction single and grouped rayon filaments, that clashed with Nationalists and in and single yams in place of rates in Two Men Burned to Death at SEARCHERS LOCATE been made toward a compromise on Times at Jacksonville today a tonnage plan designed to settle the “they (Lalone, Landry and Moul- free for all fighting several persons the bill ranging from 45 to 50 per were injured. IN TRANSFERRING UNITS cent Wheeler said: Lumber Camp; Door Brok­ perennial argument on this technical thrope) have told me There were other less violent “I’m not seeking this reduction in phase of naval limitation. about their escape." He said the ElELSON AIRPLANE Italian Parity three not only told him how scenes. At Ashram the little colony I the name only of the American con- of Mahatma Gandhi, venerable ad­ I sumer. I’m asking it also in the en In But Roof Caves In At the same time it was disclosed, tained the saws w^th that serious consideration was being filed the bar in the skylight J*® vocate of passive resistence to Brit­ Attorney General Opposes | JUMP INTO NETS {name of the cotton manufacturers. ! The cotton industry is in the dol­ given by several delegations to a one-story bakeshop am. ™ade their ish dominion, spent the day witn Bodies Not Found on First proposal that the Italian parity getaway, but also other details in fasting and spinning and at an eve­ drums. Burying the Men. “Practically all cotton manufac­ problem be met by a treaty declara­ connection with their escape. ning meeting in the presence of Putting District Attorneys- JQ £SCAPE FIRE tion in which all powers would join. Asked if the confessions Evolved their leader passed the resolution turers are hoping there will be a T r i p— Believed to Be reduction in the tariff because rayon Dalton, Mass., Jan. 27.—(AP) This would state that the sovereign any prisoner or official at the Con­ for independence. right of every nation to build an necticut prison, Mr. Hickey replied Under Civil Service; Cites is so necessary in their industry. George Porter, 55, and (Carles Free for All Fight. Scarcely one of them, however, has Buried in Deep Snow. adequate fleet was fully recognized, •T am not at liberty to disclose The meeting at Chowpathy Sands (Jurley, 38, teamsters at the W. B. but that the signatories voluntarily this.” Mrs. Willebrandt Opimon. Five Girl Students Leap from dared aisk a decrease as they are Ward Lumber Camp were burned to wa.3 in progress when a number of afraid of retaliation from this agree not to exceed a certain con­ Oimmunist nrill workers bearing a death today in a fire which de­ struction program between now hnd Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 27.— powerful trust” \Seattle, Jan. 27.— (AP)—Half the red flag arrived and urged the audi­ Third Story in Newport; Asks Reconsideration stroyed a bunkhouse. L. F. Wil­ 1936. (AP )—Legal machinery of tne Washington, Jan. 27.— (AP)—At­ mystery of the disappearance, No­ The twin attack on two of the state of Florida was being set m ence to pull down the National Senator Jones, Republican, Wash­ liams, another employe, was se­ motion today against three CoMec- flag. A free for all fight ensued in torney General Mitchell today urged ington, announced in the Senate verely burned about the hands in vember 9, of Carl Eielson and Earl most difficult of the conference ticut convicts held here in connec­ which old shoes and sand were us3;l. the House expenditures committee Firemen Hurt. earlier that he would ask reconsid­ attempting to rescue them, Borland was solved today with dis­ problems, coinciding with the Brit­ ish cruiser cancellation announce­ tion with the slaying of a Jackson- One Communst finally succeeded in to expedite action on legislation to eration of the recent action in strik- i Porter and Curley were the only covery of their wrecked plane in an ' occupants of the bunkhouse. Wil­ ment, started the second week of the lille detective and the woundmg of climbing the flagpost and nailing on transfer the prohibition enforcemeri. icy lagoon, 90 miles southeast of the “Hammer and Sycle” banner. Newport, R. L, Jan. 26.—(API- (Continued on Page 2.) liams occupied another bunkhouse conference in an atmosphere of smil­ another. j unit from the Treasury to the Jus­ I^orth Cape, Siberia. The bodies of ing confidence. It was emphasized on The Duval county Grand Jury, or When the Communists left, volun­ Six students, five of them girls, of nearby and was awakened by the which Gilchrist B. Stockton, re­ screams of the two men and the the two aviators were not found in all hands, however, .that neither of teers from All Indian National Con­ tice Department. the compromise formulas has yet cently nominated as United St^es the Newport Business College, leap­ crackling of the burning house. the wreckage and the fact held a gress organization hauled down the Mitchell said he was in accord ed from-the third story ot the been accepted and that much re­ minister to Austria, is foreman, has red flag and tore it to shreds. The with the recommendation of Secre­ Only Door Locked. bare hope they may still be alive. been called to meet Weetaesday to Coggeshall building into a fireman’s WARMER WEATHER Hurrying to the building, clothed mained to be done even if these two crowds dispersed, leaving behind a tary Mellon before the committee The note of optimism was ex­ obstacles should be overcome. make its investigation of the kill scene littered with thousands • ot PTidors^d i '^®®“ only in his sleeping garments. WU- tremely faint however, as experi­ favoring the transfer and ®° ped in the building by a fire whlcn liams found it enveloped in Uames Tonnage Measurement ing. Roland handbills, odd shoes, sticks and the Williamson bill to effect tills enced fliers said they believed the The three con-victs are caused damage estimated at $100,r N0WONTHEWAY and the only door locked ^ m the plane struck with such force as to The tonnage measurement plan Lalone, Watson Moulthrope and I^o I cap-. change. 000. Sixteen other students and inside. Hurling himself at the door which was discussed for more than Attorneys in -the Treasury De­ kill the aviators and throw them two hours at the Downing street Landry, accused of killing Detec­ three instructors were taken from he succeeded, after many attempts, from the ship. It was pointed out tive W. D. Smith and woun^ng partment connected ‘“th the Prohi­ the building over ladders. in opening it. Porter was s p alive session, had been under study even tUst snow might have concealed the before the conference began, but the Detective Willie Jones in a gua bat­ bition Unit would be transferred to Firemen Injured. but as Williams was about to r^ch bot(ies from pilots Joe Crosson and tle here January 17. FRENCH LINE AIDS the Justice Department along with Three firemen were injured. One Weather Bureau Predicts for him the roof caved in covering Harold Gillam, who found the proposal to straighten out the Moulthrope last night momentar­ the agents in order to carry on his prostrate body with burning em­ Franco-Italian question apparently of them Charles Eldridge,' had a wreck Saturday. developed overnight. This latter idea ily broke the silence he has main­ prosecutions, Mitchell said. remarkable escape from death af­ bers WiUiams’ hands were burned Hop off Again. tained since being brought here He opposed putting the prohibi­ Snow Will Turn Into Rain in his repeated efforts to break has not yet been reduced to writing, IN ENFORCING LAW ter he fell two stories into a water- Crosson and Gillam took off and it is not known whether it will from Pensacola, where he was cap tion unit attorneys under civil serv­ filled elevator well in the cellar ot down the door and he suffered from ag;ain yesterday from the fur trad­ tured with Lalone. ice, and said they would be absorb- Here Before Nightfall. the severe weather. , ing ship Nanuk, ice-bound at North be fully acceptable to Mussglini’s Moulthrope’s Statement the building. The water, rushing government, although first reactions I ed in the 'office of the justice de- from the cellar to the street Little was known of Pqrter and Cape, for the scene of the wreck, “If I told you what happened Curley at the camp. They came appeared hopeful. Hires Its Own Detectives to partment on an equal basis with through a sidewalk grating carried Eielson and Borland were attempt­ As it stood in tentative form, the that night of the murder, I might those already in service. here about two months ago. ing a flight from Alaska to the as well tell you to turn Eldridge to the grating where New York, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Ex­ suggestion was that the five chief iuice ” Police Inspector E. L. Acos Many things under the bill, the firemen pulled him out. He was tak­ treme cold, which for several days Nanuk when they crashed. They naval powers join in a declaration, attorney general said would have to en to a hospital in a serious condi­ has visited the North Atlantic sea­ had removed one load of passengers ta quoted him as saying. The elec­ Prevent Bootlegging on and furs and were returning for a perhaps in the preamble of a limita­ tric^ chair is used in Flonda for be worked out as administrative tion. The other firemen had minor board and v/hich early today caused tion treaty, saying that the sover­ problems. two deaths in Rhode Island, showed SAYS SEN. MOSES qecond. eign privilege of possessing a navy injuries. Use Dog Teams. *^^Moulthrope had just Its Ships Docking Here. Schafer’s Suggestion. Caused by Burner. signs of departure today. of any size could not be abridged Through New England, New York ^ o g teams proceeded the plane fronted with W R^ L Representative Schafer, Republi­ The fire was believed to have been and will join in a search for the except voluntarily. This, in effect, ville man, who had been held as a caused by an oil burner in the base­ state, and New Jersey a light snow AIDED DYE TRUST would do away with any fixed ratio can Wisconsin asked, “why not put, began to fall today, and higher missing fliers. The condition of the material witness. ^n^s New York, Jan. 27—(AP)— The all United States attorneys under j ment. It rapidly worked its w iy understanding such as was laid thrope traded two diamond rings temperatures were generally pre­ plane, Crosson said, indicated both Evening World today said that the the civil service?” up the elevator shaft to the fourth its occupants were killed in the down in the Washington treaty. stolen here to Hunt for a Pistol. recent dismissal of three Customs floor, spreading out on all floors. dicted for tonight. In New Jersey- 'Then, in the body of the treaty, each Hunt said Moulthrope ^ d anoth­ Mitchell replied that the question and in southern New York state, the guards because of their failure last The first floor of the building was able in the short time available to power would stipulate the outside er man, he beUeved to be Lalone was not pertinent to the matter un- Weather Bureaus prophesied that President of Chemical Foun- I limits on its building needs between September to apprehend Dooueg- discussion but added his depart­ occupied by stores, second floor oy fUM any trace of the bodies. came to his house after the a b a t­ gers who were smuggling liquor the snow would have turned to rain now and the conference of 1936, ing and said they had been in a gun ment felt that attorneys used for offices and a jewelry store and the by nightfall. One wing of the Eielson-Borland ashore from the liner DeGrasse, has third floor by the business .college. dation Charges Conspira­ plane was crumpled in landing while when the whole situation is expect­ brought out the fact that the the special work should not be plac­ Low Temperatures. ed to come under review again in (Continued on Page Three.) ed under civil service. The fourth floor was xmoccupied. The lowest temperatures report­ French line has spent $35,000 in the (Continued on Page 2.) conformity with the agreement past 18 months for private detec­ Sthafer, a Wet, remarked that The building is located at the comer ed last night were from Oxford cy in New Tariff Schedules reached at Washington. tives in an effort to stop bootlegging Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt, of Washington Square and, Thames coimty, Maine, where unofficial read­ Whether application of this gen- from its ships. former .assistant attorney general, street. The Newport National bank ings showed 28 degrees below zero. ersd formula to the Italian situation The Customs guards, John E. had written that one reason for fail­ building next door was threatened Whltefleld, N. H., officially reported would be supplemented by a security CHICAGO IS FACING ure of the enforcement of the dry when the blaze was at its height but 22 below, Woodville, N. H., 18 be­ New York, Jan. 27.—(AP) ^ r ^ - Lentz, Daniel L. Beston, and Ed­ cis P- Garvan, president of the GIRL BANDIT GETS pact covering the Mediterranean, as ward J. Grogan, were on the civil law was the “spoils system” used in firemen succeeded in preventing any low, and several places in Vermont has been suggested b> France, re­ from 9 to 16 below. It was 8 below Chemical Foundation, in a state^, e m pt y coal b in s service list. Their dismissal was appointing district attorneys. serious damage , to that building. ment pubUshed today charged that mains for future determination. A announced last Friday by Phillip Representative Cochran, .Demo­ in Providence, R. I. a conspiracy by German chemical $10,000 IN JEWERY spokesman for the American dele­ Elting, collector of the port, the crat, Missouri, asked Mitchell to AUTOISTS EXONERATED Temperatures in New York City gation said today there had been no were higher, the minimum being 17 interests to influence United States reason assigned being that they gfive him assurance that Dry agents tariff schedules had been aided by < ------discussion whether the United were guilty of dereliction of duty, would not use Federal Court sub­ Bridgeport, Jan. 27.— (AP) — above, but the cold was damp and Senator George Moses of New States would be willing to join such Owes Nearly Half Million for in that they had permitted liquor poenas on large industrial concerns Charles E. Kellogg of Norwalk was raw. Hampshire, Otto H. Kahn and a pact in a consultive capacity. to be landed from the DeGrasse to obtain information. He charged absolved of criminal responsibility in Two Deaths. Leads Two Men Into Jewel Long Conference. without inspection. that Dry agents had summoned offi­ the death of August (Joebeldringer Near Providfoce early today, Al­ The statement was issued wita Today’s Downing street meeting Heating Schools; Asks for Have Detectives 68 of Norwalk, killed by Kellogg’s bert H. Brown, 59, a passenger copies of a deposition wWch he of the big five was tlie longest yet The Evening world said that the cials of the American Can Company ry Store and Bmd am and the Corn Products Company, car, Jan. 16, in a finding handed brakeman on the New Haven rail­ made for use in the suit brought held. The delegation heads dis­ French line, in its efforts to stop down by Coroner J. J. Phelan here road, collapsed while returning to cussed a derailed pi'oposal for the bootlegging from its ships had sta­ from St. Louis to Springfield, 111., against him as former ^aUen prop­ More Credit. today. the train after he had run back to erty custodian, charging that he conference program with the ton­ tioned a detective at every gang­ with Federal Court subpoenas. protect the rear end from the possi­ Gag the Proprietor. nage measurement question upper­ plank on every ship that has arrived Mitchell said that he did not be­ and others tried to defraud the 'TREASURY BALANCE ble approach of another train. And government of $5,553,546 in the war most. The compromise plan would in New York, with orders to stay lieve in considering questions during •4 in Providence, Oscar R. Boenne, 66, lay down limitations for each speci­ Chicago, Jan. 27 — the formulation of legislation of the time disposition of the assets of tae Dwindling coal bins in the public there from the time the gangplank Washington, D. C., Jan. 27.—(AP) died In an automobile enroute to his Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 27.—The fic class of warshipv but would de­ is lowered until the ship is searched character before the committee. He Bosch Magneto' co m p ly , ^ e suit schools kindled interest anew today —^Treasury receipts, Jan. 24, were business. Both deaths were at­ was dismissed in a Feder^ Court in blonde-haired girl bandit, principal fer to French views by allowing a by the Customs squad. explained he did not plan to make tributed by physicians to heart at­ certain percentage of total tonnage in Chicago’s empty money he.gs. promises of what he was going to $5,907,517.53; expenditure^ $4,522,- Boston Saturday where the deposi- figure in several robberies in Buf­ As some city officials frowned .on A report from each of these de­ 266.31; balances $103,592,335.90. tacks brought on by the severe cold. to be diverted from one class to tectives is submitted to the line do, but added: "We do the best we Sion is on file. . falo recently, led two young gun­ another. the rescue pool of $20,000,000 pledg­ can under the law.” He said in his statement that ed to Silas H. Strawn, head of the every day, these reports are I men today into the jewelry store of Annoimcement of csmcellation of examined and if anything is disclos­ “The Department of Justice i during ten years he had “assembled citizen committee, H. Wallace Cald- evidence of the German penetration David Glickstein on Broadway, work on the British cruisers Survey ed that calls for action, it is im­ stands for law enforcement.” and Northumberland was made by well, president of the board of mediately taken up with the Cus­ Mitchell said. of American industry, involving bound and gagged Glickstein and cation, prepared to ask the board s cabinet officers of the Harding re­ the Admiralty without explanation. coal dealers to continue deliveries toms house. Similarly, the Customs Pledge Of Abstinence Over 6,700 Residents Blind escaped with gems valued at $10,- These are the two ^hips on which authorities inform the French line gime and Senator Moses of New of coal despite the lack of cash and Representative Stone, Republican, Hampshire as allies pf the German 000. Prime Minister MacDonald su.s- a present unpaid coal bill of $480,- when any of the men on its steam­ Oklahoma, asked Mitchell if district pended work shortly before his visit ers are caught violating the law, interests in their attempt to regain Description of the girl given by attorneys should not be asked to In Turkish Village of 7,000 control of the American situation. Glickstein to police tallied with to the United States last year. ’The There will be a respite until Wed­ The dismiss^d of three Customs take a pledge of total abstinence. that of the young woman who absence of official comment on to­ nesday. On that day Strawn will Guards resulted from an affidavit The attorney general said he recent­ wielded a revolver in other holdups day’s announcement was taken as from a detective that on September 27.—^Adiyaman’s squalid dung-thatched MOSES’ COMMENT confer with the city finance commit­ ly wrote a letter on that subject, Adiyaman, Turkey, Jan. Washington, Jan. 27.—(AP) — here, in one of which she exchanged further evidence of Great Britain’s tee relative to setting in motion the 24 last he saw about 25 bootleggers which he would submit to the com­ huts and dust-polluted alleys, faith that some agreement would be going down the gangplank of the (AP.)—Now that comm\mications Taking note of a charge by Francis shots with a Seneca street pawn financial pool pledged to aid the city mittee, but he declined to discuss squalid dusty human beings crawl p. Garvan, former alien property broker. She was believed to have reached during the present negotia­ governments. DeGrasse, each shouldering one or the matter before the group. have been opened partially in Tur­ like animals without eyes. been woimded in that encoimter. tions. two bags of liquor. The affidavit tltterly disregarded by the old re­ custodian, that he, had-sought to Must Reduce Expenses In answer to questions by Schafer, key’s long-isolaj:ed turbulent east- assist the German chemical and dye Were Foreigners The Surrey and Northumberland Originally set at $50,000,000 the said the man went to one of the the attorney. general_ said he believ ern provinces, travelers are bring- gime of the sultans, the village has Glickstein said she spoke;with a were to have been 10,000-ton ves­ Customs Guards on duty at the for centuries been without a school industry. Senator Moses. Republi­ pool has $20,000,000 in pledges from ed the proposed bill would give the jng to the world news of the exlst- can of New Hampshire remarked marked accent, and her male com­ sels. The Inference was that Great business, industrial and railroad in­ time and asked why he was doing Justice Department adequate au-' ence of a hidden and dreadfxfi vil­ or hospital. Without solace or help panions were apparently foreign­ Britain saw the way to an agree­ nothing to stop the bootleggers. He its peasant population, Stricken t.od£LV • terests to be used in loans on tax thority to investigate the diversion lage: Adiyaman, the Village of the “Mr. Garvan is evid^tly a very ers. He described her eis about 20 ment whereby she will need onlv anticipation warrants. No money said the man turned his back and generation after generation bj\ uni­ her present steeng^th in this largest of industrial alcohol under Treasury Blind., sick man.” years of age and a blonde. She took v/ill be loaned any of tfce govern­ that two other guards were seen Department permits for illegal pur­ In the dusty, sandy district of versal trachoma, has made its liv­ charge of the entire robbery, he class of cruisers, leaving the re­ with no better results. The affida­ ing painfully and half blindly ments, Strawn asserted, unless co­ poses. Hisnimansour, not far from the CHARGED WITH ATJTO t HEFT said, giving her orders sharply and mainder of her total tonnage to be operation is pledged to reduce oper­ vit said that one of the Guards The measure provides for the city of Malatia, lies this villi^e of through farming and herding. rapidly. The trio made their escape put into small ships. ’Hie under­ showed him some cash and said: Five times a day, year after year, Bridgeport. Jan. ating expenses to a minimum. And supervision of industrial alcohol and Adiyaman, of whqse 7,000 Inhabit­ NicholM Dundee, 19. of Springflel^ in a motor car. standing has been that in parity the committee has reserved the Shows Him Money narcotics to remain under the ants 6,791 are wholly or partially this derelict population has filled ’The loot, consisting of 102 dia­ discussions with the United States.. “This is what I got, why don’t the ravSes of the village mosque to )pray to Allah. Mass., and PhUip- Mimont, 19. and right to indicate for what purpose Treasury. sightless through I Leo Selone, 19. both of New Haven mond rings, 2Q watches and $45 in the British indicated they preferred the money shall be spent. you get yours?” ’Their prayers have not mentioned to build cruisers of about 4,300 tons The detective reported to his of­ Mitchell asserted his department trachoma. were arraigjned in City Court charg­ curr^cy taken from the safe, was 'Wliile Mayor William Hale would have all the power needed to It is a village without soimd ex­ their affliction, for according to the by far the largest hatd the girl rather than the bigger type as re­ 'Thompson still was at loggerseads fice, was told that if he couldn’t«ob- Moslem faith, complaints arouse ed with stealing an automobile. placements. tain co-operation of the Customs investigate law violations through cept for the tap, tap of hundreds of They were arrested ’Thursday in has yet made. Glickstein figured with the Strawn plan for relief. alcohol diversion. esmes on cobbled roads as the popu­ the wrath of destiny. The prayers that the retail value of the gems The only available British com- Chairman John S. C3ark of the Guards he had better not tackle the of even;yc« the most wretched ...» ...... follow-. Laurel, Md., riding in an automobile situation singlehanded, but to find Mitchell said the bill did not con- lation gropes its way through a ers of Islam thank Allah for what which had been stolen in this city Wo\tld be nearer $20,000 than $10,- Council Finance committee said he ghostly life from blind childhood to poo. (OoDtinaea on Pass 8X believed the council would pledge 1 blind old age and death.'Through they have, lest worse Jjefall. Tuesday night*. ~ * the requested cooperation. (Condnaed on Page 8.), 'Continued on Page 20.

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------r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOOTH U AN CH ^BR, CON^, MONDAY, JANUARY 27,19S0. PAG E TW O MISS GRANT TO PRESENT BIG STEEL MEROIR PLAINVILLE POULTRY PASTOR DEMARES WAR BAUSOU-PLUMMER M F O R C D T READING PROGRAM HERE New York, Jan. 27.-r(AP.)— Ship Arrivals MAN GETS CARD CUP State Briefs IN KIWANIS SPEECH Miss Helen Gertrude Plummer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence New York Evening Post says to­ F ir m e r of 79 High street, Rock^ day that capitalization of the new Arrived: „ , Ever Ready Circle of King’s 5350,000.000 Republic Ste^ C ov INRl^TESON W. T. Dexter Wins Highest Rev. M. S. Blocking Talks To^ vlUe, and Frank Bausola. son of American Merchant, New York, RASCOB’S SON A SPEBDBB Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Bausola of Daughters has arranged with Miss poratlon organized by Cyxvif B n ^ Point Score—Entered Light Westport, Jan. 27.— (AP.)-—A day on “War and the New to merge four mididlew.5; Jan. 27,' from London. 119 Prospect street this town, were Lillian Gertrude Grant, local reader, * Berlin, New York, Jan. 27, Bre­ motorist who said he was John J. companies will consist of approxi­ Brahma Class. Age”i^Going to Meriden. married this morning at 8 o’clock to repeat her graduation recital pro- Raskob, Jr., 22, of 119 CoUege mately 53,000,000 no par common RAYONYARNS men. . , _ at the rectory of St. Bernard’s . gram at the Hollister street school President Grant, Yokohama, Jan. W. T. Dexter of PlainvlUe, win­ street. New Haven, and son of the "War and the New Age” was the shares 555,000.000 in 6 per cent former Democratic leader today church in Roi^viUe The ceremony | assembly hall, Thursday evening, 24, Seattle. ner of the highest point score of the subject of a talk given before the was performed by the assistant pas­ cumulative convertible preferred (Continued from Page 1.) forfeited a 525 bond posted last February 6. A number of Manches­ Stavangerfjord, Bergen, Jan. 27, 9th annual Poultry Show ^whlch Manchester Klwanis club this ncm tor, Rev. Francis Hinchey. The stock and 5W,000,000 In underlying night for speeding. He was headed ter people attended Miss Grant’s re­ New York. closed Saturday night, with over by Rev. Marvin S. Stocking of the bride and bridegroom were attend­ cital, held at Center church house in debit ing from the tariff bill the retalia­ Frsince, Naples, Jan. 26, New for Nevr York at 60 miles an hour 200 points, received the certificate North Methodist church. It was the ed by Miss Ruth Plummer, a sister Hartford, last week, and interest in Official announcement of the tory provision relating to coal. according to police. Carlo Patemo, ^Tork emblamatic of the winning of the first time Mr. Stocking had appear­ of the bride, and Mr. Kennedy of it was such that it is believed many merger terms is expected late to­ He said his state was deeply in­ Scythia, Cobh, Jan. 27, New . Judge W. G. eWid’) Card Poultry who said he was a Yale student and day by Otis and Co., investment \^o gave his home address as 182 ed before the Klwanis and he made ilils town was best man. of her local friends -will attend the terested in the provision which per­ York. Tn., 97 cup, permanently displayed at* the The bride wore a gown of blue entertainment sponsored by Ever btmkers, who head the banking V mits the United States to levy duties Ascania, Plymouth, Jan. 27,1 Connecticut Agricultural College at ^rthem avenue. New York, for­ a favorable impression by the earn­ group org;anlzed to underwrite the estness of his message. Civlllsatlon i georgette vfith hat to mach and the Ready Circle. Miss Grant will -be on foreign coal, now free listed, in New York. feited a 550 bond posted last week exchange of securities. ' StorrS, Conn. ,, , , when he was stopped by police aft­ has accepted war, he ssiid and it has bridesmaid’s dress was of blue satin, assisted by three of the Schlatter event tariffs were placed by other Adriatic, Madeira, Jan. 26, New The Plainville poultry fancier and with blue hat. A wedding break­ brothers, two of them vocalists and There will be no bond issue and countries on American coal. Jones York. breeder captured this valuable er a chase to Darien. He is charged been handed down to us. It is no Increase In the funded debt of with speeding. abominable and should not be toler fast and reception for members of one a violinist, and it IS expected explained he was necessarily absent award with the following record in the immediate family and close the companies being brought to­ ated. It has become a science and the program will be identical with when the Senate eliminated the sec­ the light Brahma class, one of the friends followed at the home of the that given in Hartford, expect for gether. No immediate public offer­ f i r e d e s t r o y s h o m e the last war was the most scientific tion. largest entered in the show. bridegroom’s parents. the orchestral concert which pre ing of securities is planned. ChairniJin Smoot, of the finance ABOUTT^ First cock; first second and third Hartford, Jan. 27.— (A P .)—Fire of all previous ones. The units of the merger are the which destroyed their home on On their return from a wedding ceded Miss Gremt’s appearance. committee, said several Senators hens; first, second and third cock- Mr. Stocking spoke of his small trip to New York City, Mr. and ’Tickets for the recital have just Republic Iron and Steel Co., Cen­ had spoken to him regarding the On and after February 1 the rels and first, second and fourth pul­ Fishfry street, drove five young grandson, and stated that he was tral Alloy Steel Corp., Bourne-Full­ headquarters of the newly formed childreni one of them a cripple, and Mrs. Bausola will live for the pres­ been placed on sale by the ways and coal countervailing clause and he lets. With this overwhelming gar­ going to do all in his power to pre­ ent in Rockville with the bride’s means committee of the circle, Mrs. er Co., and the Donner Steel Co., had no objection to reconsideration. Polish-American Club will be at 71 nering of the coveted ribbons, Mr. their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles vent the possibility of that child Inc. Wadi street enpects that Schmaltz out into the cold shortly parents. C. B. Loomis, chairman; Mrs. Ger­ Mapping out the tariff program North street. Dexter also ran away with the class when he became a man, going to ald Risley and Mrs. Allan Coe. Mrs. Youngstown Sheet amd 'Tube Co., for the next day or so, Smoot serv­ championship, a blue ribbon cock. after 4 o’clock this morning. It was and Inland Steel Co., will eventual­ The regular monthly meeting of necessary to lay 1,700 feet of hose, war, just as any of his hwece Joseph Wright will be in charge of ed notice today he would seek action Following closely on the heels of would do for their sons or grand­ the sale of home made candy. ly form part of the new combine. on committee amendments, ^ ssed Dilworth-Cornell Post, No. 102, the Plainville winner were Charles said to be a record in this city, American Legion, will be held to­ along a narrow winding road. The sons. War has become more ter­ SEARCHERS LOCATE ov6r in recent montlis, rel3,ting^ to Johnson, G. A. Chappell and town rible with the years and has no rayon filaments, hats, handkerchiefs, night at the State Armory. engineer J. Frank Bowen of Man­ family went to the home of a neigh­ bor nearby, and other neighbors place in modem civilisation. h e a r in g o n m o t io n vegetable fats and oils, cement and chester. Last year’s Card cup win­ Mr. Stocking blamed the mfiltary EIELSON AIRPLANE I A sUll alarm at 2:45 Saturday ner was Frank J. Bowen of this supplied them with clothes. LATEST STOCKS bricks. class, the shipbuilding. Steel .and Wheeler directed his assault P^r-| afternoon called Hose C o . ^ tOVTl. , ticularly on the proposed minimum 1 a garage fire at 64 WOMAN BOUND AND GAGGED munitions factories for keeping, the (Continaed from Page 1.) BY E D E , POSTPONED Bridgeport, Jan. 27.— (AP) — war idea alive. He repeated a re­ duty of 45 cents a pound, saying owned by Wesley Brown and one New York, Jan. 27.— (A P )— The this was equivalent to 80 per cent ^^our later Hose Co., No. 1 responu- Fairfield and state police are in­ mark attributed to a teacher who the motor was tom out of the craft “ TIMOTHY’ S QUEST’’ vestigating the story of Mrs. Marion left Manchester some time since, to and was found 100 feet from the recovery’ in the Stock Market which New York, Jan. 27— (AP)-—Gen­ ad valorem. , ed to a still a,larm for a ch li^ ey eral Sessions Judge Charles C. Nott, Borck, 45, of John street, Southport the effect that an occasional war fuselage." The tadl wan broken. started last week and lifted the gen­ Senator Hastings, Republican.. fj^e in the house occupied by WU- Jr., today adjourned imtil Feb. 10, who was found with her hands and was necessary to reduce the popu­ WAS PIONEER eral level of prices out of the narrow Delaware, challenged Wheeler’s u^m ». Webb 23 Lilac street. No IN CHURCH MOVIE trading area, within which they argument on the motion for a new feet tied to an arm chair early Sun- lation. He said he was glad that Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 27— (AP) — statement that 45 cents a pound was serious damage was sustained. have been fluctuating since before trial for Frederick W. Edel, former far in excess of differences in cost “Timothy’s Quest,” considered by i morning teacher had left town if that was Lieutenant Carl B. Eielson, believed many as the masterpiece of the latei gjje claims that a woman and two killed, with the finding of his wreck­ (Christmas, was resumed after an waiter. of production here and abroad. He Memorial Temple Pythian Sisters the kind of instruction she was giv­ Edel is in the death house at New England author, Kate Douglas jQgn tied her to the chair and with ed plane off North Cape, Siberia, early period of irregpilarity today. said the foreign production cost was i tomorrow evening at S ing her classes. New leaders, particularly in the Sing Sing under sentence for the Wiggin, was presented in photo­ great difficulty ungagged and un­ was one of the first fliers in the 42 cents a pound and the lowest cost odd Fellows hall. A so- Ralph McNally was the lucky steel, copper and food groups, were murder of Emmelineo Harrington, in the United States was 80 cents. drama form to the entertainment bound herself, dragged the chair out man today and won the prize donat­ coimtry to conduct a regular air cial and program will follow the mail route, this service being be­ brought forward-by operators for an actress who was foimd beaten to Lobbyists’ Statement. business, to w/.ich all Knights ot of an audience that comfortably of a front room, and through a hall­ ed by Thomas Ferguson. C. P, death in her apartment in Decem­ way and into the kitchen- of her tween Anchorage and Fairbanks, the advance when hea-vj- profit tak­ “That’s the- stateinent of the Pythias are invited. Mrs. Samlow filled the auditorium of Second Con­ Quimby, lieutenant governor of the ing retarded the rise in some of the ber 1928. rayon lobbyist before the finance gregational churc' last evening. Or­ home where she knocked over the Alaska, in 1921. He also was one of heads the committee in charge. New- England district, is making an the first flyers to successfully pilot recent favorites. Edel’s attorney has asked for a new committee,’’ said Wheeler disputing telephone and notified the telephone trial on the ground of newly dis­ ganist F. A. Wilbur played for the effort to start a Klwanis club a plane with skiis replacing landing While there were no tangible de the accuracy of the figures. operator. covered evidence. Due to a misunderstanding it was male quartet, Paul Volquardsoa, Meriden, and a delegation from the wheels. velopments in the day’s news to Hastings, however, said the in­ first tenor; Ralph Brown, seco.nd, Assistant District Attorney announced in another column of 1 he TO BRING BROWN BACK Manchester Klwanis club will go Because of his efforts in establish­ affect the price movement, buying formation was correct. tenor; Rev. F. C. Allen, first bass there tomorrow evening to try and operations in many issues was based James McDonald told the court that “This proposed tariff,” Wheeler Herald tonight that Harold Bach, 11 Hartford, Jan. 27.— (A P )—Lieut- ing the air mail route he was made and Charles Robbins, second bass; on theory that the recent upturn in last Saturday he had a telephone said, “is more outrageous than any years old coasting victim, suffered Govemor Ernest E. Rogers, has enthuse the supporters of the pr • an honorary life member of the and for a mixed quartet made up of steel operations presaged a general conversation with coimsel to Gov­ duty that has ever been placed on a fracture of the skull. The X-ray signed a requisition on the governor ject. Order of Pioneers of Alaska, an ernor Roosevelt and had joined with Miss Edna and Miss Flora ThraJ, recovery in business by spring. Call ; pictures, however, reveal no such in- of New Jersey for the return of ’’onor conferred on buc two other Alexander I. Rorke, attorney for Mrs. George F. Borgt, Miss Susan money repeated the familiar per­ Wheeler said he understood the i jury. There is a little bruise over Arthur Brown, who is held at Tren­ "persons, the late President Warren Edel, in asking a further reprieve Allen, W. J. Taylor, Ralph Brown, Q. Harding and Colonel Frederick formance of opening at 4 1-2 and president of the American Viscose j the boy’s left eye but the injury is ton, N. J., and who is wanted by the MOVIE STAR APPUES for Edel. Co.,H was recently ,, placed on the \ to the brain. He was stiU J. M. Nichols and Rev. F. C. Allen. police of New Haven on a charge of Mears, the man who built the rail­ then dropping to 4 when a plentiful The adjournment was at the re­ board of the American Tariff unconscious at 3 o’clock this after­ Mr. Wilbur’s playing as usual murder, in connection with the road Into Alaskar supply of funds made its appear­ quest of Assistant District Attorney League to take the place vacated by noon but seemed to be slightly im­ added much to the effectiveness of death of Dominick Zito, of New Ha­ FOR HER CITIZENSHIP Adopted by Eskimos ance in the market. Robert C. Taylor, in charge of the * Senator Grundy, Republican, Penn. proved. He is now able to swallow the picture, which portrayed the ad­ ven on Nov. 12. Stanley Giannelle of He also was initiated by Eskimos Montgomery Ward fell 3 5-8 appeal bureau, who told Judge Nott into one of their tribes as “Chief He argued testimony before the and is making responses to various ventures of two orphan children New Haven has been appointed an points to 40 5-8 on the poor 1929 the district attorney’s office was Senate manufacturers committee sorts of attention given by nurses from the slums of a big city to the officer to receive Brown and convey New York, Jan. 27— (AP)-Irene 1 Moose Ptarmig^,’’ the fleetest earnings report, which was blamed not ready for the argument. Ho on the pre-payment of parcel post developed that notwithstanding quiet, clean home they eventua'ly him to this state. Bordoni, motion picture and stage ^ n i k n o ^ asked time to"'go into the matter and his parents. . » • V\i' 1 north* xollo^vinff his sir mstil lino cx* policy adopted in the middle of the huge profits, the foreign controlled found on a Maine farm. It was a actress, who is a little bit4 worried j treacherous submitted by Mr. Rorke in asking domestic mills were “ not paying picture full of both humor and just now over the possibility of be­ year, but rallied to 42 1-2 in the for a retrial. CONDUCTOR DECAPITATED. mountain peaks, Lieut. Eielson cov­ their laborers enough to keep their pathos and one that appealed to New Haven, Jan. 27.— (A P )-- ing a woman without a country, to­ early afternoon under the impetus ered the distance between Anchor­ of short covering. Sears Roebuck bodies and souls together.” BRITISH CRITIC FINDS James C. Cassidy, 37 of East Haven, day applied for American citizen­ both young and old. age and Fairbanks in four or five reacted 2 points to 87 and then He included the Dupont mills The next motion picture service ship. a yard conductor for the New Hav­ hours, where, with the use of dog snapped back to 83. J. I. Case, among those opposed to union labor in this winter series which is prov­ en road was decapitated here today missMiss coruomBordoni became an Ameri ^ previously required BOND TAX IN (XIURT and warned against arguments that U. S. CHILDREN DRINK can citizen once, automatically, by . Auburn Auto find U. S. Industrial ing so popular, will feature “The when he fell imder the wheels of a Alcohol sold 3 1-2 points to 5 points a higher tariff would be in the inter­ Country Doctor.” freight car upon which he had be.*n her marriage tdE. Ray Goeto,m^ ^ apd'Captain Hubert Washington, Jan. 27— (A P )—^Tbe est of the farmer or American lower before they met effective buy­ Brighton, England— (AP) — St. j riding. He was the third emplo /e tion picture producer. But the Wilkins, Arctid explorer whom he Supreme Court today consented to labor. ing support. John Ervine, the British dramatist killed in railroad accidents here in | riage was anniuiea annulled in ^m Chicago i^u threeturcc i| piloting on a'a flight over the Goodyear Rubber, which is ex- pass on a tax controversy of far and critic who sojourned in New l montlis W3.s louno to n&vc | inn the last ten days. pected to show around $10 a share, reaching importance involving the York for a few months last year, ^ STATE PIONEER DIES been performed before the time from Point Barrow when their despite heavy Inventory charge-offs, right of the Federal and state gov­ MITCHELL URGES SPEED has some interesting things to say i Berlin, Jan. 27.— (A P )—Funeral ; SUBMIT’S LOWEST BID. [limit forbidding (^etx to remarry became disabled and for 25 in its annual report to be published ernments to tax the gains derived about life in the United States. | services for Frederick L. Bell, 86, j from the sale of bonds issued by namora,Hartford Jan.jan. 27.— (A P )—With a ^ Mip Bordoni reported lost. During yjg. next month, was run up five points. The average Englishman, he | pioneer stage coach driver along *o7 $103,942, the E. and K F. G. Shattuck advanced more than the other, presented in a case IN TRANSFERING UNITS said, that the annulment took away fgjjQg from their ship to Point Bar­ said in a lecture here, has no con-'' , the Connecticut river, willwin beoe heldneia p.„n„trnctioi> Comnanv of Bridge- . three points on reports of a large brought from Minnesota by the ber American citizenship, and an-1 row. The following year they suc- ception^ ot the , ton^g^rowtomorrow afternoonaiiernoon froinIrom theme under-1uuuei-■ fVmthe inwpqt tow^est of eleven ------j-, — - row. ine loiiowmg year mey aue- expansion program for 1930. Beech­ Federal government against Charles (Continued from Page 1) country and the complexity of its j parlors of B. C. Porter Sons , f “ ^f^i^gtie^Tuberculosis Com-1 ^ cessfully made the flight over the nut Packing advanced four points W. Bunn. task of government. _Some Some i^plepeople New Britain. ’ ' I ^o restore her French citizen- Admitting a Federsd tax on state Pole. snd National Biscuit (old) sold at expect and hope that the United .jrBSrwJo died yeelerday foi-! I Lieut. Eilson in April of last year or municip^ bonds or on interest on template that the Justice Depart­ posed new infirmary buiWing at| application today Miss least two points higher. Steels, ment investigate each alcohol per- States one day will break up into lowing a two-day spell of coma, was was presented with the Harmon such bonds would be invalid, the five nations; they contend the Laurel Heights, Shelton. The com­ Bordoni stated that her parents particularly of the specialty variety, . ipit issued by the Treasury. cabin boy on a river boat about 65 trophy for outstanding a-viation Federal government insisted it was existing nation is too vast for one mission announced that its decisiou were Corsicans, and that she spent attracted a large following, U. S. within its rights In imposing a tax ’ V’lf the diversion of alcohol inter- years ago when it brought a cargo flights by President Hoover and to­ Steel Common, after opening un­ i Mts with our work, Mitchell said government, of horses up from Saybrook. He left would be announced later this aftert her childhood on the island. All gether with Captain Wilkins wa.s on the profit derived from the sale noon after the proposals had been true Corsicans, she explained, claim changed at 179, sold down a point of such securities. 'The loWer Fed­ “we %vill do everything we can to American laws seem harsh to his position and obtained one as the honored by the Swedish govern­ to be cousins of Napoleon Bona­ and then rallied above 180. inland eral courts decided against the gov­ . .stop it from a point of self-defense. the English, but there’s a reason, first driver of the stage line be­ checked. The new building will pro­ ment for their North Pole flight. for “so many thousands of these vide 100 beds for adult tubercular parte. Steel was marked up five points and ernment. ! We have every motive to do it and tween Hartford and Rocky Hill. For Vanadium 4 5-8. International people are not merely ignorant but the past 25 years he had been patients. ! we have the power.” uncivilized. In 1927, 12,000 persons DI BATTISTA’S DEATH Combustion preferred. Allied Chem­ TRUCK FARMERS PROTEST Prosecution Easier crippled by paralysis. SEIZE BUM SUSPECT BOAT. ical, Eastman Kodak, Western were murdered in the United Mr. Bell leaves a son here, a WARRANT The placing of the Prohibition KILLED BY TRUCK. Union, Westinghouse Electric 1st Berlin, Conn., Jan. 27.— (AP.)— Bureau under the Justice Depart- States: the average annual figure grandson in New Britain and two New London, Jan. 27.— (AP) in England and Wales is less than daughters, five _ grandchildren,______one - Norwalk, Jan. 27.— (AP)—Harry Hartford, Jan. 27— (A P )—A new Pfd., and the American Tobacco is­ With the fresh vegetable supply ' ment, he said, w'ould make prosecu- The 50 foot gasoline engine driven death warrant for the execution of sues sold 3 to 5 points higher. of New Britain endangered and ' tion in cooperation with district at­ 150. great grandchild and one great, Farrell, 35, a helper on a coal truck, boat Rhode Island, with East Green- Mr. Ervine admitted it shocked g-reat grandchild in New Haven. was instantly killed today when his • u D T v.on at I Frank DiBattista at the State . Although ------most— of ------the recent rail- truck farm business in Berlin torneys. him to discover that “children get skull was crushed between the wich, R. I., as her hail port, was at yjg morning of February 'road earnings reports have made threatened with serious losses be­ Discussing the granting of liquor the State Pier nere toaay, as tne prepared bv Assistant Clerk [disappointing comparisons with the drunk in the United States,” but SIGHT BIG ICEBERG truck and the wall of the factory of cause of the removal of its princi­ permits, Mitchell said the Justice __Ho! I G- H. Glover Campbell of the Su- corresponding period of a year be- pal market, local farmers are pro­ added: Halifax, N. S., Jan. 27.— (A P.)— the Standard Safety Razor Com­ morning by the Coast Guard de^ Department did not propose to take perior Court today, DiBattista was fore, there was a good demand for testing against the inclusion of “I don’t want you to think that, A large iceberg was sighted Friday pany, when he stooped to look be­ stroyer Downes from this port. 'Vio­ ' an arbitrary position in investigat­ if you go to America, you will see sentenced at the June term of court stme o f the high grade rail shares. Berlin within the dbm borer quar­ ing them, but if information of law on the eastern side of the Grand neath the machine. William Burke, lation of the navigation laws is ' infants staggering about in the Banks by the liner Bergensfjord, the driver of the truck has been to be hanged AUgfust 15 but appeal New York and Harlem jumped 10 antine district and plan a meeting violations came to the department street's; but that any child at all charged. to Supreme Court resulted in a stay i-oints in odd lot transactions, At­ on Saturday night with a view to­ that vessel reported upon arrival arrested on a technical charge of The Rhode Island, according to • an inquiry would be made. can get drunk is a disgrace. ' of execution and reprieves by the chison was marked up at least ward reliering the condition. New ! Mitchell said cooperation between . ^ . here. The steamer also passed con- manslaughter and is being held un­ the Coast Guard, a suspected One of the youngsters he met | gj^grable field ice on the east side der a bond of $2,500. A widow and w’ Xt I governor to Feb. 21. The Supreme three points and St. Louis South­ Britain is Berlin’s chief outlet for the departments on the permits socially was “a girl just returned “rummy” was brought he e y | week found no error in western and “Nickel Plate” were vegetables, while a large portion could be expected. of the Banks. Icebergs so far south a minor child survive Farrell. this morning. She was sighted, from a children’s party complain­ are unusual at this season of the the conviction of DiBattista of mur­ among the issues to advance tWo of the New Britain supply is drawn . Proposes Amendment running without lights, about 25 der in the first degree for the shoot­ points or more. from this town.. 1716 quarantine ing that most of the children were y e a r . ______SPECIAL MASTER APPOINTED ! Representative Cochran, Demo­ drunk.” Whether he investigated miles off shore. The exact position ing of Samuel Kamaroff, a grocer Coppers started upward in the edict places the line between the crat, Missouri, said he proposed an the truth of this particular com­ of the boat was not given. The on the night of April 1. early afternoon Anaconda, Kenne- two places, forbidding the trsis- RING VISITS PRESIDENT Rhode Island failed to stop at sig­ ■ amendment to the Williamson bill plaint he did not say. Washington, Jan. 27.— (A P )—The cott, Granby and Calumet and Ari­ portation of sweet com and of ' to provide for a $10,000 bond for Berlin, Jan. 27— (AP)—President nal from the destroyer and was cap However, at the hotel where he von Hindenburg today received Supreme Court today appointed zona being quickly marked up 1 to many other vegetables, unless cer­ each prohibition agent in order that Charles N. Burch, of Memphis, tured after a cheise. ’There was no SCHOONER A WTlECIv himself was staying there must King Gustave of Sweden who was 2 points. tified, to the neighboring city. HiO persons who buffer physical or per­ have been considerable commotion Tenn., special master to take testi­ liquor aboard. One block ol 25,000 shares of roadside trade, which has also been sonal damage from them could in­ passing through Berlin en route to A report of the seizure was made on New Year’s eve. About 1,000 Rome to Join Queen Victoria, who mony and make findings in the suit Shelburne, N. S., Jan. 27.— (AP.) Chrysler Motors changed hands at a source of profit to local farmers, stitute suit for damages. by Coast Guard officials to customs people were dining there, said Mr. is spending the winter there. The brought by New Jersey to prevent The four-masted schooner Jpan 36, up 1-4. . is also lost by the quarantine. Asked what he thought of it, officials here, and an investigation Kielberg has been surveyed by in­ Ervine, and at every table there Queen’s condition was reported New York state and city from tak­ Mitchell said he had considered it, is to be conducted from the cus- was a drunken woman. stationary. She has been ill for ing water from the Delaware river surance underwriters and condemn- but did not commit himself. toms office. [ ed as. a total loss. The vessel caught “I saw more drunken women in years. for use in New York City. Cochran asked if the attorney seven months in the United States,” fire from a hoisting engine last general would have any objection to he added, “ than I have seen in week and her crew was forced to an amendment to impose a penalty this country in seven years.” abtmdon her. The government pa­ NEITHER THE STAGE NOR on each violator of the search and The speaker reminded his audi­ 6n His Mind! trol steamer Arras towed the seizure provision. ence, however, that there are in schooner to port after the fire had SCREEN HAS SEEN ITS EQUAL! Mitchell replied that punishment the United States also many peo­ subsided, but the vessel had. been for such -violations were provided ple who remain reasonably sober reduced to a charred hulk. The under the Campbell Act. the year ’round. Joan Kielberg was one of Nova 1000 Schafer injected, “ Yes, but the “Practically all of those in the Scotlas’ finest sailing vessels. 100 Campbell Act is not enforced.” working class,” he said, “are sober. HOLLYWOOD OLD MASON DIES. They can’t afford to buy drink.” STARS BEAUTIES NEW FOX PETITION Schenectady, N. Y., Jan. 27.-;- (AP)—^Word was received here to­ Reno’s Divorce Revenue day of the death of Walter S. Van New York, Jan. 27.— (A P )—A Borst, 88, one of the oldest Masons petition for the appointment of an Set At $1,500,000 in New York state, at the home of equity receiver for Fox Theaters I his daughter, Mrs. Daniel Dodd, Corporation stock was filed today in j Framingham, Mass. He had been the United States District Court by Reno, Nev.— (AP)—Matrimonial I 111 for the pMt year. Maurice Shutte, a holder of 100 entanglements enriched Reno by Mr. Van w rst had been a member shares of Class “A ” stock. more than $1,500,000 in 1929, ac­ I of St. George’s Lodge of Masons In A proposed order to show cause cording to an estimate by the Schenectady for 66 years. He was why a receiver should not be ap­ county clerk, E. H. Beemer. I bora here, February 13, 1842, and pointed, directed to Fox Theaters He said the figure was conserva­ was a son of Abram A. Van Borst, Corporation, William Fox, Fox tive. Fifty dollars each was paid I former mayor of Schenectady. Securities Corporation, Aaron Fox by 2,106 applicants for divorce as and other directors. Was submitted court fees and their attorneys ARMY PLANES HOP to Federal Judge Frank J. Cole­ charged $250 as a minimum re­ man. tainer, while several paid between Fargo, N. D „ Jan. 27.— (A P )— The allegations in the petition $10,000 and $25,000 for their de­ Seventeen planes of the Army’s Arc­ closely follow those heretofore made crees. The county clerk estimates tic patrol took off at I0i50 a. ,m. to­ in petitions for an equity receiver­ living costs at $25 a week and day for Minneapolis, Minn., the next All the Arts atop on the return flight to Self­ Everyone Is ship for the Fox Film Corporation. each person had to reside within and Enchantments the county at least 90 days. ridge Field, Michigan. The flight •was Going to the - Assembled for .ASKS NO FAVORS led by Major Ralph- Royce, com­ "Show of Shows” ! SOON TO LEAVE POLE mander. A Douglas transport plane Your Delight! Washington, Jan. 27.— (A P )—Her­ Boston, Jan. 27.— (AP.) T1 on which repairs were made ekpect- bert Hoover believes that laws Byrd South Polar Expedition ex­ ed to take off about noon. A tri- should be uniform and that an ex­ pects to leave Little America next motored transport followed the pur-^ ception should not be made for even month, according to a radio mes­ suit planes by a ^ew minutes. THE WORLD’S .GREATEST STARS IN THE the President of the United States. sage received today by the New SUPREME TRIUMPH OF THE SINGING, DANCING, He advised the Virginia Legisla­ England Sled Dog Association from PRA'PrS FUNERAL. ture today he appreciated the cour­ Arthur T. Walden. Walden, widely TALKINq, SCREEN I tesy of a pending bill to permit him known as a driver and breeder of Schenectady, N. Y., Jan. 27.-:- sled dogs and one of his teams, ac­ (Ap)__Funeral services for Francis to fish any season of the year in Today Rapidan river, which flows by his companied the expedition. His mes­ Cole Pratt, 63, vice president of the Today Virginia mountain camp, but said he sage follows; (General Electric Company, who died and and yesterday In New York City will be had no intention of fishing except “Greetings from Little America. Tuesday Tuesday Expedition expects to leave here in held here this afternoon. STATE when others could fish. Further, the President does not February.” / The body will be taken to Hart­ believe any stream should be fished Walden is a former president of ford, Conn., for burial tomorrow. out of season. the Sled Dog Association. V PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, JANUARY 27,1980.

NEWSPAPER CIRCULATOR “ to “ ?u?dJ'5|T0 INSTALL VERPLANCK In Another Parish ' K E.IX his home. 1 Local Stocks !i OBITUARY Mr. Spencer was a member of the i 0 . E. S. GRAND PATRON re }foi4 can\n a jford to Ituy f^odci Jarritiart INJURED AT WAPPING Second Congregational church and dot. of Manchester Lodge of Masons. (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) Central Bow, Hartford, Conn. MBS. SARAH McILVAXE. Local Man to Be Seated at Arthur J. Manley, Local Cour- Mrs. Sarah Mcllvape, 43 years Grand Court in Hartford 1 P. M. Stocks. DEATHS old, died yesterday at the home of ant Representative, Figures • This Week Wednesday. Bank Stocks. her sister, Mrs. William J. Craw­ ______1 Bid Asked In Collision. ford at 36 Hamlin street. Her mother and husband survive. She F. A. Verplank, past worshipful I master of Manchester Lodge 1 ^ity Automobiles owned by Arthur J. had been ill for a long time. Manley, local circulation manager FRANK F- SPENCER of Masons, and prominent in East- j Cap^ Nat^ B&T ...... 370 400 Mrs. Mcllvane was bom in Man­ ern Star work, will be installed as : Conn. River ...... 425 for the Hartford Courant and one , chester and had lived here all of driven by William Gillett of Strong | Grand Patron of the State of Con- | HUd ■;; «» 146 her life. Her husband is David Mc­ 245 avenue, Springfield, Mass., figured j llvane and her mother, Mrs. Sarah in a collision on the Wapping road | PASSES SUDDENLY j Land Mtg and Title . — 60 I Lewde. There are two other sis-1 Mutual B & T ...... — 240 last evening. Manley’s car shot i ------j ters, Mrs. Eleanor CoUings and M rs.' down a steep embankment, striking } do, vtc ...... — 240 a wire fence and he was thrown i 1 n 1 rk • : Lillian McCabe and four brothers, New Brit T r u s t ...... — 200 PrnminPIlF Nnrtn Knn R e s i-1 Assessor Thomas j . Lewis, WilUam. 650 through the automobile door into a rroiniiieui im u i luu Jvcai , ^e^g of Riverside Trust ...... — lot, sustaining injuries to his side j West Htfd Trust...... 350 from the hip down and a possible j Manchester. Bonds. The funeral will be held at the broken toe. | dent Dies Saturday as Htfd & Conn West . . . 95 Manley, driving east, had passed i Crawfor.d home at 2 o’clock tomor­ East Conn Pow 5s . . . 100 103 row afternoon with services at St. Conn L P 7s ...... 116 118 the Wapping post office and was j Mary’s Episcopal church at 2:30. about two hundred feet to the west 1 Heart Fails. Conn L P 5V^s ...... 105 108 Rev. J. Stuart Neill will officiate as­ of it when he saw the other car ap- ! Conn L P 4V^s ... 98 100 proaching. In an endeavor, he said sisted by Rev. Alfred Clark. Burial Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 10? 105 , , , j will be in the East cemetery. Insurance Stocks this morning, to prevent a head-on Frank F. Spencer, one of Man­ collision he pulled to the right off xAetna Casualty...... 130 { Rev. David Kelly. chester’s most widely known citi­ Mrs. Sarah Gordon., Aetna Insurance ...... 595 the road, but was struck by the Mrs. Sarah (McClellan) Gordon, ; Rev. David Kelly, who acted as Springfield car. zens, died suddenly early Saturday , do, $10 par ...... 59 his home, 317 North i aged 72. died suddenly at her h^^^ Aetna Life ...... 86 ; assistant at St. Mary’s church here In the car driven by the Spring- evening at ms xiuu.c. ox. ..., charter Oak street last night. j for eight months during 1923 has field man were two Manchester x Automobile ...... 38^/2 Main street, shortly after returning j being due to heart disease, just been appointed rector at Done­ girls, sisters, and one of them was Conn. G eneral...... 128 from a walk. He was in his sixty- j gbe had been in good'health appar­ somewhat hurt. Manley tried to se­ xxHtfd Fire $10 par . 69 gal. Rev. Kelly was well known nere for the short time he served as cure help from the Wapping police, sixth year. ently and was very active for her do, rts ...... 11% but was delayed and telephoned to Mr. Spencer had apparently been age. Death came at 6:45 last eve- ; Htfd Stm Boil. $10 par 58 assistant to Rev. J. Stuart Neill. His many friends have kept in close the state police, but Sheriff C. V. i robust health, though somewhat ning. ! National F ire ...... 66 Mrs. Gordon was bora in Glaston-1 ' Phoenix Fire ...... 74 touch \vith him and his work in I Must Be Going'-Is foS“S a rro?'tn r I snbject to alight attacks of inihgea. bury and moved to Manchester j xTravelers ...... 1385 Ireland. Manley returned to Manchester and i tion. On Saturday he spoke of not when a young girl, residing here the j I Public Dtmty Stocks. remainder of her life. She leaves , was attended by Dr. Edwin Higgins. I ------— ------Conn. Elec Svc ...... 85 Stand Brands ...... 27 V | the attitude toward her husband, William Gordon, two 2 Gillette, who was injured, was plac-1 IxxConn. Power ...... 78 St Gas and El ...... 117 sons, John and Andrew, a daughter, F. A. Verplanck ed under arrest by Sheriff Benjamin ! do, pfd ...... 114 S O Cal ...... 60 Mrs. A. W. Steinberg, two grand charged with violation of the rules necticut^^at the grand court to be j do, rts ...... 17Va SONJ...... 6 3'i Makeshift Hometurnishings of the road. children, and three sisters, Mrs. held at Foot Guard hall, Hartford, xHartford Elec Lgt .. 85 Agnes Risley of Manchester, Mrs. S O N Y ...... 321^ This morning Manley was com­ Wednesday and Thursday of this | xdo, vtc ...... <8 Albert Chappell of Springfield, and Stew War ...... 41 Ts pelled to give up his work and to re­ week. Considerable local interest is j Greenwich W&G, pfd. — Studebaker ...... 44 turn to his parent’s home in Hart­ Mrs. Sue Reed of Pasadena, Cal. taken in the coming session because , Hartford Gas 70 The funeral will be held at 2 Texas Corp ...... 54% ford. The car he was driving was of this fact, and because of the ' ! do, pfd ...... 45 o’clock Wednesday and Rev. J. S. Tex Gulf Sulph ...... 60 badly wrecked. The Springfield car other local people who will have a xS N E T C o ...... 175 r e friends reluctant in being Neill of St. Mary’s Episcopal church Tim Det A xle ...... 15% was not bady damaged. part in the proceedings. Manufacturing Stocks. will officiate. Burial will be in the Transcon Oil ...... 0 ’4 entertained at your house? Per-, Mrs Jessie L. Winterbottom, past Acme V 'ir e ...... 43 Union C a r b ...... 84 liaps you have often wondered East cemetery. matron of Temple Chapter, O. E. S. xAm Hardware ...... 61 A Unit Aircraft ...... 51 PLAN TO COMPROMISE of this town, has been chosen by the Amer Hosiery ...... 29 why. Just glance about and be frank Mrs. Charity E. Edgerton. Unit Corp ...... • 34 retiring grand matron, Mrs. Abby American Silver ...... 20 Unit Gas and I m p ...... 37% v. ith yourself. Are the furnishings up- Mrs. Charity E. Edgerton, . 77, Bergman, as one of the aides. Fred xArrow H&H, com . . . 40 widow ,of Austin L. Edgerton of 655 U S Freight...... • 96 to-date and inviting— or to the con­ ON LIMITING FLEETS C. Tilden, past worthy patron of xdo, pfd ...... 100 I U S Realty and I m p ...... 65 North Main street, where she has trary? No doubt here is the answer, Temple Chapter is a member of the Automatic Refrig ----- 4 U S Rubber ...... 261 i made her home with ner son, Edgar 82 for no one wants to sit and chat among (Continued From Page One) general committee in charge of the Bigelow Sanford com . 78 U S Steel ...... 179% F. Edgerton, died Saturday. She program. A number of Manchester do, pfd ...... 100 Util Pow and Lt A ...... 33% makeshift homefurnishings for which was born in Ledyard, but speot ment was from the spokesman of people affiliated with the Masonic Billings and Spencer .. 5 War Piet ...... 52 V, you must everlastingly apologise. most of her life in Tolland, moving the British delegation, who said the lodges are planning to attend. Bristol Brass ...... 23 Westing Air ...... 4674 cancellation indicated a very hearty to Rockville and living in that cUy do, pfd ...... 90 West El and Mfg ...... 154 1930 marks the beginning of a new for fifteen years. She came to Man­ Collins Co ...... 105 115 hope that the conference will do Woolworth ...... 68% decade— a significant time to refurnish. something. 'Work on these ships chester last fall and has made her MARCHINEK, ENDEES’ Case, Lockwood & B . 525 Yellow Truck ...... 15% never had actually been started. home with her son since that time. Colt’s Firearms ...... 26 So why not do it now. You can get the It was pointed out in other Her death was due to pneumonia. things your home needs without a worry quarters that recent cruiser discus­ The funeral will be held Tuesday CENTER, ON REC TEAM I Fafnir Bearings ..... 70 AUTHORITY ON ANTIQUES over the cost by selecting them at Fuller Brush, Class A . — sions indicated the British were afternoon at 1 o’clock at the hon e Keith’s. Our prices are always lowest much interested in the Japanese, of her son and burial will be in lo i- do, Class AA ...... — Hart & Cooley ...... 135 and our liberal club terms allow you up as well as American cruiser pro­ Frank F. Spencer. land, Rev. Allen Gates, formerly oi Holyoke Star Secured in Place IN WATKINS LECTURES grams, particularly in view of ■Vernon Center, but at present sta­ Hartmann Tob. com .. 15 to a year to pay for whatever you feeling as well as usual and in the of Roy Norris Who Is Cn In­ Japan’s demand for a seven to ten tioned at. East Haddam, will offi­ do, 1st pfd ...... — select. cruiser status. The Admiralty’s afternoon went for a long walk in jured List. Inter Silver...... 108 Henry W. Er'ving of Hartford j company with Samuel J. Ball, dur­ ciate. In addition to her son she is cancellation order therefore was survived by a brother, who lives in .xLanders, Frary & Clk 66% to Be Speaker in Series To­ taken as possible evidence that the ing which he indicated more or less It was announced this afternoon Mann & Bow. Class A 14 distress which he attributed to the Massachusetts and two sisters. morrow Night. British are confident Japan’s de­ that Ray Marchinek of Holyoke who do, Class B ...... 7 digestive trouble. He returned home mands will be met satisfactorily on played center for the Bristol Endees New Brit. Mch. com . 27 Attendants at the sixth lecture of a basis which would not give her a little before six, still feeling ill, when the state champions were here North & Judd ...... 20 but made light of his discomfort and the Watkins Brothers Lecture and greater power in large cruisers than KENYON’ S STABLES a week ago, wi” be at the same post Niles Bern Pond ...... 35 refused to have a physician called. Great Britain already possesses. for the Rec Five tomorrow evening Peck. Stow and Wilcox 10 Concert course, to *be held in the A few minutes later he lay down store auditorium tomorrow night Reports that the United States AUCTIONED TODAY against the St. Michaels of New Russell Mfg Co ...... 75 and joined forces with Japan in her and presently told Mrs. Spencer and Scovill ...... 58 beginning at 8:15 will have the their son, William W., wh' had just Haven in the Rec gym. demand for more cruisers were Marchinek’s services were obtain­ Smythe Mfg Co ...... — privilege of listening to one of arrived for the week-end, that he Americans ablest, living authorities denied at the American delegation ed when it was definitely learned Seth Thom Co. com .. 30 felt better and would be able to eat headquarters. It is understood Hillstown Man Faces Ruin. Be­ that Roy Norris, regular center, do, pfd ...... • 24 on Colonial furniture in Henry W. his supper. Almost immediately Erving of Prospect Ave.. Hartford, thus far no formal discussions of cause of Sharp Practices of would not be available for the con­ Standard Screw ...... 115 this subject have been held, but the thereafter, however, he collapsed Stanley W orks ...... 42 vice president of the Connecticut and when Dr. H. H. Boyd arrived Partner Smith. test. Norris is on the injured list British and Japanese delegations with a severe bone bruise on the Taylor & Fenn ...... 115 River Banking Co. Mr. Erving has made an appointment to meet each within a few minutes, he was dead. Torrington ...... 63 stored a mass of priceless informa­ R. M. Reid and Son this after­ bottom of his right foot. He tried to other this afternoon. The British The funeral will be held at the play a few minutes in the Bristol 'Underwood ...... HI tion during his long life, since his also had an appointment during the home on North Main street on noon holding an auction of horses, Union Mfg Co early days of antique furniture col­ Wednesday afternoon promptly at 2 cows and other animals owned by game but was unable to be of any day for a joint meeting with the value to his team. U S Envelope, com ... 190 lections in the rural sections of the Ttade In yout old fmnitute French and Italians. o’clock. Rev. F. C. Allen, pastor of George Kenyon of Hillstown, tobac­ do, pfd ...... I l l state through the medium of the The Big Five meeting this morn­ the Second Congregational church co grower and partner in the Smith- ■Veeder Root ...... 38 horse and wagon. tor new on special tein^ ing did not finally complete the and Rev. Laurence Barber, former Kenyon brokerage concern of which Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . — Since his boyhood days, Mr. Ery- agenda, but did decide that the pastor of that church will conduct James Smith, the senior partner X—Ex-dividend. ing has been intensely interested in the services. disappeared when it became evident ABOUT TOWN the collection of the rarest and most during fanuaty question of tonnage measurement.s ^ X X —Ex-rights. be taken up first at the next session Frank F. Spencer was born Sep­ that there had been a serious mis­ valuable antiques and at his home appropriation of the funds of the of the full conference. tember 30, 1864, the son of Dwight Miss Emma Browski, a teacher on Prospect avenue, Hartford, has a 1 It is to your advantage to sel^t the thin^ and May White Spencer, whose concern, resulting in a state investi­ in the Ninth School District previ­ truly remarkable collection, com It also was decided to let the -1 your home needs during January for it is Trade-in other subjects come up in the al­ home was on Woodbridge street, and gation. ous to her accident last July in parable in size and catalogued : lived in Manchester all his life. He As a result of the investigation Wapping and who has been an in­ N. Y. Stocks equally as well as many of the lead- | Month at Keith’s and we are making a special- phabetical order of the countries and the subsequent disappearance proposing them. This means tn^t attended the public schools and mate of the Manchester Memorial j _____ ing museums, in the larger cities.' allowance on your old furniture. No matter what while still not more than 12 years of Smith with a reported total of hospital since that time, was dis-1 Although he has been much sought France will be able to place her old and yet a schoolboy assisted his $100,000 in funds of the concern, you want to trade we will gladly appraise it and compromise “global” tonnage pro­ charged Saturday and taken to her corp ...... 26 after because of his qualifications as father in the latter’s coal and team­ Kenyon’s property was attached by home on Fern street. Her injuries Am Bosch Mag ...... 43% a judge of early American antiques, credit this allowance on your new furniture. Or posal before the conference before ing business. He became an ex­ the Hartford Trust Company, re­ were such that it wi t be many ...... 129% if you wish we will gladly make suggestions on Italy can present the somewhat dif­ tomorrow night’s lecture will be his pert teamster and acquired a love ceivers appointed by the Hartford months, at least, before she can p o w ...... 941/2 second appearance before any audi­ ferent plan she favors. new pieces to tone up your rooms without replac­ of horses that remained always one County Superior Court. again resume her duties as a school interaat ...... 40 V4 ence speaking on this interesting During the afternoon it was an­ ing the old. of his marked characteristics. On Previous to his association with teacher. | Am Pow and Lt ...... 85 nounced that because of the length Smith in the now-defunct broker­ subject. leaving school he entered the employ ------„ 'A m Rad Stand San ...... 34% Through his intensive study of the age house he was interested in of the morning session, the British of Fitch & Drake, who for many The Manchester Plumbing & Sup- mui ...... 89% subject, a hobby for over 50 years, and Japanese conference scheduled years conducted a large general breeding race horses and blooded ply Company and Blish Hardware cattle ^ d this stable goes under tbe Am Smelt ,...... 73% Mr. Erving is much in demand by for today had been abandoned. merchandising business on North Company have each offered a pair of Am S u g a r ...... 63 museums and noted collectors to Main street near , Depot Square. hammer today. shoe skates to winners at the ice Am Tel and Tel ...... 225% pass judgment oh questionable After some years association with At an advanced age the local carnival at Center Springs Pond partner faces absolute ruin with his Am Water Wks ...... 94 antiques. Scarcely a book on antique POUSH CHURCH MEMBERS ! this concern he embarked in the tea February 9. Frank Wallett is busy Anaconda ...... 74% furniture has been published in the and coffee business as the local extensive holdings barely adequate arranging the schedule of events. to cover the losses sustained Atl Ref ...... 38% last twenty-five years without illus­ Among other attractions will be the B and ...... H 7 ,4 trating some pieces from his exten­ HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET ! ing an extensive trade in Manches­ through the machinations of his appearance of a junior hockey team sharper companion. Later advices Bendix Aviat ...... 38 % sive collection. Amateur collectors ter and surrounding towns and hav­ from the Berkshire Industrial Farm Beth S te e l...... 101% and connoisseurs of periodic furni­ ing several employes who covered show that Smith has served time The first annual banquet of the for similar stock schemes. in Canaan, N. Y., under the direc­ Burr Add M ch ...... 46 ture will find in Mr. Erving’s lecture various routes. After more than tion of James H. Dowd of Manches­ Can Pac ...... 199% an accurate and latimate knowledge Polish National Catholic church was twenty years of this he retired held Sunday at the Polish Hall, ter. Cerro De Pasco ...... • 62% of the early furniture designs and about fifteen years ago and had not Chic Mil StP and P p f ...... 43 values. •North street. The banquet was a been actively engaged in business UNUSUAL PROGRAM AS great success. A horse attached to a business Chic and N orthw est...... 87 since. wagon was having his troubles Chrysler .. *...... 36% Before dinner was served there On April 26, 1892, Mr. Spencer was a short entertainment. Charlie FATHERS, SONS DINE negotiating the small grade on Colum Gas and E l ...... 82 FRENCH LINE AIDS and Miss Mary A. Parker, daughter North street near the intersection of Colum. Graph ...... 28% Gryzbowski of Hartford played one- of John D. and Jane Keeney Parker act as Indian, Estella Gryzbowski North Main and North streets this Comwlth Inv Tr ...... 42% of Warehouse Point, who was then morning. On the way down the Comwlth and S o u ...... 15 IN ENFORCING LAW and Helen Krucincz also of Hart­ living in Manchester, were married. Highland Park Dads and Boys ford bad short conversations and Hold Successful Affair Sat­ street the horse slipped from one Consol Gas ...... 107% They had two sons, Dwight P., now side of the street to the other, mak­ Con tin Can ...... 56% songs were sung by school children a representative in Chicago of the urday Night. (Continued from Page 1.) which the people enjoyed very much. ing a very dangerous and risky pro­ Cora Prod ...... 95 New Haven manufacturing firm of gress evidently due to worn shoes. Curtiss Wright ...... 7% During dinner music was played Sargeant & Co., and William W., Any banquet with 1^8 diners and the Customs roundsman. He said and speeches w'ere given by presi­ Officer Rudolph Wirtalla, noticing Dupont De Nem ...... 119 who is in business in Springfield, a roster of fine speakers is bound the condition of the shoes, exacted Elec Pow and L t ...... 57% that by the time he had located the dent of the church, F. Abremski and Mass. Mr. Spencer’s only sister also to prove successful and so the an­ roundsman the removal of the liq­ by Mrs. L. Rubacha, president of the a promise from the driver that the Erie ...... 5874 survives him. She is Mrs. William nual Father and Son banquet of matter of re-sharpening would be Gen Elec ...... 260% uor from the ship had been com­ Ladies’ society. Hamlin Childs of New York, whose the Highland Park Community attended to. Gen Foods ...... 51% pleted. Dancing followed until late in the husband was a widely known finan­ Club held Saturday night, with When the report reached the svening. Gen Gas and El A ...... 70% cier. She was in the south when both these requirements turned out Letters received from Albert Gen M o to rs...... 41% French line a conference was held Mr. Spencer died. to be a decided success. Roberts, who left the Manchester Gold Dust ...... 44% between Customs and French line CONVICTS CONFESS Apart from some seasonal so­ Following the roast beef dinner police force, was elected a constable, Grigsby Grunow ...... 15% officials and the superintendent of journing in Florida and considerable during which saxophone duets were but never qualifed, going to Florida Int Combust ...... 8 the detective office. The detective American travel, Mr. Spencer spent played by members of Cage’s or­ instead, states that he is now em­ Int Harv C an ...... 37 was brought in, all of the Customs his entire life in Manchester, his at­ chestra, Elmer Thienes of the ployed as policeman at Palm Beach Int Tel and T e l ...... 70% Guards, numbering about 12, who The DETAILS OF BREAK tachment to and love of his native WE..the Employees Hartford County Y. M. C. A., act­ and is on duty from 9 o’clock to 3 Johns Manville ...... 136 were on duty at the time were town being profound. During his summoned and the three guards Cleaners ing as toastmaster, introduced the o’clock, a day heat, on the board Kan City Sou ...... 78% ol the Dougan Dye (Continued from Page 1.) business career he formed an ex­ speakers, four young men students Kennecott ...... 59% were identified by the private de­ That walk. tective. They were cross-examined, tremely large circle of friends. from the Springfield Y. M. C. A. Kreuger and Toll ...... 27 Works There have been very few residents and although they protested their Clean jattle and asked the best way to training school, D. S. Pang of Foo­ Patrolman Joseph Prentice, who Mo Kan and Tex ...... 54 whose acquaintance was as large as chow, China; ^phael Girgis from innocence, declared no liquor had cave town. Hunt denied he aided has been in Boston on his vacation, Montg Ward ...... 41% .... realize that to turn out work ;he two men to escape. his, who knew so many of his Egypt; Bellicar Radzin from Lat­ been landed on the d^y in question returned to duty last night. Nat Cash Reg A ...... 78% right, every one must do his or Landry Was Present townspeople and was known to so via and T. O. Koo from Korea. All Nat D a ir y ...... 48 *,2 and they never before had seen the Phozte Landry was separated from the many on terms of greater or less spoke on the customs of their Nat Pow and L t ...... 35% detective, they were dismissed. her bit. There can he no slip intimacy. He delighted in ex­ countries and what they were Mrs. Daisy D. Marshall, wife of )ther two and was captured here. Charles F. Marshall of Watkins Nev Cop ...... 29% changing reminiscences of earlier learning in this country. The young 9 BELOW IN VERMONT anjwhere down the line. We 7155 3e has confessed to being present Brothers, is confined to her home N Y Cent ...... 179 days with the old timers of the com­ men proved extremely interesting St. Johnsbury, 'Vt., Jan. 27.— It the killing of the officer but de- with a broken ’eft arm, it was learn­ N Y N H and Htfd ...... 112% pleJge you (as homefolks) to lared he was unarmed. Moulthrope munity, and a peculiarly sunny and and held the attention of the audi­ North Amer ...... 9874 (A P .)—^Thermometers, which have ence throughout. Albert Todd spoke ed today. Mrs. Marshall, having recorded temperatures below zero r,»n?cr the best scientific service. s said by County Detective Fred fun living disposition endeared him Pack Motors ...... 16% for the fathers present and James missed a bus, was on her way down Cing to have confessed his part in to countless friends. Pan Am Pet B ...... 52 since Saturday, today showed a Lewis spoke for the boys. street when she slipped and fell on he shooting while being questioned Possessing definite opinions on all Par Fam Laaky ...... 59% reading of nine below in the most Dancing and card pla^ng round­ a slippery section of the Main prolonger cold spell of the winter. it Pensacola. public questions in Manchester, a Penn ...... i--- 78% sturdy Republican in politics sind ut­ ed out the evening. street sidewalk near the stone en­ During the night readings as low The convicts are to be taken be- trance to Center Springs Park. Chil­ Phil and Rdg C and I r ...... 14% DOUGAN DYE 'ore Detective Jones at a hospital terly loyal to the community and Pub Serv N J ...... 86% as 16 below 'were reported. FISHING BOAT LOST dren had been sliding at the point Hardison Street oday for identification. particularly to the northern part of Radio Corp ...... 38 New London, Jan. 27.— (A P .)— which made it unusually hazardous Two Connecticut officers who the town, Mr. Spencer never held Radio Keith ...... 28 BISHOP BETTER South Manchester Coast Guard vessels on patrol have walking. Assisted to her feet by a Chicago, Jan. 27.— (A P )— Slight amp, here to learn from the trip public office and shrank from in­ Reading ...... 125% been ordered to be on the lookout passerby, Mrs. Marshall walked to low they escaped from the north- truding himself upon the public Rem R a n d ...... 32 improvement was reported today in for the fishing boat Azery R. Le­ the Center where she boarded a bus m prison on January 4, have prac- view. Indeed a certain winsome Rep Ir and Stl ...... 77% the condition of the Most Rev. blanc, which has not been heard and rode to Watkins Brothers. Her Charles Palmerston Anderson, pre­ ically concluded their investigation modesty was one of his most Sears Roebuck ...... 91% marked traits, as was a broad from since last Friday. The boat husband took her home by automo­ siding bishop of the Episcopal icre. However, neither of them bile immediately and a doctor was Simmons ...... 91% rould reveal the information they democracy, for his friends were in was last seen late that afternoon church in America. fishing east of Block Island. Notice called. He found that the left arm Sinclair O il ...... 26% .ad obtained from the convicts, every wa& of life Sou Fac ..•»• •••-••••••••• .122 The i)rimate has been oriticaUy ill He was a lover of outdoors and of of her disappearance was noted had been broken, at the wrist. The ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD^If ending reports to their superiors accident happajied Friday night. l o u R ^ ' ‘ ‘ ! r*.!! ! *. *. ! ’.13 5 % since a heart attack last Tuesday. \ Connecticut. nature, delighted in long walks, In here last night.


and how they will get along when to do with hia time in this Con­ ilanriirstrr they are finally settled in their gressional election year is to accuse places.* President Hoover of setting on foot Etmtins Bfralb The trouble with the press re­ a system of terrorism among ap­ ports of the conference is just this pointive governmental employes as PUBLISHED BY THE HERALD PRINTING COMPANY, INC. —that they are trying to report a a means of gaining control over in­ 13 Blssell Street surgent or independent members of South Manchester, Conn. game—we use the term only sis an By RODNEY BUTCHER THOMAS EEnGOSON illustration—while the players are his own party in Congress. NBA Service Writer General Manager still warming up. They are strain Of course there wasn’t the slight­ Founded October 1. 1881 Ing every nerve to have the public est difficulty in shooting the accu­ Washington—The 'hellishness of see the first inning’s pitching sation to pieces. The only interest­ war is only equalled by the hellish­ ■HPubllshed Every Evening Except ing aspect of the affair Is sis a ness of peace for nations which get Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the through a report of the kind of Post Office at South Manchester. practice balls the pitchers are demonstration of the feebleness and licked. The latter lasts longer. Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. lack of imagination of the Demo­ So much one gathers from an SUBSCRIPTION RATES throwing. That is futile. It is not diae Year, by mall ...... only futile, it is seriously confus- cratic party leadership. One could vmusual little woman from Hun- Pfer Month, by m a l l ...... * -60 ponder the matter for some time 1 gary who is now here working Delivered, one year ...... I ing. Single copies ...... * It is highly probable that the without being able to conjure up a | toward the ambitious aim of up- more effectual admission that the j setting the Trianon treaty, imder MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED i London conference will last till PRESS April or May. It is liable to be six Democrats have no existing issue, vvhich the allies sliced up most of eight weeks yet before the coh for next ftiU’s elections nor the in­ Hungary among surrounding na­ of all news dispatchfs credited to |f ferees have arrived at anything ex­ ventiveness to create one. tions and gave the Hungarians a ar not otherwise credited In, this hopeless future which is only pjaper and also the local news pub­ cept the most tentative of propos­ matched by the condition of Aus­ lished herein. A FINE SCHEME All rights of republlcatlon or als. Yet it will probably not be tria. special dispatches herein are also re­ two weeks hence before press re­ Without prejudice to any views Her name is Mrs. Arpad Guille- served. ports begin to carry rumors of which one may hold as to the mer­ aume. She was bom in England SPECIAL advertising R E PR E ­ deadlocks, of impending failure. its of the Soviet civilization, it may and her husband is a field mar­ SENT.* ~'I VE : H.imilton - Del.lsser. be freely admitted that the Bol­ shall in the Hungarian army. Inc.. 2S5 Madison Ave.. New York. N. It is against such misapprehen­ While Marshall Gullleaume w as' Y, and G12 North Michigan Ave.. sions that the Herald today is try­ shies have one grand scheme for fighting the Russians in the war Chicago. IIls^______ing to warn its readers. For frank­ the colonization of Sakhalin Island his wife was serving as head of a Full service client cf N E A Service, ly w'e are out of sympathy with off the coast of Siberia and the de­ large army hospitsil. Toward the Inc. velopment of its oil and other re­ end, on the Italian front, he Was . Member. Audit Bureau of Cl.eola­ this tendency to create news where taken a prisoner and held in Italy tions. Maple and Cherry Furniture in there is none—certainly when the sources. They propose to do it all for a year. The Herald Printing Company. Inc., with convict labor. Anywhere else assumes no financial responsibility success of world peace may hang Escaped Bed Raiders for typographical errors appearing In , qq calm tolerance and patience, this scheme might be of more or While he was there the Com­ advertisem ents in the ^^t only of the conferees but of the less dubious virtue, for the quality munists took control in Hungry. Evening: Herald. __ __ raided his home, intending populations of all the participating of the colonists would be likely to jTThey MONDAY, JAN. 27, 1930 'T*" ^ Uo seize Mrs. Guilleaume as a hos- SEMI-ANNUAL SALE countries. be far from encouraging, for the fg^ hours before she WRONG IMPRESSIONS purposes. In Soviet Russia, how- had escaped with her two chil- ever, all that is necessary is to pick dren to the home of an English The Herald is very anxious thatj CHICAGO LESSONS its readers should not, due to w hat: out the citizen whom you want for family where she vvas safe. Her POSTER BED; solid maple posts iUATNT maple and cherry BUTTERFLY TABLE; large mod­ The fact that Chicago’s mad the new jewels remained buried under-^til with curly maple veneered head- el, made of smoky pine, with seems to us to be a somewhat mis-1 recklessness in government has ^------the Communists were overthrown. pieces, including many drawer. Suitable for taken treatfiient of the subject by I country and make a convict out of , j^qw, because she speaks English from the famous col­ dining purposes. probably been prevented from re­ S 'l i z e . $ 3 9 . 7 5 , $ 1 7 . 5 0 practically the entire news gather­ him by the simple process of hav- j and becau e she is vice presidentSyOf lection of Watkins Reproduc­ RegpUar $33.00 .... sulting in anarchy by the interposi­ ing the secret police pick him up the World League of Women for Regu'ar $59.00 ...... ing service of the world, get an er­ mg me r Hungary, she is comnleting completing a series tions, nre included in the S ^ i- tion of a “rescue committee’’ of and charge him with plotting coun- ARM CHAIR; Norwegian style roneous idea of the trend of affairs rich men headed by Silas H. of propaganda lectures in this coun­ STUDY TABLE; with drawer, Annual Sale at exceedingly at the London naval conference. ter revolution, That books him try. most of which have been heard smtable to use as a desk. Square, worth-while savings. Here are arm chair made of ash vdth bas­ Strawn should not cause the situa­ through, without argument. in the middle west. ket-weave strap Perhaps there are enough critics tapered legs (h 1 /( just a few, together with kin­ reat. tion there to drop out of the spot­ It’s going to be a tough time for j “The 'Trianon treaty,” says Mrs. Made of maple. ^ I aL of the press without a newspaper Guilleaume, “was signed in 192(1 dred pieces in enamels and other Special...... light. Chicago is now demonstrat­ Russian oil drillers, engineers and Regular $19.50 ...... J- I entering itself among the number, ing as the “terrible example” among when everyone was sick and tired rare woods. so forth untU the Sakhalin levy of of treaties," and no one paid any even with relation to a single im­ Americatt municipedities and there END TABLE; oval top with raised, LOWBOY; Queen Anne lowboy portant event; but the Hersdd is involuntary colonists is filled. attention to the Hungarian dele­ with curly maple veneered frdnL are very few communities In the gates when they asked for plebi­ piecrust edge; trestle type base; going to be frank enough with Its top and ends; r \ n r country that could not with advan­ scites in the territory which neigh­ made of maple. 1 C gumwood base. n iW / j readers to say that it Is not In com­ boring nations were determined to Regular $65.00 ...... '' tage to themselves take close note Regular $27.50 ...... plete sympathy with the practical­ of the proceedings there. take away. ly universad attitude of the corre­ /N NEW YORK “The Hungarians held their coun- try for a thousand years. They had HIGHBOY; 6-drawer cherry mod­ spondents and reporters covering Chicago has probably done more j BUTTERFLY TABLE; with fancy el with stretcher base and tear­ damage to the principle of home the most perfect geographic nation stretchers. Made of maple with the London parley, which attitude New York, Jan. 27.—Once more, in the world, with the high (Car­ drop drawer /-v rule for cities than can be undone figured veneer (t 1 is, with a difference of course in it’s the small town boys who are pathian mountains oh three sides pulls. in fifty years. The very fact that top. J) I 3 Regular ^105.00 ...... degfree and angle, much the same walking away with the Broadway and the broad Danube river on the Regular $19.50 ...... j. she is now compelled to pray for a fourth. For centuries the Hungari­ on the part of all of them. gravy. special session of the Illinois legis­ ans had barred the Turks from in­ SECRETTARY; maple bracket-foot There is, at least for such an When the current season’s toll is vading western Europe. ARM CHAIR; French Provincial type with wood paneled bookshelf early stage of the proceedings, far lature to help her out of the morass taken, it wiU be found that a young “In 1914, when the crown coun­ type with maple frame, upholster­ doors, and broken too great a tendency to report that into which she has wandered will man from Emporia, Kan., has cil met at Vienna after the mur­ ed in toile. Suitable forj Col­ arch top. > / W clicked the biggest box-office smash der of the Austrian archduke at conference as a contest. There is bring joy to the heart of every per­ onial rooms. (t* O C r\ Regular $99.00 ...... ^ I^ son in the United States who be­ of the year. Sarajevo, the only one who pro­ Regular too much talk of this nation or that This young man is Brock Pember­ tested dispatch of the famous lieves that the state legislatures CORNER CABINET; 6 f t 8 in. nation wiiming or losing a point. ton, whose career began when he sharp ultimatum to Servia was high with concave shell top; 4 There is too much talk of demands should keep all municipalities im­ was ousted from Emporia (College. the Hungarian prime minister. shelves and cabinet base. Hand At the momemt his cash register is Count Tisza, who, said Hungary TAVERN TABLE; oval top with and national objectives and pur­ der a short leash. Nothing could decorated enamel have happened to give greater en­ clinking too merrily to give him an had everything to lose and noth­ stretcher base; (t 1 O poses. By far there is too much of opportunity to engage in vain re­ ing to gain by war. He was over­ made of maple. ^ I / finish. a tendency to look at the confer­ couragement to the advocates of grets. ruled, as he was again later when Regular $15.00 ...... Regular $95.00 ...... $59 ence as if it were a sporting event, ripper legislation, of whom the ru­ And since he’s sprung the -sur­ he protested against unrestrained or a combat of wits, or a struggle ral districts of every state always prise of the season and slipped the submarine warfare. PIER CABINET: 4 shelf model SIDE CHAIR; Early bannister- have plenty. year’s “wow” over on the big “But all this had no effect with cabinet base, enameled and back model of maple for advantage. street, here’s a little something upon the allies. They handed 36 band having splint seat. On the other hand the Chicago per cent of Hungary to Roumania, .$ 7 . 5 0 We know of no newspaper and about the youth from Kansas: decorated. $ 1 9 . 5 0 Regular $15.00 ...... no news agency which isn’t commit­ mess is serving an especially good Came from a newspaper family. 22 per cent to Czechoslovakia, Reg. $35.00 ...... purpose in showing up the injuri­ And while seeking a college de- per cent to Jugoslavia and I'/i ting this mistake in its news mat­ gree went to work for the Coffey- pgr cent to Austria, to make trou- BOOKCASE; 4 shelf model, 44 PHONE CABINET; maple "hand ter. It is committed in the news ousness of multiple taxing bodies in ville (Kan.) Record. He was 18. ijig. Hungary lost most of her SIDE CHAIR; Early Carver type, inches wide, decorated, consisting of cabinet on splayed legs, r' columns of the Herald, along with one community. There the city lays and Coffeyvllle was still close natural resources, including all of made of maple, 50 made of maple. enough to the frontier to involve ^er oil, salt, gold and silver and with splint seat and stool. / i those of every other paper sup­ taxes; the county—of which the Regular $49.00 ...... city constitutes nine-tenths—^lays the necessity of carrjdng a gat, gg pgr cent of her timber, and .'IS Regular $11.50 . Regrular $3900 $29 plied by any of the great news rather than a flask, on one’s hip. pgj. ggnt ofher factories. The port services. And the effect of all this taxes; the school board lays taxes; When this university decided it piume was taken away and OCCASIONAL TABLE; roimd. HIGHCHEST, maple with turned WHAT-NOT; comer type' having on the public opinion of the world the public library board lays taxes; could get along very well without given to Italy, leaving no outlet to Queen 4 shelves and cabinet base. Hand him, he moved to the University of j-jjg ggg,. _ j raised pie-crust top and can hardly fail to be to rob the the drainage commission lays tax­ Anne base. ‘6& . $ 3 9 . 5 0 decorated enamel London conference of a very great es; the park board lays taxes; ten Pennsylvania, and took a job with “Once Hungary had eleven mil- Regular $69.00 ...... 'r ^ y finish. the Philadelphia Bulletin on the lion people, but today three and a | Made of maple. Regular $59.00 ...... $15 part of its chance for complete suc­ towns which are indistinguishable side. ■ half million pure - blooded Himga- | Regular $42.00 $25 cess—unless newspaper Teaders in from the city proper lay taxes. Returning to Kansas, he, got his j.jans live in territory ruled by her DROP LEAF TABLE; large HIGHBOY; massive William and all countries are able to see more There may be other taxing authori­ first inside squint at the theater by neighbors, many of them deprived TAVERN TABLE; maple with square-leaf model suitable for din­ criticizing drama for the Emporia q£ rights of citizenship. j ing purposes. Made of maple Mary design in two parts; made of between the lines than in them. ties for all we know. Compared to oval top, correct size for use as a choice cherry. ti' "i ^ ^ Gazette. Wherein he was inocu- “The countries surrounding us coffee table. r-j r with sausage turned (h A We hate to think of the London Chicago Manchester’s system of lated with the theater fever, and g^p ppt five million men under legs and stretchers. Regular $250.00 ...... gathering resulting to failure or town taxes, school district taxes nothing would do until he had land- prms in case of war and arc Regular $13.00 ...... • * Regular $72.00 ...... ^ • < partial failure simply because the and fire district taxes is fairly sim­ ed on Broadway. Wherewith, he equipped with the host modem ple, but the difference is not In got a chance to cover shows for the armament. The H ungr ian army newspapers of the whole world are, old Evening Mail. But Bums jg limited to 35,000 men and is in the best of good faith but also in principle but in degree. Mantle, who remains today as ,jgnigd warplanes and other indis lack of appreciation of their re- What the state of Illinois is go­ guardian of the dramatic wayside, pensable weapons of warfare, nc .sponsibilities, showing the confer­ ing to do about Chicago remains to came along and got his job. Pern-. <» sons, and poisons from the Intestinal down of municipal government as tract, act In so much the same man­ restlessness come Into your mind ^ supervision of men who are ment, every word, every shrewd Pemberton joined her jubilant pa- pgopig in Central Europe there writes a young lady of eighteen. “1 and steal your energy. You will find trained to examine the water supplj has ever been witnessed anywhere rade. He rushed to Hopkins with gj.g thirty million of minority popu am tired most of the time. As ner on the nervous system. guess, as if it were a base on balls, You should paste rule No. 1 on an ImmeiUate Increase In energy if and see that the people’s health h a five yard gain, a victorious skir- m time of peace. Surely Chicago is ! the script. Hopkins admitted liWng ,gyons under foreign subjugation soon as 1 get home from work ^ Y^^ you start thinking constructively. safeguarded. . ^ ^ -i.- nni IT it, hut he was too busy at the mo- q-here can be no hope of permanent want to go to sleep. I am too tired your^ jur plate so that you wiU always Having a good incentive often mish in Nicaragua—a positive thing showing the rest of us how not to ment worrying about John Barry- -gogepeace ^th w ith a____ situation like that.” to take a walk, , I am too tired to , ! remeremember It when you are eating: “Do not put anything into your brings about a greater Increase of (Don’t Worry) in itself. do it. more’s production of "Richard' HI.” Mrs. Guilleaume believes Ameri- take the exercises you prescribe, I energy. Read -Theodore I^Mvel^ | ^rs. W. writes—"One Now as a matter of fact, this Barrymore, as Broadwayltes recall, public opinion may force a re- am too tired to go to a show. Some- mouth which does not lead to effi­ “Doct^e of a StTCTUous^. T^, times I force myself to go to a ciency.” Avoid especially the rich conference was called and agreed A CONFESSION hit the ceiling and the box office vision — if only she can get it worked overtime giving back money, aroused. i dance and then I feel better, but I pasty foods made out of starches to find an How can one cure worry r” upon to be a real conference for This is a day of big affairs, big So, quite by accident, Pemberton , — ------don’t want to go to work the next and sugars, and foods containing everytWng you do. j Answer—This is always bad ad- much oil or fat. more ^nerfi^y* conserve tli&t wnicn agreement, not a battle of wits, not problems, big ideas. When men dif­ found himself a producer. And 1 day, and if I do I am apt to fall 2“^ould be oasted In you have. Use it wisely, on the more l vice. I t is the work of the physician a naval game of chess. Anyone who fer concerning them they differ "E.ttr Madame " added 515,000 W j j g Ranchuig ChaDgeS asleep.m Will find y myself dozing r over e - S^orU.whU, U d a ^ U f , . gives the matter a moment’s widely, in proportion to the bigness his undernourished bankroll. Along ! came "Lulu Bett,” and he took an­ of the subjects under discussion. To T U seTm, SCSaJTSL’SS OOKS-HONSQUESTIONS AND ANSWERSANSWKB8 „d to a«.ld .U n.g»a« ««(«- thought will realize that the con­ other chance, with equal success. • „ uuuuwu (Eiysipelas) tions.____ When one learns hoW to do ferees, facing the biggest job of the a person from Mars, or to any Saddles Of Open Spaces bom lazy, but if this is so, why and evening. If they do not move naturally you should use enemas. Question:—-A. W. D. writes: *1 j constructive thinking, worry will kind, by far, that the world has complete stranger to America, gift­ He’s had 20 plays, but “Strictly ____ should so many of my friends corn- _ would appreciate very much if you i, disappear like the mist befbre the pain of the same thing?” (Jften that “ tired feeling” Immedl- ever known and each carrying to ed with understanding, it would Dishonorable” is the nearest thing I ^e?v di“ appear7 when M e n e * ^ is j would give me a g e n e ^ morning cun. to a mint. Billings. Mont.—(AP)—Trends in No, little, girl, you were not bom the conference an enormous burden seem to be a sing^ularly propitious And out of his experiences, both saddlery dictated by the efforts to lazy, and nobody has condemned you used to clear out the lower bowel. | erysipelM, statog the ^ i ! : ” time for the formation of great to a pepless existence. It is far Rule No. 3 should be pasted to ! food which j a ND NOW ALLIGATOR THIEVES of nationalistic obligations, must up and down, his credo on Broad- meet assumed requirements of some convenient place to .remind > seventy years old, and has been laid j spend a g;reat many days, even a politcal parties—and almost any way is this: “Around Broadway “dudes” bring disguest to old time more natural to be brimming over you to take enough exercise and | up for a yw . St. Augustine, Fla.—(AP)—Four great many weeks, adjusting them- j smart poiiUcian could find, in M y , they never edification of dude ranch- * ceSitigiy sick £ s more than enough deep breathing to oxygenate the! Answer: The most effective treat­ ment for any form of erysipelas is selves and. .their . . . burdens _ to a- place -- one Of a dozen directions, no matter I by success. If you ers, there were displayed at the. energy to last throughout the day, blood and bring about a good circu­ hundred baby sauriasa were stolen lation. Walk three or four miles a fruit Juice fast for a. week or ten from an alUgator farm hear here. a t a conference table which will ad­ how ■ capable the dominant party, l succeed you’re a sap.” , meeting of the Montana-Wyoming j but the trouble is that many pcO' days, followed by simply a well bal­ GILBERT SWAN. association ifere saddles with cush- [ pie dissipate and waste their energy, every day. mit of all the burdens and all the a substantial issue or two or three Rule No. 4, paste on your pillow - anced diet. In some cases It is nec­ to serve as a core for the crystaJ- ioned seats, with low roll canties or use it at the wrong time instead essary to fast longer to effect a cure. Some of the itema in the London’^- obligations of each being eventual­ It is calculated that the Mis­ and bell fenders; highly orna­ of conserving it until It is needed. to take a little more slr^p than you ly weighed and measured and prop- Ization of the natural opposition have been getting until you catch'This Is the only m eth ^ of tr ^ t- Mqiiat food Mil are: Six tons of'" sissippi river '•arries into the Gulf mented chaps with tooled and Energy can be wasted In harmful ment 1 have ever found successful efly evaluated by all— huge task. group—which in all countries Emd riveted designs; wide belts, leather mental practices, such as worry and up, and wake up in the morning nute for the monkeys, fifty tons of of Mexico more than a million tons rested and ready for the day. Peo­ in quickly eliminating the symptom* During this period of shuffling all times is a large one. of sediment every day, and that it cuffs and leather vests. fretting, as well as In physical ways herrlnft and whitebait Ibr the ae^^ which are not usually recognized. ple have different capacities for of erysipelas. and adjustment there cannot possl- Yet the best that National Chair­ would require 1000 trains, each Manufacturers say the rancher.s and i^ ar bears, one ton of canhW made up of 45 cars of 25 tons must approximate the comforts and One of the possible causes of fatigue rest. Some are thoroughly rested in seed,-35,000 eggs, and 20,000 pomain , h ^ be the faiiitest indication of man Jouett Shouse of the Demo­ 3 overburdening the digestive sys­ eight hours of sleep, others In nine, '(Radlmn Water) capacity, to transport . an equal artistic surroundings to which their Qaeatloa:—^ M. Y- aahi: “Do of ooi3deh*«4 ahOt. .n4a t the conferees will talk about cratic party organization can find amount of silt and sand. guests have been accustomed. tem with food which is difflciilt to and others never feel their beet until .•; "7 -.{.c

e v e n in g h e r a l d , s o u t h MANCHEOTER. GONN^ ^Q N PAY, JANUAB.Y 2 7 ,192a. •MANCHESTER

Some Parrot Fever Victims We Have Met! rockvule HtTREPEA7EI> . ■WE UMSTSEMm^ TTAAEOMEVekWe C* Brsuidon Booth Spcflhor# program! Svkes Auditorium was filled to - i f ------capacity last evening, when Charles -test‘d’* , Brandon Booth, one of the ^oremoot Presented Now in January orators, son of General and Mrs. liaud BaUington Booth, ^ (immunity service at toe Sykes Auditorium. He captured his audi- ^ c e from toe start. He the Big Brother and Sister Move­ ment, telling his listeners that toe greatest thing m the world is love CONSIDER From the youngest to the oldest lyjO T ANEW /y^AlAPy-OKWNOi ■TNE CASE OF oerson in toe auditorium could be TW E. P O O R HARTFORD teard words of praise for this won­ ONCLE 3WA riASBEEM p a d o listener ( derful orator. His address interes?- A PATIENT ^ people of all ages, and those not K)B. ages/ in attendance missed one of toe fm- est addresses ever given in this city. i There was special musical selec­ tions, consisting of quartet number's SALE DISCOUNTS Ijy Messers Dietszel, Ransom, Kent and Pierce, and vocal numbers by Are Offered on the Eev. E. M. Osborne. The scripture reading was given by Rev. George S. Brookes, pastor of Union church. Prayer was offer­ ed by Rev. E. C. Nield, pastor of the ENTIRE STOCK Baptist church and Rev. H. B. Olm- stead, pastor pf the Episcopal ^urch gave toe Benediction. Miss (except a few standard items) JIarjorie Kite was the pianist. A silver collection was taken dur­ ' mere, ^ ing toe evening. | Golden Wedding Celebration. | Mr. and Mr.s. Edward Poehnert of | West street celebrated their golden j ATBe^oe.'- / wedding on Sunday at the home ot j 33Vz% their son, WUliam Poenert of 20% West street. At noon a turkey din­ ner was served to members of the This is pur regular February Furniture Sale and it will continue* for five weeks family, which included children, CTandchildren and brothers and sis­ they will be at home to their many so that thrifty homemakers all over the state may avail themselves of these ters of the coup’ ’ . The home and friends after February 1. MEXICO DECIDES ULLSTOWN table decorat'ons were beautiful, Notes. tremendous reductions. \yhich included flowers and silver Rev. George S. Brookes, pastor ot The installation of the officers of trimmings. Union church left today for Phila- Hillsto-wn Grange was held Friday ■ From 2 o’clock on until late eve I delphia where he will remain until TO TRAIL ALONG night, Jan. 24 at tho Grange hall. ning, open house was kept The Worthy State Master Louis G. 1 many neighbors and friends too« Roger J. Murphy, 41, of bt. Ber­ Tolies of Union Grange was the in- j toe opportunity to call and offer nard’s Terrace has been named ad­ WITH UNCLE SAM stalling master assisted by Mrs. j congratulations. Many telephone ministrator of toe estate of Thomas Tolies and Hr. Carley assistant sails and telegrams were also re­ McDonnell, who died last week. chaplain. Mrs. Kretzmer and Mrs. Kline of Wethersfield Grange being ceived by toe couple. Refreshmen-.s There will be a meeting of toe b y JOHN LLOYD were served to toe guests. Common Council in the Council emblem and staff bearers. The fol­ lowing officers were installed: Mas­ r Mr. ivir. emuand mia.Mrs. xPoehnert w receive — — ! j room, AixcaAiv*.****Memorial building — o tomorrow- Mexico City— (AP)—Mexico con­ many beautiful gifts which included i night, with Mayor A. E. Waite pre- siders its relations with the United ter, Sister Emma Bancroft; over­ seer, Geo. Ruoff: lecturer, Sister a nurse of gold from the members j siding. States of prime importance in its irr- - ...... ' Miss Emily Lucas, R. N. of toe foreign policy and-any contact with Rose Miller; chaplain, Mrs. Frank of toe family. Europe must occupy a subordinate Bantle; steward, Frank Ruoff; asst, • Held For Robbery. Bridgeport General hospital, wno place. steward, Carl Orlander; §;ate keeper, The local police are clearing up has been specializing at the Rock­ Mathew Mulcaly, Jr.; lady assistant ville City hospital, has gone to This feeling was brought out m ------several small thefts of recent discussion of the government’s ap- steward, Arline Getto; Mem. Ex months as a result of catching a Hartford. Com. Past Master, Sophia Mulcaly. i Otto Bock of Hammond street, pointment of an observer at Geneva, - fourteen year old negro boy, who when it was explained in authorita­ The three Graces were Pomona, > resides in the rear of the Town Hall who recently suffered a fractured Edna Scranton; Ceres, Elizabeth leg is resting comfortably at toe tive circles that by naming a repre­ on Park Place, entering a garage. sentative to keep track of the Harti, Flora, Elizabeth Welch, Where it is alleged he had previous­ Rockville City hospital. League of Nations’ activities Mexi­ secretary, Ella Scranton; treasurer, ly entered and taken money. Herman Meihl, who is receiving co merely followed in toe footsteps James Bancroft. j This Handsome For some time toe garage on treatment at toe Rockville City hos- of its northern neighbor. The worthy master then announc­ Park street, which is conducted oy be expected. Rather than pu^ue a policy not ed the following committee to act Arthur Morganson, has had money Mid-year examinations will com- conforming to that of Washington, I during the year; hall committee, S S from the ’cash drawer and pital, is restinr eomfortahly as can and regardless of whether such a James Bancroft, John Mulcaly, Mr Morganson decided to find out [ mence at the Rockville High school difference might prevail without I Horace Camming, Insurance com- Who it might be. For several nights on Tuesday, entailing serious embarrassment, I mittee, William Mulcaly, Elliott $275 Three-Piece recently he sat in an automobile in the Mexican government, it has Hills, Forest Buckland; flower com- j| the garage, and toe latter part of been pointed out, prefers to be in ! mittee, Jennie Bancroft, Ethel Buck- toe week he found his waiting was accord with the United States- on I land, Arline Getto; home economics, not in vain. He grabbed toe guilty JAPAN NOT TO PRESS international affairs. I Selma Ruoff, Lottie Bremer, Mary person as he was climbing in the Opening of offices at Geneva, in j Harti, Ex Com. Joel Bremer, Horace ] Wickham. During the installation Living Room Suite window and found it to be the POINT AT THIS TM E charge of an observer, means sim­ young negro lad, who vras veiy ply that Mexico wishes to keep con­ I solos were sung by Mrs. Godfrey, ac- ! companied by Mrs. J. M. Carley of much surprised. tact with toe League and have an official representative on hand with- Southington and Mrs. Hymans of The police were notified and the Tokyo, Jan. 27.— (AP)—It | assuming the Manchester, accompanied by Mrs. young man has been placed in understood here today the Japanese Q]jijp.ations incurred by member- Frank Locke of Hillstown Grange. charge of Probat in Officer Kenneth government probably would not Refreshments were served, all ship. If the league and the United Same E. Sullivan, who will bring him be­ press its point at the London naval States differ in opinion, therefore, neighboring Granges being repre­ fore toe Juvenile Court soon. The conference'that capital ships be dis­ Mexico is free to follow whatever sented. Past Master Sophia Mulcaly boy upon being questioned, admitted cussed first. The government does policy it likes and so long as the was presented with a past master As the he had also entered the old High not consider the order of precedence jewel. Miss Ella Scranton was pre­ present ideas continue in force there Illustration school building recently, where he of major importance. is every reason to believe that it sented with a bouquet of flowers in $29.75 Tea took some money. On the other hand there are grow­ would, in matters of importance, recognition of her work as secre­ Ckimmerce Chamber Meeting. ing indications both in official and trail along with Uncle Sam. tary. W agons There will be an important meot- unofficial circles of a tendency to In a recent newspaper article, said Miss Roslyn Copley of Newington hig of toe Rockville Chamber tf regard the eight-inch gun, or ten to have been inspired by official spent the week end with Mrs. John Commerce on Tuesday night in the thousand ton cruisers, as the su­ sources, toe pertinent point was Mulcaly. A most extraordinary price concession from the manufacturer mak^ former Wendhiser block and it is re­ preme issue. made that Mexico’s economic and Horace Cummings who has been 21.75 quested there be a goodly attend­ Naval circles particularly hint cultural life is much more closely 1 at home for a week end, sick with this outstanding offer possible on such high quality CUSTOM-MADE $ ance, as officers for the ensuing broadly that they consider Prime allied with that of the United■ ■ States ‘ 'a cold is liable to be out again. Suites of furniture. Of gumwood in combina­ Minister MacDonald in his ardeut year will be elected. It is desired to than that of any other country. The Mr. and Mrs. James Bancroft en­ tion with mahogany. Auto­ act on reports for toe past year and desire to prevent futile competition cultural relations, while of compara tertained some of their friends with between Great Britain and America matic leaf supports and re­ transact other important businej.s, between ureac enuuu iiuu increasing a card party Saturday night. We cannot stress the wonderful workmanship in these suites too movable serving tray wito including the discussion of the an­ acted over-hastily m agreeu^ te - j ^^at at one time would have Frank Yoo has started to pick his strongly, but you will recognize the real worth when you see them. convenient drawer space. nual banquet. tatively to fewer eight j j^een considered incredible strides, tobacco in Horace Wickham’s sort­ Red Men to Meet. cruisers than America and that he j j^^^g awakened to the value ing cellar. Notices have been sent out the Mrs. Joel Bremer attended the The three pieces (as illustrated), large comfortable ciavenport, with past week to members of Tankeroo- funeral of her friend, Mrs. Foster in chair to match and an English lounge chair, with webbed bottom^ and san Tribe, I. O. R. M., that an im­ te“ ?batttfs“ may lead 1 0 ! “ “ “ obstacles la the work ot raproebe- Hartford Tuesday^^^ back, moss filled; your choice of selected good wearing tapestry, oi MO­ $54.75 Home portant meeting will he held in Red ment. That movement had its start between Great Britain and Japan as only a few years ago but already ap­ HAIR, if preferred. Mens’ Hall on Tuesday evening at Japan considers a 70 percent ratio Desks S' o’clock. The buying of jewels for pears to be ripening into full bloom. DICTATOR WILL RESIGN -with the cruiser strength of America The newspapers unanimously toe past Sachem will be discussed, as necessary for her defensive re­ laud these efforts and public opin­ and it is toe request of toe Sachem, quirements. IF NO LONGER WANTED Henry Lube, that all members make This would mean that in this ion in general seems In accord with $43.75 a special effort to be present. category of vessels Japan would them. The press, however, cannot $245 Dining Room pass up the occasion to remark that Madrid, Jan. 27.— (A P j—Lieuten- $239 Bedroom The well-liked Governor Seal Sale Success. have an 86 percent ratio as compar­ Wintorop tjqie desks of ex- ed with the British total, if America the rapprochement has been ma e General Primo de Rivera, today The annual Christmas seal was a possible through a change in policy answer of leading mill ceUent quality. Built of success in Rockville and §1,282 has had 18 such cruisers, and 100 per­ g^umwood and mahogany cent ratio iJ America had 21. For at Washington which has subsUtut- tary and naval officers of Spain t(to SUITES already been taken in, announce­ ed frank and tolerant good will for his point-blank question whether he SUITES veneers. ment being made ta this effect by that reason it was felt Great Britain would oppose the Japanese claim a shifting, occult attitude which should continue his dictatorship or the chairman of the committee, Mrs. continually had this country guess­ hand his resignation tp King Alfon­ Sale Price Is Sale Price Is Carrie Kane. There are still a few and that some conflict would i?esult. ing and served as a bar to confl- so at once. > who have overlo’oked sending in WITNESS DIES SUDDENLY. ! dence. The leading military and naval b u y W ITH money, and it is the request of the One thing that is especially heads numbered about 17; all of committee that those who have not Oklahoma Qty, Jan. 27.— (AP) — 1 counted upon to promote under- them owe their positions and careers $179 made returns, do so as soon as pos­ (jircumstances surrounding toe standing between toe _ imtions and their rise from comparative A BUDGET An outstanding semi-annual bona Offered in a choice of six styles, sible. death of toe government’s principal | is President-elect Ortiz Ho^io s yimt obscurity to General Primo. They in­ constructed of gumwood and walnut Fimeral of F- R. Williams. witness against 102 officials and i to toe United States. The official cluded , two captain generals, the fide offering. Suites in a choice o f CREDIT The funeral of Frank R. William.s, residents of Pottawatomie coimty, i and private courtesies extended to chief o f toe forces in Morocco, three four styles. Four-piece suite of gum- veneers. Nine pieces, buffet, china who was found dead in his bead at on the eve of their trial on charges him there, brought home to the naval officers and the directors of wood and walnut veneers. Dresser, cabinet, dining room table, five side ACCOUNT toe Elks’ Home on Prospect streec of participating in a giant con-1 Mexican people the impression that the guardia civil. •chairs and one arm chair. on Thursday, was held from the spiracy to violate the prohibition j the American government is sincere General Primo, issuing a formal chest, vanity dresser.and full size bed. Home on Saturday afternoon. The^ laws led today to initiation of an and disposed to go out of its way note to them at 4:00 a. m. Sunday, were many relatives, friends aaM investigation by Roy St Louis, to further friendship with Mexico. said with a dramatic gesture that lie members of toe local lodge of Elks United States district attorney. would resign within five minutes in attendance at the service which Marion Fuller, former chief of should the reply be that he was no was conducted by the lodge men police of Earlsboro, Okla., died here PRACTICAL JOKER KILLED ' longer wanted. His action apparent- bers, with Rev. M. E. Osborne, Saturday night. He had admitted ______] ly was impulsive for he had given on participation in the alleged “rum previous indication of such intention. pastor of the Methodist church as . ^ I rebellion” St. Louis said and fur------Atla.nta,— Jan.--- — 27.— - ' \---- (AP)-—Victims— ^ • ' The’ dictator said that the best Beds and Bedding at Sale Prices the officiating clergyman. on which the of their asserted attempt to play a answer to reports of army disaffec­ Burial was in the faimiyfamily piorplot at nS^xp^^^^^^ to base its practical joke on a neighbor. Miss tion was for the army itself to state Grove Hill cemetery with members, Dora Belle Brown, 18, was dead, and its opinion. He declared “as I have Regular $29.50 Inner $16.75 Spiral Coil Bed Springs of Rockville Lodge of Elks acting as Fuller died in an Oklahoma a t y T. D. Watts, 35, who posed as her often said, I want to leave office bearers. hospital, his death certificate de­ husband lay seriously wounded to­ when the time is propitious and a Beaverstock-Mehr. scribing his fatal malady as a day while police investigated tele­ proper man of good faith is avail­ Spring Mattrsses Miss Ruth Mehr, daughter of Mr. liver infection. phoned threats against toe wife of able to succeed me. Unfortunately and Mrs. Frank Mehr, Jr., of this Z. Z. Waller which prompted him to for me I have not yet found that Constructed with 99 tempered steel, coil springs, city, and Leland A. Beaverstock, son ANTI-FILIPINO RIOTS. shoot toe couple. man, but I will never he willing to equipped with side ^11 OO Watts said he and toe girl knew be forced out and in an improper of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beaver­ of toe calls Mrs. Waller had re­ $23.49 stabilizers...... stock of Mountain street, were unit­ Manila, Jan. 27.— (AP)—Anti- manner by anyone against my will.” Filipino riots in California which ceived and went to toe Waller ed in marriage on Saturday after­ apartment Saturday night, opened Sturdily built for the utmost in sleep com­ $34- 75 Colonial Poster Beds noon at St. John’s Episcopal churen ' have caused widespread discussion A Chicago man got a divorce in Manila today had bought threats toe door and said “Stick ’em up, because his wife was continually fort. Constructed with,hundreds-of tempered with Rev. H. B. Olmstead officiat­ from Manila gangster chieftains we’ve got you.” Waller said he Colonial four-poster beds built of gumwood with ma­ ing. • Miss Charlotte Mehr, sister it sliding down the banister. She steel, spiraLsprings topped with thick layers of against Americans. Authorities, believed they were blackmailers who just let things slide. toe bride was bridesmaid and Wil­ had come to carry out threats white cotton felt covered with fine quality wov­ hogany veneer head panel. Well made t f Q O however, gave prompt assurance and well-finished b e d s ...... bur C. Beaverstock, brother of toe that Americans were in no danger. against his wife and opened fire. en ticking. groom was best man. Police Chief C. E. Pitts an­ From a hospital bed Watts ab­ Following toe ceremony toe bridal nounced precautions were being solved Waller of blame and said party motored to Hartford where a taken to guard cabarets and stra- “We tried to play one of those jokes wedding dinner was served, after te^c points in toe city where iso­ that just didn't work.” Watts who WISE-SMITH’S FURNITURE— FIFTH, SIXTH AND SEVENTH FLOORS which the happy couple left for lated attacks were possible against has a wife and child here had N ew ark , N. J., to spend their honey­ individuals, but expressed confi­ rented an apartment from Waller and he and toe Brown girl were moon. dence that there would be no out­ ViSMS Mr. and Mrs. Beaverstock will re­ breaks. Labor leaders joined in toe known there as “Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ ^MILLION JARS USED YEARLY side at 43 Mountain street, where assurance. liam Warren.” MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1980. MANCHESTEE EVENtS tG BEI^ALDv SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN SIX

DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Pretty Sue Aids Her Dad ISEA CONFERENCE NCEl Queer Twists 422.3—WOR, NEWARIt—710. Leading DX Stations. Monday, January 2T. 7:30—Colored male quartet. UPON S:IHJ—Orchestra and soloists. 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA—740. A s Virginians First Lady BIG NEWS EVENT 'In Day's News TSie secret doings which Elmer 9:30—NBC j)rograms (1 hr.) 9:00—Mid-Pacific Hawaiian ensemble. — .— <$< Thompkins and Sneed Tager have car­ 9:30—Radio comedy, organisL 10:30—Conservatory entertainers. ATIME.- 10:30—Soutli American music. 11:00—Concert, dance orchestra. ‘^n i\ I.* A ried on for the past few weeks, will 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. Richmond— (A P )— She was bred be revealed when the Real Folks pro­ 1) :00—Janssen's dance orchestra. Moscow—The year 1917 is the 1 S)i^’‘ \ 11:30—Moonbeams music hoim. 9:30—WJZ real folks hour. gram Is broadcast over WJZ and as­ 348.6— WABC, NEW YORK-^60. 10:00—Dance orchestra. in old Virginia, was Sue Pollard, Overshadowed All of Last Year One in a new Soviet calendar sociated stations at 9:30 Monday night. 4 :00—United States Navy band. 10:30—WJZ dance music. but, like the “Sue’ of old Kentucky imder consideration. Saturdays and I 6:00—Ben I’ollack’s orchestra. 11.10—Dance music to 3:30. The only person who appears to bo In 389.5— WBBM. CHICAGO—770. i . • - 7:00—Sketch, •‘Mountainville. — “where the meadow grass is blue, Sundays are lopped off the we^ks, on the boys’ secret Is Mrs. Templeton 7:30—New Hollywood prgoram, 9- 30- Musical comedy memories. Week’s News—Weekly Jones. Mrs. Jones has 10:00—Studio feature entertainment. there’s the sunshine of the coimtry which are five days long. There are g'OO—Henry and George, bellhops. six weeks in a month, ,and twelve seen in heavy consultation with Elmer 8';30_Music, humorous speciality. 10:30—Drama; dance orchestra, in her face and manner, too!’’ and Sneed but has actuall.v made sev­ jlJoO_Radio dramas, musical. 1-00—A trip al)Out town. months in a year. Tim Is dated from | eral mysterious trips with them in her 9:30—An evening in Paris. 344.6— WENR, CHICAGO—870. Miss Pollard is official hostess at Cable Review. xy.\J -.1 car to a large neighboring town. Mi- the begfinnhiir of the Bolshevist I IQ.(JO__Guy Lombardo s orchestra. 8:15—Farmer Rusk’s talk. the historic mansion in Richmond Ijn aJ ii>L‘ caela’s aria from Bizet’s immortal J0:30—Mozart's anniversary hour. 12-00—Sketch: musical parade. revolution, Nov. 7, 1917. opera. "Carmen,” a lyrical delineation 12:30—Two-comedy skiis. where her father. Dr. John Garland '.qc»*3 i H;0o—Musical extravaganza. Mexico City—'Under a pre^den- of the soul of the country girl who 11‘30—Two dance orchestras. 1:00—DX air vaudeville. __ Pollard, now presides as governor. With a booming of political big loves Don Jose, will be Interpreted by 12:30—Midnight organ melodies. 416.4_WGN.WLIB, CHICAGO—721 tial decree, all civil employes in Caroline Andrews, soprano, during the 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660. 9:30—WEAF family parly. And never have affairs of the big guns the five-powei* naval disarma­ Moment mxisical this same network of 11:10_Boys; dance orchestras. house built in 1811 by James Mon­ Mexico v/ill wOrk for nothini; on- th3 6:00—Dinner dance music. ment conference at London webt stations will broadcast at 7:15. ^ 6:30—History characters reincarnated 12:00—Dream ship concert. roe, been administered by a fairer 31st day of every month. The pay •3 A-j*n“, Q• ' '> i ''t 1 1 : cadie Birkenholz will direct the string 12-15—Three dance orchestras. ensemble which will present the con­ 7:00—M elo^. musketeers: talk. M4.1—WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. young mistress. into action last week. for the seven days designated in the 7:30—Piano twins, tenor; talk. calendar as the 31st will be deposit­ cert. The 174th anniversary of the 8;0O—Franklyn Baur, tenor; Vaughn 8;S3—Dance orchestra, trio. In seven days the delegates have birth of Mozart, the celebrated com­ 9-00—Mooseheart hour, songs. In a blue evening gown, -with her ed in a bank for the National Revo­ de Leath, contralto; orchestra. dark hair, fair complexion and win­ formally opened the conference in poser, will be honored in a special pro­ 8:36—Gypsies string sextet. 11’05—Orchestra, mystery three. lutionary Party. gram dedicated to his memory and 9:30—Don Voorhees’ orchestra. 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO—870. some ways. Sue Pollard is what the presence of King George, held broadcast over (he Columbia chain at 9 00—Water witch orchestra. Somerset, Pa.—A romance of the 10:30. Numbers will be presented by 10:00—Anglo-Persians orchestra. 9-30_Folks; concert orchestra. college boys would term “a riot.’’ 10:30—Violinist, concert orchestra. one business session in which the air, beginning when an air mail pilot Howard Barlow’s Symphony orchestra, 11:00—Bernle Cummins’ orchestra. . 10- 30—Feature studio program. There’s always' a stag line wait­ a chorus, quartet and soloists. 11:00—Fun Shop:

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Asa j PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN; MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 19S0. YOUNG GIRL’S DREAMS SENTENCED TO DEA'TH RYWGCUNHrSTR#^ BRAZILIAN STATE TO FARMERS PROMISED Moscow, U. S. S.. R., Jan. 27 — General Of Cotton Co-Op (AP)—Sentence of death and con­ Guatemala City, Guatemala, HAVE 40 AIR FIELDS HAVE NOW COME TRUE fiscation of aU his property ^as 27— (AP) — Two giant amphil Wall Street GOOD YEAR AHEAD pronounced today by the Supreme planes were headed toward Knows Grower*s Problem Court on Peter Miller-Mallis, repre­ south again today to cany ...... Natal, Rio Grande do Norte,, i ' Pepperell, Mass., Jan. 27.—(AP.) sentative in Germany of the Soviet North American flying clinic to the 'i Briefs Brazil—(AP)—Another trans - A t-, i _ A 16-year-old girl whose day grain trust, who refused recently to capitals of two Central A m e r i^ .> lantic flight, that of Larre gorges] ■Washington, Jan. 27.—(AP.)— dreams had brought her visions of return to Russia after government countries. Today’s flight is tl^ Montgomery, Ala.— (AP) — The,i; ___and Leon ...... CSialles...... from...... Seville to The American farmer is advised by being a fine titled lady of quality— summons. fourth stage of an 18-day tour id president of the government’s $30,- New York, Jan. 27.—Crude oil Maracaiu, this state, has brought its i the Department of Agriculture ibat the sort of dreams all girls have— He was accused of making an un­ behalf of science and continental favorable contract on behalf of the j ^ will 000,000 cooperative cotton market- production in California for the importance in the flying scheme of 1 he may expect more favorable has had those dreams come true. _ 'it-. n t-k ® _ ing association has a background things once more to world notice. | marketing credit conditions this government with a German firm. The five surgeons making toe trig week ending Jan. 25 averaged 708,- She had always believed herself This is the first case where the that taught him the planter s 000 barrels daily, an increase of 5,200 Back of the development of avia- j year and a somewhat greater sup- to be humble Lucy Harriett Fagge, through 11 South and Centra tion here stands Presidents Juvenal I ply of labor at slightly lower government has applied its recent American countries arranged stoiw troubles. over the previous week. daughter of a humble choreman, decree condenlning to death as Allen Northington, heading what Lamartine who has established i wages, but is warned against im- who was so poor after her mother today at San Salvador, capital a t traitors all citizens of the Soviet Salvador and at Managua, Nicara­ is potentiaUy the world’s largest C. M. Keys is retiring as president eighteen landing fields already and ■ minent overproduction in several died he couldn’t care for her and organization of its kind, is a fanner plans to create twenty-two others j lines. sent her to her grandmother’s home Union abroad who fail to return to gua. At each place conference of the Transcontinental Air Trans- Russia when sumoned. with local physicians and surgeoilh and banker gifted with a genius port-Maddux Air Lines, and will be before his term as chief executive The departments amual farm in Boston. There she had gone to of the state expires. j outlook■ report, ‘ issued for pubuca gram’^ r school and last fall had; _ were on toe program, with recepr for organizing. succeeded by J. L. Maddux, found­ tions by toe governments of Salva/- As the only general manager the er of the Maddux system, operatmg Rio Grande do Norte, sticking out tion today, forecast a ' worked in a factory for a month. I UI?| M TFI kRR A T kS Alabama Farm Bureati cotton asso­ into toe Atlantic as the point of the mand for farm products through, worKeaYesterday, in a though, she came i WlLIlEiLlU V/CLCiDlVA 1 liU dor and Nicaragua. ciation has had in its seven years, on the west coast and which has eastern shoulder of Brazzll, directly the summer and fall, compared j home to her dad. For many years The clinic made up of five distin­ he has directed the marketing of merged with the transcontinen.al south of toe Azores and also near- with toe same seasons of 1929 al- he had been Johnny Harry Lee HIS 71ST BIRTHDAY guished American physicians flew upward of a million bales of Ala­ system several months ago. Mr. 1 i Faaee who worked at odd jobs i here yesterday from Teguciagalpa, bama cotton and has handled $55,- Keys will become chairman of tbe tion in inter-continental flying from i ket was predicted for toe ^ g about' town, mowing lawns, mend- ‘ Honduras. Last night toe surgeons performed bone and brain opera­ 000,000 for the farmers. board.* toe northern hemisphere, either the j weeks of toe . ing broken furniture and doing United States or Europe. It is the The W30 F o r e s t j ^Q^d came from Doom, Holland, Jan. 27.—(AP) — tions before a group of Guatemalan Coming to Montgomery from the Former Kaiser Wilhelm, for mom “plowed ground” coimtry of his na­ A total of $10,428,000 in new professional men. tive Augusta county, 16 miles from securities was marketed today by favo";-lbTS?m his brother, Sir John than eleven years in exile, celebrat­ here, Northington was possessed New York banking houses and syn­ >xonditions, no immediate change in j , Faege of Dover, baronet, ed toe 71st anniversary of his birth The temperature of molten lava the price of fertilizers is estimated from about 2200 de­ Nvith the actual experience of the dicates. Of this amount $1(),128,U0'3 ■ - - - - ...... cotton farmer, gained in operation was in bonds of public utility en changed price level for asked for his i He attended divine service with j grees to 3600 degrees Fahrenheit. of his extensive holdings. terprises. chinery and less I daughter to share his new fortunes, his family this morning. His staff} He is president of a bank at duction credit i ^ Now Lady Lucy and servants also were present ati'J | Pratville which deals largely with year ago m most of the souto^. ■ - in his modest two-story homo later he received their congratula­ Wheat prices were gir, John told Lucy yesterday farmers, nearly all cotton growers. ---- ® ----- tions. During the day the Hohen- j Acidosis Almost When he seeks refuge from the PRINTER IS FINED much the same as those ancfestry, describing to her zollern flag floated on the castle and throughout 1929 unless . I Fagge crest and distinguished over the entrance gate. business world he finds it 1^ his .damage should prove ®ev®re or the 1 the^the^crom - rose garden at his beautiful Qov- The former monarch then occu­ Stopped Breath erdale home. When away from his IN BAD BILL PLOT spring acreage is reduced. ^ I^ gm gn wars, whose names occupy pied the time reading hundreds of flowers, Northington likes to hunt Cotton growers ^®J® telegrams and letters from many Relieved in 1 Minute and fish with his boys, Allen, ]r., 1, M r ^ n o in to ^ u t that for the la st! He told her that she wks now Lady | admirers while flowers arrived in i ALLEN WORTWINGTON PLAY SAFE with acidosis. The and Oscar, 7. „ •„ co vpnr«i with toe exception of; Lucy. . , • ' profusion from many sources. instant gas distends your stomach, He w^s born in Prattville 52 Hartford, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Joseph f<»27 ^both acreage and production I Her father is planmng to return j former Crown Prince and years ago, the son of W. T. North­ producer in the country. In 1915 Karnofsky, a Waterbury printer, breathing is labored, you suffer pains,* pleaded guilty to a charge of con­ have’ been at a comparatively high | to ^ ^ ^ i Princess, Princess Adelbert, Prince heartburn, nausea — take Gasetts at ington. His father w^as organizer ■ he married Miss Kemper 'Welch.' level Dairymen were advised to | arnve. Lucy t ® ■ ^.ug^ust Wilhelm and the Duke and once 1 This new prescription contains and president of toe Continental spiracy to violate counterfeit laws level, uairym . _ , -(“ ate DuHhese of He»se, who arrived Sit- Northington is a graduate of the in the United States District Court cull their herds closely carica papaya, amazing tropical fruit Gin company of cotton 1 University' of Alabama more heifers to slaughter in order the eightt grade m j urday night (or t l - birthday (esM- extract, and other quick-acting m- ■ known today. He was fined $500 by Judge to avoid a continued Increase gestive, antacid ingredients. Ends Warren B. Burrows. i mied men supposed to be very ] val. took lunch and dinner yesterdn.'^ ^ dairy herds in 1931 and 1932. ^ s e ’ ” I ^ ‘th the former Kaiser. There were pains, distress in 1 minute—or costs Karnofsky was one of four alleg­ nothing 1 All druggists. STATE TEACHERS’ FUND ed conspirators who planned to ■ ' no other guests and it was quite a manufacture counterfeit currency family affair. W.AmNG MEXICO BREAKS OFF JAP ADMIRAL DEAD. SHOWS SPLENDID GROWTH in Waterbury. Assistant Uni tea States District Attorney George H. Toklo, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Death of Cohen, who represented the govern­ RUSSIAN RELATIONS RUKUS-WlLLUMITiS Admiral Baron Shigeto Dew’a, at Hartford, Jan. 27.— (AP)—Bonds ment in toe case, stated in present­ toe age of 75, was announced to- and securities of toe state teachers’ ing Karnofsky, that the accused retirement system had a par value was probably the least guilty of the C JUVENAL, LAMARTINE Moscow, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Fernan­ Admiral Dewa was commander of Miss Mary Aima Rukus, daughter of $5,901,000 at toe end of 1929, or four. His services as a printer were do Matti, Mexican charge d’Affaires a division of toe First Squadron dur­ This Noon - Try A Plate Of of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rukus of $17,159.37 more than the actual pur­ solicited by the others who had ar­ and two other members of toe Mexi­ ing the Russo-Japanese war, later Wapping and Charles Michael chase price, State Treasurer Samuel ranged to have plates made by an first landfall for aviators from either northern continent. can Legation staff here today p r e -was_____ Japanese^____ naval attache at Ber-1 Willumitis, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Spencer reported today to Insur­ engraver and turned over to Ka-'- pared to leave Soviet territory fol- Un and ga special envoy to the j Real Italian Spaghetti Willumitis, of Windsor, Aviators have said that Natal, ^ Michael ------. . , ance —* Commissioner------Howard P. Dun' nofsky for the printing of the bills. offers ideal conditions for landing lowing the recent rupture of rela- > 'Pn-nn-ma.Panama Pacific ExpositioExposition at San | were married this morning at Hoiy chairman of the retirement Plot Discovered. tions between Mexico and Russia. Francisco in 1915.^ He visited New You’ll Enjoy It! . Trinity church of Hartford by R ev., These bonds represent hold- either land or sea planes. Its field The plot was uncovered when a is the best in Brazil, and its bay, The important newspaper Izvestia York early in that year. Meat Balls with Spaghetti, 50c. John J. Ambot. Miss Helena Willu- j $4,688,000 for the annuity member of the group offered $200 to hinted this morning that Washing­ Roast Pork with Spaghetti, 45c. mitis, sister of the bridegrooni, of system and $1,213,000 eight miles square, is protected so Federal Secret Service agent whom well that seaplanes land without ton had prompted toe action of PUNCHED ON NOSE. Roast Veal with Spaghetti, 60c. All include Coffee. served as maid of honor, and Joseph teachers’ pension fund, he thought was a fellow conspira- Mexico City in requesting the Rus­ Rukus, brother of the bride was [ During 1929 the holdings of the any drawbacks of rough water or tory. Karnofsky is said not to have shallows. sian minister there to leave and in New York, Jan. 27.—(AP)— To­ Plain Spaghetti, 35c. Regular Spaghetti Dinner best man. .. annuity fund were increased by toe taken any active steps toward the withdrawing, Mexican diplomatic day’s Daily News said that Doro­ The bride’s dress was of white purchase of bonds which cost $568, All aviation lines along the At­ including Chicken, $1.00. completion of toe plans. • - lantic coast of the two hemi- agents from Moscow. thy Knapp, beauty who went on the | satin trimmed with maline, w th 854.86, while bonds were bought for | “Mexico like all other countries on stage after winning a contest at At- j veil to match. She carried white the pension fund at a cost of $162,- The alleged members of the cou”- snheres must pass Natal and three ------Orders Taken to Serve Special Spaghetti Dinners. terfeiting gang, William G. Ohlsen companies have already built hydro- | the American continenUs complete- lantic City, was nursing a toruised i .Phone i'our Reservation to 6548. roses and lilies of the valley. The I 558.25. The report shows that nose as the result of two punches at and Anthony Sciricca, Waterbuiy plane bases___ here. These are the ly subservient to the influence of toe bridesmaid’s dress was ot of paiepale I ^mong receipts of the annuity fund American State Department. the Beaux Arts costume ball Fri- green georgette and she carriea period were revenues from who pleaded nc*- guilty to the French Aeropostal, the American charge of counterfeiting last week Nyrba, and toe German Condor. Declaring that toe rupture will day niffht. She was a duchess and NEW YORK SPAGHETTI HOUSE pink roses. the secretary of toe board amqunt- hot in any way retard, development her assailant a knight. The blows Following toe ceremony there was ing to $677,894.89; a balance . from...... will be arraigned in the District But it is not in aviation alone 32 Oak Street — Upstairs. Court here Feb. 4. George Panda Iis! that Presidente Lamartine is inter- of toe Soviet Union in toe sphere of were delivered after an invitation to a wedding breakfast at the home oi i ^f $$6,037.15 and interest on in- its foreign relations, toe newspaper dance. Miss Knapp withheld the the bride. Relatives were i vestment of $201,014.55. The disposi- of New Haven, the other conspira­ ested. His other two hobbies are public instruction and women’s insists that the activities of a few man’s name. from Windsor, Harttora, ^''®'^|tion of these receipts, which were tor, pleaded guilty a week ago a.nd foreign Communists in front of Britain and Burnside. i §954^950.59 included bond pur- will also appear on February 4. suffrage. He has established schools The bride and groom Wall be gone $568,854.86; annuitants and throughout the state where none Mexican Legations abroad furnish about a week on their ’ | refunds of $285,052.73; accrued in­ existed before, and the state was | only a flimsy excuse for breaking off to New York, and^'^Jie at home^ 10 ^ $6,704.23 and a cash balance the first to give toe vote to women , relations that have existed since MOVIE J9PERAT0R 1924. their friends at the home of the of $104,344.77 in Brazil. bride’s parents in Wappmg where The receipts of the pension fund they will live after February 3. included a balance from 1928 of STOPS SHIP PANIC WORD FROM SOUTH POLE Mrs. Dorothy Donahue returned $46,949.19; receipts from the secre­ COVENTRY to her home here last Friday eve­ tary and state appropriation of ning from Schenectady, New York, $275,569.56; interest oh investments Buenos Aires, Jan. 27.— (AP) — and she left Monday morning for of $51,1$1.17, and deposits of Calmness of a Spaniard with a The Choral Club will meet Mon­ Boston, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Dr. J. L. Paterson, New Jersey. . , ^ i $214.62, a total of $373,834.54. Pay­ day evenings in the future instead Goodale, Back Bay physician, whose Miss Helen Frink, daughter of} small motion picture camera prob­ ments include $123,374.94 in war­ ably kept a budding panic aboard of Tuesdav evening at the home of son, Edw’ard, is a member of the Mr and Mrs. George A. Frink, has rants drawm by the secretary; $162,- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gowdy And Gould geological party with the been ill at ber home for the p ast, the sinking German steamer Monte 558.25 for bonds purchased; $1,- Cervantes, from developing last children attending school •wnll omy Byrd expedition in toe Antarctic, to­ week with a grip cold. | be charged ten cents while toe day announced receipt by mail from The annual community supper, j 782.14 in accrued interest and a cash Wednesday and aided abandoment balance of $76,119.21. of toe boat by its passengers and twenty-five cent fee •will remain the (Jeorge Morrow, Washingtonville, O., which was given "mnder the aus- ' radio amateur, of a message report­ pices of the Federated church last crew to proceed in an orderly man­ same for adults. Y The plaitforra at the Grange hall ing the party’arSafe arrival on Jan. Friday evening, proved to be a very FAVOR SPECIAL TESTS ner. has been fixed and toe curtain put 22 at Little America. enjoyable affair. A fine supper was , First accounts reaching here from up in readiness for toe play “Cy­ "Arrives safely this morning at served in toe main hall and after | Ushaia, Tierra Del Fuego said toe clone Sally,” which will be played toe supper toe tables were cleared, Little America. All well.” 'The mes­ FOR ’CHUTE JUMPERS ship’s 1100 passengers were fear- Friday Evening by the Masonic sage read. away and chairs set and the f^ o w ^ maddened within a few minutes af­ bodies of Suffeld. Hot dogs ^ d ing program was presenteij: (Chorus Dr. Goodale has received several ter it had run on to toe rocks in coffee •will be on sale between the radio messages from his son in the singing led by Fayette ^ San Antonio, Tex.— (AP)—Com- the Beagle Channel. Clouds ot acts and after the play. of Manchester, remarks by Frank, pj-ehensive physical and mental past six weeks but nothing to indi­ smoke arose from the engine room The 4-H Sunshine Scissor Club cate that his son or others felt any The Improved W. Congdon, a vocal solo by Mr. {.gg^-g hereafter may be required of ; ^here the "oil burners were over will meet Saturday at 1:30 at toe apprehension over the ice situation Vandewater, . accompanied by hm ^ho make practice Parachute state“of "the fear stricK- home of Marion and Laura Shaw. wife at the piano; remarks by R ev., jumps at army air fields here. tourists threatened to make fu- in Ross Sea. Harry B. Miner, instrumental m u-, g^^gt. Erwdn H. Nichols, para-' ®“ tourists threatened to make lu Miss Laura Kingsbury is spend­ ing a week’s vacation at her home Model 22 sic by Louis Maine of South Wind-; ^hute expert at Brooks field, has tile every attempt to save to-iir lives. following the final semester examin­ STOCKS sor on his musical saw. Mr. announced that special examina- ation at Connecticut Agricultural Schieldge, the magician, then enter-1 j^gy be given as the result Officers of toe ship itood between tained the older people as well as , deaths here when men failed them and toe boats and assured college. 4. them there was no immediate dan­ Miss Josephine Heckler, Miss Bet­ toe young children for an hour; an- | pgn the rip cord after “stepping ty Blackburn, Clifford Hill and New York ,Jan. 27.— (AP.)—The other solo by Mr. "Vandewater and, » ger. At that moment toe Spaniard, George Kingsbury sang two quartet most active forenoon trading ses­ also another selection by the musi-} such accidents. Sergeant Nichols Beldo Barco, calmly set up his port­ numbers on the air this evening ac­ sion of toe year saw stocks moving cal saw, and more commimity sing-1 believes, may tend to disprove able motion picture camera and be­ companied on the piano by Mrs. irtegularly today. Operations for 1 1C ing led by Mr. Clark. } theories long held by army para- gan filming the scene. Almost in Ernest Gowdy during the 4-H pro­ toe advance met with considerable The Pleasant 'Valley Club •will; chute men—that it is virtually im- an instant fear was cljanged to good gram coming through W. C. A. C. resistance in toe early deaUngs, but meet the first Friday in February, i possible for a person to fail to pull humor and loading of toe ship’s Storrs, Conn. Miss Cora Kingsbury toe entire list rallied briskly to­ the cord after leaving a plane. boats proceeded. gave a two minute talk on Our ward noon, when U. S. Steel cross­ “I had supervised toe jumping of Captain Theodore Dreyer later Local 4-H Fair Exhibit.” ed 180. OPENING STOCKS 1.051 men and never had a fatality went down •with his ship. On Feb. 8 at 7:30 any one wish­ Several high priced shares fluc­ III until the other day,” he said. “We ing to learn to play a musical in­ tuating widely. Auburn Auto turn­ E lectric W asher have concluded that even if a man strument is invited to meet at toe ing a loss of 3 1-2 points into a New York, Jan. 27.--(A P I—Mix­ were too dazed to know what he RUMANIAN PRINCESS chapel and make plans for organ­ gain of 2 while Western Union re­ it s here! fli famous Automatic Duo- ed price movements ushered in the was doing after jumping, he would izing an orchestra. Jack Crawford linquished an ad'vance of 4. U. b. new week on the New York Stock involuntarily pull the cord. It is of Manchester •will be present and Steel, New York Central, Mont­ Disc [.electric Wa.sher with two new and out­ Exchange today. placed over the heart, the most IS ENGAGED TO WED help plan and ad-vise as to the sel­ gomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, Air standing refinements. So silent in opera­ Montgomery-Ward, which pub­ natural place about a man’s body ection of the Instruments to be Reduction and U. S. Industrial Al­ lished a disappointing 1929 earnings for him to clutch, even if■ he is learned. cohol were tmder pressure at in­ tion you can hardly hear it run—due to its report over toe week-end, opened 1 i unconscious or frightened.” Bucharest, Rumania, Jan. 27.— tervals, but steel, together wdth new v'urm gear and cable drive. So beauti­ 1-4 points lower at 43 and quickly | Aviation medical experts hold (AP)—Official announcement of the American Can and Johns Manville, sagged to 42 1-2. U. S. Industrial that failure to pull the rip cord engagement of Princess Ileana, JUSTICE HOLMES ILL led the late forenoon rally. Allied ful and rich look’.ng in it? soft colors of Duo- Alcohol fell back nearly 2 points. may result from several causes. A daughter of Dowager Queen Marie, Chemical and’ Inland Steel rose 5, tone Suntan and Cveen Vitreous Enameled National Cash Register opened 1 jumper may lose consciousness be­ to Count Alexander of Hochberg, and Vanadium Steel and Eastman 1-8 points higher and Radio Keith- cause of his rapid descent, he may second son of toe Prince of Pless, is Washington, Jan. 27.—(AP)—Jus­ Kodak 4. , , = tub Orpheum, Standard Oil of New Jer­ faint from fright, or he may be expected next Saturday. tice Oliver Wendel Holmes Who will Call money renewed at 4 1-2 per sey, Westinghouse Electric and unable to find his rip cord after The approaching engagement was be 89 years old in March and ^who cent. American Smelting improved frac­ leaving the plane. ' celebrated at a family gathering at has been presiding over the Supreme tionally. U. S. Steel Common opened Predeal yesterday. Court during toe absence of Chief DR. HUTCHINS FUNERAL ONLY ?4.95 DOWN .^6.30 MONTHLY unchanged at 179. WATER MAIN BURSTS. (The newspaper Cubantul of Justice Taft, was detained at home Week-end trade reviews were New York, Jan. 27.— (AP)—An Bucharest last Saturday said that today on orders of his physician. Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 27 rather cheerful in character, al­ 18-inch steam main burst in Cliff toe only reason public announce­ The distinguished jurist attended Funeral services for Dr. Harry though they pointed out that the street, near Fulton street in lower ment of the engagement was being a conference held by the court Sat­ Burns Hutchins, president emeritus recovery in most lines was slow and Manhattan, today, tearing a hole held up was because both concerned urday but it was said today he had of the University of Michigan will consumer buying was still cautious ten feet in diameter on toe street were seeking a means by which toe developed a cold over Sunday and «e held here tomorrow afternoon. in character. Several of the leading and tossing cobble stones about like princess m i^ t retain he/" royal title. was staying indoors as a precau­ I..urial Wiu be in Forest Hills ceme­ brokerage houses stated that toe pebbles. Princess Ileana, who celebrated her tionary measure. tery here. Dr. Hutchins, who was 83, rapidity of toe advance in some 21st birthday this month, has been In the absence of both Chief Jus­ died Saturday fpllo-wing a stroke of Now A column of steam several hun­ issues last week increased toe pos­ reported engaged many times. 'The tice Taft and Justice Holmes, the apoplexy. $9950 dred feet into the air and windows sibility of p. technical reaction. Prince of Wales, Prince Humbert of court was presided over today by in nearby buildings were broken. A Italy and several other memljers of Mon tgopiery-Ward ran into a policeman standing fifty feet away _ Justice Van Devanter, next in DIES AGED 150 REMEIVIBER, it’sbackedby a 10 year service guarantee rather hea-vy volume of selling in royal families being among those seniority. the first hour, dropping more than was thrown to the ground and he mentioned7counTAtex7nde?. who” is After today’s session toe court has Bucharest, Ruinania, Jan. 27.- 3 points to 40 5-8, or just 2 points and two other policemen were show- 25, is the second son of toe head - of - arranged to recess until February (AP.)—A.-telegram from Macin, a ered -with dirt. Police reserves, an bond. Why not see it this week? Let us demonstrate it to you. above the record low for the present the House of Pless.) 24. town near Bralla on the* right bank stock. American Power & Light, emergency squad and an ambulance of the Danube, today announced Nash Motors, National Lead, air re­ were summoned, but no one was CRASH VICTIM DIES DECISION REVERSED the death at toe reported age of For only $99 50 Cash or slightly more for Easy Terms you secure this New Im­ duction and Norfolk & Western lost injured. West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 27. Boston, Jan. 27.—(AP) — The 150.of J o h ^ Geor^l, a peasant. proved Model 22 Automatic Duo-Disc Washer. a point or so. — (AP)—Ed. Butler, of Miami, one Massachusetts Supreme Court today Georgii left ona hundred direct .liv­ The main body of stocks continu­ LAWYERS FIGHT IN COURT of the five occupants of a plane held that a notary public is under ing descendants, and to toe l^t ed to press forward. Western Austin, Texas', Jan. 27.—(AP.)— which fell into Lake Worth one no compulsion, to ascertain the was in sound physical and mental Union quickly extended its advance County Attorney Roy Archer and week ago yesterday, killing three identity of a person appearing be­ condition, though greaUy enfeebled. ^ See the Only Washer With Duo-Disc. to 4 points. Beechnut Tacking mov­ Dayton Moses of Fort Worth, de­ men and hurting two, died in a fore him to acknowledge a discharge ed up 3 1-2, and toe American fense la'wyer in toe John W. Brady hospital here early today of injuries of a mortgage and he is not liable Tobacco issues and Atchison sold '2 murder trial, engaged in a fist fight received in toe crash. to suit for loss incurred by others rOUR CHILD’S to 3 points higher. in the court room today. Archer by reason of his failure to do so. prompt atton- Among the many stocks to show said he hit Moses after the lawyer PUBLISHER DIES. The full bench reversed a decision Children’* Mua- sariy gains of a point or more were had struck him. Paris, Jan. 27.— (AP)—Franc's of Judge Weed of the Superior tm le ap p li^ hotir for 5 hour* Fox Film, "Vanadium Steel, New­ Brady, a former state appellate Moutbon, director and general man­ Court and held that he erred in * h o ^ hrinc ralial.-AU diuggiat*. THE MANCHESTER ELECTRIC ton Steel, American Telephone, Gen­ court judge, is being tried for the ager of the newspaper Le Joumai, overruling a demurrer of the defen­ fatal stabbing of Miss Lehlia High- PHONE 5181 eral Electric, Dupont and Houston died suddenly today from a heatt dant in a suit brought by the New 773 MAIN STREET DH. smito, 28, a Capitol stenographer. [ England Bond and Mortgage Com­ ______„ , The jury wa: completed last attack while on a trip to Nice. He Foreign exchanges opened irregu- was one of toe most prominent pany against Leslie N. Brock, a M U S T E R O L t ar, with sterling cables off 3-32 of j week and the opening of testimony I Cambridge notary, for $8,000.' X- cent to $4.86 1-2. 1 was set for today. newspaper publishers in France. \

-A (. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.,MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1930. PAGE EIGHT ROLLING IN HEALTH \ Daily Health' Service OLIVE ROBERTS DARTO^I Hints On How To Keep Well © 1 9 3 0 m FICTION by World Kaiiied Autliorlty X- When we start something we like®end. He will make crude things NEASepvice Inc. i^y LAURA LOU BROOKMAN to finish it. ! or do certain thipgs with his toys. Nothing irritates us more tha” Now what happens if we are ffir- UNDULANT FEVER to be interrupted at a job and to ever interrupting him during these -CHANGING INTO A MORE have to jerk our attention away to little mental trips of discovery? VIRULENT MALADY something else. Something more serious than Theireason for such irritation is we realize, I think: namely^ we By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN not foerely temperamental; it' is are “interrupting an impulM, Editor Journal of the American I deeper seated. To withdraw our and that spells disaster for the Medical Association and of Hygela, ! attention from one thing and con- m ent^ process of thought con­ the Health Magazine centrate on another involves a real {dination and carrying through this physical process of the brain. A process to its natural end. In a survey of the increased in­ new set of nerves are set going This is the secret of concentra­ cidence of undulant fever, the con­ nywi the others come to a sudden tion and attention in later years. dition now quite definitely associ­ and unnatural stop. We often wonder why certain ated with contagious abortion in If the first process had been al­ older children- and adults have a cattle, the British ’ ministry of lowed to finish the task set, we power of concentration and appli­ health has become convinced that would have experienced what is cation lacking in others. I think the disease is actually increasing In known as a “satisfied impulse.” that if we could go back and look extent and that this is largely due When interruptions break in. into the history of their early to the spread of the disease among the brain goes through a sort of years we would find the answer, the cattle. shock called a “dissatisfied im- Prevent ^ Chaos *”in '®’“”***Youth Contagious abortion occurs in pulse.” Children who spend their early goats, cattle, sheep, swine, mules, Now adults, with their complet­ years in chaotic turmoil will prob­ horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea- ed mechanisms, can stand ' these ably never have a great degree of pigs, rats and mice, ajid cases have frequent shocks. We are more or concentration, the natural result been found even in chickens and less fool-proof. But with children, of repeated interruptions. ducks. It is apparently the disease it is different. The brain struc­ Of course, we can’t let them go as it occurs in cattle, however, ture has a peculiar way of develop­ without calling a halt if these which is primarily related to un­ ment and growth, and is more childish experiments are getting dulant fever in man. likely to suffer from meddling. them into mischief. We have to In cattle, the condition may not Youthful Experimenters do a certain amoimt of guiding, produce" symptoms sufficient to < /■ All little children learn from that’s sure. But I believe that affect the animal’s general health, tr^ng out things. We this when mothers know that little’ although it does prevent the nor­ “experiment.” A little child will children’s attempts to do things mal birth of the calf. idek up a toy, look it over, shake have a real meaning, they will be It is the general opinion that it, bite it, throw it down and pick interested in helping rather than cattle infect each other through it up again. He’s finding out all hindering the miracle called brain, eating food which has been con­ there is to know about the toy. to do its work. If the baby lisi s taminated by litter in the cow sheds ... ^ iSSSsiSK It seems meaningless to us, but out, ‘Tm tomin’ in a minute,” or by eating grass in the meadows never mind—it isn’t by any means. when we call him, isn’t It just pos­ contaminated by the products of His brain is putting out a little sible that we, or rather he, will»be the disease. The germs are also to graining something’ enormously im­ The position for the “body roll.” root of experiment. It Is doing be found in the of an infected its growing. portant if we can be patient “A ndy d S r T o i n e here to see me at aU father. He Comes here to see Jadith.»' cow. Sometimes' a cow, which is «•- As the child gets older, the na­ enough to wait that minute ? otherwise quite healthful, but which ture of his experiments takes more We live and learn. When Na­ I a ribbon of the same shade about has become infected with this dis- In rounding the 1930 curves, no definite form. He conceives more ture starts out to develop a brain BEGIN HERE TODAY ^ ^^“ \a d ^made^the'^s^c^^^^ her hair, adding to the demure ef-1 ease, will secrete mUk containing one can be successful who does logical impulses. He plans little she is at her “most wonderful!” Judith Cameron, typist in a New son ___ She needs little help a t this stage. York pubUshing house, marries broken vase the girl had put feet. When Andy was ushered into j the germs, not take weight off all over the plays, and if we let him alone he the living room Tony returned to j Apparently the human being be- body. For the ideal is the properly will carry them through to the Just let her alone! Arthur Knight, executive of the de- change in the house s furnishings the divan where she had been sit-1 comes infected not only through partment in which she works, out of her inind. ting- with her father and fondly drinking milk taken from a cow proportioned figure. VELVET COSTUMES Knight is a widower with a daugh- “It may take quite a lot of placed an arm about Arthur, which has had the disease of con- The majority of women thicken they are interested in working up in ter, Tonv, 18, in Paris, and a son, money,” she said hesitantly. WOMANS something that is definite and se­ Knight’s shoulders. tagpous abortion, but also from through the abdomen and thighs cure. They want to know exactly Skating in velvets is a. new Juifior, 16, at school. “Well, I guess I can manage that Judith came gaily into the room, j handling infected cattle alive or mode. A bottle green velvet suit A blissful honeymoon in Bermuda all right. We Therefore the majority of what their job is, and do nothing “All ready!” she exclaimed. “And i dead. Sometimes farmers send to more. They seem to have little in­ has coulette skirt, graceful fitted is interrupted by a cablegram that up m | Pressed'upln my best to arouse my , the slaughter house cows which reducing exercises stress weight DAY % jacket and tuck-in sweater blouse. Tony IS on her way to America. Tony . ] ipninn.sv! Do you think have become sterile as the result of reduction in these spots. terest in what goes on in labora­ tories. They want to look pretty, W to SgM 'brinS'hU E g te r ““Ihe set eagerly to work on tte y jf “ arl ^Scompkny me, young Hxu.c infection! isut,But, tolo get theLue properly propor- , Recently I talked with one of the and to keep clean. They do not want A man on his way to exedhtion man?” ' | It is the opinion of the celebrated l piqued fig^ire, perfect circulation is successful and outstanding to obscure themselves, or surroimd in Arabia is safe from punisWneflt Judith wore her gleaming broad- authority. Dr. Theobald Smith, that i needed, litheness and muscle con- . electrical business, themselves with a n unflattering tail wT-ap and a small black lace the existence of the disease in the i ^j-ol. Therefore certain exercises • f rn^ roianH if he can lay hsmds on the iltirts iSls Ju^th sh? must leave the exterior of the house was colonial backgrotmd.” of a woman. forces and she admired early American toque which was a new acquisition. I United States in recent times is due should be included that are good Mrs. E. C. Quinn, or i^ieveiana. house. Knight, overhearing, She looked very chic. j to the infection of cattle with a generally for reducing but of about women and jobs, and I foundShe did not quarrel with the Tony to apologize. furniture and fabrics. She wanted Craig rose smiling. 1 stain acquired originally from primary importance for their cir- ber deductions extremely mterest- feminine viewpoint. ' Her own The girl spends much of her time to blend old-time pieces with mod­ daughter, she said, had no me­ em things and give them an air of I would defy even such dangers,' cattle in the middle west and which culatory benefits, and the way they ia§'- with Mickey Mortimer, blase j become stronger in its ability to in- teach muscle control. She herself has just invented a chanical bent, nor no interest in a amusement-seeker whom she met in comfort. She wanted color and Madam.” factory or laboratory, except as it Paris. Junior arrives home for the M /htness, too, about the place ! ^ goodbys ! 'The ' * U affected her own mother. Mrs. To achieve this required many i judith assured her husband that through the pig. t-. v. holidays and treats Judith with cold, iln the second position it is the Quinn saw no reason why she conferences with professional dec- gheshe and Andy would be home be- Years ago the famoustamous Frenchrrenen roll, excellent for reduc- ^ V" ''““"I’ consid- aloof politeness. Christmas proves to fore he finished the reading which physician Dr. Charles Nicolle, said ^j^g diaphragm and the . tw f s oiSy S e should. She herself, she said, had be a dismal day with both chUdren orators. her gone into a factory to support her­ The old walnut furniture which ! 1,0he ttirnpHturned to almost everv every evening, evening that Mediterranean fever (malta & ^^^^gg ^j^g qf the erably, but this is omy one 01 n away from home and all Knight’s Then she and the young man went fever or undulant fever) is in the many achievements. self and her children, and. it so eager preparations wasted. stood in Judith’s owm room was to into the hall and out of the house, course of evolution and is tending happened that she liked the work, Judith is uncomfortable until the be stored in safe, dry quarters over and progressed in it. . v the garage. The room was to be The sound of the car disappearing to become chronic, The hours she has spent in her boy returns to school. A letter down the drive came to Knight and comes from AUNT HELENE, who done over completely with tones of ^ . “ mS“tbe“fV ol T'cou'Srot; ,a.i"r;tory-are-bar «oit had chaperoned Tony in Europe, blue ivory and raspberry predom- ! his daughter in the living room, Exquisitely Feminine — Smartly telling Knight of the girl’s affair mating Judith felt she was going , “Father.” said Tony softly, snug- Wearable; Smart Women Are .be back «, tbe tbigba. Do it .n jS' r to enmy that room very much. It | gling closer and resting her head on Including Many Blouses in ------prepared herself for another. She with Mortimer. Tony easily, per­ boot, keep- suades her father that her aunt has was the only one in the house in 1 his shoulder, “it’s awfully nice to Spring Wardrobe has worked long hours because she misjudged her. which modernistic furnishings would | have an evening alone with you— was so interested in something she .ANDY CRAIG, a young man grab hold of your left foot with her own lamp works which she could not quit, not because she Knight has helped through col­ ^^y r»"'sb, was satis-Tony, As thourh you wanted to appear industrious. her French boudoir and | co^dn't spend ^ your right hand and your right sold to the company. lege, calls on Tony. Craig is to foot with your left hand. has a laboratory and factory in be employed in the legal depart­ wanted no ' Sf ^uTallThS^S^^ou^g Sen!” ? Before^ beginning the roll ex- which she invents and manufac- SPRING BLOUSES ment of the publishing house. He ercise trv to flatten your knees tures radio accessones. has loved Tony for years—rather Kuicbt apobe in a vein of eaay, . A.___ __: ^ Tiinirir’s uuxel. mac*-yj- against the floor, when crossed, | Though she started in on the It is smart to have a separate hopelessly. Knight agrees to in- S enor^perin, ___ with Junior's eyes to her which is a test of the flexibility of j “white collar” side of the busi- blouse for every spring suit, f^ b - Vvite i l e craig Craig to10 dinner,uiujci, butuui beforearcac,... quarters,quarters. The me tasklauii. uj of. doing the cprimislv The wide eves „ ness, she quickly switched to the ioned of flat crepe printed m Ori­ that evening arrives Judith meets , j^^^gq q^qr, begun in J^!^?ry, vvas father s ^ T S d fn g your feet firmly in f^^^tory, and today she knows eve^ ental motif and finished in some him imexpectedly on the street. 1 ^qj. completed until early March. wistfulness. Then she shook her your hands, with your knees crossed, process in the ^ k in g of extraordinarily interesting hand­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY , Andy Craig’s first inwtation to bend forward and then rock back- ^ lights. Incidentally, too. dun^ work. V ^ CHAPTER XIX i dinner at the Knight home was “T5nf 1 wards never going so far that you this time she has studied law, Judith Knight hurried away from followed I b a " " y o u fall over backwards. Rock back and passed the bar LONG SLIPS her encounter with Andy Craig with forwards several times, never tip- come an expert accountant, and the uneasy knowledge that she was man's praise continually ^and f j ““ “g™ up soft lingers and over sidewavs either. 1 she has studied engineering so Spring slips will be longer and Gargling even once can ease that late and would have to make ex­ dith stated op^l^that g she ^ 4. Then“■ try' a rotary motion,' that she has a coUege degree in often with irregpilar henfiine. The sore throat, if the gargle is a quarter- cuses. It had annoyed her to be enjoyed his company, lony was tne ..■Njnr^prise' You know you’d the right side, then the subject—and she has given wrap- glass of water in which you have dis­ one who could not be counted upon- Nonsense- rocking to H care auu fitted princcss slips witfi caught like a truant school girl. backwards. then to the left sid e ,, her advantage. ; .around skirt portion are chic. solved two tablets of Bayer Aspirin. At least Judith told herself that and then forward, rocking in a : provided her ^ th every It's tchat you gargle that counts. was what annoyed her. How fool- in high -good humor. , , , ToSy Yon know there's something circle. No Women Successor^ i ^Braril ^ Produc^ about two- Doctors are always advising this sen­ ish she must have looked! Mrs. own buff - colored roadster in particular I wanted to talk to Do not do this exercise until you sible and effective treatment. They Arthur Knight, the wife of the Andy Craig beside her for hours on I asked her if she had any prom- thirds of the worlds supply of cot know it is resultful. And many women you about tonight. I don’t like the on in her fee. eminent publisher, scurrying dowm the golf course of s excmsi way you’re mistreating young Andy SIS' Butllaibg women coming whose sensitive throats once gave them a back street in short skirt and I club. There were evenings v hm she Craig!” a few minutes of this rocking' plant who much trouble every Winter now _find thick jersey, carrying skates. There | remained at home, sweetly “Mistreating him? How?” does much to aid litheness and in-; her , a quick relief in gargling Bayer Aspirin. probably w^as a smudge on her nose, j listening to radio music and conver- “Well, he comes over here to see Repeat the treatment for deep-seat^ A pretty picture to meet one of her sations. between Andy, her fathe inflii.TTiTTiat.ion like tonsilitis. Bayer is you night after night when you go velops poise and g . ployed were only stenographers huEdVemployes! 1 and Judith. There were other times off on other engagements or make the one thing that reduces the in­ Sobered, and with the sparkling, when the young man telephoned or and office workers — fine girls, fection. , stopped at the house when Tony fun of everything he says. Andy’s hand-picked—and she knew each enthusiasm which came from exer­ a fine.boy, I want to tell you. Any SHIKTW.YIST FROCK You’ll find many other uses for tms cise dimmed, Judith went up the mocked him, turned her back on one well, but she found none universal antidote for pain; nothing him, and scoffed at his ideas of en­ girl he pays attention to can con­ among this group who seemed to relieves a headache quicker; or pains steps and into the house. sider herself lucky. You ought not The old-fashioned shirtwaist “Oh, Ju d ith ? ” tertainment. suit has its counterpart in the care to work in the laboratories. FOR, QUICK, from neuralgia, neuritis, lum^go and Judith wanted to box the girl s to treat him the way you do, Tony!” “I find,” ^ e said, “that the girls the like. Bayer is the genuine. As­ “Yes—yes, Arthur!” The girl hung her head. shirtwaist frock. One of candy HARMLESS She heard him coming toward ears more than once for such stripes on off-white has a satin of today do not have an experiment­ pirin is thq trade mark of Bayer man­ For some time there was silence 271 al attitude toward their careers; ufacture of monoaceticacidester of the hall from his study. S.H tiles* ^ between .them. Then Tony looked sheen to it. C M U m O y fy 'R “Why, my dear, where’ve you In spite of this abuse Craig con­ inOSSTmiOltfiMiRHEAJEVEnS^^ salicylicacid. tinued to be found frequently at up slyly, looked away and then back been? I looked all over the place at her father. By ANNETTE for you.” the Knight home. It was not at all This one is a beauty and.is equal­ unusual for him to drop in about “I didn’t want to tell you,” she Smiling shyly, she held up the said in a strained voice. “I wasn’t ly suitable for miss or matron. skates. eight o’clock of an evening to chat going to—but maybe you’d better The jabot at either side of front “Down the street—playing with with Tony or, if she were absent, that reaches from neckline to to stay for three-handed bridge know. Andy doesn’t come here to the children!” see me at all, father. He comes to grouped shirring below normal Triple Action ends coughs “But, Judith! Isn’t this just a with Arthur and Judith. see Judith.” waistline, gives it a charmingly slim little—er—unconventional ? ” There was never a young man effect. I She agreed, nodding like a more persistent in his courtship, (To Be Continued) The shoulders repeat the shirring. naughty child. Judith Knight assured herself. The long sleeves also have a cuff . “I know, Arthur, but I was so effect of shirring. | lonely—” Then came the night in early Feb­ The courtier used this grouped j A rthur K night looked down on ruary when Andy broached the sub­ shirring idea to make it exquisitely | his young wife for a moment, ject of the dog show. It was the feminine for dressy wear. | studying the depths of her blue classic event of its kind for the year. It is eggshell crepe satin that har­ eyes. Then he raised her head, Would Tony like to go? monizes with most any color t * , J Soft Waters, Pure Soaps holding her chin in his two hands, “A dog show!” wailed Tony. scheme. and kissed her lips tenderly. “What on earth makes you think Style No. 271 is a lovely type for V “I don’t want you to be lonely, I’d like to see a thousand howling chiffon. It is designed in sizes 16, Home school And Science Judith,” he said. “We must do hounds all cooped up in little 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches something about that.” pens?” ■ “Protestants should demand toler­ bust. Are v.hree reasons why Gordon Instantly she was regretful. Ar­ “Oh, but they’re such beauties!” ance for Catholics and Catholics for Flat silk crepe in eggshell, ab­ COUl thur Knight had done everything in put in Judith. “I should think Protestants, while both Protestants sinthe, or Paquin red expresses the with a bad Services, under the personal su­ the world for her and here she was you’d enjoy it immensely, Tony. and Catholics should battle for the Spring mode beautifully. complaining! I would.” rights of the Jews.” Georgette crepe, sheer linen, dot­ pervision of Mr. Buckler are far "Oh, it was a silly thing to do!” “You can go see them then, —Senator Hawes of Missouri. ted Swiss, canton crepe, and novelty she told him. “I didn’t mean to be sulked Tony. “I won’t.” * * « Rayon printed crepes are smartly — Back in school the next day more satisfactory and helpful so late. I meant to get here before “Why not, Mrs. Knight?” Craig “Our purpose Is to build in this appropriate. you did. But, anyhow, I couldn’t asked. “I’ve got the tickets here. nation a human society, not an ec­ Pattern price 15 cents in stamps "Will I ever forget the fright I had when Jane came home than the average, modem effi­ have gone skating on the children’s Really would you like to go?” onomic system.”—Herbert Hoover. or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap • * * from school coughing, coughing—one cough right after cient laundry. pond. I won’t do it any more, Ar­ Judith hesitated and Arthur coin carefully. 1 the other. I put her to bed immediately and gave her a thur. People will begin to think Knight answered for her. “To keep young increase your ac­ . We suggest that when you send: teaspoonful of Smith Brothers Cough Syrup every hour, you’ve got a very funny wife. And “Of course she’ll go. That’s a tivities.”—Dr. Harvey W. Wiley. . for pattern you enclose 10 cents ; Clothes are carefully cleansed there are lots and lots of other splendid idea. Judith, it will be * * * additional for a copy of our new | "That night my little Jane slept peacefully. In the morning things for me to amuse myself. good for you to spend an evening , “Every man to his own taste, but Spring Fashion Magazine, just off j she smiled again—well as ever. I will be grateful all my and rinsed. -The operations are Gracious—^why Xve got everything in town. Tony’ll stay with me I’ve never gotten around to reading the Press. 1 life to Smith Brothers Cough SjrrupMrs. A Robeson. gen tie, no wear and tear, result­ here, won’t you. Pet?’ Shakespeare.”—Jack Dempsey. Smith Brothers Triple/Action Cough Syrup works so In the world!” * * She shot him a quick, sparkling Tony glanced at her father from Manchester Herald efSciently because 1. It soothes. 2. Is mildly laxa­ ing in beautiful laundering at a smile, then turned and ran up the under lowered brows. “The peril of the church today is tive. 3. Clears air passages. Children like the flavor. stairs to dress. “I’d rather,” she said testily, not change, but changelessness.” Pattern Service cost that is for the superb quality "than hang around a dirty old dog —Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. 371 « • * Sfadm by the makerB o f of the service- surprisingly lo Wlien they were at the table a show!” As els' patterns are mailed Smith Brothert’ Cough Dropt little later Arthur brought up the Evidently arrangements for next “There are an increasing number from New York City please lUlow FamouB tince 1847. subject of redecorating the house. evening did not please the girl of divorcees, women who choose a five days. “I thought you were going to fix much. career instead of marriage. These Price 15 Cents T elephone are the ‘leftover ladies’ and their this place up a bit, Judith,” he re­ She seemed entirely to have re­ 3 7 5 3 ROY E. BUC: minded her. “Hadn’t you better be covered from her pettish humor, grirndmothers had more actual free­ Name ...... Propneto- getting that job started? You’ll however, when Andy Craig called dom than they enjoy.” SMITH BROTHERS find it takes the workmen long the following evening. Tony wel- —^Ursula Parrott. (Mentor.) Size ...... pnough. once they get a house tom domed Andy at the door. She was Triple Action Gordon L u i: up. Why don’t you go In town to­ playing the role of the dutiful Address ...... morrow and look over some truck daughter and pla^ng it perfectly. Ordinary air contains about 21 Harriaon Street, South Manc.u— per cent, oxygen and 78 per cent, • • • s • I > • • • • S • COUCH SYRUP to decide what you w ant?” Tony wore a simple yellow din­ Send your order to tiie “Pat­ Judith knew he was thinking ner dress. Its plainness spoke of nitrogen, the remaining one per . -• - ■—.**- ... — ' cent comprising argon, neon, heli­ tern J>ept., Manchester Evening that redecorating their home would expensive designing but not to tbe Herald* So. Manoheeter, Conn.” ^ve her something to occupy the imtutored male ejres. She had bound um, carbon dio^de, and other gaaes. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 19H0. TAFFYSKEEPUP Joe McCiuskey Is Sixth High School Swimmers WINNING STREAK Are Defeated, 37-34 In Mile Run At Boston ‘ UOVJjf vl)APTLU\ IN m LEAGUE op/ “MAMA” LUMPKIN Crosby High of Waterbary Top Ramblers 45 to 34 andl Ray Conger Beats Out Gus r Ehes Oat Close Winner \ Warriors Nose Out Origi­ Moore by Last Lap Spurf; Over Local Aqnatic Stars nal Taffys 36 to 33. Chapman Surprises Ed­ m At Rec. I ViUiam BraucKer Although furnished with stiff op­ wards. Manchester High’s aquatic adven­ position, the victorious Taffys The President of Harvard And turers dropped a three-point deci­ “marched through Georgia” again Joe McCiuskey, former Manches­ ^‘Spectacular Football” ^40P^C8 O F sion to Crosby High’s mermen from Saturday night at the School streeU ter High track sensation now en­ President A. Lav^rence Lowell of OF Waterbury in the ftec pool here Sat­ rolled at Fordham, finished sixth in Harvard decries the overemphasis OnI BE^^FiESTPREPteAW^ Rec gyni to take the Ramblers in-, urday afternoon. The points stood the Knights of Columbus invitation of the spectacular in college foot­ — UMF 182. LBS. to camp b y a score of 45 to 34. The mile run at Boston’s new Garden. ball. America is obsessed with the '• 181 LBS. winners rolled up a comfortable lead 37 34 and they just about tell the Roman idea of sports as a spectacle . ^ SPOKTS El story of the nip and tuck battle Ray Conger, niinois A. C. mile To NORMikVi S. lOggRY, CftPS POST- the first half and were never* in real instead of holding to the Greek which took place. star, finished five yards ahead of| danger of defeat Yet the Ramblers principle of athletics as pleasure in Manchester’s’dreadnaughts show­ Gus Moore of Brookl;^ Harriers’ A. proved worthy opponents. The Taf­ ed a marked improvement over A. after trailing until the last lap. itself, says Dr. Lowell. fys, however, are the cream of the “ From time to time,” says Dr. His time was 4 minutes. 22 seconds ItsS id 5 ^ 6 $ ^ Rec Junioi> League and seem to be their initial start the previous weei: which is some eight or ten seconds Lowell, “it is worth while to ask in a fair way of winning the pen­ when Bridgeport Central defeated ourselves what is the object for . Were young Danny Cupid a foot- faster than any record McCiuskey nant without a single reverse. Al­ them by a comfortable margin. Sat­ LE/w\rr Itall player, one might say that he has ever made. which we are striving.” phonse Boggini and Aitken were the urday, however, the result was in Bob Dalrymple of the Boston A. We have always thought the ob- sjtopped “Father” Lumpkin in liis doubt until the last event was con­ I r /VFBC biggest point scorers. A. while not a serious contender at | jgct was to beat Yale, but Dr. /' tteacks. The former Georgia Teen cluded. The other contest resulted in the any time, finished third with N. P. | Lowell’s words send us off on a new U)RFSruM& / ^llback became acquainted with Waterbury gained its slender ad­ Hallowell of Harvard fourth, F ran-; tack. The idea, as he holds is that Warriors nosing out the Original CHAMF/OM Miss Edith Dopps, 21, above, at vantage in obtaining the most sec­ cis Lindsay of Maine fifth and Me-1 athletics should give healthful pleas- J Taffys by the narrow margin of 36 i^rtsmouth, O., where his services to 33. It was a very even affair wdth onds. The firsts were pretty even. Cluskey of Fordham sixth. Jo§ 1 yre to all. Let all the students in on 1 tost fall were in demand on the the winners caging one more basket Crosby took four, Manchester three Hickey of New York wa^ seventh, j the football games. Instead of sit- i 1 Portsmouth Spartans professional The feature of the meet was the i ting in the stands, let them play. ' from the field and foul line. John­ and they deadlocked the 60 yard son’s loss' on personals didn’t help fieven. They were married recent- freestyle. Davis and Joslln tooK triumph of Russell Chapman of ^ ^his brings up the question of who ;|y at midnight. Sure, they eloped. Bates over the highly touted Phil j jg to sit in the stands and what for. {OS’ the loser’s chances. In the other firsts for Manchester and Cowlej Edwards, N. Y. U. negro star in the 1 yqu can’t bring back the alumni to game, fouls were -waived as is j tied Mahoney in the 60 yard race. final of the Bishop Cheverus 1,000 | ^ ^ c h the students out there hav- shown in the summary. Reid and | Next Saturday afternoon, unless yard event which Chapman won in 2 ; uttig hsalthfful pleasure Reardon were the big guns. Wednes­ the Naval Parley at London strips minutes, 16 3-5 seconds. A terrific | among themselves, day night the rhantoms meet the Manchester of its armaments, the spurt on the last lay brought vie- ; Taffys at 8 o’clock and the Original Local Sport local swimmers will journey to New tory and fame to the Bates man. Shades Of Uaugton Taffys oppose the Ramblers at 9 Haven to meet Roxbury Prep in the Edwards had been in what appeared i Harvard is a strange place from o’clock. Yale pool. Original Taffys (S3) to be a safe lead and was caught | which to send forth this protest Chatter 40 yard free style—Won by Good­ P. B. F. napping. r;o to speak. . i a against over-emphasis of the spec­ r j ing, Waterbury; second, Kicking, Stanislaw Patkiewicz, of Poland, 0 Metcalf, r f ...... 2 0-0 tacular. Harvard’s stadium was the The weekly sport calendar for Manchester; third, Weiman, Man­ Europe’s outstanding contribution to first great footbal' arena, and 3 Reardon, I f ...... 5 0-1 chester. ’Time 22 1-5 seconds. 1 Tomm, c ...... 3 2-4 Jtlanchester fans opens tonight wit.’i the track world, won the two mile others copied it. In the cement 100 yard free style—Won by in 9:39 2-5 which is considered slow 0 Dziadus, rg ...... 0 0-0 the usual session of bowling horseshoe near the Charles river, T j matches in the Herald League, 'rhe Davis, Mainchester; second, Hart, time. the great Percy Haughton perched 4 Johnson, rg ...... 1 5-7 Waterbury; third, Carr Waterbury. 2 Happeny, I f ...... 2 0-1 ^ ' flaature attraction will be the clasu as a god, on the top of a stand Time, one minute 9-10 seconds. THIS M»AM 1/ FLA. 49 tween the Night *ilawks and the which might have been his throne. 220 yard free style—Won by Jos- GOLF’S REAL WINTER 10 13 .T-13 33 Afiijors. The former team heads the There sat Haughton with field Warriors (86) lin, Manchester; second, MuUip;an, glasses and a megaphone in the standing by one point with the P. B. M ajors hot on their heels. This Waterbury; third, LaJly, Water­ golden age of Crimson football. bury. 'Time, two minutes 59 sec­ LEADER IS H. SMITH 2 Raddirlg, rf ...... 2 rasitch will be at the Charter Oak Before Haughton, football was onds. brute strength and brawn. The game SPENCER IS HERO 2 Anderson, I f ...... 1 a Keys where the Charter Oaks will EVANS DISCUSSES FREAKIEST 2 Healey, c ...... 4 meet the Herald team. A t Gamha 100 yard back stroke—Won by New York, Jan. 27— (A P )—Gene had not dreamed of the spectacular KraJeauskas, Waterbury; second, Sarazen, stocky New Yorker rnay in the scope that Percy Haughton 1 -Welles, rg ...... 2 Ea-others’ the British Americans and 2 Reid, Ig ...... 5 Shell Gas meet on alleys 2 and 3 Lithwinski, Manchester; third, Mon- have won the most money but the was to enact it. He brought cun­ AS WAPPING WINS agan, Waterbury. Time, one minute real leader of the winter golfing ning to the game. They called him BASEBALL GAME HE EVER SAW ■\-jiiile the West Sides and Pirates troupe is young Horton Smith of 14 8-14 36 clash oh 4 and 5. Over at Conran’s 21 3-5 seconds. the Father of Football Psychology. ■Referee— 60 yard free style— Cowles, Man­ He gave the game new strategy that Score at half—15-15. rilleys the Centers and Construction Joplin, Mo. . . . -V, chester, and Mahoney, Waterbury, Thanks to his victory in the rich blossomed forth into a whole gob of FIRES BROADSIDE Tierney. ,^ngle. Aqua Caliene open, Sarazen forrner spectacular plays. And at that time tied for first; third, Weiman, Man­ And That Was Jim Bagby’ s Stocky H. S. Gridiron War chester. Time, 36 seconds. open titleholder has enjoyed the it was spectacular plays that Har­ Ramblers (34) Speaking about bowling, a capac- Di-ving—Won by Breen, Water­ most profitable winter of all ris vard wanted: it took spectacular P. B. i By nouse seems certain to be on bury; second, Lithwinski, Meinchda- golfing brethem with cash prizes plays to beat Yale. World Series Victory rior Hoops 7 Baskets; 4 Falkoski, r f ...... 4 hfend Wednesday night when Mike close to $11,500. 4 Aitken, If ...... 7 ieggini of Hartford comes here lo ter; third, De Leon, Waterbury. ■ In the eight major winter tourna­ 1 Jolly, c ...... 1 Relay—Won by Manchester; Spectacular? Oh, Very! -ttifeet Art Berthold of Rockville in ments in which Smith has played Over Robins In 1920. Beats Glastonbury 26-24. 1 Carlson, r g ...... 2 Kicking, Davis, Lithwinski and It was Haughton who developed j ,Uie final half of the 20 game matcli the Joplin professional has won 0 -Vennart, Ig ...... 1 Cowles. Time, one minute 27 3-5 sec­ scouting to its full possibilities. He j rk Joe Farr’s Charter Oak alleys, three, pla*ed second oiice and tied onds. brought to the game specialists. He I -With Roger Spencer, former lloggini is leading 108 pins. He set for second twice. And in compiling By BILLY EVANS 10 15 4-12 34 100 yard breast stroke— Won by has would send in a line plunger, pull High school football star, leading tile world’s record of 717 in the fir.st this imposing record Smith The freakiest pitched ball game I Taffys (45) Wallen, Waterbury; second, Per- out the plunger for a drop-kicker the way, Wapping Y. M. C. A.’s ■ liv e games against Berthold in earned nearly $9,500 can recall among more than 3000 snappy basketball contingent pluck­ P. B. drian, Waterbury; third, Treat, A]S^n^“ othe7’7arnings approxi- and then remove the educated toe 5 A. Boggini, r f ...... 7 Hartford last week. . , 7“ ™,,.. New York, for a man wh(. could punt far and games in which I officiated as an ed another -victim Saturday night Manchester. mated is Billy Burke American League umpire goes back 0 Oppizi, If ...... 4 ' often. He used every ounce of skill, in the old church hall at Wapping, ■ But to get along -with the sport $1,850. to the world series of 1920 between squeezing out a two-point winner 0 V. Boggini, c ...... 3- energy and strength in the right calendar for the week . . . tomor- place and at the right time. Pacing Cleceland and Brooklyn. Jim Bagby over the strohg Memorial Five of 1 Gavello, r g ...... 3 \ p w afternoon the local high school FOUR-TIME GOLF up and down the sidelines, he smok­ was the pitcher in that game and I Glastonbury. The score was 26 to 2 Accomozzo, Ig .... 2 never could quite make up my mind iockey team will journey to West The Nut Cracker ed cigaret after cigaret, concen­ as to whether Jim should have felt 24. 8 19 7-16 45 trating on every flicker of football Spencer’s efforts netted Wapping ijartford for a clash with the se<- CHAMP NOW PLAYS proud or ashamed of that perform- Score at half— 23-16, Taffys. tpt representing that institution and Bill Roper will retire after 1930 i life on the field out there before seven field goals and a foul. Phil cLHC6. Welles, star center, accounted for Referee—Tierney. ■ n the evening the Rec. Five will try as Princeton coach, and A1 Wittmer him. It is no wonder he died at 49. It was in 1920, you will remem­ ONLY ON WEEK-ENDS will take the job. That spells the He called Yale a “ big bluff” when eight points leaving only one for tonclusions -with the snappy St. ber, that Bagby won 31 games for the other five players. Stephens "^ ’chels of Nei^ Haven at the Rec end of that annual headline, “Roper he went to Harvard in 1908. Foot- Cleveland. That is a lot of games Castigates Tiger Squad.” | ball at Cambridge was in the dol- and Webster were the stars for ?rm . ______By BRIAN BELL on the -winning side of the ledger Glastonbury. Wapping has lost only ____ _ j drums then. Haughton lifted it out, and any pitcher who accomplishe.^ WAITE IS BACK Roper says football has been j called Yale’s bluff and beat Eli ■with three games this season and is Wednesday afternoon will find New York, Jan. 27.— (A P )—Golf the feat must be blessed with more rapidly compiling a truly splendid die Trade school playing basketba. given too much publicity. You’ll ! a plunger, a drop-kicker and a than average luck. Bagby surely is such a jealous mistress that one have to agree it would have been | punter. Another year he built a line season’s record. )wn in Middletown against Middle- cannot think of bales of cotton and had it that year. Tf he blanked the Prof. Ralph Aigler, above, IN HOCKEY LEAGUE nice if the papers hadn’t even print-1 for Brickley that never once let an Wapping Y. M. C. A. (26) >wn Trade and in the evening the/e bushels of grain and score birdies opposition, the Indians would some­ B. F. T. ed the scores of the Princeton enemy sift through. Another year, how manage to get one or more chairman of the Athletic Board of auiill be the usual pair of Rec Juniorand eagles. Jerome D. Travers Spencer, If ...... T ^ games last season. with Brickley out of the game, he runs. If the opposition found Jim Control of the University of Michi­ tried it and found it could not took Eddie Mahan, Mai Logan, Bibo j Rose, rf ...... 0 1 ^ Boston, Jan. 2 7 - (AP) -" D e a - ’‘ ''“ S'*' done. for eight runs, the Indians would gan, was author of the 31-page re­ Brandenburg, rf ...... 0 0 u Art Shires confessed to the Michi Bradley and Hug Francke and made find ways and means to get him con” Waite, centerman for the Bos- Nothing is on the books for As Jerry Travers he won the gan commission that he was not a of the four a hard running attack. port on athletic conditions at Michi­ Welles, c ...... 3 2 8 ton Tigers, today was back on top j so far as is known but amateur golf championship of the nine or more. of the Canadian-American Hockey fighter. And we won’t argue all "" Spectacular? Yes indeed it was gan which charged Carnegie Hriday afternoon the locat Irade U. S. for the fourth time in 1913 Bagby’s good luck continued with league scoring list as a result of the winter over that. .spectacular—and it beat Yale, 36 to him in the 1920 world series, though •*-ill entertain Torrington Trade at and it was 15 years before the bril­ Foundation investigators with Murphy, r g ...... 6 u u three assists he made in Saturday’s liant Bobby Jones came along tc 0. for a time it seemed as if Dame For­ “muck-raking” in their categorial tlie Rec and in thi evening the local January is the month when you All of which just makes us think game -with the Springfield Indians. equal this record of four amateur tune intended to slip him nothing condemnation of Michigan and other j 26 &e has been credt^edTvith 12 have to dodge the people who gave that Harvard is an odd place from but frov/ns. Selected to pitch the with Windham of Willimantic on the crowns. which to call attention to the fact institutions for subsidizing and ^ Glastonbury and 20 assists for a total of 32* Travers last golf triumph was you those neckties. i second game of the series Bagby points, three more than that of his gjime floor. that football is becoming too | y^^g^g pitted against Burleigh Grimes. proselyting high school athletes ■ the greatest of all, the open in 1915, Eddie Meade denies that Dan j “spectacular.” Prof. Aigler is on the law school Scott, If ...... I closest rival. Art Chapman of the a notable achievement when it is ' He held Brooklyn to six hits and St. John, rf ...... 1 Providence Club, who -has held the Saturday afternoon finds the Daly alias Jim Gerry took a dive | three runs in seven innings but in faculty and is nationaly recognized considered that only thjee other as an authority on property law. Webster, c ...... 3 ® i lead several times this season. Manchester High s-wimming team amateurs have won the open in its for Art Shires. We think Eddie' the meantime Cleveland bats, that down at the Yale pool in New must be wrong. Daly-Gerry took a Hughes, C ...... 0 ? I “Yank” Boyd, Boston Winger, 35 years of competition. Travers AMERICAN LEAGUE usually spoke loudly -with Bagby Haven matching its skill with Rox- dive, we believe, but anything they Every one of the 22,000 ox Hills, Ig ...... ^ n continued third on the list with 26 stands with Ouimet, , Evans and ^ working, had been silent under the Stephens, rg ...... ^ jhury Prep hi a dual meet. paid him for it was so much velvet. mastery of Grimes’ deceptive spit- carts in El Salvador must have 'points and Johnny Gagnon of Pro­ Jones. RAIDS THE MINORS; “traffic permits” to travel the vidence, who has a total of 24 y The former champ is only 43 ball. Bagby was beaten, 3-0. 9 6 24 And there you have, ladies and years old, but his tournament golf If the boys want to see the nat­ It was Bagby’s turn to start the roads. These are in the form of points, jumped from fifth place to Halftime score: 15-14, Wapping. fourth during the week. Gizzy is 15 years behind him. Nowadays ural swan dive in its highest state fifth game. The series at that time, little license “tags” attached to gentleman, a brief resume of the MANY ARE SIGNED Referee: t::onnell. Hart, his team-mate, followed with he plays only week-ends in formal of perfection, why don’t they match | was all even. Probably never in the cajit. Sporting program for the week in Art the Great with some British ^ 23 points. Manchester. And while there are no club competition with a handicap the history of a world series game of five strokes, in contrast to the hea-vyweight ? Frank Peters of the Philadelphia iSuper-attractions, nearly the whole BY PAUL mCKELSON was a winning pitcher batted as I M E R ’ S scratch rating of the day before (Associated Press Sports W’riter) savagely as was Bagby that after­ A N O L D Arrows, finished another week lead­ schedule is worth -viewing. 3IUNTC1PAL BE.AUTY CLINICS ing the league’s penalty carriers yesterday. noon. It seemed as if evCry Brook­ Instead of the birdies and eagles-, Chicago— (AP)—Months of raid­ lyn batter to face him hit the ball with 38 minors and two majors. George Himes of New Haven, con­ his attention is daily concentrated New York, Jan. 27— (AP) ing in the baseball ivory marts has on the nose. The Dodgers made 13 A municipal beauty clinic to assist tinued second -with 34 minors but Week End Sports on the terms of the cotton and pro­ brought forth a promising crop of hits, yet could score only one rim. duce market and he has not even persons handicapped in getting jobs Cleveland won the ball game, 8-1, Gqorge Nichols of Philadelphia was 'k 83 recruits to the American League. directly below him oh the list with seen a number of the first ranking is proposed by J. G. William Greer, Pitchers, ’ mostly right handers, even though it made one hit less Salisbury, Conn.-—Strand Mikkel- 33 minors. golfers of today. commissioner of hospitals. He be­ top the recruits, half of whom -will than Brooklyn. lison, with jump of 148'feet wins first lT^place1opp in United States amateur ski “No I do not play golf now, that lieves that the best facilities for be having their first chance at the As a matter’of fact, Bagby should is serious golf*, he said. “'Week­ correction of birthmarks, warts, “big time.” have been credited -with a shutout. T I M MC G R AT H association jump. ends In the summer I go out to Up­ cauliflower ears and the like should Of the 34 hurlers picked up, 27 Brooklyn scored a run in the ninth Albany— Jack Shea, Lake Placid, per Montclair, N. J., and have a good MANCHESTER DEFEATED wins mens eastern speed skating be at the disposal of persons of are right handed. when a ground ball that “ Doc” time and sometimes a good round. moderate means, who should not be Inflelders were second, with 26, Johnston should have handled, re­ Terry McGovern’s Temper Won Fights Por Him, championship. Occasionally I have a real score but at the mercy of quacks. Dr. Greef while there were 17 outfielders and tiring the side, was credited as a hit IN THREE ‘OVERTIMES’ Hickman, Ky.— Pongo Joe Cantil- the tip off on my golf now is that has assigned a member of his staff six catchers. and resulted in a run. I am told But Finally Cost Him Title lon, famed baseball man, reported i I am apt to vary ten strokes in two to determine which is the best hos­ That the American League has Jim took “Doc” to task in the club­ ‘^TTTPRTRT T? TF'RRY” McGOVERN h£id many attributes to make dying of stroke. successive rounds. I think I have pital for such a clinic. reason to be hopeful of another Lou house after the game, while the rest him a S S S e r oJe oT the reasons for his sensational career was Boston—Petkiewicz makes Ameri- ' a metropolitan handicap of five now of the club roared -with laughter. Manchester was defeated 2 to 1 can debut with victory in two mile Gehrig or Frank Frisch from the S " t e 4 e r S S S s S e temper Anally coat hie 1 and I think can still break 80, but PAINTINGS RECOVERED It seemed as if the bases were by New Britain in the initial hockey run at Prout Memorial games; Phil college campuses is indicated by the TTicrhtinP- tprrmpr is a great thing, if properly directed. Some man­ game of the season at Center I would have no chance now in a 22 collegians among the new comers. loaded with Brooklyn players all af­ agers prefef fighters -with that temperament. But Terry, from the tune Edwards loses to Russell Chapman, tournament. New York, Jan. 27 — (AP) — ternoon, but something would in­ Springs Pond Saturday afternoon. Bates College in one thousand Cleveland was the leading raider, hf entered [hiring u^Jl^he was led out-often cursing at the crowds If Tlie newly organized local town* "There is one extra ordinary Stolen from the Lambs Club three variably happen to erase them from yards; Conger conquers Gus Moore thing about my game. In one annexing 16. The world’s cham­ therjeered Wm-was like a maddened buU. His thought was in winning team acquitted itself in commendW years ago two paintings valued at the picture. Three times double at mile. respect I am better now than in the pions, Philadelphia Athletics, ob­ as quickly as possible, wading in to smash his nian down. Vnnnc- able fashion. A t the end of the" $4,000 have been recovered. An in­ plays did it, one of them a throw New York—^Tommy Hitchcock is days when I -was -winning a few tained 112, Chicago and Detroit, 11, from Jamieson to Steve O’Neill, cut­ We all remember the surprise that swept the country wh^n Young three regular fiftocn-minut* periods nocent purchaser surrendered them New York, 10, Boston, 9, and St. given complete charge o f preparing championships. Then I -was uncer­ to the police when informed that ting off a run at the plate. On the score was deadlocked at 1 goal American polo forces for British tn- Louis and Washington, 7 each. apiece, Morrison ha-vlng registered^ tain about my woods, and in'' the they had been stolen. One is a another momentous occasion, with AAiDSBVieA ’ -vasion. most serious competitkm sometimes George Holman Snider, right Manchester’s tally. Two five min^ nude, the other a landscape. They the bases loaded, no one out and New York—National A. A. U. I would have to resort to an iron on hand pitcher, purchased by Phila­ ute overtime periods also failed td i were cut from their frames during several Cleveland pitchers hastily orders thorough investigation of the tee. Now I can hit my woods delphia from Portland is the young­ m e DOST— , bring a score but New Britain puta repairs at the club. warming up, Bill Wambsganss Mr . charges in misleading publicity in better than ever and get a longer est rookie. He is 17, weighs 175 the puck into the net for the win-» made his now famous triple play va*- connection with Brooklyxt^ crflege ball. HUNTER IS FAVORED. pounds and six feet one inch tall. unassisted to retire the side. ning point after about three morei “Bubbles” Hargrave, who comes games, suggests remedial legisla­ “When did I play in my last na- . I might also add, in this freak minutes of play ;to the “sudden* tional championship? They wouldn’t ' back to the majors in a Yankee uni­ death” period. MacDonald was ' tion. New York, Jan. 27.— (A P )—In hall game, Elmer Smith made his let me play the last time I tried—in form, is the oldest rookie, 37. Har­ Montreal — George Lott wins the absence of Jean Borotra, the now famous home run in the first referee. 1920 I think it was. Anyway it was . grave managed St. Paul of the Canadian indoor singles tennis title bounding Basque who took the title inning with the bases filled. Bur­ beating Frit* Mercur 5-7, 6-3» 1-6, the year the amateur was placed at American association last year. He HOW THEY STAND bac"; to France last year, the name leigh Grimes threw him a spitball He had to whip Terry again before 12-10, 6-4. Mercur and Hall takes the Engineer's Qub and Chick ' formerly was a Cincinnati catcher. that didn’t carry enough saliva to Corbett stopped Terry in Hartford of Frank Hunter is expected to anybody would believe it possible. ^ doubles championship. Evans won it. '; head the list of 64 players who will J. Smead Jolley is labeled a break properly and Smith did the New York, Jan. 57.— (AP)—Miiffr •1 Ad not qualify. I pl»y«d very.. “find.” He is an outfielder obtained year enamlnatlons score a declslvte Chicago — George Lott again open the battle for the National rest. To add to the gaiety of the “I trained Corbett for several fights. He was cool-headed, ^ d he heads western lawn tennis associa­ bad in the qualifying round. Indoors Tennis championships by Chicago from San Francisco, He occasion'Bagby himself made a victory over members of the eastevp “Business was claiming too mui made 314 hits last year, scored 172 told me that he had planned months ^ e a d how J*® intercollegiate basketball leagu ^ tion rankings for 1929. starting next Saturday at the home run. Terry; told me of the trick he pulled in Connecticut which, he maintained. Havana— Al Brown, N. B. A. of my time for me 'to play g On the verge of being driven to Not one game will be played this Seventh Regiment Armory. runs and hit 35 home-runs. bantamweight champ defeats Pinky golf. Couldn’t think about other./ Cleveland has a prospect in John the showers in almost every inning, things and score w«lL X Bagby really should have scored a '^°“Sore“ the fight, Corbett sent out for a magfine- {he The standing follows: SUverberg, Brooklyn, in ten rounds. KOJAG IN LEAD. Wesley Gill, outfielder from Albany, ring first, settled himself, and as Terry entered the hall, he opened the Boston—Eleonora Sears retains a serious contender X. jHmcti< who led the Eastern League hitters shutout. This game was the turn­ W. New York, Jan. 27.— (AP) — Massachusetts squash title with great deal.' I had to dkveC* * ing point, as it removed Grimes, magazine, apparently reading it with ™uch intMest, Pennsylvania ...... • 2 C George Kojac, Rutgers ace, is lead­ last campaign. , „ . . The sight infuriated Mc(Jovem. He fought recklessly, and lost to a 15-10, 15-10, 15-8 defeat of Louise tlma to golf to suceaad i t ing the race for individual scoring Bruce Caldwell, former Yale foot-, Brooklyn ace, from the picture and Colum bia...... 1 "c when my business prevent*^ I Cleveland won the sixth game and Waterman. ^ . honors in the intercollegiate swim­ ball star, is to have another chance ‘^ ° ° \ n ^ e ir second fight. In San Francisco, Corbett Moored T e r ^ at the Princeton ...... 2 i New York — Cochrane beats I through. in the big show, Cleveland having the series the following day, 1-0. Dartmouth ...... 1 • j ming association. Kojac has scored end of the flrs^ round. A wild McGovern charged back in the recalled him from the New Haven Turn back baseball’s pages and try IC o m eU ...... 1 > Kelckolfer at three cushion, 700 r e S S l ^ 24 points in two meets and leads his beat Corbett wickedly. But Corbett kept smiling, Uuntlng and, finally 614. nearest rival, Kohl of Syracuse by club. Caldwell is a first baseman. to find another game like It from ■ Yale a “freak standpoint.” (Wlonlng. five points. Last year he batted .359. i HEKALU, SUUitt IttAlNUJttEaiEK, UU3NJN., MUJNDAy, JANUARY 27, 19E0, MANCHESTER EVENIWU P A G E T E N FI ED SECTIOM BU Y /%ND SELL H ERE fame almost over night and tligt in LEGAL NOTICES 79 AMERICAN GIRL WINS a country where stars are- rarely ever made in one production. Want A«3 Information AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD RELIABLE MAN with car as Di- nt Manchester, wtthin nnd for the The director who “discovered" CABD OF THANKS District of Mnncheater, on the aath STARDOM IN GERMANY her last no time in starring her a Manchester •rect Factory Representative in day of Jnnnarv. A. D„ IMO. Manchester and nearby counties. p ren en t' W IU U lA M 8. H Y D E . Eeci*. second time. The new film, "The We wish to thank our man:! Evening Herald No experience necessary. Unusual Jndicc...... Prisoner of Stamboul,” was an friends for all kindnesses in our rer E«tate«br Harry R. ChrUtennen late Berlin.— (AP)—An American girl even greater success than her first opportunity for advancement. Must of Mancheeter, In eald Dletrlct, de­ CLASSIFIED cent bereavement—the death of be willing to start on reasonable | to whom success was denied in one. Now her third production, husband and father. We would e&- ceased. ■ „ „ , ,, advertisements basis. Syncro Motors Company, Oli motion of Tho Home Dnnk A Hollywood after more than a year “The Blue Angel,” Is about to be re­ peciaUy thank the Orford Soap Co., Trnst Company ndnUnlstrator. of effort shows promise of beco^ng leased. Battle Creek, Michigan.______O R D ER ED t—Thaf alx months from Count six average the A. O. U. W. and the G. A. R. ^ one of the leading screen stars in Miss Amann’s chief task ^t pres­ MRS. JARED PEARL ANI> the Z5th day of January. A. D.. 1930. Initials numbers and abbreviations HAVE OPENING FOR energetic be and the same nre limited and al­ Germany. She is Miss Betty ent is to master German so that FAMILY. man for Manchester store. $50.00 wordseach count as two as worda a Minimum ^ "“ JJJitcost U is lowed for the creditors within which Amann, of New York. she may make a “talk ie.", Her per week to start. Must furmsh to brine In their claims against said Less than a year ago. Miss director believes that she will price of three lines. SI 250.00 cash deposit on merchan­ estate, and the sold administrator Is Line rates per day for transient directed to give pnblic notice to the Amann came to Germany with her speak the language well enoqgh lost and ‘•'OUND If dise. Address Manager 264 Central ads. creditors to bring In their claims father to visit his native Wuert- within sixth months. Since “Ufa’ Effective March ««char*e WILL THE PERSON who took oi] Ave., Albany, N. Y. ______within said time allowed by posting temberg village. The thought of talkies are made in three or four S cts a copy of this order on the public 6 Consecutive Uays .. 7 cts funnel from yard at 8 Keene WANTED—AT ONCE several re­ sign post nearest to the place where seeking a film career in this coun­ languages, he said, it is natural 9 cts U cts I 3 Consecutive Days •. 18 cts street, kindly return—no questions liable and energetic men, with cars, the deceased last dwelt with said try never entered her mind. Her that Miss Amann will also be 1 Day asked. town nnd by publishing the same In Atl" orders ‘f'o; ■‘Vregiil^ 1 “ ? ra°e“ * who understand farniing, to can- Home newspaper having a circulation faililre to rise above the rank and starred in an English version of will be charged at the Rver'y vass farm trade, booking orders for in snid probate district, within ten her first tone film. -RADIO Freed Eise- day of Jannary, A. D., 1930. Betty met Joe May, directorial Present AVILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Colonial house, six rooms, nearly cannot be q F man, battery set, complete with genius of the Ufa, Germany’s lead­ J u d g e. new, on Burnside avenue? If so— FOR RENT—GARAGE on Main eliminator. Telephone 4301. Estate of Anton Smith (alias ing film producing company. One see us at once. CLASSIFICATIONS ^ street, at Middle Turnpike. Afljily Anthony Smith) late of Manchester, look at Betty’s coal black hair her Poultry place at the Green, an up- r.irths ...... ti 113 Chestnut street or phone 40 18. | in said District, deceased. flashing eyes, her sylphlike stature todate house and brand new poultry llngagements ...... (j FUEL AND FEED 49-A The Administrator having exhibited .Marriages ...... ij his administration account with said and May offered the American girl buildings for 1500 hens. It is one STORAGE ROOM, suitable f Al’ AH HMENTS— Fi,A'l'S— LEGAL NOTICES 79 estate to this Court for allowance, it Deaths ...... £ furniture or merchandise, availab j f o r s a l e — BIRCH seasoned hard a year’s contract. of the best in town and should be a Card of Thanks ...... p TENEMENTS 63 is Her first picture, “Asphalt” money maker. at 52 Pear] street. wood, or hickory sawed for stove, AT A COURT OF PROB.ATE HEI.D ORDERED:—That the 1st day of In Merooriam ...... j at Manchester, xvithin and for the scored a big hit. Critics of Ger­ Dost and Found ...... g fui’nace, or fire place by the truck February, A. D., 1930, at 9 o’clock, Announcements ...... j load, good service and measure District of Manchester, on the 23th forenoon, nt the Probate office, in many and other countries on the ROBERT J. SMITH FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, day of January, -A. D., 1930. I'ersonals ...... guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. said M::nchestcr, be and the same is continent hailed her as a new .'Viitonionlles ^ BUILDING- with all improvements and garage Present WILLIA-M S. HYIJE, Esq., assigned for a hearing on the allow­ Phone 3450 1009 Main Street Automobiles tor ^ale ...... ^ CONTRACTING ii4 Telephone Rosedale 33-3. at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 J u d g e. ance of said administration account screen sensation. She had won Fire Insurance Automobiles tor Exchange ...... ^ month. Inquire 178 Parker street. Trust Estate U \V of Francis H. with said estate, and this Court di­ FOR SALE—SLAB and hard IVhItou late of Manchester, in said Auto Accessories—Tires ...... ROOFING, REPAIRS and altera­ rects the administrator to give pub­ Auto Kepairing— Painting ...... wood, sawed stove length, and un- j Dial 562J. Dl.strict, deceased. lic notice to all persons Interested tions. Special prices on interi;lor The Trustee haviug exhihited Its der cover, also hickory wood for ! therein to appear and be heard there­ Auio.s—Ship by Truck ...... » trim, and reflooring. T. Niels m, FOR RENT—SEVERAL tenements final administration account with salil on by publishing a copy of this order fire place. L. T. Wood. Dial 4498. i estate to this Court for allowance, it telephone 4823. in good location, all improvements. in some newspaper having a circula­ Carages-Service—Storage ...... | Apply Edward J. Holl, 865 Main is tion in said District, on or before FOR SALE)— HARD WOOD and ORDERED:—That the 1st day of January 27, 1930. and by posting n .Motorcvcies— Bicvcle ...... street. Telephone 4642. Wanted Autos —Motorcycles ... hard slabs, stove length $8 and $9 February, .\. !»., 1930. at 9 o’clock, copy of this order on the public sign MOVINIi-I'KlICKiNG— fo re n o o n , at th e P ro b a te €»flfice, in IUihIiu-*» Iinil Service* per load. A. Firpo, 116 Wells street. post in the Town where the deceased To The Professional Men Iiusir^^s's Servtrt*s Ottered ...... STORAIJE 3 LILLEY s t r e e t , near Center, two said Manchester, he and the same is Inst dwelt, flve days before said day Houscbobl Service? OITeied ...... Iti-A Dial 6148. 5 room fiats with garage, rent assigned for a hearing on the allow­ of hearing and return make to this Pniiding—Contracting ...... reasonable. Inquire 21 Elro street. ance of said admini.stratlon aceonnt C ourt. l-'orisi?— .N'tiiserlfs ...... PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. HARD WOOD $6 per load. Hard with snid estate, nnd this Court di­ WILLIAM S. HYDE Of Manchester I.uiieral Duectors •■•••••...... Local and long distance exprerfs slab wood $5.00 load. Wm. J. Mc­ Phone 5661. rects the trustee to give public no­ J u d g e. leattiig —Plumbing— Roofing .. tice to ail persons interested therein Are you interested In being located in the first and only 1 and freight service, including ove 9- Kinney. Phone Rosedale 28-1. H -1-2 7-30 . Insurance ...... ,, FOR RENT—DESIRABLE 6 room to appear and be heard thereon by business block in Manchester devoted entirely to offices above .Milltiierv— Dressmaking ...... night express service between Mai<- tenement, at 32 Walker street, off puhlisliing a copy of this order in Moving—Trucking Storage .... chester and New York. Furnitfiue f o r s a l e — SEASONED hard some ncw.spaper having :t circulation the ground floor? East Center, all improvements, and in said District, on or before January If so, 1 invite you to inspect my remodeled building at 829 rnin'litg— I'apering ...... moved under the supervision of e x ­ wood, $6.50 a load, split .$7.25. Fred garage, good location, rent reason­ I T,,t pssion-rt I Services ...... perts and in specially construct!^ O. Giesecke. Phone Rosedale 36-12. 27, 1930, nnd by posting a copy o f this Auto Parts Importer Main St. where you will find single office rooms or suites of two liopnirtiig ...... able. Inquire 30 Walker. order'In the public signposf in the Tdlorm u — I‘veing—Cleaning .. . f- trucks. Phone 3063, ■i860 or 8864. Town xvherc the deceased last dwelt, or more as desired. '[•oilei Coofis and Service ...... FOR RENT—98 CHURCH street, live days Iiefore said flay of hearing w.inicd —Bu?irte?? .>^ervloe ----- GENERAL TRUCKING— Equipp id HODSLHULD GOODS 51 and return make to this Conrt. WiQ Hold Exposition Manchester's Professional Building F,nHry— Vehicle* SERVICKfe WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices pike. Phone o652. I’eiirii::ry, ,\. D., 1930, at 9 o’clock, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czecho­ 1115 Main St. U0£S— Birds— Pets ...... for rags, papr., magazines and forenoon, :it the Probate office, in slovakia, Italy, and Japan will be Bive Stock —Vehicles ...... PIANO TUNING metals. Also buy all kinds of said Manchester, be and the same is among those to contribute to the ex­ Poultrv and Supplies ...... *3 as:- sample fairs. Boats and A ccessories...... FOR RENT—6 ROOM single house, lic notice to all persons iaterepted Building Materials ...... y with garage, chicken coop and therein to appear and be heard there Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 4S KRRAIKING AFAR rM ENTS— FLATS— on by publishing n copy of this order The dispute about how much Electric.il Appliances— Radio .. 49 large garden, at 256 Woodbridge TENEMENTS 63 C TCnrrmnriiHr 27 1 newspaper having a circula- Rudy Vallee makes seems to have Fuel ana Feed ...... CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair street. Inquire C. KompaniCK, m^^^lct, on or before been settled. He has been sued Garden — Farm— Dairy Products 50 Starkweather street. ed, key fitting, safes opened, savr- January 27, 1930, and by pontlng a by a showgprl; and that means that Household Goods ...... FOR RENT—3 ROOM apartment, copy of this order on the public sign Machinery and Tools ...... 5. filing and grinding. Work callei L central, modem, convenient, heat­ po.st in the Town where the deceased he makes plenty. .Musical Instruments ...... =3 FOR RENT—7 ROOM single house, Office and Store E quipm ent----- 54 for. Harold Clemson, 108 North v ed, available Feb. 1st. Rubinow’s, steam heat, bath and garage, new, last dwelt, flve day* Iiefore said day Specials at the Stores ...... 56 EUm streeL Tel. 3648. ‘ of hearing and return make to this 841 Main street. 31 Mather street. So. Manchester. C ourt. Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 5< E. A. Standish, Andover. Conn. W ILLI.VM S. H Y D E Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, ,| FOR RENT—5 ROOMS in double Roouis— Boa rd^Hoteis— Resorts Telephone 1353-5, Willimantic, J u d g e. clock, gun repairing, key fitting., tenement, all improvements, also H -1-27-30. TO RENT Restaurants Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. Conn. Rooms Without Board ...... 59 garage. Call 3364 or apply 15 Ash­ One large room containing Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A worth street. SEWING MACHINE repairing of SOUTH MANCHESTER, Summit, 1100 square feet located on sec­ Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 near East Center street, 7 room Cheer up! After you’re all Hotels— Restaurants ...... 61 all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, ond floor 100 feet from the heart VALANCIEIS AND ORAPEIRIEIS Wanted—Rooms— Board ...... 62 plies. R. W, Garrard, 37 Edward single house, with garage combin­ through shoveling coal into that of the shopping district in the Real Estate For Rent all improvements including fur­ ed, hot water heat, rent $35, and 6 darn furnace this vrinter, you can street Tel. 4301. rear of the Professional Building Apartments. Flats, Tenements .. 63 nace. Inquire at 179 Maple street. rooms in two family house, hot get out this spring and dig a gar­ Business Docatlons for R ent------64 at 829 Main St. Houses for R ent ...... 65 FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, water heat, i.. good condition, rent den. Particularly well adapted for Suburban for Rent ...... 66 COUKSES AND CLASSES 27 all improvements, including shades $30. Free rent until Feb. 1st. Call Summer Homes for R ent ...... 67 Club or Lodge room purposes or and garage, $27.00. Rear 117 1-2 2-4712 or 5-4362 after 6 p. m. Wanted to R e n t ...... 68 BARBER TRADE taught in day any business desiring economical Real Estate For Sale Prospect street. Telephone 8569. NOTICE. Apartment Building for Sale ... 69 and evening classes. Low tuition space in a central location. B u sin ess P r o p e r t y f o r S a l e ...... 70 rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 'jFOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, 79 On and after this date I will. not Farms and Land for S a l e ...... 71 Market street, Hartford. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Apply to H ou ses fo r Sale ...... 72 Wells street, all improvements in- be responsible for any bills con­ { eluding furnace. Inquire 81 Wells Lots For Sale ...... 73 FOR SALE—$800 DOWN buys new tracted by my wife, Mrs. Georgi- G. E. KEITH, Owner Resort Property for S ale ...... 74 street. Telephone 7617. colonial home. Six rooms, tile bath, anna Beebe. c-o . G. E. Keith Furniture Co. Suburban for S ale ...... 75 You don’t have to listen to a Signed, Real Estate for Sxcha'i-ge ...... 78 lawnmover in the winter, but IFOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, oak floors, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ 1115 Main St. Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 THEODORE R. BEEBE. there’s the radio to make up for • corner of Winter and Center ranged. Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main Auction—Legal Notices Jan. 27th, 1930. Legal Notices ...... 79 it streets. Call 5883. street. Tel. 5440. Legal Notices ...... 78 GAS BUGGIES—Hurry—Hurry—Hurry By FRANK BECK

Zrhe iresuHs u.p

-lo ^odaLT^. * ^ XI * ^ ACK OP SPACE PROHIBITS US FIROM R E P R O D U C IN G AI_U THE LETTERS THAT COME q q q b b o s s d l CHERRY! IN. WE 5HA1_1_ , HOWEVER , TABULATE THEM DAIL.V A ll people,egpeciaJ/y ball pkyefg, jadketiiem. AND CHART THE RESULTS SO VOU CAN POLl-OW THE There are at least four mistakes in the abpve picture. T^ey may per­ TREND OF THEIR tain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or what noL See if you SENTIMENT. can find them. 'Then look at the scrambled word b e lo w -^ d unscram­ ble it. bv switching the letters around. Grade yourself 20 for each of Ib OVE a r e TV® TMREE PRiNiClPAL.3 the ^ sto k es you find, and 20 for the word if you unscramble it. THE CONTEST CUOSES. IN THIS UTTLE DRAMA j- ~ A SATURDAY, AND EVERY. T H E READERS A R E TX>t D ECID E COBBECHONS VHETHER OR NOT NEl-UE SHALl ^ MA.RRV LETTER RECEIVED BEFORE THAT TIME WILL. COUNT. DICK,HER CRIPPl-ED SWEETHEAt^, AND m Valances Is speUed incorrectiy, on the sigh above BURDEN . HER AGED FATHER WITIH THEIR REMEMBER, NELLIE IS TO dow (2) Puttees, part of the nnilorm of a motdrcop, are taS^g. (fi) SUPPORT. ABIDE BY THE MAJORITY. The front mnd guard is misstag from the tootMUgrcT?. (4) ^ I tag sign is con^dlctory. (5) The sorambled wprd Is SA C B IF I<»»- . . f c- u. 8. j ■ ■ ' .. 'J-i-. ( -'i.v.; ■a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 27. X980. By Percy L. Croahy SKIPPY SENSE NONSENSE s a y & ' You KNou/jSoe, i r i ReAtcy oiscooragjnc. t s im p l y .do wot, *'V/MY ,.'5ARAM JCNKiwy, WHATCvCR i3f?INCS Vfew OV€R N o r a ( A B o y r t m it oil MOANING? " ; • KNOW (DHERe TH6 MONEY C O C f.* " When A FeUer NeeOs a Friend. iW oasr so upjerJ i t s nothing b u it b iu s ! '•'wECt, D&ARi Ler'S SIT DOWN CACMCY ANO THIlOf ABOUT IT. ho YO W Ote IT FOjR Of all sad words B ltts! 8*u sf AND HARRY CANMOT UNDeftSTAWO w h y IttHEN You BATE i 00 You COOK OTHER THINGS AT THB SAME A man to jar ; WPCNses A«e 6ROWWG-" Owe TSIHC AT A T/M€ ? “Another note T ime ? " "\N€CI, SoEFeECS th e s a m e WAYi BUT PONT WO^RY Due on your car.” "lYO, IF X make a c a k e I vxe THE OVEl^ FOK THAT neae poa 6 a t about t h a t * fuRFOiE." ' The statistician who cl^ms that “ r KNOW. Sarah, B u r he does u; or« h a r p Tb get B ftt h a j oecN the automobile industry has not yet AHEAO, iT Does 3GEM ASHAm G’THAr X JUJT CANT*. ’'THATir *JUJT u/v\eit€ t h e M o m EY E o E t T You c o u l d reached the saturation point ougiit *sa y € a CENT o u r OF-His: s a i a r y " COT Do w n on YovR Biot if you SAvfEP o y h Er TH iN cr ouTRAdeouf I to ride in a rumble seat during a ” don' t (nORRVi JuG, MAYBE 3 CAN HELP VOU* WHAT A T Th e JAME T/M G - MACAHoNI , FoTAToEf a n d many rain. J€€HS TO BE THB TROUpte?” OTh GR 0 i5 H € fI * The modern girl, again, is one ; *’ OH. i t 's the (aAS g/CC. TWCNTY Oo CCARS vho carries a stop watch on auto- m onth, A NO Ha r r y a n p r com pared j ?TsN* 1 7 ^ Mobile rides. ! ______IT* WITH t A S r YEAR AND IT u/AS J osr •Age has compensations you . . • j TWICE A S :an park in a closer place when the . ;ar gets so old another dent doesn t j MUCH AS natter. j t h a t — *' V r Pat's mule had kicked the trafPc j officer in a vulnerable spot and both i Percy L. Crosby. Great BriUin rights reserved. driver and mule were detained ovei j esL I King Featurea^y^icat*;^ Inc. night to “ tell the judge.” | wi? Shure, yer Honor,” said Pat at | ©KM OUR BOARDING HOUSR the trial next morning, ’tis an indig- j By Fontaine Fox nity to hold me mule. He was omy ‘Xwould be nice if a ^ n ^ g Say About Ten Years From Now By Gene Ahem puttin’ out his left Mitt to make a across the table tops left turn.” j was the only cover charge.______JJAKe J-uPROFBSSOT?, Some men take good care of an the chances are that is what has OL- W E L U t W E L L a s m LEV iS A automobile; others treat it like one happened to him. •g^v/ .--TMA-r WAS A of the family. SClEAi'tlFtC lAlv/EAJrroR»| A vacant lot is where old Fords V/ERV !M<3E/il0US ARoOiJp uirfht ^ e A P V olS Oscar: “I bought p. new car and go when they die. -S G 0 Ai"ffeAPTlC 5L i ; traded in my player piano as first -reLL OF VoUR payment.” Joe: “Did you manage to give the 0 1 = c o t i p s e , SILLV FL.V-~n?AP VD/'-fRAP CMce-THA-T UJAS Bob; “I didn’t know they accepted cop the slip?” -ri ‘6 k O ff, 29 last year for corruption of police The E\PE ESCAPE! SV\E RAM officials, was released from Hollo­ IN FRONT OF way prison this morning. COUNTESS IS A TRUCK I She. was greeted by her two daughters, both of whom married ACCUSED OF peers of England, her son, and a number of fashionably dressed klUiNG DUKE*. friends in evening dress who appar­ ently had come straight td her from R\SKS PE^Tv^ \U T H t C ^ a i ) 0 a night club. W P TO APJ0IUIW6 S b o CMKT OIL ON ISL^YND ClDnAES ON .VdlUVE VNEEKS SM^S^ES ••• St. Louis— (AP)—Oil has been ■^PERFECT'' ALIBI OF found on Arsenal Island in the : couHTess— Teas wow \ Mississippi here. SHE SWOT WUSBAUD VJUEN HE TRIED GET* A\«AN WITH h e r p a r t Cr?HE COUNTESS IS PES- OF STOLEN MONEV. U PER ATE I THE P(?UCE ARE GMNvNG', INHERE SHE LISTENS-Them 4UMPS OUT WINDOW. CAN SHE GO? B y Blossec STOHfVify’ M>S FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Rarity . m VMEU.-'MELV I'NE SEEN YSSSIREE-THATS H'LLO NiB.SNOSaLEBONS- J ^^ERCV DA/^SESH BEFORE YOUR vlERY y£SM=1UAT UAliO VHELL-LAHO •the S^MISS ALPS, THE JUST vNONOERFOL eyes you see a It WSCASl, B15UT -mERE SHOOK SAkESll VC)0 D'YA 'HANT To s e e S o/AE-- ) GOODf^ESS '-'MHAT p y r a im d s o f E ^ f t and COULD IT hand that s h o o k OIHER TWNSS^BUT NEMER h a n d s VilTW 1UE DOHT TEU. iH ifVs VA '^ioOlon'T s e e ■“ ANO RE? HANDS \H\tU TUE p r e s id e n t o f t u e me '.! wane X SEEN AN /m iN S FBECKL.ES IN A million nears p r e s id e n t o f th e ONITEO STATES-- LIKETUlS.'' ME8BE ? UNITED STATES/.' V\ ABE BACK. This Hand risut FBoni -mElR. HERE, MISSUS TRIP to Took.'. ''MASUlNSToN c£h------€ 7UEV ABE { BOSy SUAKlNG 4^ UANOS NJim E.NEJ2VBO0V - ESPECIALLY OSCAR i! •VX.»{4 r/VIII**' . ^ ei93o8vSicA*«&vS«. iwe. By Small Sam’s an Exception 01930REQ.U.S.MT.Orr. BY NCA SnviCC. tNC. SALESMAN SAM MOT LIKS. 'T O U l I CAN'T Tf^UC. (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) ------Y (l OOM’t VJ^MTCHft MlOW JglST’l l WITHOUT tUIMKIM! ! o SAM, I T Viprrc-H \ WAMfJA KNOVM W H A T C H A A S Wet.(_ SHUT UP other thrill. Gee! Chase him OUT Punk ^ to Bill^ am’ \ TH IN K - The bumble bee buzzed very loud KNOW \ \ “THEM, CirU2.T_ and scared the little Tiny crowd. It off,” poor Cnowny cried. “He’s He r e 's o n e '-Va to o k »m\ who right close to my neck. I know his PASSED IT CM Y A ? kept on getting nearer as its buzz­ stinger’s very thin, but if it’s push­ ing song was sung. All of the Tlnies ed into my skin, ’twill make rne Yesf wondered what would happen now. almost frightened stiff. I know I’ll W£ STILL Aa like as not they figured they’d be a wreck.” AccePT I be captured by the bee and be stung. Just then a fiower ’rose from the “Hey! Peddle faster,” Coppy ground, held up its head and looked cried. “This Isn’t just a pleasure around. It was the frightened Tinies ride. There's trouble right behind with the great big bee nearby. Then us and we’d better pick up speed. Scouty shouted, “My, look out! The Q. The bee looks hungry as can be. bee will sting you, too, no doubt. I hope he doesn’t pick on me. I “He can’t,” exclaimed the pretty wish we had a swatter. That’s the fiower. “I’m sure he wouldn’t ihing we really need. And then the flower turned to *T’d swat that bee. ’Twould the bee and said, “Now, listen here serve him right. I’ll bet he’d dis- to me. You let the Tinymltes alone. ippear from sight. It seems a They are not hurting you. If you shame we can’t have fun, without are bad and start a fuss, no honey such scares as this. 'We go along, will you get from us. To sting that mid heaps of fun, and do not both­ bunch would be a very silly thing er anyone, but even so it always to do.” leems that something goes amiss.” “Buzz! Buzz!” The bee came (The big bee becomes friendly Uoscr still and gave the bunch an­ in the next story*). ■ "'■ 'V ^ i - . , f - -

MONDAY, ;.,t PAGE TWELVE iSftanrt|(0t(r iEttntittQ i^mtUk I WTT*; PUBUC RECORDS LEGIONNAIRES TO MEET BENEFIT WHIST COASTING CRASH VICTIM HOSPITAL NOTES LESSNER PASSES STATE BAR EXAM Marriage Intentions NATIONAL COMMANDER IN UNCONSCIOUS STATE The admission of two patients 1 Application for a marriage license TONIGHT was reported at the Memorial hos­ has been filed in the office of the Manchester Ciomnmnity Club pital this morning. They are Mrs. I town clerk by Robert J. Garrity of CH£TS - C 0 / / > V Benefit Troop 9 Boy Scouts Little Harold Bach Has Not Mary Russell of 103 Bissell street | Lg,j.al Young Man tO Be Sworn Hartford and Mary J. Pellerln also National President of Auxil­ so U THy MA N T£f^ S2.60 Gold Pieces as Prizes Yet Rallied After Skull and Mrs. Bermce Reynolds of Rock- Tomorrow—Works for of Hartford. iary Also to Be Guest 'at ville. Those discharged were Mrs. Hartford Gathering, Feb. 6. Fracture Last Friday. Carl Anderson and infant son of Highway Department. Mechanic’s Lien Ellington, Mrs. Frank' Sedlik and The Manchester Lumber Co., ABOUT TOWN Harold Bach, 11-year-old son of son of 150 Oakland street, and M rs.; George C. Lessner, son of Mr. ana against Ralph E. Carlson in the sum The Hartford county branch of Mr. and Mrs. Holgar Bach of 324 Allan Dexter and infant daughter of L Mrs. Charles Lessner of 223 Spruce of $1,460.34 for building materials the American Legion posts and on Lot No. 3, South Manchester Thomas Maxwell and his young Center street, is in a state of coma 35 Brookfield street. The Dexter i street, Manchester’s only entrant in auxiliaries is going to entertain Na­ Assembling the Complete at the Memorial hospital as the re­ babv was born January 16. la class for admission to the Con- Heights recorded in the name of women’s choir from the Souto Alex Degrutis. tional Commander Bodenhamer, and Methodist church took part in the sult of a coasting accident Friday ______! necticut State Bar, succesfully passed his two day examination Sat­ National President Mrs. Donald service last evening at the North afternoon. While hospital officials Certificate of Distribution Macrae at a banquet to be held at urday afternoon. At the age of 22 bedroom ensemble needs Methodist church, at the mens this morning reported little change The Manchester Probate Court the Hotel Bond, Hartford, Thursday he is one of the youngest applicants records the disposition of the estate night meeting. in the boy’s condition, they saw SWEDISH LUTHERANS evening, February 6, at 7 o’clock. cause for hope in the fact that ] ever to receive this honor. of Teresa Farr, deceased, to Frana 'Tickets for the banquet are $2.25 Women of Mooseheart Legion Harold made an attempt to respond I Born in New York City, June 6, Farr, sole heir-at-law, and imdivid- not be expensive TO CONVENE HERE 11908 young Lessner moved to each. The ladies of the auxiliary will install their officers for 1930 when his father spoke to him last ed half-interest in lot of land on will hold an informal reception at a meeting to be held Wednesday night. They took this as an indica­ Bridgeport with his parents where Charter Oak street. ( he attended the Bridgeport elemen- from 6 to 7 o’clock in the blue room evening at the home of Mrs. Mar­ tion that the boy might be regain­ Lis Pendens on the mezzanine fioor of the Hotel Colored Hem garet Griffin of Hillard street, .^ter ing his senses. ; tary schools. Later moving to Action is being brought by Joseph Hartford District Pastors I South Manchester he attended the Bond in order to enable the mem­ the ceremony a salad supper wU be X-ray pictures have been taken A. Johnson against Anna T. John­ bers to personally meet Mrs. and they reveal a fracture of the Delegates to Gather at I Manchester High School, graduat- served. Mrs. Ida Yost w ll be the son to procure a partition of several Macrae. installing officer and Mrs. Sarah skull. In the boy’s condition, it has cal Church Feb. 18-19. I ing with honors in the class of 1925. parcels of land on Birch Mountain I During his last two years in High Ladies of Dilworth Cornell auxil­ Cotton Sheets Mulled %vill assist. been deemed inadvisable to risk an Road, Highland Park. iary unit wrishing reservations for operation. Harold was sliding on a “Flexible-Flyer” he had borrowed.. The Swedish Lutheran church here j Certification of Trade Name the banquet should confer with Mrs. The Center Church Women’s Fed­ The ; will be host to the 18th annual and I Filing of trade name. The Rain­ Bosnan, 38 Hudson street as soon as eration will hold a food sale at Wat­ when the accident occurred, sled bearing the Bach boy came out mission meeting of the Hartford j bow Dyers and Cleaners of 2292 possible. Connecticut wants to '$ 1-49 kins Brothers store, Wednesday af­ District of the New England Con- : Main street, Hartford and 11 School make as good a showing as possible. ternoon beginning at 2:30. The com­ of a driveway onto Cooper street and crashed into the rear left wheel ference of the Augustana Synod on . street. South Manchester, by Much enthusiasm was expressed for Wide colored hem sheets in the mittee in charge is Mrs. -Albert Tuesday and Wednesday, February Samuel Greenberg and Arthur Tar­ the affair at yesterday’s county desired shades—blue, rose, maize, White, chairman; Mrs. Ray H. Fins­ of a new G. M. C. delivery automo­ bile truck operated by Sherwood 18-19, with pastors and lay dele- i sus was recorded this morning. meeting and it is hoped a large nile and orchid. Extra large size, bury, Mrs. Lucius Foster, Mrs. Ray­ gates from 26 towns and cities in number of the local members will mond Burnham and Mrs. E. E. Fish. Anderson of Anderson & Noren, local Articles of Association 81x99 inches. Heavy sheets with grocers. The truck was proceeding Connecticut attending. The La Fubinese Society of Con­ attend the banquet and reception. twill tape two-inches fro r the down the hill near Summer street ! The opening session will include necticut, to buy, sell hold real sides which prevents t’ac sheets The Epworth Circle will have a two short sermons by Rev. Albin meeting this evening at 7:30 dith at the time. estate and to invest in securities. from tearing. Lindgren of Middletown and Rev. | Miss Doris Sisco, 329 Center Street. Chief of Police Samuel G. Gordon The subscribers are, Louis Andisio, Carl H. Nelson of Ansonia, at 7:30 j John Lenti, Joseph G. Pero, Alex­ said today that children had been S.AS. warned several times for coasting in o’clock Tuesday evening. The choir j ander Marthisa, Guiseppe Miglietto Nutmeg Forst, No. 116 'Tall of the local church will give several | Cedars of Lebanon will meet in the dangerous places about Msinchester. and Joseph Novelli. Patrolman John McGlinn went to numbers on the program. j Cases to Masonic Temple this evening at Wednesday morning the business ; Shado-Plaid the Cooper street section the night match, each 7:30. before the Bach child’s accident and meeting will begin at 10 o’clock chased awgy a group of boys and with Rev. Lindgren presiding as 1 ODD FELLOWS TO WORK St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters chairman. The annual election of | 39c of Isabella, will meet tomorrow eve­ girls after warning them of the im­ pending danger. Patrolman Herman j officers will take place and reports j W ool Blankets Z\zQ 42x36 inches. ning at 7:30 sharp in K. of C. club- I of the officers for the past year will ' THIRD DEGREE FRIDAY rooms. A card party for the mem­ Muske was called to the scene the Hemstitched. night after the accident when chil­ I be read. Rev. P. J. O. Cornell, pas- bers wiU follow the business. dren were again reported sliding I tor of the host church, has arranged ! with the Ladies Society to serve Ray Warren has returned to his I onto the street, First Exemplification of New In six smart shades the ! dinner in the vestry. THE NEW I home, 447 Center street, from At the same time the women’s i Term Expected to Attract Hartford hospital where he re­ RE6EKAHS’ INFIRMARY home and foreign mission society of Unusually Large Crowd. BATHROOM | cently underwent an operation for the district will hold its annual appendicitis. meeting in the parsonage. In the George C. Lessner FIXTURES ARE | BENEFIT NEXT WEEK afternoon at three o’clock the so­ On next Friday evening, January Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marti and E. ciety will give a program in the School he was a member of the 31, King David Lodge, No. 31. J. Holl attended the Motor Boat Sunday School room. school debating team and at grauda- 1. O. O. F. will exemplify the third FAR MORE I Show in New York this last week. Comedy, “ Twelve Old Maids” , In tie evening a service will be tion was honored as a commence­ degree. The work will be in charge Shado-plaid—a new design in Will Feature Entertainment held at 7:30 o’clock with eight min­ ment speaker. of Degree Masters Willard J. SANITARY blankets—found exclusively i:i The winners for the ticket selling ute talks by the visiting pastors Immediately after graduation he Horton and Herbert F. Stevenson. contest in connection with the two Program. concerning the approaching Lenten Joseph Behrend, P. G., will act as these all wool blankets. Size, one-act basketball plays presetted entered the Hartford Law School, D lf: absence of sharp cor- season. The public is invited to graduating last year and obtaining Noble Grand of the degree. 70x80 inches. ’The end.s are at the Manchester Green school Fn- Sunset Rebekah lodge will give ner.i. cracks or detachable these sessions. employment as a title examiner in As this is the first degree this dav night were announced today. its annual entertainment for the Among the cities to be represent- neatly bound with sateen. A Ernest Marson of grade seven was the office of the State Highway De­ term, a large attendance is expected. splash boards makes modern benefit of the Groton I^irmary fund j pastors are Stamford, Bridge- partment. He took his law course blanket that is light in weight the highest with 15 sales and Meade on Monday evening of next week. The following week February 7 the "" ...... ■ port. New Haven, Branford, Meri­ at the Hartford Law School. plumbing not only easier to Thorpe of grade eight only one be­ Past Grand Miss Edith Walsh is initiatory degree will be worked on yet giving the maximum of den, New Britain, Hartford, and Eighty-three were examined with hind him. The winner received a chairman of the committee of ar­ a class of candidates with Albert C. keep clean but far more sani-, Manchester. The others are expect­ but 17 emerging successful. The combination school-box and drawing rangements. Mrs. Emma Lyons Miller, P. G. taking charge. warmth. A splenih i value at ed to send lay delegates. Manchester boy will be sworn in to­ tary .nil the way around. Por-, set. Grade seven took the grade Nettleton is directing the comedy this price! honors with 41 sales, Walter Buck- which will be the headliner. It is morrow morning. celair and enameled steel are Lessner’s plans for the future are lev w'as the contest leader. All entitled "Twelve Old Maids” and the best substances known forj children who sold five or more sixteen of the members will have a rather indefinite. A t present he in­ COMPANG G MEN’S tends to continue in the employ of tickets received one free. part in the play. Several of them We Bake Every Day this use and they are employed Rose the State Highway Department as , have had considerable experience in excms'vely in the fixtures we Green The Masonic Social club is making ; amateur theatricals and their BANQUET SATURDAY title examiner. Bread, Pies, Cakes arrangements to run a large valen- i fiends know that they may ex­ handle. Blue tine bridge and whist in the Masonic , pgj,j. evening of fifh. Students are entering the day and and Pastries Temple, Friday evening, Feb. 14. | Another good number will be a evening sessions of the Connecticut Lavender Company G will hold its annual Business College at the Center each Try a Loaf of our ------! sketch by juveniles, Bernice and banquet in the armory on Saturday. A joint outing of the Young Men a j Taggart, well known enter week. When business is dull is a HOME MADE BREAD Tan The general inspection of the com­ good time to prepare for a good of­ Joseph C. Wilson Fellowship Clas tainers, and Ruth and Edwin Strat­ pany will be held on February 5, fice position. Gray class of the Swedish Lutheran ton. Miss Edna Fradin who is an when the inspection will be made by Manchester Plumbing ^ d Heating c’nurch will be held Friday evening accomplished pianist as well as a regular army officer. Contractor. at the Highland Park Community reader will appear in four selec­ The Company is still without a Now or Never! Public Market KSolid Color Club. Members v/ill meet at the tions. Arline Holmes will give two first lieutenant since the resigna­ We deliver. Dial 5139 28 Spruce St. Tel. 5043 church at 7 o’clock and hike to their solo dance numbers, with Mrs. tion of Thomas J. Quish, the second The Last Week Rayon destination. Herman Johnson is James M. Shearer as accompanist, lieutenant of the company acting South Manchester chairman of the committee m j Mrs. Annie Lowd who will have a in that position and the company On This Special prominent character part in the charge. 1 having no commissioned officer ____ I play, will also direct several drills other other than Captain Hawley. Bed Spreads The Be-thoven Glee Club will r e -1 and Miss Mary McLean will be ac- It is expected that announcement of O’SULLIVAN and the Swedish Lutheran | companist for the evening. hearse at the new officer or officers will be church at 7:30 o’clock tonight. made soon. GOODYEAR r u O N $2-98 The basketball team of the POLICE COURT Luther League of the Sw'cdish Luth­ MINOR MISHAPS TIE Choose one of these rich, solid color eran church will make its debut Adolph Reisch of West Willington RUBBER HEELS Size rayon spreads to complete the ensemble. Wednesday evening at the Hollister because of an accident that took A beautiful fioral jacquard design on street school against a team from place last evening near Manchester UP TROLLEY TRAFFIC For Ladies and Children G O O D THINGS TO 6AT 81x105 lavender, green, rose, blue and gold Springfield. The Flying Sw'edes will Green was brought into court this grounds. Scalloped edges. Lu^e size, 81x105 inches. Beg^fiar $3.98' play in the preliminary. morning for driving an automobile NO CHICAGO-ING HERE inches I with defective brakes. He was Trolley service was tied up for grade. That Chicago mess is the result of not taking the The third sitting of the Masonic | found guilty and a fine of $15 and more than an hour last night be- trouble to see that you get what you pay for— club setback party was held Satur-1 costs was imposed, tween Manchester and Hartford as I Hale’s Bedroom Needs— Main Floor, left —which is another way of saying that you must r.eo day night in the Temple club rooms. 1 Everett L. Fox of Park Avenue, the result of two minor accidents i ; East Hartford, paid a fine of $10 happening almost simultaneously at j that j'ou don’t pay for something you don’t get. Sixty players took part and the Chicago has been paying for two or three times as prize winners__ were David Hadden, j and costs for breach of the peace. about 8:30 o’clock. first"; Charles Bunzel, second; Sher-' He was placed under arrest by Cap- A Manchester-bound car moving much as it got, for years. And since it got a great wood Cone, consolation, and Arthur j tain Herman Schendel at the police slowly into the Laurel Park switch 1 deal in the way of physical Improvements, it is now jumped the track for some unknown | in the dickens of a plight and may get worse. Any Loomis won the door prize. There ; station. He went there in behalf of Attached will be another sitting next Satur- | another man who had been arrested reason and a wrecker was sent out I individual who throws away his money can get and^because of his vile language to from Hartford to get it back on the j into the same sort of a pickle. day evening. track. the 'captain he immediately placed I We Repair Rubbers No nickel is ever wasted when it is spent at Pine- In the meantime a Hartford- i This Week^s Candy Specials him under arrest and ordered him hurfet For every dollar, every cent, that goes Into bound trolley traveling down the and Arctics to appear in court. Judge Ray­ our till the customer gets full value in quality as at the SERVE GERMAN SUPPER mond A. Johnson found him guilty Twin Hills into Love Lane blew a I fuse under the front side seat, kill- 1 well as quantity. Thereby Pinehurst customers and imposed a fine of $10 and costs. S prosper, don’t get into the Chicago way. In the case of Carl Swanson, ing the power. A new fuse repair- j TOMORROW EVENING charged with driving with impro­ ed the break. Aside from late runs i Sam Yulyes PRINCESS CANDY SHOP per brakes, judgment was suspend­ no damage or injury was done. i Main and Pearl ed. 701 Mam St., Johnson Block Theodore R. Beebe of 133 Oak Dependable service on furnace South Manchester Concordia Lutheran Ladies street, charged with non-support and fuel oil made be .secured by Milk Chocolate-Covered Pure Cream Offer Another Menu dialing 5145, 'The Manchester Lum­ Next Door to Dougherty’s was found not guilty. He was ar­ CRACKERS CARAMELS Church from 5 to 7:30. rested on complaint of his wife who ber Co.—Adv. Barber Shop. stated to the court that her husband 4 different kinds had not given her anything for her These Sharp Drops in Temperature Are a Reg. 69c lb. Reg. 59c lb. The Ladies’ Sewing Circle of the support for eight weeks. Beebe Concordia Lutheran church will was represented by Attorney Wil­ Test on Your Heating Plant and THIS WEEK THIS WEEK serve its annual dinner tomorrow liam J. Shea, who subjected Mrs. evening from 5 to 7:30 at the Beebe, the principal , witness, to ^‘WHERE” 49c lb. 49c lb. • church, Winter and Garden streets. severe cross-questioning. The Their roast pork and sauerkraut Beebes have been married three High School Hall Watch this spwee every Monday for weekly Candy menu found so much popular favor years and have one child. The The Coal You last year, and they have received so woman admitted that while her ‘ ’ W H E N ’ ^ Specials. ■ •'’TV'’ requests for a repetition of husband was working he always the dinner, they decided to put it on turned over his envelope or check to Monday, February 3rd ;<-.in at this time. There will also her; that he had not been working be mashed potatoes and turnips, for eight weeks and that on Janu­ ‘WHAT” Burn apple sauce, dill pickles, apple pie ary 10 he drew out all the money he and coffee. had in the bank, $23 and gave it to “THE CONCERT” If you aren’t using a good grade of coal and the cold Popular tunes played by the Helm her. She had failed to acquaint the orchestra will add to the pleasures prosecutor with these facts. Judge “ARTISTS” weather requires forcing your fire you’ll probably have of the evening. Hand-made articles R. A. Johnson brought the hearing by the ladies of the society will be to a close by finding Beebe not , FRED PATTON, Basso. clinkers and excessive ash. on .sale at rea.sonable prices. guilty. GERTRUDE BERGGREN, Contralto The committee in charge com­ i Try our good, clean coal that will give you the max­ prises the officers of the sewing so­ CARD PARTY MRS. KATHERINE H. HOWARD, ’Cellist ciety, Mrs. Reinhold Rautenberg, Gi\ en by Group 1 Senior ARCHIBALD SESSIONS, Accompanist president; Mrs. Jacob Suchy, vice- imum of heat at all times. Class S. M. H. S. president; Mrs. Lillian Helm, secre­ Tickets 81,00 tary and Mrs. Fred Miller, High School treasurer. Tuesday. Jan. 28. 8 o’clock Whether you Bu.y White Oak Coal $12.00 per Befreshments Prizes need one board ‘ ton. G. E. Willis & ^on. — Adv. SERVICE You Can Depend Upon or a truck load, ROAST PORK AND you may be sure FILMS WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. it will be at your door when you want it. SAUERKRAUT SUPPER 'v That’s the wajr we guarantee your satis­ DEVELOPED AND T Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5-7:30 p. m. PRINTED Funeral Directors faction—by giving vou the quality you arc Lutheran Concordia Church 24 HOUR SERVICE ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS entitled to and the service you expect. Winter and Garden Streets Film Deposit Box at By Ladies Sewing Society Store Entrance CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. Menu: Boast Pork, Sauerkraut, Pola Coal Mashed Potatoes, Turnips, Apple Sauce, Dill Pickles, Apple Pie and Robert K Anderson Phones: Office 5171 Yard, 62 Hawthorne St., Manchester. Phone 4918. W . G. Coffee. KEMP'S Funeral Director Residence 7494 Branch Office, 55 School St., South Manchester. Phone 468%. SPECIAL MUSIC Coal, Lumber, Masons^ Supplies. ^ Supper 50 cents. Allen Place, Phone 4149 Blsaeliiiter