Key Stage 3 Lesson 4

Learning Objective: Raise awareness for Build through drama

Lesson Objective: Demonstrating the importance of raising awareness in the endeavour for international development.

National Curriculum links: English (speaking and listening – 2.1a, 2.1d, 2.1j) Citizenship (2.1a, 2.2a)

Resources: • Benefits of Education resource sheet • Miti Mingi school profile per group • Spider diagram summary

Starter: See how many of the issues the students can remember from the previous lesson starter activity. Talk about the importance of education for development and how it allows people to escape the trap and leads to a brighter future for the students, their families and the whole country. Ask students to fill in the resource sheet provided about benefits of education for student, family, country.

Main Activity: Put students into groups and ask them to create a 5 minute TV advert which aims to raise people’s awareness about Build Africa and the importance of education to development. (30 minutes). They can use the Miti Mingi school profile as an example to talk about in the advert. The advert should be creative, involving role plays and short interviews.

Plenary: Recap the previous 4 lessons. Make a spider diagram summarising what has been learnt in the four lessons. Ask the children to elaborate on each and make links between the different ideas.

Second Floor • Vale House • Clarence Road • Tunbridge Wells • TN1 1HE +44 (0) 1892 519619 • schools@build‐ •‐ Registered Charity No. 298316. Build Africa is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England No. 2200793

Secondary Key Stage 3 Lesson 4: Benefits Resource Sheet

Benefits of Education

For the Student For the Family For the Country

Secondary Key Stage 3 Lesson 4: Spider Diagram

Spider Diagram Summary

Obstacles to Africa Development

Helping Raising Development Awareness Miti Mingi Primary School,


Miti Mingi means ‘many trees’ in Kiswahili. Miti Mingi Primary School was •

founded by parents from the surrounding community because their •

children were walking long distances to the nearest school. •

Key issues facing the school •

Classrooms: •

A lack of equipped classrooms •

• SCHOOL PROFILE means children have to sit on •

the dusty floor, or even outdoors •

at the mercy of the elements. Schools Data 2012 •

Lessons are often interrupted •

• Total Enrolment: 578 and concentration is difficult. • Boys 302 / Girls 276

In addition, old fashioned rote •

• learning methods of teaching • Ave number pupils / classroom: 289 compromise the quality of •

• education the children receive. Ave number of pupils per government •

teacher: 53 •

Clean and safe water: • Female government teachers: 5

Miti Mingi Primary School does not have running water. This, and a lack of •

Pupils adequately seated: 80% hygiene awareness, threatens the health and attendance of pupils, • preventing them reaching their full potential in and out of school. Not •

• Number of pupils per latrine stance:

having water also means the children and teachers do not have anything •

Boys 76 / Girls 138 •

to drink and many children will also go hungry each day as they don’t •

have a lunchtime meal. •

Parental support: •

A lack of work ing the area •

means that parents often •

cannot afford to keep their •

children in school. Children •

could be needed to look •

after their siblings or work •

on the family farm. Those •

children who do manage •

to attend school are often •

tired because of doing their •

chores (such as cleaning or •

fetching water). •

• A temporary classroom at Miti Mingi