Attacks on the Press in 2011 A Worldwide Survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists Preface by Sandra Mims Rowe Committee to Protect Journalists Attacks on the Press in 2011 A Worldwide Survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists Committee to Protect Journalists (212) 465-1004 330 Seventh Avenue, 11th Fl. New York, NY 10001
[email protected] Twitter: @pressfreedom Facebook: @committeetoprotectjournalists Founded in 1981, the Committee to Protect Journalists responds to attacks on the press worldwide. CPJ documents hundreds of cases every year and takes action on behalf of journalists and news organizations without regard to political ideology. To maintain its independence, CPJ accepts no government funding. CPJ is funded entirely by private contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations. !omson Reuters, Agence France-Presse, and !e Associated Press provided news and photo services for Attacks on the Press in 2011. Editorial Director: Bill Sweeney Senior Editor: Elana Beiser Deputy Editors: Kamal Singh Masuta, Shazdeh Omari Designer: John Emerson Chief Copy Editor: Lew Serviss Copy Editor: Lisa Flam Proofreader: Naomi Serviss : Journalists run for cover during a bombing raid in Ras Lanuf, Libya. (Reuters/Paul Conroy) © 2012 Committee to Protect Journalists, New York All rights reserved Printed by United Book Press in the United States of America Attacks on the Press in 2011: A Worldwide Survey by the Committee to Protect Journalists : 978-0-944823-31-6 Board of Directors Sandra Mims Rowe Terry Anderson Joel Simon Andrew Alexander Rebecca MacKinnon Franz Allina Kati Marton Christiane Amanpour Michael Massing Dean Baquet Geraldine Fabrikant Metz John S. Carroll Victor Navasky Kathleen Carroll Andres Oppenheimer Rajiv Chandrasekaran Burl Osborne Sheila Coronel Clarence Page Josh Friedman Norman Pearlstine Anne Garrels Ahmed Rashid James C.