
EASTHAM COUNCIL ON AGING Minutes of the Joint Board Meeting September 26, 2019

Betty Beard called the meeting to order at 9:28 A.. COA Board Members/FECOA Representatives present were Debbie Albert, Carol DiBona, Lucile Cashin, Jim Connor, Martha Gajewski, Georgia Hawko, Pat Lariviere, Joan Lockhart, Pat Unish, Dick Ramon and Marcia Scholl. Also, present were Dorothy Burritt (COA Director), Monica Keefe-Hess (COA Secretary).

A motion was made by Jim Connor to accept the minutes of the June 27, 2019 meeting. Joan Lockhart seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

DIRECTOR’ REPORT: 1. Program Updates: . In response to community needs, Dorothy has reached out to Helping Our Women to offer a monthly cancer support group. . The Genealogy 101 session was well received and attended. Joan Lockhart will offer additional sessions in the future. She will also offer a painting class. 2. Multigenerational Dinner: . Volunteers are needed for the Multigenerational Dinner Wednesday, October 2nd at the Elks. 3. Volunteer Driver Reimbursement Rates: . Some of our volunteer drivers proposed new reimbursement rates for mileage. A list of suggested rates per town was provided. Joan Lockhart motioned to increase the reimbursement rates as suggested. Pat Unish seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 4. Newsletter Outsourcing: A quote was provided from LPi in consideration to outsource the newsletter to a professional printer for a full color printing. The quote also included technical support and training. Joan Lockhart will seek the support of local businesses to sponsor the newsletter to offset the cost of publication. Vote tabled to next meeting. 5. 2019-2020 Programs/Mustard Seed: . The 2019/2020 proposal for program funding was provided. Jim Connor motioned to accept the programming budget as proposed. Pat Unish seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. . The Mustard Seed Kitchen requested a contribution of $5,500 to support meal delivery services to Eastham seniors. Pat Unish motioned to donate the amount requested by Mustard Seed Kitchen. Joan Lockhart seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. 6. Open position on COA and FECOA Boards: . FECOA Board member Al Sette passed away recently. A motion was made by Jim Connor to contribute $500 to the Friends of the Eastham Library in Al’s memory. Pat Unish seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. . Stephanie Whalen resigned from the COA Board at the end of FY19. Carol DiBona motioned to purchase a gift certificate to Agway in the amount of $100 as a thank you for Stephanie’s many years of service. Joan Lockhart seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

7. Windmill Weekend Update: . It was noted how nice it was to see the presence of the COA at the Windmill Weekend celebration this year. It was suggested that COA participate annually.

8. Reminder: COA Board State Ethics . A friendly reminder to all COA Board members to complete the Board State Ethics test.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. FECOA Thrift Shop – Pat Lariviere . The Thrift Shop had a great summer. Sales were up due to FaceBook posts. Volunteers are still needed as many are leaving town for the winter. Help is needed on Wednesdays from 9-11 am to sort through donations. 2. SHINE - COA . Open enrollment for Medicare Part- begins October 15th. Tracey Benson, Barnstable County’s program director for SHINE will present after Wednesday lunch on October 16th. 3. FECOA Treasurer - Sandra Szedlak . Treasurer not in attendance. Treasurer’s report provided. 4. FECOA President/Elder Services Representative – Pat Lariviere . Pat reported that the VNA is no longer serving Medicaid and Mass Health patients living between Yarmouth and Provincetown beginning October 15th.

OLD/NEW BUSINESS 1. Old Business: /A 2. New Business: . Brianna LePage resigned from her position as Day Center Manager. . The FECOA was recently awarded a $5,000 grant to help expand the COA’s current transportation program. One action item will be to implement a transportation voucher so seniors in need will have a ride home from Cape Cod Hospital.

A motion was made by Jim Connor and seconded by Joan Lockhart to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 a.m. The vote was unanimous. The next meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2019.

Respectfully submitted,

Monica Keefe-Hess, COA Secretary