Wealth Obligation of Maaser KesaM8 Rabbi Ari Senter בית דין מכון אהרן ע"ש הרב אהרן פלדר זצ"ל Founding Posek of KOF-K Kosher Supervision

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Wealth Obligation of Maaser KesaM8 Rabbi Ari Senter בית דין מכון אהרן ע ימים נוראים תשע״ו / KOF-K HALACHIC JOURNAL 5776 A Life Replete with Yiras Shamayim 5 Rabbi Zecharia Senter The Mitzvah of Eating on Erev Yom Kippur 16 Rav Moshe Chaim Kahan shlit”a Sukkos: Celebrating “Salachti” 23 Rav Shmuel Meir Katz shlit”a Keeping Your Simchah Kosher All the Way 30 Sharing the TheWealth Obligation of Maaser Kesam8 Rabbi Ari Senter בית דין מכון אהרן ע"ש הרב אהרן פלדר זצ"ל Founding posek of KOF-K Kosher Supervision ■Rav Shlomo Gissinger shlit”a ■Rav Shmuel Meir Katz shlit”a ■Rav Moshe Chaim Kahan shlit”a Rav of K’hal Zichron Ya’akov in Well known as one of the A musmach of Lakewood’s Beis Lakewood, NJ, is well known as an distinguished senior poskim in Beis Medrash Govoha, Rav Kahan’s expert in all areas of Halacha and Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. expertise in Halacha propelled him specifically on the subject of tolaim Rav Katz is a foremost authority to the ranks of poskei halacha in (insect infestation in foods). on matza production as well as all the Yeshiva, alongside his position aspects of Kashrus and Halacha. as Rav of K’hal Williams Street in Lakewood. CEO Kashrus Administrators Regional Administrators Rabbi H. Zecharia Senter Rabbi Michoel Brukman Rabbi Yeshaya Eichenblatt Rabbi Noam Goldberg Rabbi Etzion Genauer Supervision Coordinator Rabbi Yitzchak Gornish Rabbi Sholom Gurewicz Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum Rabbi Pinchas Juravel Executive Administrator Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits Supervision Coordinators Rabbi Yosef Abecasis Rabbi Daniel Senter Rabbi Mordechai Levin Rabbi Binyomin Berkowitz Rabbi Yisroel Newman Director of Rabbi Mordechai Ross Halachic Standards Rabbi Avrohom Ossey Rabbi Moshe Reich Rabbi Ari Senter KOF-K Food For Thought Rabbi Yosef Szachtel Editors Rabbi M. D. Lebovits Graphic design by: Mrs. D. Reichel Mrs. Y. Zidele SRULY PERL • 845.694.7186 [email protected] 201 The Plaza, Teaneck, NJ 07666 • (201) 837-0500, Fax (201) 837-0126 Kashrus Questions: (201) 837-0500 x2 • www.kof-k.org Rabbi Zecharia Senter KOF-K Kosher Supervision, CEO Dedication and D var Torah בית דין מכון אהרן ע"ש הרב אהרן פלדר זצ"ל Founding posek of KOF-K Kosher Supervision his edition of Food For Thought is dedicated in he did not impose this on his family. Nevertheless, his memory of my dear friend, Dr. William (Velvel) children learned from example and later adopted the Kahan, Reb Zev ben Reb Gedaliah David stringency of their own accord. THacohen z”l. For years, Reb Velvel and I attended the shiurim Reb Velvel was my chavrusa for the many wonderful given in Moriah by Rebbi Mori Harav Yosef Dov Halevi summers that we spent together in the Catskill Soloveitchik zt”l, almost every Tuesday evening without Mountains. A talmid of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, he was exception, until the Rav stopped giving the shiur. a tremendous talmid chacham. He Since there were over 250 regular was also a brilliant scientist, but attendees at the shiur and Velvel learning Torah was his first priority was not a former student of his, the and his first love. His son related, Rav did not know Velvel personally. “When I was young and people However, he once remarked to my would ask me what I wanted to friend, Dr. Alan Goldstein (his be when I grow up – a doctor, a personal physician), who also lawyer, etc., my father would say, attended the shiur, that he can tell ‘Tell them that what you want from the comments offered by the to BE is a talmid chacham. What person in the second row (that was you want to DO to make a living is Velvel…) that he is an astute young something else entirely.’ Indeed, he man and a considerable talmid was quick to share Torah thoughts chacham. with us, but rarely discussed with I would like to share a dvar us what he did for a living. And Torah that I think serves as a most when he came up to the bungalow fitting tribute to my dear friend. for weekends in the summer, he E basked in the opportunity to be The high point of Parashas kovei’a more time for learning.” Yisro is the Aseres Hadibros, the Through the years, Velvel and I Ten Commandments. In Hashem’s developed a very warm and close introductory words to Bnei Yisrael friendship and I often sought his prior to giving them the Aseres advice in kashrus matters. He Hadibros, He says to them: “V’atah himself was personally extremely Reb Zev ben Reb Gedaliah im shamo’a tishme’u – And now if meticulous about kashrus. He was David Hacohen z”l you listen well to Me and keep My 201 The Plaza, Teaneck, NJ 07666 • (201) 837-0500, Fax (201) 837-0126 makpid on chalav Yisrael in the covenant, you shall be to Me the days when it was not “in fashion” most treasured of all the nations, Kashrus Questions: (201) 837-0500 x2 • www.kof-k.org and not easy to come by. However, for the entire world is Mine. V ’atem tihiyu li – And you shall be to Me a Sedom, need to come along on their kingdom of ministers and a holy people” “It’s hard for me visit to Avraham’s tent? We know that (Shemos 19:5-6). to accept that he every malach has a mission and wastes Shortly afterwards, in the text of the no time on unrelated activities. Aseres Hadibros, Hashem tells Bnei will no longer The Rav answered as follows: Yisrael: “Anochi Hashem Elokecha – I am be there to teach Hashem anticipated that the third Hashem, your G-d who took you out of us, to humor us, malach might question the destruction Mitzrayim, from the house of bondage” to prod us, to set of each individual resident of Sedom. (Shemos 20:1-2). Why should they all be held responsible an example of Ramban makes note of the fact for their individual wicked behavior? that in the introduction to the Aseres total commitment. The entire society of Sedom was so Hadibros, Hashem uses the plural form I’ve never known extremely corrupt, the epitome of evil, – “Atem,” while in the text of the Aseres anyone like him…” and they were simply doing what society Hadibros itself, He addresses them in dictated. Therefore, Hashem preempted the singular – “Anochi Hashem Elokecha,” the malach’s query by sending him first and not “Elokeichem”; “ho’tseisicha,” and to meet Avraham Avinu, to see how it is not “ho’tzeisichem.” Why this transition from lashon possible for one individual to withstand the pressures of rabbim (plural) to lashon yachid (singular)? society’s evils. Avraham was known as Avraham Ha’ivri – “The entire world was on one eiver, on one side, and Ramban explains that this shift in language is not by he was on the other.” Yes, it can be done! And if Hashem ולכל“ :chance, but rather conveys an important message invested us with the strength to maintain our standards – אחד יצוה שלא יחשבו כי אחר הרוב ילך והיחיד ינצל עמהם1 even when the world around us has long abandoned so that the individual will not be exonerated along with true values, if He expects of us to take responsibility for the masses.” The Rav elaborated on Ramban’s statement: our actions – then we are capable of doing so. Anochi People often delude themselves that Hashem will not Hashem Elokecha – I am your G-d! hold them responsible for their individual misconduct if the society they live in is totally corrupt. But this E conception is groundless. The Ramban here is clarifying As a senior scientist at Bell Labs and Singer, Velvel’s the doctrine of “individual responsibility.” “Anochi activities in the “outside world” consistently reflected his Hashem Elokecha….” – I am not just the G-d of Israel in a integrity and ehrlichkeit. When he passed away, his non- vague, general way. I am your G-d. Each individual Jew is Jewish co-worker posted a write-up of his colleagues’ responsible for his own conduct, irrespective of what the feelings towards him. The following are just a few excerpts: society he lives in condones. No one can hide behind the “It’s hard for me to accept that he will no longer be there excuse of social pressure and use it to evade his personal to teach us, to humor us, to prod us, to set an example of answerability. total commitment. I’ve never known anyone like him… The Rav illustrated this same idea in his comments He counseled me when I needed help and supported me on Parashas Vayeira. The posuk in the beginning of the when I was down… His work was always of the highest parashah says, “He lifted his eyes and saw, and there caliber, yet he never sought any special recognition… He were three men standing over him.” Avraham saw three expected much of those who worked with him, but never mortal men, but Chazal reveal to us that those men were more than he did of himself… His influence on our work actually malachim, angels that Hashem sent to him, each was profound; many of the concepts that guide us today with his own individual assignment: One, to tell Avraham came to us from him.” and Sarah that Yitzchak would be born; the second, to Velvel was mekadesh Shem Shamayim every day by heal Avraham who was convalescing from his bris; and serving as an example to his co-workers and, in fact, to the third, to destroy Sedom. anyone he came in contact with. He demonstrated with The Rav questioned: We understand why the his every move that “Hashem was his G-d.” Yehi zichro first two malachim came, but why did the third, baruch.
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