Disease Tools & Assay Lead Target ID HTS Hit to Lead Pre-Clinical Ph. I Ph. II Ph. III Ph. IV Target Development Optimization

Pipeline Opportunity Description Active Links Contact Information

NIDA Drug Supply Program Program provides chemicals and research probes that are http://www.drugabuse.gov/researchers/research- Rik Kline either unavailable, difficult to obtain, or very expensive to buy resources/nida-drug-supply-program Disease Target (DSP) Phone: (301) 827-5243 to researchers. Collection of early 800 items including [email protected] stimulants, sedatives/hypnotics, hallucinogens, cannabinoids, phencyclidines, designer drugs, opioid agonists and antagonists, nicotine analogs, radio- and mass-labeled analogs, opioid peptides, marijuana, standardized nicotine or THC cigarettes, and standardized drug solutions and dosage forms.

NIH NeuroBiobank (NBB) Repository of human post-mortem brain tissue and related https://neurobiobank.nih.gov/ Disease Target biospecimens spanning neurological, neuropsychiatric and [email protected]. neurodevelopmental diseases Target ID

Harvard Brain Tissue Repository of postmortem brain specimens from neurologically http://www.brainbank.mclean.org/ http://www.brainbank.mclean.org/about/contact/ Disease Target Resource Center impaired individuals and controls Phone: 800-272-4622 Target ID

Human Brain and Spinal Fluid Repository of pre- and post-mortem brain, spinal cord, http://brainbank.ucla.edu/ May Wong, Ph.D. Disease Target Resource Center (HBSFRC) cerebrospinal fluid, serum, blood cells and urine for research Phone: (301) 496-1431 on nervous system disorders [email protected] Target ID [email protected]

National NeuroAIDS Tissue Repository of brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, and https://www.nntc.org/ May Wong, Ph.D. Disease Target Consortium (NNTC) other tissue samples from HIV-infected individuals Phone: (301) 496-1431 [email protected] Target ID NICHD Brain and Tissue Bank Repository of brain and other tissues for research on http://medschool.umaryland.edu/btbank/ Phone: 1-800-847-1539; 410-706-1755 Disease Target for Developmental Disorders developmental disorders [email protected] Target ID NINDS National Brain and Repository of donated human post-mortem brain tissue and http://www.ninds.nih.gov/research/parkinsonsweb/brai Thomas Beach, M.D., Ph.D. Disease Target Tissue Resource for related biospecimens from people with Parkinson's disease n_banks/U24_BSHRI.htm Phone: 623-832-6528; 623-832-5643 Parkinson’s Disease and (PD), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurological [email protected] disorders Target ID Related Disorders (NBTR-PD) at the Banner Sun Health Research Institute (BSHRI)

Repository of donated human post-mortem brain tissue from http://www.nybb.hs.columbia.edu/ Columbia University: New Phone: 212-305-2299 Disease Target people with psychiatric and neurological disorders for York Brain Bank [email protected] research, neuropathological evaluation and diagnosis Target ID Johns Hopkins Brain Repository of donated postmortem human brains from people http://www.nybb.hs.columbia.edu/ Olga Pletnikova, Ph.D. Disease Target Resource Center with Parkinson's disease. [email protected]

Target ID Juan Troncoso, Ph.D. [email protected]

National Institute of Mental Program helps to synthesize, purify, and distribute otherwise https://nimh-repository.rti.org/ Jamie Driscoll Disease Target health (NIMH) Chemical unavailable essential compounds to stimulate basic and Phone: (301) 443-3636 Synthesis Program clinical research in psychopharmacology relevant to mental [email protected] Target ID health and in areas such as the molecular pharmacology and signaling of CNS receptors, longitudinal studies to evaluate the Tools & Assay Dev. molecular, biochemical, and behavioral actions of psychoactive compounds, and functional brain imaging in both primates and humans.

NIA National Cell Repository Banks of DNA and cell lines from families with multiple http://ncrad.iu.edu/ [email protected] Disease Target for Alzheimer's Disease individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease or related diseases (800) 272-3900 Target ID (NCRAD) Tools & Assay Dev.

NIH Repositories at Banks DNA and cell lines from individuals diagnosed with https://hopecenter.wustl.edu/?page_id=1408 E-mail: [email protected] Disease Target Washington University, St. substance abuse disorders or with extensive family histories of alcoholism. Phone: (314) 273-1730 Target ID Louis Fax: (314) 362-2244 Tools & Assay Dev.

NIH Repositories at Coriell Banks cells and DNA from individuals with neurological https://catalog.coriell.org/ Roderick Corriveau, Ph.D. Disease Target Institute desiases (Parkinson's disease, stroke, epilepsy and motor), Phone: (301) 496-5680 inherited mental diseases, premature aging syndromes, and [email protected] Target ID Alzheimer's disease. Email [email protected] Tools & Assay Dev. Phone (856) 757-4848 NIMH Center for Collaborative Banks of clinical data, cell lines and DNA from affected and https://www.nimhgenetics.org/ Sue Winkeler Disease Target Genetic Studies on Mental unaffected individuals in families with Alzheimer's disease, [email protected] Disorders autism, bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia and other Target ID disorders [email protected]. Tools & Assay Dev.

Parkinson’s Disease Banks of longitudinal human biospecimens(plasma, serum, http://pdbp.ninds.nih.gov/ Scott Kaiser Disease Target Biomarkers Program (PDBP) DNA, RNA, and CSF) and associated data from Parkinson's Email: [email protected] and control subjects for use in Parkinson's Disease Phone: 317-278-0594 Target ID Biomarkers discovery projects. https://pdbp.ninds.nih.gov/contact-us Tools & Assay Dev.

NIH Human Embryonic Stem Resource to obtain human embryonic stem cell lines that are https://stemcells.nih.gov/contact-us.htm [email protected] Disease Target Cell Registry eligible for use in NIH-supported research Target ID Tools & Assay Dev.

Tulane Center for Stem Cell Center provides well characterized human adult stem cell https://medicine.tulane.edu/centers-institutes/ Disease Target Research and Regenerative preparations and core facility service to academic researchers stem-cell-research-regenerative-medicinehttps:// Medicine worldwide. medicine.tulane.edu/centers-institutes/stem-cell- Target ID research-regenerative-medicine Tools & Assay Dev. Center provides customized, large scale, cell culture services National Cell Culture Center https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/irf-cell- Disease Target for basic research laboratories. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/integrated- culture-core-lab research-facility-chief-scientist-contacts Target ID Tools & Assay Dev.

NIA Genetics of Alzheimer's National genetics data repository facilitates access of https://www.niagads.org/ [email protected] Disease Target Disease Data Storage genotypic data to qualified investigators for the study of the [email protected] genetics of late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Target ID (NIAGADS) Tools & Assay Dev.

Gene Expression Nervous expression atlas of the developing and asult central http://www.neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/factSheet/G Laura Mamounas, Ph.D. Disease Target System Atlas (GENSAT) nervous system in the mouse. GENSAT also generates ENSAT.htm Phone: (301) 496-5745 availible CAC_EGFP reporter and BAC-Cre recombinase [email protected] driver lines (cell and mouse) to serve as tools for cell-specific www.gensat.org genetic manipulations in the nervous system. Pre-Clinical

Mouse Genome Informatics International database resource for the , http://www.informatics.jax.org/ http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/support/ Disease Target providing integrated genetic, genomic, and biological data to mgi_inbox.shtml facilitate the study of human health and disease.

Pre-Clinical Deltagen and Lexicon Trans-NIH mouse initiatives to access to 251 lines of knockout Colin Fletcher, Ph. D. Disease Target mice that have been extensively characterized. https://www.mmrrc.org/about/Deltagen- Phone: (301) 451-1340 Knockout Mice and Lexicon_links.php Phenotypic Data [email protected]

Pre-Clinical Cre-Driver Network Resource to acess more than 100 novel Cre Driver mouse http://www.neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/factSheet/C Andrea C. Beckel-Mitchener, Ph.D. Disease Target lines, available along with a recombinase-expression profile reDriver.htm Phone: (301) 443-5288 for each line. Mouse strains are suitable for tissue- and time- [email protected] specific perturbation of gene function in the nervous system. Pre-Clinical Mutant Mouse Regional Resource provides central archiving, quality control, and https://www.mmrrc.org/ [email protected] Disease Target Resource Centers (MMRRCs) distribution of mouse strains and mouse embryonic stem cell Phone: 800-910-2291 lines.

Pre-Clinical NIH Deltagen and Lexicon Contract resource to access more than 250 lines of knock-out Colin Fletcher, Ph. D. Disease Target mice and associated phenotypic data from the private https://www.mmrrc.org/about/Deltagen-Lexicon_l Phone: (301) 451-1340 Knockout Mice and inks.php Phenotypic Data Resource collections of Deltagen and Lexicon [email protected]

Pre-Clinical The Jackson Laboratory Repository of mouse strains and mouse ES cell lines for http://www.jax.org/index.html http://www.jax.org/index.html Disease Target (JAX) research. JAX offers various mouse models of neurological diseases and spontaneous genetic mutations.

Pre-Clinical NIA Aged Rodent Colonies The National Institute on Aging (NIA) maintains and provides http://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dab/aged-rodent- General questions: Disease Target colonies of aged mice and rats for research on aging and age- colonies-handbook [email protected] related diseases. The recource also includes banks of flash- frozen tissue and tissue arrays for histological studies across Scientific questions: the rodent life span. Heidi Brogdon Pre-Clinical Phone: (301) 496-0181 [email protected]

NIH Knockout Mouse Project Trans-NIH initiative to generate a comprehensive and public Disease Target https://www.komp.org/ [email protected] (KOMP) resource comprised of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells Phone: (510) 450-7917 containing a null mutation in every gene in the mouse genome.

Pre-Clinical National Database for Autism Repository to accelerate progress in autism spectrum https://ndar.nih.gov/index.html Office of the NDAR director Disease Target Research (NDAR) disorders (ASD) research through data sharing, data Phone: (301) 443-3265 harmonization, and the reporting of research results. NDAR also serves as a scientific community platform and portal to multiple other research repositories, allowing for aggregation and secondary analysis of data. Pre-Clinical


Biomedical Technology BTRRs represent a critical mass of technological and http://publications.nigms.nih.gov/btrrs/searchresults.a Mary Ann Wu , Ph.D. Disease Target Research Resources (BTRRs) intellectual resources with a strong focus on service and sp .Phone: (301) 435-0787 training for outside investigators, as well as dissemination of technologies, methods, and software to apply them to a broad range of basic, translational, and clinical research. Pre-Clinical


Zebrafish International Center provides zebrafish lines, genetic tools, antibodies to http://zebrafish.org/home/guide.php [email protected] Target ID Resource Center (ZIRC) zebrafish , and assistance with fish rearing. Tools & Assay Dev. HTS Flybase (supported by the Comprehensive database of the Drosophila genome, with http://flybase.org/ http://flybase.org/ Target ID National information about stock collections and fly genetic tools. Research Institute, NIH) Tools & Assay Dev. HTS

Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center maintains and provides more than 20,000 fruit fly http://flystocks.bio.indiana.edu/ [email protected] Target ID Center (BDSC) at Indiana stocks, carrying all manner of mutations and genetic University constructs. Tools & Assay Dev. HTS Wormbase Database and forum for information about C. elegans strains, http://www.wormbase.org/#01-23-6 [email protected] Target ID , cell-level anatomy, and research methods Tools & Assay Dev. HTS Caenorhabditis Genetics Center maintains and provides over 1000 strains of the http://www.cbs.umn.edu/research/resources/cgc [email protected] Target ID Center (CGC) at University of nematode C. elegans. Minnesota Tools & Assay Dev. HTS

Non-Human Primate Brain Online database of gene expression in the rhesus macaque http://www.neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/factSheet/n Michelle Freund, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Atlas brain from birth to four years old. The atlas is publicly hp_atlas.htm Phone: (301) 443-1815 accessible and allows users to search for gene expression [email protected] data by gene, brain region, and age.

Allen Brain Atlas Multi-modal, multi-resolution atlas detailing gene expression http://mouse.brain-map.org/ Tools & Assay Dev. across the developing and adult brain (mouse and human)

Cell Centered Database Bank of imaging data and tools focused on the morphology of https://library.ucsd.edu/dc/collection/bb5940732k https://library.ucsd.edu/dc/contact Tools & Assay Dev. neurons and the distribution of proteins within them.

Neuroimaging Informatics Online bank of software and other tools used for http://www.neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/factSheet/ni Andrew Weitz, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Tools and Resources neuroimaging. Users can search for, evaluate and download trc.htm Phone: (301) 451-7813 Clearinghouse (NITRC) software tools used to support different imaging methods, including: Functional MRI and structural MRI; Computerized tomography (CT); Positron emission tomography/single- photon emission computed tomography (PET/SPECT); Electroencephalography /magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG); Optical imaging.

NIH MRI Study of Normal Resource of collected MRI scans and correlated behavioral http://www.neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/factSheet/m Judith Rumsey, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Brain Development data from ~ 500 healthy, typically developing children, from ri.htm Phone: (301) 443-9264 [email protected] newborn to late adolescence. The resulting dataset provides a platform for studying healthy brain development and serves as a reference tool for identifying deviations associated with childhood brain disorders.

Biomedical Informatics User-driven system allows researchers to collaborate and http://www.birncommunity.org/ Greg Farber, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Research Network (BIRN) share large quantities of data rapidly, securely and privately in Phone: (301) 435-0778 a virtual environment. [email protected]

The Open Microscopy Open-source software and data format standards for the http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site Tools & Assay Dev. Environment storage and manipulation of biological microscopy data. Resource inclede: 1) OMERO, client-server software for visualization, management and analysis of biological microscope images; b) Bio-Format, a Java library for reading and writing biological image files.

Neuroscience Information Online portal and customized search engine for neuroscience http://www.neuinfo.org/ [email protected] Tools & Assay Dev. Framework (NIF) data, research tools and literature. With more than 4,500 curated resources and direct access to more than 100 databases, it is the largest source of neuroscience information on the web. The National Center for Database provides access to biomedical and genomic http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/guide/sitemap/ Tools & Assay Dev. Biotechnology Information informationWeb-resource including Genome Assemblies and (NCBI) database Resources, the Mouse Transcriptome Project, the Mammalian Gene Collection, Model Organisms, Tools for Data Mining, Databases including GenBank, NIH GWAS, Single Nucleotide Polymerism, Gene Expression Omnibus, Homologene.

The Center for Inherited High quality next generation sequencing and genotyping http://www.cidr.jhmi.edu/ Barbara Thomas, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Disease Research (CIDR) services to investigators working to discover genes that Phone: (301) 402-8837 contribute to disease. On-site statistical geneticists provide [email protected] valuable insight into analysis issues as they relate to study design, data production and quality control. In addition, CIDR provides statistical and analytical support, most predominantly in the areas of GWAS data cleaning and methods development. Completed studies encompass over 180 phenotypes across 750 projects and 800,000 samples.

National Alzheimer's Database of standardized clinical and neuropathological data http://www.alz.washington.edu/ [email protected] Tools & Assay Dev. Coordinating Center (NACC) from 29 Alzheimer's Disease Centers (ADCs) nationwide Phone: (206) 543-8637

NEIBank Database of cDNAs expressed in human and animal eye http://neibank.nei.nih.gov/index.shtml Graeme J. Wistow, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. sorted by organism, type of eye tissue, and disease, where Phone: (301) 402-3452 applicable. [email protected]

NIH Gene Collections Web resource to support the production of full-length, open http://mgc.nci.nih.gov/ http://zgc.nci.nih.gov/ Office of Cancer Genomics, NCI Tools & Assay Dev. reading frame clones from human, mouse, rat, zebrafish, and http://xgc.nci.nih.gov/ Phone: (301) 451-8027 Xenopus frogs [email protected] [email protected]

Protein Data Bank (PDB) Rresource is powered by the Data Bank archive- http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do [email protected] Tools & Assay Dev. information about the 3D shapes of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies that helps students and researchers understand all aspects of biomedicine and agriculture, from protein synthesis to health and disease.

Internet Analysis Tools Web site provides a centrally available listing of all image http://www.cma.mgh.harvard.edu/iatr/ David Kennedy, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Registry analysis tools that are available to the neuroscience [email protected] community in order to facilitate the development, identification, and sharing of tools that are of use to the general community.

GeneNetwork Group of linked data sets and tools used to study complex http://www.genenetwork.org/home.html Rob Williams, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. networks of genes, molecules, and higher order gene function [email protected] and phenotypes in humans, mice (BXD, AXB, LXS, etc.), rats (HXB), and Drosophila.

Unique computational environment for modeling and [email protected] National Resource for Cell http://vcell.org/ Tools & Assay Dev. Analysis and Modeling simulation of cell biology. The creation of biological or (NRCAM) mathematical models can range from the simple, to evaluate hypotheses or to interpret experimental data, to complex multi- layered models used to probe the predicted behavior of complex, highly non-linear systems. NIA Biological Biochemical Searchable database of images of putative biological https://www.nia.nih.gov/research/resources Tools & Assay Dev. Image Database pathways, macromolecular structures, gene families, and cellular relationships

NIH Biomedical Information NIH initiative to supports seven centers developing innovative http://www.bisti.nih.gov/ [email protected] Tools & Assay Dev. Science and Technology software programs and other tools for systems biology, image Phone: 301-451-6446 Initiative (BISTI) processing, biophysical modeling, biomedical ontologies, information integration, and gene-phenotype and disease analysis. The BISTI Consortium develops research grants, training opportunities, and scientific symposia related to biomedical computing.

NCATS Chemical Genomics Informatics tool serves as a public, stand-alone, open-source http://tripod.nih.gov/curvefit/ Yuhong Wang Tools & Assay Dev. Center CurveFit version of the Center’s own curve-fitting software. This Phone: (301) 217-5733 application automatically fits and classifies thousands of dose- [email protected] response curves.

Neuroimaging Informatics Initiative supports services, training, and research to enhance http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/ Tools & Assay Dev. Technology Initiative (NIfTI) the use, and speed the development of, tools for neuroimaging/neuroinformatics

Centers for Evaluation of Resource to generates low-cost monoclonal antibodies for the http://neuromab.ucdavis.edu/ Randall R. Steward, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Neurodevelopment Antibodies study of proteins found in mammalian brain Phone: (301) 496-1917 [email protected] [email protected]

NIH Neuroscience Microarray Resource provides gene expression profiling and SNP http://www.ninds.nih.gov/research/scientific_resource Laura Mamounas, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Consortium genotyping services on a fee-for-service basis to investigators s/gene_protein_expression/index.htm#microarray [email protected] who are engaged in neuroscience research and have active NIH funding

PSI:Biology-Materials Database for searching and ordering plasmid and vectors http://psimr.asu.edu/ Josh LaBaer, M.D., Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Repository generated by Protein Structure Initiative-supported scientists. [email protected] Repository has nearly 90,000 PSI plasmids and 120 empty Phone: (480) 965-2805 vectors available. Mitch Magee, Ph.D. [email protected] Phone: (480) 727-0857

PSI Structural Biology Web ortal to the protein structure and production resources http://sbkb.org/ [email protected] Tools & Assay Dev. Knowledgebase generated by Protein Structure Initiative-supported scientists.

NIH Mouse Transcriptome Resource to map the gender-specific expression of mRNA http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/guide/mouse/Mo Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Project transcripts in a variety of adult mouse tissues. useTranscriptome.html Phone: (301) 435-1309 [email protected]

NIA Aged Rodent Tissue Resource offers high-throughput analysis of tissue histology http://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dab/aged-rodent- Heidi Brogdon Tools & Assay Dev. Arrays and protein expression for the biogerontology research tissue-bank-handbook/tissue-arrays Phone: (301) 496-0181 community. The resource also provides samples from multiple [email protected] HTS tissues across the rodent life span on a single slide. [email protected] The Toxicology in the 21st Federal collaboration involves the NIH/NCATS, Environmental https://ncats.nih.gov/tox21 Systems Toxicology Tools & Assay Dev. Century (Tox21) program Protection Agency (EPA), and Food and Drug Administration Menghang Xia, Ph.D. (FDA). Resource to develop toxicity assessment methods and [email protected] HTS efficiently test compound toxicity using the robotic system. Proposed assays should be compatible with the high- Genomic Toxicology throughput screening guidelines. David Gerhold, Ph.D. [email protected]

Informatics Ruili Huang, Ph.D. [email protected]

NCATS Pharmaceutical Comprehensive, publicly accessible collection of approved and http://www.ncats.nih.gov/research/tools/preclinical/np Ruili Huang, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Collection investigational molecular entities for high-throughput screening c/pharmaceutical-collection.html Phone: (301) 217-5714 that provides a valuable resource for both validating new [email protected] HTS models of disease and better understanding the molecular basis of disease pathology and intervention.

Program offers public sector biomedical researchers access to NIH Molecular Libraries https://commonfund.nih.gov/molecularlibraries/index https://commonfund.nih.gov/contact Tools & Assay Dev. Program the large-scale screening capacity necessary to identify small molecules that can be optimized as chemical probes to study HTS the functions of genes, cells, and biochemical pathways. MLP helps to develop an HTS-ready or true HTS assay, validated Hit to Lead screening hit for development into an in vivo chemical probe. Lead optimization

Compound dossiers of potential neuroprotective agents to CINAPS Compound Dossiers https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Current-Research/ https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Contact-Us Tools & Assay Dev. treat Parkinson's disease Scientific-Resources/ Pre-Clinical

NEI Retinal Degeneration Rat Resource maintains and distributes rat models of the retinitis http://ophthalmology.ucsf.edu/matthew-lavail-phd-r MATTHEW LaVAIL, Ph.D. Tools & Assay Dev. Model Resource pigmentosa type of inherited retinal degeneration etinal-degeneration-rat-model-resource/ [email protected] Pre-Clinical

Semi-Custom Synthesis On- ChemNavigator provides scientific and technical services to http://www.chemnavigator.com/cnc/aboutUs/CostOfDi Marc C. Nicklaus, Ph.D. HTS line Request System help your company identify, screen and procure compound scovery.asp Phone: (301) 846-5903 samples for drug discovery research. [email protected] Hit to Lead (SCSORS) [email protected] Lead optimization

NIMH Psychoactive Drug Resource provides pharmacological and functional screening http://pdspdb.unc.edu/pdspWeb/ Jamie Driscoll HTS Screening Program (PDSP) of novel synthetic compounds and natural products for Phone: (301) 443-5288 potential use as PET ligands for functional brain imaging, [email protected] Hit to Lead research tools or probes for preclinical research, and therapeutic agents for mental disorders. Screening of novel Lead optimization psychoactive compounds for pharmacological and functional activity at cloned human or rodent CNS receptors, channels, Pre-Clinical and transporters.

Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Recource provides non-dilutive support for small molecule http://neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/bpdrugs/index.ht Charles Cywin, Ph.D. Hit to Lead Network (BNP) drug discovery and development, from hit-to-lead chemistry m Phone: (301) 496-1779 through phase I clinical testing. Funding is provided for basic [email protected] Lead optimization researchers and biopharmacetical companies for outsource activities and access to consultants with expertise in various Pre-Clinical aspects of drug discovery and development. Phase I NCATS Bridging Interventional Program makes available, on a competitive basis, certain [email protected] https://ncats.nih.gov/bridgs Lead optimization Development Gaps Program critical resources needed for the development of new (BrlDGs) therapeutic agents for both common and rare diseases. Pre-Clinical Successful applicants receive access to NIH contractors who conduct pre-clinical studies at no cost to the investigator. Synthesis, formulation, pharmacokinetic and toxicology services in support of investigator-held Investigational New Drug (IND) applications to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are available.

The NIDA Addiction Treatment Program aims to discover potential pharmacological http://www.drugabuse.gov/about- David White, Ph.D. Lead optimization Discovery Program (ATDP) treatments for substance abuse, with an emphasis on relapse nida/organization/divisions/division- Phone: (301) 827-5981 prevention, through preclinical testing and evaluation of pharmacotherapies-medical-consequences-drug- [email protected] Pre-Clinical compounds. Availiable screening and profiling protocols: 1) abuse-dpmcda/research-programs Locomotor Activity acute and timecourse tests (mice); 2) Drug Discrimination acute and timecourse tests by several routes of administration (rats and/or primates); 3) Self-Administration (rats and/or primates; 4) Stress - or Conditioned Cues, or Drug- Priming-Induced Reinstatement (rats). In addition, established tests for a particular compound include in vitro receptor assays and predictive toxicology tests to predict mutagenicity.

Therapeutics for Rare and Program stimulates drug discovery and development research https://ncats.nih.gov/trnd [email protected] Lead optimization Neglected Diseases (TRND) collaborations among NIH and academic scientists, nonprofit Phone: 301-402-4336 organizations, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology Pre-Clinical companies working on rare and neglected illnesses. Phase I Phase II NINDS Anticonvulsant Program upports screening compounds for anti-seizure activity http://www.ninds.nih.gov/research/asp/ John Kehne, Ph.D. Pre-Clinical Screening Program (ASP) in a battery of well-established rodent seizure models. The Phone: 301-496-1779 program was designed to encourage and facilitate the [email protected] discovery of new therapeutic agents for epilepsy.

Repository of frozen and fixed tissue collected from nonhuman NIA Non-Human Primate https://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dab/nonhuman- Heidi Brogdon Pre-Clinical primate species under contractual arrangement. Tissue is Tissue Banks primate-tissue-bank-handbook Phone: (301) 496-0181 available to NIH-funded investigators at academic and [email protected] nonprofit research institutions who are engaged in funded research on aging.

Primate Resources for Resource has more than 26,000 animals representing more http://dpcpsi.nih.gov/orip/cm/primate_resources_rese Pre-Clinical Researchers than 20 species of nonhuman primates, mostly macaques archers#centers

NINDS Anticonvulsant Program facilitates the discovery of new therapeutic agents https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Current-Research/Focus- John Kehne, Ph.D. Pre-Clinical Screening Program for epilepsy. Recources provide structural evaluation of Research/Focus-Epilepsy/ETSP Phone: (301) 496-1779 submitted compounds within an internal program database [email protected] (~30,000 compounds) and screens compounds for anti- seizure activity in a battery of well-established rodent seizure models.

Contract resource for standardized animal model screening to NINDS CINAPS Robert Riddle, Ph.D. Pre-Clinical support preclinical assessment of neuroprotective agents for https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Current-Research/ [email protected] Parkinson’s disease. Scientific-Resources/Animal-Models NIMH Toxicological Evaluation Program accelerates the discovery, development, and http://www.sri.com/work/projects/toxicological- Jamie Driscoll Pre-Clinical of Novel Ligands Program application of novel ligands for PET, SPECT, and MRI imaging evaluation-novel-ligands-program Phone: (301) 443-5288 in humans by providing toxicology and safety assessment of [email protected] Phase I promising, target-selective compounds. Program provides limited assessment of novel psychoactive agents for clinical research and as potential therapeutics.

NIDA Drug Supply Program Program provides chemicals and research probes that are http://www.drugabuse.gov/researchers/research- Rik Kline Pre-Clinical either unavailable, difficult to obtain, or very expensive to buy resources/nida-drug-supply-program Phone: (301) 827-5243 to researchers. Program also provides analytical services for [email protected] Phase I the analysis of researchers experimental samples. Phase II

The CTSA program is designed to address the development https://ncats.nih.gov/contact CTSA program for https://ncats.nih.gov/ctsa Pre-Clinical Translational and Clinical and implementation of national standards and best practices Research for the full range of translation, from basic discovery to clinical Phase I and community-engaged research. The program supports a national network of medical research institutions collaborating Phase II to transform how clinical and translational science is conducted nationwide Phase III Phase IV

Cocaine Clinical Trials Program involves contract and grant mechanisms to 1) identify http://www.drugabuse.gov/about- David White, Ph.D. Phase I Program (CCTP) new compounds/medications as potential pharmacotherapies; nida/organization/divisions/division- Phone: (301) 827-5981 2) evaluate brain imaging techniques as potential adjunctive pharmacotherapies-medical-consequences-drug- [email protected] Phase II diagnostic or screening tools and as potential treatment abuse-dpmcda/research-programs#CCTP evaluation tools; 3) design, conduct, analyze, and review Phase III clinical trials for the combined pharmacotherapy and behavioral therapy of cocaine abuse; 4) develop and evaluate Phase IV new biological or surrogate measures to assess the outcomes of pharmacotherapeutic trials.

NIH Bench-to-Bedside Program funds research teams seeking to translate basic http://www.cc.nih.gov/ccc/btb/awards.shtml Hanna Smith Phase I Program (B2B) scientific findings into therapeutic interventions for patients. Phone: (301) 402-6313 Program exemplifies the benefits associated with intramural – [email protected] Phase II extramural collaborations; the extramural community gains access to the Clinical Center's unique resources, and the Phase III intramural community can pursue innovative research with extramural investigators. Phase IV

Clinical Trial Regulations, Web-recource provides information and references to help NIH http://www.drugabuse.gov/funding/clinical- Phase I Policies, and Guidance applicants and grantees to understand Clinical Trial research/regulations-policies-guidance Regulations, Policies, and Guidance. Phase II Phase III Phase IV NIDA Data Harmonization NIDA’s data-harmonization efforts aim to promote common http://www.drugabuse.gov/researchers/research- Phase I Projects measures to be used by researchers across studies within and resources/data-harmonization-projects across particular research fields.researchers can more easily Phase II compare and combine datasets to detect more subtle and complex associations among variables, thereby promoting Phase III greater collaboration, efficiency, and return on investment. Phase IV

NIDA-Tobacco Regulatory The NIDA TRSP office provides liaison assistance regarding http://www.drugabuse.gov/national-institute-drug- Phylicia Porter, MPH Phase I Science Program (TRSP) the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (FDA/CTP) and NIH- abuse-nida-portion-tobacco-regulatory-science- Phone: (301) 435-1692 TRSP program research priorities. program-trsp [email protected] Phase II Phase III Phase IV

NIDA Data Share NIDA Data Share web-site disributes data from completed https://datashare.nida.nih.gov/ https://datashare.nida.nih.gov/contact_us Phase I clinical trials to promote new research, encourage further analyses, and disseminate information to the community. Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Aggregation clinical research Web-resource provides an online database of country-specific https://clinregs.niaid.nih.gov/ Phase I regulations from around the clinical research regulatory information designed to enable glob (ClinRegs) users to explore regulations within a country and compare Phase II requirements across countries. Phase III Phase IV

NIH Toolbox for Assessment Multidimensional set of brief measures assessing cognitive, http://www.neuroscienceblueprint.nih.gov/factSheet/to Molly V. Wagster, Ph.D. Phase I of Neurological and emotional, motor and sensory function. These tests are olbox.htm Phone: (301) 496-9350 Behavioral Function intended to provide a more complete picture of neurological [email protected] Phase II and behavioral health in large-scale longitudinal studies, [email protected] epidemiological studies, and clinical trials; and to facilitate Phase III valid cross-study comparisons Phase IV

FNIH Biomarkers Consortium Partnership resource among the Foundation for NIH (FNIH), http://www.biomarkersconsortium.org/ Linda Brady, Ph.D. Phase I government agencies and the private sector to discover, Phone: (301) 443-3563 develop, and qualify biological markers (biomarkers), and to [email protected] Phase II support new drug development, preventive medicine, and medical diagnostics. Phase III Phase IV

NeuroNEXT: Network for Unique clinical trial network open to studies of more than 400 http://www.ninds.nih.gov/news_and_events/proceedin https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Contact-Us Phase I Excellence in Neuroscience neurological diseases. Resource provides a robust, gs/20101217-NEXT.htm Phone: (800) 352-9424 Clinical Trials standardized, and accessible infrastructure to facilitate rapid Phase II development and implementation of protocols in neurological disorders affecting adult and/or pediatric populations. Phase III Phase IV e-Source: Behavioral and Authoritative answers to methodological questions on http://www.esourceresearch.org/ Phase I Social Science Research behavioral and social science research. With contributions from a team of international experts, e-Source provides the Phase II latest information on addressing emerging challenges in public health. Phase III Phase IV

Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics knowledge resource that encompasses https://www.pharmgkb.org/ Email: [email protected] Phase I Knowledge. Implementation clinical information including dosing guidelines and drug Phone: (650) 725-0659 (PharmGKB) labels, potentially clinically actionable gene-drug associations Phase II and genotype-phenotype relationships Phase III Phase IV Research Electronic Data Easy-to-use, freely available software tool for clinical study http://project-redcap.org/ [email protected]. Phase I Capture (REDCap) management and data capture. Web application to create standardized surveys, easily transfer data and export data into Phase II a variety of statistical programs. Phase III Phase IV Substance Abuse PhenX Resource provides standard measures related to substance https://www.phenxtoolkit.org/index.php?pageLink=ab Kevin P. Conway, Ph.D. Phase III Toolkit abuse and mental health diseases, phenotypic traits and out.saa Phone: (301) 443-6504 environmental exposures. Use of PhenX measures facilitates [email protected] Phase IV combining data from a variety of studies, and makes it easy for investigators to expand a study design beyond the primary research focus.