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Title Xenometabolite signatures in the UC Davis type 2 diabetes mellitus rat model revealed using a metabolomics platform enriched with microbe-derived metabolites.

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Journal American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, 319(2)

ISSN 0193-1857

Authors Mercer, Kelly E Yeruva, Laxmi Pack, Lindsay et al.

Publication Date 2020-08-01

DOI 10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 319: G157–G169, 2020. First published June 8, 2020; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020.

RESEARCH ARTICLE Microbiome and Host Interactions

Xenometabolite signatures in the UC Davis type 2 diabetes mellitus rat model revealed using a metabolomics platform enriched with microbe-derived metabolites

Kelly E. Mercer,1,2 Laxmi Yeruva,1,2,3 Lindsay Pack,1 James L. Graham,4,5 Kimber L. Stanhope,4,5 Sree V. Chintapalli,1,2 Umesh D. Wankhade,1,2 Kartik Shankar,6 Peter J. Havel,4,5 Sean H. Adams,1,2 and X Brian D. Piccolo1,2 1Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, Little Rock, Arkansas; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas; 3Arkansas Children’s Research Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas; 4Department of Nutrition, University of California of California, Davis, California; 5Department of Molecular Biosciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, California; and 6Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado Submitted 6 April 2020; accepted in final form 4 June 2020

Mercer KE, Yeruva L, Pack L, Graham JL, Stanhope KL, metabolomics platform for xenometabolites (nonself-originating me- Chintapalli SV, Wankhade UD, Shankar K, Havel PJ, Adams SH, tabolites). This assay has 190 in-house standards with the majority Piccolo BD. Xenometabolite signatures in the UC Davis type 2 enriched for microbe-derived metabolites. As a proof-of-principle, we diabetes mellitus rat model revealed using a metabolomics platform used the XenoScan to discriminate genetic differences from cecal enriched with microbe-derived metabolites. Am J Physiol Gastrointest samples associated with different rat lineages, in addition to charac- Liver Physiol 319: G157–G169, 2020. First published June 8, 2020; terizing diabetes progression in rat model of type 2 diabetes. Com- doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020.—The gut microbiome has the poten- plementing microbial sequencing data with xenometabolites uncov- tial to create or modify xenometabolites (i.e., nonhost-derived metab- ered novel microbial metabolism in targeted organisms. olites) through de novo synthesis or modification of exogenous and diabetes; metabolomics; microbiota; xenometabolites endogenous compounds. While there are isolated examples of xeno- metabolites influencing host health and disease, wide-scale character- ization of these metabolites remains limited. We developed a metabo- lomics platform (“XenoScan”) using liquid chromatography-mass INTRODUCTION spectrometry to characterize a range of known and suspected xeno- metabolites and their derivatives. This assay currently applies authen- A great deal of research has focused on the role of the gut tic standards for 190 molecules, enriched for metabolites of microbial microbiome in modulating host physiology and health, includ- origin. As a proof-of-principle, we characterized the cecal content ing associations between specific intestinal microbe popula- xenometabolomics profile in adult male lean Sprague-Dawley (LSD) tions and metabolites with the function of and University of California, Davis type 2 diabetes mellitus (UCD- and systemic immune systems (37, 55), liver function and T2DM) rats at different stages of diabetes. These results were corre- steatosis (10), amino acid metabolism (27), gut hormone re- lated to specific bacterial species generated via shotgun metagenomic lease (11), brain development and behavior (13a), sequencing. UCD-T2DM rats had a unique xenometabolite profile function (28), and other physiological systems. Some of the compared with LSD rats, regardless of diabetes status, suggesting that at least some of the variation is associated with host genetics. strongest evidence that specific or groups of bacteria Furthermore, modeling approaches revealed that several xenometabo- impact physiological function stems from fecal/cecal content lites discriminated UCD-T2DM rats at early stages of diabetes versus transfer studies, in which donor obesity phenotypes were those at 3 mo postdiabetes onset. Several xenometabolite hubs corre- transferred to recipients (47, 52). Recently, clinical application lated with specific bacterial species in both LSD and UCD-T2DM of this strategy has shown promise, with fecal transfer from rats. For example, -3-propionic acid negatively correlated with healthy donors to patients suffering from inflammatory bowel species within the Oscillibacter genus in UCD-T2DM rats considered disease (IBD) helping mitigate IBD-associated symptoms (54). to be prediabetic or recently diagnosed diabetic, in contrast to glu- Most studies of gut microbiome-host interactions have fo- conic acid and trimethylamine, which were positively correlated with cused on correlations between abundances of specific microbes Oscillibacter species. The application of a xenometabolite-enriched and specific (patho)physiological variables, which allows for metabolomics assay in relevant milieus will enable rapid identification hypothesis-generation in terms of the potential bacterial taxa of a wide variety of gut-derived metabolites, their derivatives, and their potential biochemical origins of xenometabolites in relationship that are involved. However, the specific molecular signals to host gastrointestinal microbial ecology. underlying microbe-to-host communication and gut-derived metabolites that reflect shifts in microbial populations, ecol- NEW & NOTEWORTHY We debut a liquid chromatography-mass ogy, and biochemistry remain to be fully elaborated. There is spectrometry (LC/MS) platform called the XenoScan, which is a a massive genetic potential (number of genes and gene vari- ants) for the gut microbiome; when coupled to the large Correspondence: S. H. Adams ([email protected]); B. D. Piccolo biomass of microbes in the gastrointestinal tract, and the ([email protected]). complex molecule mixtures in foods, there is tremendous http://www.ajpgi.org 0193-1857/20 Copyright © 2020 the American Physiological Society G157 Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. G158 XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES enzymatic and nonenzymatic capacity for generating xenome- mals used in this study has previously been conducted and a major tabolites. This can occur via de novo synthesis, through mi- effect of collection year was observed even though UCD-T2DM rats crobial conversion of exogenous components (e.g., phytonutri- had been maintained at the same animal facility for Ͼ12 yr (45). Thus the current study only reports results from rats collected during 2016. ents, fibers, oligosaccharides, pharmacological agents, etc.), ϭ ϭ and via microbial modification of host-derived molecules (pri- Final sample numbers (n) were as follows: LSD 7, PD 9, RD ϭ 10, and D3M ϭ 5. Since only two animals were available from mary bile acids, urea, etc.). The latter may also be referred to 6-mo diabetic rats (D6M) from 2016, these animals were not included as “cometabolites” since they involve metabolism by both host for analyses herein. and microbe(s). Much work remains to fully categorize xeno- metabolites and their nomenclature, to determine which of Sample Collection these metabolites serve as modulators of mammalian physiol- ogy, and to understand their specific microbial and food- As previously described (45), rats were given a 200 mg/kg ip dose derived origins. of pentobarbital sodium after a 13-h fast. Fully anesthetized rats were exsanguinated via cardiac puncture between ca. 0800 and 1100. Cecal Metabolomics has proven quite valuable to identify molec- tissue was immediately removed after exsanguination and blotted dry. ular biomarkers of microbial metabolism; however, few labo- A hole was punched into the cecal tissue, and a cecal content sample ratories have dedicated authentic standard libraries that encom- was squeezed into a sterile 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube. Samples pass the wide breadth of metabolites associated with microbial were immediately placed in a Ϫ80°C freezer until analysis. activities. Furthermore, most large-scale metabolomics plat- forms have standard and spectral libraries that generally en- Metagenomic Sequencing compass human and mammalian metabolic pathways, which Total DNA was extracted from cecal content samples (0.1–0.3 g) complicates identification of microbial specific metabolites. To using the DNeasy PowerSoil HTP 96 Kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) address this issue, we have developed a metabolomics platform following the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing libraries were that enables a greater focus on “nonhost” xenometabolites, generated from extracted DNA samples using Nextera XT reagents xenometabolite derivatives, cometabolites, and related mole- including dual indexes. Libraries were quantitated using Qubit ds- cules, which can be applied to better understand alterations in DNA reagents and pooled and sequenced using NextSeq 500 high- microbial environments. This platform, which we term output reagents (150-bp paired reads). Alignment of reads and taxo- “XenoScan,” currently has Ͼ190 authentic in-house xenome- nomic binning was conducted with MEGAN Community Edition tabolite standards curated from published literature and is software. Reads were aligned against the National Center for Biotech- continuously growing. As a proof-of-concept, we utilized the nology Information nonredundant database (NCBI-nr) with the DIA- XenoScan to extend our previous work in the UC Davis type 2 MOND program, and taxonomic analysis was then performed with Meganizer. Median sample depth for samples used in this study herein diabetes mellitus (UCD-T2DM) Rat model (45). Our results, was 2.38 Gbp. Species level sequencing count data were exported herein, demonstrate that the XenoScan can detect genetic/ from MEGAN as a csv file and further analyzed using the R Statistical strain-specific differences in microbial metabolism, distinguish Language (version 3.6.0). Sequencing data are publicly available at early and late states of diabetes, and identify species-specific the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (Accession No. SRP140861; relationships between bacterial taxa and xenometabolites. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra).

MATERIALS AND METHODS Metabolomics Analyses Animals In-depth description of analytical workflow has been previously published (46). For each animal, duplicate cecal samples were pre- Male UCD-T2DM rats were utilized for the current study. The pared and subjected to analysis. Cecal contents (~25 mg) were UCD-T2DM rat model spontaneously develops diabetes while con- resuspended in 500 ␮L 50% aqueous methanol plus 25 ␮L recovery suming a standard low-fat, low-sugar rodent chow diet, has a poly- standard [13C]valine (42 ␮M) and homogenized using a Precellys 24 genic origin of obesity, has an inherited ␤-cell defect, and retains homogenizer (Bertin Corp) at 5,300 rpm for two 30-s cycles. Homog- functional leptin signaling. Full description of the UCD-T2DM rat enates were then extracted in 1 mL of ice-cold acetonitrile. Experi- lineage has been previously described (12, 30). This study was mental pools, used for quality control (QC) samples, were prepared by approved by the University of California, Davis Institutional Animal pooling equal volumes (100 ␮L) of each sample extract. Samples and Care and Use Committee (Protocol No. 18267) and all methods QC extracts were evaporated to dryness under a nitrogen stream and involving animals were carried out in accordance with the institutional reconstituted in 300 ␮L 5% aqueous methanol containing an internal guidelines and regulations. standard (lorazepam, 5.1 ␮M final concentration; Sigma Aldrich, St. Study Design Louis, MO). Chromatography was performed on a Dionex Ultimate 3000 UHPLC as using an XSelect CSH C18 reversed phase column In-depth study details have been previously described (45). Briefly, (2.1 ϫ 100 mm, 2.5 ␮m) kept at 49°C as previously described with all rats were singly housed within the same room at the animal facility minor modification (46). All samples, including duplicates, from each in the Department of Nutrition, had Carefresh bedding and ad libitum diet group assayed in mixed and random order. Detection was carried access to standard chow (2018 Telkad Global; Harlan Laboratories), out on a Q-Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer and were on a 14:10-h light-dark schedule. Male UCD-T2DM rats with data acquisition executed using Xcalibur 4.0 software as previ- were selected for inclusion if ~180 days old and had nonfasting blood ously described (46). All samples were analyzed by positive and glucose Ͻ200 mg/dL (i.e., prediabetic, referred to as PD), nonfasting negative electrospray ionization (ESIϩ/Ϫ) full-mass spectrometry blood glucose Ͼ200 mg/dL for the previous 7–14 days (i.e., recent (MS) scan mode. onset of diabetes, referred to as RD), and nonfasting blood glucose The acquired data set, composed of full MS and data-dependent Ͼ200 mg/dL for the previous 90 days (i.e., 3-mo post-onset of MS2 raw files, was processed using Compound Discoverer 3.0 diabetes, referred to as D3M). Male LSD rats aged 180 days were also using an untargeted metabolomics workflow including retention studied as a metabolic healthy nonobese control group. Microbial time alignment, unknown compound detection, compound-group- analysis (16S rRNA and shotgun metagenomic sequencing) of ani- ing across all samples, gap filling and metabolite identification

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES G159 using online, and “in-house” data-dependent MS2-fragmentation inant analysis (PLS-DA) was used to determine whether the global spectral databases (ddMS2). Software parameters for alignment metabolome could accurately predict group classification. PLS-DA were as follows: adaptive curve model, 5-ppm mass tolerance, and was determined using the caret package (35) with training parameters 0.2-min maximum shift for alignment. Software parameters for set to fourfold cross-validation with five repeats. Average classifica- detecting unknown compounds were as follows: mass tolerance for tion accuracy across each cross-validation repeat was assessed to detection of 10 ppm, intensity tolerance of 30%, S/N threshold of determine performance of PLS-DA models. The optimal number of 3, and minimum peak height of 1e6, and parameters for compound PLS-DA latent variables (LVs) was chosen based on which LV had groups were a mass tolerance of 10 ppm and retention time the highest average classification accuracy. Variable importance in tolerance 0.15 min. Gap filling was performed across all samples projection (VIP) was calculated by fitting a PLS-DA model in the pls using the Real Peak detection method, a mass tolerance of 10 ppm package (40) using the parameters determined in the caret workflow, and S/N threshold of 1.5. Metabolites were identified by using followed by VIP assessment using the plsVarSel package (39). Con- MassList [accurate mass Ϯ 5 ppm, retention time (RT) Ϯ 15stoa fidence intervals (95%) were then assessed for VIP calculations using known standard], mzCloud (online ddMS2 database), and mzVault the boot package (8, 13). Metabolites with bootstrapped VIP confi- (in house ddMS2 database) and given the following confidence dence intervals Ͼ0.8 were selected as metabolites contributing to levels: Level 1 identification if accurate mass, retention time, and class discrimination in PLS-DA models (39). PLS-DA scores were MS2 spectra matching to mzVault or mzCloud; and Level 2 visualized on the first three LVs using the rgl package (2). Full details identification if accurate mass, retention time matching to known of preprocessing steps related to shotgun metagenomic standard, and no ddMS2 information. For the current paper, only data, including removal of poorly sequenced samples and low abun- specific, Level 1 metabolites were utilized for final analysis. dant species, have previously been reported (45). Functions from the The term “xenometabolites” refers to “nonself” metabolites/com- phyloseq (38) and vegan (41) packages were routinely used in this pounds and their derivatives (i.e., derived from microbes, food/plants, workflow. The centered log-ratio transformation was applied to the pharmaceutical, industry, etc.). The current xenometabolomics platform taxonomy data before analyses. Taxonomy and metabolomics data (XenoScan) was constructed using 190 authentic standards (Supplemen- were combined, and Spearman’s correlations were assessed using the tal Table S1: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11419383.v1). Identifi- rcorr() function in Hmisc (21). Correlations were conducted on LSD cation of library components was based largely on an exhaustive survey rats and combined PD and RD rat groups. We analyzed PD and RD of the extant literature related to known gut microbial and other xeno- groups together to increase our overall power and due to the similarity metabolites, plus in some cases deduction of microbial origins of select in microbiota and metabolomics phenotypes (herein and Refs. 44, 45). metabolites based on conditions in which literature reports characterized Correlations were not conducted on D3M (i.e., later stage diabetic the molecules (Supplemental Table S1). In addition to strict xenometabo- rats) due to the small sample size. Data that had a significant group lites, we expanded our library to include metabolites that would not be difference were used in the correlation analysis. Significant correla- identified in a host organism without comodification by a foreign en- tions were then imported into Cytoscape (version 3.7.1) for network zyme/organism (e.g., bacterial enzymatic deconjugation of bile acids in visualization. Supplemental material is available at https://doi.org/ cecum and large intestines). 10.6084/m9.figshare.11419383.v1 including the data sets, R code, and Peak area values were generated on metabolites identified in the supplemental files generated during the current study. cecal content samples within our in-house library (i.e., not limited to only xenometabolites). All detected metabolites were normalized RESULTS using vector normalization on log transformed data. Average relative standard deviation (RSD) of duplicate samples was 24.1% and 23.0% The Cecal Xenometabolome Discriminates UCD-T2DM Rats in negative and positive modes, respectively. The average of duplicate from Lean Sprague-Dawley Controls samples was used. RSDs of QC samples were calculated for all detected metabolites. A total of 7 and 13 metabolites from negative The UCD-T2DM rat spontaneously develops a diabetic and positive modes, respectively, had mean RSD Ͼ40% and were phenotype, characterized by a polygenic origin of obesity and removed from statistical analyses. Metabolites were further filtered to peripheral insulin resistance, while maintaining functional lep- include only xenometabolites and their derivatives including come- tin signaling (12). We previously assessed the cecal contents tabolites (Supplemental Table S2), resulting in a total of 82 metabo- from age-matched UCD-T2DM rats at differing stages of lites that were ultimately used for statistical analysis (47 and 35 in diabetes progression for shotgun metagenomic sequencing and negative and positive modes, respectively). global, untargeted metabolomics enriched for metabolites as- sociated with pathways related to energy metabolism (45). Data Preprocessing and Statistical Analysis Although the previous metabolomics assay demonstrated that the cecal metabolome is altered with diabetes progression, that All statistical analyses were conducted in R version 3.6.0. Metab- olites were assessed individually for outliers using an iterative appli- analysis platform was not optimized to fully characterize me- cation of Grubbs’ test (33) on log-transformed data. Identified outliers tabolites directly associated with microbial metabolism. There- were removed, which affected Ͻ0.7% of the total data. Imputation of fore, we leveraged samples from the prior cohort to determine all missing data, including missing data due to technical and outlier whether the xenometabolome and related metabolites are al- assessment, was conducted using the K-nearest neighbor algorithm tered by the progression of diabetes. Of the 190 metabolites from the impute package (22). Sample outliers were visually assessed available as authentic standards in our XenoScan platform, 82 using sample boxplots and principal component analysis (PCA). No were detected in either UCD-T2DM rat groups (regardless of samples were removed from statistical analysis due to sample outlier diabetes status) or lean Sprague-Dawley (LSD) control rats assessments. Group differences in metabolites were assessed with (Supplemental Table S2). Of these, 39 metabolites were sig- Kruskal-Wallis tests followed by correction for multiple comparisons nificantly different (FDR Ͻ0.05) in pairwise comparisons of using Benjamini and Hochberg’s false discovery rate (FDR) method- ology (4). Mann-Whitney U tests were used when two groups were cecal concentrations (quantifier ion peak areas) between the compared, followed by FDR correction. PCA was used to reduce the UCD-T2DM rat groups and LSD controls (Fig. 1A). Further- dimensionality of metabolomics data and then summarized in two- more, only seven of these did not intersect with metabolites and/or three-dimensional plots. Data were log transformed and scaled identified in pairwise assessments between LSD and UCD- to unit variance before PCA assessment. Partial least squares-discrim- T2DM rats considered to be at an early stage of diabetes

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. G160 XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES AB quinic acid Assessment 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid including all groups, trimethylamine 4-hydroxybenzoic acid n = 39 gamma-glutamylphenylalanine 7 5 nicotinamide 4 3-dehydroquinic acid alpha-hydroxyisobutyric acid 1-methylhydantoin LSD vs UCD− 11 16 pyrocatechol T2DM RD, protocatechuic acid n = 25 N-cinnamylglycine acetylmuramic acid 2 gluconic acid ergothioneine LSD vs trigonelline UCD−T2DM PD, tetradecanedioic acid n=29 UDCA o-hydroxyhippuric acid o-desmethylangolensin indole-3-carboxaldehyde jasmonic acid C PC1 indole-3-propionic acid 6 5 (20.4%) equol PC2 4 0 butryic acid (18.5%) 2 -5 2-aminophenol 0 hydrocinnamic acid acetic acid -2 m-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid -4 -8 dihydrogeruli acid-4-sulfate -6 -6 N-omega-acetylhistamine -4 CDCA -2 PC3 CA 0 (9.2%) TDCA 2 p-cresol sulfate hydroxyphenyllactic acid riboflavin LSD indole-3-acrylic acid PD glycitein RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M 010155 Median Peak 0.0 2.0 4.0 Area, log mean centered and scaled Fig. 1. A: differential abundant metabolites between LSD rats (n ϭ 7), UCD-T2DM rats before the onset of diabetes (PD; n ϭ 9), recent onset (RD; n ϭ 10), and 3 mo post-onset (D3M; n ϭ 5). Metabolites were selected if found to have a statistically altered group after FDR correction (Kruskal-Wallis Test, FDR Ͻ 0.05). Adjacent bargraph to heatmap shows the log-transformed median peak area for each metabolite. Cyan bar indicates xenometabolite, and beige bar indicates microbial modified metabolite. B: Venn diagram indicating the intersection of metabolites with FDR Ͻ 0.05 under the following tests: 1) all experimental groups (LSD, PD, RD, and D3M) using Kruskal-Wallis test, 2) LSD vs PD groups using Mann-Whitney U test, and 3) LSD vs. RD groups using Mann-Whitney U tests. C: PCA of xenometabolomics data. All metabolites were included in the PCA. Data were scaled to unit variance before PCA assessment. CA, cholic acid; CDCA, chenodeoxycholic acid; FDR, false discovery rate; LSD, lean Sprague-Dawley; PCA, principal component analysis; TDCA, taurodeoxycholic acid; UCD-T2DM, UC Davis Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; UDCA, ursodeoxycholic acid. development (PD: prediabetic; RD: recent diabetic, diabetes glycodeoxycholic acid, and quinic acid were identified as onset Ͻ2 wk; Fig. 1B), suggesting the majority of the variation discriminant metabolites (Fig. 2B and Supplemental Table S3). in the assay was due to differences between LSD rats and Of these, only crotonobetaine, ectoine, and glycodeoxycholic UCD-T2DM rats (indicating a genetic strain effect contributing acid had an FDR Ͼ0.2 in univariate analyses. In terms of at least some of the metabolite variance). This was highlighted directionality, acetic acid, 4-hydroxbenzoic acid, ␣-hydroxy- by PCA, which showed discrimination between LSD and isobutyric acid, and quinic acid were found to be lower in LSD UCD-T2DM rats along PC1 and PC2, accounting for 39% of rats compared with UCD-T2DM groups, while tetradecane- the overall variance in the data (Fig. 1C). dioic acid was higher in LSD rats compared with UCD-T2DM We next investigated whether the xenometabolome could rats (Fig. 2C). discriminate all groups using a multivariate approach. Model- The data described above strongly suggest that the variance ing with PLS-DA showed good discrimination with four-group is mostly attributed to differences between LSD and UCD- classification (Fig. 2A; 82.6% prediction accuracy with 4-fold T2DM rats. As we are unable to conclusively distinguish cross-validation). With the use of a VIP cutoff of 0.8, acetic which differences between LSD and UCD-T2DM rats are due acid, crotonobetaine, ectoine, tetradecanedioic acid, 4-hy- to genetic, metabolic, or microbiota effects, we next considered droxybenzoic acid, ␣-hydroxyisobutyric acid, azelaic acid, whether the XenoScan could differentiate different stages of

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES G161

A C acetic acid azelaic acid tetradecanedioic acid #&, # & # ## ## 3.5e+06 1e+07 120000 LV2 LV1 (70.3%) -4 100000 (15.9%) 2 4 -2 0 3.0e+06 8e+06 0 2 4 -2 -4 80000 -6 2.5e+06 -8 6e+06 60000 4 2.0e+06

Peak area Peak 4e+06 Peak area Peak Peak area Peak 40000 2 1.5e+06 2e+06 20000 0 1.0e+06 0e+00 0e+00 -2 LSD PD RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M -4 4-hydroxy- alpha-hydroxy- quinic acid benzoic acid isobutyric acid LV3 ## ## # ## # ## ## # # (8.4%) 1e+05 70000 20000 60000 8e+04 LSD RD 50000 15000 PD D3M 6e+04 40000 10000 4e+04 30000 Peak area Peak area Peak Peak area Peak 20000 5000 2e+04 10000 B 0e+00 0 0 3.5 LSD PD RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M

3.0 glycodeoxycholic acid crotonobetaine ectoine 2.5 200000 300000 1000000 2.0 1.5 250000

in Projection 150000 750000 1.0 Variable Importance Variable 200000 0.5 100000 500000 150000 Peak area Peak area Peak Peak area Peak GDCA ectoine acid 50000 250000 4-hydroxy- acetic acid azelaic acidutyric acid quinic acid 100000 alpha-hydroxy-crotonobetainebenzoic acid isob tetra-decanedioic 0 50000 0 LSD PD RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M LSD PD RD D3M Fig. 2. A: PLS-DA of untargeted xenometabolomics in LSD (n ϭ 7), UCD-T2DM rats before the onset of diabetes (PD; n ϭ 9), recent onset (RD; n ϭ 10), and 3 mo post-onset (D3M; n ϭ 5). PLS-DA scores dimension shown for first 3 latent variables. B: VIP for metabolites that had a bootstrapped VIP 95% confidence interval Ͼ 0.08. Lines indicate bootstrap percentile interval using 500 bootstrap replicates. C: Boxplots display group differences of metabolites identified in B. Pairwise differences in groups were assessed by Tukey’s test. Groups differing from LSD rats: #P value Ͻ 0.05 and ##P value Ͻ 0.01. &Groups differing from PD rats: P value Ͻ 0.05. GDCA, glycodeoxycholic acid; LSD, lean Sprague-Dawley; PLS-DA, partial least squares-discriminant analysis; UCD-T2DM, UC Davis type 2 diabetes mellitus; VIP, variable importance in projection; LV, latent variable. diabetes within UCD-T2DM rats (prediabetic, recent onset of post-hoc analyses (Dunn’s test), mainly driven by differences diabetes, and 3-mo post-onset of diabetes). When comparing at 3 mo post-onset of diabetes. Abundances of cholic acid, differences among the 3 UCD-T2DM rat groups, 24 metabo- ursodeoxycholic acid, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, and jasmonic lites were altered before FDR correction; however, none main- acid were all lower in D3M rats relative to PD and RD rats tained statistical significance at FDR Յ0.05 (Supplemental (Fig. 3C). Ectoine trended higher in D3M rats relative to PD Table S2). In contrast to the univariate results, PLS-DA mod- and RD rats (P ϭ 0.061 and 0.056 to PD and RD, respectively). eling with jasmonic acid, ␻-hydroxyhippuric acid, cholic acid, Only ergothioneine showed a different pattern than the others, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, ␻-desmethylangolensin, ursodeoxy- with PD rats having higher abundances relative to RD and cholic acid, ergothioneine, and ectoine resulted in robust cross- D3M groups. validation prediction accuracy (Fig. 3, A and B and Supple- mental Table S4; 80.4% accuracy; 4-fold cross-validation; 6 Xenometabolites Correlate Strongly to Subsets of Bacterial latent variables), suggesting that a multivariate model is nec- Species within an Experimental Group essary to uncover variation associated with diabetes status in this model. While the metabolites selected by PLS-DA mod- Correlations within LSD rats. We next wanted to identify eling were not determined to be significant at FDR Ͻ0.05 in bacterial species and xenometabolite correlations that could univariate analysis, they still had FDR Ͻ0.2 except for ectoine signal which bacterial species regulate the cecal metabolite and ␻-hydroxyhippuric acid (Supplemental Table S2). All pool (e.g., through production, degradation/metabolism or me- selected metabolites showed within-group differences with tabolite conversions). Due to the disparate metabolic states of

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. G162 XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES

A C ergothioneine cholic acid ursodeoxycholic acid &, 120000 * 3.0e+07 ** 7e+07 ** LV2 6e+07 -6 (14.8%) 100000 2.5e+07 5e+07 -4 80000 2.0e+07 -2 4e+07 60000 1.5e+07 0 3e+07 Peak area Peak area Peak 40000 area Peak 1.0e+07 2 2e+07 4 6 20000 5.0e+06 1e+07 4 0 0e+00 0e+00 2 PD RD D3M PD RD D3M PD RD D3M 0 indole-3- omega-desmethyl- LV3 jasmonic acid -2 (2.5%) carboxaldehyde angolensin -4 -2 -4 0 250000 ** ** 350000 * ** 2.5e+06 * 2 -6 LV1 (79.4%) 4 300000 6 200000 2.0e+06 250000 PD RD D3M 150000 200000 1.5e+06

100000 150000 1.0e+06 Peak area Peak area Peak area Peak B 100000 3.0 50000 5.0e+05 50000 2.5 0 0 0e+00 PD RD D3M PD RD D3M PD RD D3M 2.0 omega-hydroxy- ectoine hippuric acid 1.5 800 2.0e+06

in Projection 1.0 700 Variable Importance Variable 1.5e+06 0.5 600 CA in ctoine 1.0e+06 UDCA e ic acid indole-3- 500 area Peak smonic acid area Peak ja angolens ergothioneine hippur boxaldehyde omega-hydroxy- 5.0e+05 car omega-desmethyl- 400

300 0e+00 PD RD D3M PD RD D3M Fig. 3. A: PLS-DA of untargeted xenometabolomics in UCD-T2DM rats before the onset of diabetes (PD; n ϭ 9), recent onset (RD; n ϭ 10), and 3 mo post-onset (D3M; n ϭ 5). PLS-DA scores dimension shown for first 3 latent variables. B: VIP for metabolites that had a bootstrapped VIP 95% confidence interval Ͼ0.08. Lines indicate bootstrap percentile interval using 500 bootstrap replicates. C: boxplots display raw metabolomics data for metabolites identified in B group differences of metabolites. Pairwise differences in groups were assessed by Tukey’s test. Groups differing from D3M rats: *P value Ͻ 0.05 and **P value Ͻ 0.01. &Groups differing from RD rats P value Ͻ 0.05. CA, cholic acid; PLS-DA, partial least squares-discriminant analysis; UCD-T2DM, UC Davis type 2 diabetes mellitus; UDCA, ursodeoxycholic acid; VIP, variable importance in projection; LV, latent variable.

LSD and UCD-T2DM rats, and the confounding “strain effect” cen, Flavonifractor plautii, and Oscillibacter valericigenes on metabolome and microbiome (discussed above), analyses were bacterial species negatively correlated to taurodeoxy- focused only within-group (i.e., correlations between xenome- cholic acid, 2-aminophenol, and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid. tabolites and bacterial species within LSD or within UCD- Blautia schinki, B. obeum, and Anaerotruncus colihominis T2DM groups). We used strict criteria to filter low abundant were negatively correlated with 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and taxa to combat the high prevalence of zeros in microbial N-␻-acetylhistamine, whereas p-aminobenzoic acid, hexanoic sequencing data, understanding that this potentially increases acid, and gluconic acid were metabolites that positively corre- type II error rate. In LSD rats, the majority of correlations of lated with -grouped bacteria (Fig. 4, panels 1 and 2). xenometabolites were among species within the Bacteroidia Examples include correlations among hexanoic acid and glu- and Clostridia classes (Fig. 4 and Supplemental Fig. S1). conic acid, with Ruminococcus albus, R. callidus, and Butyr- Based on the correlation network (Fig. 4 and Supplemental Fig. ivibrio fibrisolven. S1), several metabolites served as major intersection points for There were fewer total correlations among xenometabolites select bacteria. For example, taurodeoxycholic acid, 2-amino- and bacteria within the Bacteroidia class compared with the phenol, 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, N-␻- amount observed with the Clostridia class. Major xenometabo- acetylhistamine, cholic acid, and trimethylamine-N-oxide lite hubs of negative correlations with species within the (TMAO) had at least 6 negative correlations with bacterial Bacteroidia class included hydroxyphenyl lactic acid, p-cresol species primarily in the class of Clostridia. For example, sulfate, equol, and indole-3-propionic acid. Indole-3-propionic Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Intestinimonas butyriciprodu- acid and equol were negatively correlated to Bacteroides ceci-

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES G163

Alistipes putredinis bacterium ASF500 Panel 1 Oscillibacter valericigenes Intestinimonas butyriciproducens Panel 1 (Thermoanaerobacterales) Ruminococcaceae bacterium D16 bacterium 3,5-dihydroxy- Flavonifractor plautii 7_1_58FAA (Paenibacillus) 2-Aminophenol (Treponema) TDCA Lachnospiraceae bacterium 3-1 Lachnoclostridium phytofermentans [] bolteae Oscillibacter sp. 1-3 Lachnospiraceae bacterium A2 benzoic acid Oscillibacter sp. CAG:155 Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (Pseudobutyrivibrio) Clostridium sp. KLE 1755Anaerocolumna jejuensis Eubacterium sp. 14-2 Lachnospiraceae bacterium3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic 28-4 AcidOscillibacter sp. PC13 [Clostridium] symbiosum Firmicutes bacterium CAG:124 sp. CAG:182 uncultured Flavonifractor sp. Lachnospiraceae bacterium 3-2 Roseburia faecis [Ruminococcus]Blautia torques schinkii Alistipes sp. 58_9_plus (Clostridiales Family XIII. Incertae N?-Acetylhistamine uncultured RuminococcusBlautia sp. obeum Sedis)Clostridium sp. CAG:12237_41 Clostridiales bacterium NK3B98 uncultured Clostridium sp. AnaerotruncusFirmicutes sp. G3(2012) bacterium CAG:110

Mycoplasma sp. CAG:776 Anaerotruncus colihominis [Clostridium] citroniae uncultured Blautia sp. Clostridium phoceensis [Eubacterium] siraeum Marvinbryantia formatexigens Acetivibrio ethanolgignens Trimethylamine Firmicutes bacterium CAG:552 LachnospiraceaeRoseburia bacterium sp. CAG:303 Panel 2 YSD2013

Barnesiella intestinihominis Protocatechuic Acid TDCA Genistein Roseburia intestinalis Bifidobacterium pseudolongum

Corallococcus sp. CAG:1435 bacterium 55_9

Pseudoflavonifractor sp. p-Aminobenzoic Acid Marseille-P3106

Bacteroides uniformis Crotonobetaine

Roseburia sp. CAG:10041_57

Ferulic Acid [Clostridium] clostridioformeRoseburia sp. CAG:100

Ruminococcus callidus Firmicutes bacterium CAG:882 Acidaminococcus sp. CAG:917 Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens a-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid Hexanoic Acid N Prevotella sp. CAG:873 Ruminococcus albus -omega- Raffinose 2-aminophenol cis-13,14-Methylene Heptadecanoic Clostridium sp. CAG:510 Acid Roseburia sp. 499 Gluconic Acid Firmicutes bacterium CAG:137 acetylhistamine Lachnospiraceae bacterium V9D3004 Clostridium sp. 7_3_54FAA aMCA Clostridium sp. CAG:167 Clostridium sp. KNHs205

Panel 3 Clostridium sp. ASF502 CA Lachnospiraceae bacterium A4 Trimethylamine-N-oxide murinus Lactobacillus johnsonii

Dihydroferulic Acid-4-Sulfate Lachnospiraceae bacterium M18-1 Dodecanedioic Acid Chlamydia trachomatis Roseburia inulinivorans Undecanedioic Acid cis-3,4-Methylene Heptanoic acid Hungatella hathewayi Nicotinic Acid Panel 2

Glycylvaline Glycitein o-Hydroxyhippuric acid GDCA

4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid CDCA proto- Ectoine

Lactobacillus reuteri Prevotella scopos Eubacterium plexicaudatum rava p-amino- Shikimic Acid catechuic acid [Eubacterium] rectale bMCA Alloprevotella tannerae Hydroxyphenyllactic Acid Riboflavin benzoic acid Pimelic Acid p-Cresol Sulfate Ergothioneine Stercobilin Prevotella sp. CAG:891 Azospirillum sp. 51_20 Urolithin A Indole-3-Acetic Acid

Bacteroides ovatus Prevotella sp. CAG:617 bacteriumBacteroides P201 pyogenes Panel 4 Prevotella sp. CAG:1031 Bacteroidales bacterium 52_46 Prevotella sp. CAG:755 hexanoic acid Phenethylamine Bacteroides xylanisolvens Equol Tetradecanedioic Acid uncultured Bacteroides sp. Parabacteroides goldsteinii Bacteroidales bacterium 43_36 p-Coumaric acid Indole-3-Propionic Acid Prevotella ruminicolao-Desmethylangolensin Butyric acid

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Bacteroides salanitronis Bacteroides sp. 43_108 Bacteroides caecimuris Turicibacter sanguinis ()

Prevotella sp. CAG:1185 uncultured bacterium gluconic Acid

Pyrocatechol Mailhella massiliensis 2-Hydroxybenzoic Acid LCA Eubacterium xylanophilum 5-Aminovaleric Acid CA Bacteroides fragilis Methyl-a-D-Glucopyranoside Bacteroides finegoldii Clostridium sp. CAG:127 Bacteroides dorei

Bacteroides coprophilus Roseburia sp. CAG:309 Firmicutes bacterium Sinapinic Acid CAG:552_39_19 Gallic Acid N-Carbamoylsarcosine GLCA trimethylamine-

2-Phenylacetamide Firmicutes bacterium CAG:475 (Candidatus Saccharibacteria) N Clostridioides difficile dihydroferulic -oxide Indole-3-Carboxaldehyde

4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid acid-4-sulfate Dorea sp. 5-2 DCA

Bilophila wadsworthia

Firmicutes bacterium CAG:114 dodecanedioic acid nicotinic acid undecanedioic acid Panel 3 tetradecanedioic acid indole-3-propionic acid hydroxyphenyl- Panel 4 lactic acid

glycylvaline p-cresol sulfate ecotoine CDCA tiboflavin o-desmethyl- p-coumaric acid angolensin equol shikimic 2-hydroxy- acid benzoic acid ergothioneine pyrocatechol 5-amino- valeric acid pimelic acid hallic Acid GLCA sterocobilin indole-3-carboxaldehyde phenethylamine butyric acid

Node Edge Bacteroidetes Firmicutes Proteobacteria Other Classes Metabolite Positive Correlation Bacteroidia Clostridia Alphaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Spirochaetia Bacterial species Negative Correlation Unclassified Bacilli Deltaproteobacteria Saccharibacteria Mollicutes Unclassified Erysipelotrichia Chlamydia Negativicutes Unclassified Fig. 4. Spearman’s correlation network of xenometabolites and bacterial species in LSD (n ϭ 7). Edges (i.e., correlations) connect xenometabolites (rectangles) and bacterial species (ovals) at P Ͻ 0.05. Orange edges indicate Spearman’s rho Ͼ 0 and blue edges indicate Spearman’s rho Ͻ 0. Network in top left of figure is the full network. Labeled boxes in the full network are enlarged and adjacent to the full network. Xenometabolites are only annotated in the enlarged panels for clarity. The full network is provided in a larger format in Supplemental Fig. S1. Xenometabolite data were peak areas, and bacterial species data were centered-log ratios of sequencing count data. CA, cholic acid; CDCA, chenodeoxycholic acid; GDCA, glycolithocholic acid; TDCA, taurodeoxycholic acid. muris, B. thetaiotaomicron, and Parabacteroides goldsteinii. Only 12 correlations were maintained in LSD rats after Sterocobilin, pyrocatechol, and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid served adjusting all correlations for multiple comparisons using Ben- as intersection points for positive correlations within the Bac- jamini and Hochberg’s false discovery rate correction (Fig. 5). teroidia class (Fig. 4, panels 3 and 4). Within the Bacteroidia All of these correlations were perfectly monotonic (i.e., Spear- class, several Bacteroides spp. were positively correlated to mans rho ϭ 1) and were among species from the orders Bac- both pyrocatechol and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, including B. teroidales, Clostridiales, and Spirochaetales. In LSD rats, fragilis, B. finegoldii, B. coprophilus, and B. dorei. -related metabolites, indole-3-propionic acid and

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. G164 XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES

14.2 6.1 11.6 12 12.6 14.0 11.4 6.0 12.4 13.8 11.2 11 12.2 13.6 5.9 11.0 5.8 10 12.0 13.4 10.8 stercobilin 2-hydroxy- 9 11.8 13.2 benzoic acid 5.7 10.6 pyrocatechol 11.6 crotonobetaine p-cresol sulfate p-cresol 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 −0.4−0.2 −0.4−0.2 −0.4−0.2 −0.4−0.2 −0.6−0.4−0.2 A tannerae B dorei B dorei Prevotella Prevotella sp CAG 617 sp CAG 873

11.6 9.2 9.2 8.0 11.0 11.4 9.0 9.0 7.5 11.2 10.5 8.8 8.8 7.0

11.0 10.0 8.6 -acetyl- 8.6 indole-3- -omega- N 6.5 histamine

10.8 9.5 N 8.4 8.4 gluconic acid propionic acid hexanoic acid hexanoic acetylhistamine 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 −0.4−0.2 −0.4 −0.2 −0.4 −0.2 −0.4 −0.2 −0.4 −0.2 P goldsteinii C clostridioforme Lachnospiraceae M formatexigens A ethanolgignens bacterium A4

8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Bacteroidales 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Clostridiales benzoic acid benzoic acid benzoic benzoic acid benzoic acid benzoic 3,5-dihydroxy- 3,5-dihydroxy- 6.5 6.5 3,5-dihydroxy- 6.5 3,5-dihydroxy- 6.5 Spirochaetales 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 −0.6−0.4−0.2 −0.4 −0.2 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 −0.4 −0.2 I butyriciproducens uncultured O valericigenes Treponema sp Flavonifractor sp

Fig. 5. Linear relationship among xenometabolites and bacterial species found to have Spearman’s correlation with false discovery rate (FDR) Ͻ 0.05 in lean Sprague-Dawley rats (n ϭ 7). Graphs are colored based on bacterial taxonomy order. Xenometabolite data were log peak areas, and bacterial species data were centered-log ratios of sequencing count data. p-cresol sulfate were negatively correlated to Parabacteroides within the Clostridia class, whereas indole-3-propionic acid, goldsteinii and a Prevotella sp., respectively. Benzoic acid- 2-phenylacetamide, and protocatechuic acid were intersection related xenometabolites, pyrocatechol and 2-hydroxybenzoic points for negative correlations among species within the Clos- acid, were positively correlated to Bacteroides dorei. Other tridia class (Fig. 6, panels 2 and 4). Indole-3-propionic acid, in correlations within the Bacteroidales order included a positive particular, was negatively correlated with Oscillibacter valeri- correlation between crotonobetaine and a Prevotella sp. and cigenes, O. ruminantium, Butyricicoccus pullicecorum, Eubacte- sterocobilin and Alloprevotella tannerae. Clostridium clostrid- rium plexicaudatum, and Flavonifractor plautii. Additionally, ioforme and the Lachnospiraceae bacterium A4 were both glycitein and 2-aminophenol served as hubs for negative correla- negatively correlated to monosaccharides, hexanoic acid and tions among several Bacteroidia species (Fig. 6, panel 3), includ- gluconic acid, respectively. Marvinbryantia formatexigens and ing negative correlations between glycitein and Alloprevotella Acetivibrio ethanolgignens were negatively correlated to N- rava and A. tannerae and between 2-aminophenol and Parabac- acetylhistamine derivatives, while Oscillibacter valericigenes, teroides chinchilla, P. goldsteinii, and Prevotella copri. In con- Intestinimonas butyriciproducens, and Flavonifractor sp. were trast to the LSD rats, no correlations remained after adjusting for negatively correlated to 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid. multiple comparisons. Correlations within UCD-T2DM rats. We next assessed relationships between xenometabolites and bacterial species DISCUSSION within UCD-T2DM rats. Similar to LSD rats, correlations in UCD-T2DM rats classified at an early stage of diabetes consisted Microbes produce or modify a myriad of small molecules of primarily the Bacteroidia and Clostridia classes; however, a that have the potential to influence host health and disease. For noticeable cluster of correlations between xenometabolites and example, microbiota-derived xenometabolites (e.g., short chain species within the Proteobacteria phyla was also observed (Fig. 6 fatty acids, ) and microbe-modified endogenous metab- and Supplemental Fig. S2). For example, dihydrocaffeic acid and olites (e.g., secondary bile acids) have a wide range of effects indole-3-carboxyaldehyde intersected with several species within on host immunity (3, 29, 58), energy metabolism (5, 50), and the Deltaproteobacteria class (including Desulfovibrio desulfuri- hormone secretion (11, 32), and other functions. Furthermore, cans, D. fairfieldensis, D. piger, Bilophila wadsworthia, and a wide range of microbe-regulated xenometabolites have been Mailhella masiliensis) (Fig. 6, panel 1). A bacterium within the hypothesized to contribute to disease sequelae of obesity [e.g., Alphaproteobacteria class, Acidiphilium sp., correlated with mul- lipopolysaccharide (13a)], diabetes [e.g., hydrocinnamic acid tiple xenometabolites, including indole-3-carboxyaldehyde, nico- and indole-3-lactic acid (43)], cardiovascular disease [e.g., tinic acid, raffinose, genistein, indole-3-acetic acid, azelaic acid, trimethylamine N-oxide (51)], kidney disease [e.g., cresol- and hexanoic acid, pimelic acid, urolithin A, and 2-hydroxybenzoic indoxyl-sulfate (60)], and various other diseases (24, 49, 61). acid (Fig. 6, panel 1 and Supplemental Fig. S2). Gluconic acid, In addition, our work in the UCD-T2DM Rat model and human trimethylamine, homoprotocatechuic acid, and dimethyalanine controlled feeding studies has suggested that changes in the served as hubs for several positive correlations among species host’s metabolic health status can drive changes in the xeno-

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES G165

Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Panel 1 Desulfovibrio piger Panel 1 Mailhella massiliensis dihydro-caffeic acid Bilophila wadsworthia Roseburia sp. CAG:309 Dihydrocaffeic acid

p-Coumaric acid Ectoine Nicotinamide Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis Panel 2 Indole-3-Carboxaldehyde indole-3- bMCA Desulfovibrio sp. 6_1_46AFAA

Nicotinic Acid Raffinose Prevotella sp. CAG:604Eubacterium sp. CAG:180Clostridium sp. ASF356 carboxyaldehyde Urolithin A trimethylamine 2-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Pseudoflavonifractor sp. nicotinic Marseille-P3106 gluconic Acid

Acidiphilium sp. CAG:727 Genistein acid Subdoligranulum sp. CAG:314 Firmicutes bacterium CAG:552_39_19 Jasmonic acid

Bacteroidales bacterium 55_9 Pimelic Acid CDCA

[Eubacterium] siraeum Hexanoic Acid Indole-3-AceticAcetylmuramic Acid Acid raffinose Glycylvaline urolithin A Azelaic Acid a-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid p-Aminobenzoic Acid Dihydroferulic Acid

Lactobacillus murinus Sinapinic Acid N?-Acetylhistamine Eubacterium sp. CAG:115 Firmicutes bacterium CAG:475 aMCA Roseburia sp. CAG:100 Dihydroferulic Acid-4-Sulfate Lachnospiraceae bacteriumClostridium A4 sp. KNHs209 2-hydroxy- Alistipes sp. 58_9_plus

Lactobacillus hominis Lactobacillus reuteri m-hydroxy-hydrocinnamic acid N-Cinnamylglycine Dorea sp. 5-2 benzoic acid genistein Lachnospiraceae bacterium COE1 Firmicutes bacterium CAG:95 Riboflavin Lachnospiraceae bacterium M18-1 2-Phenylacetamide Roseburia intestinalis Acetivibrio ethanolgignens p-Cresol Sulfate Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus

N-Carbamoylsarcosine Eubacteriaceae bacterium pimelic acid CHKCI004 Firmicutes bacterium CAG:882 Roseburia sp. 831b Homoprotocatechuic Acid Panel 2 Lactobacillus johnsoniiRuminococcus albus Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens Lachnospiraceae bacterium 10-1 Clostridioides difficile [Ruminococcus] torques Lachnospiraceae bacterium Roseburia inulinivorans p-Cresol GlucuronideLachnospiraceae bacterium 28-4 Lachnospiraceae bacterium 7_1_58FAA Clostridium sp. ASF502 hexanoic acid XBB2008 indole-3- Protocatechuic Acid Lachnospiraceae bacterium A2 Firmicutes bacterium CAG:137 Anaerotruncus colihominis Gallic Acid 3-Dehydroquinic acid Intestinimonas butyriciproducens Eubacterium sp. 14-2 Undecanedioic Acid azelaic acid [Clostridium] symbiosum acetic acid (Treponema) 3-O-Methyl-Gallic Acid

y-Glutamylphenylalanine [Clostridium] clostridioforme uncultured Blautia sp. Dorea longicatena Mucispirillum schaedleri Gluconic Acid Roseburia sp. 499 Oscillibacter sp. 1-3 Dimethylalanine

Blautia schinkii Lachnospiraceae bacterium 3-1 Trigonelline Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum Oscillibacter sp. PC13 Trimethylamine Eubacterium xylanophilum Roseburia sp. CAG:182 Oscillibacter sp. CAG:155 Roseburia faecis Clostridium phoceensis (Pseudobutyrivibrio) Acetic Acid Oscillibacter valericigenes Blautia obeum Butyricimonas virosauncultured Flavonifractor sp. indole-3-propionic acid Lachnospiraceae bacterium V9D3004 Panel 4 Oscillibacter ruminantium Romboutsia ilealis Blautia producta Roseburia hominis Clostridium sp. CAG:230 Indole-3-Propionic Acid Flavonifractor plautii Alloprevotella rava Eubacterium plexicaudatum Lachnoclostridium sp. YL32

Prevotella sp. CAG:617 [Eubacterium] rectale glycylvaline Lachnospiraceae bacterium 3-2 o-Desmethylangolensin Glycitein dihydroferulic acid Provencibacterium massiliense Hydrocinnamic Acid

Clostridium sp. CAG:510 Alloprevotella tannerae

Bacteroides vulgatus Prevotella sp. CAG:891 Prevotella copri CAG:164 Parabacteroides chinchillae Ferulic Acid Angelakisella massiliensis TDCA riboflavin 2-Aminophenol Trimethylamine-N-oxide homoproto- Ruminococcus flavefaciens Clostridium sp. KLE 1755 Parabacteroides goldsteinii Lachnospiraceae bacterium G11 catechuic acid Bacteroides massiliensis Lactobacillus sp. ASF360 Shikimic Acid Panel 3 Bacteroides sp. CAG:927

Bacteroides dorei 2-phenylacetamide

o-desmethyl- hydrocinnamic acid p-cresol angolensin protocatechuic glucuronide acid

glycritein ferulic Acid undecanedioic acid 2-aminophenol Panel 3 gallic acid dimethylalanine Panel 4

Node Edge Bacteroidetes Firmicutes Proteobacteria Other Classes Metabolite Positive Correlation Bacteroidia Clostridia Alphaproteobacteria Spirochaetia Bacterial species Negative Correlation Bacilli Deltaproteobacteria Deferribacteres Unclassified Fig. 6. Spearman’s correlation network of xenometabolites and bacterial species in UCD-T2DM rats before the onset of diabetes (PD; n ϭ 9) and recent onset (RD; n ϭ 10). PD and RD rats were combined to increase statistical power before correlation analysis. Edges (i.e., correlations) connect xenometabolites (rectangles) and bacterial species (ovals) at P Ͻ 0.05. Orange edges indicate Spearman’s rho Ͼ 0 and blue edges indicate Spearman’s rho Ͻ 0. Network at top left is the full network. Labeled boxes in the full network are enlarged and adjacent to the full network. Xenometabolites are only annotated in the enlarged panels for clarity. The full network is provided in a larger format in Supplemental Fig. S2. metabolome (6, 45). While mechanisms behind many of these technologies. With much interest focused on human health, relationships have yet to be fully identified, much work is many core metabolomics laboratories have libraries enriched being done to identify xenometabolites and characterize their for mammalian metabolism. As such, metabolomics results relationship with host physiology. In this study, we describe a from microbiota-related studies have a large proportion of metabolomics platform, the “XenoScan,” which is uniquely host-derived or metabolically shared metabolites that may not enriched in “nonself” xenometabolites, their derivatives, and be directly related to microbial alterations or exogenous me- associated molecules. By strict definition, exogenously derived tabolite sources. To our knowledge, the XenoScan is the first metabolites can emanate from microbial metabolism, foods liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS)-based and food components, environmental and industrial sources, or metabolomics platform with a library specifically enriched in microbe modification of host metabolites. The latter may also metabolites known or suspected microbial or “nonself” origins, be termed “cometabolites” since they stem from metabolism of which can be a strong complement to microbial taxonomic host and microbe(s). survey methods. As knowledge of microbe-associated metab- Importantly, results from the XenoScan assay of cecal con- olites grows, the XenoScan serves as a dynamic and evolving tents correctly classified disparate rat strains and diabetes platform that can accommodate increasing numbers of xeno- stages. Many of these changes were concurrent with genetic- metabolites verified through authentic chemical standards. and diabetes stage-dependent shifts in the microbiome. These As previously noted, the has been implicated findings concur with previous reports that have documented in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and diabetes (7, 14, 47, differences in microbial composition due to disparate mouse 52). Thus archived cecal content samples from our previous genetics (9, 16, 17, 34, 42, 53). The latter studies used ampli- work in the UCD-T2DM rat to leverage the XenoScan platform con and genomic sequencing-based methods, which do not and further examine how diabetes alters the composition and address functional alterations of the gut microbiota; thus, there metabolic function of the gut microbiota. When applying has been a push to combine metabolomics and microbiomics “global” metabolomics approaches to cecal contents (45) or

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. G166 XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES blood plasma (44) in this model, we have observed a potential fatty acid fermentation, which lowers pH levels and in turn, genetic effect when comparing LSD to UCD-T2DM rats, since increases butyrate-producing bacteria, and suppresses Bacte- nondiabetic LSD and prediabetic UCD-T2DM rats had distinct roides spp. (56). Thus combinations of xenometabolites could metabolite signatures. Using the XenoScan platform herein, we alter the intestinal chemical environment (e.g., pH, osmolality) again were unable to distinguish whether cecal xenometabolite and produce favorable conditions for certain microbes. Fur- differences between LSD and UCD-T2DM rats are due to thermore, clusters of correlations among chemically similar genetics/strain or due to differences in metabolic status. Fo- xenometabolites provide evidence of microbial metabolism. cusing just within UCD-T2DM rat groups, we found a handful Many of the strongest correlations within LSD rats were of xenometabolites that discriminated rats considered as pre- among hydroxybenzoic acids (2-hydroxybenzoic acid, pyrocat- diabetic or recently diagnosed as diabetic versus rats with fully echol, and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid), which had positive developed and untreated diabetes. Most of these are derived correlations with species within the Bacteroidales order and from plant sources (e.g., jasmonic acid, ergothioneine, and negative correlations with species in the Clostridiales order, genestein). However, diets were not different in these animals, suggesting that these metabolites promote Bacteroidales and so changes in these diet-derived xenometabolites are likely the suppress Clostridiales. Intriguingly, these hydroxybenzoic me- result of altered host or microbial metabolism. We acknowl- tabolites are thought to be derived from plants but are also edge that potential differences in food intake across groups, synthesized by intestinal bacteria from polyphenols and fla- and potential differences in total cecal contents (which would vonoids (26). Additional investigations will be required to alter the absolute pool size) should be taken into account and determine whether the hydroxybenzoic acids and other xeno- controlled experimentally in future studies of these rat models. metabolites possess biological activity and contribute to the Regardless, the xenometabolites that discriminated the spec- physiological function of these animals. The current results trum of diabetes status in the current experiment are interesting provide an important framework and foundation for these to consider. Jasmonic acid, for instance, acts as a hormone in efforts. plants, akin to mammalian eicosanoids, and is typically syn- We focused our correlation analysis in the UCD-T2DM rats thesized in response to pathogens and insects (15, 20). While on the combined PD and RD groups to increase statistical the current study cannot determine a specific role for jasmonic power and because the study design has continually demon- acid, there is also evidence suggesting that jasmonic acid is strated that these groups have similar microbial and metabolic produced by fungi to subvert plant hormonal response (18), profiles (44, 45). While the PD group is not considered diabetic which underlies the complex behaviors that microbes and based on their nonfasting glucose levels, prediabetic UCD- colonies utilize to compete with other microbes. Two nonx- T2DM rats are hyperinsulinemic, have enlarged pancreatic enometabolite bile acids, cholic acid and urosodeoxycholic islets, and have increased liver triglycerides when compared acid, were also found to be lower in D3M rats compared PD with LSD controls (12); thus, our categorization of PD rats and RD rats. These bile acids are primary and secondary bile likely differs from RD classified rats based mainly on nonfast- acids, respectively, and their abundance in cecal contents are ing glucose concentrations. When we derived a correlation likely the result of bacterial enzymatic deconjugation. Thus network using these combined groups, we found a wide variety their reduction in advanced diabetes may suggest either de- of xenometabolites that associated with species primarily in the creased synthesis due to diabetes-associated hepatic injury (1) Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria phyla. With the or alterations in microbial metabolism (45). Further assessment focus on indole-3-propionic acid as an example (Fig. 5, panel will be required to fully characterize these findings in this 2), this metabolite was negatively correlated to several species model. within the Oscillibacter genus, including O. valericigenes and Very little is known about the microecological environment O. ruminantium. The genus Oscillibacter was identified in within the gastrointestinal tract and the interaction between 2007 (25), and bacteria within this genus are gram-negative microbes and small molecules in vivo. A major goal of the obligate anaerobes that are considered to be beneficial to XenoScan metabolomics assay is to assist in the identification mammals due to their putative butyrate production (19, 36). of microbe-metabolite relationships and then generate new Oscillibacter spp. are not known to carry the reductase needed hypotheses that can be further investigated. In the current for indole-3-propionic acid and its negative relationship with study, several xenometabolites and associated molecules ap- this metabolite would further suggest that these bacteria do not pear to serve as metabolic hubs where clades of bacteria cluster produce it. Oscillibacter spp. were also positively correlated to around certain metabolites. The correlations may signal that gluconic acid and trimethylamine, the latter of which is a these microbes contribute to the metabolism of the hub metab- bacteria-derived metabolite proposed to be detrimental to host olite and/or that the metabolite milieu regulates microbe ecol- health due to association of its derivative TMAO with cardio- ogy. In LSD rats, for instance, taurodeoxycholic acid, 2-amino- vascular disease (31). While there are likely many other tax- phenol, 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, N-omega-acetylhistamine, onomy-metabolite relationships that can be highlighted within protocatechuic acid, cholic acid, and trimethylamine-N-oxide the correlation network, this particular example demonstrates had at least five species within the Clostridia class that were how a single metabolite (e.g., butyrate) may not fully encom- negatively correlated to each metabolite, whereas p-aminoben- pass the metabolic process of a microbial ecosystem and its zoic acid, hexanoic acid, and gluconic acid had several positive interaction with the host organism. The ability to generate a correlations among Clostridia-specific species. The combina- more comprehensive metabolite landscape reflective of mi- tion of these xenometabolites together do not indicate a specific crobe metabolism and ecology is a major strength of analytical metabolic pathway, but their close association may suggest platforms such as the XenoScan. how clusters of metabolites promote specific niches for certain Bacterial production of indole-3-propionic acid has gener- clades. An example of this can be gleaned from short-chain ally been indicated with Clostridium sporogenes (59), but has

AJP-Gastrointest Liver Physiol • doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00105.2020 • www.ajpgi.org Downloaded from journals.physiology.org/journal/ajpgi at Univ of California Davis ( on July 21, 2020. XENOSCAN: A LC/MS PLATFORM ENRICHED IN XENOMETABOLITES G167 been noted for other Clostridium and Peptostreptococcus spe- 1) correlations noted herein are not causative and should be cies (48). Paradoxically, the XenoScan identified abundances considered hypothesis generating until confirmed with targeted of indole-3-propionic acid even though C. sporogenes was not studies and 2) our type II error rate was likely significantly identified in the metagenomic analysis (data not shown) nor increased due to stringent abundance criteria in the shotgun were any other bacterial species previously known to produce metagenome taxonomy data combined with the multiple com- indole-3-propionic acid. To date, indole-3-propionic acid pro- parison correction. Also, it is important to note that FDR ducers have been identified using culture (59) or bioinformatic assumptions typically consider each comparison as indepen- prediction methods (14). In our correlation analysis, the ma- dent from one another; yet, many metabolites are related in jority of correlations among bacterial species and indole-3- pathways in other aspects of metabolism and thus traditional propionic acid were negative, suggesting that none of the FDR approaches have limitations in “omics” studies. correlations were based on metabolite production. We specu- In conclusion, the application of a new metabolomics plat- late that indole-3-propionic acid may be a marker of resource form enriched in xenometabolites discriminated LSD rats from competition, where its abundance may signal bacterial species UCD-T2DM rats, concurrent with microbial composition dif- that have a competition disadvantage. Alternatively, negative ferences associated with host genetics/strain. In addition, we correlations for metabolites may signal that certain bacteria were able to discriminate UCD-T2DM rats with 3 mo post- catabolize or further metabolize parent molecules, thus lower- onset of diabetes from those without diabetes or Ͻ2wk ing the cecal pool size of the latter. More work will need to be post-onset of diabetes, providing yet another example of host done in this model to confirm this hypothesis and to determine metabolic health influencing the gut microbial ecosystem. how this metabolite and other metabolites can be modified Examples of how this method can be used in combination with when known producers are not apparent. taxonomy data to generate new hypotheses were provided: We report herein the first LC-MS-based untargeted metabo- future studies will be needed to confirm which specific mi- lomics platform with an authentic metabolic library enriched in crobes regulate levels of specific metabolites and vice versa. xenometabolites and related molecules, but several limitations We feel this is the next evolutionary step in combining metabo- should be discussed. We acknowledge that the term “xenome- lomics and microbiomics to delineate fully the complex met- tabolite” can technically apply to a wider class of molecules abolic ecology in the mammalian intestine. that are not necessarily microbe-derived (e.g., vitamins, phar- maceuticals, plant-derived molecules, etc.). The terminology GRANTS itself is derived from the Latin “xeno,” thus defining metabo- This work was funded by United States Department of Agriculture-Agri- lites/compounds that emanate wholly or in part from “nonself” cultural Research Services Projects 6026-51000-010-05S and 6026-51000- or “foreign” sources. As the field evolves, some xenometabo- 010-06S. In addition, L. Yeruva is also supported by National Institutes of lites may be categorized based on compartmentalization and Health (NIH) Grants P20-GM-121293 and R21-AI-146521. Additional fund- ing support from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of context. For example, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) can also Medicine Research Council and the Sturgis Foundation for Diabetes Research. be produced by mammals during combustion of macronutrients P. J. Havel’s laboratory also received funding during the project period from in the mitochondria and in that specific context are not xeno- NIH Grants R01-HL-091333, R01-HL-107256, R01-HL-121324, U24-DK- metabolites. Yet, this class of molecules is produced robustly 092993, RC1-DK-087307, and R01-DK-095060 and a Multicampus Award by gut bacteria and so the gut luminal SCFAs are predomi- from the University of California, Office of the President (Award No.142691). nantly xenometabolites. It should also be acknowledged that large spectral repositories, like the Global Natural Products DISCLOSURES Social Molecular Networking (GNPS) (57), have the ability to No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors. predict the identification of a greater number of xenometabo- lites than our platform, but annotating and identifying many AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS metabolites (especially microbial metabolites) without access K.E.M., L.Y., S.V.C., P.J.H., S.H.A., and B.D.P. conceived and designed to authentic standards remains a challenge. Another limitation research; K.E.M., L.P., J.L.G., K.L.S., U.D.W., K.S., and B.D.P. performed to the current study of gut content metabolomics is that total experiments; K.E.M., S.V.C., and B.D.P. analyzed data; K.E.M., L.Y., S.H.A., and B.D.P. interpreted results of experiments; B.D.P. prepared figures; B.D.P. cecal content weight was not determined, so the total cecal drafted manuscript; K.E.M., L.Y., S.H.A., and B.D.P. edited and revised pool sizes of metabolites (e.g., concentration multiplied by manuscript; K.E.M., L.Y., L.P., J.L.G., K.L.S., S.V.C., U.D.W., K.S., P.J.H., total content) cannot be accurately known. Lastly, in the S.H.A., and B.D.P. approved final version of manuscript. current analyses we largely excluded host-derived metabolites to highlight the xenometabolomics profile of our samples, but REFERENCES of course the gastrointestinal environment contains significant 1. Adams LA, Sanderson S, Lindor KD, Angulo P. 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