Stay Curious. There’s more to explore! 1366 | DANIEL Miracles Performed by the Prophets of the Old Testament Miracles of the Prophets PROPHET/HERO MIRACLE REFERENCE / Aaron’s rod becomes a serpent Ex 7:10 – 12 Moses The Ten Plagues Ex 7:20 — 8:12:30 Moses The Red Sea/Sea of Reeds parts Ex 14:21 – 31 Moses Waters of Marah made drinkable Ex 15:23 – 25

Moses Manna D ANIEL Ex 16:14 –7:20 35 | 1367 Moses Water from the rock Ex 17:5 – 7; compare Thousands upon thousands attended him; The Interpretation of the Dream ten thousand times ten thousand stood Nu 20:7 – 11 15 “I, Dan iel, was trou bled in spir it, and the vi­ before him. Moses Aaron’s rod sprouts sions that passed throughNu 17:5 my mind – 7 disturbed me. The court was seated, 16 I approached one of those standing there and Moses and the books were opened.Fire at Taberah Nu 11:1 – 3 asked him the mean ing of all this. Moses11 “Then I con tin ued to watchThe ground be cause opens of beneaththe Korah“So heand told his me and gaveNu 16:30 me the – 33 in ter pre ta tion boastful words the horn was speakfollowersing. I kept look­ of these things: 17 ‘The four great beasts are four 18 ingMoses until the beast was slain andThe its bronze body serpentdestroyed kings that will rise fromNum the 21:8 earth. – 9 But the holy and thrown into the blazing fire. 12 (The other people of the Most High will re ceive the king dom beastsJoshua had been stripped of Thetheir Jordan au thor is divided i ty, but and will pos sess it for evJos er — 3:14yes, – 17for ever and ever.’ 19 wereJoshua al lowed to live for a pe riThe od walls of time.) of fall “Then I wanted toJos know 6:6 –the 20 mean ing of the 13 “In my vi sion at night I looked, and there be­ fourth beast, which was differ ent from all the foreJoshua me was one like a son ofThe man, sun a comand moon ing with stand stilloth ers and most ter riJos fy ing, 10:12 with – 14 its iron teeth the clouds of heav en. He approached the Ancient Samson Water from the hollow at Lehiand bronze claws — theJdg beast 15:19 that crushed and of Days and was led into his pres ence. 14 He was de voured its vic tims and tram pled un der foot what­ givSamuel en au thor i ty, glo ry and sovAs erSamuel eign powsacrifices, er; all Yahwehev er destroyswas left. the 20 I also want1Sa ed 7:10 to know – 12 about the ten na tions and peo ples of ev ery lanPhilistines guage worwith shiped thunder horns on its head and about the oth er horn that him. His do min ion is an ever last ing do min ion that Samuel calls Yahweh to senda 13 rainThe Aramaicand thunder phrase bar enash1Sa 12:18 means human being. The will not pass away, and his king dom is one that phrase son of man is retained here because of its use in the New willAn unnamednev er be prophet de stroyed. Jeroboam’s hand is witheredTestament and restored as a title of , probably1Ki 13:4 based – 6 largely on this verse. Elijah fed by ravens 1Ki 17:4 – 6 Elijah7:13 – 14 Following the judgmentThe by thewidow Ancient of Zarephath of Days, is 7:15provided – 28 withFor thefood first time1Ki in17:10 the –book, 16 Daniel could a human Messianic figure appears. He is presented not make sense of a vision and needed someone to Elijahbefore the Ancient One and givenThe a widow dominion of Zarephath’s that will sonexplain is revived it to him. He questions1Ki 17:17 one of – 24 the throne room never pass away. attendants, who clarifies the meaning of the beasts and Elijah Mount Carmel and the prophetsthe little of horn. The account1Ki ends 18:30 with – the 38 anticipation of Elijah7:13 one like a son of man TheFire Aramaic consumes phrase Ahab’s used captain ’s and kingdom fifty andmen a glimmer2Ki 1:10of hope. – 12 The vision will be here is an idiom that can be translated as “one like a expanded upon in later chapters. human being.” Jesus adopts this phrase as a title (“Son Elijah The Jordan is divided 7:16 I approached one2Ki of 2:8those standing there of Man”). “One like a son of man” is probably best under- The Jordan is divided Perhaps (see 9:21).2Ki 2:14 stood as a Messianic reference — which makes the most 7:17 four great beasts are four kings The four kings Elishasense in light of Da 7:14. If the visionThe of water ch. 7 ofparallels Jericho that is maderepresent drinkable four kingdoms (see2Ki 2:19v. 3 and – 22 note). of ch. 2, the figure refers to the fifth kingdom (2:44). Mes- 7:18 the holy people of the Most High The Aramaic Elishasianic expectations of the time anticipatedMocking onechildren who would are mauled word by used bears here is probably2Ki an 2:23 inclusive – 24 term referring drive out foreign enemies, legitimize the temple religion to saints and . Elishaand usher in a period of utopia forWater the peoplecomes offor Israel. Jehoshaphat’s army 2Ki 3:16 – 20 Elisha The widow’s oil is multiplied 2Ki 4:2 – 7 Elisha The Shunnamite woman bears a son 2Ki 4:1 – 17 Elisha Elisha revives the Shunnamite woman’s son 2Ki 4:18 – 37 Elisha Poison stew is un-poisoned 2Ki 4:38 – 41 (continued) ElishaMiracles of Onethe hundred Prophets men fed with 20 loaves 2Ki 4:42 – 44 ElishaPROPHET/HERO NaamanMIRACLE cured of leprosy 2KiREFERENCE 5:1 – 19a Elisha Gehazi is struck with Naaman’s leprosy 2Ki 5:19b – 27 Elisha The floating iron axhead 2Ki 6:1 – 7 Elisha Elisha surrounded by horses and chariots of fire 2Ki 6:17 Elisha The Syrian army is struck blind 2Ki 6:18 – 20

9780310080572_04b_lam_mal_FaithlifeElisha SB_p4.inddElisha’s 1366 bones revive a dead man 2Ki 13:21 8/23/16 10:49 AM Isaiah Hezekiah is healed 2Ki 20:7 Isaiah The sun retreats 2Ki 20:9 – 11 Shadrach, Meshach, Rescued from the furnace Da 3:1 – 30 Abednego Daniel Rescued from the lion’s den Da 6:10 – 23 Rescued from the belly of the Jnh 1:17 — 2:10

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