

Chapter Five

Answers to Terminology Section (textbook pages 155–160)

Terminology Meaning Parts of the Body

perianal Pertaining to surrounding the . Removal (resection) of the . of the appendix. buccal mucosa The (mucosa) lining the . cecal Pertaining to the . celiac Pertaining to the . cheilosis Abnormal condition of the . Removal of the . choledochotomy Incision of the common duct. New opening of the colon to the outside of the body. colonic Pertaining to the colon. Process of visual examination of the colon. dentibuccal Pertaining to and cheek. duodenal Pertaining to the (first part of the ). Inflammation of the small and large intestines. enteroenterostomy New opening between two previously unconnected parts of the small intestine. Membrane that holds the intestines together (literally, middle of the intestines). parenteral Pertaining to apart from the intestines (refers to delivery of substances any way other than through the digestive tract). esophageal Pertaining to the . facial Pertaining to the . New opening into the through the . This may be necessary to introduce food into the stomach. gingivitis Inflammation of the . hypoglossal Pertaining to under the . hepatoma Tumor (malignant) of the ; . Enlargement of the liver. ileocecal Pertaining to the ring of muscles between the and the cecum. Inflammation of the ileum. New opening of the ileum to the outside of the body. choledochojejunostomy New opening between the common and the ; . gastrojejunostomy New opening between the stomach and the jejunum; anastomosis. labial Pertaining to the . Visual examination of the abdomen. sublingual Pertaining to under the tongue. submandibular Pertaining to under the lower . orthodontist Dentist specializing in straightening teeth. periodontist Dentist specializing in gums. endodontist Dentist specializing in operating within the tooth ( specialist). oral Pertaining to the . palatoplasty Surgical repair of the .

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Inflammation of the . Inflammation of the . pharyngeal Pertaining to the . palatopharyngoplasty Surgical repair of the palate and throat. proctologist Specialist in the anus and . pyloroplasty Surgical repair of the pyloric sphincter. rectocele of the rectum. sialadenitis Inflammation of salivary glands. Visual examination of the . stomatitis Inflammation of the mouth. uvulectomy Removal of the uvula.


that digests . biliary Pertaining to bile. hyperbilirubinemia Excess in the ; . cholelithiasis Abnormal condition of . Lack of hydrochloric . gluconeogenesis Production of new sugar from and (by the liver). hyperglycemia High blood sugar. glycogenolysis Breakdown of glycogen to form sugar (). Tumor of (benign). lithogenesis Formation of a stone (). Enzyme that digests . sialolith Salivary (gland) stone. Discharge of fats (in ).


Enzyme to digest fats. Bright red blood in the feces. choledocholithiasis Condition of stones in the . postprandial Pertaining to after meals.

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