
MIFUR presents FASHION ON MOVIE the seduction of fur, the elegance of a style icon

During the three weeks of Milano Fashion City with Io Donna, in collaboration with Micam, MIFUR presents the “Fashion On Movie” Film Festival”.

The theme is underlined by the stirring settings, famous quotes, and iconic images and scenes starring women, the actresses. Aided of course by their weapons of seduction, including furs, important and faithful companions that accentuate the bodies that grace the silver screen even more. They define their character, underscore their virtues, and sometimes their vices, and, giving the audience misleading clues, they seduce.

A small but intense selection of films open to the public free of charge: six unforgettable films from 15 February to 9 March at the Fashion Library cinema at 8, via Alessandria in .

Putting furs and shoes in the spotlight (the festival is also being promoted by Micam, the Shoevent), six films are being shown that feature fashion and accessories, bringing together many different style icons through their female stars, regardless of the time period, content and customs they represent.

Fur on the silver screen has dressed, accompanied and highlighted elegance and style in different eras, shaping the form of women, who in one fell swoop emphasise their femininity by wearing elegant furs: clutching it tight to them or just letting drape over their shoulder while sitting at a table in a café.

Would Mrs Robinson ( in “The Graduate”) have had the same effect on the young , if she had worn an overcoat inside of a fur coat?

Would have been as dazzled by the beauty of Tippi Hedren if she hadn’t been decked from head to toe in white with a fur trim?

And would the embrace between and Diane Lane (the musician and gangster in “The Cotton Club”) have been as convincing if the arms flung around his neck hadn’t been swathed in brown mink?

The films to be shown:

Vertigo 1958 – with and

Charlie Wilson’s War 2007 – with and

Basic Instinct 1992 – with and Michael .

The Graduate 1967 – Mike Nichols with Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft

Marnie 1964 – Alfred Hitchcock with Sean Connery and Tippi Hedren

The Cotton Club 1984 - with Diane Lane and Richard Gere.

for any kind of information: www.milanofashioncity.com *Reservation required: Milano Fashion City - phone +39 02 83 31 12 02

PRESS OFFICE SAE Comunicazione Integrata - tel + - fax + Valentina Visigalli cell +39.393.91.111.36 - [email protected]