RECEIVED AUG 1 5 2001 FCC Mail ROOM August 13,2001

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RECEIVED AUG 1 5 2001 FCC Mail ROOM August 13,2001 DOCKET FILE COpy ORtGtNAl RECEIVED AUG 1 5 2001 FCC MAil ROOM August 13,2001 Ms. Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Federal Communications Commission Portals II, TW-A325, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: Petition for Rule Making Port Sanilac, Michigan Dear Ms. Salas: Enclosed is an original and four (4) copies ofa Petition for Rule Making for Port Sanilac, Michigan. Respectfully Submitted, ~? 4553 Bordeaux Ave. Dallas, Texas 75205 (214) 520-7077 Tele (214) 443-9308 Fax N.o. of Copies rao'd DiLL PportSanilac L,st ABCOE -.I_ ---~ (;)':<c Z RECEIVED AUG 1 5 2001 FCC MAIL ROOM Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Amendment of73.202 (b) ) MM Docket No.----- Table ofAllotments ) FM Broadcast Stations ) (Port Sanilac, MI) ) To: John Karousos, Chief Allocations Branch Mass Media Bureau PETITION FOR RULE MAKING Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 1.401, Charles Crawford respectfully petitions the FCC to institute a Rule Making proceeding to amend the FM Table of Allotments to add Channel 225A at Port Sanilac, Michigan. DISCUSSION Petitioner respectfully submits that the public interest would be served by allocating Channel 225A to Port Sanilac, Michigan, as that community's first aural broadcast transmission service. Port Sanilac is an incorporated township with a population in excess of675 people. Port Sanilac has its own village president, Mary Sertich, its own school system, its own post office, its own fire department and a number oflocal churches. Petition for Rule Making Port Sanilac, Michigan Page 2 Attached hereto is a channel study confirming that Channel 225A can be allocated to Port Sanilac, Michigan consistent with the FCC's FM separation rules. See revision ofFM Assignment Policies and Procedures, 90 FCC 2d 88 (1992). Reference coordinates are: 432657 N 823835 W Should this petition be granted, and Channel 225A be allotted to Port Sanilac, Michigan Petitioner will apply for Channel 225A, and after it is authorized, will promptly construct the new facility. The information provided in this Petition for Rule Making is correct and true to the best ofmy knowledge. Respectfully submitted, ~ 4553 Bordeaux Ave. Dallas, Texas 75205 (214) 520-7077 Tele (214) 443-9308 Fax August 13, 2001 PortSanilac MAPFM search of channel 225A6 (92.9 MHz), at N. 43 26 57, W. 82 38 35. Searching Channel 225A6 (92.9 MHz) : CALL CITY ST CHN CL S DIST SEPN BRNG CLEARANCE WBGV MARLETTE MI 223 A U 33.9 31.0 235.6° 2.9 WBGV MARLETTE MI 223 AL 32.2 31.0 235.8° 1.2 CJBXFM LONDON ON 224 B 138.9 137.0 113.8° 1.9 WDZZ-F FLINT MI 224 A U 97.7 72.0 240.5° 25.7 WDZZ-F FLINT MI 224 A L 97.7 72.0 240.5° 25.7 CIZN CAMBRIDGE ON 225 A 182.2 151.0 91.3° 31.2 CIZN CAMBRIDGE ON 225 A 182.2 151.0 91.3° 31.2 WJZQ CADILLAC MI 225 C1 U 230.3 200.0 289.4° 30.3 WJZQ CADILLAC MI 225 CL 230.3 226.0 289.4° 4.3 WDRQ DETROIT MI 226 B U 117.8 113.0 202.7° 4.8 WDRQ DETROIT MI 226 B L 117.8 113.0 202.7° 4.8 CBCLFM LONDON ON 228 C1 118.1 90.0 117.7° 28.1 950223 HARBOR BEACH MI 279 C2 A 36.1 14.0 318.1° 22.1 950228 HARBOR BEACH MI 279 C2 A 38.1 14.0 315.3° 24.1 ~Peatville Palm • Minden City State Game Area (j~'j Argyle Lain Deck "% M re or . N43 26 57 IW82 38 35 i ~ir~_ .. , / A Crosw~1 ..J.-_~"~"""'\'~ Hl"---------:90)-____ " g F"" :90)-)---"r-[~~~~~~~:~-:.!-M~-~e:IV-di-.n.~~_·9~O~_~~~:i:0~",~~R£:os~e:2:bu!:!.!r9..... eelc B_l.a_c*_CJ_r_ _ .-..,;;2""'\5 , ¥ ~ Valley Center t i ~ 'I}.\\\ G',i' 1 Jeddo L".".,_. Str.cet Atlas tl~A. f;) 20tl.0'(j~LJnc,,-l1.eLO~20Q~ _.
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