James Mosher Funeral Scrviccs Wci~Hcld Cass City Chronicle 322-3388, Or Visit Thc Wch Saturday, July 7

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James Mosher Funeral Scrviccs Wci~Hcld Cass City Chronicle 322-3388, Or Visit Thc Wch Saturday, July 7 "L ~ ~.. _- CHRONICLE CITY- FIFTY CENTS 12 PAGES PLlJS 2 SUPPLEMEN'I'S CVOLUME 95. NIJMBEK lh C'ASS C'ITY MIC'HIGAN WlII)NIISI)AY, JIJLY 1 I, 2001 County residents line up for firearm permits by Tom Montgomery Editor Crafty Kids Against Caro Communitv TERIONA HARPER, 9, and Amber Warju, 8, were hard at work creating their Phvsician files lawsuit own unique picture frames at Cass City's arts and crafts prograni Monday. Attcn- tal w;is tcitninating [tic dance was light during the morning hours, but craft leader, Alyssa Glaspie (above) clootor's position ;IS ;I I'uII- expected more children for the afternoon session. lime cmploycc "clue to nia- jot- re i inhurscmc nt t'utidi ng cllls". and II1al tic should COIl- I ;IC t Ii( 1s pi Ia I p res I cl ctit ;i nd C'EO Williain "Piit" Millcr il' tic dcsircd IO work pwt tiriic. 0-G revises grad rules Nasr claims tic had clcmon- stratcd to thc hospital i\ month cai.licr, in Dccctllhcl-. rhar rlic clinic wl~ct-clie was workin? was scl I-suppot-ti ti:. N;Is~'scti-il>loyllicl1I W~IS let.- tiiinaIcd March 2 I. 200 I, and lie suhscquciitly met with Millet-. ;\Itlic ttid 01' January, and iiskctl to he consiclcrccl 1i)r ;my :ivailahlc position. 'ncslIll sti~tcsNN W~WI- cclly ;lttcillptccl lo c~oll~~lcI hospital oll'icials, hut that no calls wcrc rcturnccl until (1 wccks Iiitcr on Match 3. wlicti tlic hospital r~t'tc~-udto eo11ti iiuc Nasr's criiployliicnt ;it Icss tlim 1i:tIl'his prior sal- ;iry wirh ;I cot-t-csporicling IT- duct ion in hcnci'its. Nasi. claitiis he told Iiospi- I;II oi'l'icials he would sivc rhciii his dccision no latct- Motorist killed in On-line love accident Chat room friendship leads to marriage for Yates, Rockwell Holbrook Engaged Meg's Peg Tyll graduates Area News Ah, Mrs. Thelma Jackson by Melva E. Guinther Phone 658-2347 VBS set July 16-20 ut church .>.>++$. y 1 6447 Main Street, Cass City (989) 872-8249 1 ,,. .,. .~..I. .. .. i MI-5.;.C'iirlIs C'1cl;ind wils ;I s ;I I 11 rd ;I 5' s 11 I>pc I' g 11c s t 0 1' MI.\. tlii-;itli Kcysct. MiII.> K;I~it~lcl Ih~i Kittcr, i111t1 Ublv students Ales Hctli 01. l<lkIon. J S;~II> ;lllli i';it mi, i,aul-cn ;iiitl Kalclylin oI'Chchoygati, *Ceramics * Carpet .Vinyl W;iync Swccncy 01' kIz'"I I1il w. on honor roll Iiric ;in11 Heidi Swccncy. \ 0111 llol1lcrown, HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 13r;iiiiILbii. Niuolc and RI-CII01' I: You t,cllcvc lllilt "clown I.JhI!, siiip.isccl Jim adKity Wed. 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 sL\,CClle~ywticn they IllCt ill .Iiiii ;itit1 Kay's hoiiic for .I i iii . \ I) i 1.1 lid ay S ;it u rcl ;I y c \'C I1 I II 2 . ,\llcn ;mcl Alice Ikpciiiski L,ii,io!,cd rhc C'i~ssC'ily 4th 01' .1111!~ ]1;lI-;ldc illid rhc Port HOI~L,I>iil~iltlc SlIncli\y. bI c' I \' i 11 ii 11d c'li ;ir Io I IC I'ai-~ic.k;i iiiicl thcir gucsts Mcc*hcllc Kcicl d 13haii 01' C'I iiitoii '1i)wnsIiip d Adani ;i 1111 As I1Icy l'nl.1 i L' kit () 1' Tc x ;is went 10 C'ascvillc Tucsday cvciiiiis to scc tlic I'ircworks. Ixqiiclinc Gorctski ol' St. C7I;iir S~IOI.C~S~CI~I i\ ~'CW di\y~ \vitli MI.. ;\nd Mrs. Jack Pel ton. Kay and Rita Dcpcinski at- tundcd thc Poi-t Hopc 4th 01' July pal-adc and had dinncr Sr. Citizens' Menu I he IC s11 I1d a y . Sister Maric Dccker 01' Scnior Citizcns arc iiskcd to Adrian and Mrs. Joc Watson make reservations bcfore wcrc Friday al'tcrnoon gusts 9:OO a.m., on thc dny of thc o I' Thc 1 ilia Jackson. nical. by calling Clara Kick S huat*l,Jack Kenncd y. Gal'f ne y , 8 7 2- 2 8 7 5. Bill Smith, Bill Icchci*g, Wdbrt-, Allcn Farrclly and Bernard Morlcy had brcakl'ast at potluck McDonald's in Bad Axc Monday morning. Mrs. Curtis Clcland was ;I Monday dinncr guest of Mr, and Mrs. Eugcnc Clcland in Bud Axc. Elcvcn Incmhcrs of' t11c Travc 1 i n g Break I'asI C I u b met Thursday iiiorning at the Pcppci+iiiillin Bad Axe. They will mcct at the Franklin Inn in Bad Axc ticxt wcck. Kick Shuarl, Jack Kcnncdy, at what our checking accounts offer. Bill Smith. Bcrnard Morlcy. 111 ai n tc ti it ti uc l'cc by iii ai 11 I ai n i n g an Allcn Bill Iccbcrg and avcragc rnontlily halancc ol' $500. FIW Fitrrclly had brcakl'nst at McDonald's in Bad Axc s c I v i c c s I nu I ud c I ii on cy ()id c I- s , t r ;iv c Ic r 's Thursday iiiorning. cticqucs, copy scrvicc, L1.S. wirc MIX.Ken Oscntoski was ;I ttunsl'crs, FAX service, and notary scrvicc. S u n d it y an d Wed n c s d a y gucst 01' Mrs. Alex Clclnnd Make your inoncy work lor you, with itnd Carol Laming. 0thc1. u 11 cc k i n g acc ( )un t s 111 at c itr n i 11 I c IT s t w h i Ic S u nda y c vc 11i g ucs t s w crc n p still giving you casy ;icccss. hrna coin- Jncquclinc Gorctski 01' St. 1 pctitivc ratc 01' intcrcst with our NOW Clair Shores ilnd MI-. and M rs. J ac k Pel ton. liitcrust Chodiiig or ciirn even higher --0-a I CASS THEATRE Ar.cwi~it. CASS CITY 872-2252 iiiarkct raks with our /l/-Fl - -- NOW THRU THURSDAY 8:OO All 01' our cliccking accounts olTcr grcat Wed. Double Punch On Movie Goer Cards cxti-a services like Frcc ATLMIchit Cad, Thurs. "Bargain Nite" Save $$$$ A 11I om at i c Tra n s fc rs, 0 c crd rii I't Angelina Jolie & John Voight Protection. Pcrsoniil Lincs 01' Credit and IURA CROFRTOMB RAIDER~~(PG-13) 24-hour TcIcphonc Rmkinl: just to n;iiiic STARTS FRIDAY (ONE FUN WEEK) it I'cw. Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Early 7:30 Saturday Late Show 9:20 At 'I'hunib National Bank the expert Mon. Thru Thurs. 8:OO financial scrvicc you nccd is iilways closc Children $2.50 Teen/Adults $4.0C at hand. VOICE OF MICHAEL J. FOX AS "OTIS" Thumb National & Cass City Chronicle 6550 Main St., Cass Phone 872-2010 SOON: EDDIE MURPHY "DR. DOLITTLE I' CASScrw, MIC-HK~AN Rabbit Tracks ~ ~ The back forty Police arrest suspect o 2000 Roger Pond by Roger Pond cal I "AI I;in". liiiii during thc day." She recently cliangcd jobs 7'hcil. this youiig liidy S~I-LI~S md wiis coinriionting on how Allan int(! ;I big, liincy pickup much hcttcr hcr ricw joh was mid drives away. 1 turncd to Illan tho old otic. "I get tlollic my wil'c and said. "You ;it 5. instcad 01. h likc I did know. iI' Ihat girl didn'i havc Anncttc Hclland visited ilic ol'l'icc last wcck iiiicl poiiircd 4 arraigned on bcl'orc. and that gives iiic ;I $30.000 truck she could out tliai the hand stuclcnts who pci-Ii)imcil ai the .Itil!, 4 l;cx- iiiorc tiinc to spcnd with probably spcnd dl day with t ival should rcccivc recognit ioii. Allan." slic said. AI Ian." She pointed oul that ilic iiiai*c*hcrs iii tlic p;ir;idc did it OH "I rcally appreciatc that. I "That's -just what I was thcir own, ;is tlicrc wiis no hand clircctor ;it the iiiiic. felony charges just hate hcing away from t h i nki ng ," illy w i I'c siiid . Shc has ii point. But rcsi ;issurcd hii cvcii iliougli tlicrc l'lic I'ollowinp pcoplc wcrc wiis no spccial recognition cvcryonc conncciecl wit11 tlic tics- rcccntly iirraigncd on lklony t i va I a pprcc i a t cd t tic c lliMI. c1i;it-p in Tuscolii County USDA-FSA announces It should he noted tho( in ycars pichy thcrc WCIY I'csii- IIistrict C~)LIII: p~ii.ticiputioii. tals with no hand student ..l:1ck K. Sholcs. 43, And that was with ii director oii tlic joh. policy for late requests Iktiwd. liiccs charges 01' op- criitiiig ;I tnotoi vdiiclc whilc ~iiiclcrilic influence ol'licluor. ;iiiiiouiicccI a new policy 1'01. ;I I1cl t 11 arkc t c d : I I1i rcl (1 Il'c n sc, and d r iv i tis 2000 1,atc-l'illcd LDP re- - on or hcl'orc April 12. \\rliilc his liccnsc was sus- q uc sts . 200 I . l'or coninioclitics with Iwiiclcd or rcvokcd July 4 in Dccr Liikc Kcstaui-ant is Ioc;itcd on the wcsicrn cclgc 01' Producers can request. ut)- ;I Miirch 3 I . 200 1. I'inal loaii Hoync Mountain rosor~and l'ron~soii tlic lake. til Jdy 3 I. 2001. ;in l,DP 011 iivai Iah iI i 1y date Ten ol'us wcrc thci-c 1i)r hi*c;ikt'iisr lasi week.
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