
Grebes Sandpipers, Phalaropes Tyrant Flycatchers Pied-billed Grebe Solitary Sandpiper Olive-sided Flycatcher Herons, , Spotted Sandpiper Western Wood-Pewee Sanderling Dusky Flycatcher Great Common Snipe Pacific-slope Flycatcher Pigeons, Doves Black Phoebe Rock Dove Say’s Phoebe Black-crowned Band-tailed Pigeon Ash-throated Flycatcher , Geese, Swans Mourning Dove Western Kingbird Mallard Cuckoos, Roadrunners, Anis Shrikes Cinnamon Teal Greater Roadrunner Loggerhead Shrike Green-winged Teal Vireos Ring-necked Barn Cassin’s Vireo Canvasback Western Screech-Owl Hutton’s Vireo Bufflehead Great Warbling Vireo Common Merganser Northern Pygmy-Owl Plumbeous Vireo Hooded Merganser Burrowing Owl Crows, Jays, Mapgies Lesser Scaup Nighthawks, Nightjars Steller’s Jay Ruddy Duck Common Poorwill Yellow-billed Magpie New World Swifts Scrub Jay California Condor White-throated Swift American Crow Turkey Vaux’s Swift Common Raven Hawks, Kites, Eagles Hummingbirds Larks White-tailed Kite Black-chinned Hummingbird Horned Lark Sharp-shinned Hawk Anna’s Hummingbird Swallows Cooper’s Hawk Costa’s Hummingbird Tree Swallow Red-tailed Hawk Calliope Hummingbird Violet-green Swallow Red-shouldered Hawk Rufous Hummingbird Northern Rough-winged Northern Harrier Allen’s Hummingbird Cliff Swallow American Kestrel Woodpeckers Barn Swallow Prairie Falcon Lewis’s Woodpecker Babblers Golden Eagle Acorn Woodpecker Wrentit Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Chickadees, Titmice Partridges, Grouse, Turkeys Red-breasted Sapsucker Mountain Chickadee Wild Turkey Nuttall’s Woodpecker Oak Titmouse New World Quail Downy Woodpecker Bushtits Mountain Quail Hairy Woodpecker Bushtit California Quail White-headed Woodpecker Creepers Rails, Gallinules, Coots Northern Flicker Brown Creeper Virginia Rail Nuthatches Red-breasted Nuthatch American Coot White-breasted Nuthatch Lapwings, Plovers Pygmy Nuthatch Killdeer Wrens Emberizids Rock Wren California Towhee Canyon Wren Spotted Towhee Bewick’s Wren Lark Sparrow House Wren Grasshopper Sparrow Kinglets Savannah Sparrow Golden-crowned Kinglet Song Sparrow Ruby-crowned Kinglet Vesper Sparrow Old World Warblers, Gnatcatchers White-crowned Sparrow Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Golden-crowned Sparrow Thrushes Dark-eyed Junco Western Bluebird Chipping Sparrow Swainson’s Thrush Lincoln’s Sparrow Hermit Thrush Rufous-crowned Sparrow Varied Thrush Fox Sparrow American Robin Cardinals Mockingbirds, Thrashers Black-headed Grosbeak Northern Mockingbird Lazuli Bunting Sage Thrasher Blue Grosbeak California Thrasher Blackbirds Starlings Red-winged Blackbird European Starling Tricolored Blackbird Wagtails, Pipits Western Meadowlark American Pipit Brewer’s Blackbird Waxwings Great-tailed Grackle Cedar Waxwing Brown-headed Cowbird Bullock’s Oriole Silky-Flycatchers Hooded Oriole Phainopepla Woodwarblers Purple Orange-crowned Warbler House Finch Nashville Warbler Pine Siskin Yellow-rumped Warbler Checklist Black-throated Gray Warbler Lesser Goldfinch Townsend’s Warbler February, 2008 Lawrence’s Goldfinch Yellow Warbler Evening Grosbeak MacGillivray’s Warbler Sedgwick Reserve Wilson’s Warbler Old World Sparrows 3566 Brinkerhoff Road Common Yellowthroat House Sparrow Santa Ynez, Ca 93460 Yellow-breasted Chat 805/686-1941 Palm Warbler Records gathered by B.B. DeWolfe, M. A. Holmgren, Tanagers M. Reynolds, F. Emerson, P. Collins, M. Williams Western Tanager National Geographic. 1999. Field Guide to of , Third Edition. , D.C.. 480 p.