
travel, andprovide safereentry from deepspace. provide emergency abortcapability, sustainthecrew duringspace exploration vehiclethatwillcarrythecrew todistantplanetarybodies, to excitingdestinationsneverexplored byhumans.Itwillserveasthe Orion isAmerica’s nextgenerationspacecraftthatwilltakeastronauts National Aeronautics andSpaceAdministration Pressurized volume(total) Dry mass/propellant Mass Properties Jettisoned Fairings Mass Properties Orion-to-Stage Adapter Module – Service (RCS) enginethrust Habitable volume(net) Module – Crew Launch AbortSystem – Number ofcrew Orion Summary Total changeinvelocity Adapter Gross liftoff weight Gross liftoff weight weight Propellant Oxygen//water Dry mass/propellant Mass Properties Gross liftoff weight Injected mass Gross liftoff weight Return Return Dry mass Mass Properties ...... Quick Facts . . . . . Crew andCargoTransport ...... , ElectricalPower, FluidsStorage ...... Emergency Crew EscapeSystem . .... 160 lbf/engine 34,085 lbs 13,635 lbs 22,900 lbs 20,500 lbs 22,397 lbs 16,850 lbs 11,120 lbs 58,467 lbs 78,010 lbs 4,390 ft/s 1,125 lbs 3,050 lbs 690.6 ft 370 lbs 133 lbs 220 lbs 316 ft 4 3 3

NASAfacts The Orion Spacecraft

Launch Abort System The launch abort system, positioned above the crew module, can activate within milliseconds to pull the crew to safety and position the module for a safe landing.

Crew Module The crew module is capable of transporting four crew members beyond low- , providing a safe habitat from launch through landing and recovery.

Service Module The provides support to the crew module from launch through crew module separation prior to entry. It provides in- propulsion capability for orbital transfer, , and high altitude ascent aborts. While mated with the crew module, it also provides water, oxygen and nitrogen to support the crew module living environment, generates and stores power while in space, and provides primary thermal control. The service module also has the capability to accommodate unpressurized cargo.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lyndon B. Johnson , Texas 77058 www..gov Solar Arrays
