Knight Neumann

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Knight Neumann 3. 230, Micro -7, 0.7 -mil mono cartridge 42.50 Specifications: Type moving magnet ; freq. 4. 216A, vertical cartridge 85.00 NEAT resp. 20 to 17,000 cps ; output, t mv/ rec. VS- 1000D, Moving -Coil Cartridge. A high velocity ; channel separation, 35 db ; tracking quality moving -coil cartridge featuring easily force -professional arms, 2 -5 gins ; no. of GENERAL ELECTRIC replaceable stylus assembly for this kind of terminals, 4 ; mounting dimensions, std ; cartridge. The output is relatively high for a weight, 14 gms. Price, diamond, $46.50. Pick- VR- 1000 -5 Stereo Cartridge. This latest moving coil and, as expected, the frequency ering and Co., Plainview, N. Y. entry by GE into the magnetic cartridge field range is relatively wide. And smooth too. reflects their many years of experience in Available from various sources in the United making cartridges for high fidelity applica- States -write the manufacturer. SHURE tions. A feature, besides its performance, is Specifications: Type moving coil ; freq. resp. the easy replacement of the stylus. MSS Stereo Dynetic Phonograph Cartridge. 10 to 20,000 cps ± S db ; output, 5 my ; chan- Shure's finest cartridge for the very finest Specifications: Type magnetic ; freq. resp. nel separation, SO db at 1 kc, 20 db at 10 kc ; .0005" 20 to 20,000 cps ± 3 db ; 1 sound systems. Available with either output, mv/cm recommended load. 100 -100k ohms ; recom- rec. velocity ; stylus or .0007 ". Compliance of .0005" stylus channel separation, 25 db at 1 kc. mended tracking force-professional arms, 2 15 db at 10 permits tracking at less than one gram ; kc; recommended load, 47k ohms; gms : compliance- lateral, 10 x 10a cm /dyne, recommended tracking force -professional .0007" at from 1.5 to 3 grams. Completely vertical, 10 x10-4 cm /dyne ; d.c. resistance, new, super- rugged assembly is en- arms, 1 -3 gms, changers, 3 gms ; effective sty- stylus SO ohms ; no. of terminals, 4; mounting di- cased in plastic "grip", making stylus chang- lus mass 1.2 mg ; compliance -lateral, 6 x 10-4 mensions, 12.7 mm ; weight. 13.5 gms. Addi- ing as easy as plugging in an electric cord. cm /dyne, vertical, 9 x 10-4 cm /dyne ; induc- tional features : interchangeable stylus, high tance 400 mh; d.c. resistance 1100 ohms; no. Special high efficiency Mumetal shielding pre- output voltage. Neat Onkyo Denki Co., Ltd., vents pick -up of hum. of terminals 4; mounting dimensions, % inch ; No. 4, 1- chrome. Kanda Hatago -cho, Chiyoda- weight Il gms. Price diamond, $29.95; re- ku, Tokyo, Japan. placement stylus :14.95. General Electric Co., Audio Products Dept., 2200 N. 22nd St., De- catur, Ill. 1. VR 22 -5, ster cartridge $ 18.95 NEUMANN 2. VR 22 -7, ster cartridge 16.95 DST-62 Stereo Cartridge. This is the latest 3. VR 1000 -7, ster cartridge 24.95 model and development of the already well - 4. VR 2, mono cartridge known DST unit. Improvements include elimi- nation of rubber membrane complete enclosure of cartridge bottom. Torsion bar re- enforced GRADO making mis- alignment impossible even with long time lapse. `Classic" Stereo Cartridge. The Classic car- Specifications: Type dynamic; freq. resp. tridge uses the same basic design as the su- 30 to 15 k cps ±.2 db; output, .1 my /em rec. perior Laboratory Series cartridge, and is velocity ; channel separation. 25 db at 1 kc, 25 manufactured on a small assembly line basis db at 10 kc ; recommended load, 50 (min) with extremely close tolerances. The bass ohms ; recommended tracking force- profes- response in the Laboratory and Classic Series sional arms, 6 gins, effective stylus mass, 1 is identical, imparting a sweeping effortless mg; compliance-lateral, 3.6 x 10-1 cm /dyne, Specifications: Type magnetic ; freq. resp. quality to the over -all sound. The midrange vertical, 3.6 x10-4 cm /dyne ; d.c. resistance, 20 to 20,000 cps ± 2% db ; output, 1 mv/cm is very close. and the high frequency response 18 ohms ; no. of terminals, 5 ; mounting dimen- rec. velocity ; channel separation, 22.5 db at differs but slightly. sions, special ; weight, 30 gms. Price, diamond, 1 kc, 10 db at 10 kc ; recommended load $79.50 ; replacement styli, $20.00. Gotham per channel, 47,000 ohms ; effective stylus Audio Corp., 2 West 46th St., New York 36. mass. 1.3 mg : compliance -lateral, 22 x10-4 N. Y. cm /dyne (for M33-5) vertical, 22 x 10- cm/ dyne (for 3133 -5) ; inductance, 600 hm; d.c. resistance, 750 ohms ; capacitance, 70 pf ; no. ORTOFON of terminals, 4; mounting dimensions, std; Price, diamond, $36.50 ; replacement styli, SPU -T Cartridge. The Ortofon stereo cart- $19.50. Shure Bros., 222 Hartrey Ave., Evans- ridge, Model SPU, has extremely high com- ton, Ill. pliance and low inertia of the stylus arma- 1. M -77 (4 -6 gms tracking) $27.50 ture to give undistorted reproduction of stereo 2. M -3D (3 -6 gms tracking) 45.00 recordings. The meticulous craftsmanship 3. M -7D (4 -7 gms tracking) 24.00 of this component is immediately recognizable 4. M3N21D (21/2 gms maximum tracking) 47.25 both in sight and sound. The electromagnetic 5. M7N21D (21/2 gms maximum tracking) 36.75 elements are wound with an extra pure cop- per wire into long thin coils. Thus, the inertia and directional forces are reduced to a mini- SONOTONE mum and consequently the force required for tracking at both ends of the audio spec- 97'A Series Cartridge and Velocitone "Mark trum is very small. The stylus arm is com- II." With Velocitone, the ceramic cartridge output be plugged directly into the Specification: Type, moving coil ; freq. posed of a special thin and light alloy strip can magnetic phono inputs of your amplifier. reap. 15 to 28,000 cps ± 1 db ; output, 0.9 mv/ to ensure compliance in both planes. "Prime 9TA is a high -quality stereo cartridge cm rec. velocity ; channel separation, 25 db diamonds" are used for the stylus so that The at a and is thus 1 kc ; recommended load, above 5,000 ohms; under normal use they will last indefinitely which utilizes ceramic element recommended tracking force -professional and most certainly minimize record wear. hum free. Type freq. resp. arms, 3 gms ; effective stylus mass, 0.5 mg; Specifications: Type moving coil; freq. resp. Specifications: ceramic; 20 to 17,000 cps ± 2 db ; output, 11 mv compliance, 12 x 10-4 cm /dyne ; d.c. resistance, 20 to 20,000 cps ± 2 db ; output, 14 mv ; chan- ; 25 1 1100 ohms ; no. of terminals, 4. nel separation, 25 db at 1 kc, 20 db at 10 kc; (equalized) channel separation, db at kc ; recommended load, 2 megohms ; recom- Additional features : no magnetic attrac- recommended load, 50 k ohms ; recommended mended tracking force arms, tion to steel turntables ; one year uncondi- tracking force -professional arms, 1 -2 gins -professional 24 gins, changers, 3 -5 gms ; compliance tional guarantee, plus four additional years effective stylus mass, 1 mg ; compliance - - for stylus against normal wear. Price, dia- lateral, 10 x 10i cm /dyne, vertical, 10 x 10-4 lateral, 5.5 x 10-e cm /dyne, no. of terminals, mond, $37.50. Grado Laboratories, Inc., 4614 cm /dyne ; d.c. resistance, 1.8 ohms ; no. of 4; mounting dimensions, %" and %" ; weight, 3.2 Seventh Ave., Brooklyn 20, N. Y. terminals,4 ; mounting dimensions, standard ; gms. Price, diamond, $13.00; sapphire, weight, 17 gms $8.35 ; replacement styli, $2.75 ; $5.75. Sono - 1. "Senator" cartridge $24.95 with transformer. Additional : minimum tone Corp., Elmsford, N. Y. 2. "Laboratory" cartridge 49.50 features of 20 -db channel separa- tion is maintained throughout audible range. 1. Velocitone "Mark II" with Price, diamond. $49.95 ; replacement styli, equalizers $14.75 -22.75 $15.00. Elpa Marketing Industries, New Hyde 2. i6TA -18TA series 6.00- 9.75 KNIGHT Park, N. Y. 3. 8TA series 8.75 -13.00 KN -505X Stereo Cartridge. A high- quality 1. SPU /GT, Mounted in Ortofon shell $49.95 4. 916TA series 6.00- 9.75 stereo cartridge for the most critical audio 2. SPU /ESL, mounted in Ortofon shell for requirements. Highly compliant and with rela- ESL arms 49.95 tively high output, the 505X is suited for the SONOVOX rigors of stereo. Moving Magnet Stereo Cartridge. The Sono - Specifications: Type, magnetic; freq. resp. PICKERING vox SX -1 represents a refinement in moving I5 to 30,000 cps ± S db ; output, 7.5 mv ; chan- magnet cartridges. The magnet is spherical nel separation, 28 db at 1 kc, 25 db at 10 kc ; Pickering Model U38/AT Stereo Fluxvalve. in shape thus achieving a uniform field. Ex- -e recommended load, 47,000 ohms ; recom- It is designed especially for the new genera- tremely low mass and high compliance of the mended tracking force -professional arms, 1 tion of automatic turntables. It combines hum vibrating system produce minimum record gm, changers, 4 gms ; effective stylus mass, shielding with high output for high signal - wear. 0.6 mg; compliance -lateral, 15 x 10-4 cm/ to -noise ratio. High compliance is retained Specifications: Type moving magnet ; freq. dyne, vertical, 15 x 10- cm /dyne; no. of ter- for turnable performance while providing resp. 20 to 20,000 cps ± 1 db ; output, 4 my ; minals, 4 ; mounting dimensions, 7/16' or the ruggedness demanded by automatic opera- channel separation, 20 db at 1 kc, 20 db at 10 j" ; weight, 12 gms. Price, diamond, $17.95; tion. Improved frequency response and low kc ; recommended load, 50k ohms ; recom- replacement styli, $9.95.
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