1 Case Western Reserve University, Department of Art History and Art Mather House 317, 11201 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7110 T: (216) 368-4232 • E:
[email protected] ELINA GERTSMAN PRESENT APPOINTMENT Professor of Art History, Department of Art History and Art Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Professor in Catholic Studies II Director of Graduate Studies • Core Faculty, Women's and Gender Studies Program BOOKS Contracted Nothing Is the Matter: Empty Spaces in Late Medieval Art. Forthcoming from Penn State Press. The book explores late medieval concepts of emptiness and void, with a special focus on epistemologically fraught emptiness that inhabits later medieval murals and manuscripts. Supported by the American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship (2016 Fellow). (Editor) Beyond the Ornament: Medieval Abstract Art. Contracted by Amsterdam University Press. This collection interrogates the concept of medieval abstraction from a multitude of perspectives—formal, semiotic, iconographic, material, phenomenological, and epistemological. (Co-editor) Contested Spaces: Crossing Medieval Disciplines. Contracted by Brepols. This collection showcases contributions to the history of medieval literature, drama, theology, and art, demonstrating the fruitfulness of the cross-disciplinary approach that has come to define these fields. Published The Middle Ages in 50 Images (with Barbara H. Rosenwein). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Fifty objects serve to illuminate the long Middle Ages. The chronological range is ca. 300 to ca. 1500; the cultures considered are western European, Byzantine, Jewish, and Islamic; and the topics treated range from notions of sanctity and sin to daily life and confrontations with death. Translated into Italian as Il Medioevo in 50 oggetti (Libreria Editrice Goriziana, 2018).