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BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 15, No. 40 Sunday, Feb. 1, 1970 4 2 Pages 10 Cents Nine vie for two seats Gity Council vote Tuesday Candidates aired views YOUR DAY 197Q FEBRUARY 197O at series of meetings W 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 By PETE PEPINSKY free industry in the city, sanitation 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 (supports sewage treatment bond 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 It's a cinch that all nine City Council candidates will not be able to squeeze issue), balanced low density, and a municipal golf course. into the two Council seats which are being sought, so now the voters must Dr. Charles Waldner Jr., 39, became choose. the fourth candidate to file. Waldner, a Tuesday the 12,924 registered voters physician, stands for conservative in Boca Raton will have the op- government with gradual expansion. Folk portunity to go to their precincts and He approves of appropriations used for decide which candidates will serve sewage, air and water pollution, but he two-year terms on the Council. In- favors little tax rise. He also came out cumbent Councilman Robert I. "Pat" in favor of the proposed jetport site 42 music Honchell is seeking re-election; miles west of town. Deputy Mayor Harold Maull is Jim Dluzak, 32, a local drug store retiring. manager, stands against the ocean outfall system, the proposed jetport Courtney Boone Tony Covello Jim Dluzak Also to be voted on are the three concert referendum questions dealing with the west of the city, pollution of beaches, sewage treatment plant bond issue, the and high rise apartment buildings beach acquisition bond issue, and the which block public access to the Saturday night at 8:15 p.m. a beaches. He favors a central sewage folk music concert will be held in proposed franchise of a cable television company. treatment plant, the assessment of all the auditorium of Florida dwelling units for sewer service in- Any candidate who receives a Atlantic University. If your stead of tax increases and a campaign majority of the votes cast Tuesday will nerves need soothing after a hard against the use of narcotics by the be elected on the first go-around. If week, the soft guitar sounds and city's youth. none does, the top four vote getters will voices at FAU will do the trick. Former Boca Raton Police officer The concert is open to the public. enter a run-off election Feb. 17. With a field of nine, the statistical odds are Tony Covello, 39, was number six in against any candidate getting the the filing for candidacy. Covello has majority in the "primary" election, previous work experience with the necessitating the run-off. sheriff's department and district at- Polo Sunday torney's office in Suffolk County, N.Y. The "c^.-<'.--?ai*:' views have been well-aired, h-. a number of public Miami and Boca Baton mix it forums, a report produced by a local Up on the polo field at 3 p.m. civic group, and in many public ap- Sunday. The Sunshine League pearances. Now that the final hours of SCL stopped game, for the benefit of the Joseph Hogan Pat Honchell Bill Moore the campaign are passing one final Royale Woman's Club, will see look at each of the hopefuls is in order. both teams looking for their first More than four weeks ago, the first by national victory. candidate to file was Tore Wallin, 68, a member of the Planning and Zoning Board. rail strike Wallin is the leading proponent on Quick facts the P&Z Board of low density. He JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (UPI) —The endorses the beach acquisition bond Seaboard Coastline Railroad today Weather: Fair and cool Saturday issue, the expansion of the sewage joined the nationwide rail shutdown, warming slightly Sunday, with treatment plant, with total sewering of but the Florida East Coast Railway, the city and a proper sewage treat- which has been struck by unions since no chance of rain. High Sunday *'! 75, low Saturday niight 50. ment system to reducce the virus 1963, will continue normal operations. content soon, and low incomehousing, Boating: Seas 5-10 feet Saturday, Prime F. Osborn, the president of possibly of a pre-fabricated nature. decreasing Sunday. Inland SCL, said "we are now in the process waters will be rough Saturday, Bill Moore, 45, market analysis of shutting down the line. All decreasing to choppy Sunday. manager at IBM, was the next of- operations will halt by the end of the Winds northerly 15-20 mph, ficeseeker Io throw his hat in the ring. day." shifting to easterly 15 mph by He served as president^ of the Union Osborn said SCL trains that were Sunday night. Small craft School District Board of Education in already on the road would continue to warnings in effect. Low tide Earl Sloane Charles Waldner Tore Wallin San Jose, Calif., befor moving to Boca their destinations with supervisory Saturday at 9:02 p.m. High Raton almost two years ago. personnel at the controls. tides Sunday 3:24 a.m. and 3:18 Moore's main campaign concern is SCL is following a nationwide rail p.m. Low tides Sunday 9:24 water management. While he favors shutdown in retaliation for a union a.m. and 9:48 p.m. the sewage treatment bond issue, he strike against the Union Pacific Fishing: High winds are cutting Beach bonds, sewer feels that the treatment project should Railroad. down on the good fishing, but be restudied. He believes, that more FEC Railway Vice President Ray W. hearty souls can still have a nearly pure effluent could be returned Wycoff said "we will continue to crack at the bass at to the ground or canals, thus restoring operate as normal. We're not in- Loxahatchee. recreational value to the canals, on volved." Television: Pete Seeger plays a and fulfilling other conservation aims. The FEC was struck Jan. 23,1963 by question on ballot Moore also favors the beach 11 operation and nonoperation unions one-hour special Sunday at 7 p.m. on Channel 2. The master acquisition, low density development, and has been operating since then with of the banjo and 12-string (CATV story, page one C) terms of the Federal Water Pollution creases. and an immediate study of trash and nonunion workers. guitar taped the special in the Three referendum questions, two for Control Act for approximately $2 The City Council has agreed, subject garbage disposition to prevent WTHS studios in Miami and it's bond issues and one for a CATV million in funds, to be supplemented by to the approval of the voters Tuesday, pollution. another of those "Only on Two" franchise, will round out the city ballot the city's $4 million bond issue. to issue a non-exclusive franchise for Incumbent Councilman Pat Hon- programs. If you miss Sunday, in the election Tuesday. For a $25,000 home, with a $5,000 30 years paying the city a minimum of chell, 45, with eight years of service on i a repeat is scheduled Thursday While each of the nine candidates for Homestead Exemption, the taxpayer $685,000 in franchise fees or a per- the Council, hopped into the race next. at 10 p.m. the City Council anxiously awaits the would pay approximately $32 the first centage of revenue, whichever is A local attorney, Honchell seeks Movies: At the Boca Raton final vote count, the present Council year and a lesser amount each year greater to TelePrompTer Cable continued orderly growth of the city. Theatre, "Butch Cassidy and looks for voter approval of sewage thereafter. Teleivision Corporation. His main concerns at this time- the Sundance Kid" at 2, 4, 6, 8, treatment and beach acquisition bond Robert Goldstein, biology student at Cable Television is not the same as include the employment of a license, Why doesn't that local radio and 10 p.m. issues and the approval of a franchise Florida Atlantic University and leader pay television. sign and azoning inspector, pollution- station stay on after dark? to provide cable television to the of the Citizens' Revolt Against Driving home from work, all residents of the city. Pollution, said that members of his of a sudden they just sign off The sewage treatment bond issue organization would distribute hand- Kirk's order forbids and there s nothing there. Inside asks approval of a $4 million bond bills at local shopping centers Sunday WSBR is regulated by the i issue to improve the present sewer urging voters to approve the sewage Federal Communications treatment system to provide a treatment bond issue. I Commission just as all other I minimum of 90 per cent treatment of The beach acquisition bond issue compliance with court radio, television and amateur effluent. This would be a general asks for $2.5 million to allow the city to set-ups are. obligation bond maturing not more purchase additional ocean front ATLANTA (UPI)—It was "freedom guideline. I When WSBR applied for its Ann Landers Page 4C than 30 years from the date of issue, property in the vicinity of the present Specifically, Kirk's order forbade braodcasting license, the FCC i r Calendar 2C of choice" day in Mississippi Saturday. and would be levied on all sewered or South Beach. This would also be a And in Florida, Gov. Claude Kirk the officials to change or alter the assigned it a frequency and Clasifieds 12-13-14-15C non-sewered property. general obligation bond maturing not school calendar, incur any expenses gave the station a "dawn to Dr.