
Devotedly BASED ON JONATHAN STAUFFER’S MASTER OF ARTS Dwelling: Christian PORTFOLIO (NOV 29, 2016) Possibilities for EDITED FOR CONGREGATIONAL USE BY KAYLA COLLINS Sound Ecological  Human activities are overwhelming the Earth’s ecological processes, especially within the last Problem: The 70 years.  Scientific observations provide the warning Ecological signs.  Humans are failing to live up to our vocation as Crisis responsible stewards by going beyond divinely ordained limits within creation. A Christian Response to the Crisis

’s power of love transforms alongside human will.

 Change requires individual transformation & communal actions (including religious and spiritual practices) Kenosis and Koinonia: Helpful Christian Concepts

 Kenosis means “emptying” – We can use it for individual transformation in spiritual practices of restraint, asceticism, and .

 Koinonia is a dynamic fellowship with a common purpose. We must act together to accomplish larger goals. Restorative Action

Energy efficiency can be reinterpreted as loving action.

We must make individual choices as well as implement holistic, creative, and communal solutions (Use both kenosis and koinonia). & Discipleship

Address Bioregional politics can address ecological and social concerns.

Churches can function as learning centers through worship, outreach, Function and more.

Suggest Suggest integrating ecology with urban planning at the local level.

Recognize the ways in which the current food system is industrialized and Recognize more disconnected than past agrarian systems. Covenant: God’s relationship with creation and humanity Covenant and Communion Communion: Christ remembering creation Torah on Land Use & Sabbath

kabash and radah means to subdue and rule (Gen 1:28). abad and shamar means to serve and protect (Gen 2:15).

Accountability to God (Lev 25:23; Deut 11:10-15)

Requires rest for the land, allow for fallow periods (Lev 25:1-7; Exod 23:10-13)

Abram and Lot heed ecological limits (Gen 13) Prophets and the Sabbath

 Isaiah claims when humans break with God the “everlasting covenant,” beret olam, the earth also suffers (Isa 24; Jer 9:10-14; 12:10-13).

 Sabbath is for “all flesh” in God’s eschatological vision of Shalom (Isa 66). Possible Solutions:

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Promote more small- Promote soil health, fair Have your church scale, relational food labor practices, animal involved in a community networks. well-being, and food garden and find ways nutrition. to build relationships around food. Values in Nature

 Nature develops character through moments of challenge and transcendence.

 It builds awareness of ecological principles and counters excess.

 Camps allow for recreation, reflection, worship, and education.

 Hiking invokes wonder and gratitude. It slows down the mind, provides space for spiritual reflection, and can help with attention. An Ethical Response: Education and Spirituality

 Thoughtful reflection and action develops Moral Agency.  Moral agency is further developed by coupling nature study and spiritual reflection. Christian Ecological Ethics

 Biblical themes of salvation include healing, rescuing, and praise.

 Includes values like environmental stewardship and justice.

 Humans are interdependent with creation which necessitates a call to ecological and social justice.

 Emphasizes a preservation of resources as a key to humanity and creation’s well- being. Theological Premises

 God’s love empowers creation.  Responsibility grows from love and motivation.  God desires a restored kinship between human and non-human communities.  God desires abundant living.  Scripture and tradition are useful for guiding our interactions with creation.  We must work together with God’s leading. Conclusions

 Restorative actions build relationships between God, humanity and other entities in creation. Examples: energy efficiency, life-cycle thinking, and gardening systems.  Along with religious sources, acknowledging spiritual experience and scientific inquiry in nature develops eco-justice ethics. For questions related to references or the portfolio work in general, please contact Jonathan Stauffer at [email protected].