
shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). “Watch Th ink Ahead out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed” Managing our gifts (assets) well means being (Luke 12:15). Paul modelled, “I have learned to be mindful of the day of the big audit. All of us will content whatever the circumstances” (Phil. 4:11), give account of our . Th is realization but he warned, “the love of money is the root of is sobering. We must ask, when putting out the all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:10).” plastic or signing cheques, “how will this play out?” Th e Bible doesn’t throttle human initiative, Do an Audit but neither does it bless self-absorbed wealth- Personal stock-taking —something we rarely do— getting. is a necessary exercise. Periodic checkups for persons as for cars makes sense. Such an audit Be Positive can take various forms. We might keep a log Give thanks to for money and the for a week noting the time we use for personal ability to acquire it. But acquire possessions care (sleep, exercise), for travel/relaxation, to according to the criteria of usefulness, not earn money, or for conversation with family, status. Be self-conscious about your life’s friends, and with God. How we spend our time direction and establish a mission statement. and money is a strong indicator of our values. In Resist consumerist propaganda. Pray about what kind of home will we live? What amenities investments and expenditures. Let your faith will it have? At what expense level will we clothe in God extend as far down as your pocketbook. ourselves? How expensive will our eating habits Th e opposite of is not poverty; it’s be? How will we spend discretionary money? godliness. Our bottom-line challenge: Beware What luxuries will we allow ourselves? What the lure of materialism. Get help for the “disease” will be the proportion of savings and to our if you are in its grip. Positively put, accept the total income? Stephen Covey’s bestseller, Seven invitation to an adventure with God in money Habits for Highly Eff ective People suggests that matters. we ask, “What would I like to see written on my tombstone?” Covey advocates personal mission statements, then shows how to implement them. My students report that, far from binding them, For additional reading, see Richard Foster’s Freedom of these mission statements have helped them Simplicity (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1981); John make good choices and given them freedom. Schneider’s Godly Materialism: Re-thinking Money and Possessions (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, Where is your treasure? Th e most secure 1994); and Ronald Sider’s Rich Christians in an Age of investment is in God’s kingdom. Jesus advised, Hunger (Dallas: Word, 1990). “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:24, NRSV). To paraphrase: put your Until his retirement in 1995, the writer, Elmer A. Martens, was a member of the faculty of the Mennonite money in heavenly investments, then follow Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno, Cal.. He has God’s Dow Jones index. Soon your heart will authored several books and taught around the world. be caught up in kingdom developments. Surprisingly, Jesus advocated self-interest as a Copyright © March, 1996. Redesigned March, 2010. motive: “Store up treasures for yourselves.” Self- Published by the Canadian Mennonite Brethren interest is not evil; it is legitimate. Selfi shness, Board of Faith and Life. For additional copies, however, which involves centering on the self to contact: Canadian Conference of MB Churches, 1310 the exclusion of others, is always wrong. Taylor Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3M 3Z6. Call toll-free: 1.888.669.6575. Lot and Balaam illustrate the materialist mindset among Mennonites (J.H. Kauffman and L. Jezebel spurring him on) he stopped short of that elevates possessions over other values. Lot Driedger, The Mennonite Mosaic, 1991). Could it nothing: falsifications, unscrupulous action, even Materialism: chose the fertile plain of Sodom and Gomorrah be that financial security weighs too heavily for murder. The early church encountered a case of (Gen. 13), and Balaam pocketed his “dough” even us? advanced materialism in Ananias and Sapphira. Blowing the Whistle if it meant selling Israelites into immorality (Jude These two presented themselves as devoted, 11). Remember Jesus’ cryptic statement about Danger Symptoms committed believers, but misrepresented the the rich man, who, in the parable, spent money Materialism as a disease has reached dangerous price for which they had sold the they Is there a proper Christian use of money? and energies building barns: “One’s life does not proportions when attachment to “things”— were donating (Acts 5). For them, the disease A sticky question. Many North American consist in the abundance of possessions,” said , investments, of materialism was fatal—a Christians are relatively well-to-do and Jesus (Luke 12:15). adult “toys” (cars, computer warning that covetousness is systems)—clearly crowds Has the “lure” of things dangerous to one’s spiritual have substantial money at their discretion. health. The worldly mind They are not asking, “How can I survive?” Doing a Spiritual Biopsy out spiritual values, such as blurred the sharp outlines compassion. Amos thunders chirps, as Thomas Fuller noted Instead, they are asking, “How can I live Given the prevalence of the materialism virus, away about this obsession of God’s kingdom? You in a sermon 340 years ago, more comfortably and acquire more?” let’s do a biopsy of it. in his “woe” sermon: You “‘Gain is godliness’—a demonic may have succumbed to inversion of the biblical claim, Yet some are wondering, “How should my lie in beds inlaid with ivory Good Health and lounge on your couches the virus of materialism. ‘Godliness... is gain.’ (1 Tim. faith affect my spending?” 6:6).” Who is a healthy Christian? It is the person (fancy furniture). You dine on choice lambs and fattened North Americans have a love affair with who trusts God for salvation but also for Preventative Maintenance acquiring, with shopping, with conspicuous earthly goods. It is the one with an unshakeable calves (sumptuous eating out; specialty foods). consumerism, with self-indulgence. Christians confidence that God is not a miser, but desires You strum away on your harps like David and What then is the prescription for persons with are constantly being pulled into the swirling good for every believer. God not only is good; improvise on musical instruments (stereos, CDs, the virus of materialism? Focus on a new centre. obsession with material things. Worse than run- he is sufficient. The healthy Christian relaxes in entertainment centres). You drink wine by the A way to deal with children fighting over toys is away inflation is run-away materialism. God’s provision and gives the kingdom of God bowlful and use the finest lotions (cosmetics, to alert them to a better option. Little is gained first place. cosmetics, cosmetics). But you do not grieve by incessant harping. “Don’t be materialistic.” over the ruin of Joseph (Amos 6:3-7). Clearly, for Instead, consider an alternative. A focus on A Close-Up of Materialism Signs of Trouble Amos, affording does not constitute licence to Christ vaccinates against materialism. This is not spend extravagantly and conspicuously. Amos simply Pietism. Paul combats “spiritual diseases” Materialism and wealth are not the same. Shifty spiritual eyes are an early sign of trouble. complains that people addicted to things lose by turning the attention to Christ (Col. 1:9-18). Abraham, Solomon, and Job all possessed great God’s kingdom remains within sight, but their concern for people in trouble. They no Just as a compass needle seeks the magnetic wealth. Materialism represents an attitude God’s sufficiency is subtly, even unconsciously, longer grieve over calamity. Similarly, James pole, so believers seek the things above (Col. toward things. It is an eagerness to “have and to questioned. The lure of “things” blurs the sharp insists that faith that sends the poor away empty 3:2). At stake is a fundamental in hold” possessions, a preoccupation with money outline of God’s kingdom. A grasping, even is dead (2:14-17). Dazzled by wealth-getting and which nothing is more decisive than Christ Jesus. for self-advantage, and a zeal to pursue the “good coveting spirit, emerges. Case studies of this enjoyment, North American Christians (like the Letting Christ be Lord realigns our values, not as life” without regard for much else. To themselves, pathology are numerous. Eve decides to go for Laodicean Christians) are dulled in their senses words from our lips but as a loud “amen” deep materialists whisper, “If only I had a little more.” something “more” (Gen. 3). A good wardrobe (cf. Rev. 3:14-22). Their capacity for compassion within our being. Materialism widely afflicts baby boomers, excites Gehazi, Elisha’s servant (2 Kings 5). is blunted. They have money for cruises, fancy retirees, as well as those between these groups. The farmer in Jesus’ parable is preoccupied vehicles, and summer homes, but mission Listen to the Word only with crops and barns (Luke 12:13-21). An endeavours at home and abroad, and Christian When does someone have enough? When they imbalance, a part of the illness, easily sets in. A third of Jesus’ parables deals with economics. schools, must be downsized for lack of funds. Do In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, own one car? Or, three cars and a recreational Cancer cells destroy the body when they go out Amos’s accusations also apply to us? vehicle? In T.H. White’s book, The Once and of control. That can happen with finances, too. the now-enlightened materialist wants to help others, but the answer is “they have Moses and Future King, King Arthur observes that “...nobody To be sure, there are sound reasons for acquiring Advanced Stages could define the state of ‘having’. A knight with material possessions: emergencies, hospital the Prophets.” The advice, in short: “Listen to a silver suit of armour could immediately call care, retirement needs, leaving an inheritance. Two stories illustrated the advanced stages of the Word!” Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of himself a have-not, if he met a knight with a Financial security ranked as a most-emphasized the disease of materialism. Wealthy King Ahab God and his righteousness, and all these things value (60%) in a study measuring materialism was so set on acquiring more property that (with golden one.” continued on reverse