Sewanee Purple,1984
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Second Class Postage Paid TOLERANCE ALUMNI HOOPS Tyler Stallings' comments about 'intol- We continue a feature that we've been Both the ladies and the men take the goodly erance' on campus stirred up a running regularly for over a year on page court in their opening basketball games issue, as amount of controversy since last 9, where alumni tell us what sticks in this weekend. Details of these events 4-6. our editorial section reveals on pages their minds after all these years. can be had by turning to page 12. PurpleThe Sewanee Volume 158, Issue 5 The University of the South Sewanee, Tenn BY SARA WILLIAMS It's Friday and you are ready i mt the road. Your suitcase is packed, the car is filled with gas, and your stomach is anticipating Sometimes you've eating at Wendy's on exit 42. You are ready to roadtripl Sewanee is called "God's Country," "the most beautiful campus," and is described as just got being "the closest one can get to heaven." But there still comes a time when one needs to escape the same dorm, the same food and the homework assignments before they be- to get away come too claustrophobic. Possibly a short jaunt to Winchester will do, or maybe a week- end in the Bahamas. But don't worry. Roadtrips do not indi- cate that Sewanee is becoming a suitcase col- lege. These trips only serve as a weekend of restoration and enjoyment. Sewanee, as students know, has plenty to offer on the weekends from the SOC activities to the Turn to page* 10 and 11 fraternity parties, The following roadtrip suggestions are just a few of the many trips one could take de- for of travel ideas a variety pending upon what an enjoying weekend means to one. The restaurants, motels, etc. but mere are suggestions made by students from. are obviously many more to choose The price of one of these roadtrips includes priced transportation, motel, and moderate and dining. Obviously one could spend more one can spend less. Before you check out for the weekend be your re- sure and plan ahead. Double check area, iservations for hotels, get a map of the have your car briefly checked, take Traveller's you are Checks, and let someone know where going and when you expect to return. \ See pages 10 and 11 The Sewanee Purple November 17, 198' For those staying over on iIm' mountain Holiday plans noted THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY is the first break of open as will the University Market (whether the year here at Sewanee and for many, the these establishments will be open on Thanks- mil first time of the year to go home. But there giving Day is doubtful but unknown at this Campbell to speak are always a few who cannot tear themselves point). The Pub will not be open. Last year, away from the mountain even for five days. the Sewanee Inn served a brunch and dinner This article is for those few. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is probable in Bishop's Common Though there is nothing officially set for this that this will occur again this year. Dean Cush- WILL CAMPBELL, Tenessee farmer, racon- year (proctors will begin inquiring into the man emphasized the fact that if students teur, and award-winning author, will be the number of students staying next week) at this wished to eat Thanksgiving dinner in a faculty guest speaker when the University of the writing, Dean Cushman said that the same or community home, they should call the South's Friends of the Library gather for their basic approach will be used this year. Deans' office for a list of possible hosts. fall meeting at 4 p.m. (CST) Nov. 17 in the For those seniors who are taking their com- THE WEEK BEFORE Thanksgiving break University's Bishop's Common. prehensives this semester or, for those who there will be a list posted in each dormitory Campbell, author of the award-winning book are staying for the sheer love of studying, the that the students who are staying should sign. "Brother to a Dragonfly, " along with several library will be open daily, except for Thursday, If there are less than four students in the other books of fiction and non-fiction, holds a but with a change of hours. On Wednesday, womens' dormitories, these students will be Bachelor of Divinity degree from Yale Univer- the library will be open from 8:00 - 4:30 as it reassigned to another dorm. This is in the in- sity. has served nn He the National Council of will be on Friday. On Saturday, it will be open terest of safety. Churches as a consultant of race relations from 00-12:00 Library will and 8 noon. The resume Last year, church services were conducted is also a minister. He is most noted, however, regular Sunday. hours on at All Saints' Chapel on Sunday morning at for his story-telling ability. Campbell resides 8:00 and at Otey Memorial on Thanksgiving in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, where he farms. FOR THOSE INTERESTED in food and eat- Day at 10:00 a.m. Movies were offered daily The Friends of the Library is an organization ing, the City Cafe and Shenanigans will be at Thompson Union. to stimulate interest in the collections and fa- cilities of the library at the University of the South and to provide the opportunity for per- sons to show interest in the library by partic- WIDC to sponsor discussions ipating in exhibits, programs, and publications. IN THE PASTthe Women's Interdormitory from certain incidents this fall of verbal and Drive termed success Council has served as a social and service or- physical abuse towards women from certain ganization which sponsors events for both the men on campus. The aim is to increase the by program chairman women and men on campus. Last spring the women's awareness of the need for an invis- Council felt a need to revise its goals in order ible support structure to deal with and to pre- to help the women in dealing with their aca- vent such incidents. They hope the men will THE BLOOD DRIVE at Sewanee last demic and social roles at Sewanee. This fall support the women in this aim and not feel Wednesday, November 7, was successful in they are sponsoring informal discussions with excluded because the abuses are directed to- exceeding its quota of 250 pints. Of the ap- the new counselor Leslie Doster in each of the wards women. It is important that students proximately 300 people who arrived at Cra- women's dorms. recognize that there is a problem and should vens to donate, 261 were eligible to give. not be afraid to address the issues. The WIDC The fraternity with the highest percentage Not to be confused with last year's "sex hopes the will attend the discussions of women donors was Lambda Chi Alpha with 75%. talks" sponsored by the counseling service in in their dorm and that the entire campus will The woman's dorm contributing the highest the dorms, these are to address specific con- support future programs. percentage was Phillips with 59%. The Lambda cerns of the women. These concerns stem -WIDC Executive Committee Chi's and Phillips will both receive $50 cash awards. Professor Gilbert Gilchrist, Blood Program Dean's List Chairman, said, "I want to extend special announced for spring 1984 thanks to the Women's Interdormitory Coun- Seniors Sisson, Rebecca Mary Stevens, Matthew Wil- cil, the Pre-Med Club, and the Sewanee EMT's. These liam Strong, Jeffrey Wright Willis, Michael Ed- groups contributed their time and en- Mary Beth Alves, Mary Lou David Anderson, mund Winslett, ergy to the Jonathan Michael Woolfson. successful drive." Eric Brumgard, William Scott Clark, Stephanie Cole, Carlotta Arlene Cooper, Jill Crane, Sophomores Play set for Nov. 19 Thelma St. Claire D'Wolf, William Alfred Eaves, Armando Luis Basarrate, Virginia Marie Bax- Jr., Edward LeBaron Goodwin, Jr., Arthur Bai- ter, Adrienne Davis Briggs, Shelly Renee in Guerry Auditorium ley Hancock, Michael Robert Jordan, Nancy Browning, Julia Mustian Gable, Robert. Lee Blair Lea, Kelly Renee McBride, Christopher Glenn IV, Gregory Alan Hearing, John Emory THE ASOLO STATE Theater Company of Miles McCanless, Susan Jane Miller, Teresa Hunt, Robert Harris Jefferson, Steven Scott Florida will present its production of Mark Me- Lynne Owen, Jamie Goldey Pippen, William Kretsch, Zora Liggett, Joesph Patrick Lucas, doff's CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD at 8 p.m. Edward Beid III, Jan Martin Rodgers, Richard Lizabeth Hampton Mallonee, Joanna Char- (CST) Nov. in 19 Guerry Auditorium as part of Roland Spore III, Stephen Farwell Templeton, lotte Martinez, Mark Emory McClendon, Kath- the University's Preforming Arts Series. Molly May Margaret Wheeler, Marian Evelyn ryn Lynn McCrossen, Charles Gregory Miller, CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD, winner of the White, Leigh Ann Williams. Jeanette Marianna Randolph, Prithviraj Si- Tony (Best Play of the Year-1980), Drama Desk, Juniors vaku Sivananthan, Serena Connor Smith, and Outer Critics Circle awards, is the story of Heidi Louise Barker, David Mark Binger, Ste- Lloyd William Whatley, Edward Wrenn a special relationship between a speech ther- phanie Bertie Boaz, Dana Leigh Brumfield, Wooten. apist and a young deaf woman. Lawrence Brannen Domenico, Charles An- For reservations and ticket information for drew Elmore, Arnold Henry Frishman, Jr., Ann Freshmen CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD, call 598-5931, Elizabeth Herpel, Lucienne Michelle LaStovic, Andreas Jacobus Curtze, Ashley James Daw- ext. 226. Tickets for the production are $6 and John Fredrick Laurenzo, Jefferson Vimont son, Charlie Boswell Mashburn, Robert Alex- may be purchased at the Guerry Auditorium Layson III, John Paul Lemos, William Scott andre McKeon, Ashley Margaret Storey, box office prior to the performance.