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Mario Verdiani

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Mario Verdiani Born in Bornago (MI) in 1946. He attended the “Steineriana” school of the capital, which was then located inside the Guastalla gardens. After moving to with his family, he continues learning the representative arts in the wake of the teachings received. He starts exhibiting in 1971. He joins the “Klipper Art Studio”, specializing in nautical subjects. Leaving him, he sets out on his own, combining his chromatic and structural research with the more prosaic activity of interior decorations, murals, trompe l'oeil etc. The basis is the lattice: the cage that prevents us from being what we would like to be. In 1985 he took over a studio in Vecchia where he made bronze microsculptures with the lost wax method. After about eight years he moved to the village of and then to . His works continue to evolve: from the flat use of color towards materiality, arriving at complete structural relief. Erasing the limits and the folklorism of the easel, he goes towards a thought that demands the demolition of the wall erected in an absolutely arbitrary way between sculpture and painting. Interspersed with his artistic activity is the sailing one that takes him around the Mediterranean. The personal exhibition held at the “Circolo degli Artisti” in Albissola Marina opens up his vision of the world of ceramics: at this point the lattice gives way to fragmentation. His works are not and do not want to be reassuring. They do not want to give the wrong impression of a peaceful, good-natured, doll-like world. They can be ironic, tragic, as well as sarcastically playful. Sometimes dreamlike. These works start from a basic idea, memorized with hints on paper or other support, then proceed with the automatism of the gesture going adrift; at the end the unconscious will have elaborated the initial idea. He lives and works in Sanremo.

Exhibitions and Awards:

1971 - Sant'Ambroeus Prize. Milan

1972 - The Golden Palette. Montecatini - Review "I Martiri". Bevera (IM) - XII Review of Italian Graphics. (IM) - International Prize of the City of Sanremo

1973 - "Il Quadrifoglio" painting prize. Arma di (IM) - Collective exhibition at the “Quadrifoglio”. Weapon of Taggia (IM)

1974 - Collective exhibition at Palazzo Lercari. Taggia (IM)

1975 - Permanent at "Meeting 7". - Collective exhibition at the Sanremo Casino

1976 - Personal exhibition at the "Hobby Garden". Bordighera - Personal exhibition at the “Pipistrello” Sanremo

1978 - Show of humor. Bordighera

1979 - Personal exhibition at the “Gran Hotel del Mare” Bordighera

1982 - Permanent at the Sanremo “Tunnel”

1984 - Permanent at the "Tana" Bussana Vecchia (IM)

1985 - Collective "Open Workshop" Bussana Vecchia (IM)

1986 - Collective "Non-malicious fires" Bussana Vecchia (IM)

1987 - Personal exhibition at the "Chimera" Milan

1989 - Collective exhibition in Bordighera Alta

1992 - Personal exhibition at the "Atélier Gianna Canova" Bussana Vecchia

1995 - “Horror Vacui” personal show at Lucky Ducky. Sanremo

2005 - Personal exhibition at the “Magiargé Pecin”. Bordighera

2006 - Personal exhibition at the former Anglican Church. Bordighera

2011 - Personal "Pigna Arte" Sanremo - Personal "Pignaartiva" at Palazzo Spinola. Sanremo. Collective "Artemare" Arma di Taggia (IM)

2012 - Personal exhibition at the “Circle of Artists-Pozzo Garitta” Albissola Marina - Collective exhibition “Vizi d'Arte” Luzzati Foundation. - “Artemare” Collective Arma di Taggia (IM). Collective exhibition "Arte a S. Siro". Sanremo 2013 - Collective exhibition “Arte a S.Siro” Sanremo

2014 - Collective exhibition “Arte a S.Siro” Sanremo

2015 - Personal "5 Easy Pieces" Hotel Best Western. Sanremo - Collective “Christmas ceramics” Circolo degli Atisti. Albissola Marina

2016 - Collective exhibition "We put our faces" and "Christmas Ceramics" Cicolo degli Artisti. Albissola Marina - Collective exhibition "Free from Roots" Art Gallery (IM) - Personal exhibition "C'é Vento" HotelBest Western Sanremo - Exhibition "Sculptures to wear" Gallery "La Mongolfiera" Sanremo

2017 - Collective exhibition “Beyond the Garden” Gallery “La Mongolfiera” Sanremo. Collective exhibition "The Christmas Ceramics" Circle of Artists Albissola Marina

2018 - Collective exhibition "Ceramics in Love" Castellamonte (TO). Collective "Fish Art" Circle of Artists Albissola Marina - Personal exhibition at "Art Studio Morandi" Ponre Nossa (BG) - Collective "The Christmas Ceramics" Circle of Artists. Albissola Marina - Sculpture for the "100 years since ..." event at the Municipal Casino of Sanremo.

2019 - Personal exhibition at the Municipal Casino of Sanremo - Collective "Ceramics in Love Two" Castellamonte (TO) - Collective Gallery "Visioni Altre" Venice - Collective "On the trail of the Real" Giardini Monet. Bordighera - Collective exhibition “The Sea Inside” Palazzo Spinola. Genoa - Collective exhibition “The Christmas Ceramics” Circle of Artists. Albissola Marina - Collective exhibition "Up Arte" Badalucco (IM)

2020- Collective exhibition “Segni” Mazzoleni Foundation. Alzano Lombardo (BG) - Collective exhibition “Remembering the Fluxus” Gallery Visions Other ”Venice. - Published on “Australian Ceramics Network” - Virtual collective “La Corona”. Miramar (Argentina). - ”Astarte. Thirty Solidarity Artists ”Bordighera.

See all artworks by Mario Verdiani - 01/10/21