
General Articles E REVIEW ARTICLE

CME Clinical Methodology 1: Study Designs and Methodologic Sources of Error

Daniel I. Sessler, MD, and Peter B. Imrey, PhD

* † can be categorized by the timing of data collection: retrospective or pro- spective. Clinical research also can be categorized by study design. In case-control studies, investigators compare previous exposures (including genetic and other personal factors, envi- ronmental infuences, and medical treatments) among groups distinguished by later status (broadly defned to include the development of disease or response to treatment). In cohort studies, investigators compare subsequent incidences of disease among groups dis- tinguished by one or more exposures. Comparative clinical trials are prospective cohort stud- ies that compare treatments assigned to patients by the researchers. Most errors in clinical research fndings arise from 5 largely distinguishable classes of methodologic problems: selec- tion bias, confounding, measurement bias, reverse causation, and excessive chance variation. (Anesth Analg 2015;121:1034–42)

or most of medical history, practice has been largely evidence-based , midwifed by Sackett et al.,14 have ad hoc, based on suboptimal evidence from personal contributed greatly to revolutionary advances in clinical Fexperience and anecdotes shared among . understanding and practice. The application of formal meta- Although individual cases and experiences often yield invalu- analytic techniques from education and social to med- able insights to perceptive physicians, multiple anecdotes icine and , through evidence-based medicine do not replace systematically collected data and organized centers and the Cochrane Collaboration,15,16 has systematized comparisons, and practice mostly based on personal experi- aggregation of research evidence for the medical community. ence often has subsequently been shown to be suboptimal. We thus now know much about how humans work and (The pleural of anecdote is not data!) Voltaire nicely summa- how they respond to disease and . And we know rized early medical practice in 1760, writing that physicians even more about how cells and rodents respond. Physicians “poured drugs of which they knew little, for of are thus encouraged to practice evidence-based medicine, which they knew less, into humans of which they knew noth- which means that clinical decisions should be based on ing.” One hundred years after Voltaire’s comment but con- good evidence, preferably from relevant, high-quality, and siderably before the microbial origin of disease was accepted, reproducible studies in humans rather than on the physi- the British anesthesiologist John Snow, informed by work of cian’s personal clinical experience alone. John Graunt and formal vital statistics systems established However, any who tries restricting practice in mid-16th century London,1 used systematic, dispassionate to methods established on the basis of strong evidence in data collection to infer that a contaminated water supply was humans quickly discovers that there is distressingly little the proximal cause of mid-18th century London cholera out- basis for current medical care, although cardiology and breaks.2 During the next century, frameworks for systematic oncology, with histories of strong National Institutes of collection and evaluation of data, such as Koch’s postulates Health funding and methodologic innovation, seem ahead for assessing microbial causation3 and Hill’s guidelines for of most specialties in this regard.17,18 The purpose of clinical inferring causality more generally,4 fostered greater scientifc research is to bridge the remaining wide gap from the under- rigor in conjunction with clinical observation. standing of basic and animal science to the care of patients Clinical research methods have since matured immensely. in an effort to improve medical outcomes. Systematic clini- The meticulous work of Feinstein,5–7 Sackett,8 and others on cal research is necessary because humans have proven to be the intellectual foundations of clinical epidemiology; the fos- a poor model for rodents! tering of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) particularly by Even the best clinical studies have potential limitations, Hill,9,10 Chalmers,11,12 and Cochrane13; and the emergence of and it is helpful to understand the strengths and weak- nesses of various approaches. By this, we do not mean that From the Departments of Outcomes Research and Quantitative Health clinical research is generally problematic. However, it helps , Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. * † to understand how study design can infuence results, and Accepted for publication April 7, 2015. which types of studies are most reliable and thus the best Funding: Internal departmental funds. basis for clinical decisions. In this and 2 subsequent articles, The authors declare no conficts of interest. we will discuss aspects of clinical research methodology as Address correspondence to Daniel I. Sessler, MD, Department of Outcomes Research, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Ave./P77, Cleveland, OH 44195. a guide to understanding and interpreting reported results. Address e-mail to [email protected]. Even a series of articles can only have limited scope. Copyright © 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society Our focus will be on design choices in clinical research and DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000815 the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches

Number 4 ڇ Volume 121 ڇ www.anesthesia-analgesia.org October 2015 1034 Copyright © 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Study Designs and Sources of Error

to address clinical research questions. We focus on design In cohort studies, investigators look forward in time from because, although error can occur in design, data collection, exposure to outcome, by comparing frequencies and severi- and/or analysis and reporting of a study, poor study design ties of outcomes in groups defned by different exposures. generally cannot be remedied by subsequent steps. For example, do people with low vitamin D serum concen- A consequence of our focus on design is that we will trations more often develop serious postoperative compli- not discuss operational issues, including ways to maintain cations? The distinction can be nonobvious. For example, blinding, electronic data acquisition, how to minimize and consider a study in which investigators compared anesthetic deal with missing data, or strategies for the prevention of requirement in patients with and without fbromyalgia. The fraud.19 Nor will we discuss result reporting, which also is design might appear to be case-control because patients with subject to various types of error and potential infuence of and without disease are being selected. But, in fact, fbromy- competing interests. Furthermore, the 3 articles in this series algia is the exposure in this study and anesthetic require- will include only the most basic statistical approaches. ment is the outcome. It is thus a cohort design. An advantage of prospective studies is that they allow researchers to plan and manage data collection, which usu- RESEARCH APPROACHES ally improves data quality. Prospective studies also allow Clinical research studies can be broadly categorized as ret- investigators to answer specifc research questions more rospective or prospective. Retrospective studies use exist- directly than is usually possible in retrospective research. ing data on current and past patients to answer questions. The trade-off for these benefts is higher research costs and These studies are conducted by assembling and organizing longer waiting times for answers. contemporaneously recorded information on past events, Comparative studies on treatments can be observational, analyzing previously stored biosamples, and/or by return- when the researcher simply observes and describes current ing to patients and physicians for further information about clinical practice. However, experimental studies generally are the past. Prospective studies answer questions by collect- less prone to spurious fndings than observational studies, ing new data on current and future patients over a future and prospective cohort studies become when period during which medically relevant events occur, gen- researchers manage, rather than simply observe, the choice erally using methods specifc to the intended research. and use of treatments. When treatments are allocated ran- Prospective studies can be either observational (nonin- domly (i.e., “randomized”) to patients, the result is a special terventional) or experimental (interventional), in the sense type of called a randomized (RCT). of manipulating study-related treatments. For example, an Randomization commonly is used, often in conjunction might involve determining the con- with concealment of treatment assignments from study centration of a blood biomarker and evaluating relevant participants and some investigators, a process known as outcomes. Conversely, experimental interventions might “masking” or “blinding” allocation. RCTs that are blinded include the use of a novel anesthesia regimen, intraopera- to the extent practical provide the clearest evidence of a tive device, or temperature management pro- therapy’s effects but are not always practical, and there are tocol. Clinical studies also can be characterized by timing. other legitimate approaches to error mitigation, including In cross-sectional studies, for example, exposure and out- alternating intervention designs.20 Two subsequent articles come are evaluated simultaneously. Cross-sectional stud- will discuss observational and randomized blinded studies ies thus essentially survey the state of affairs at a particular in more detail. time without looking forward or backward. For example, is hypertension more common among current cigarette smok- ers than among nonsmokers? Or, is refux less common SOURCES OF ERROR among patients who take antacids? There is no perfect study. All are limited by practical Cross-sectional studies, although useful for certain ques- and ethical considerations, and it is impossible to con- tions such as evaluating the of disease, are poor at trol all sources of error—even in fully randomized and capturing changes over time and hence provide little useful meticulously blinded trials. Multiple studies are thus information for distinguishing causal from other relationships. usually required to convincingly confrm (or disprove) Furthermore, cross-sectional studies may exclude important a hypothesis. Most errors in clinical research arise from groups, such as people who die quickly, and thus are no longer 5 major sources of methodologic problems: , represented in the population when the study is conducted. measurement bias, reverse causation, excessive random Consequently, cross-sectional studies are used only rarely in (chance) variation, and confounding (Fig. 1). Within each of anesthesia research or in studies of treatment more generally, these general classes are many specifc types of error such as and we will not consider them further in this series. recall bias, attrition bias, confounding by indication, and so In case-control studies, investigators ask whether people on.21 Imperfect execution also hinders clinical research, as it with a particular disease, or whose disease has progressed, does all human activities, but does not constitute methodo- had different previous exposures than people who remained logic error, and is hence beyond our scope here. free of the disease or whose disease remained stable or Selection bias, measurement bias, and reverse causa- improved. For example, are surgical patients who develop tion are systematic sources of error. They stem from intrin- anaphylactic reactions more likely to have been exposed to sic aspects of a study’s design and would be expected to latex, or are patients who experience intraoperative malig- occur similarly in multiple repetitions of similarly designed nant hyperthermia crises more likely to have a history of studies. In contrast, chance or random error describes the heat stroke? net effect of idiosyncratic infuences, human variation, and

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clinical report forms and spreadsheets are an omnipresent contributor to random variation in study results. Another source of random error can be artifact from inaccurate or missing information because of random mal- functions or inappropriate settings of an automated data collection instrument: for example, when a cuff is disconnected or is positioned incorrectly during sur- gery. Similarly, artifact can occur in nonautomated data col- lection because of random misunderstanding of defnitions by database coders. A type of measurement error, artifacts are more common than generally appreciated and have considerable potential to degrade analyses. We will discuss them later in this review in connection with measurement bias. In large, well-designed studies, the net effects of chance on estimated treatment effects and other primary study conclusions usually are limited. Sometimes, however, just Figure 1. Sources of error. Investigators usually want to confrm a by bad luck, and especially in studies with few patients causal relationship between an exposure (such as obesity) and an and/or imprecise measurement methods, the influence of outcome (such as postoperative respiratory complications); how- chance can be substantial and lead to an incorrect conclusion ever, that relationship is only 1 of 7 possible causes of a statistically signifcant outcome; 5 of which are generally misleading—but often (i.e., no beneft or even harm, rather than beneft). The trou- for subtle reasons. E = exposure; D = disease/outcome. ble is that without replication of a study or another form of confrmation, no one can know if its results faithfully rep- trend-free time-to-time fuctuations in measurements and resent the “true” biological situation or if chance (bad luck) measurement processes. Random errors because of such led to a seriously mistaken inference. chance variation would not, therefore, be expected to simi- Before starting a study, investigators develop a scientifc larly recur were the study to be repeated. hypothesis: a specifc statement of the biological mechanism Confounding is a phenomenon—essentially, mistakenly or clinical for which evidence will be collected. For attributing the infuence of one exposure to another—that example: “delirium is reduced by propofol vs. postopera- can be inherent in the medical situation being addressed tive sevofurane anesthesia.” From this base, 2 “statistical or can arise as a consequence of selection bias, measure- hypotheses” are generated against which evidence collected ment bias, or chance. For example, pretzel consumption by the study will be weighed.

is associated with hepatic cirrhosis. However, pretzels The frst, conventionally called the “null hypothesis H0,” do not cause cirrhosis; instead, it is beer consumed with is that only chance governs variation in patient responses and pretzels that damages the liver. Statistical planning and thus that some systematic relationship implied by the scien-

analysis can be effective in controlling and assessing the tifc hypothesis does not exist: for example, “H0: Delirium effects of chance and in removing distortions because of is equally likely after propofol and sevofurane anesthesia.” anticipatable confounding. The other sources of error— The second is a statement about the sort of relationship selection bias, measurement bias, reverse causation, anticipated if the scientifc hypothesis were true, proffered and possible confounding by unanticipated or even as a logical alternative to chance variation alone as refected

unknown factors—are most effectively addressed by in H0, and hence called the “alternative hypothesis” HA.

strong study design. Here, for instance, the alternative hypothesis would be “HA: Delirium is less common after propofol than sevofurane Chance anesthesia.” This is a predicted consequence of the initial Chance error refers to the fact that the results of any given scientifc conjecture in large populations of similar patients study will differ somewhat from the true biological situa- receiving the 2 types of anesthesia for similar surgeries, and tion because of random variation. Such variability is known can be reasonably assessed by observing samples of patients. to occur at multiple levels in : from one A more general alternative hypothesis, appropriate to a

patient to another, from measurements of the same patient less specifc theory, would be H′A: the delirium incidences from one time to another, and from one measurement to after propofol and sevofurane anesthesia differ. This is a another of the same patient at the same time. For example, “2-sided” alternative because it counts departures from the

results may differ when portions of the same serum sample null hypothesis H0 favoring either anesthetic as supportive, are analyzed by multiple autoanalyzers in the same or dif- in contrast to the “1-sided” alternative specifying which ferent laboratories. Similarly, interpretations of images and best reduces delirium. (In general, investigators should a biopsy samples by multiple radiologists and pathologists priori designate the most specifc hypothesis consistent may differ, as might results from the same radiologists and with their biological understanding, including expected pathologists at different times. Such errors are more com- directionality.) Researchers attempt to support alternative 22–24 mon and of greater magnitude than generally assumed. statistical hypotheses HA, and consequently the scientifc Undetected data recording error, from misplaced decimals, hypotheses generating them, by obtaining enough data con-

reversed digits, and transcriptions from incorrect felds on sistent with HA to falsify the corresponding null hypotheses

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Ho. This is effectively done if the data are shown to be of a data, that the true reduction in delirium risk with propo- very unusual sort if only chance were involved. fol is between 5% and 15% can thus be 95% confdent that Let us say that in the resulting study sample, delirium the statement is true, assuming chance is the only source is actually less common after propofol than after sevofu- of error. The use of 95% in defning confdence intervals rane anesthesia. The question then is whether the observed is arbitrary but has become a widely accepted medical reduction is real (a true refection of the ) or whether research convention, largely because of a useful connec- it resulted from chance and/or from bias or confounding. tion between confdence intervals and hypothesis tests. The infuence of bias and confounding is hard to evaluate It is possible to test statistical effects, such as a difference and can be substantial; however, random error (chance) can in mean responses or a ratio of the fractions responding, by be managed by the use of statistical tools, the 2 most com- rejecting the hypothesized value if the confdence interval mon of which are P values and confdence intervals. for the statistical effect excludes that value. For instance, we The P value is an index between 0 and 1 of how easily might hypothesize that the fraction of patients experienc- the data can be accounted for by pure chance variation. ing delirium after propofol anesthesia is half of the fraction Specifcally, P values refect whether the observed data are experiencing it after sevofurane anesthesia. That hypoth- compatible with what might be expected within the range esis would be rejected if the 95% confdence interval for the of chance variation for a study of similar size when the null ratio of propofol to sevofurane delirium risks generated by hypothesis is true. In the most common circumstances, the data in our study excludes the value 0.5. when the null hypothesis represents lack of difference or Hypothesis testing defned this way will have false-pos- equality of treatment effects, the P value is an index of com- itive probability (i.e., type 1 error, symbolically α) equal to patibility of the data with biological inactivity or with iden- the amount by which the interval’s confdence coeffcient tical average effects of competing treatments. falls short of certainty, that is, short of 100%. Thus, a 95% Thus, small P values are interpreted as representing confdence interval extends the result of a conventional data essentially incompatible with random chance, and α = 5% level test of a statistical null hypothesis, by sum- hence “statistically signifcant” in supporting the hypoth- marizing the results of similar tests of every possible other

esized treatment effect by falsifying H0. A P value <0.05 is hypothesis: those with hypothesized values outside the conventionally considered statistically signifcant, with interval are rejected, whereas those with hypothesized val- smaller values refecting collections of data less and less ues in the interval are retained; this is the sense in which the compatible with chance, and hence for which chance is less latter are termed compatible with data (Fig. 2). and less plausible as a sole explanation. The conventional An additional, and sometimes serious, source of chance P value threshold of 0.05 is essentially arbitrary, and there error results when investigators either informally or for- are certainly situations (i.e., biologically implausible associ- mally test various hypotheses, thereafter choosing one that ations) in which it is reasonable to require smaller P values. is “signifcant” or consistent with their biases. This process, Similarly, differences that are not statistically signifcant colloquially known as “data mining,” is much more prone may well be clinically important. to false-positive error than is conveyed by the conventional We note though that a P value neither describes the α = 5% associated with each individual test. This underly- actual magnitude of the clinical effect nor precludes the true ing “multiple testing” issue occurs in various guises. For effect differing considerably from that observed in a given example, the relationships of a disease to many possible risk study. The reason is that observed results are a combina- factors (e.g., foods, occupational exposures, gene markers) tion of chance error superimposed on treatment beneft. may be simultaneously evaluated. Similarly, many differ- Confdence intervals are thus used to describe the range of ent outcomes may be evaluated or a single outcome may be plausible treatment effects. For instance, a 95% confdence assessed at multiple time points. And fnally, accumulating interval of 5% to 15% for the difference in the fractions of results of a study may be assessed periodically. surgical patients who develop postoperative delirium after The problem is that if each of a number of tests has propofol or sevofurane anesthesia is interpreted as mean- chance α of producing a false-positive result when no effect ing that the study data are compatible with a reduction in is present, then the chance of at least some false positives delirium risk anywhere between 5% and 15%. when no effect is present increases with the number of tests Formally, a confdence interval is a range of estimates performed to the point where false positives become virtu- of an unknown numerical characteristic of a population ally certain. The trouble is that false positives cannot readily from which the study sample is obtained, such as delirium be distinguished from true positives. Several strategies are incidences in patients given propofol or sevofurane in the available to address this problem. Perhaps the most impor- population of interest rather than the study sample. This tant is a priori designation of a single primary outcome or range is determined from the study data using a method of multiple outcomes with appropriate statistical compen- that provides a specifed chance, called the “confdence sation to preserve total false-positive error at a specifed coeffcient,” that the range will include the parameter’s level α. Similarly, the specifc statistical approach should be true value. Other things being equal, high confdence designated a priori. requires wide intervals; narrow intervals can be obtained To assure a priori designation of these important design by accepting a greater chance of missing the target and elements, most journals will only consider manuscripts thus lower confdence. Assuming technical assumptions describing clinical trials if the trials were publically registered are correct, approximately 95% of 95% confdence inter- before trial enrollment starts. Various study registries are vals can be expected to include the corresponding true available, but perhaps the most commonly used is Clinical targeted values. Investigators who state, based on their Trials, which can be accessed at ClinicalTrials.gov. Despite its

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Figure 2. Confdence intervals for a difference or other comparative measure of outcomes between an experimental treatment and a control treatment. The horizontal axis is a scale of possible true values of this treatment effect, for which each confdence interval spans a range of plausible values compatible with the data from which the interval was generated. The vertical lines, from left to right, denote a relative def- ciency of the experimental compared with control treatment that is the maximum acceptable in light of other advantages of the experimental treatment, such as reduced risk or costs, equality of treatments, and a beneft of the experimental treatment anticipated when designing the study. Each pair of lines portrays 95% (shorter) and 99% (longer) confdence intervals, summarizing, respectively, 5% and 1% level tests of signifcance of possible treatment effect values, with each line spanning the range of values which the data are insuffcient to reject. Interpretations: (A) the observed treatment effect is not statistically signifcant, while at the 5% level of statistical signifcance the data are incompatible with either an intolerable defciency or a beneft as large as anticipated, and at the 1% level cannot exclude such effects in either direction. B, The observed treatment effect is statistically signifcant at the 5% but not at the 1% level, compatible with the anticipated experi- mental treatment beneft, and excludes an intolerable defciency. C, As for B and also statistically signifcant at the 1% level. D, The observed treatment effect is statistically signifcant, excludes an intolerable defciency, and shows statistically signifcantly better than anticipated treat- ment beneft at the 5% but not the 1% level. E, The experimental treatment is statistically signifcantly worse than the control at the 5% but not the 1% level and compatible with a range of readily tolerable and clearly intolerable treatment defciencies. F, As for E and also statistically signifcantly worse at the 1% level. G, The experimental treatment is statistically signifcantly worse than its maximum tolerable defciency at the 5% level, and statistically signifcantly worse than control but still compatible with tolerable defciency at the 1% level.

name, the registry is not restricted to trials and will accept reasons, including reasons that might infuence their cohort, case-control, and other types of clinical research. response to treatment. This can result from subtle forms Trial registries contain important but limited information. of the disease being missed or treatment being directed to Increasingly, investigators are separately publishing detailed patients thought most likely to beneft. methods of proposed studies, and some major journals are For example, patients with better education or stronger requiring submission and/or posting of study protocols, thus support systems may seek treatment earlier or be given more publically documenting a priori design and analysis choices. aggressive treatment. Similarly, patients may comply poorly Unfortunately, neither P values nor confdence intervals with or even stop particular treatments, either for perceived preclude or incorporate effects of systematic errors, which are lack of effcacy or because of side effects, essentially selecting often far more important than chance errors. In other words, themselves out of a study. For example, in a study of postop- the chance of meaningful random error can be very low, but erative cognitive defcits, those with compromised executive the results still completely wrong because of bias and/or function may simply be unable to organize a return visit for confounding. testing, with the consequence that attrition bias makes the tested cohort appear to have better cognitive function than Selection Bias the full study population. The extent to which any of these Selection bias occurs when otherwise-eligible partici- events occur nonrandomly usually is diffcult to assess. pants are chosen nonrandomly for study inclusion and/ Directing a treatment to patients subjectively thought or assigned to one treatment or another for nonrandom most likely to beneft is a perfectly natural and appropriate

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tendency in clinical care; however, the selection bias that Table 1. Recall Bias, a Type of Measurement Bias results leads to what is known as “confounding by indi- Reported parental Rheumatoid No rheumatoid arthritis cation” in observational treatment comparisons, and the arthritis history arthritis (%) (%) consequence is that one cannot be sure whether differ- Neither parent 27 50 ences in treatment outcomes are because of differences One parent 58 42 in the effects of the treatments or initial constitutional Both parents 15 8 differences in selected patients. In experimental stud- Otherwise-similar people with and without arthritis were asked whether their ies, selection bias can largely be prevented by proper parents had arthritis. People with arthritis were far more likely to report that one or both parents also had arthritis. The difference was highly statistically randomization followed by encouragement of patients, signifcant, with a P value of 0.003. The subjects with and without arthritis, caregivers, and investigators to maintain the designated however, were siblings. They had exactly the same parents! (Modifed from treatment allocation. Schull WJ, Cobb S. The intrafamilial transmission of rheumatoid arthritis. 3. The lack of support for a genetic hypothesis. J Chronic Dis 1969;22:217–22.)

Measurement Bias In studies that use retrospective data collection, the qual- Measurement bias in clinical data collection can be subtle ity of records is often poor because most recording systems and hard to detect. Consider, for example, a classic study by were designed for clinical or administrative purposes rather Schull and Cobb (Schull and Cobb 1969). The investigators than research. The diffculty is that existing record quality asked an important question: Is arthritis hereditary? The may vary nonrandomly. In contrast, the quality of prospec- consisted of asking otherwise-similar people, tively collected data can be excellent in well-conducted with and without arthritis, whether their parents had arthri- studies in which data collection methods can be tailored to tis. Their results are shown in Table 1. The results were clear: the research rather than to administrative objectives exter- people with arthritis were far more likely to report that one nal to it. or both parents also had arthritis. The difference was highly Measurement bias can result in any type of study, when statistically signifcant, with a P value of 0.003. any aspects of data quality, availability, or measurement There was just one problem. The subjects with arthritis method vary for reasons other than chance. For example, and the subjects without arthritis were siblings; they had patients given new treatments may be watched more closely exactly the same parents! than those receiving conventional therapy, and enthusiastic So what happened here? Were some of the subjects lying? clinicians may overestimate the benefts of new treatments Unlikely. Most likely, people with rheumatoid arthritis or underestimate associated complications. thought much more about arthritis than those who did not. Data artifacts also can easily produce measurement bias And they were far more likely to have discussed the issue when data are distorted or missing nonrandomly. However, with their parents and thus know (and remember) whether vulnerability to bias depends on precisely what is meant by their parents had arthritis. This is “family information bias,” “nonrandom.” Errors or missingness occur “completely at a specifc example of what is more generally called “recall random” if there are no correlates of their occurrence and bias.” There are many other types of measurement bias, magnitude, “at random” if their occurrence and magnitude some of which are equally subtle. have correlates but are independent of the data missed or An analog is that people with are preoccupied distorted, and “not at random” if occurrence or magnitude with cancer and spend lots of time asking “why me?” depends on the unobserved true values of the distorted or Various environmental exposures, such as pesticides and missing data. workplace chemicals, are known to cause cancer in animal Problems that occur completely at random increase models and are thought or known to cause certain specifc chance variability but do not necessarily produce measure- in humans. Now let us say investigators are inter- ment bias, depending on the specifc nature of the problem. ested in whether environmental exposure contributes to the In contrast, “at random” problems can easily generate bias, development of cancer. but such bias can be corrected by careful analysis if the The most obvious approach would be to fnd a group correlates of the problem are known and have been mea- of patients with cancer and a similar group without can- sured, for example, if data are more frequently missing in cer, and then ask about their environmental exposures. The the elderly but age is recorded. Measurement bias because results are predictable: those with cancer will come up with of nonrandom artifact or missingness cannot be corrected long lists of exposures because the question was already on in data analysis, and hence presents the greatest threat to their minds. research conclusions. The sensitivity of results to such prob- But when the investigators ask noncancer subjects if lems, however, can be explored by “sensitivity analyses,” they have had major environmental exposures, the answers that is, multiple analyses under different assumptions about will usually be something like “Uh, no; not that I remem- the error-generating mechanism. ber.” The point is that such a difference in reported expo- Many papers presenting registry analyses do not ade- sure would almost surely be statistically signifcant in a quately describe how artifact, and data accuracy more large study and almost certainly exaggerate the difference generally, were evaluated and handled, and how much between cases and controls, if any, in real exposure. This is artifact was found. It is likely that detailed descriptions another example of recall bias. of artifact defnition, quantity, and handling will soon be Measurement bias also results from the placebo effect, required in registry reports, along with sensitivity analy- which should never be underestimated. This is especially ses when artifact has the potential to substantively infu- the case for subjective responses such as pain and quality- ence conclusions. of-life, but placebo effects also have repeatedly been shown

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that links exposure (the state of residence) with outcome (mortality). Of course, if investigators know that age is important, and know the ages of people in each state, then it is easy to compensate. For example, you might compare mortality of subgroups of people of similar ages in each state; you might also use statistical adjustments to compen- sate for differing ages. The trouble is that potential confounding factors often are unknown. Alternatively, factors may be suspected confounders, but the data needed for adequate statisti- cal compensation may not be available. To the extent that these factors infuence the results, conclusions can be Figure 3. The placebo effect is well known and can substantially quite wrong, with the extent of the error being essentially bias results. However, patients report beneft from placebo admin- unknown. istration even when they know that their treatment is a placebo. As an example of confounding by indication, blood Patients with irritable bowel syndrome were randomized to either open-label placebo pills presented as “placebo pills made of an transfusions are strongly associated with adverse out- inert substance, like sugar pills, that have been shown in clini- comes, including mortality. However, blood transfusions cal studies to produce signifcant improvement in IBS symptoms are far more likely to be required by patients who are sick- through mind-body self-healing processes” or no-treatment controls est in the frst place. When one compares the mortality of with the same quality of interaction with providers. Open-label pla- cebo produced signifcantly higher mean global improvement scores groups differing in how many blood transfusions have been (P = 0.02). Modifed from Kaptchuk et al.27 Reprinted under a administered, one is implicitly comparing groups with very Creative Commons Attribution License. different levels of underlying illnesses. It is quite possible that underlying illness contributes more to subsequent mor- tality than the blood transfusions themselves. to infuence supposedly objective outcomes25–27 and, amaz- Consider, for example, patients who have anemia, which ingly, patients report beneft from placebo administration often accompanies chronic diseases, including cancer, or even when they know that their “treatment” is a placebo patients having especially long and/or large operations. (Fig. 3).27 Taking a placebo—even one they know is a These patients are more likely than others to need a blood placebo—makes people feel better or at least believe and transfusion, and they are more likely to have bad outcomes. say they feel better! But the 2 are not necessarily directly linked; instead, they Measurement bias in clinical trials can be largely con- are indirectly linked (i.e., confounded) by the fact that sicker trolled by blinding, sometimes called double blinding or patients having larger operations are more likely to both triple blinding, to the extent that patients, clinicians who need blood and have bad outcomes. make treatment decisions and investigators who assess out- The important point is that a statistical association (i.e., comes are unaware of which patients receive which treat- P < 0.05) of transfusions with bad outcomes would not nec- ments. Blinding does not remove placebo effects, which no essarily imply that restricting transfusions will improve one knows how to do, but distributes their benefts equally outcomes because an entirely benefcial causal effect of across patients in all treatment groups. transfusions may be concealed by the competing causal effect of the poorer initial conditions of patients who require Confounding them. Even an exceptionally statistically signifcant excess Confounding is distortion of an apparent association of adverse outcomes in transfused patients might be com- between 2 factors that results from failure to account for a pletely spurious, because of the separate associations of the third factor associated with both. Confounding most often need for transfusion and adverse outcomes with initially is contemplated and recognized when it produces a statis- poor prognosis for unrelated reasons. tically signifcant relationship that is not clinically or bio- The extent to which these subtle and hard-to-quantify logically real; however, confounding can also hide a true confounding factors contribute to research conclusions can association. Confounding is an important and sometimes be diffcult to determine retrospectively. In other words, subtle source of error because such alternative infuences blood transfusions may actually worsen outcomes, but it is may not even be suspected. In retrospective studies, poten- equally possible that outcomes are worse in patients given tial confounding factors may be well known but unavail- transfusions by virtue of factors that led to their being trans- able for analysis by virtue of not being included in clinical fused. The distinction is critical because restricting transfu- records. sions will only improve outcomes if the frst mechanism is To take a trivial example, the rate of mortality is much accurate. Or, to make a stronger statement, basing transfu- greater in Florida than Alaska. Is this because Florida is sion policy on a spurious relationship would likely harm a more dangerous place to live? Should Florida retirees patients by denying them needed transfusions. move to Alaska to enjoy a longer retirement? No. To do It is easy to confuse confounding, a statistical problem so would be to mistakenly attribute effects of biology to that can arise without a biologically or clinically meaning- effects of geography. Mortality is greater in Florida because ful basis, solely because of composition of a research sam- the median age of Floridians is 7 years greater than that in ple, with “effect modifcation,” which is a manifestation of Alaska. In other words, the relationship of mortality to the nature’s complexity that may be of critical clinical impor- state in which one resides is confounded by age, the factor tance. Consider 2 examples.

1040 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA Copyright © 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Study Designs and Sources of Error

First, suppose therapy A outperforms therapy B to Reverse causation errors occur when investigators have a similar degree whether men or women are treated, but diffculty identifying the timing, and particularly the order- women generally do better than men. Suppose 10% of men ing, of when a patient is exposed to a risk factor of interest but only 1% of women experience the least desirable out- and when the relevant disease outcome frst occurred. Such come, regardless of which therapy they receive. If therapy errors are of most concern in studies with retrospective A has an unpleasant side effect occurring mostly in men, so data collection. However, reverse causation error also can men receive B more than women, then the relative beneft occur in prospective studies of long-term exposures and/ of A will be exaggerated by comparing the more frequently or chronic disease, where data collected prospectively may female recipients of A with the more frequently male recipi- refect long-standing lifestyle and environmental factors ents of B. For instance, if 70% of those receiving therapy A and disease signs or symptoms that may have originated are female, and 70% of those receiving therapy B are male, much earlier with sequence unknown. then the least desirable outcome will be experienced by For instance, prospective cohort studies of cancer etiology only 0.3 × 10% + 0.7 × 1% = 3.7% of those on therapy A but typically exclude cases diagnosed early during the follow-up by 0.7 × 10% + 0.3 × 1% = 7.3% of those on therapy B. To period because they may have been latent at the study’s start the naive who compare these proportions without regard and been initiated before the study’s assessment of the expo- to the different gender compositions of the patient groups, sure. The problem this causes is evident in studies on smok- therapy A will appear to have halved the event rate relative ing and lung cancer. In such studies, lung cancer is found to therapy B, although the performances of the 2 therapies more often among smokers who recently quit than among are actually identical. This is confounding, (specifcally, con- current smokers because some people with early symptoms founding by indication), a failure to compare appropriately of cancer stop smoking before accruing a formal diagnosis. similar groups, in a manner fully analogous to the earlier Reverse causation thus makes it appear as if quitting smok- geographical example, with therapies A and B playing the ing promotes cancer, which is not actually the case. respective roles of Alaska and Florida, and men and women playing the respective roles of seniors and younger folks. CONCLUSIONS Second, consider a situation in which, because of under- Clinical research can be categorized by the timing of data lying biological mechanisms, therapy A is more effective collection: retrospective or prospective. Clinical research and less toxic in men whereas therapy B is more effective also can be categorized by study design. In cross-sectional and less toxic in women. Or, to take an extreme example, studies, exposure and outcome are evaluated simultane- for a disease with case fatality of 50% in untreated patients, ously. In case-control studies, investigators compare previ- suppose for those receiving therapy A the case fatality ous exposures (including genetic and other personal factors, decreases to 25% in men but increases to 75% in women, environmental infuences, and medical treatments) between with these numbers reversed, case fatalities of 75% in men groups distinguished by later disease status (broadly but 25% in women, among recipients of therapy B. This is defned to include the development of disease or response effect modifcation, in which the relative effect of an expo- to treatment). In cohort studies, investigators compare the sure or treatment differs from group to group, in this case subsequent of disease between groups distin- as a function of sex. In this example, the effect of therapy A guished by one or more exposures. relative to therapy B is to triple (75% vs 25%) the case fatal- The major sources of error in clinical research are selec- ity among women, but to reduce it by two-thirds (25% vs tion bias, confounding, measurement bias, reverse causa- 75%) among men. Unlike confounding, which is essentially tion, and chance. Selection bias results from nonrandom a research error, effect modifcation describes biological sit- allocation of patients to exposures in a way that infuences uations with distinct clinical implications and needs to be outcomes. Confounding results when an apparent asso- understood if treatments are to be optimally applied. ciation between a particular exposure and disease actually Aspects of the patient’s condition or circumstances are results from their separate relationships with something candidates for effect modifers. A well-known example is else, termed a “confounder.” Measurement bias results from that the beneft of streptokinase and other thrombolytic nonrandom errors in assessing exposure and/or disease. agents for improving stroke outcomes depends on the time Reverse causation errors occur when the timing of exposure elapsed after stroke onset. Specifcally, the substantial ben- and disease development are unclear, allowing a conse- eft achievable with early administration is modifed (in this quence of a disease process to be mistaken for a contribut- case largely lost) when a thrombolytic is given too late. ing cause. Chance error refers to the fact that the results of any given study will not perfectly refect the true biological Reverse Causation situation because of random variation from one patient to Reverse causation is a special and rare type of error in another, of the same patient from one time to another, and which the roles of cause and effect are misconstrued, so an from one measurement to another. effect is mistaken for a cause and a cause mistaken for an Clinical research errors in general, and biases in particu- effect. For example, certain organisms are more commonly lar, are best avoided by a strong study design coupled with isolated from the esophagus in patients with esophageal thoughtful statistical analysis. Although the latter can com- cancer or precancerous conditions than from healthy con- pensate for confounding to the extent that factors are known trols. However, a conclusion that such organisms cause the and measured, formal statistical methods are most effec- cancer would be incorrect because the cancerous condition tive in coping with evaluating random variation. Hence, may produce tissue changes altering the microenvironment although design and analysis are both important, preven- and consequently the esophageal microfora. tion by design is usually much preferable to correction by

Number 4 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org 1041 ڇ Volume 121 ڇ October 2015 Copyright © 2015 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. E REVIEW ARTICLE

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