exaggejjated. It is true that it re NOTICE to NOTICE quiied a display or the $30,000 In new- Practical Aid Industry. • no WANT ADS Notice 1« hereby given that the ly minted gold before the Teu years ago Industry existed pieces man- Notice that that was of American- ig hereby given dumping sheriff of Douglas County has been In- MILLION ager of Nelson his capable placing DOLLAR conquered lurking of of grown varieties of European grupes trash on the unfenced property structed to enforce the law relative but — skepticism, the fight was event- LOST Between Mlllervllle and the upon the market for Christmas trade, the undersigned at the forks of the H.M. EVERETT to running loose stock on the roads ually arranged. Goldfield was adver- Hawkins addition, a say 'marketing experts of the United luggage carrier road near the Central school house Is and highways of this county. tised as it had never been advertised for automobile FIGHT STAGED States department of agriculture. running-board. Car- prohibited, and those who do not take OBO. PAT, before, and the name of Tex Rickard rier made of wood and Then the department devised a meth- iron. Re- heed to this notice will be prose- Chairman of Board County Com- began to creep into the great Amerl- od of packing the grapes In redwood turn to C. H. Hargrave and receive cuted. WM. DHB3SLER. Painter, Paperhangcr missioners. un household. sawdust In veneered drums, and of reward. It is under estimated that seven of the handling the product refrigera- — and Decorator GY RIGKARO FOB SALE Registered Hampshire NO TRESPASSING fights that Tex tion In transit and In from the Rickard has promoted storage Notice is boar; five months old. C. H. hereby given that trespass- PIIOTil iSt since that day have drawn time of harvesting until the period of While bankers, brokers, and real more than Sprlngmeyer, Minden, Nevada. ing on my ranch is strictly forbidden. Harness Making The the holiday markets. Today the In- Mludon Nevada are $1,000,000. Johnson-Jeffrles boxing experts over the light, — This order In eludes Indians as well worrying more than GOO carloads FOB SALE Two purebred Duroc^ which he had to shift dustry ships chances of Dempsey or Carpentier on quickly from as whites. AUTO TOPS MADE AND California of grapes annually. A few years ago Jersey boars. H. J. W. Klges. Gard- July 2, Tex to Nevada when an unex- Rickard, who hazards the supply of redwood was threatened. I nerville, Nevada. F. C. SPRINGMEYER. REPAIRED most on pected antiprize-fighting decision had the mill, sits up in his watch- Once more the department of agrlcul-1 closed the FOR SALE—Seven-fingered Burroughs MATTRESS REPAIRING AND tower in and former_state to him, ture aided. It experimented with NO TRESPASSING brought in a total of va-1 adding machine in first-class condi- UPHOLSTERING smokes gift cigars, unafraid. Tills lit- nearly $280,000. rlous kinds of wood and demonstrated The tion. Phone 389. tle view of him is said to show the Dempsey-Willard fight at Toledo that spruce could be satisfactorily Notice Is hereby given that trespass- brought in $452,000, and the Willard- used. The supply of spruce Is prac- FOR SALE — Gasoline service ing on my ranch Is LOUIS AUROUGE nerve of the man who starts out so pump strictly forbidden, PLUMBING Moran fight in Inexhaustible. and tank of 280 and orten with hope as ills chief capital, City was tically storage gallons ca- those who do not heed this notice Nest te French Hotel, worth something over of will AND TINSMITH WORK but who, so far, lias never failed to $150,000. pacity. Inquire Hans Johnson, be prosecuted. This notice in- Iin> success with Detects Dirty Work of Huns. Garderrille Nevada bring home the bacon. The only fact the bout in Gold- Minden, Nevada. cludes Indians as well as whites. field did-not imbue At the start of the reconstruction on which he focuses attention is that Rickard with a FOR REST—I have excellent BEN OIjOCK. Pneumatic Water In coal pasture sudden determination to work the devastated region lie is bringing and make prize- for rent at moderate In- Dempsey C'arpen- about the French were charge. his Lens, France, GAHDNEKV1LLE 1. 0. O. P. LODGE tier together for the fighting promoting business. He j of championship of taught by several disasters that the quire Henry Cagliari, Sheridan. Systems had done his trick for the good of No. 3d. meets every Monday evening When la 8aa Francises at the world. He picked out a place for Germans, before WANTED—A Estimates Slap Coldfield retreating flooding young hunting dog. Ap- Cheerfully the and it had proved a success, at 8:00 o'clock at their hail. Visit- bouU bought a lot of lumber, had the mines, had concealed along the ply to O. B. Gefeke, Gardnerville, Furnished and he was willing to let it go at that ing brothers welcome. some tickets printed, made sure the walls unnumbered “booby traps," ac- Nevada. It was WELL BORING Hotel only after earnest solicitation to a In NIBL ANDERSON, Noble Grand. Tynan lighters would show up at the of cording story appearing Pop- tap FOR SALE—One Lauson tractor that he promoted the bouts imme- ular Mechanics Conse- 1530; M. T. GRAY, SECRETARY. the gong, and let it go at that. Save Magazine. All Work Guaranteed diately that first that one Case thrasher. Inquire of H. J. n TURK 8TREET for a slight twinkle in his when succeeding affair. In quently, In order the divers, eye W. which he was so much of a “tender- charged with preliminary Inspections, Elges. my27-lmo. (ARSON VALLEY KEBEKAH LODGE he looks over his bank balance after F. W. BRENZEL One-half Block from Market St. foot" that he admits he was may “look before they leap” the gov- FOR SALE—Fireless cooker. ( each day’s sale of tickets, the fight the most Inquire No. 33, meets the first and third from at Kesldenre A Comfortaole, and Refined surprised man in the world when cor- ernment recently purchased Eng at this office. Shop promoter, says one of the numerous Thursday of each month, at 8 the land an Interesting apparatus for sub- Phone 13# Family Hotel. Situated In respondents from — who newspapers In other FOR SALE Burbank seed potatoes; o'clock. Visiting members always newspaper correspondents haunt marine Lowered down Center of the Clty’a Buaineea, cities began to town photography. his like a flocking and be- reasonable. of welcome. steps, looks middle-aged son the flooded slmfl, this Il- price very Inquire and District. sieging the for apparatus Theatre Shopping of a rich father who lias promoter interviews. Geo. Hussman. MRS. AI.MA JACOBSEN. Noble Grand. just passed luminates a 10-foot zone; then, as with Mr without Bath with Rooms and left him a Prize-fight promoting, all its MISS away million dollar's are at the mouth of — GUSTAVA ■witches pressed FOR SALE 2V4-hp. gas in LUNDERGREEN, attendant profits, has not caused Tex engine worth of bonds and a it simultana Liberty pair the shaft, photographs also two steel takns. Secretary. Rickard to his good condition; of scissors. When the forget first love, the each of the four walls. sharp great ously of H. Wm. Starke. CEO. E. KITZMEYER cattle business. He declares that there Inquire pugilistic event was still a month off. is no song pleasanter than the creak FOR REST—I have fine pasture for a the box office receipts were consider- First Medal Award. FUNERAL DIRECTOR of saddle leather. Uut though he Is of large number of stock N. P. Mor- ably more than half » million dollars, Charles I.athrop Pack. president Hermes and Licensed Embatmer still in the cattle is rison. Jos. and when the last ticket is sold and ''game," it not the American Forestry association of Hotel Ritchford a as hired hand, as it was In the old Washington. D. has been awarded FOR SALE — One thousand the last holder seated, the total re- shares of Everything Required for days of the long trails out of Texas. the Oreat Gold Tapllng medal by the ceipts are expected to reach a cool oil stock in the Illipah Petroleum First ('lass Work 1YM. RITCHFORD, PROP. Rickard is a Royal Philatelic society of London. Painter and million. Like I’hineas T. his partner In huge stock- Company, at a bargain. Apply al SEW AUTO HEARSE Itanium, Pock for in South The medal was given to Mr, great in the show busi- raising enterprises America. this office. predecessor research work on the ill Calls Day or Night Him He has a ranch in half-length por- Gardnerr file's Leading Hotel Tex Rickard Is said to have made 1’araguu.v, in a vast Decorator ness, trait stamps of Victoria and for his BABY ( HICKS—Best stock; guaran- Prompt Attention tract known as the Chaco. This no costly failures in Ills appraisal of leadership In scientific philatelic Inves- teed delivery; all varieties. E. S. Special attention giver to high- Chas. J. Davenport, Assistant ranch contains more than 4,000,000 Excellent Meals and attractions that would draw the crowd tigation and original discovery. The Heward, Box 582, Reno. M18-4mo class Painting and Decorative Rhone 721 Carson, Nevada acres, being almost as us Clean Comfortable Rooms large the — Prompt attention and courteous and leave behind a trail of gold, lie Tapllng medal was established In 1914, FOB SALE OR REST Furnished 9- Paperhanging State of New Mr. and Mrs. lias staged more than thirty battles Jersey. but Mr. Pack Is the first one to whom room house with store room, out- treatment MY MOTTO Rickard have been all over DESIGNS MADE ON REQUEST GARDNERVILLE, NEVADA of national or international import- It, camping It has been awarded. buildings including wood shed, gar just as Tex used to in the Room 0 Inielll Bldg. ance, and has never sustained a finan- camp sage- age and laundry. Inquire of Geo. brush In the West. financiers are P. Dangberg. cial loss. It may be that lie has been Hlg When a speaker announces that he the backers of this enormous but most of- project, has one to before he attended by good luck, only word say FOR SALE — Forty cords of quaking and Tex Rickard is general manager. his success is laid to his shrewd busi- quits talking, ever notice how the asp wood, cut to four-foot lengths; The Paraguayan government has and Truckee ness sense and an instinctive knowl- audience brightens up? fine for summer use. ^Apply to Wm. DR. L. M. NELSON Virginia Railway granted a concession for a edge of what the sporting world is meat-treat- Gansberg, Sheridan, Nevada. GENERAL OFFICES, CARSON CITY, NEVADA and DENTAL SURGEON to for. Arthur ing chilling plant—part of a willing pay Chapman BABY CHICKS — T-A-N-C-R-E D-S Motor Mixed Pass Ko. r nTT scheme for and How’s This? No. 349 iTn'o. writes in tile New York Tribune that: cheap profitable hand- Telephone No. 6 No. 4 No. 2 Mis Pass.! Mixed i Motor Hundred Dollars Reward 300-egg-White Leghorns, Buff and ling of beef products close to the We offer One Graunke Building ; The guaranties of the fighters for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Black P.M. 7 ~P.M. | A.M. P.M. A. M. P.M. source of Gardnervlllc Nevada themselves were in the safe long be- supply. cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Minorcas, Buff Orpingtons, R. I. *4.30 •1.08 j •8.35 0 Lv_Reno_Ar •6.60 ‘10.50 •1.30 a Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken 4.44 1.30 6.34 10.35 1.16 fore Jack and Car- Probably large share of Rickard’s Reds, Barred and White Rocks. 8.50 7 _Huff&kers_ Dempsey Georges cetarrb sufferers for the .>aet thirty- by _ _ 6.29 success Is due to the fact that he Is 4.48 1.38 8.55 9 Browns 10.29 1.12 ever of beginning to five years, and bee become known as the ENOCH CREWS, Seabright. Calif. pentier thought 4.53 1.45 | 9.00 11 _Steamboat_ 6.24 10.22 1.07 interested in one who most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's A15-2mo. train for the contest, and these were actually any 5.08 2.05 9.16 17 _Washoe_ 6.11 10.05 12.54 acta thru the Blood on WM. B. GILLESPIE, M. D. talks with him. He Catarrh Medicine can turn away _ to Insure tile preliminary the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi- 5.18 2.20 I 9.27 21 _ Franktown 6.00 9.51 12.44 sufficient For sale—One Dodge touring car, from his desk, with letters OFFICES IN IMMELLI 5.27 2.35 9.37 26 _ Lakeview_ 5.50 9.27 12.35 expenses. Of course, in case of dis- piled high son from the Blood and healing the dis- I thousands of In eased portions. thoroughly overhauled, new paint, 5.40 2.55 | 9.50 31 Ar... Carson City—Lv. 5.35 9.10 12.20 aster to one of the fighters or some containing dollars BUILDING After you have taken Hall's Catarrh 3.35 10.00 51 Lv.— Carson City_Ar. 5.25 8.50 checks, and indulge in reminiscence etc.; guaranteed to do the work of a | other unexpected turn of events that Medlelne for a short time you will see a Phone 471 3.45 10.09 35 5 17 8.37 new car. One Ford re- | | _Empire_ as whole-heartedly as If financial great Improvement In your general delivery car, _ 8.10 might stop tile light at the last minute, health. Start Hall's Catarrh Medi- Gardnervllle Nevada 4.25 10.45 41 _Empire 6.00 taking the ror the farm to affairs of the moment were of no con- once rid of catarrh. Send built, just thing 4.47 11.00 45 4.47 7.46 there would be losses to be made up, cine at and get _Haywards_ for testimonials, free, sequence. He is never never save your touring car. One Ford tour- i 5.09 11.17 50 _Gold Hill_ 4.31 7.26 but that is too an element to hurried, r. J. CHENEY A Ohio, slight CO.. Toledo, 5 20 11.27 52 Ar— —Lv 4.20 7.15 and If ruffles his •old by all Druggists, TSc. ing car. One Overland Roadster. A. J_ Virginia City deter u like Tex who abrupt, unythtng ryan Rickard, No.20 No. 18 No.16. No.15 No. 17 No. 19 temper he seldom shows it in voice W. H. Heiberg, Gardnerville, Nevada. 1 hus been taking chances all Ills life, Motor Mixed Mixed ! Mixed Mixed Motor or manner. He is and coming off first best. quiet-spokeu, but DR. WM. L. HOWELL generally Subscribe for the Record-Courier. P.M. | P.M. A M. PM. P.M. P.M. is by no means reserved, especially 1 "The probabilities are 100 to I that PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON •5.45 | *3.10 s• 10.00 0 Lv. —Carson City ..Ar. •12.10 •5.10 •7.10 his friends of old He Rickard will collect profits from the among days. 5.56 3.22 ; 10.12 4 _Stewart_ 11.68 4.58 6.49 talks freelly and is unreserved in the Gardnerville Phone S41 6.20 3.50 I 10.40 I 15 Ar_ Minden _Lv. 11.30 4.30 6.25 greatest crowd that lifts ever paid to ; good Judgments he passes upon men. •Daily. witness a contest. Nearly half ring Pacific The bad Judgments he leaves to Graunke Bldg. GnrdnervHle Connecting at Reno and Mound House with Southern Co- the sealing capacity of the arena— Carson at Carson City daily, except Sunday, May 1st, to June 15th, and Sept. others. He shows little trace of the Bakery of be- Valley for Glen- some 60,000—had been disposed 1st to Oct. 21st, daily June 15th to Sept. 1st with auto stage he has gone FRESH PIES auto fore the arena itself had been fairly hardships through—hard- BREAD, CAKES, ; brook, Lakeside Park, Dijon, and A1 Tahoe; at Minden with dally ships which he says he would hesi- AND BAKED stage for Woodfordu and Markleevllle; dally, except Sunday, with started. At a time when Rickard was DOUGHNUTS Meat Market ; for tate to face again. EVERT DAT auto stages Genoa, Walley Springs, Coleville, Topaz, Wellington, still dealing with contractors who A. C. Brinkman, Prop. DR. F. T. BROWN Sweetwater, and Bridgeport. Such is the man who has come out 1 were detailed to the work of putting for Masonic leave Minden Tuesdays and Thursdays, re- Tour Bushiees Solicited DENTIST Passengers of the West to achieve a feat in show- BEEF, VEAL PORK, MUTTON main at Sweetwater over at Masonic on Wednesdays np the seemingly endless tiers of seats [ night, arriving man ship which more men SCHNABEL A KOHLER SAUSAGE AND CURED All Branches ot Grade and Fridays. in Jersey City checks were pouring experienced High have declared — the Nevada ! MEAT into his olTice in Madison Square Gar- impossible pro- Gardaervllle Dentistry Guaranteed i't motion of a affair which will ALL ORDERS APPRECIATED These checks were sent single | Reasonable Prices den. beiug Phone 324 attract approximately asmillion dol- Fhone 229 from all parts of the world. Four !MINDEN NEVADA lars to the box-ocice. as one of MEANS GOOD NOT HOW CHEAP— hundred seat-holders had sent their Rut, Mindeu Nevada VALUE, his old-time intimates it: j money from France. There were put YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OF WEAR IN "They don’t nickname ’em Tex out ,.J checks from other Ktiropc.vi t out tri:s T.W. DONAHUE & SON i! EVERY FLORSHEIll SHOE YOU BUY AND, if are hom- amt even there they Just ordinary QUALITY and from South America, STL YE AND SAHPE breys.” FOR GOOD MEASURE .COMFORT, from the Orient. There were many PAINTERS DR. F. H. BAKER checks drawn on Canadian banks and Thu one beautiful thing about not TENDER MEATS DOUGLAS COUNTY SHOE STORE from Mexico. Wealthy men from Chi- Decorators VKTEKINA1UAN having any money is that you have cago- hankers, packers, and other Koi Everybody Medicine Surgery Dentistry II. UOSENBBOCK, PROPRIETOR so much company. prominent Lake Front boulevarders— Paper-Hangers BEEF Ml TTOS l’OBK * VEAL BLACKLEG PILLS GARDNEKVILLE NEVADA had sent for the slips of pasteboard and Cured Meats. Don’t expect much credit from any- Grainers ! Sausage which reserved their ringside holdings, AGGIIESS1N body but yourself. Everything usually kept in a BLACKLEG und had a special train to engaged Work Properly Executed first-class market. Meats de- bring them to the fistic ceremony. !t Phone 503 Gardner* 111c Anyone discovering a stray swarm Satisfaction Guaranteed livered to customers. W'us apparent that, if orders kept on of bees alight and not wanting same, coming ut a similar rate, there would kindly call 61 and it will be appre- GARDNERVILLE NEVADt J Imelli Meat Co. be a lullliou-doliar house—with most ciated. M. S. SWEET Uardnertllle and for in ad- LAUNDRY of the CARDNERVILLE seats bought paid ■MvivnnvwwMwr'ffmamiiiinM GEO. A. MONTROSE vance. Attorney and Counselor lit Law Willi all his foresight and hla un- Practices in all Courts This is and to do all kinds of canny capacity for judging the pub- Laundry prepared equipped 318 lic's wunts, Uarnum never visualized Delicatessen and Phono work in the most satisfactory manner. Wo make a to more than an attraction that played (iruunke Building Gurduervllle specialty of d.y wash at very reasonable prices. a fraction of a million dollars at one GEO. performance, llut Tex ltickard, who Fruit Store OKA was led into a few years ago prize- «UK> YOl WANT GOOD a fluke cir- Gardnerville Nevada fight promoting through THIXJ8 TO EAT YOU F. E. BROCKLISS and who began cumstance, applying WILL FIXU THEM ATTORNEY AT LAW Western methods to that branch of the AT THIS STOKE Probate and other matters Given show business, is now on tl»<■ verge of Careful Attention realizing the biggest ambition of -CALL A>D SEE- showmen— staging an attraction be- Garducrville Neruda H. WM. Starke, Proprietor fore a niilllon-dollar audience. With the money from the sale of ills I Dawson interests — which developed more than fJOU.OOO for the purchasers J. A. CARDINAL —ltickard opened a gambling-house, Cigarette NOTARY PUBLIC WHEN YOU WANT ( the Northern, in Dawson. For a while No has olgarette Office at the Dangberg Offices j he was ahead of the game, but even- the same delicious A Good Shave or Minden Neruda tually lie lost everything, because, as j Brothers flavor as a Luoky Haircut ills friends put it, lie ran "square Try Dodge game.” Among the men with whom Strike. Beoauae A. P. NELSON I lie was thrown in contact was Rex Luoky Strike lathe TWO ClIAIIl SHOP E. CHRISTENSEN Reach. were both broke, and They toasted cigarette. a wood at Ram- NOTARY PUBLIC Announce together they sawed HOT AND COLD BATHS part, in Hie winter of 1 NUN, to supply Gurdncrrllle Neruda Oardnervllle Nevada the river steamers, in Rex Reach's Substantial Reduction hook, "The Spoilers,” Tex Rickard ap- pears as (lie Rroncho Kid, "the world's WttORBMKB in the Price of their Cars greutost flstii promoter.” I,liter, Rick- ard drifted to Nome, and then to tlold- MARVEL effectiv 8th lleld, where lie opened another North- Douglas (Eomttg Jffarmvra Dank ;; Douglas Market June lie took in the business af- SHOCK ABSORBER ern. part Capital and Surplus $28,000 fairs of tlie town, and it was to give i: The Place to tlie town a boost that lie staged a for Chevrolet-490 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED prize-fight—his llrst. He trlod to ar- Satisfaction guaranteed or your Accounts of Firms and Solicited Buy range a bout between McGovern and Individuals, Corporations money refunded Rritt, but his offer to McGovern’s man- FOUB PUB (ENT PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS I: Good Meats ager was treated as a and was AWE NTS FOB NEVADA AND OTHER FIRE INSURANCE COS. joke Write for descriptive folder never answered. At. President and Cashier ;; Home Made Ham and Bacon A. W. H. F. G. WHITING Jensen, HELBERG Rickard then got in touch with Joe Directors: B. C. Jensen, A. Jensen, L. Jensen G&rdnerville 223 N. Virginia St. :; W a Iter Nevada Guns and Rattling Nelson, whose GARDNEBVILLE NEVADA Frey, Prop Phone 94 Reno, Nevada * sense of humor did not prove to be so {»+♦$»♦♦+♦++♦»++++♦»+»»+< *