Million Dollar Fight Staged Gy Rigkaro
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exaggejjated. It is true that it re NOTICE to NOTICE quiied a display or the $30,000 In new- Practical Aid Industry. • no WANT ADS Notice 1« hereby given that the ly minted gold before the Teu years ago Industry existed pieces man- Notice that that was of American- ig hereby given dumping sheriff of Douglas County has been In- MILLION ager of Nelson his capable placing DOLLAR conquered lurking of of grown varieties of European grupes trash on the unfenced property structed to enforce the law relative but — skepticism, the fight was event- LOST Between Mlllervllle and the upon the market for Christmas trade, the undersigned at the forks of the H.M. EVERETT to running loose stock on the roads ually arranged. Goldfield was adver- Hawkins addition, a say 'marketing experts of the United luggage carrier road near the Central school house Is and highways of this county. tised as it had never been advertised for automobile FIGHT STAGED States department of agriculture. running-board. Car- prohibited, and those who do not take OBO. PAT, before, and the name of Tex Rickard rier made of wood and Then the department devised a meth- iron. Re- heed to this notice will be prose- Chairman of Board County Com- began to creep into the great Amerl- od of packing the grapes In redwood turn to C. H. Hargrave and receive cuted. WM. DHB3SLER. Painter, Paperhangcr missioners. un household. sawdust In veneered drums, and of reward. It is under estimated that seven of the handling the product refrigera- — and Decorator GY RIGKARO FOB SALE Registered Hampshire NO TRESPASSING fights that Tex tion In transit and In from the Rickard has promoted storage Notice is boar; five months old. C. H. hereby given that trespass- PIIOTil iSt since that day have drawn time of harvesting until the period of While bankers, brokers, and real more than Sprlngmeyer, Minden, Nevada. ing on my ranch is strictly forbidden. Harness Making The the holiday markets. Today the In- Mludon Nevada are $1,000,000. Johnson-Jeffrles boxing experts over the light, — This order In eludes Indians as well worrying more than GOO carloads FOB SALE Two purebred Duroc^ which he had to shift dustry ships chances of Dempsey or Carpentier on quickly from as whites. AUTO TOPS MADE AND California of grapes annually. A few years ago Jersey boars. H. J. W. Klges. Gard- July 2, Tex to Nevada when an unex- Rickard, who hazards the supply of redwood was threatened. I nerville, Nevada. F. C. SPRINGMEYER. REPAIRED most on pected antiprize-fighting decision had the mill, sits up in his watch- Once more the department of agrlcul-1 closed the FOR SALE—Seven-fingered Burroughs MATTRESS REPAIRING AND tower in Madison Square Garden and former_state to him, ture aided. It experimented with NO TRESPASSING brought in a total of va-1 adding machine in first-class condi- UPHOLSTERING smokes gift cigars, unafraid. Tills lit- nearly $280,000. rlous kinds of wood and demonstrated The tion. Phone 389. tle view of him is said to show the Dempsey-Willard fight at Toledo that spruce could be satisfactorily Notice Is hereby given that trespass- brought in $452,000, and the Willard- used. The supply of spruce Is prac- FOR SALE — Gasoline service ing on my ranch Is LOUIS AUROUGE nerve of the man who starts out so pump strictly forbidden, PLUMBING Moran fight in New York Inexhaustible. and tank of 280 and orten with hope as ills chief capital, City was tically storage gallons ca- those who do not heed this notice Nest te French Hotel, worth something over of will AND TINSMITH WORK but who, so far, lias never failed to $150,000. pacity. Inquire Hans Johnson, be prosecuted. This notice in- Iin> success with Detects Dirty Work of Huns. Garderrille Nevada bring home the bacon. The only fact the bout in Gold- Minden, Nevada. cludes Indians as well as whites. field did-not imbue At the start of the reconstruction on which he focuses attention is that Rickard with a FOR REST—I have excellent BEN OIjOCK. Pneumatic Water In coal pasture sudden determination to work the devastated region lie is bringing and make prize- for rent at moderate In- Dempsey C'arpen- about the French were charge. his Lens, France, GAHDNEKV1LLE 1. 0. O. P. LODGE tier together for the fighting promoting business. He j of championship of taught by several disasters that the quire Henry Cagliari, Sheridan. Systems had done his trick for the good of No. 3d. meets every Monday evening When la 8aa Francises at the world. He picked out a place for Germans, before WANTED—A Estimates Slap Coldfield retreating flooding young hunting dog. Ap- Cheerfully the and it had proved a success, at 8:00 o'clock at their hail. Visit- bouU bought a lot of lumber, had the mines, had concealed along the ply to O. B. Gefeke, Gardnerville, Furnished and he was willing to let it go at that ing brothers welcome. some tickets printed, made sure the walls unnumbered “booby traps," ac- Nevada. It was WELL BORING Hotel only after earnest solicitation to a In NIBL ANDERSON, Noble Grand. Tynan lighters would show up at the of cording story appearing Pop- tap FOR SALE—One Lauson tractor that he promoted the bouts imme- ular Mechanics Conse- 1530; M. T. GRAY, SECRETARY. the gong, and let it go at that. Save Magazine. All Work Guaranteed diately that first that one Case thrasher. Inquire of H. J. n TURK 8TREET for a slight twinkle in his when succeeding affair. In quently, In order the divers, eye W. which he was so much of a “tender- charged with preliminary Inspections, Elges. my27-lmo. (ARSON VALLEY KEBEKAH LODGE he looks over his bank balance after F. W. BRENZEL One-half Block from Market St. foot" that he admits he was may “look before they leap” the gov- FOR SALE—Fireless cooker. ( each day’s sale of tickets, the fight the most Inquire No. 33, meets the first and third from at Kesldenre A Comfortaole, and Refined surprised man in the world when cor- ernment recently purchased Eng at this office. Shop promoter, says one of the numerous Thursday of each month, at 8 the land an Interesting apparatus for sub- Phone 13# Family Hotel. Situated In respondents from — who newspapers In other FOR SALE Burbank seed potatoes; o'clock. Visiting members always newspaper correspondents haunt marine Lowered down Center of the Clty’a Buaineea, cities began to town photography. his like a flocking and be- reasonable. of welcome. steps, looks middle-aged son the flooded slmfl, this Il- price very Inquire and District. sieging the for apparatus Theatre Shopping of a rich father who lias promoter interviews. Geo. Hussman. MRS. AI.MA JACOBSEN. Noble Grand. just passed luminates a 10-foot zone; then, as with Mr without Bath with Rooms and left him a Prize-fight promoting, all its MISS away million dollar's are at the mouth of — GUSTAVA ■witches pressed FOR SALE 2V4-hp. gas in LUNDERGREEN, attendant profits, has not caused Tex engine worth of bonds and a it simultana Liberty pair the shaft, photographs also two steel takns. Secretary. Rickard to his good condition; of scissors. When the forget first love, the each of the four walls. sharp great ously of H. Wm. Starke. CEO. E. KITZMEYER cattle business. He declares that there Inquire pugilistic event was still a month off. is no song pleasanter than the creak FOR REST—I have fine pasture for a the box office receipts were consider- First Medal Award. FUNERAL DIRECTOR of saddle leather. Uut though he Is of large number of stock N. P. Mor- ably more than half » million dollars, Charles I.athrop Pack. president Hermes and Licensed Embatmer still in the cattle is rison. Jos. and when the last ticket is sold and ''game," it not the American Forestry association of Hotel Ritchford a as hired hand, as it was In the old Washington. D. has been awarded FOR SALE — One thousand the last holder seated, the total re- shares of Everything Required for days of the long trails out of Texas. the Oreat Gold Tapllng medal by the ceipts are expected to reach a cool oil stock in the Illipah Petroleum First ('lass Work 1YM. RITCHFORD, PROP. Rickard is a Royal Philatelic society of London. Painter and million. Like I’hineas T. his partner In huge stock- Company, at a bargain. Apply al SEW AUTO HEARSE Itanium, Pock for in South The medal was given to Mr, great in the show busi- raising enterprises America. this office. predecessor research work on the ill Calls Day or Night Him He has a ranch in half-length por- Gardnerr file's Leading Hotel Tex Rickard Is said to have made 1’araguu.v, in a vast Decorator ness, trait stamps of Victoria and for his BABY ( HICKS—Best stock; guaran- Prompt Attention tract known as the Chaco. This no costly failures in Ills appraisal of leadership In scientific philatelic Inves- teed delivery; all varieties. E. S. Special attention giver to high- Chas. J. Davenport, Assistant ranch contains more than 4,000,000 Excellent Meals and attractions that would draw the crowd tigation and original discovery. The Heward, Box 582, Reno. M18-4mo class Painting and Decorative Rhone 721 Carson, Nevada acres, being almost as us Clean Comfortable Rooms large the — Prompt attention and courteous and leave behind a trail of gold, lie Tapllng medal was established In 1914, FOB SALE OR REST Furnished 9- Paperhanging State of New Mr.