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VOL. XXX. HARTFORD, MIOHIGAJJ, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1900- NUMBER 3. ci3:xr:R.o.-E5: J5S. New Suits. E. GHUUC;H. FBStoi*. f4.C. DSAPBU. James T. Russell vs. Isaiah Chand• « Services at 10:30a. m.and 7 o.m. SahbHtll Hartford Bargain Store rebooM t atl2iii. Prayer iiipetiiiK VVednesOav even- lery partition. i tngjitT o'clock. Kpworth Juniwr lienjiui' at S Edith M. Groff vs. Charles H. GrofE; THOMPSON & SON.' o'clock, Sunday etveiihig. Yoiuiir people* Kp flforth League at 6 p. m. Sunday. IS GdVING PRICES ON divorce. • : . ] » / • • FBIDAY AND SATUIII>AY ONeKKGAnONAl. GHIJIIOI. ~~h. « The people vs. Ernest Nichols; lar _ HRitBKRT, Pastor. Service morning aiul Cs»e«ing every Habbath. In thf" nwruins ceay. of this week, we will have a at bait past ten and in tb** ewntnp :\t 7 m) o'cloeM. Fraver meetina Wadirasday eveniHg, , Wliat's Your Face Worth. at 7:39. Seats frt>e. All ^oraiuliy invited. ) ChristianBiuloavor ii)o<'t.i!i;;,Sunda\ ;it 0:30 p. ii; Sometimes a fortUioe, bat never, it Shoe Opening VOH have a sallow eomiplej?ion, a jann- sfmatorstfMtor. ServioeSt«r»ieess • every ^abbaUi .d^ced look, moth p^tcbeg «ad 6l<>tches rooruing«-wiu..r an.d « ve JJ^i.hbatb Srliool 11:45 -A! JPure eefcinc Wert!<eS'\tiS^ e*eninR}U7.3ii on'th$f,sfci^avia|l-!sign,a;o«^iL^i«erv Ttoublf. ^ Little TO. It. V: prftyor iheetius i^u»d»y, j^Whole Pepper per pound .20 But DiF. King^s Ifew Life Pills give .eve^fflKfc«-8oo'el<H;^^ 'Covenan""^uantt iiieetiiiineetiiig on r.round Pepp^* Der pRund '__ Snrntlay in eacl) Whore Cloves .20 Clear Siiii|,<B<)S:y €l;keeks,.^RJch^ Qom-^ We carry pltcOGAN ARSON'S famioui Iin,e,,of fa^Ojfs' Snlg)uth^<J . - HatuiW^proM .tlie Ground Clovei-, • pjlexion.. -.Q'^ly 25e at .Geo. T, Cham, i^onthr'am «**a\lY Invited. Ground Allspi<^l s Whole Alispfbe " .2C an^dchildren'sscjiool shoes iu all leadier^, . Cinnaraon Bark ' " : b^iilia's iDrpjg Sj^orej*^, • ' , • 4 r-lHillSTIANGHUJlCH. WILLAORDi ftround Ginger i. •* Vihi Mid,. mi:.: \ / TilX,>>JI?*8ior. Servio^ ^y.ery Lord's J>«y N utx&eg^er ounce A ©round Cinnamofl*> DongoTa, Grt)tind tl!ij^i«(tard - • ,JBQ^ Calf.' Teachers' meeting at 8:30^. Prayer i^eetbig at 7 o'clopkon Wednesday evenings. All in 'The case of "Leo 6. SVeitzf^r'^vs. Le W J SIS'-; vJted y©« will be welcome to th«;se services For a ^'Cewts GcandiR. 'Anderson w^a'dommenced id REE MErnODISTOUU^CH., M. DAFi the circuit, court- last Thursday.morn• They are famous tor^thmr wearing qualities. ' ^ , 3 J.-! Pastor. Sabbath scboMJ2 to: m. Frea You, jget the same rate as if you would buy a pouud. Fingatap. ni. Prayer meeting XhursdHy e^en- ing and continued until Tufestfay night We 5howid^be pleased to feave^^ou calf anc see them, ^ , " . it Yeast Foam,' Mftgic Y6Rst, Yeia^t GbodMixed/Candy worth 12c, ior .^Sc .4*:- of this week when the'.j,aj:y iieturned "Phei^eare still rftany Fine Bargaifis fh*the V. E. Manley sto«clc. Cream _„^__^3c,or two for 5c Boneies* Coflfisb..^.-^-__.9c ,?<.,,«.,..;, ..1,..,,,. t,,..^^. ..... ... ... • . — .J* , ,: • Large!?^'zedSa<ltFish---i-i4Gc a pail. with a verdict, in' favor/of plaintiff frattmalSocidtios.^ Oatmeal. --2 pounds for 5c .Eight-eent Rice for ______„6c Wayne Better Crackers,, 4pounds, 25c SrVfeitzer in the sinn of i'1,590'.- In the Arm and! HaOfrwW'Sodi^ i--i<i^^ iStib-no-more Washing P0wder-____4e spring of 1899 Anderson rf-n'teda farm Gold lE^tJst __--i._.__^—_—___.—4c FLORIDA LODGE, N0.309 Royal Bakiogl^oXyde half-pouijlr,2& /oSweitzer and during his occupancy Crown Baking. Potyder, one pound 18c Toothpicks -_ ____-.— -..: 4e Crown iJaking TPdWtier, ftalf-pound, 0e Clothespins ...._.:;. _-w___—le a d®zm; it was claimed by Sweitzer that Andei- I. C. Baking Powder. ' 13c Parlor Matches, 12 boxes for_ ^9e son attempted to ruin his character Meets SafciiPJay Everting on or be• Hon Hon Bakin^ Jo\rder^i... ..9c fore the Full Moouiu each moiith Oil: _ _ - _ i:. _. _ _ _ _ 9c a gallonan d reputation and destroy his credit •-4 - Elasti6 Starch-9c; thr6e for 25c Salsoda, per pound _— Ic by telling stories abotit him which brethreia corrtlally iMuzzy's Buk^3|arc^'!--_:-„,___._-_-4c A lienox Soap,:9 bars for _.__ 25c were false and malicious. The case Corn Starcji ^ ______f- __ 4c Jaxon Soap,9 bars for. : 25c *' • '- «' f^^^ Visiting i Remember /• f: fit Invited. Cocoanut ____-_.;- .i'i 17c TJ. S. Mail Soap, 9 bars for____-..__25c was one of the most important tried in Hrnrv Spaui.,ping, W, M. Good Bulk Coffee worth 183 for 14c Five-cent sack df Salt for ____3c this circuit for a number of years and <;*. A. Glstixe, Sec'y. Good Cogee worth 2Qc for 18c Ten-Gent sack of Salt for .-__8e was hotly contested from beginning to FOR I. 0. 0, F. Best Pea-berryCofle worth 28c for 2]c Lamp Chimneys _ 3c end, Thomas J, Cavanaugb of Paw |:.< -• » Mocha and Java sold for 35 and 40e. 33c Large Size Chinmey _ __ ^^~5c Paw, and JMarsball Howeli of Cass- Teas, Coffees and Spices MerOak Lodge No. 231, Uocolored Japan Tea, no better Lantern Globe __ _ -6f^ sold for 60 or 65c, for ______.-__:50g Lamp Wicking -2c a yard opolis, repri^sented Sweitzisr, while the HARTFORD. - - MICH. Fifty-cent tea for ____40c Mica Axle Grease _ ..___8fl interests of Anderson were looked after I lead. I carry the Famous Meet* e very Thu rsday evening. Uncolored Sifciogs_- 25c Diamond Axle Grease 1 4c by David Andferdon of Paw Paw, and HORACE CONGDON, K. G. Granulated Sugar, 17 pounds for 11.00 Three Plugs of all kinds Plug To. Hon Wm. G, Ifowaird and Dallas Powdered Sugar _^ ^ 9c baccd , -i_25c I Yale Brand of Coffees. V.RANK HINES, Sec. Boudeman of KalaoiazOo. Crfano Candy worth 15c for ^__12c Sweet Burley, light or dark—j -_^-40b 53LA.RTF*ORI> a'ENT ISTO. 330 Stick Candy worth 12c for 9c Theodore Stratton who was eoff- TEAS—Both Green and Uncoloreil Japans that can't be beat K. O. M. victed in the 'April terra of court of for the money. BJ&nderson Shoes Sleeta 2d and 4th Saturday evenings of each fraudulently disposing of repleyined month at Grange Hall. Is the best make in the country, and we are selling them, from 50e to75c a pair lower than any naerchant in this county, for I believe in small profits. property, and was put On bail, failed to Come in and see ray ^ «. »' --^ «^ C. Drake, Cominander Also have bought out Van Camp's SHELF HARDWARE and am clos• appear aHid his bond was estreated. "W. K. SOBER, Record Keepei- ing them out for less than manufacturers' prices. He was< arrested at Een^toa Harbor on NEW LAMPS, SLLSWORTH POST, ^^O. ^ I^pM^entof It is not. necessary to give prices on Quieetisware, Glassware, Granite and it MichiJsan. «. A. R. «^lMu?w, Wednesd% and is now in jail. Enday Td^d»I y evening of each montti in Odd reuows Tinware, as everybody knows that my prre«|s are the lowest. and get the prices, as they will astonish you. ffi^Illcomrade8viflitingHi*Mord^pDn^t| he was s^teBced to three years ih the o«meet-lng will receive a hearty welcofiia ati Not Miss the Mugs, penitentikry at Ionia. oarPorttoom. ^ j^. sTKATTO^, P-G, Remember for Potatoes, Butter and Eggs I am the headquar• LUTHKKSUTtON. Adj't Xookiog Glasses and Picture Frame Sale; tfae^ are going very fast. \ \ On Tteday of last week itt the cir• cuit .court Ma« A. Hitchqpck was ters. Yours for a Square Deal, , s Memeifnber granted a decree of divorce against S&^ess and ^liBsaonal- That toy prices are not for aflicles that you use once a month, but it is ClifEord Hitt^hcoGfe CoBapIalnanft was CD, ev^ry-daV articles aiid tfa^ prices will save you money in a short time. given alimony to the amount-ol 12,500^ and 150 attorney fee^ aM |50 costs. G J. BafDard was attorney for eom- Butter Wanted. plainaut Mtcm Monev to lioau on Ite«l Estate. GOODS DELIVERED TO A^I^Y FART OF THE TOWIS^. We offejt one hundred dollars reward lor any case of catarrh that cannot be A. H. CHANDLER. cured by Hall's Cmre. F.J. Cheney & Co., FrOpst., Toledo, O. Lawyer and Notary * We; the undersigiSed. have known F. J. Cheney fpr the last fifteen years, and Office over Oppenhiem's store, believe htm perfectly bonor|tble in sdl —front room. Pimed &y die I%fi Sebool Oacs ol im. Charles P. Adams, 21; Mintha business transactions and financially The fdloWitag rtsolotiofis were , IB, both of Decatur. able to carry one jihy pbjilgations madie Hartford, Michigan. adopted by the pupils of ttib High Mack Pearson, 21;; Mma Polmaateer.. by their firm. school on the death of Jiaggie Woiith- 21,botb of Hartford. West & TRiJiLX, Druggists, Toledo, 0. Waijjing, Kistnan & Marvin, Whole• ingtott; " Reed In Hal], 24, Lawton: Gertrude sale DiEuggists, Toledo, O. Attorns and Ccttiusdllor at Law Resolved That as God has seen fit to B. rifaper, 20, Marcellus. Ralfs Catarrh Cure is- taken intern-, remove from our midst a beloved and given t4> collectJoni and Oebrge A. Crossman, 47, Grand Rap• ally,, acting directly upon .ifae blood Special a««Dtioni respeeted classmate^ we, the elass of CosveyaoeiBg^ ids ; Kate 1.