© 2018 American University Model United Nations Conference All rights reserved. No part of this background guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without express written permission from the American University Model United Nations Conference Secretariat.

Please direct all questions to [email protected] Ricardo Vergel-Negron and Sofia Garcia Chairs

Distinguished Delegates,

Faced with the crisis in the Pacific and tensions with and North Korea, faces a moral and practical dilemma. After over 72 years of pacifism, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe convenes his cabinet to meet the current crisis and prepare to protect against the ambition of the nations around Japan. The committee will look for viable solutions on how to deal with this crisis and at the same time ensure the stability of the country. We hope that this committee will help the delegates to understand better the dilemma faced by countries like Japan and the ways to solve it. We are really excited for the committee and hope that it will be a fascinating one for all delegates. Please keep in mind that this is a crisis committee and thus delegates must be prepared for an extremely fast paced debate and the use of press releases and communiqués. Portfolio powers will be allowed, but they will subject to the discretion of the dais. Also, we remind delegates that this background guide is merely a starting point for research and that you should not limit yourselves to it, but instead read about other topics relevant to the situation in Japan. It is our most sincere wish that all delegates enjoy this committee and that we will be able to resolve the many dilemmas that exist regarding this topic.

We are extremely honored to be the dais members of this committee, our first experience in AmeriMUNC!

Ricardo: For the past four years I have been a delegate in my country, Puerto Rico. As a member of Model United Nations in my high school, I had the experience to serve as secretary general in our intercollegiate competition, CSIMNU, and to be a member of the dias in several committees. I am currently a first-year student in AU, majoring in International Studies with a minor in Public Administration and Policy. In the past year, I was studying in Germany as part of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, where I also had the chance of being a delegate in one competition. I am fascinated by international relations, specifically in Latin America and the politics of my country. I am very interested in what the delegates will bring to AmeriMUNC!

Sofia: My name is Sofia Williamson-Garcia and I grew up in Gaithersburg, Maryland. My mom is originally from Spain and I am fluent in spanish, so I was ecstatic about a bilingual committee coming to AmeriMUNC! I am a freshman at AU’s School of International Service with a major in International Studies. I hope to do a concentration in Latin America, because I am passionate about helping to create self-sustaining political systems with decreased foreign intervention.

I applied to my high school’s Model United Nations team as a junior, not knowing much about international politics and wanting to learn more. Little did I know that MUN would be the reason why I would decide to pursue a major in International Relations and immerse myself in the world of international politics as a whole! My first year I was a delegate at the North American Invitational Model United Nations conference (NAIMUN) hosted by Georgetown in a 200-person legal committee, but my experience was taken to a whole new level the following year when I was given the opportunity to represent Clodomiro Almeyda, a socialist revolutionary in Chile at the time of the 1989 “NO” vote against the militaristic dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. - Just remember that there is no point in participating in Model UN if you don’t have fun. The only time we will get upset is if you’re not enjoying your time. Other than that, we hope you are as excited as we are to welcome you all to the committee!


Ricardo & Sofia Chairs Cabinet of the State of Japan THE 01 THE CABINET of JAPAN


Japan is the only country to truly know the horrors of nuclear weapons. Yet, once again we find ourselves in the crosshairs of the world's deadliest weapon. As the steadfast counter balance to China in east Asia, we are a prime target of the DPRK’s aggression and missiles. Today, Japan faces a moral and practical dilemma.

Internal Affairs for the Allied Powers (SCAP/GHQ) had the power to effectuate the terms of Article IX surrender. Historical Context Post-War Japan faced the crucial issue On August 15, 1945, Emperor of drafting a new constitution. Emperor expressed to the people of Japan his Hirohito, the Prime Minister Shidehara decision to settle after four years of war and his cabinet favored the 1889 due to the desire of “Japan's Constitution and were receptive of a self-preservation and the stabilization of replacement. Shidehara appointed an East Asia, it being far from our thought expert committee led by Jōji either to infringe upon the sovereignty Matsumoto, to suggest amendments to of other nations or to embark upon the existing constitution. On February territorial aggrandizement.” Hirohito 8, 1946, Matsumoto presented the “Gist declared the acceptance of the of the Revision of the Constitution.” provisions that the Allies established on Although the Potsdam Declaration the Potsdam Declaration of July 26, (1945) declared that the SCAP would 1945. Three weeks later, the Japanese assure the “freely expressed will of the Foreign Minister signed the Japanese people a peacefully inclined Unconditional Surrender, agreeing that and responsible government,” general Japan's war-making power would be MacArthur declined Matsumoto’s destroyed. Under this surrender proposal. On February 3, 1946, he Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme ordered American military lawyers to Commander draft a constitution based on his three principles: “(1) the preservation of the 02

Emperor System, (2) the total between the United States and Japan renunciation of war, and (3) the (1951), which established a ten-year abolition of the feudal system.” military agreement between both MacArthur proceeded without telling countries. The Treaty agreed to let the the Japanese government, which took United States remain on Japanese soil them by surprise on February 13, 1946, and establish their military presence. when the Japanese received the GHQ’s Additionally, Japan granted its rights of draft for consideration. self-defense to the United States and agreed that it could not allow the After being translated to Japanese and presence of any foreign military power discussed within the negotiations, the without the approval of the United , Matsumoto, began a States. Such agreements gave the draft based on the GHQ draft. The GHQ advantage to the United States for the denied the majority of amendments advancement of U.S. forces in Asia proposed by Matsumoto. On March during the Vietnam War. 5th, the GHQ demanded that the Cabinet adopt their draft. They had no Development of Article IX choice but to adopt it. After final amendments, the draft was finished on The first post-war prime minister April 17, 1946. This draft defined war in established his Article IX: “as a sovereign right of the so-called Yoshida Doctrine, delegating nation, and the threat or use of force is the security responsibilities of the forever renounced as a means of country to the United States and settling disputes with other nations. The focusing on the economic maintenance of land, sea, and air strengthening of Japan. As part of forces, as well as other war potential, will never be authorized. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.” The Diet amended this article and finally approved on November 3, declaring the sincere aspiration to become “an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes. (2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea and air forces, as well as another war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.”

The implementation of Article IX led to the negotiation of the Security Treaty 03 THE CABINET of JAPAN 04

As a renewal of the 1951 treaty, a Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between the United States and Japan was signed in 1960

Yoshida’s doctrine, in 1954 he provisions and processes.” Given the proposed the Japanese Self Defence continuous debate of US presence in Forces (SDF). Although this proposal Okinawa due to the evasive attitude of seemed to be conflicting with Article 9, the US to confirm or deny the presence the government restated their right of of nuclear weapons in the base, prime civilian control in the government. Also, minister Satō established his Three Yoshida’s cabinet enforced nonmilitary Non-Nuclear Principles in 1967. These terms for the organization and functions principles made Japan pledge “not to of these forces. manufacture, possess, or permit the introduction of nuclear weapons onto As a renewal of the 1951 treaty, a Treaty Japanese soil.” In 1972, the attempt on of Mutual Cooperation and Security denuclearization seemed to fail after Between the United States and Japan the agreement of Okinawa’s reversion was signed in 1960. Amidst a rise of depended on the term that nuclear opposition to the revision of the treaty weapons would be allowed under due to the presence of US military in “emergency circumstances.” A Okinawa, the new agreement declassified US document in 2017 reinforced the presence of US military revealed that “the Foreign Ministry of bases in Japan. It also established in Japan is known to have secretly Article V “each Party recognizes that an prepared a draft indicating Japan would armed attack against either Party in the not be bound by its non-nuclear territories under the administration of principles, but no source [was found] Japan would be dangerous to its peace confirming that Japan conveyed its and safety and declares that it would message to the U.S. had been publicly act to meet the common danger in available until now.” accordance with its constitutional 05 THE CABINET of JAPAN

Reinterpretation of Article IX reserves, tensions have arisen between both nations culminating in several In 2014, Japan reinterpreted Article IX close calls. This has lead to the by giving the SDFs more power by increase of military presence in the permitting their deployment to defend area especially missile, radar systems, their allies which declared war. and the implementation of a Crisis Although China and were Communication Hotline (CCH) as of not openly in favor of this June 2018. The CCH aims to avoid reinterpretation, prime minister Shinzo accidental military retaliations on air Abe confirmed that President Obama and sea, which could lead to an all-out “welcomed” and “supported” the military conflict in the region. Such process of reinterpreting Article IX. conflict could see to the destabilization Under the climate of further developing of the East and armed conflict between Article IX, in 2015 a set of laws Japan, the United States, China, both approved by the Diet Koreas, Russia, and other gave the SDFs the countries. At the moment power to “defend the 51% of the Japan boasts modernized country’s close allies in military spending 43 billion combat” and “defend public USD, only about 1% of its weapons platforms of opposed GDP (4.939 trillion USD). foreign countries Abe’s contributing to Japan’s amendment Prime Minister Shinzo Abe defense, while providing has set a date to amend the a standing legislative of Article IX. Japanese Constitution procedure for overseas before 2020 as a troop deployments.” “departure from Japan’s After the approval of these laws, a postwar regime.” Abe faces a very poll by the Asahi newspaper divisive topic, whereas by September presented that 54% were against the 21, 2018, 51% of the public opposed bills. Abe’s amendment of Article IX. As Japan’s soon to be the longest-serving As the world powers continue to leader, Abe still needs to convince his militarize around Japan, especially party and strengthen his leadership due given its proximity to unstable to the lack of public support for his countries like North Korea or military cabinet (47.4%). Abe, his fourth cabinet, giants like Russia and China, and his party need to agree on a territorial claims and national compromise that leads to support for defense become more of a pressing their agenda. issue for Japan as it strives to adjust the Article IX of the Constitution to Government Affairs the changing times. Faced with the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 1970’s Chinese claim on the rich natural resource islands of On December 16, 2012, the Liberal Senkaku/Diaoyu (under Japanese Democratic Party of Japan gained a and private control since 1895) and majority in the , and its potential for exploitation of oil eventually, Shinzo Abe was named 06

Prime Minister for the second time Under Abe’s government, Japan won since 2006, in what some considered the bid to host the Summer Olympics “a chance for redemption.” During his for the second time in 2020. Japan ran 2012 election, Abe ran under the a campaign under the slogan of “Japan promise of helping Japan “escape the is back,” which represents the original postwar regime.” In his second term, intent that the Prime Minister gave the Abe was recognized for implementing Olympics in the country. Abe hopes the . Abe’s policies resulted that 2020 serves as a in higher profits, more tourism, and a representation of “post-growth” Japan, better job market. thanks to his policies.

Since the beginning of his second term, Despite Abe’s under 44% approval, the Abe promoted a reinterpretation of the LDP prevailed with a landslide victory in Japanese constitution in order to the snap elections. This result gave a implement his concept of “active majority in the lower and upper house pacifism.” This decision followed of the National Diet to Abe and gave controversial changes that resulted in him the tools to implement new bilateral defense guidelines with constitutional changes. With this the United States. By reinterpreting the majority, Abe’s Third Cabinet approved Japanese constitution, the cabinet the new defense policy, allowing the decided to give Japan the right of SDFs involvement in foreign countries “collective self-defense” when directly to defend its allies. threatened. The implementation of such measures resulted in public opposition As a part of his remarks at the 70th and protests. anniversary of the enforcement of its pacifist Constitution, Abe stated that he 07 THE CABINET of JAPAN

expects to have a new constitution by constitutional amendments to the 2020. Therefore, on September 25, National Diet. In this uncertainty, the 2017, he called for a snap election to be Prime Minister still does not clarify if he held to strengthen his majority and will call a national referendum, despite ability to implement such constitutional the lack of public support. changes. As a result of the election, Abe is now set to be the Economy longest-serving Prime Minister in Japan, now with a two-thirds majority in the Deflation was Japan’s main economic National Diet. A month after the problem for two decades. Prime election, President Minister Shinzo Abe launched an visited Japan, where he assured the economic policy named “Abenomics” “enduring bond” between the two which consisted of three central countries. Trump also stated that Japan policies: fiscal expansion, monetary is crucial for countering North Korean easing, and structural reform. It had the aggression. objection of boosting domestic demand and the gross domestic product while Reshuffled Cabinet maintaining inflation at 2 percent. The structural reform was increasing Following the reelection of Prime competition, reforming labor markets Minister Abe as the leader of the Liberal and expanding trade partnerships. Democratic Party on September 20, 2018, Abe proposed to reshuffle his There has been significant economic cabinet, keeping the key ministers in growth. However, inflation is below order to “maintain government stability. target, and Donald Trump’s proposed In his first reshuffle of this third term, tariffs might affect Abe’s suggested Abe changed only six of the nineteen trade partnerships. His fiscal stimulus members of his cabinet. One of the big has been successful, consisting of 116 criticisms that rose after Abe’s reshuffle billion dollars of direct government was that he appointed only one woman spending, the second biggest stimulus in his cabinet. Leaving the regional package in Japan’s history. revitalization minister, Satsuki Katayama serving as the only woman in the The heart of Abenomics is unorthodox cabinet resulted in questions against monetary policy. The Bank of Japan Abe’s gender equality policies and his has injected liquidity into the economy, commitment to reducing the gender which has pushed interest rates into gap in the workplace in Japan. Only negative territory. Inflation keeps 10% of the MPs are women. stagnating below 1%, so the BOJ has moved into a second open-ended The first reshuffle of the administration phase of quantitative easing, consisting is deemed by many as a way to unify of $660 billion in yearly asset the government towards the purchases until the 2% target is constitutional amendments. During the achieved. This is a rare experiment appointment of the new defense since the value of assets held by the minister, , Abe BOJ has exceeded 70% of the GDP. encouraged the LDP to propose its 08

American influence played a crucial role in how the Japanese would deal with foreign affairs.

Meanwhile, the Fed and the European Relations in the Pacific Central Bank, stand below 25%. Past Conflict

The BOJ , Kuroda, decided The majority of modern Japanese against introducing negative interest foreign policy was shaped by the rates to boost lending and investments. actions of Imperial Japan during World Some economists have warned that War II. In the South East Asian theatre, these low rates could damage the Japan was the main protagonist, banking system and lead to a entering and conquering lands in speculative bubble. Despite economists China, Korea, Thailand, Burma, the warning, they continued with a negative Dutch East Indies, and assorted islands interest rate of negative 0.1%. in the Pacific. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japan caused the United As recent as August 2018, the inflation States to enter the war, resulting in its rate is 1.3%, still below the target and eventual surrender following the consumer good prices have nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and underscored the uphill battle to achieve Nagasaki. As a result, Japan was the goal. The Central Bank decided to occupied by Allied forces, headed by keep on their policy of maintaining General Douglas McArthur, which led to ultraslow interest rates and massive an immense American influence over asset purchases. Although Abe hopes its domestic and foreign policy. to achieve a 2% inflation rate, Although the occupation officially economists predict that inflation will ended in 1952, this American influence remain at the current level. played a crucial role in how the Japanese would deal with foreign affairs. 09 THE CABINET of JAPAN

The Japanese government was Declaration On Building a Partnership somewhat reluctant to establish too of Friendship and Cooperation for strong of a relationship with communist Peace and Development was signed. governments. Most of this was due to This declaration also marked the first its very American style of government visit of a president of the PRC to that was established as a result of Japanese soil. The Joint Declaration Allied occupation, as well as the close further consolidated the rhetoric relationship between Japan and the established by the earlier treaties, and United States. However, when Richard helped establish friendlier relationships Nixon visited China in 1972, Japanese between the two nations. attitudes toward the communist nations in Southeast Asia began to change. In recent years, however, the Japan developed a view of a relationship with China has declined. establishing nation for the region due to China replaced Japan as the its economic prowess, and viewed second-largest economy in the world in these nations as a potential venue for 2010, following years of Japanese economic growth. Much of this shift in “decline” and Chinese “growth.” There attitude is attributed to the election of is an ongoing territorial dispute as prime minister, as his between the two nations over the approach to foreign policy differed from Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. Both China those before him. and Japan lay claim to these islands, and tensions between the two arose China when the Japanese government purchased three of the islands, which Japan officially began diplomatic were previously owned by a private relations with the People’s Republic of Japanese citizen. This altercation has China in September of 1972, following caused friendship between the two Nixon’s visit. The Japan-China Joint nations to erode. Communiqué was signed then, establishing Japanese recognition of North Korea China as the “only China,” which resulted in the Japanese government Japan has always strongly condemned no longer recognising Taiwan as a the regime in North Korea, and looks to sovereign nation. The document also establish peace in the Korean established that the Chinese subcontinent. Proper diplomatic government no longer requested relations have never been established reparations for the Japanese between the two nations, and there has occupation during World War II, and been strong tensions between the two was the beginning of the intention of a across the years. The highlight of these treaty of friendship between the two tensions comes in the 1970s and 80s, nations. This declaration of friendship where Japanese officials identified 17 was then signed in 1978, consolidating individuals being abducted by the terms established in the Joint North Korean government. Only as Communiqué. recent as 2002 did the North Korean government admit and apologise for Later, in 1998, the Japan-China Joint the abduction of these individuals, and 10

released five of them in October of that established diplomatic relations in year. This incident is severe in the eyes 1965, after the Treaty on Basic of the Japanese government, who Relations between Japan and the states they cannot establish normal Republic of Korea was established. This diplomatic relations with North Korea treaty established the recognition of until all those who were abducted are South Korea as the only government returned to the Japanese government with sovereign right to the territory of as soon as possible. Korea, essentially alienating relations with North Korea. On the issue of nuclear weapons, Japan is committed to denuclearisation Overall, Japan views its relationship of North Korea via diplomatic, with South Korea as crucial towards nonviolent actions. The Japanese establishing peace and stability in the government believes that the region. Therefore, the Japanese place nuclearisation of North Korea poses as heavy importance on having a positive threat to both South-East Asia as well relationship with the Republic of Korea. as the international community as a However, their relationship is not whole. Alongside the United States, perfect. There is an ongoing territorial South Korea, China, and Russia, Japan dispute regarding the island of is a member of the Six-Party Talks Takeshima. Both Japan and South which is committed to the Korea claim sovereignty over the denuclearisation and prevention of island, with conflicting stories being conflict in the Korean Peninsula. told. South Korea points to the 1951 Japan Peace treaty in the post WW2 South Korea era as a reason for their sovereignty Japan and South Korea formally over the islands, while Japan states 11 THE CABINET of JAPAN

they have had sovereignty over the Truman did not become aware of the islands since the mid 17th century. project until he was President Truman. Japan has attempted to bring the issue It was tested on July 16th of 1945, with to the International Court of Justice, but a mushroom cloud reaching 40,000 the government of South Korea feet that blew out civilian windows 100 rejected that notion, which caused the miles away. proposal to fail. Despite this, both Japan and the Republic of Korea work Upon taking office, Truman knew that to achieve peace in the region. the capacity to end the war with Japan was in his hands. At this point, Other Areas in the Pacific American forces occupied Okinawa and Iwo Jima and were intensely fire Japanese affairs in the rest of the bombing Japanese cities. But Japan region differ greatly throughout the had an army of 2 million strong years. Prior to 1972, Japan had no real stationed in the home islands, guarding relationship with members of the against invasion. There was little end in communist bloc of Asia (i.e Vietnam, sight for American forces, and thus the Cambodia) and only wished to establish Allies demanded for the immediate relationships with nations outside of this unconditional surrender of Japan with a bloc. However, when prime minister promise of mass destruction if they did Kakuei Tanaka assumed the position of not comply. prime minister, Japanese interests in these nations increased, and led to After rejecting the request, on August Japanese investment and 6th, 1945 an American plane called the establishment of formal diplomacy. The Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on Japanese government saw economic the Japanese city of Hiroshima, potential in these nations, and has instantly vaporizing 70,000 Japanese invested in them. citizens. In the months and years to follow, an additional 100,000 died from Relations with North Korea burns and radiation illness. Two days Origins later, the U.S.S.R. declared war on Nuclear Warfare Japan and a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, where 80,000 Global nuclear conflict began with people perished. On August 14th, Japan’s struggle against Allied forces Japan finally surrendered, but the during the later years of World War II. legacy of this atomic attack would leave Beginning in 1939, the United States, a lasting imprint on global warfare supported by the United Kingdom and forever. Canada, began a top-secret operation to to produce the world’s first nuclear Post Destruction weapons. Nearly $2 billion were spent These attacks would pave the way for on research and development of the what we now know as the Cold War, in atomic bomb (roughly equivalent to 28 which both the United States and the billion dollars today), employing USSR amassed vast amounts of nuclear 120,000 Americans. Secrecy was warheads to the point where they could paramount; in fact, Vice-President completely destroy one another’s 12

Japan: The Only Nation on Earth to Experience the Destruction of

homelands. Hiroshima and Nagasaki As the only nation in the world to proved the destructive and ruthless witness the carnage of nuclear warfare nature of nuclear weapons, and the first-hand, Japan evidently had no wish newly formed United Nations as well as to partake in further nuclear warfare. other national programs began to seek With the Atomic Energy Basic Law, the a path to nuclear non-proliferation. Japanese government outlawed the use of nuclear weapons in their In 1955, just ten years after the sovereign territory, relying instead on Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, the protection of the United States and Japan passed the Atomic Energy Basic its nuclear arsenal. Law. This law established that Japan could not use nuclear energy for Japan’s stance on nuclear proliferation anything but peaceful purposes. is simply that it should not happen. As Emphasis was greatly laid on safety outlined in the Japanese Disarmament procedures regarding nuclear energy and Non-Proliferation Policy, the nation and it would only be managed under is committed to finding peace and democratic administration. The Atomic disarmament having witnessed the Energy Basic Law outlines the use of atrocities that it has caused. Japan nuclear power in Japan, in which it can consistently calls for disarmament, only be used for the betterment of especially considering its proximity to society, not for the destruction of it. The nuclear powerhouses China and Atomic Energy Research Institute was Russia, as well as the increasingly also founded under government unstable Democratic People’s Republic supervision “to perform research, of North Korea (DPRK). experiment, and other necessary affairs for the development of atomic energy”. Cold War Mitigation 13 THE CABINET of JAPAN

Reactions to nuclear proliferation were from the NPT in January of 2003. It also not simply experienced at the Japanese not a party to the CTBT and has national level, however. In 1968, the conducted six increasingly United Nations opened the Treaty of sophisticated nuclear tests since 2006. Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons It has continued to expand its Weapons (NPT) to signatures on behalf of its of Mass Destruction (WMD) activities. member nations. This treaty would then reach full application beginning in 1970. Denuclearization the 21st Century The NPT was designed to prevent nuclear states (United States, USSR, the Japan is committed to the United Kingdom, France, and China) denuclearization of the Korean from encouraging or gifting nuclear peninsula by diplomatic means. There weapons to non-nuclear states. It also have been various diplomatic efforts on encompassed an agreement to begin behalf of Japan, the United States and disarming nuclear nations and focusing South Korea focusing on the North nuclear research towards more Korean nuclear program amidst beneficial areas such as nuclear energy concerns and various indications that it for peaceful purposes. may in fact be harboring a nuclear arsenal. Japan believes that the North Despite the UN’s best efforts, nuclear Korean nuclear program proves a risk proliferation was could not be resolved to the international community as a with this treaty alone. The amount of whole and that denuclearization should nuclear warheads peaked in 1986, be undertaken as soon as possible. sixteen years after the treaty was initially signed. Various member nations Alongside other parties, Japan has have still refused to sign such as India, made continuous efforts to assist in the Israel, and Pakistan. The DPRNC, most disarmament of North Korea. Japan is a alarmingly, withdrew from the core member of the Six-Party Talks agreement in 2003 and proceeded to (between Japan, the U.S, China, South commence the production of nuclear Korea, Russia, and North Korea), the warheads. first of which was held in Beijing in 2003. Japan entered the talks with the The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban strong sentiment that North Korea must Treaty (CTBT) was also opened in 1996, disarm all its nuclear programs for the and it prohibits all nuclear testing if it sake of the international community. enters into force. The treaty also Despite various peace talks such as this establishes the Comprehensive Test one, however, the DPRK has yet to Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) to settle on peaceful accords for its ensure the implementation of its production of nuclear weapons. provisions and verify compliance through a global monitoring system. Occupation Ame futte ji katamaru (Adversity builds Arms Race character); Japanese history has been riddled with adversity. From the chaos As mentioned, the DPRK withdrew of warring clans and the consolidation of the Shogunate, who ruled with 14

Bushido as its code and territorially Japanese-Korean relationship and expanded Japanese power, nominally, sentiment until today. over neighboring Korea for the first time; to the Meiji Restoration that Under Imperial Japan, Korea was modernized Japan and made it a modernized at the expense of its own military equal to that of western powers people were forced labor, conscription, as well as officially occupying the resettlement in favor of Japanese Korean Peninsula from 1910-1945. colonists and the idea of a hegemonic Empire of Japan. So was the power of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese the Empire of Japan over the Korean interests have come into conflict since peninsula that it took until 1945 for it to as early as 1873 when the first glimmers be lost to Soviet and American forces. of Japanese expansionism gave rise to Said incursions conducted by the tensions between the Korean Empire Soviet Union and the United States of (the desired land) and the Qing Dynasty America would lead to further conflict in of China (the dominant influence in the the peninsula in the 1950’s with the region). Still, as Shunroku Hata said: “As Korean War. A time of crisis in what the rising sun melts thinly frozen ice, so once was part of the Empire of Japan, the Japanese Army is overcoming which pitted the Korean people against Chinese troops.” Imperial Japan, as one another when the Communist and aforementioned, effectively annexed Soviet/Chinese supported North Korea, the Peninsula in 1910 under the invaded the United States and United Japanese-Korean Treaty of 1910 Nations supported South Korea. between Imperial Japan and the Empire of Korea. With the invasion successfully Given Japan’s disarmed the once carried out, the treaty in place (although mighty Empire was nothing more than a never signed by the Korean side) and trampoline for allied forces to aid the the occupation completed; the 35 years United States and the United Nations’ of controversial Japanese occupation troops in their struggle against the from that point on, would mark Communist Chinese and North Korean 15 THE CABINET of JAPAN 16

Japan and North Korea’s relationship has been full of tension and hostilities.

enemies. The war ended in an countries who do not share its views. Armistice by the years of 1953-54; Affirmative actions should and must be dividing Korea in half via the 38th taken against the DPRK, not just for the parallel. The Democratic People’s sake of Japan and the world, but also Republic of Korea (DPRK) to the north to curve the ever-rising control and bordering its allies, Communist China power of The People’s Republic of and the Soviet Union, and South Korea China outside its national borders. protected by the United States of Japan has to revise and mold Article IX America and its allies from its bases in to the reality it faces. That reality that is Japan and South Korea. This division comprised of many threats (particularly has created a tremendous threat to the de DPRK) included the People’s national security of Japan; especially Republic of China (PRC) and the with the existence of China’s buffer, the Russian Federation. For as Lyoto Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Machida said: “The samurai always has It is, therefore, Japan’s right, necessity to rise and move on because new and obligation to defend itself against challenges will come.” any threat whether it be foreign or domestic. For “The sword has to be Japan and North Korea’s relationship more than a simple weapon; it has to be has been full of tension and hostilities. an answer to life's questions.” The main reason is that Pyongyang Miyamoto Musashi. sees Japan’s alignment with the United States as an obstacle for diplomatic and The Democratic People’s Republic of economic relations. Meanwhile, Tokyo Korea is not only a claimant to territory sees the abduction of Japanese previously owned by the Empire of citizens during the late 1970’s and early Japan, but it is also a threat to all 1980’s by the North Koreans as an 17 THE CABINET of JAPAN

unpleasant act. There have been Islas Senkaku: islas disputadas entre la various attempts to establish relations República Popular de China y Japón. between both nations. Prime Minister Las mismas están localizadas en el mar Eisaku Satō deteriorated these relations de China oriental. during 1971-1972. The Sino-Japanese process promoted that Japanese La Dieta Nacional: Parlamento japonés. companies to broaden economic Compuesto por dos cámaras; la cooperation with North Korea. Cámara de Representantes y la Cámara de Consejeros. The Japan Socialist Party has had decent relations with the regime. Trade Línea directa de seguridad entre Japón has been possible with the North y China: Línea de comunicaciones Koreans only through unofficial establecida en 2018 entre los channels. These channel exceeded departamentos de defensa de ambos more than 200 million annually during países para evitar conflictos entre the 1980’s. However, these relations ambas naciones y al mismo tiempo have not lasted long due to economic normalizar sus relaciones. sanctions imposed by Japan to North Korea for committing terrorist attacks La Dieta Nacional: Parlamento japonés. against South Korea in the 1980’s, and Compuesto por dos cámaras; la unpaid North Korean debts to Japanese Cámara de Representantes y la Cámara enterprises of about $50 million. de Consejeros.

Términos claves: Línea directa de seguridad entre Japón Abenomics: políticas económicas y China: Línea de comunicaciones promulgadas por el primer ministro, establecida en 2018 entre los Shinzo Abe a partir del 2012. departamentos de defensa de ambos países para evitar conflictos entre Artículo IX: Cláusula en la Constitución ambas naciones y al mismo tiempo de Japón la cual impide el uso de normalizar sus relaciones. fuerza como medio para resolver disputas con otras naciones. Además, Partido Democrático Constitucional de prohíbe el mantenimiento de las Japón: Partido que lidera la oposición fuerzas terrestres, marítimas y aéreas, en la Dieta Nacional. El mismo se liga a así como otras posibilidades de guerra. la ideología centroizquierda y se opone a la revisión del Artículo IX. Fuerzas de Autodefensa de Japón: herramientas de defensa Partido Liberal Democrático (Japón): implementadas luego de que los Partido mayoritario de Japón, liderado Estados Unidos desocuparan Japón. por el primer ministro, Shinzo Abe. El Actualmente se discute su rol en la PLD está ligado mayormente a ideas sociedad cómo el desarrollo de dicho conservadoras y nacionalistas. ejército es legal. 18

Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020: Sources Obteniendo la candidatura en 2011, “Japanese Constitution,” ABA Tokio será la sede se los https://www.americanbar.org/publicatio trigécimosegundos Juegos Olímpicos ns/insights_on_law_andsociety/15/sprin de verano, siendo la segunda vez que g-2015/japaneseconstitution.html Japón organiza tal evento. “Hirohito,” Britannica Tratado de Cooperación y Seguridad https://www.britannica.com/biography/ Mutua entre Estados Unidos y Japón Hirohito (1960): Reforzó la presencia de bases militares estadounidenses en Japón. “The U.S.-Japan Security Alliance,” CFR También reconoció en su Artículo V https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-ja “que un ataque armado contra pan-security-alliance cualquiera de las partes en los territorios bajo la administración de “The United States-Japan Security Japón sería peligroso para su paz y Treaty at 50,” Foreign Affairs seguridad y declara que actuará para https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/j enfrentar el peligro común de apan/2010-03-01/united-states-japan-se conformidad con sus disposiciones curity-treaty-50 constitucionales y procesos ”. “Trump, During Visit To Japan, Talks Tratado de Seguridad entre Estados Trade And North Korea,” NPR Unidos y Japón (1951): estableció un https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-wa acuerdo militar de diez años entre y/2017/11/06/562269137/trump-during-v ambos países. isit-to-japan-talks-trade-and-north-korea

Guiding Questions “Abe Just Won’t Quit,” Foreign Policy 1. With pacifism enshrined in our https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/06/08/a constitution how can we be-just-wont-quit/ counteract North Korea’s ambition and respect our “Shinzo Abe’s Constitutional domestic responsibilities? Ambitions,” The Diplomat 2. How will you ensure the stability https://thediplomat.com/2014/06/shinzo of our country? -abes-constitutional-ambitions/ 3. How will we come to grips with the ghosts of the past? “Japan-China Joint Declaration On Building a Partnership of Friendship and Cooperation for Peace and Development,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci /china/visit98/joint.html 19 THE CABINET of JAPAN

“Japan-China Relations,” Ministry of “Status of World Nuclear Forces,” Foreign Affairs of Japan Federation of American Scientists https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci https://fas.org/issues/nuclear-weapons/ /china/data.html status-world-nuclear-forces/

“Japan-North Korea Relations,” Ministry “Japan,” NTI of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://www.nti.org/learn/countries/japa https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci n/nuclear/ /n_korea/relation.html

“Japan-Republic of Korea Relations,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci /korea/data.html

“Joint Communique of the and the Government of the People's Republic of China,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci /china/joint72.html

“The Normalization of Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea,” The American Journal of International Law,61(1), 35. doi:10.2307/2196830

“Japanese Relations With Vietnam: 1951-1987,” Cornell Southeast Asia Program https://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci /takeshima/index.html

“The Senkaku Islands Dispute,” International Policy Digest https://intpolicydigest.org/2016/08/01/s enkaku-islands-dispute/

“Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT),” UNODA https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/n uclear/npt/ JAPAN | POSITION 001 YOKO ONO Activist

Date of Birth: 2/18/1933 Home Country: Japan

Yoko Ono, artist and political activist, was born in 1933. Best known for being married to John Lennon, Yoko Ono is a musician in her own right. Yoko Ono was born in Tokyo where she lived until the 1950s, when she moved to New York to be with her family and joined the art scene in New York. Yoko Ono uses art to make political statements, with a focus on feminist statements.

One example of her art, in 1964, was called Cut Piece. She used scissors to cut away at her clothing as a representation of sexual violence. In addition, Yoko Ono is also a musician and actress. Ono used her marriage to John Lennon to further her ability to make expressive statements about politics and social issues. Many of her works with John Lennon were used as ways to promote world peace.

Ono also had a great deal of influence on music in that she used a fusion of different genres to create a new sound. Though at the time, the music was considered to be abrasive, her fan base grew eventually and many covers of her songs were made in the 1990s.

To this day, Ono carries on Lennon’s legacy of world peace. In commemoration of his birthday one year, she held an exhibition to remind the world of his dedication to world peace. She has remained influential for music and art since the death of her husband, even using his death to turn him into something of a martyr for the fight against the issues he believed the world could overcome. During her marriage to John Lennon, Ono and her husband would participate in “bed-ins” which promoted these same issues. In 2002, Ono established LennonOno Grant for Peace, which is presented in honor of John Lennon and is a sum of $50,000. These grants have effectively continuing her husband’s legacy.

Overt Powers: Among her accomplishments and connections, Ono is very influential in the music and art scenes. In addition, Ono has control over the LennonOno Grant for Peace, such as who receives it. Ono has a lot of influence to make political statements, which can be heard across the art world and other sections of Japan. JAPAN | POSITION 002 KEN SAITO Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Date of Birth: 6/14/1959 Home Country: Japan

Ken Saito is the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. His credentials and previous positions include Manager, Electricity Infrastructure Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Vice-governor of prefecture Director of Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Deputy Secretary-General for LDP, and Chairperson of Agriculture and Forestry Division for LDP. Saito was also a member of the House of Representatives, where he was elected three times representing Chiba 7th District. a strong member of China’s Liberal Democratic Party during this time.

As Minister, all internal bureaus are under his command. These include the Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Agricultural Production Bureau, Management Improvement Bureau, Rural Development Bureau, and the Crop Production Bureau. The primary function of the ministry is to set quality standards for food products, supervise commodity markets and food sales, and to undertake land reclamation and land improvement projects.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries, as an important sector of Japan's economic structure, contribute outstandingly to the development of national economy and stabilization of national life through their role of providing stable supply of foods.

The circumstances surrounding the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries of Japan are severe, due to such factors as imbalance between supply and demand in agricultural products, delay in the management scale expansion in land-extensive agriculture, and the escalating pressure for opening up the market from various overseas countries.

And in order to promote the harmonious development of economic society and stability of national life sound development of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and advancement of the welfare of the people engaged in these industries would be indispensable.

In order to assure healthy and abundant dietary life for the people, moreover, it is necessary to strive towards maintenance and reinforcement of the ability to attain self-sufficiency in food supplies at all times, maintaining, on the other hand, an appropriate combination of import and domestic production.


From these viewpoints, the Ministry comprehensively undertakes administration related to agricultural, forestry and fisheries products, covering from production to consumption and also to rural development and promotion of the welfare of rural inhabitants with a view to achieving stable supply of food, sound development of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and upgrading of the welfare of rural inhabitants.

Recently, a Japanese main media outlet commented “Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering retaining his ministers of economic revitalization, health and foreign affairs in an upcoming Cabinet reshuffle, but won't give an important role to , who ran against him in the Sept. 20 Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) presidential election, according to people close to him.”

Overt Powers: As part of his duties, Saito regulates agriculture, forestries, and fisheries industries. He has regular powers of a minister in the Prime Minister’s cabinet, including executive decision power over his department and the ear of the Prime Minister at all times. Saito holds sway and influence within the rural and coastal populations. JAPAN | POSITION 003 YOSHIAKI HARADA Minister of the Environment

Date of Birth: 10/1/1944 Home Country: Japan

Yoshiaki Harada is the current minister of the Environment for Japan. A native of Yamada, Fukuoka and graduate of the , he jointed Nippon Steel in 1968 and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1970, the year in which he also passed the bar exam. While in the ministry, he attended The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in the United States, a graduate school of international relations. In 1990 he was elected to the House of Representatives for the first time after running unsuccessfully in 1986 as an independent. After losing his seat in 1993 he was re-elected in 1996. Harada served as senior vice education minister until May 2004, when he was forced to resign after it was found that he had falsely claimed to have graduated from the Fletcher School, even though he had not earned enough credits to do so. He was replaced in this post by Shinya Ono.

The Ministry of the Environment is a Cabinet-level ministry of the government of Japan responsible for global environmental conservation, pollution control, and nature conservation. The ministry was formed in 2001 from the sub-cabinet level Environmental Agency established in 1971. The Minister of the Environment is a member of the Cabinet of Japan and is chosen by the Prime Minister. The ministry focuses on 12 different environmental aspects primarily. These include Protection of the Ozone Layer, Biodiversity, Wildlife, Forests and Desertification, Acid Rain, Marine Pollution, Chemicals and Hazardous Waste, The Antarctic Treaty, Sustainable Development, 3R Initiative, Water, and United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Some initiatives have included the Cool Biz campaign, starting in summer 2005, as a means to help reduce electric consumption by limiting use of air conditioning and allowing the wearing of less formal office wear. This idea was proposed by then-Minister of the Environment under Prime Minister . This idea was repeated in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

Overt Powers: Among his work, Harada has control over studies about Japan’s environmental state as well as public perception of Japan’s environmental progress. Harada can propose and carry out regulations on industries as part of the department’s regulatory structure. Harada can propose initiatives that directly affect the entire Japanese population in the areas of environment and sustainability. JAPAN | POSITION 004 MASAYOSHI YOSHINO Minister of State for Reconstruction

Date of Birth: 8/8/1948 Home Country: Japan

Masayoshi Yoshino is the Minister for Reconstruction. He was born on August 8th, 1948 in Fukushima. He is apart of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), and has been elected to the House of representatives six times. He went to the . In 1987 he was elected to the Fukushima prefectural assembly, followed by his election into the House of Representatives in 2000. He became the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. He was the State Minister of environment in 2008, The Chief Director on Committee on Judicial Affairs in 2013, and joined as a chairperson on the committee on Investigation of Nuclear Power Issues and a chairperson for the Reconstruction after Great East Japan Earthquake (in 2014 and 2016); to say the least, Yoshino has a vast amount of experience that has led him to be in the position he is today.

As the Minister of Reconstruction, Yoshino is in charge of the comprehensive policy of coordination for revival from the nuclear accident in Fukushima. The itself was started in 2012 as a means to help relief with to the 2011 Tokyo earthquake and tsunami. His role is to plan and coordinate policy on reconstruction, as well as be a point of contact to those in need of assistance when disasters such as these hits. Some critical commentary on the agency itself, is the time it takes to set up relief efforts, being normally slow.

Yoshino himself believes in soft support, specifically when it comes to subjects of evacuation of life, caring for the mind and body and supporting victims. An example of this after the nuclear accident in Fukushima how under his ministry he focused on the improvements of the living environments. He currently seeks to implement a restoration and rebuilding phase under hard to return areas.

Overt Powers: Yoshino controls all policy related matters when it comes to Japan’s reconstruction efforts. His work has been praised in the past by numerous leaders in Japan, making credibility for his efforts easy to come by. Because of this and his past work, Yoshino can implement projects and studies about the ongoing effects and efforts to rebuild after Fukushima. JAPAN | POSITION 005 Minister of Internal Affairs and Communication

Date of Birth: 10/3/60 Home Country:

Seiko Noda is the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan. Born in Fukuoka, Japan on September 3, 1960, she is now 58 years of age and married to her spouse Yōsuke Tsuruho as of 2001. As a conservative political member of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) she currently serves as Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister in charge of Women's Empowerment, and Minister of State for the Social Security and Tax Number System.

She has additionally been elected to the House of Representatives eight times total and her constituency is the first district of Gifu. Noda received her education at studying Faculty of Foreign Studies and graduating in March of 1983. Noda had planned to run for Prime Minister but failed to accumulate substantial nominations in the primaries. She is outspoken concerning women’s issues in a particularly male-dominated atmosphere and has acted on this by establishing a political leadership school for women.

Overt Powers: Noda is responsible for internal and communication related affairs within the government and beyond. Noda and her ministry hold tremendous influence among the intelligence sector as well, as the services and technology deployed by Noda and the ministry are commonly used by these intelligence firms and agencies. Noda also holds sway in her political party, the LDP. JAPAN | POSITION 006 TERU FUKUI Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs

Date of Birth: 12/14/1953 Home Country: Japan

Teru Fukui is the Japanese Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs. Born in Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan on December 14, 1953, he is now 64 years of age. Fukui attended Tokyo University, where he received a degree in Engineering. Upon graduating in 1976 Fukui began working for the Ministry of Construction. His political career began in 1991, when he achieved the position of Deputy mayor of Kakegawa city. Upon completion of his tenure in said position Fukui was elected to the House of Representatives in 2000. As a conservative political member of the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) he received his current position as of February 27, 2018. In this regard he is triple-hatted, maintaining office as the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety, and Minister of State for Ocean Policy. Previously he has occupied a litany of positions within the LDP focusing on issues such as disaster prevention, transportation/infrastructure building and fishery regulation. Within the House of Representatives he has previously occupied positions concerning such topics as agriculture, technology, education, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He has been re-elected to the House of Representatives seven times and his constituency is in Shikoku.

Overt Powers: Considerable influence over the various ministries you oversee Has a working relationship with US Officials due to his oversight of Okinawa Connections to bureaucrats throughout the Japanese governing apparatus JAPAN | POSITION 007 NAOMI HIROSE CEO of TEPCO

Date of Birth: 2/1/1953 Home Country: Japan

Naomi Hirose has been the CEO of TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company electric services company based in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan, since June 27, 2012 and has also served as Chief of the Nuclear Reform Special Task Force, Executive Vice Chairman of Stricken Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, as President, and as the General Manager of Management and Planning. Born in Tokyo, Japan on February 1, 1953, he is now 65 years of age. While TEPCO has progressively been accepting financial assistance and expanding their training internationally, they have also received recent criticisms for storing water with high amounts of concentrated radioactive materials and worker exposure to such dangerous materials at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Back in 2011 when a tsunami was predicted to hit the Nuclear Power Plant, TEPCO failed to take protective measures, however, TEPCO has since been producing meaningful work although doubts about their ability to guarantee nuclear safety persist. Any course of action moving forward for TEPCO must address the completion of recovery efforts in regards to Fukushima as well as rebuilding confidence in TEPCO’s ability to provide Nuclear power to the Japanese people

Overt Powers Control over a company worth 14 Billion Yen Access to and control over Nuclear and conventional power plants Considerable influence in the private sector, especially within Tokyo JAPAN | POSITION 007 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology

Date of Birth: 1/19/1961 Home Country: Japan

Hayashi was born in Shimonoseki, Japan in 1961. Hayashi graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 1984. He accepted a job at Mitsui & Co. before leaving to get a Masters in Public Administration from the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government. He graduated in 1994 and after returning to Japan he was elected to the House of Councilors in the Liberal Democratic Party. Amongst several key positions, Hayashi served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Finance, Chairman on the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, State Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, as well as the Chairman on the Special Committee on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Hayashi was appointed the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology in August of 2017. Hayashi is the fourth generation in his family to hold political office. He first experienced politics as a secretary for his father, the then Minister of Finance. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology is divided into four different subcategories. These categories are Science & Technology, Culture, Sports, and Education. Most of the ministry’s funding goes towards the Education section.

Currently the Ministry is focused on educational reform, the Minister himself has made this a top priority. The Second Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education is based on three principles. These principles are: Creativity, Independence, and Collaboration. In the Science & Technology section, the Ministry aims to be the most innovative country in the world. They will achieve this through implementing science and technology that fosters sustainable growth. The Japan Sports Agency was established in 2015 to create an environment where everyone can enjoy sports.

The agency crafts policy and coordinates with other agencies to encourage a healthy lifestyle through recreational sports. The Cultural Agency implements policies on the promotion of culture and arts toward building their nation around arts and culture. This agency fosters the arts by nurturing artistic activities and protecting important cultural sites. They also oversee international cultural exchanges, copyright protection, and the spread of the Japanese language.

Overt Powers: Hayashi has control over the educational budget for all publicly subsidized schools in Japan. Hayashi is influential in crafting educational reform, as Hayashi has worked on this topic in the past. Finally, Hayashi can make outreach efforts as part of the sports programs passed by the ministry. JAPAN | POSITION 008 TARO ASO Minister of Finance

Date of Birth: 9/20/1940 Home Country: Japan

Tarō Asō is the Deputy , he also serves as the Minister of Finance, Minister of State and Financial Services, and Minister of State for Overcoming Deflation. Also, he had served as the 59th Prime Minister of Japan from September 2008 to September 2009. Also, he has served in the House of Representatives since 1979. Asō also held the positions of President and Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party, as well as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2005 to 2007. When it comes to his education, Asō graduated from the School of Politics and Economics at Gakushuin University and the London School of Economics. From working for a diamond mining operation in Sierra Leone, to living in Brazil while he served as president for the Asō Mining Company, to competing on the Japanese shooting team during the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal – Asō has traveled the world for his careers.

The position as Minister of Finance in Japan is said to be not only Japan’s most powerful position, but one of the worlds. This is due to the fact that Japan has held the largest foreign exchange reserves throughout history. The ministry was established as a government body, responsible for public finance and monetary affairs. However, after multiple financial scandals throughout the 90s, the Ministry lost much of its power over newly established supervision by the Financial Services Agency. Furthermore, it lost more of its power to the Bank of Japan, after the establishment of a new Bank of Japan Law in 1998. The Ministry is now known most for its active foreign exchange policy, with the Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs being quoted frequently in the financial press.

Overt Powers: As a result of this positions importance as well as the others he holds, Asō holds a lot of power and influence in Japan and its government. He is a known figure throughout Japan and the world, thus holding sway over public opinion in Japan due to his renowned name and experienced résumé. Asō is a Roman Catholic, he is a part of a small minority of Christians in Japan, he does not emphasize his religiosity but will do so if it works in his favor. JAPAN | POSITION 009 KATSUNOBU KATO Minister of Health

Date of Birth: 11/22/1955 Home Country: Japan

Katsunobu Kato, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, is also the Minister for Working-style Reform, Minister in charge of the Abduction Issue, and the Minister of State for the Abduction Issue. In 2016, Katsunobu Kato served as the Minister for Promoting Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens, Minister for Working-style Reform, Minister in charge of Women’s Empowerment, Minister in charge of “Challenge Again” Initiative, Minister in charge of the Abduction Issue, Minister in charge of Building National Resilience, Minister of State for Declining Birthrate, and Minister of State for Gender Equality. Additionally, Kato is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and was elected five times to the House of Representatives for the Okayama 5th District. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1979.

The Ministry itself covers the and the Central Labor Relations Commission. Currently, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is looking to reform taxes and Japanese social security. With an aging population, social security is a major issue for Japan as it looks to achieve stability for the older generations and for the future. The Central Labor Relations Commission works to protect the rights of Japanese workers. Its primary goals are to process unfair labor practices and to settle disputes over the Labor Relations Adjustment Law.

The Abduction Issue, in concern to the first topic, could be quite interesting in that the Abduction Issue is the name giving to the abductions of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s by the North Korean government. After investigating, the Japanese government determined that the North Koreans were the cause of the disappearances and have since brought this up since 1991 at any given opportunity. Seventeen abductees have been confirmed by the Japanese government, five of which have been returned to Japan. Countless others are suspected of being additional victims of the Abduction Issue. North Korea has apologized for the Issue, but has only released five abductees and has denied freedom to the rest. For the purpose of normalizing relations, Japan has worked, in recent years, to return these victims to Japan as efficiently and quickly as possible. Japan and North Korea have been in talks for years concerning the Abduction Issue, the first of which took place on September 17th 2002. At this meeting, Kim Jong-Il admitted, for the first time, to the abduction of thirteen Japanese citizens, stating that four were alive, eight were dead and entrance to North Korea was not confirmed for the last.

As the Minister in charge of the Abduction Issue, Katsunobu Kato has encouraged concrete action towards the Issue’s resolution and has called for the denuclearization of North Korea. He has maintained that pressure must be placed on North Korea over the Abduction Issue and has encouraged it be used as leverage against Kim Jong-Un. JAPAN | POSITION 009

Overt Powers: As part of leading his ministry, Kato holds Influence over taxes and welfare. Kato is focused on adjusting the country to account for the aging population, and has power over the equal treatment of people regardless of their gender. JAPAN | POSITION 010 YOKO KAMIKAWA Minister of Justice

Date of Birth: 3/1/1953 Home Country: Japan

Yoko Kamikawa was born on march 1, 1953. She graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences from the University of Tokyo. She then completed her Masters degree in Public Administration in Harvard University in the JFK School of government. Her career started off in the Mitsubishi Research Institute, as a researcher in 1977. In 2000 she was elected to the House of Representatives, became the Director in the WOmen’s Affair Division in LDP, a Parliamentary Secretary of Internal Affairs and Communications , to then go on to be the Minister of State for Gender Equality and Social Affairs and the Minister of Public Records Management and National Archives. Currently, Kamikawa is the Minister of Justice in Japan.

The minister of Justice, as apart of the Ministry of Justice, has the responsibility to oversee the judicial system, correctional services, household laws, property and corporate measures, and also duplicates as the government legal representative. Kamikawa is apart of the Liberal Democratic Party, under Prime Minister Abe’s party. Notably what Kamikawa is most known for is having the highest amount of executions among former Justice ministers. This is also seen through the eyes of both political parties in Japan fighting for power. Once the Liberal Democratic Party gained power again in 2012 it is said that executions are thrown periodically. Kamikawa’s favorite word is symbolized in "Pengnan Manori" meaning “Do not forget the gaze that keeps high ideals and looks far away”. Kamikawas areas of interest involve social security, agriculture policy and ocean policy.

Policies that Kamikawa supports is supporting Human Rights without discrimination, unregistered family issues, national insurance, extensions of life expectancy through a good medical system, Promoting tourism, land revitalization, ocean development, and building security against terrorist issues. These are just a few of her many political interests. In recent news, Kamikawa has pushed to keep Japan’s refugee intake at a minimal neither increasing or reducing Japan’s number. In 2017 Japan received 28 refugees out of 10, 901 applications. On another note, Kamikawa has her focus on hate speech for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, trying to add educational programs to help increase awareness, before foreigners arrive.

Overt powers: Kamikawa oversees her department, making her policy influence high within the government. Kamikawa can prosecute cases when necessary as well. Finally, Kamikawa holds connections in the United States that are allies with the Japanese government. JAPAN | POSITION 011 TARO KONO Minister of Foreign Affairs

Date of Birth: 1/10/1963 Home Country: Japan

Tarō Kōno (born January 10, 1963) is a Japanese politician belonging to the Liberal Democratic Party. He is a graduate of Keio University in Japan, as well as Suffield Academy and Georgetown University. In Japan, he serves a member of the House of Representatives, and has served as Minister for Foreign Affairs since a Cabinet re-shuffle by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on 3 August 2017. Kono has served as a member of the Japanese House of Representatives since 1996, as well as Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission, Minister in charge of Administrative Reform, Minister in charge of Civil Service Reform, Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety, Minister of State for Regulatory Reform and Minister of State for Disaster Management within the Abe administration. In this role, he was responsible for coordinating security measures for the 2016 G7 summit. He left the cabinet in a reshuffle in August 2016, and was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs in August of the next year. As minister, Kono is responsible for providing Official Development Assistance (ODA) on behalf of the Government of Japan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the jurisdiction over the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which is responsible for the coordination of the Japanese ODA.

Kono is known for his widespread knowledge of international affairs, and was favored for his position due to his efficiency in English and close ties to American politicians. His appointment was also viewed favorably by Japan's neighbors, China and South Korea. Politically, Kono is known to be a maverick: he often has hot individual takes on controversial issues. The minister is an adamant opponent of Japanese nuclearization, both in weaponry and in energy. He has openly criticized the Japanese government's choice to close borders, expressing a desire for more immigration to supplement the lack of laborers currently residing in Japan. As Foreign Minister, he has advocated for an amendment to Article 9 in Japan's constitution, which would allow the country to act offensively in terms of warfare. Additionally, he supports changes to the Status of Forces Agreement, although he supports the United States-Japan Security treaty. Even with these close ties to the US, Kono is considered to be an Asia-centrist, focusing heavily on the relationship between Japan and Korea. The minister firmly believes that economic, diplomatic, and militaristic ties are necessary between the two countries in order to compete with larger powers such as America and Japan, and has taken measures to connect businesses within the two countries. He is also outspoken about his support for Women's initiatives, as he attended the Women's Foreign Minister's meeting this year, and acknowledged Japanese use of in WWII. JAPAN | POSITION 011

Developmentally, he has set education, disaster relief, and health to be the main focus of Japan's government within the UN. He is an open supporter of Myanmese sovereignty, as well as the international solidarity tax. He recently attended the first meeting between Japanese and North Korean foreign ministers since 2015, although he has stated that the timing is too early to declare peace in the Korean war.

Overt powers: Kono can have open dialogues with other world powers and their representatives. Both near and far, Kono and his department represent Japan on a global scale. Kono and his fellow foreign ministry representatives can sign into agreements and negotiate deals such as trade and other matters. Kono holds sway in his previous ministries and past work experiences. JAPAN | POSITION 012 SHINZO ABE Prime Minister of Japan

Date of Birth: 9/21/1954 Home Country: Japan

Abe is the 57th Prime Minister of Japan. As leader and member of the Liberal Democratic Party, he is the third longest serving prime minister. Abe was recently re-elected in September of 2018 to another term. Abe comes from a political family, whose grandfather, Kishi Nobusuke, served as Japanese Prime minister from 1957 to 1960. His uncle was also prime minister in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. As for Abe, he is a conservative who has been referred to as being quite nationalistic. The liberal democratic Party in Japan is a right wing conservative party that is generally centre- right to right wing.

During the 1970’s after Abe completed a degree at the Seikei University in central Tokyo, he came to the United States and earned a degree in political science from the University of Southern California in 1977. Shortly thereafter, he returned to Japan and his political career began when he began shadowing and working for his father as a secretary who at the time, was the foreign minister of Japan.

About ten years later, Abe ran for office and won. In 1993, he won a seat in the lower house of the Japanese parliament called Diet as a member of the Liberal-Democratic Party. He immediately became popular because of his strong stance towards North Korea undermining Japanese democracy. By the early 2000’s Abe had established himself as a key player and asset to the LDP and as a result, he was named secretary general. Abe became prime minister in 2006, after Junichiro was forced to resign. He became the youngest politician to take the role of Prime Minister since the second world war.

Immediately, Abe looked to strengthen ties between the United States and Japan in hopes of playing a bigger role in foreign affairs. Additionally, he immediately supported increased sanctions against North Korea as Japan’s neighbor began to conduct nuclear tests and develop nuclear missiles. Abe’s stint as prime minister did not last long and by the summer of 2007, after the LDP lost a majority in Parliament, he found himself out of a job.

In 2012, Abe once again assumed the role of Prime Minister as he was approved by members of parliament to take on the role after the party once again regained a majority. A major contribution Abe made during his second term of Prime Minister was economic reforms. He implemented a rigorous program aimed at economic recovery for the regions of Northeast Japan, that remained largely devastated after the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami. In the short term, Abe’s new economic legislation JAPAN | POSITION 012 worked as revenue increases and unemployment decreased. However, it became clear that by 2014, his plan had detrimental effects as his increase in sales taxes, lead to a decrease in economic growth. Months after, the Japanese economy fell into recession.

Nonetheless, Abe has established himself as a consequential and influential leader on the global stage. Japan will host the 2020 summer games and many industrialized nations look to Japan as an economic powerhouse. President Trump sees Japan as an ally when it comes to increased tariffs and a nationalist agenda. Japan is a huge player in the summit as it is one of the largest world economies. Abe leads the charge in these efforts.

Please note that Shinzo Abe will not be a character in the simulation; the chair will act as Shinzo Abe for the weekend. His biography is provided here for context. JAPAN | POSITION 013 JUNZO YAMAMOTO Minister of State for Building and Disaster Management

Date of Birth: 10/27/1954 Home Country: Japan

Junzo Yamamoto is the Chair of the Japanese National Public Safety, Minister of State for Building National Resilience, as well as the Minister of State for Disaster Management. He assumed office in the House of Councilors in 2018. Yamamoto is a member of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party and the Party for Japanese Kokoro. He is also the Senior Executive Officer, MD and Member of the Managing Board for Sysmex Corporation. Sysmex Corp is a Japanese company that is engaged in the healthcare industry in Japan. The brand was established in 1978 and Yamamoto has been a part of the highly established company’s Managing Board since 2017.

Junzo Yamamoto graduated from Waseda University in 1983 from the School of Political Science and Economics. He started his professional career in 1983 as a Member in Ehime Prefectural Assembly for 6 consecutive terms, where he assumed the position of Vice-Chairman of the Assembly. Afterwards, he was elected to the House of Councilors in 2004 where he became Chairman of the Committee on Audit in 2011. In 2014 he became Chairman of the Special Committee on Official Development Assistance and Related Matters. Then in 2016, he became Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration. When it comes to his major posts in the Government, in 2007 Yamamoto worked in the Parliamentary Secretary of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Afterwards in 2015, he worked as the State Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, State Minister of , and State Minister for Reconstruction.

The National Public Safety Commission of Japan is a branch of the Japanese government that is headquartered in the 2nd Building of the Central Common Government Office. This commission works independently from the rest of the Japanese Cabinet, but still coordinates its actions with the Minister of State. The commission's primary function is to guarantee the neutrality of the Japanese police system. This is done by insulating the police force from any political pressure and by ensuring the proper maintenance of the democratic process in police administration. Furthermore, it administers the National Police Agency and also holds the authority to appoint as well as dismiss any senior police agents.

When it comes to the connections that Junzo Yamamoto holds, due to his position in the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, he is thoroughly involved in the political processes of Japan. Furthermore, because of his place as the Senior Executive of Sysmex, he is thoroughly connected with the Japanese health care industry and top business executives. In addition, Yamamoto held many positions within the Japanese government before ending up in the Cabinet, and because of this he maintains networks throughout branches of the Japanese political world. JAPAN | POSITION 013

Overt Powers: Regarding his overt powers, he holds the power to affect the entire health care system of Japan, as Sysmex is one of the top companies covering a majority of the Japanese population. Secondly, he holds the power to eliminate corruption within the Japanese police force. Thirdly, Yamamoto can hire whoever he wishes to the National Public Safety Commission. JAPAN | POSITION 014

Date of Birth: 12/6/1948 Home Country:

Yoshihide Suga attended Hosei University where he received a Bachelor's degree in Law in 1973. Suga has been involved in public service since he was elected as a member to the Yokohama City Council in 1987. Suga joined the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and in 1996 was elected representative of the second Kanagawa district to the Lower House of the Diet. Suga remained a representative until he was made Senior Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in 2005. In 2006, Suga also became the Minister for Privatization for the Postal Services. Suga then became the Minister of State for Decentralized Reform from 2006 until 2011. Suga’s career advanced further when he became the Chairman of the Party Organization and Campaign headquarters of the LDP and later the Executive Active-General Secretary of the LDP. When Shinzo Abe came to power in 2012, he appointed Suga to the position of Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Executive Cabinet.

The position of Chief Cabinet Secretary is widely acknowledged as the most powerful Cabinet position in the Japanese government. The post is usually filled by someone who the Prime Minister is close to and can rely on to be his right-hand man. Suga is that guy for Prime Minister Abe. The two are well known as close friends and Yoshihide is credited with being one the politicians who encouraged Abe to run again in 2012. The most well known responsibility of the Chief Cabinet Secretary is as the primary spokesperson for the Prime Minister. Suga holds two press conferences a day where he gives the government perspective to reporters’ questions.

The Secretary is also responsible for coordinating the policies of ministries and agencies in the executive cabinet. Before meetings of the full Executive Cabinet, the Secretary and his staff are responsible for conducting the relevant policy research. They are tasked with preparing the materials that will be discussed and they play a large role in what topics will be on the agenda. The third primary responsibility of the Chief Cabinet Secretary is to act as the lead policy coordinator and communicator between the ruling party and the Prime Minister. If the policies of the ruling party and the Prime Minister conflict, it is the responsibility of the Chief Cabinet Secretary to bridge the gap. This is often conducted in behind-the-scenes meetings between the Secretary and members of the ruling party. It is also important to note that the Chief Cabinet Secretary is the first in the Prime Ministerial line-of-succession. JAPAN | POSITION 014

Yoshihide Suga is the longest serving Chief Cabinet Secretary Minister in Japanese history. Suga is regarded as being a key player in several different issues. Specifically, he is credited with being instrumental in coordinating between the conflicting policies and interests of the Trade and Agricultural Ministries during the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks. Suga was recently put in charge of resolving the hostage issue with North Korea. This refers to Japanese citizens who were abducted by North Korean agents a few decades ago. With this new responsibility, Suga’s power in negotiations between Japan and North Korea has increased.

Overt Powers: Has access to a special Cabinet Secretariat fund amounting to ¥1.4 Billion a year. Suga can spend the money at his own discretion without have to disclose the details of his expense to anyone. Unofficially, when the Prime Minister is engaged in diplomatic talks, the Chief Cabinet Secretary exerts a great deal of influence on the negotiations. Suga can use his membership to the , a Japanese ultranationalist association with a great deal of influence in the Legislative and Executive branches, to unofficially lobby for certain policies. JAPAN | POSITION 015 TAKESHI IWAYA Minister of Defense

Date of Birth: 8/24/1957 Home Country: Japan

Takeshi Iwaya, Minister of Defense, was born August 24th 1957 in Beppu, Japan. He was preceded by and assumed office on October 2nd 2018. He is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and graduated from the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University. Additionally, Minister Iwaya was a Member of the Japanese House of Representatives for Oita’s 3rd District from February 19th 1990 to June 18th 1993 and then again in 2000. He is openly a member of Nippon Kaigi (Japan Conference), a right-wing association sometimes accused of being a cult which supports modifying Article 9 as well as Japanese nationalism.

The Ministry of Defense was established as it is today on January 9th 2007 out of the Defense Agency, which was established on July 1st 1954. Under the May 1957 Basic Policy of National Defense, Japan’s policy for national defense is characterized by its support of the United Nation’s activities to promote and achieve world peace, its goal to stabilize the nation at the civilian level in order to promote national security, to establish defensive capabilities and to defend the nation based on the Japan-US security agreements. Additionally, in accordance with the Basic Policy for National Defense, Japan strives to be exclusively defense-oriented, does not intend to become a military threat, follows its three non-nuclear principles (not possessing nuclear weapons, not producing nuclear weapons, and not allowing nuclear weapons to be purchased in Japan), and ensures civilian control.

There are two goals for the national security of Japan. The first is the defense of Japan and the second is the prevention of the emergence of threats. These goals are to be achieved through Japan’s own efforts, cooperation with alliances, and cooperation with the international community. Additionally, the Japanese Ministry of Defense handles natural disasters. Japan relies heavily on its alliances, especially with the United States, in terms of national security and defense.

The US-Japan Alliance is responsible for a lot of the goings-ons in the Asia-Pacific region. It acts as a beacon for the values shared by the two nations, including freedom, democracy, peace, human rights, free and fair markets and the rule of law. The US-Japan Security Consultative Committee works to establish the direction in which the Alliance intends to move forward. The Committee recently reaffirmed the United States’s commitment to defending Japan, including the use of nuclear forces.

Overt Powers: Power over the military and armed forces. Responsible for keeping up the US-Japan alliance. Handles natural disasters. JAPAN | POSITION 016 Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy

Date of Birth: 10/7/1955 Home Country: Japan

Toshimitsu Motegi is the Japanese Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy. He also holds the positions as Minister of State for Social Security Reform and Minister of State for TPP and Japan-US Trade Negotiations. Motegi is also a member of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party and a member of the house of Representatives in the Diet. He was born on the 7th of October in 1955 and attended the University of Tokyo and obtained a Master of Public Policy from Harvard. Motegi began his career in a trading company called Marubeni Corporation, then went on to become a political reporter for , afterwards he went on to work in consultancy at McKinsey & Co. In addition, Motegi maintained a career for 5 years as a visiting professor at Waseda University, in the graduate school for Global Information and Telecommunication Studies.

Motegi holds vast experience and knowledge in the realm of business as well as the political world. He has held many different positions in the Japanese cabinet, ranging from Vice Foreign Minister to Minister of Science and Technology. Furthermore, Shinzo Abe moved Motegi to head of election strategy in the Liberal Democratic Party’s headquarters. Motegi, however, is not free of any corruption accusations, as in 2018 he was revealed to have breached Japan’s electoral laws for making illegal donations to constituents – through his personal secretary.

Overt powers: Toshimitsu Motegi’s overt powers include the following, firstly Motegi has the ability to directly impact and alter Japan’s economic policies both domestically and internationally. Also, Motegi is able to implement administrative reforms in Japan’s financial sector. Lastly, Motegi has the power to influence the way that the LDP conducts its elections, as well as being able to impact the political strategies of LDP politicians. JAPAN | POSITION 017

Date of Birth: 12/23/1933 Home Country: Japan

Emperor Akihito was born in the Imperial Palace in 1933. He was the fifth child and eldest son to Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako. Like all Crown Princes of the Japanese Royal Family, Akihito was tutored until the age of seven, then he attended the Peers’ School in Tokyo. The school was created and dedicated to educating the children of Imperial Japan’s nobility. Akihito attended the Peers’ School from 1940 until 1952. Then, Crown Prince Akihito was tutored by an American Quaker named Elizabeth Vining and learned western manners and how to speak english. Akihito married Shoda Michiko and currently has three children. As the Crown Prince of Japan, Akihito and his wife made official visits to 37 different countries. As Emperor, Akihito and the Empress have made 18 official foreign visits. Notably, the second trip he made after being crowned was to China in order to foster good relations. Recently, Akihito announced that he plans to abdicate the throne on April 30th, 2019. The Diet passed a law that would allow for the Emperor to resign as this is the first abdication in Japanese Imperial history.

The powers of the Emperor are limited. The Japanese constitution expressly states that the emperor is to serve only in a ceremonial capacity. With the advice and explicit approval of the Executive Cabinet, under article 7 of the constitution, the emperor has the following authorities. The promulgation of amendments of the constitution, laws, cabinet orders, and treaties. The emperor traditionally convenes the Diet at the start of a new term or after elections. The emperor can also dissolve the house of representatives and proclaim general elections for members of the Diet. The emperor can publicly support or oppose the appointment or dismissal of a Minister of State, an Ambassador, or another government official. The emperor has the ability to award medals and honors, both civil and military, to Japanese citizens. Emperor Akihito has made use of the emperor’s right to officially host and visit foreign dignitaries. Among the emperor’s regular duties, he formally appoints the new Prime Minister to their post. However, as is stated in Article 6 of the constitution he must act under the express authority of the Executive Cabinet’s direction. The emperor also appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as designated by the Executive Cabinet.

Overt Powers: In all of his official roles, the emperor is limited by the constitution to acting only with the express consent of the Executive Cabinet. The ceremonial role he plays however, reinforces his importance in the cultural life of everyday Japanese people. The emperor’s greatest ability is his role as the symbol for the culture and , and the influence he exerts over his people. JAPAN | POSITION 018 CHUICHI DATE President of the House of Councillors

Date of Birth: 1/20/1939 Home Country: Japan

Chuichi Date was born on January 20, 1939 in Hokkaido. He attended school at Hokkaido Institute of Public Health, Training School for Clinical Testers in 1960. His early career included joining Sapporo Medical University Hospital, founding Sapporo Clinical Laboratory Inc. in 1965 as the Representative Director, and in 1983 becoming a member of the Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly for 4 terms.

Chuichi Date served as President of Sapporo Clinical Laboratory Inc since September 1965. Also, Date has been Chairman of The Board at Sapporo Clinical Laboratory Inc. since June 2014. He served as the Chairman and Representative Director of Sapporo Clinical Laboratory Inc. since June 2001. Then he transitioned into the public sector, as well. He served as Parliamentary Secretary for Land, Infrastructure and Transport since October 2004 and also served as Senior Vice Minister for Cabinet Office, since December 2012. He served as Corporate Advisor of Sapporo Clinical Laboratory Inc., since November 2005.

Date was first elected to the House of Counselors in 2001. In 2013, he was the Chairman and a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Diet Affairs Committee in the House of Councillors. Now he is the President of the House of Counselors. Other major governmental posts he has held include 2004 Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and 2012 State Minister of Cabinet Office.

The role of Japan’s House of Councillors has been evolving since 1989 in response to changes in the political situation. As part of Japan's bicameral legislature they address key issues, but the continuation of the House of Councillors has been heavily debated because they have seen a decline in power within recent years.

Overt Powers: Legislative powers are vested in the Diet, which is popularly elected and consists of two houses. The House of Representatives, or lower house, ultimately takes precedence over the House of Councillors, or upper house, in matters of passing legislation, controlling the budget, and approving treaties with foreign powers. Date has sway in all of these proceedings, especially in the house of Councillors. JAPAN | POSITION 019 HIROSHIGE SEKO Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry

Date of Birth: 11/9/1962 Home Country: Japan

Hiroshige Seko was born on November 9, 1962 in Osaka, Japan. A native of Wakayama Prefecture, Seko attained a bachelor's degree in political science from the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan and received a masters from the College of Corporate Communications from Boston University in Boston, USA. He is married to Kumiko Hayashi, a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet or National Legislature branch.

Seko began his career in 1986 as a company employee at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT). In 1996, he was promoted at NTT to the Section Manager in charge of Press relations in the Public Relations at Head Office. Seko began his career in public service by being elected to the House of Councillors from the Wakayama Prefecture in 1998. He was re-elected to this position 2001,2007,2013 and is currently serving his fourth term. Within the House of Councillors during his elected years, Seko was appointed to be the Parliamentary Secretary for Internal Affairs and Communications in 2003, Chairman of the Committee on General Affairs in 2005 and Special Advisor to the Prime Minister in 2006. Seko began to take upon leadership roles within the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) as the Acting Secretary-General in 2010 and finally Chairman, LDP Policy Board in 2012. In 2016, Seko was appointed to roles in Ministry leadership including those of Minister in Charge of Industrial Competitiveness, Minister for Economic Cooperation with Russia, Minister in Charge of the Response to the Economic Impact Caused by the Nuclear Accident, and Minister of State for Special Missions.Finally, on August 3, 2016, Seko was appointed to serve as the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

As the Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade, Seko has many responsibilities under his purview. The official purpose of the METI is to expand Japan’s economy through promoting strong relationships with private corporations and furthering internal economic partnerships. Being the Minister of METI, Seko is responsible for creating policies relating to international investment and trade, energy and structural reforms. METI is also responsible for shaping international trade agreements with other nations and other corporations. JAPAN | POSITION 019

Furthermore, METI is responsible for partnering with private companies in Japan and providing investors market information and suggestions based on Japan’s industries. Some agencies that fall under the scope of METI include Electricity and Gas Markets Surveillance Commission, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Japan Patent Oce and Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. Composed of a network of over 8,000 people, METI is incredibly important considering Japan boasts the world’s third largest economy and facilitates a four trillion US dollar GDP.

Recently, on November 12, 2018, Seko the Ministerial Meeting of East Asia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Negotiations (RCEP negotiations) held in Singapore with representatives from 16 other nations to promote free trade and development in East Asia.

Overt Powers: Influences Japan’s foreign trade and investments Strong Relationships with other Foreign Diplomats and Representatives with those around the world Strong influence of Japan’s national economic policy JAPAN | POSITION 020 KEIICHI ISHII Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism

Date of Birth: 3/20/1958 Home Country: Japan

Keiichi Ishii was born on March 20, 1958 in Tokyo, Japan. Ishii received his Bachelors of Arts in Engineering from The University of Tokyo. He is currently married. Ishii began his career in public service in 1981 when he entered the Ministry of Construction in Japan. In 1992, he resigned from his job as Deputy Director of the Road Bureau at the Ministry. In 1993, Ishii was elected for the first time to the House of Representatives. He was re-elected in 1996, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2009, 20012, 2014, currently serving his eighth term.

Through his tenure in House of Representatives, Ishii was appointed to leadership positions such as Director on the Committee on Finance in 1998, Vice Chair of Policy Research Council at in 2000, Director on the Committee on Financial Affairs in 2001, Director on the Committee on Budget Affairs in 2003, State Minister of Finance in 2003, Deputy Chair of the Policy Research Council at KOMEITO in 2005, Chair of the Civil Activities Committee in 2006, Director of the Treasury and Financial Policy Division at KOMEITO later in 2006, Chair of the Policy Research Council of KOMEITO in 2010, Director of the Committee on Audit and Oversight of Administration in 2012 and Advisor of the Ibaraki Prefectural Office of KOMEITO in 2015. He was later appointed as the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in October of 2015. He is also the Minister in charge of Water Policy in Japan.

As the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Ishii has many responsibilities under his purview. The primary mission of MLIT is to “To create a strong foundation through policies designed to support comfortable communities, vibrant economic society, everyday security, a beautiful environment, and regional diversity.

Overt powers: As the minister, Ishii is tasked with protecting domestic industries while promoting the economy, and advocating for tourism in the nation. He holds powers within the scope of MLIT. This includes being the head of several bureau’s under MLIT including the Road Bureau, Housing Bureau, Railway Bureau, Road Transportation Bureau, Civil Aviation Bureau and more.