This Register of Baptisms for St Nicholas Parish covers August 1849 to November 1850 and contains over 800 names. The information contained in this index shows the date of baptism, the name and occupation (where noted) of the father, the name of the mother, and name and sex of the child where it may not be immediately obvious. Further information in the Register includes the names of witnesses.

The names have been transcribed as written, so some may not conform to modern spellings.

If you would like to know the full entry, please make a note of the names of the people concerned, and the page number of the entry then email [email protected] with your query.

Our thanks go to volunteer Christina Leech for the monumental effort in transcribing this volume.

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 1 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 10th August 1849 William Connon Merchant Mary Davidson Jane 13th August 1849 John McLaren Commission Mercht Williamina Ann Cruickshank John 15th July 1849 Ernest Donald Pork Curer Elspet Grant Isabella Grant 16th August 1849 George Thom Seaman Margaret Ogilvie Hunter Alexander Watt 20th August 1849 Hugh Fraser Clothier Margaret Murray Hugh Alexander 20th August 1849 Alexander Knowles Seaman Susan Cromar Margaret Cromar 16th July 1849 John Milne Clerk of Police Catherine Eleanor Davidson Turner John 17th August 1849 William Main Shoemaker Helen McDonald Mary McDonald 22nd August 1849 Matthew Forbes Carpenter Jane McDonald Mary 4th September 1849 William Cunningham Shipmaster Elizabeth Innes Elizabeth 25th August 1849 John Tocher Merchant Sailor Mary Crockert Henry Crockert 31st August 1849 Alexander McKay Printer Harriet Smith Harriet 2nd September 1849 John Morieson Joiner Ann Ross Ann Cuthbert 24th August 1849 John Webster Spirit Dealer Margaret Lawrie John 13th August 1849 James Singer Carriers Porter Janet Keith Margaret Pirrie 26th June 1849 Alexander Wilson Weaver Merrina Bell James 26th August 1849 Alexander Lyon Sawyer Ann Spalding Maria 2nd September 1849 Alexander Moncure Seaman Sarah Knowles Alexander 28th August 1849 Alexander Craig Seaman Isabella Inch John Inch 7th September 1849 Alexander Linklater Seaman Mary Campbell Barbara Campbell 28th August 1849 James Sim Seaman Mary Ann Garden John Innes 8th August 1849 John Deans InnKeeper Helen Wattie Gordon 9th August 1849 James Berry Gardener Margaret Gooding George 26th August 1849 Robert Fyfe Gardener Jane Allardyce Janet Barron 31st August 1849 William Fraser Tailor May Milne Thomson Catharine Milne 12th August 1849 William Campbell Shipmaster Ann Hay Thomas Bisset 7th Septmeber 1849 Andrew Castell Cotton Spinner Jean Moir Elizabeth 4th September 1849 Andrew Geddes Murray Abdn Lime Co Jane Murray William 9th September 1849 James Simpson House Carpenter Margaret Bain George 29th July 1849 George Greig Mason Jean Thomson Augusta James Thom Seaman Janet McKay Williamina 6th June 1847 George Grey Mason Jean Morrison James 17th June 1849 Charles Small Weaver Ann Low Alexander 12th August 1849 James Will M.D. Ann Hay Anderson Mary Christian 28th August 1849 Alexander Law Sawyer Margaret Watt Elspet 23rd August 1849 Joseph Cook Late Colour Sergeant 1st Battery Royal Artillery Catherine Thompson George 3rd Spetember 1849 William Davidson Architect Sarah Clement Sarah 24th August 1849 William Johnston Labourer Christian Gilmore Alexander 3rd September 1849 Robert McWilliams Porter Frances McQuillon Thomas Gilbert 3rd September 1849 James Masson Seaman Magaret Catto William Robertson 23rd March 1849 John Glennie Tailor Isabel Gordon John 21st July 1847 Robert Watson Builder Margt Cruickshank Ann 2 2 8th July 1847 Charles Lennore Cumming St Nichalas Hotel Ann Michael Ann 19th August 1849 George Skinner Mason Helen Forbes George 17th September 1849 Robert Duncan Millwright Helen Marr Helen 5th September 1849 George Smith Fireman Isabella Gray James 23rd October 1848 William Souttar Writer Mary Mearns Robinson 17th July 1849 Benjamin Hodgson Wool Buyer Margaret Neill Mary Ann 22nd August 1849 James Malcomson Bootcloser Mary Laing William Laing 28th September 1849 John Bain Carpenter Ann Baxter Charles 16th September 1849 John Kay Carpenter Sarah Laing James 25th August 1849 William Mann Labourer Margaret Allan Jean

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 2 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 22nd September 1849 George Fraser Founder Rachel Gray Rachel 15th September 1849 Alexander Dickie Blacksmith Margaret Wilson 16th August 1849 John Gray Mercer (Deceased) Mary Ann Watt Clark Mary Ann Clark 14th September 1849 James Paterson Labourer Christian Innes Alexander 14th September 1849 William Napier Engineer Mary Sangster William 1st September 1849 Alexander Murray Labourer Mary Sangster Mary 16th September 1849 Alexander Morrison Pilot Isabel Forbes Betsy 28th September 1849 Alexander Brown Sailmaker Isabella Ferguson Helen Still 19th September 1849 George Ingram Wright Jean McCombie James Verell 25th Septmber 1849 James Bain Seaman Janet Findlay Janet Findlay 9th September 1849 Murphy Bleacher Bathia Murray William (illegitimate) 18th October 1849 William Main Seaman Margaret Cummings Margaret Reid 19th September 1849 George Sharp Confectioner Jane Shepherd Alexander Scott 18th October 1849 Andrew Forrest (Saddler) Sawyer Elizabeth McDonald Donald 16th October 1849 Charles McGregor Labourer Margaret Ruddiman Joseph Strachan 7th October 1849 George Milne Shipmaster Mary Burness David Burness 6th October 1849 William Ross Church Officer Catherine Watt Christina Leslie 5th October 1849 William Kay Seaman Jean Kay Alexander 12th October 1849 Robert Hunter Pilot Ann Baxter William 11th October 1849 Alexander Norval Mechanic Helen Donaldson James 10th October 1849 William Michael Labourer Jean Murdoch Jessie McBeath 29th September 1849 George Hogg Engineer Justina Bowie James 31st May 1848 George Hogg Engineer Justina Bowie Alexander 19th September 1849 David Wyllie Anne Abernethy George Neill 4th October 1849 Alexander McIntosh Junior Seaman Gordon Shirreffs John William Ross 12th September 1849 John McKenzie Shipmaster Agnes Webster Jane 16th July 1849 John Thomson Rennie Sharebroker Isabella Abernethy Ann Thomson 22nd September 1849 John Mckenzie Merchant Agnes McKay Ann 3rd January 1848 John McKenzie Merchant Agnes McKay Jessie 30th July 1849 Andrew Walker Blacksmith Helen Davidson Andrew (illegitimate) 3 30th September 1849 George Fordyce Tinsmith Margaret Kean George 16th October 1849 Alexander Smith Ship Carpenter Jane Dunbar Jane 16th October 1849 James Steward Comb Maker Susan Leslie Alice 8th September 1849 James Wallace Writer & Inspector of Poor Mary Ann Smith Robert Smith 30th September 1849 Alexander Milne Joiner Ann Will Jessy Law 9th September 1849 George Main Seaman Margaret Crone Jane Dalgairn 14th October 1849 James Greig Merchant Catherine Milne James 22nd October 1849 George Falconer Coach Builder Eliza Forrest George Forrest 16th October 1849 George Allan Advocate Margaret Bisset George Horn Best 26th October 1849 William Dow Seaman Ann Drum William 29th October 1849 Mark Christopher Shipmaster Susan Cormack Ann Isabella 21st May 1849 Adam Gillan Pensioner Catherine McLeod James 22nd October 1849 William Mollison Clerk Margaret Whyte George Booth 17th September 1849 Alexander Ross Book Keeper Jane Wright Penelope Carrick 7th November 1849 George Stirling Grocer Louisa Grant Duncan Alexander 7th September 1849 Henry Mann Carpenter Jessie Gordon Francis Gordon 27th October 1849 Alexander Grant Seaman Margaret Scott Thomas Scott 20th June 1849 Alexander Mackie Seaman Christian Catto Alexander 18th October 1849 John Davidson Stone Cutter Mary Knowles John 4th October 1849 James Robb Meter Margaret Clark Jane 25th August 1849 Robert Webster Shipmaster Jane Young Margaret Young 19th October 1849 James Stuart Bookseller Margaret Duke Mary Jane

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 3 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 26th August 1849 Robert Grate Seaman Sarah Birnie Alexander Shewan 26th October 1849 Alexander Grant Labourer Mary Ferrier Douglas 20th April 1847 George Lothwood Seaman Isabella Donald Isabella 24th September 1849 George Lothwood Seaman Isabella Donald Robert Keith 5th September 1849 James Barclay Merchant Isabella Craigen Isabella Brebner 4th November 1849 George Reid Blacksmith Esther Tait Eliza 31st October 1849 James Morrison Seaman Susan Wilson Archibald Wilson 27th October 1849 Logie Grant Cook Barbaba Allan Isabella Lunan 30th October 1849 William Hogarth Gerrie Seaman Elizabeth Allan Elizabeth 28th October 1849 Colin Durward Porter Mary Coutts Helen 12th September 1849 Alexander Keith Ship Carpenter Helen Falconer Hannah Parker 5th November 1849 James Easton Blacksmith Helen Nicol David 4th October 1849 James Robb Labourer Jean McGregor Jean 6th November 1849 John Donaldson Plasterer Katherine Hunter James 30th October 1849 James McLeod Confectioner Elizabeth Levie Sophia Ann 6th November 1849 John Donaldson Plastere Katherine Hunter James 14th March 1838 John McConnachie (dead) Cooper Isabel Lawrence Elizabeth 19th November 1839 John McConnachie (dead) Cooper Isabel Lawrence Isabella 30th April 1843 John McConnachie (dead) Cooper Isabel Lawrence Ann 4 14th January 1847 John McConnachie (dead) Cooper Isabel Lawrence William 17th October 1849 Robert Farquhar Labourer Margaret Webster Robert 20th October 1849 James McIntosh Seaman Helen Rattray David Mearns 7th December 1843 William Shirer Grocer Hannah Parker Oliver 21st September 1845 William Shirer Writing Clerk Hannah Parker Andrew 28th October 1849 William Shirer Writing Clerk Hannah Parker Alexander Lovie 21st September 1849 Alexander Alexander Junr Captain Margaret Butler Joseph Butler 21st September 1849 Hugh McPherson Blacksmith Margaret Laing Robert 31st October 1849 John Gray Flesher Isabella Bowman Isabella 6th November 1849 Charles Ewen Stone Cutter Helen Hutcheon William 5th November 1849 George Presly Clerk Catherine Mary Marr William Alexander 20th September 1849 James Macdonald Tailor Ann McKay Isabella Ann 18th November 1849 Thomas Mathieson Ship Carpenter Isabella Matthew Thomas 10th October 1849 George Paterson Seaman Mary Ann Christie Mary Ann 20th October 1849 John Walker Seaman Ann Williamson William 3 October 1849 Alexander Shewan Gardener Barbara Birnie Elizabeth 30th October 1849 James Duguid Seaman Henrietta McGregor William 5th November 1849 George Wood Labourer Margaret Tait Isabella 12th November 1849 James Leslie Seaman Euphemia Strath George 6th November 1849 George Rose Candlemaker Margaret Shepherd George 23rd November 1849 James Massie Machine Maker Ann Milne William Robson 28th November 1849 George Davidson Combmaker Isabella Young Jessie Mackie 25th October 1849 Adam Duncan Merchant Jane Farquhar Rachel 22nd November 1849 George Youngson Ironmoulder Christian Alexander William 30th September 1847 George Youngson Ironmoulder Christian Alexander Jane Anderson 19th November 1849 Colin McKinnon Coach Painter Sarah Hewitt Sarah 3rd April 1849 Andrew Phemister Carpenter Elizabeth McBeth John 22nd October 1849 Robert Edward Labourer Elizabeth Moir Helen 5th September 1846 Thomas White Baker Violet Duthie William 5th June 1848 Thomas White Baker Violet Duthie Elizabeth Margaret 12th November 1849 George Lumsden Shore Porter Margaret Donald Janet 16th November 1849 William Strachan Engineer Margaret Barron William 28th November 1849 James Karrack House Carpenter Elizabeth McCombie Ann

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 4 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 13th November 1849 Alexander Hendry Seaman Helen Black Helen 5th November 1849 James Rae Salmon Fisher Elizabeth Anderson Elizabeth 13th November 1849 George Simpson Gardener Elizabeth Findlay Alexander 17th October 1849 Alexander Sutherland Clerk Flora Gordon Jane 13th October 1849 Alexander Shepherd Labourer Barbara Wakler Ann Joss 22nd September 1849 James Stephen Seaman Jessie Fries Jessie Ann 21st November 1849 James Cameron Carpenter Margaret Calder Christina 28th November 1849 James Ledingham Coachman Margaret Cook James 5 12th February 1849 Alexander Leys Coachman Jane Wilson Elizabeth 11th November 1849 Alexander Wood Seaman Isabella Scrogie Mary 17th October 1849 William Copland Merchant Engineer Mary Ann Sinclair William Copland 7th November 1849 Alexander Strachan Grocer Elspet Taylor Thomas 18th November 1849 Thomas Monro Warehouseman Sally Henderson George Henderson 28th November 1848 William Ingram Wright Jane Law William 20th November 1849 Archibald Ross Labourer Christian Fowler Elizabeth 4th December 1849 Arthur Hadden Seaman Margaret McDonald John 16th November 1849 William Scorgie Labourer Margaret Mackie William Hutchison 18th July 1849 Robert Reid Labourer Margaret Davidson Robert 4th December 1849 James Catto Brassfounder Elizabeth Masson George 2nd January 1849 John Berry Plumber Jane Watt George 26th November 1849 Baillie Henry Adamson Shipowner Catherine Saunders John Saunders 31st October 1849 William Templeton M.D. Jane Henderson William 29th November 1849 James Simpson Printer Jopp Grant Elizabeth Strachan 15th December 1849 William Fowler Sail Maker Christian Gow John 7th September 1849 Thomas Scott Brassfinisher Isabella Rae John Baxter 3rd December 1849 John Milne Hosier Jean Allan George Crombie 1st December 1849 Andrew Crane Byrne Writer Elsie Duncan James Duncan 17th December 1849 John Taylor Upholsterer Maria Irvine William 17th November 1849 George Tailor Mason Maria Cruickshank Robert 11th March 1849 John Alexander Carpenter Elizabeth Clark William 6th December 1849 William Shirres Merchant Christian Leslie Alexander 3rd December 1849 William Lumsden Merchant Jane Abernethy Robert 12th December 1849 James Joss Seaman Isabella Collie James 13th December 1849 William Inglis Baker Jean Milne James 10th July 1848 Daniel Ross Carpenter Jean Thom Gordon Alexander 10th November 1849 William Johnston Ironmoulder Margaret Jane Reid William Thomson 3rd December 1849 James Duncan Coal meter Elizabeth McDonald Ann Grant 23rd November 1849 William Dilling Moulder Margaret Elder Walter Carrick 17th November 1849 The Revd Robert Aikman Gray Mathematical School Jane Gordon Robert Aikman 5th December 1849 John Reid Seaman Mary Ann Watt Diana Gordon 23rd November 1849 George Philip Carter Barbara Gordon Walter Carrick 24th November 1849 James Taylor Blacksmith Ann McKenzie James 10th December 1849 John Sutherland Druggist Jane Murray James 10th November 1849 Benjamin Bloyse Seaman Helen Spence Sarah Ann 1st December 1849 Lewis George Blacksmith Ann Lefevre William 23rd October 1849 Janes Abernethy Founder Isabella Bathia Wyllie Susan Margaret 1st January 1850 Alexander Watson Pilot Violet Watson Betsy Hall 29th July 1849 Robert Hall Seaman Agnes Hacket Violet 29th November 1849 Henry Hardie Carpenter Margaret Guthrie Peter 6 12th November 1849 John Petrie Shop Porter Isabella Arthur Robert 17th October 1849 Charles Minchin Ensign First Royals Agnes Rowen Wilson Charles Donald Monro 18th November 1849 George Campbell Distiller Margaret Taylor Helen

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 5 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 16th November 1849 John McHattie Seaman Margaret Yule James Yule 24th December 1849 John Cook Sailmaker Isabella Abercrombie Isabella 11th December 1849 Alexander Davidson Coachman Joan McKenzie Alexander 26th September 1849 John Leslie Dyer Margaret Kay James 10th October 1849 William Bennet Printer Ann Philip Mary 27th December 1849 William Jaffray Shipmaster Mary Crawford Mary 22nd November 1849 Hugh Geddes Seaman Isobel Henderson Skinner Margaret December 1849 Robert Glegg Confectioner Helen Maconachie Isabella 5th January 1850 Alexander McKay Shipmaster Ann Smart Ann 25th December 1849 William Cruickshank Ship Carpenter Mary Leiper John Leiper 30th December 1849 George Robbie Carpenter Margaret Leys Robina 31st August 1844 John Drummond Shoemaker Catherine Salmond Catherine 31st November 1845 John Drummond Shoemaker Catherine Salmond James 18th August 1847 John Drummond Shoemaker Catherine Salmond Robert 3rd May 1849 John Drummond Shoemaker Catherine Salmond John 17th December 1849 William Mckay Merchant Catherine Fleming William Fleming 30th December 1849 William Anderson Printer Mary Robison Helen & Thomas (twins) 16th December 1849 James Prosser Labourer Eliza Adam Margaret 5th November 1849 William Chalmers Carter Agnes Massie James Massie 19th December 1849 James Skinner Flesher Jean Anderson James Anderson 7th April 1848 Thomas Day Groom Jessie Whitton Thomas 2nd January 1850 Thomas Day Groom Jessie Whitton William 25th December 1849 William Sheriffs Seaman Ann Davidson William 2nd January 1850 James Duncan Gardener Margaret Logan George 29th December 1849 Hugh McLeod Ship Carpenter Ann Adams William 16th November 1849 James Booth Tinsmith Catherine McKay William 26th January 1850 William Milne Carpenter Margaret Souter William 9th December 1849 James Gifford Carver & Gelder Mary Robertson Wilhemina 27th November 1849 Alexander Campbell Baker Jean Wyness Janet 19th December 1849 James Brown Greig Shipmaster Auguste Louise Amelie Sallűskowska Auguste 28th December 1849 William Mitchell Seaman Margaret Lees Christina Masson 4th September 1849 Charles Woods Butler Euphemia Johnston Charles 19th December 1849 John Henry Rollens Mariner Martha Boyd Henry James Jun-57 28th December 1849 William Pittendrigh House Carpenter Jean Kay Mary Elizabeth 23rd November 1849 Alexander Simpson Cellarman Margaret Ligertwood Catherine 21st April 1848 James Millar Mason Mary King James Prova 7 10th January 1850 James Millar Mason Mary King Charles 16th December 1849 William Robertson Coachman Mary McHardie Elizabeth 9th January 1850 Alexander Flockhart Advocate Elizabeth Yeats Isabella Christie 5th January 1850 James Milne Ship Carpenter Barbara Torrens Mary McKillop 25th December 1849 George Rennie Printer Elizabeth Mitchell David 9th February 1850 Edward McGungle Shipmaster Rosanna McGungle Edward 14th November 1849 Robert Scott Engineer Ann Middleton William 23rd December 1849 William Lorimer Draper Jean Smith Ebenezer Smith 17th October 1847 Alexander Bannerman Fireman Isabella Simpson John 29th January 1850 Alexander Bannerman Fireman Isabella Simpson David 6th January 1850 William Gibson Overseer Janet McDonald Sarah Downie 6th February 1850 George Liddle Shipmaster Mary Leslie Ellen Browne 19th January 1850 William Ross Labourer Catherine McKenzie James 26th January 1850 Thomas Grant Seaman Jean Duncan Thomas 26th January 1850 John Warren Surveyor of General Post Office Maria Elizabeth Crosby Maria Crosby 28th January 1850 James Simpson Night Watchman Ann Mellis Alexander

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 6 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 13th June 1849 John Paterson Clerk Jean McMillan Helen McMillan 5th January 1850 Henry Clark Baker Jean Watson Margaret Watson 10th January 1850 Henry Stephen Chain Maker Mary Collie Mary Juliet 24th January 1850 William Robertson Flesher Margaret Leys Agnes 22nd January 1850 George Fiddes Carpenter Isabella Aberdein Isabella 25th December 1849 Andrew Berry Woodturner Ann McHattie Jane Smith 26th January 1850 Alexander Crombie Matthew Surgeon Ann Duthie Mary Ann 4th January 1850 James Nicol Clerk Jane Davidson Mary Allardyce 11th January 1850 Thomas Henderson Blacksmith Mary Grant Alexander 21st January 1850 David Reid Druggist Isabella Logie Ann Logie 15th December 1849 George Moir Flesher Bathia Rennie George 13th January 1850 Alexander MacKenzie Upholsterer Katherine Mathieson Alexander 10th December 1849 Robert Hall Officer of Inland Revenue Elizabeth Innes George 12th January 1850 John Donald Seaman Elizabeth Allan James Linklater 16th December 1849 Johh Taylor Groom Barbara Walker Mary Ann 31st January 1850 Patrick Davidson of Inchmarlo Mary Ann Leslie William Leslie 31st January 1850 Thomas Glennie Labourer Elizabeth McQueen John 10th December 1849 William Gray SEaman Margaret Colvin Robert 2nd October 1847 William Gray Seaman Margaret Colvin Ursula 17th September 1849 Jams Forbes Beattie Land Surveyor Jean Byres Copland Charles Adams 8th January 1850 James Jamieson Plumber Elizabeth Dow Isabella Mitchell 1st January 1850 Alexander Fraser Harbour Constable Ann Collie Helen 22nd January 1850 Francis Henry Seaman Isabellla Henderson William & Robert (twins) 16th January 1850 Jonathan Mess Grain Merchant Elixabeth Duguid Catherine 28th December 1849 Ewen McDonald Seaman Margaret Reid Margaret McKenzie 8 29th January 1850 George Reid Blacksmith Helen Bain Thomas Bain 24th June 1849 James Finnie Cabinet Maker Margaret Boyd Margaret 20th October 1849 Robert Murray Seaman Margaret Anderson Hay Robert 21st February 1850 William Wilson Shoemaker Mary Watt Andrew 7th February 1850 Alexander Naughton Seaman Mary Ann Allan Hannah Allan 4th March 1847 Robert Mathieson Shipmaster Eliza Gerry Peter 2nd January 1850 John Ruby Seaman Christian McArthur Alexander 11th February 1850 John Smith Labourer Ann Chalmers Ann 13th January 1850 Peter Duff Labourer Elizabeth Phillip William 24th January 1850 John Todd Stone Cutter Ann French Janet Angus 21st September 1849 John Stewart Comb Manufacturer Mary Irvine Sarah 20th February 1850 John Low Labourer Jean Dunn Margaret 29th January 1850 William Kay Seaman Christina Mitchell William 11th February 1850 James McLean Seaman Mary Ann Bow Ann 18th February 1850 James Alexander Boat Builder Margaret Bridgeford James 25th February 1850 William Thom Grocer Helen Inglis William 12th January 1850 Henry Mouat Cooper Marjory Gifford Mary Henry 21st February 1850 Arthur Fraser Merchant Helen Burnett Rebecca 3rd January 1850 Thomas Jessiman Spirit Dealer Mary Michie Janet 26th February 1850 Edward MacKay Boiler Maker Elizabeth Adams William Adams 18th February 1850 Robert Innes Cooper Jean Main Williamina 12th April 1848 George Anderson Grocer Jane Willox George 4th February 1850 George Anderson Grocer Jane Willox Alexander Willox 26th February 1850 Andrew Garrow Attendant at Lunatic Asylum Margaret Maitland Andrew 1st March 1850 Robert Roberts Seaman Janet McKenzie Isabella 16th February 1850 William Beath Slater Margaret Watt George 3rd February 1850 James Munro Blacksmith Jean Munro John

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 7 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 7th February 1850 John Chisholm Joiner Hannah McGillevray George Galloway 23rd November 1844 George Ruth Seaman Mary Middleton Georgina Middleton 29th February 1848 George Ruth Seaman Mary Middleton Isabella Craigen 8th March 1850 John Brands Whale Fisher Margaret Main Christina Guyan 8th March 1850 Thomas Little Wright Jane Beveridge Margaret Turnbull 10th February 1841 James Strachan Bookseller Margaret Buyers James 9th March 1850 Hugh Dunn Steward "North Star" steamer Sligo Keith Margaret Bisset 27th January 1850 James Tytler Overseer School of Industry Jane Watt Jessie Cumming Milne 9th May 1842 Thomas Clunes Plumber Elspet Tomkins Marion Mansfield 23rd April 1844 Thomas Clunes Plumber Elspet Tomkins Robert Mortimer 17th April 1846 Thomas Clunes Plumber Elspet Tomkins Elspet 3 December 1847 Thomas Clunes Plumber Elspet Tomkins Frances Helena 1st January 1850 Thomas Clunes Plumber Elspet Tomkins Thomas 14th February 1950 John Macrobin M.D. & Professor of Medicine, Marischal College Anna Hare Challoner Eleanor 9 8th July 1849 John Valentine Coachmaker Mary Morrison Mary Pirie 28th August 1840 William King Ropemaker Elizabeth Cullan William Cullan 23rd January 1850 Mariano Castro Teacher Hannah Tucker (female) 8th February 1850 George Forbes Grocer Sarah Murray Sarah 28th February 1850 George Thomson Shipmaster Ann Milne James Nicol 2nd February 1850 Lewis Smith Bookseller Mary Spalding Isaac Forsyth 10th February 1850 James Rust Plasterer Helen Watt James 4th October 1849 William Wishart Mason Mary Ross William 3rd March 1850 James Black Street Porter Margaret Kennedy Margaret 13th March 1850 Alexander Watson Seaman Agnes Henderson Isabella Howie 13th March 1848 George Thomson Baker Sarah Morren Georgina 16th February 1850 George Thomson Baker Sarah Morren Mary 23rd February 1850 Alexander Lyon Leather Merchant Elizabeth Law Alexander 11th July 1840 John Kinmond Fireman Marjory Milne Euphemia Lyon 18th February 1850 John Grant Seaman Helen Henderson Isabella 16th March 1850 John Cooper Hairdresser Jane Riach Williamina Riach 25th December 1848 Andrew Ross Flesher Janet Reid Christina 16th October 1841 Robert Roberts Seaman Janet McKenzie Elizabeth 27th December 1847 Robert Roberts Seaman Janet McKenzie John 16th February 1850 Benjamin Millar Merchant Cecilia Tytler John Stewart 27th March 1848 James Dunn Carter Ann Harvey Ann 22nd March 1850 James Dunn Carter Ann Harvey John 13th March 1850 John Smith Weaver Margaret White James 7th November 1849 Charles Robertson Ironmonger Marjory Laing Marjory Mary Watson 29th November 1849 The Revd W R Pirie D.D. Margaret C Forbes Lewis James 20th March 1850 James Watt Blacksmith Margaret Masson James 4th March 1850 George Morrison Clerk Eliza Manson James Philip 28th November 1847 Mark Pearson Broker Isabella Williamson Mary 19th January 1850 Richard Davies Tailor Ellen Hughes Robert Hughes 30th April 1818 Arthur Gibbon Esquire Elizabeth Montgomery Margaret Livingston 8th October 1849 Peter Hay Janet Mollison Peter 16th March 1850 James Leslie Blacksmith Barbara Main Williamina Main 22nd September 1849 George Walker Seaman Margaret Chalmers Agnes 20th March 1850 James McPherson Stabler Jessie Wattie James 9th February 1850 Thomas Lute Weaver Sarah Hamilton Ann March 1850 William Greig Mason Rachel Mann John Knox 3rd March 1850 John Calder Hardware Merchant Falconer Mearns John 7th March 1850 George Smith Shoemaker Christian Birnie Moses George Birnie

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 8 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 3rd March 1850 John Wood Seaman Catherine Bannerman Allan Alexander Eddie 9th January 1850 Robert Hutchison Seaman Sarah Fisher Thomas 30th December 1849 Alexander McBeth Labourer Janet Cooper Alexander 10th March 1850 William Rough Merchant Isabella Gordon Mary Isabella 10 21st February 1850 David Kerr M.D. Agnes Simpson Robert Forbes 26th March 1850 Alexander Cumming Ship Carpenter Elspet Bartlett James 8th March 1850 Daniel Bloom Preston Comptroller of Customs Mary Susanna Tolver Donald William 1st March1850 James Mitchell Labourer Christina Taylor John 30th March 1850 Thomas Wood Church Beadle Jane Simpson Robert Ledingham 2nd March 1850 James Davidson Carter Jean Aitkin William 14th March 1850 George Urquhart Shipmaster Maria Larry Dally Alexander Duthie 3rd April 1850 James Durno Waiter Margaret Grant William 17th September 1843 James Durno Waiter Margaret Grant Hugh 7th May 1848 Thomas Robertson Merchant Janet Mowat Thomas 28th November 1844 Alexander Mowat Manufacturer Jane Mackie Alexander 30th July 1847 Alexander Mowat Manufacturer Jane Mackie James 24th July 1844 John McGregor Seaman Agnes Duncan William Maitland 5th March 1850 David Low Seaman Helen Dick Helen 19th April 1850 Robert Mackie Seaman Jessie Taylor Falconer 16th April 1850 Alexander Cruickshank Butler Isabella Paterson William 6th March 1850 William Jaffray Confectioner Ann Law Ann 5th April 1850 George McKay Tailor Barbara Morrison Alexander Morrison 15th March 1850 Charles Forbes Seaman Mary Ann Forbes Jane Dow 17th April 1850 Alexander Towie Advocate Margaret Mackie Margaret Jemima 21st April 1850 Andrew Crockert Engineer Rachel Fairnie Alexander 24th March 1850 James Jamieson Porter Jane Stephen John 8th April 1850 James Henderson Architect Mary Elmslie Jane Elmslie 4thApril 1850 James Knowles Flesher Helen Fraser Helen 5th March 1850 James Wharton Spirit Dealer Ann Atkinson Sarah Ann 11th April 1850 William Morrison Engineer Jean Simpson Alexander 5th April 1850 Alexander Finlayson Tailor Mary Shand James Shand 30th March 1850 Alexander Findlay Merchant Margaret Smith James Smith 15th March 1850 James Henderson Blacksmith Mary Law Helen 4th April 1850 John McKenzie Porter Christian Bruce Margaret 9th March 1850 Alexander Dey Coach Guard Margaret Stephen James Stephen 13th October 1840 William Gillan Tidewaiter Ann Smith James 8th April 1850 James Shand Shoemaker Margaret Mellis John 17th March 1850 Alexander Levie Shipmaster Jane Rose Elizabeth 1st January 1850 Alexander Paul Weaver Elizabeth Stewart William 12th April 1850 Robert Law Carpenter Ann Rennie Alexander 14th April 1850 Robert Wilson Bookseller Christian Rannie William 7th April 1850 William Henderson Shoemaker Elizabeth Robertson William 7th April 1850 John Geddes Mason Mary Gillispie Isabella 9th April 1850 Andrew McDonald Shore Porter Rachel Cantley Isabella 30th April 1850 Alexander Smith Wood Merchant Mary Ann Thomson Mary Ann 11 3rd April 1850 John McHardy Blacksmith Elizabeth Rae James 2nd April 1850 George Bruce Watchman Ann Duncan Alexander Stevenson 16th January 1850 Robert Scott Sangster Butcher Ann Lawson Watt Margaret Scott 6th May 1850 Mark Adamson Seaman Catherine Wilson William Adamson 15th May 1849 Andrew Gage Overseer Sophia Imray William 4th July 1844 John McHardy Blacksmith Elizabeth Rae John 12th June 1847 John McHardy Blacksmith Elizabeth Rae William

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 9 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 12th February 1850 Andrew Reid Merchant Rebecca Hannah Robertson Patrick 10th April 1850 Andrew Dickie Painter Isabella Troup George 3rd March 1850 Dugald Cameron Tar Distiller Jean Campbell Margaret 10th April 1850 John Stott Blacksmith Jean Clerk Jane 10th July 1847 Kenneth Munro Baker Margaret McIntosh Donald 6th April 1850 Kenneth Munro Baker Margaret McIntosh Isabella McIntosh 14th May 1849 Patrick Joss Clerk Susan Mitchell Isabella McCook 7th Apirl 1850 William Bruce Mason Marjory Clark William 31st April 1850 Robert Davidson Gardener Georgina Russel Elizabeth 6th May 1850 Robert Guyan Seaman Margaret Main Jane Main 13th May 1850 Lockhart Duncan Grocer Mary Ann Blackhall Mary Ann McRae 8th April 1850 The Revd Archibald Storie Ann Avery Craig Helen Dickson 30th September 1849 Sholto Douglas Millwright Isabella Anderson Sholto 18th April 1850 James McAlpin Shoemaker Jane McKenzie Margaret 18th May 1850 John Gall Merchant Isabella Milne Alexander 1st May 1850 James Westland Banker in Aberdeen Agnes Monro Helen 1st May 1850 John McKay Combmaker Mary Melvin Catherine 30th April 1850 Alexander Gibb Civil Engineer Margaret Smith George Stegman 23rd May 1850 Joseph Munro Weaver Elspet Swap Alexander Stewart & Joseph (twins) 2nd May 1850 James Collie Isabella Moir Alice 29th April 1850 William Duncan Labourer Elizabeth Robertson George Robertson 25th May 1850 James MacAllan Wilson Police Officer Jean Smart Alexander Hogarth 17th April 1850 George Anderson Merchant Margaret Whyte Robert Whyte 12th May 1850 John Taylor Spirit Dealer Jane Wright Helen Jane 25th March 1850 James Robson Butler Nicolas Glennie Nicolas Elizabeth 14th May 1850 John McDonald House Carpenter Isabella Scroggie Ann 16th May 1850 John Smith (deceased) Seaman Martha Minan Mary Sutherland 4th November 1848 John Reid Senior Mason Jean Craigie Patrick 7th July 1850 Alexander Webster Ginger Beer Brewer Agnes Sangster John Clark 5th June 1850 Hamilton Fraser Shipmaster Jane Flett Jane 22nd May 1850 Thomas Wilson Shopkeeper Ann Reid Thomas 13th December 1845 Charles Mathieson Blacksmith Grace Robertson Peter 8th May 1850 Charles Mathieson Blacksmith Grace Robertson Williamina 19th March 1850 Alexander Stratton Labourer Christian Henderson Mary Denham 12 2nd May 1845 Joseph Faber Willett Shipmaster Mary Bruce Joseph 4th April 1847 Joseph Faber Willett Shipmaster Mary Bruce Mary Elizabeth 6th September 1848 Joseph Faber Willett Shipmaster Mary Bruce William Bruce 19th April 1850 Joseph Faber Willett Shipmaster Mary Bruce Henry 24th May 1850 Alexander Forbes Cooper Elspet Brands Agnes Allan 2nd May 1850 George Porter Labourer Mary Henderson Charles 15th May 1850 Andrew Morice Seaman Mary Gray James Moore 20th May 1850 James Riddell Collector Poors Rates Fanny Fowler Isabella Anne 25th April 1850 James Farquhar Margaret Taylor Robert Hunter 5th June 1850 Robert Jamieson Shipmaster Elizabeth Harrison William 3rd April 1843 Arthur Law Grocer Sarah Mathewson Helen Dunn 5th February 1847 Arthur Law Grocer Sarah Mathewson Arthur 4th August 1848 Arthur Law Grocer Sarah Mathewson Janet Stephen 15th May 1850 James Marshall Blacksmith Margaret Anderson Isabella 3rd June 1850 William Mackay Machine Maker Margaret Philips Alexander Scott 22nd May 1850 William Will Porter Catherine Arnott William 1st April 1848 Robert McKilliam Confectioner Jane Rhind Mary Helen 20th December 1849 Robert McKilliam Confectioner Jane Rhind Alexander

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 10 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 21st May 1850 Daniel Ross Ship Carpenter Jane Thom Gordon Donald Gordon 14th April 1850 William Findlay Labourer Sarah Ogilvie John & George (twins) 12th May 1850 George Knowles Engineer Jane Riddel Jane 30th May 1850 John Wright House Carpenter Jessie Jessiman Jessie Ann 4th February 1850 Seton Meston Merchant Isabella Ferguson Alexander 17th May 1850 James Brander Draper Eliza Caithness William 9th June 1850 James Douglas Cabinet Maker Amelia Kerr Isabella 13th June 1850 George Pirie Seaman Jessie Henderson Jessie Henderson 18th February 1850 Donald Fraser Labourer Isaella Stewart Margaret Mollison 29th May 1850 Shelton Morrison Seaman Esther McPherson William Hird 15th January 1850 William Gillies Seaman Isabella Blaikie Alison 24th June 1850 George Cruikshank Shipowner Mary Smith James Leslie 5th May 1850 Francis Smith Accountant N. of S. Bank Mary Leslie Anne Leslie 8th June 1850 Robert Munro Labourer Elizabeth Dunbar John 17th June 1850 William Reid Grocer Janet Jessiman Margaret 27th June 1850 Thomas Leslie Labourer Ann Ross Isabella 25th June 1850 Alexander Clark Shipmaster Elizabeth Milne Margaret Low 17th May 1850 Samuel Geddes Merchant Elspet Davidson Samuel 23rd June 1850 Sergeant Phillip Ross Royal Artillery Isabella Urquhart Philip 8th June 1850 Robert Taylor Seaman Mary Jack Elizabeth 28th July 1819 Alexander McDonald Stonecutter Isabella Henderson Isabella 27th June 1833 Alexander McDonald Stonecutter Jessie Patterson Anne 22nd October 1835 Alexander McDonald Stonecutter Jessie Patterson Elizabeth 13 27th December 1837 Alexander McDonald Stonecutter Jessie Patterson Alexander 2nd September 1840 Alexander McDonald Stonecutter Jessie Patterson Jessie 2nd April 1845 Alexander McDonald Stonecutter Jessie Patterson Margaret 27th January 1847 Alexander McDoanld Stonecutter Jessie Patterson Williamina Georgina 8th March 1850 Archibald Campbell Brown Music Seller Louisa Medd Archibald George 14th March 1850 Duncan Clark Flaxdresser Margaret Campbell Duncan 5th June 1850 David Alexander Weaver Ann Forbes Joseph Stratton 25th February 1850 William Buckner Shoemaker Jemima Simpson ?Gowen 6th June 1850 John Lawson Merchant Margaret Booth Mary 27th June 1850 Alexander Birnie Carpenter Mary Nicol Alexander 24th June 1850 William Duguid Merchant Elizabeth Duguid Annie Esther Mackinlay 27th June 1850 Alexander Duncan Boatman Elizabeth McDonald James Alexander 12th July 1850 Andrew Harrow Fireman Agnes Murdoch Francis 20th August 1849 James Emslie Dentist Jane Gillies James 6th July 1850 James Pratt Merchant Margaret Edwards James 23rd June 1850 Alexander Low Manufacturer Margaet Smith Johanna Smith 9th July 1850 William Davidson Gardener Elizabeth Williamson Robert 2nd July 1850 Andrew Grant Porter Elspet Thomson Thomas 11th June 1850 John Davidson Merchant Ann Davidson Alexander Fraser 2nd June 1850 William Routledge Manufacturer Elizabeth Gibb Alexander Leslie 16th June 1850 Peter Cantley Shore Porter Helen Smith Richard 19th June 1850 William Cromar Clerk Jane Lawson Christina 18th April 1850 Alexander Duncan Labourer Margaret Trail Alexander 28th June 1850 Hamilton Franklin Clerk of St Paul's Chapel Sophia Scott Benjamin 20th January 1850 Neil Wilson Labourer Catherine Sutherland Alexander 2nd July 1850 James Hay Proprietor Margaret Murray John 14th July 1850 Garden Tytler Ironmoulder Ann Riddel Robert Boyd 8th May 1850 John Paterson Tailor Jean Fyfe Hugh Duncan 15th June 1850 John Nicol Seaman Mary Mitchell James

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 11 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 24th June 1850 Hugh Deverley Watchmaker Mary Laing Georgina Angus 1st July 1850 James Anderson Fireman Janet Fraser Robert 19th May 1850 Atwood Wizzele Engineer Eliza Fade Eliza 1st July 1850 John Fyfe Engineer Jane Milne John Milne 3rd July 1850 Thomas White Baker Violet Duthie Violet Duthie 4th June 1850 John Allan Shoemaker Helen Taylor Janet 16th July 1850 Charles Nicol Seaman Jean Beedie Jemima Beddie 13th July 1850 Robert Gowans Shoemaker Barbara Joss Robert 9th July 1850 William Connon Merchant Isobel Lucas Mary Ann 12th July 1850 George Rennie Junr Shipmaster Elizabeth Webster Stewart Alexander Stewart 20th May 1850 George Mitchell Merchant Ann Kelman James Ritchie 14 2nd July 1850 George Allan Carpenter Jessie Greig John Edward 28th April 1850 James Keith Clerk Jane Philip William Leslie 16th June 1850 George Donald Painter & Glazier Elizabeth Milne Mary Ann 10th July 1850 John Milne Meat Seller Catherine Duguid William 15th June 1850 James Jack Mechanic Ann Campbell Ann 12th July 1850 John Anderson Mason Helen McGregor John 7th July 1850 James Thomson Labourer Elspet Bruce Georgina 27th July 1850 George Scott Shoemaker Isabella Jolly George 2nd June 1847 Robert Cobban Seaman Isabella Will Robert 11th November 1840 Robert Cobban Seaman Isabella Will Isabella Christina 22nd June 1850 Joseph Lawrence Tailor Agnes Phillip Joseph 5th June 1850 James Smith Mason Agnes Raeburn Elizabeth 9th July 1850 Thomas Black Ship Carpenter Ann Mills John Duthie 17th February 1848 Thomas Black Ship Carpenter Ann Mills Margaret 30th September 1849 John Marshall Clerk Jane Thom Catherine Isabella 1st July 1850 Peter Macaldowie Brush Maker Jane Allan William 19th July 1850 Robert Donald Shipmaster Margaret Shepherd Isabella Alexander 31st January 1849 Adam Watt Clothier & Tailor Henrietta Milne Elizabeth 24th July 1850 Adam Watt Clothier & Tailor Henrietta Milne Henrietta 26th June 1845 James Cooper Currier Mary Falconer Mary Masson 31st March 1847 James Cooper Currier Mary Falconer Christian 13th February 1849 James Cooper Currier Mary Falconer James 20th May 1850 Farquharson Paterson Spirit Dealer Margaret Clark James Annand 20th July 1850 Alexander Scott Shoemaker Janet Ness Patrick 29th July 1850 Alexander Guyan White fisher Ann Allan William 13th May 1850 Alexander Bannerman Tinsmith Isabella Wood William 26th July 1850 William Catto Allan Merchant Margaret Taylor Ann Ross 1st August 1850 Walter McConon Engineer Jane Gray Alexander 28th July 1850 Alexander Duguid Merchant Helen Ross Wilson Helen Jane 22nd July 1850 William Jolly Seaman Elizabeth Anderson John Anderson 29th July 1850 John Edmond Bookbinder Elizabeth Maitland John Philip 28th July 1850 Robert Benzie Tailor Jane Jolly Alexander 9th August 1850 Alexander George Draper Mary Ann Salvin Thomas Kidd 25th September 1840 Henry Ronald Seaman Margaret Smart Alexander 19th August 1850 John Gordon Carpenter Mary McKenzie Mary Ann 20th July 1850 William Anderson Shoemaker Margaret Stephen George Reid 10th August 1850 David Williamson Ship Carpenter Isabella Marr Harriet Pringle 22nd July 1850 John McWilliam Merchant Elspet Wright Robert 29th July 1850 Peter Donald Fireman Ann Gordon John Grant 21st August 1850 Isaac Mathieson Draper Jane Roy George Thomson 15 19th August 1850 George Ledingham Machine Maker Mary Machray Isabella

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 12 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 23rd December1848 George Ldingham Machine Maker Mary Machray John Machray 29th June 1850 Alexander Falconer Labourer Ann Courage Jessie Jane 16th August 1850 Charles Abernethy Seaman Elizabeth Innes Alexander John Tytler Clerk Margaret Hutton Margaret Hutton 13th February 1846 Henry Feullit Cabinet Maker Mary Black Mary Francis 14th June 1850 Adam Thomson junior Butcher Jane Sangster Margaret Sinclair 29th July 1850 Alexander Gray Bookseller Elizabeth Moir Elizabeth Jane 23rd August 1850 Alexander Bowman Carpenter Margaret Fraser Mary Fraser 10th November 1836 James Strachan Millwright Catherine Jamieson Alexander Gibbon 4th August 1850 James Rennie Labourer Ann Urquhart Jean Park 23rd August 1850 William Charles Mason Elizabeth Copland Isabella 8th August 1850 James Linley Dyer Magdeline Ross Mary Jane 12th August 1850 John Michie Tinsmith Ann Gordon William 3rd April 1849 George Edwards Carpenter Mary Baxter William Mair 15th July 1841 John Robb Merchant Mary Milne John 21st July 1850 James Hall Wilson Editor Anne Knox James Knox 27th August 1850 James Young Seaman Jane Kennedy John Kennedy 10th July 1850 William Smith Architect Mary Blaikie Margaret Grant 6th August 1850 John Wilson Labourer Catharine Thom Catharine 5th September 1850 John Walker Salmon Fisher Catharine Murray Andrew Gordon 20th September 1848 John Wilson Labourer Catharine Thom Alexander Sievwright 29th July 1850 James Abernethy Harbour Engineer Ann Mill Mary Johnston 16th August 1850 James Low Seaman Christian thomson James Low 9th August 1850 James Sutherland Shipmaster Jessie Ireland James 17th April 1842 David Law Tailor Mary Reid David 13th August 1850 John Hay junior Carver & Gilder Ann Lyall John 1st August 1850 Alexander Pirie Broker Mary Cairns Alexander 17th July 1850 Charles Wilson Letter Carrier Ann McDonald George 5th August 1850 William Smith Wright Margaret Longmuir Alexander Longmuir 28th August 1850 John (Gordon) Ford Labourer Maria Sutherland Maria Sutherland 13th August 1850 John Scott Blacksmith Mary Cruden Margaret 6th September 1850 William Rezen Tailor Mary Henderson Helen 20th August 1850 George Edward Grocer Margaret Brown Isabella Berry 26th July 1850 John Cargill Shipmaster Mary Duthie Mary Ann William Joss Clerk Jean Bonnar William 29th August 1850 William Connon Ship Carpenter Agnes Smith David 2nd August 1850 James Leys Seaman Margaret Jolly Margaret 12th August 1850 John Longmuir Minister of Manners Church Lilias Milne Jane Christian 3rd September 1850 William Warder Blacksmith Jemima Jane Lindsay James Lindsay 16 23rd May 1850 William Pittendrigh Seaman Ann Machray Mary Ann 25th July 1831 John Ogilvie Baker Margaret Littlejohn John 8th February 1836 John Ogilvie Baker Margaret Littlejohn Thomas 5th October 1837 John Ogilvie Baker Margaret Littlejohn William Littlejohn 9th February 1840 John Ogilvie Baker Margaret Littlejohn Charles 1st November 1841 John Ogilvie Baker Margaret Littlejohn Margaret 25th January 1844 John Ogilvie Baker Margaret Littlejohn James Littlejohn 13th September 1850 John Jamieson Shipmaster Mary Henry Diana 29th July 1850 William Watson Blacksmith Isabella Mathison William Henry 17th August 1850 Alexander Greig Flesher Isabella Gray James 26th August 1850 William Brebner Mason Agnes Charles Alexander 3rd September 1850 James Petrie Seaman Isabella Paterson James 20th June 1850 Francis Robertson Woolsorter Elizabeth Middleton Elizabeth

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 13 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 9th October 1846 James Forbes Seaman Christian Hutcheon James 8th January 1849 John Henderson Mason Isabella Robertson John 13th September 1850 John Gerrard Seaman Marjory Dow Helen Wilson 1st February 1842 Alexander Gray Carter Margaret Cameron Alexander 28th August 1850 Robert Lumsden Seaman Mary Ann Daniel Robert 24th August 1850 James Bruce Seaman Margaret Taylor Margaret 4th September 1850 Magnus Smith Labourer Ann Margaret Henderson Johanna 9th August 1850 John McAldowie Clerk Isabella Morison Christina McLean 3rd September 1850 Robert Fullerton Day Patrole Jessie Taylor Jessie 27th August 1850 Alexander Clark Carpenter Elizabeth Wood William 16th July 1850 Robert Walker White fisher Ann Guyan George Deary 15th June 1848 Daniel Graham Engineer Johanna Fraser Lewis Fraser 2nd September 1850 Daniel Graham Engineer Johanna Fraser Jemima Hall 3rd September 1850 Alexander Scott Leather Merchant Jessie Phillip John Bremner 10th September 1850 William Mellis Joiner Jessie Fraser Isabella Walker 1st September 1850 Lamuel Young Mill Overseer Helen Cruickshank John 12th September 1850 James Thomson Pavier Jean Jolly Elizabeth Fowler 16th September 1850 John Alexander Findlay Druggist Elizabeth Cassie Jane 29th August 1850 James Milne Shore Porter Elizabeth McRae James Gordon 25th August 1850 John Black Seaman Ann Duncan Charlotte 14th September 1850 George Bannerman Allan Shipmaster Elspet Rennie Elspet 20th September 1850 Forbes Allan Whitefisher Jessie Leiper Jane Henry Cook 25th September 1850 John Gunn Labourer Christian Main John James Craig 3rd October 1850 John MacDonald Labourer Janet Skinner John 4th September 1849 William Thorne Dyer Catherine Cattanach Ann Reid 17 19th September 1850 John Robertson Cabinet Maker Rachael Duncan Isabella Dearie 19th August 1850 Alexander Ogilvie Upholsterer Sarah Dick Sarah Lillias 18th September 1850 George Kelman Seaman Lilias Barnet Davidson Ann Barnet 22nd August 1850 John Brown Millwright Margaret Cumming Ann Alexander Sievewright Wright (F) James Craigen Baker (M) James Allan Shipmaster (F) 9th October 1850 Robert Jones Seaman Margaret Smith Robert 2nd December 1842 William Thorne Dyer Catharine Cattanach Williamina 4th January 1844 William Thorne Dyer Catharine Cattanach James 21st January 1846 William Thorne Dyer Catharine Cattanach Catharine 18th September 1850 James McKay Blacksmith Elizabeth Main John Wills 13th September 1850 John McGregor Fireman Christian Reid James Divorty 26th August 1850 George J Nicol M.D. Agnes Blackie William 6th October 1850 Macduff Cordiner Rae Seaman Ann Stewart Mary 14th September 1850 Thomas Knowles Flesher Helen Elenora Duguid Elizabeth Keith 19th August 1850 James Fairweather Labourer Helen Alexander George Alexander 16th September 1850 Alexander Mackie Butler Jean Davidson Alexander Distin 14th October 1850 Alexander Muckle Seaman Margaret Gray Alexander 29th September 1850 George Jessiman Spirit Dealer Janet Watt Janet 8th October 1850 James Jarvis Hosier Mary Walker Edward Walker 24th September 1850 John Hadden Mason Bathia Club Jessie Margaret 18th September 1850 Alexander Stewart Mason Elizabeth Work Eliza 24th September 1850 William Patrick Labourer Margaret Mennie George Mennie 6th October 1850 George Toddim Pensioner Jessie Oswald William James

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 14 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 28th September 1850 William Smart Merchant Margaret Knowles Margaret 27th September 1850 Alexander Anderson Labourer Jane Lawrence Ann Anderson 20th August 1850 Alexander McRobb Carpenter Margaret Bonnar John 10th January 1843 Alexander Cooper Labourer Margaret Coutts James 5th February 1846 Alexander Cooper Labourer Margaret Coutts Margaret 27th September 1848 Alexander Cooper Labourer Margaret Coutts George 16th October 1850 James Munro House Carpenter Elspet Dunn Helen Ann Fettes 15th October 1850 George Cruickshank Labourer Janet Mathieson George 15th September 1850 James Strachan Foreman Jean Smith Alexander Dalgarno 22nd January 1847 William Patrick Labourer Margaret Mennie David 11th October 1815 Robert Fraser Weaver Hopkin Davidson Alexander 19th October 1819 Robert Fraser Weaver Hopkin Davidson John 25th October 1821 Robert Fraser Weaver Hopkin Davidson William 2nd October 1850 James McKenzie Baker Jean McKenzie Alfred 5th September 1850 John Anderson Bookbinder Mary Ann Simpson John 25th September 1850 Henry Campbell Oswald Sharebroker Elizabeth McKenzie James Kidd 18 19th October 1850 George Reid Blacksmith Janet Kelman Jessie 2nd October 1850 Andrew Strachan Coachmaker Mary Sharp Isabella 25th September 1850 Alexander Bowie Seaman May Robertson Marjory 15th August 1832 Alexander Coutts Mason Mary Robertson George 25th August 1850 John Smith Inn Keeper Mary Adamson Allan Christina Walker 2nd October 1850 Robert Walker Fireman Agnes Paton Mary 12th September 1850 Alexander Munro Shoemaker Jessie Skennie John Urquhart 27th October 1850 George Forbes White fisher Ann Masson Eliza Bird 6th October 1850 Alexander Anderson Cattle Dealer Jane Milne Jane 6th October 1850 James Smith Causey Dresser Jane Harper James 1st November 1850 William Collie Steward Ann Smith James Smith 2nd October 1850 Robert Wilson Founder Isabella McKay John Milne 12th October 1850 Thomas Cowie Ship Carpenter Elizabeth Murrison Elizabeth Colin McLeod Tinsmith Agnes Watson Sarah 29th October 1850 William Smith Painter Jane Allanach Harriet Jane 15th September 1850 William Reid Rope & Sail Maker Margaret Spink Eliza 28th October 1850 James Knox Seaman Williamina Witherspoon Margaret 11th October 1850 William Knowles Engineer Isabel Hutcheon Rebecca 4th June 1850 Angus McIntosh Engineer Helen Walker William (illegitimate son) 18th May 1849 Alexander Cattach Steward Mary Simpson Mary Ann 13th September 1850 Alexander Cattach Steward Mary Simpson Alexander 21st November 1849 James Adams Woolsorter Elizabeth Robb Christina Singer 9th April 1847 James Adams Woolsorter Elizabeth Robb Elizabeth Robb 23rd November 1849 Robert Burgess Woolsorter Ann Greig Selby James 3rd June 1850 Robert Cobban Shipmaster Isabella Will George Watson 12th October 1850 John Wood Piano Forte Maker Margaret Findlay Margaret 28th October 1850 Alexander Rainnie Builder Jane England James 16th August 1850 Charles Robbie Quilldresser Marion Barker Elspet Rebecca 2nd June 1848 Alexander Malcolmson Shoemaker Margaret McMillan Jane Jaffray 20th December 1849 Alexander Malcolmson Shoemaker Margaret McMillan Jessie Law 5th October 1850 James Tytler Moulder Mary Ann Catto George 6th November 1850 James Watson Seaman Jannet Hird Margaret 15th December 1849 Robert Reid Ship Carpenter Margaret Stevenson Isabella Stevenson 4th September 1850 Thomas Grant Baker Christina Munro Mary Ann 14th November 1850 John Ritchie Seaman Jean Bruce John 4th November 1850 James Walker Clerk Christina Fyfe Margaret Nicol

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 15 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 30th October 1850 George Elmslie Merchant Margaret Diana Manson Margaret Manson 13th October 1850 James Aiken Artist Isabella Lamont Emily 1st November 1850 Daniel McKenzie Blacksmith Isabella Graham Thomas 10th August 1844 Daniel McKenzie Blacksmith Isabella Graham Angus 2nd October 1850 John Duncan Moulder Barbara Gill Isabella Irvine 19 30th October 1850 John Forbes Pilot Ann Guyan Andrew Brands 26th October 1850 Finlay Munro Labourer Prudence Ferguson Margaret 6th September 1850 James Coutts Builder Janet Burnett George 4th September 1848 Alexander Cay Seaman Agnes Webster Alexander 23rd September 1850 Alexander Cay Seaman Agnes Webster Elizabeth Isabel 25th September 1825 John Malcolmson Seaman Mary Jolly Alexander 2nd November 1850 Alexander Lindsay Flaxdresser Ann Mollison Wilhelmina McKenzie & Margaret Jane (twins 27th April 1848 Alexander Strachan Carpenter Rachel Wallace William 9th April 1850 Alexander Strachan Carpenter Rachel Wallace Alexander 30th October 1850 William Duguid Seaman Christina Flett Jessie Flett 10th November 1850 James Walker Merchant Isabella Lillie Isabella Mary 5th July 1848 Peter Bell Labourer Helen Chrighton Helen 22nd August 1850 Peter Bell Labourer Helen Chrighton John 23rd October 1850 Joseph Irvine Carpet Weaver Margaret Kiloh Thomas Birch 31st October 1850 George Glennie Baker Isabella Hadden Sangster Elizabeth Allan 3rd November 1850 William Masson Seaman Margaret Guyan Margaret 29th September 1850 William Phillip Plasterer Jessie Edgar Helen Edgar 17th October 1850 Alexander Smith Carter Mary Christie Alexander 15th June 1850 Robert Scott Seaman Margaret Strachan Robert 29th August 1850 Alexander Park Ship Carpenter Jessie Paterson Catherine (illegitimate) 25th September 1850 James Smith Watchmaker Marion Wilson William Alexander 10th November 1850 Peter Murray Cabinet Maker Jane Fraser John 29th June 1849 John Mutch Clerk Catherine Jack Christian Simpson 22nd April 1850 George Hird Painter Barbara Simpson Elizabeth Hill (illegitimate) 13th October 1850 George Skakle Clerk Mary McIvor Alexander Kidd 28th December 1849 James Eaton Stone Cutter Elizabeth Smith Williamina Smith 7th September 1850 Thomas Douglas of Douglas Hotel Jessie Gray Jessie Richardson 24th October 1850 John Dickie Labourer Catherine Mitchell Elizabeth 24th March 1848 John Dickie Labourer Catherine Mitchell Alexander 7th April 1850 David Robertson Inn Keeper Ann Edwards David 29th October 1850 William Williams Commission Agent Mary Duthie William 8th November 1850 James Craig Shoemaker Mary Ann Russel William 2nd December 1850 George Hadden Seaman Eliza Cunningham George 28th November 1850 Walter Gray Merchant Jane Birnie Cassie Walter 27th November 1850 John Allan Labourer Elizabeth Ross James Gillespie 22nd October 1850 James Martin Seaman Catherine Matthew James Alexander 26th October 1850 John Law Baker Ann Mutch George William 7th December 1850 Charles Fraser Grocer Isabella Tweedie Jessie Douglas 8th November 1850 Charles McGregor Weaver Margaret Ruddiman Ann 7th October 1850 Alexander Kemp Cabman Melvina Bell Jessie 21st September 1850 William Lumsden Carpenter Agnes Milne (m) 20 18th April 1850 Michael McNelly Labourer Jean Leslie (f) 12th November 1850 William Hutcheon Silk Mercer Jessie White (m) 16th October 1850 William Talbot Shipmaster Eliza Maitland (m) 13th March 1850 James Davidson Agent deceased Ann Talbot (f) 14th September 1837 Alexander Robertson Shipmaster Charlotte Ronald (m) 4th December 1850 John Allan Pilot Rachel Guyan (f)

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 16 Date of Birth Father's name Father's Designation Name and Maiden Surname of Mother Child's name 6th November 1850 Andrew Geddes Murray Agent Jane Murray (m) 3rd December 1850 Henderson Robertson Bookbinder Margaret McKay (m) 22nd November 1850 George Morison Shoemaker Elizabeth Williamson (m) 24th November 1845 George Morison Shoemaker Elizabeth Williamson (m) 18th November 1850 George McKay Slater Elizabeth Ewen (f) 6th July 1848 George Morison Shoemaker Elizabeth Williamson (m) 18th December 1843 Charles Hall Labourer Mary Stuart (f) 11th November 1850 James Spence Draper Margaret Lawrie (f) 16th November 1850 Robert Stobie Coach Builder Agnes Beaton (m) 1st November 1850 Robert Laing Seaman Mary Kennedy (m) 24th November 1850 James Shepherd Druggist Mary Hendry (m) 19th June 1850 George Connon Grocer Jean Rhind (f) 1st December 1850 Robert Smart Coachmaker Helen Allan (m) 19th September 1850 John Morrison Tailor Jane Pithie (m) 2nd January 1849 John Boyce Shoemaker Mary Ann Davidson (f) 2nd October 1850 John Boyce Shoemaker Mary Ann Davidson (m) 15th December 1850 George Hepburn Seaman Louisa Thompson (f) 12th November 1850 John Scott Wood Merchant Christian Gibson (m) 2nd February 1843 Alexander Anderson Shoemaker Agnes Anderson (f) 16th February 1848 Alexander Anderson Shoemaker Agnes Anderson (f) 31st August 1850 Alexander Anderson Shoemaker Agnes Anderson (f) 13th December 1850 William Milne Shoemaker Barbara Murray (f) 19th December 1850 Donald Swanson Cooper Isabella Tait (m) 15th December 1850 George Clark Dyer Margaret Lumsden Walker (f) 29th October 1850 William Brown Fishing Tackle Maker May Ann Calder (m) 23rd November 1850 George Bain Sawyer Elspet Morrison (m) 31st August 1849 John Wilson House Carpenter Margaret Allan (f) 25th December 1850 James Holder McKay Engineer Helen Cameron (m) 23rd October 1850 John Milne Boiler Maker Elizabeth Butchard (m) 14th October 1850 James McBeath Flesher Jessie Murdoch (m) 31st December 1850 Alexander Morice Pilot Elspet Webster (f) 27th April 1841 David Forrest Sawyer Barbara Reid (m) 28th November 1850 James Frater Clerk Mary Low (m)

Register of Baptisms, 1849 - 1850 Page 17