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Monthly News 2003 FIVB World Cup Volleyball MONTHLY NEWS� 2003ワールドカップバレーボール� Women's Event November1-15, 2003� Men's Event November 16-30, 2003� 女子:2003年11月1日~15日� 男子:2003年11月16日~30日� Vol.1� � In order to acquire qualifications to the after keeping on winning their continental 来年に迫ったアテネ・オリンピックの出場権 Athens 2004 Olympic Games coming next qualifications from 218 countries affiliated (男女とも上位3チームに与えられる)をかけて、 year, the 2003 FIVB World Cup Volleyball to FIVB, will be coming gather to Japan for 世界の強豪男女12ヵ国が覇を競う2003年最大 for Men and Women - the biggest and the participating in the 2003 World Cup - the のスポーツイベント・ワールドカップバレー2003が most exciting & spectacular sports event in 10th edition for Men's event and the 9th 今秋、日本で開催される。� the year of 2003, competing during edition for Women's event. The exciting 男子が10回目、女子が9回目を迎える大会には powerful 24 nations (each 12 nations for matches will be performed all around FIVB加盟218の国と地域から大陸予選を勝ち Men and Women) for achieving a great Japan in 7 cities for Women's event from 抜いた強豪が集結する。女子が11月1日から triumph, as the top three (3) teams for both 1st - 15th Nov. and 6 cities for Men's event 15日まで、男子が16日から30日まで、女子7都市、 men & women from the 2003 World Cup from 16th - 30th Nov., 2003. The Japanese 男子6都市を転戦しながらの熱い戦い― 。 (Men & Women) will qualify to the Athens archipelago will be blowing up by creating 2003年11月、バレー旋 風 が 再 び日本 列 島を吹き 2004 Olympic Game. Powerful 24 nations volleyball sensation!! 荒れる!� 2003 FIVB World Cup official posters are now complete and appeared! 大会ポスターいよいよ完成� Now or never! The 2003 FIVB 2003ワールドカップの World Cup official posters are 大会告知ポスターがいよい now complete and appeared in various areas such as each arena よ完 成し、現在開催中のV of V League - the Japanese リーグの会場にお目見得し Volleyball League First た。ポスターは、大会キャラ Division being held all around Japan. As for the design of クターとして日本国内はもと issued posters, the charming より世界的にも広く人気を "BABO-chan" which is a feature 博している“バボちゃん”が、 as World Cup event's character being familiar and being 無数に画面いっぱいに飛 enjoyed in popularity among び回り、にぎやか で楽しい many people not only in Japan お祭りの雰囲気を強烈に but also in the worldwide 印象づけるものとなっている。 areas, are used. Countless "BABO-chan" are skipping 今後、春高バレーをはじめ and flitting around the arena, とする国内大会の会場に and being impressed intensely 掲示されるほか、開催地は on pleasant event atmosphere. From now on, those posters もちろん 、全国各地のバレ will be appeared at the arenas ーボール関連施設に配布 of domestic tournaments like され 、大会告知と盛り上げ "Haru-Ko" - the High School Volleyball Championships and に寄与するものと期待され will be distributed to each ている。� host city of the tournament and institutions related to volleyball all around Japan so that it is expected that these actions will contribute for event notice and heaping the Issued 2003 FIVB World Cup Volleyball Men And Women official poster� event up for a great success. 完成したワールドカップ2003大会告知ポスター� 開催地&開催日程� VenuesVenues andand CompetiCompeti The 12 participating teams for each men and women: Japan (as the host country), the champions and the vice champions of the 2003 Continental Championships (Asia, Europe, South America and Norceca), the champion of the 2003 African Championship, and two teams chosen by FIVB and Organizer. OSAKA/大阪� PARTICIPATING TEAMS Namihaya Dome� 13,14,15 Nov. Women's Event(4th round)� Capacity:10,000� 参加国� なみはやドーム� 11/13,14,15 女子大会( 第 4ラウンド)� The 12 participating teams for each men & women, Japan(as the host country), 観客席:10,000� � the champions and the vice champions of the 2003 Continental � � Championships(Asia, Europe, South America, Norceca), the champion of the � � 2003 African Championship, and two teams chosen by FIVB and Organizer.� � � 男女とも1 2ヵ国:開催国・日本 、2003年の4大陸選手権(アジア、ヨーロッパ 、南米、北中米)の優勝、準優勝 � Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium� チームとアフリカ大陸選手権優勝チーム、およびFIVB/組織委員会推薦の2チーム。� 13,14,15 Nov. Women's Event(4th round)� Capacity:6,000� 大阪府立体育会館� 11/13,14,15 女子大会( 第 4ラウンド)� COMPETITION SYSTEM 観客席:6,000 試合方式� Single Round Robin System 12チームの1回戦総当たり戦(シングル・ラウンド・ロビン 方 式 )� OKAYAMA/岡山� Okayama General and Cultural Gymnasium� Qualifications to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games 23,24,25 Nov. Men's Event(3rd round)� Capacity:8,000� 上位3チームにアテネ五輪出場権� 岡山市総合文化体育館� 11/23,24,25 男子大会( 第 3ラウンド)� 観客席:8,000 The top three (3) teams from the 2003 World Cup for both Men and Women will respectively qualify to participate in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. 本大会の男女上位3チームに2004アテネ五輪の出場権が与えられる。� FUKUOKA/福岡� Marine Messe Fukuoka� 23,24,25 Nov. Men's Event(3rd round)� Capacity:9,000� マリンメッセ福岡� 11/23,24,25 男子大会( 第 3ラウンド)� 観客席:9,000 KAGOSHIMA/鹿児島� HIROSHIMA/広島� Kagoshima Arena� Hiroshima Green Arena� 1,2,3 Nov. Women's Event(1st round)� 20,21 Nov. Men's Event(2nd round)� Capacity:5,000� Capacity:8,000� 鹿児島アリーナ� 広島グリーンアリーナ� 11/1,2,3 女子大会( 第 1ラウンド)� 11/20,21 男子大会( 第 2ラウンド)� 観客席:5,000 観客席:8,000 titiontition CalendarCalendar 男子10回、女子9回を数えるワールドカップだが 、日本開催は今回で8回目。その間、東京、大阪をはじめ日本全国の主要都市を舞台に熱戦が展開されてきた。2003年 大会も、北は札幌から南は鹿児島まで、12都市、14会場が舞台となる。� SAPPORO/札幌� Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center� 8,9,10 Nov. Women's Event(3rd round)� Capacity:10,000� 北海道立総合体育センター� 11/8,9,10 女子大会( 第 3ラウンド)� 観客席:10,000 SENDAI/仙台� Sendai City Gymnasium� 5,6 Nov. Women's Event(2nd round)� Capacity:7,000� 仙台市体育館� 11/5,6 女子大会( 第 2ラウンド)� 観客席:7,000 NAGOYA/名古屋� Nagoya Rainbow Hall� 5,6 Nov. Women's Event(2nd round)� Capacity:9,000� 名古屋レインボーホール� 11/5,6 女子大会( 第 2ラウンド)� 観客席:9,000 TOYAMA/富山� Toyama City Gymnasium� 8,9,10 Nov. Women's Event(3rd round)� Capacity:5,000� 富山市総合体育館� 11/8,9,10 女子大会( 第 3ラウンド)� 観客席:5,000 NAGANO/長野� Nagano Arena(White Ring)� 16,17,18 Nov. Men's Event(1st round)� Capacity:5,000� 長野アリーナ(ホワイトリング)� 11/16,17,18 男子大会( 第 1ラウンド)� 観客席:5,000 TOKYO/東京� National Yoyogi Stadium No.1 Gymnasium� Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium� 1,2.3 Nov. Women's Event(1st round)� 28,29,30 Nov. Men's Event(4th round)� HAMAMATSU/浜松� 16,17,18 Nov. Men's Event(1st round)� Capacity:10,000� 28,29,30 Nov. Men's Event(4th round)� Hamamatsu Arena� 東京体育館� Capacity:12,000� 11/28,29,30 男子大会( 第 4ラウンド)� 20,21 Nov. Men's Event(2nd round)� 国立代々木競技場第一体育館� 観客席:10,000 Capacity:5,000� 11/1,2,3 女子大会( 第 1ラウンド)� 浜松アリーナ� 11/16,17,18 男子大会( 第 1ラウンド)� 11/20,21 男子大会( 第 2ラウンド)� 11/28,29,30 男子大会( 第 4ラウンド)� 観客席:5,000 観客席:12,000� � � � � � � � ワールドカップ・トピックス� WWorldorld CCupup TTopicsopics The match calendar of the five continental 2003 WC promotion goods selling start. qualifications have been announced! プロモーショングッズ販売開始� 5大陸予選の日程決まる!� The 2003 World Cup character merchandises as promotion goods The match calendar of each continental qualification for Men and Women have been are now compete and have been ②� settled down and announced as listed below. Beginning with the Norceca being offered in the store at each Championship in June (details:TBA), each continental championship must be arena of V League - the Japanese finished until September 2003, and the participating teams will be determined. Volleyball League First Division Kindly please pay attention to the final round of European Championship as the most being held all around Japan and remarkable championship, to be held in Germany for Men and Turkey for Women ①� selling start. As shown on photos, both in September 2003. Lots of powerful and outstanding teams will meet and each merchandise have all been play battle passionately for victory and to be a champion. Which team will be ④� designed of BABO-chan which getting through to the 2003 FIVB World Cup Volleyball for Men and Women?� are proud of greatest popularity. 各大陸の代表を決める大陸予選の日程が以下のように出そろった。6月中(詳細未 There are only four (4) kinds of 定)の男女北中米を皮切りに、各大陸とも8月、9月に終了し、代表チームが決定する。 products as of today, however, 最も注目されるのは 、強豪がひしめき混戦が予想されるヨーロッパ 。男女とも9月にファ many people, especially young イナルラウンドが行われるが、果たしてどこが激戦を勝ち抜くか?� female volleyball fans rushed to buy these popular goods, because ③� they are exclusively being sold Tremendous favorites, BABO-chan's goods.� Match Calendar of The Five Continental (①Strap for mobile phone、②Clear document holder、� only at the arenas. Getting off to a ③D-ring notebook、④stickers)� Championships flying start!! 絶大な人気を誇るバボちゃんグッズ� (①携帯ストラップ 、②クリアファイル 、③ツインワイヤーノート、� ④ステッカー)� 5大陸予選日程� ワールドカップ2003のプロモーション グッズ が 完 成し 、開催中のVリーグ会場で売り出された。それぞれ写真のように絶大な Competition 選手権名� Date 開催日程�City 開催地� Country 開催国� 人 気を誇るバボちゃんをあしらったもの 。商品はまだ4点のみだが、会場でしか手に入ら African Nations Championship�Aug.1-10�Tananarive�MADAGASCAR� ない人気キャラクターということもあって 、女性ファンを中 心 に 早くも人気沸騰中!� W アフリカ選手権� 8/1-10� タナナリーボ�マダガスカル � O Asian Championship�Sep.20-27�Ho Chi Minh�VIETNAM� Executive Committee Meeting and Inspection アジア選手権� 9/20-27�ホーチミン�ベトナム� have been carried out ! M European Championship:Final Round� Sep.20-28�Ankara� TURKEY� ヨーロッパ選手権� 9/20-28�アンカラ�トルコ� 拡大実行委員会とインスペクション開催� E Norceca's Continental Championship� Jun,2003� Open� DOMINICAN REP.� The first Executive Committee Meeting has been held on 19th December 2002 at the 北中米選手権� 6/?� 未定� ドミニカ共和国� meeting room in the Office Tower of FUJI TELEVISION addressed to Minato-ku, N� South American Championship�Sep.4-7� Bogota� COLOMBIA� Tokyo. Executive chairman and executive members from National Organizing 南米選手権� 9/4-7� ボゴタ� コロンビア � Committee, FUJI TV members, Local executive chairman and some members from each host city and some members from each host TV have attended the Competition 選手権名� Date 開催日程�City 開催地� Country 開催国� meeting, discussing gather about the future activity plan such as the promotion plan, TV African Nations Championship�Aug.1-10�Yaounde�CAMEROON� program relay broadcast production plan including marketing plan, and all approved. アフリカ選手権� 8/1-10� ヤウンデ � カメル ーン � The FIVB Inspection has been conducted in November 2002 in advance of the M Asian Championship�Sep.4-12� Tianjin� CHINA� first executive committee meeting. In this connection, the FIVB
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