Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology

39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223 ISSN: 2457-1024 (Past name: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Past ISSN: 2231-0843, NLM ID: 101664541)

A Systematic Review of

Iroju Olaronke1*, Ikono Rhoda2, Ishaya Gambo2, Ojerinde Oluwaseun3 and Olaleke Janet1

1Department of Computer Science, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria. 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 3Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author IO designed the study, performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors IR and IG managed the analyses of the study. Authors OO and OJ managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2020/v39i1530719 Editor(s): (1) Dr. Nan Wu, University of Manitoba, Canada. (2) Dr. Vitaly Kober, CICESE, Mexico. (3) Qing-Wen Wang, Shanghai University, China. Reviewers: (1) Wenjun (Chris) Zhang, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. (2) Tachkov Alexander A, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia. Complete Peer review History:

Received 29 March 2020 Accepted 05 June 2020 Systematic Review Article Published 18 June 2020


Advances in have paved the way for a novel approach of organizing large numbers of robots, otherwise referred to as multi-robots. Multi-robots can either be homogenous or heterogeneous. Nevertheless, a group of autonomous and relatively homogenous robots that interacts with one another as well as with their environment is referred to as swarm robots. Swarm robots are biologically inspired by natural swarms as found in animal societies such as birds and fishes as well as social insects such as honey bees, wasps, termites and ants. Hence, they exhibit certain properties which are similar to those found in these creatures such as aggregation, self- organization, foraging as well as . Swarm robots work together to achieve a desired goal, which is usually too complex for a single to accomplish. They are typically characterized by simplicity of individuals, fault tolerance, autonomy, parallelism, high reliability, scalability as well as robustness. They can be used for mining, military, medical and agricultural activities. They can also be used for search and rescue missions, toxic waste cleanup, and for piling sandbags along coastlines in preparation for floods or hurricane. Nevertheless, swarm robots are plagued with the ______

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

stigma of widespread, interference, uncertainty, safety and lack of reliable communication. Furthermore, studies in are practically limited to virtual reality simulations. Hence, the principles of swarm robotics are rarely applied to real-life problems. It is against this background that this study systematically explores swarm robots. This study reviewed eighty literatures relating to swarm robots. These literatures were obtained from journal articles, technical reports, books, and conference proceedings. The selection of these literatures was based on their relevance to the research problem. This study revealed that the application of swarm robots to real life problems would promote the development of systems that are robust, fault tolerant and scalable.

Keywords: Natural swarm; multi-robot; robotics; swarm robots; .

1. INTRODUCTION ensure that the process of solving problems is more efficient through cooperation and division of Several creatures move in groups or swarms of labour. Fig. 1 shows examples of diverse few to more than millions of individuals. creatures in swarms. is mainly applied to animals and social insects such as honey bees, wasps, locusts, The interactions exhibited by the animals and termites and ants. Typical examples of animals social insects in swarms have been a source of that exhibit swarming behaviour include fishes, inspiration to many kinds of research in swarm turtles and birds. Interestingly, swarming is intelligence [8,9]. Hence, Tan and Zheng [10] referred to as flocking or murmuration in birds, emphasized that swarm intelligence is a soft herding in tetrapods such as turtles and shoaling bionic of natural swarm. The term swarm or schooling in fishes. Characteristically, these intelligence is a concept proposed by Gerardo creatures are usually of the same size, and they Beni in the 1980s [11]. It is a branch of move together in search of food and shelter computational intelligence that is composed of a because discrete individuals have a higher population of simple agents interacting locally chance of surviving in the group than when with the environment and one another [12]. Tan alone. They support and protect themselves and Zheng [10] define swarm intelligence as a effectively in the swarm. They respond to the system that consists of a group of individuals speed of their counterparts and avoid collisions autonomously controlled by a clear set of rules within the swarm [1]. Also, they communicate and local interactions. Bonabeau et al. [13] view with one another while maintaining a swarm intelligence as any attempt to design decentralized network and exhibiting self- algorithms or distributed problem-solving devices organized behaviour [2,3]. Besides, animals and that are inspired by the collective behaviour of insects are not considered overloaded even as social insects and other animal societies. From more individuals join the swarm. These creatures the definitions above, we deduced that swarm also exhibit stigmergic communication. For intelligence is a branch of computational instance, ants lay pheromone on the ground. At intelligence that is composed of a population of the same time, wasps use secretions to signify relatively simple, homogenous and autonomous the presence of danger to their mates and agents that communicate locally with one indicate the paths to their food sources. The another and their environment while adhering to goal of insects and animals in swarms is to simple behavioural rules.

(a). Swarm of bees (b). Swarming ants [5] c). Tetrapod of Turtles (d). School of fishes [4] [6] [7]

Fig. 1. Diverse social insects and animals that exhibit swarming behaviour


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

The process of applying swarm intelligence By this, they can be used in surgery, techniques to the co-ordination of the activities of early diagnosis and treatment of cancer cells physical robotic devices interacting with one as well as for monitoring patients’ another and their environment is referred to as health. Besides, SR can be applied in mining, swarm robotics [14]. Gupta et al. [14] define geological survey, agricultural foraging, welding, swarm robotics as a technique in which a group painting, military activities and oil spill cleaning of autonomous and homogenous robots work in [17,18]. They can also be used for search and a synchronized manner to complete a specific rescue missions, harvesting, grass mowing and task. Sahin [8] describe swarm robotics as the toxic waste cleanup. Despite the potential study of how a large number of relatively simple benefits of swarm robots, they are plagued with and physically embodied agents are designed in the stigma of widespread, interference, a way a desired collective behaviour can emerge uncertainty, safety and lack of reliable from the local interactions among the agents and communication. their environment. Swarm robots are also a group of relatively identical and small robots with Furthermore, most studies in swarm robotics are little capabilities individually with which they work limited to virtual reality simulations in Computer together to achieve a desired global goal with the Science [10,19,20]. Hence, the principles of help of robot-robot and robot-environment swarm robotics are rarely applied to real-life interaction. Remarkably, the robots in a swarm problems. It is against this background that this communicate with one another using local study systematically reviews swarm robotics. communication that can be achieved via wireless transmission such as infrared and radio The remainder of this paper is structured as frequency [15,16]. follows: Section 2 describes the research methodology. In section 3, we summarize the The advantages of swarm robots outperform shreds of evidence from the selected studies and those of individual robots. For instance, swarm describe the strength and limitations in Section 4. robots accomplish tasks concurrently and hence In section 5, we provide the conclusions and more quickly than individual robots because discuss future work. tasks can be too difficult for a single robot to accomplish. They are cheaper to design, 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY manufacture and maintain when compared to individual robots [10]. The robots in a swarm are This study systematically identifies, analyzes robust, reliable and more scalable than individual and interprets studies relating to swarm robots. robots. This is to obtain evidence on some of the principles of swarm robots. We adopted the 5- Swarm robots (SR) have the potential to be used step approach proposed by Khan et al. [21] as in medicine for tasks that require miniaturization. shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The research framework [21]


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

2.1 Formulation of Research Questions numbers were excluded from the study. A total of 101 literatures were obtained from the search The research questions below were formulated process. Also, the search process involved a for this study. The goal is to understand and manual search of the bibliographies and summarize the empirical proofs of the state-of- references of the selected papers. At the end of the-art studies on swarm robots. The research this process, 25 papers were found to be related questions, in our opinion, will assist researchers to the research questions. Hence, a total of 126 in identifying areas for further research. literatures were identified as relevant studies for this systematic review. RQ1: What are swarm robots? RQ2: What are the properties exhibited by 2.3 Assessing the Qualities of the Studies swarm robots? RQ3: What are the benefits of swarm robots? The 126 relevant literatures previously identified RQ4: What are the challenges of swarm robots? were examined to determine their qualities. The RQ5: What are the swarm robotic platforms? qualities of these literatures were determined RQ6: How are tasks allocated among swarm based on the following quality assessment robots? checklists. RQ7: What is the interaction between humans and swarm robots? 1. Are the objectives of the identified literatures RQ8: How is information exchanged among within the defined scope of the research robots in a swarm? questions? 2. Are the objectives of the identified literatures 2.2 Identification of Relevant Studies clearly defined? 3. Are their methodologies appropriate? This stage involved an extensive search of literatures that are related to swarm robotics. The Each of these questions had only three optional search was conducted between March- responses, which include Yes, No and December, 2019. Six electronic databases, Undecided. The responses were scaled as namely CiteseerX, IEEE Explore, Web of shown in Table 1. Science, Springerlink, Science Direct and Google scholar were used for this process. Besides, the The quality of each of the literature Google search engine was searched for was determined by finding the percentage of documents and WebPages containing the scores based on the quality assessment appropriate information for the study. We scale in Table 1. We agreed that literatures with conducted a search of titles, abstracts and scores less than 50% should not be considered keywords using the following keyterms “swarm for the systematic review. At the end of this robots”, “swarm robots properties”, “benefits of process, 46 literatures were excluded from the swarm robots”, “swarm robotic platforms”, study while only 80 papers were considered as “limitations of swarm robots”, ‘task allocation and relevant for the systematic review. Three (3) swarm robots’, ‘’human swarm interaction” and papers were obtained from CiteSeer X, four (4) “information exchange in swarm robots”. papers were obtained from IEEE Explore and Thereafter, the full texts of the literatures were two (2) papers were selected from Science assessed. Studies that were not written in the Direct. Four (4) papers were selected from Web English Language were excluded from the study. of Science, twelve papers (12) papers were Literatures that were not related to the research selected from Springerlink and nine (9) papers questions were also excluded from the study. In were obtained from Google scholar while forty six addition, papers without bibliographic information (46) papers were obtained from the Google such as publication date/type, volume and issue search engine.

Table 1. The quality assessment scale

Response Scale Yes 1 No 0 Undecided 0.5


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

Seminar Chart Title Series 1% Lecture Notes 1% Books 8%

Webpages Thesis 19% Journals 3% 48% Technical Report 1%Conference Proceeding s 19%

Fig. 3. Percentage distribution of the selected studies

The literatures selected included forty journal 3.1 RQ1: What are Swarm Robots? articles (40), six (6) edited books, fifteen (15) conference proceedings, one (1) technical paper, Swarm robotics is a relatively new research area fifteen (15) WebPages, one (1) lecture note, one that is inspired by biological systems such as (1) seminar paper and one (1) doctoral thesis. insect colonies, flocks of birds and schools of The percentage of the selected studies is as fishes [22]. There is no universal and formal depicted in the pie chart in Fig. 3. The selected definition for swarm robotics [23]. Despite this, studies were published between 1983 and n u merous authors have provided diverse 2018. definitions for this term. Navarro and Matía [24] defined swarm robotics as a discipline of multi- 2.4 Threats to Validity robotics that comprises a large number of robots that are organized in a distributed and The studies were chosen based on the following decentralized way. Mohan et al. [25] define search strategy described previously swarm robotics as the use of swarm intelligence principles to a group of robots. Ben-Ari and (a) Use of literature databases, Mondada [26] view swarm robotics as a (b) Selection criteria, and distributed approach to robotics which mimics the (c) Quality criteria. mechanisms inspired by the behaviour of social animals. For Sahin [8], swarm robotics is defined The key terms corresponding to the specified as the study of how large numbers of relatively research questions was used to identify relevant simple and physically embodied agents can be studies for this review. However, it is possible designed in a way that a desired and similar that relevant studies were still omitted with the behaviour emerges from the local interactions key terms that are related to the research among the agents and between the agents and questions in their titles, abstracts or keywords. the environment. Podevijn [20] views swarm Hence, a manual scrutiny of the references of all robots as a team of large, self-organised and the extracted studies was carried out to identify homogenous robots which carry out complex those studies that were missed out during the tasks by interacting and cooperating with one initial search. other in a decentralized manner. From the aforementioned, we defined a swarm robot 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION formally as a group of autonomous, decentralized and relatively homogenous robots This section summarizes the evidences from the which do not have a global understanding of their relevant literatures by providing the answers to immediate environment but cooperate with one each of the research questions. another to achieve a desired goal.


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

3.2 RQ2: What are the Properties of vii. Cooperation: The individuals in a robotic Swarm Robots swarm are relatively incapable; hence they cooperate to achieve a common goal. The property of a system refers to the state of Furthermore, cooperation is required in the system [27]. Based on this definition, te swarm robotics because the tasks at hand following are the properties of a swarm robotic are usually too difficult to be carried out by a system. single robot. viii. Flexibility: Flexibility as defined by Bi et al. i. Robustness: In Snyder’s terms [28], [34] in the context of robotic systems is the robustness is defined as a system’s ability of a system to perform different impassiveness or ruggedness towards tasks. randomly occurring changes within its ix. Fault Tolerance: According to Ledmi [35], environment. Meepetchdee and Shah also when a hardware or software failure occurs defined the concept of robustness as the in a system, it usually results in a fault. ability of a system to perform its designated However, the process of allowing the tasks despite disturbances [29]. system to continue to perform its functions ii. Autonomous: Swarm robots are in the presence of these faults is referred to autonomous because they are independent as fault tolerance. of one another and can interact with x. High Speed: Swarm robots accomplish themselves and their environment. There is tasks concurrently and hence more quickly neither a central control nor hierarchy in a than individual robots. swarm robotic system. This decentralized xi. Aggregation: As the name implies, property of swarm robot distinguishes them aggregation refers to the process of from traditional robots [30]. grouping the individuals of a swarm into a iii. Scalability: Scalability, according to cluster without using any environmental Bayindir and Sahin [31] is the ability to clues [36]. Aggregation is a very expand a self-organized mechanism, to fundamental property in natural swarm [37]. support more substantial or smaller It is also crucial in swarm robotics because numbers of individuals without impacting it plays an essential role in co-operation, performance considerably. Hence, the communication and interaction. addition or removal of more robotic systems xii. Dispersion: Dispersion, as its name in the swarm will not affect the density of the implies, is the spreading out of the swarm swarm as long as individual robots still robots uniformly while still connected interact with approximately the same through a communication channel. number of robots that are within the sensing xiii. Safe-wandering: This is the ability of the and communication range. Scalability is swarm robots to move about while avoiding usually enabled by local sensing and collisions at the same time. communication in swarm robotics [32]. xiv. Self-organisation or assembly: Self- iv. Homogeneity: Swarm robots are relatively organization is often seen in natural swarms homogenous. However, Dorigo et al. [17] when a pattern is formed at a global level noted that some robot swarms are from the interactions of lower systems. They heterogeneous, but these sets of robots are usually do this to protect themselves from homogenous at the level of interactions. the attack of predators and to avoid a v. Local Communication: Robotic swarms do collision. In the swarm robotic parlance, self- not have a global understanding of their organization refers to the ability of the environment, just like natural swarms. swarm robotic system to spontaneously Hence, the interaction between individuals arrange its components or elements in a in the swarm is based on the concept of non-random order without the help of an locality. This implicit model of external agent and under suitable communication is referred to as conditions. Self-assembly in swarm robots is [33]. defined as the process in which a group of vi. They do not rely on pre-existing robot comes together to form a temporary infrastructure. Hence, human operators are body structure that is capable of performing usually required to operate swarm robotic a task [38]. Self-organization in natural and systems. swarm robots is illustrated in Fig. 4.


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

Fig. 4. Self organization as exhibited by birds and kilobot swarm [39,40]

xv. Foraging: This property is inspired by ants limitation, this section appraises the application while searching for food sources. Similarly, areas of swarm robots to provide information that foraging in swarm robots refers to the ability can assist humans in solving practical and real- of a group of robots to search for and life problems. retrieve food items to their nest. xvi. Flocking: Flocking in swarm robots is 3.3.1 Medicine inspired by animals and insects that move in groups as a single entity such as birds, Majid al-Rifaie [44] emphasized that swarm fishes and ants. One of the significant robots can be used to achieve improved reasons for flocking in animals is for precision in the location of cancer cells in human protection against predators and warmth. anatomy. According to Majid al-Rifaie [44], Swarm robots also mimic this behaviour. microrobots have been used to improve Nevertheless, Masehian and Royan [41] endoscopic procedures of the gastrointestinal emphasized that each robot in a ttractract b byy p providingroviding v valuablealuable informationinformation a aboutbout adjusts its speed and move along with other significant pathologies such as bleeding, robots in the flock while sustaining a pre- malignancy or precancerous conditions in the determined formation and avoiding collision gastrointestinal system. This form of medicine is with other robots in the swarm. referred to as . xvii. Collective object transportation: This property is also inherent in social insects 3.3.2 Agriculture such as ants when they work together to move a large object intact over different The goal of swarm robots in agriculture is to terrains and back to their nests while improve agriculture by providing a smart and maintaining consensus about travel cheap approach to agriculture. For instance, direction [42]. This type of property is also Dorhout developed Prospero an autonomous found in swarm robots. Collective object micro-planter from an off-the-shelf platform called transportation in swarm robots is defined as boe-bot [45]. Besides, Saga (Swarm Robotics for the coordination and synchronization of Agricultural Applications), a swarm of drones, pushing and pulling forces by a group of has also been designed to monitor weed autonomous robots to transport items that infestations and the status of crops [46]. Saga cannot be transported by a single agent takes its inspiration from bees and ants. Also, the [43]. Kilobot swarm robots are used for pollinating flowers and for stacking sandbags along the 3.3 RQ3: What are the Benefits of Swarm coastline in preparation for flood or hurricane. Robots? Prospero is as shown in Fig. 5.

Swarm robotics systems are well suited for real- 3.3.3 Search and rescue missions world applications such as medicine, environmental exploration such as underwater or Some tasks are too dangerous for human extra-terrestrial planetary exploration, oil spill beings. Search and rescue mission is an cleaning, surveillance, search and rescue example of such tasks. Search and rescue mission, demining, agriculture and construction mission entails the search for people who are in [17]. However, their applications are relatively danger or distress. Search and rescue missions limited to virtual reality simulations. Despite this are usually done for those that are trapped in


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

Fig. 5. Prospero [47] diverse forms of accidents such as explorers working on a project tagged Gremlins. This micro trapped in caves or mountains and people drone has the size and shape of a missile. The trapped in collapsed buildings or earthquake. In target of this agency is to use Gremlins for order to avoid injuries during this mission, swarm reconnaissance over vast areas. Also, the US robots can be deployed. For instance, polybot, Navy Office of Naval Research has designed a swarmbot and M-TRAN are designed for search drone swarm called Low-Cost UAV (Unmanned and rescue missions [48]. Ariel Vehicle) Swarming Technology (LOCUST) to protect a high-value ship from an external 3.3.4 Cleaning of oil spills craft.

Swarm robots can reduce the cost and time for 3.4 RQ4: What are the Challenges of cleaning oil spills. An example of swarm robots Swarm Robots? that have been used for oil spill cleaning is sea swarm. Seaswarm is an autonomous system Swarm robots are plagued with diverse developed by the Senseable group at the challenges despite their numerous applications Massachusetts Institute of Technology [48]. The [22]. Some of the challenges of swarm robots are primary goal of sea swarm is to skim the ocean discussed below. and remove oil spills. Communication is achieved in the swarm through Global Positioning System 3.4.1 Security challenges (GPS) and Wireless Fidelity (Wifi). According to Lev [49], sea swarm prototype has been tested According to Fiona et al. [23], the swarm robotic at Boston’s Charles River. environment has its peculiar security challenges which include control, communication, physical 3.3.5 Exploration capture and tampering and resource constraints. Fiona et al. [23] stated that swarms robots are Several swarm robots have been applied to prone to many risks that are out of control since exploration. For instance, Marsbees has been robots in a swarm do not have a hierarchical designed by researchers at the University of structure with points of control. Such security Alabama, Huntsville, George Washington threats, according to Fiona et al. [23] include loss University, USA and Tokyo University, Japan. of confidentiality or availability. Fiona et al. [23] Marsbees is the size of a bumblebee, and its further iterated that swarm robots communicate goal is to explore the planet Mars [50]. Marsbees using technologies such as Radio-frequency has a flapping wing with which it flies to collect (RF), infra-red (IR) technologies, haptics, audible data over the surface of the Mars. Furthermore, sounding, audio and acoustic signalling in an the CoCoRo swarm is used for in-depth underwater environment. Attackers can easily underwater exploration. intercept these technologies. If the security of an individual robot is physically tampered with in a 3.3.6 Military swarm, and such robot is reintroduced into the swarm, the behaviour of the swarm can change, According to McMullan [51], the US Defense and this can cause the other robots in the swarm Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is to be harmed. This type of attack is unique to


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

swarm robotics technology. Fiona et al. [23] are Consequently, the robots in the swarm compete also of the view that resource constraint such as rather than engaging in co-operation [23]. inadequate storage, communication bandwidth, computational restrictions and energy are 3.4.6 Interferences significant challenges confronting the security of swarm robots. Hence, the provision of security to Robots in a group can interfere with one another an individual robot in a swarm is a challenge through collision or occlusion [23]. because a constraint on resources can restrict the types of security technologies deployed. 3.5 RQ5: What are the Swarm Robotic Platforms? 3.4.2 Limited local communication capabilities Several swarm robotic platforms have been Swarm robots do not have a global developed in the past [54]. Typical examples of understanding of their environment and of the these platforms include kilobot, Collective task that they are assigned to do. They only have Cognitive Robots (CoCoRo) and swarmbot. This a local perception of their environment. This lack section critically appraises swarm robotic of global knowledge can lead to a deadlock, systems and their potential applications. thereby preventing the robots from progressing [52,53]. 3.5.1 Kilobot

3.4.3 The stigma of widespread Kilobot is a that was developed by Radhika Nagpal and Michael Rubenstein at Swarm robots are plagued with the stigma of Harvard University in November 2010 [55]. The widespread because their principles are rarely design of kilobot is inspired by social insects, applied to real-life problems. particularly ants and bees. The goal of kilobot is to allow a user to program and experiment with 3.4.4 Lack of reliable communication collective behaviours in a large autonomous swarm. Kilobot usually operates in a group or Swarm robots run on low power sources which swarm of dozens to a thousand (1024) unit. They support low transmitters. These transmitters are capable of communicating with one another have problems when transmitting and receiving with infrared transmitters and receivers and can instructions from the central control system. execute complex self-organization as a swarm. Hence, the mode of communication in swarm They move with the aid of vibration motors. The robots is hampered. kilobot swarm is cost-effective and scalable. 3.4.5 Uncertainty They are typically used for corporate transportation, human-swarm interaction, and This occurs when a robot is not aware of the shape self-assembly. Fig. 6 shows the kilobot intention of other robots in the swarm. swarm.

Fig. 6. Kilobot swarm [52]


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3.5.2 Collective cognitive robots (CoCoRo) self-organizing robot colony that is made up of swarm 30-35 small and mobile devices, called s-bots [58]. According to Nolfi et al. [59], each s-bot in The Collective Cognitive Robots (CoCoRo) the swarm has simple sensors and motors, swarm is an underwater swarm of robots that is limited computational capabilities, and physical funded by the European Union. The swarm is links which allow it to connect to the other s-bots composed of forty-one autonomous agents that in the swarm. Swarm-bots are typically used for can learn from experience and their environment. space exploration, search and rescue mission, Hence, they are cognitive, and a school of fishes and underwater exploration. Swarm-bots is as inspires the CoCoRo swarm. Their primary goal shown in Fig. 8. involves monitoring, searching, maintaining, exploring and harvesting resources in 3.5.4 Milybot underwater habitats while searching the habitat for hard to find targets such as black boxes of The Milybot, as shown in Fig. 9, is a robot submerged planes, valuable resources or toxic swarm that is comprised of a set of eight waste dumps [56]. The CoCoRo swarm is as agents that are autonomous in nature shown in Fig. 7. and exchange data amongst one another via wireless transmission [61]. According to Vega 3.5.3 Swambot and Buscaron [62], Milybot is not self- reconfigurable and self-organized. Milybot lacks The swarmbot is a European IST-FET (Future actuators and connection mechanism for and ) project that physically attaching to other modules, and it is consists of an autonomous, self-assembling and also expensive [62].

Fig. 7. CoCoRo swarm [57]

Fig. 8. Swarm-bot [60]


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Fig. 9. Milybot [61]

3.5.5 Polybot the flood, ants can also pull a stick from the ground to build their nest. Swarm robots also Polybot, as depicted in Fig 10, is a modular self- engage in all these tasks. Fig. 12 shows ants and reconfigurable robot. Modularity provides robots constructing their nests. versatility at several levels in collective robots [63]. Hence, polybot is very versatile, robust and Robots can be classified based on the number of cheap. Polybot cannot work in an unknown tasks that they can perform at a particular period. environment with a rough surface or when These robots include single-task robots and obstacle avoidance is a challenge [63]. Also, its multi-task robots [69]. Single task robots perform sensory unit is inadequate for mapping of the one task at a time while multi-task robots perform environment [63]. multiple tasks at a time. Swarm robots are usually multi-task robots [69]. Individual robot in 3.5.6 Colias the swarm is assigned responsibilities or duties during the execution of a task. This process is Colias, as shown in Fig. 11, is an open-source, referred to as task allocation. Specifically, task low-cost mobile robot inspired by honeybees. allocation can be defined as the process of Colias uses BEECLUST aggregation to mimic assigning tasks to individuals in a team in order the behaviour of young honeybees [65]. to maximize the performance of the system. Co- operation and teamwork are essential 3.6 RQ6: How are Tasks Allocated among characteristics required for task allocation. Co- Swarm Robots? operation is required to make a task more efficient and robust. At the same time, Swarm robots perform quite some tasks, just like collaboration among robots can also be used to their counterparts in the natural swarm. For speed up the execution of a task. Task allocation instance, weave ants join their bodies together in robotics can either be intentional or self- so that they can float on water in order to escape organized [70].

Fig. 10. Polybot [64]


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Fig. 11. Colias [66]

Fig. 12. Nest Construction by ants and robots [67,68]

In intentional task allocation, tasks are allocated 3.7 RQ7: What is the Interaction between based on negotiations. One of the methods used Humans and Swarm Robots? in intentional task allocation in swarm robotic systems is the market-based strategy. The The interaction that exists between human- market-based strategy for task allocation in beings and swarm robots is known as Human swarm robots was designed by Dias et al. [71]. In Swarm Interaction. It is pertinent to note that this approach, an auctioneer announces tasks, there exists a significant difference between and the robots make bids by indicating their cost Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Human- to deal with the tasks [71]. The auctioneer Swarm Interaction (HSI). In HRI, the human decides which robot in the swarm will be interacts with a single social robot. In contrast, assigned to a task based on the bidding made. human operators interact with a large number of The disadvantage of this approach is r o b o t s in HSI [20]. Besides, there is no social that the auctioneer serves as a central in t eraction between human beings and robot decision-maker which contradicts the swarms in HSI. However, HSI is a sub-field of decentralized and distributed nature of swarm HRI [73]. HSI can be defined as the study of the robotic systems. The market-based strategy interaction between human beings and robots in reduces the scalability and robustness of the a swarm. Brambilla et al. [74] define HSI as the system [72]. study of how humans interact with a swarm to control it and receive feedback from it. There are The self-organized based task allocation system four types of HSI. These include intermittent derives its inspiration from the division of labour interaction, environmental interaction, persistent in social insects. An example of this task and parameter setting interactions [75,76]. In allocation system is the threshold-based intermittent interaction, the behaviour of a robot strategy. The threshold-based method involves swarm is changed when a human operator the assignment of different task thresholds which influences the behaviour of a subset of the are sent out in the form of signals to swarm swarm. In environmental HSI, the human robots [73]. operator manipulates the swarm environment;


Olaronke et al.; CJAST, 39(15): 79-97, 2020; Article no.CJAST.57223

this in turns influences the individuals in the before issuing a new command [76]. This is swarm to adapt to a given behaviour. The human because the command issued is dependent on operator provides a continuous control input for the state of the swarm. Hence, in neglect the swarm or the individual robot in the swarm in benevolence, the human operator is not allowed persistent HSI while in parameter HSI, the to issue commands frequently to the robot of a robot swarm is changed when an until it becomes steady. Conversely, Xu et al. operator changes the parameters of the swarm [77] introduced the concept of neglect tolerance such as the distance at which robots attract or in HSI. Neglect tolerance is defined as a time a repel each other. human operator can neglect a robot without degradation in the performance of the system One of the advantages of HSI, according to [76]. In neglect tolerance, an individual robot is Debruyn [32] includes the ability of swarm of neglected because the performance of each robots to assist human beings in moving in individual robot decreases differently with time, dangerous environments. The major challenge hence the time it takes a human operator to attributed to HSI is that most studies in swarm service an individual robot in the swarm is robotics are limited to virtual reality simulations in reduced. Computer Science [20]. Consequently, the principles of swarm robotics are rarely applied to 3.7.5 Level of automation real-life problems. Hence, it is difficult to The level of automation is defined by Cummings understand how human beings interact with [78] as the degree to which humans make swarm robotic systems without a clear decisions that are required by an autonomous understanding of these systems in real life. system to function such as a computer or a Despite this challenge, Podevijn [20] identified robot. five issues in HSI. These include robot swarm control, interaction interfaces, bandwidth 3.8 RQ8: How is Information Exchanged limitation and neglect benevolence, level of among Robots in a Swarm? automation, and formal verification. In natural swarms, communication can either be 3.7.1 Robot swarm control direct or indirect. For direct communication, social insects and animals use voice, gestures or In robot swarm control, the human controls a tentacles for information exchange. In contrast, in single robot or a subset of robots in order to indirect communication, the individuals’ sense influence the behaviour of the other robots in the and react to the information in the environment. robot swarm. They also give feedback to the environment. A typical example of an indirect mode of 3.7.2 Interaction interfaces communication in robot swarm is the use of pheromone or secretions to indicate the In interaction interfaces, an interface is usually presence of danger or the path of food sources provided to allow human beings to interact with a [79]. robot swarm by issuing commands to and receiving feedback from the robot swarm. According to Cao [80], information exchange in Examples of interaction interfaces in HSI include swarm robots can be direct or explicit graphical user interfaces, gesture interfaces, face communication and indirect or implicit engagement interfaces, voice interfaces and communication. There are two types of direct haptic interfaces [75]. communication. These include peer-to-peer and broadcast. In peer-to-peer communication, the 3.7.3 Bandwidth limitation individual robots in the swarm share information directly without the need for a central system or Bandwidth limitation exists when there is a robot while in broadcast communication, the communication constraint between the human message is taken from an individual robot and and the robot swarm due to hardware limitations transmitted to all the individuals in the swarm. or limited power of communication radios [76]. Direct communication is usually achieved using local communication via wireless transmission 3.7.4 Neglect benevolence such as infrared and radiofrequency. In indirect communication, the environment serves as the Neglect benevolence is a term used to describe interface for the interaction of the robot. The a situation where a robot swarm is left to stabilize indirect communication in swarm robots is similar


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to the communication found in natural swarms. cooperative behavior and the interaction between An individual robot leaves virtual pheromones in individuals in the swarm is local and not global. the environment for other robots to sense. This The second research question reveals that implicit model of communication is also referred swarm robots exhibit certain properties which to as stigmergic communication. Figs. 13 and 14 include aggregation, flocking, foraging, illustrate the peer-to-peer and broadcast dispersion, self-wandering and self-organization. communication modes of communication in a The third research question reveals that swarm swarm robot. robotics systems are useful for real life applications such as medicine, environmental Higgins et al. are of the view that implicit or exploration, oil spill cleaning, surveillance, search explicit communication method can be jammed, and rescue mission, demining, agriculture and intercepted or otherwise disturbed relatively construction. The fourth research question also easily by an attacker [80]. Hence, the need for reveals that swarm robots are plagued with security measures during information exchange diverse challenges which include communication in swarm robotics. Typical examples of security challenges, security challenges as well as the measures used during information exchange in stigma of widespread. The fifth research question swarm robots include identity and authentication, unveils that kilobot, Collective Cognitive Robots intrusion detection and critical management. In (CoCoRo) and swarmbots are typical examples identity and authentication, a swarm determines of swarm robotic platforms. The sixth research if it is interacting with a legitimate entity or not. In question shows that swarm robots perform tasks, intrusion detection, a swarm detects if a foreign and tasks are usually allocated to individual entity joins it either maliciously or accidentally robots using two methods which include the and ultimately removes it from the swarm. Key intentional based method and the self-organized management requires the use of cryptographic method. The seventh research question reveals keys to define which groups of robots can apply that human beings and swarm robots can security services [80]. interact and this interaction is known as Human Swarm Interaction. The last question unveils that 4. SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE information is exchanged amongst individual RESEARCH QUESTIONS robots in a swarm and that information is exchanged in the swarm by direct or explicit The result of the first research question shows communication and indirect or implicit that swarm robots are robust, scalable, exhibit communication.

Fig. 13. Peer-to-peer communication in swarm robot

Fig. 14. Broadcast communication in swarm robot


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This study provides a systematic review of This research systematically reviews diverse swarm robots. The study identified different types issues in swarm robotics such as applications of swarm robots platforms and the types of and challenges of swarm robots, task allocation properties that are exhibited by swarm robots. in swarm robots and human-swarm interaction. The study also examined the benefits and This was with a view of giving a better challenges of swarm robots. Contemporary understanding of the research field. However, the issues such as task allocation, human- s t u d y did not consider the role of physical swarm interaction and information exchange in interactions in swarm robotic systems which are swarm robots were discussed in o f t e n u n d e r e s t i m ated. Hence, it can be put into this study. However, this study is c o n s i d e r a t i o n in future studies. In addition, topics limited to studies that were published s u c h a s c o l l ective decision making, fault tolerant in the English Language. Hence, relevant properties and the methods of developing of low studies published in other languages relating c o st swarm robotic platforms that can be applied to swarm robots were exempted from this t o r e al life situations should be considered in the study. future.

COMPETING INTERESTS 6. CONCLUSION Authors have declared that no competing This study systematically reviews swarm robots interests exist. because studies in swarm robotics are usually applied to virtual reality simulations. The study REFERENCES adopted the 5-step approach proposed by Khan et al. Eight research questions were formulated 1. Antanasio D. Overview of swarm in order to understand and summarize the intelligence. Swarm Intelligence; 2010. empirical proofs of the state-of-the-art studies on Available: swarm robots. In order to answer these Retrieved: 6th January 2020 questions, eighty literatures comprising of journal 2. Deneubourg JL, Pasteels JM, Verhaeghe articles, technical reports, books, and conference JC. Probabilistic behaviour in ants: A proceedings in swarm robots were reviewed. The strategy of errors. Journal of Theoretical result of the review shows that swarm robots are Biology. 1983;105(2):259-271. robust, scalable, exhibit cooperative behavior 3. Jha S, Casey-Ford RG, Jes SP, Thomas and the interaction between individuals in the GP, Rita C, David CQ. The queen is not a swarm is local and not global. The study also pacemaker in the small-colony wasps reveals that swarm robots exhibit certain Polistes instabilis and p dominulus. Animal properties which include aggregation, flocking, Behavior. 2006;71(5):1197-203. foraging, dispersion, self-wandering and self- 4. Perfectbee LLC. Starting a beehive: An organization. It can also be deduced from the introduction to capturing and installing a study that swarm robotics systems can be swarm of bees; 2020. applied to diverse fields which include medicine, Available:, environmental exploration, oil spill cleaning, Retrieved: 6th January 2020 surveillance, search and rescue mission, 5. Wikipedia. Army ant; 2020. demining, agriculture and construction. The study Retrieved from:, reveals that robots are plagued with diverse Retrieved: 6th January 2020 challenges such as communication challenges, 6. Biddle S. Runway closed by a swarm of security challenges as well as the stigma of turtles; 2019. widespread. The study reveals that tasks are Available: allotted to individual robots in a swarm robotic Retrieved: 6th January 2020 system using two methods which include the 7. Jayasekara DJ. Machine Learning-Particle intentional based method and the self- Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Twitter; organized method. The study also reveals that 2018. human beings and swarm robots interact Available:https://www.towardsdatascience. through a process known as Human Swarm com Interaction. Retrieved: 6th January 2020


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