Arxiv:1911.00611V1 [Astro-Ph.SR] 1 Nov 2019 2015)
Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. aa c ESO 2019 November 5, 2019 The GRAVITY Young Stellar Object survey I. Probing the disks of Herbig Ae/Be stars in terrestrial orbits ? The GRAVITY Collaboration: K. Perraut1, L. Labadie2, B. Lazareff1, L. Klarmann3, D. Segura-Cox4, M. Benisty1; 5, J. Bouvier1, W. Brandner3, A. Caratti o Garatti3; 6, P. Caselli4, C. Dougados1, P. Garcia7; 8; 9, R. Garcia-Lopez3; 6, S. Kendrew10; 3, M. Koutoulaki3; 6, P. Kervella11, C.-C. Lin3; 12, J. Pineda4, J. Sanchez-Bermudez3; 13, E. van Dishoeck4, R. Abuter14, A. Amorim7; 15, J.-P. Berger1, H. Bonnet14, A. Buron4, F. Cantalloube3, Y. Clénet11, V. Coudé du Foresto11, J. Dexter4, P.T. de Zeeuw4, G. Duvert1, A. Eckart2, F. Eisenhauer4, F. Eupen2, F. Gao4, E. Gendron11, R. Genzel4, S. Gillessen4, P. Gordo7; 15, R. Grellmann2, X. Haubois9, F. Haussmann4, T. Henning3, S. Hippler3, M. Horrobin2, Z. Hubert1; 11, L. Jocou1, S. Lacour11, J.-B. Le Bouquin1, P. Léna11, A. Mérand14, T. Ott4, T. Paumard11, G. Perrin11, O. Pfuhl4, S. Rabien4, T. Ray6, C. Rau4, G. Rousset11, S. Scheithauer3, O. Straub4, C. Straubmeier2, E. Sturm4, F. Vincent11, I. Waisberg4, I. Wank2, F. Widmann4, E. Wieprecht4, M. Wiest2, E. Wiezorrek4, J. Woillez14, and S. Yazici4; 2 (Affiliations can be found after the references) Received ; accepted ABSTRACT Context. The formation and the evolution of protoplanetary disks are important stages in the lifetime of stars. Terrestrial planets form or migrate within the innermost regions of these protoplanetary disks and so, the processes of disk evolution and planet formation are intrinsically linked. Studies of the dust distribution, composition, and evolution of these regions are crucial to understanding planet formation.
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