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Pams Cx Post-Gazette 5-18-12.Pmd VOL. 116 - NO. 20 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 18, 2012 $.30 A COPY 2nd Annual Mayor Menino Announces Long Anticipated Saint Pio Mass and Procession DEAL FOR NORTH STREET PROPERTY On Sunday, June 24 Plan Includes Growth at Successful North End School the 2nd Annual Saint Pio Mass and Procession will Mayor Thomas M. Menino, take place in Boston’s in a letter, informed fami- North End. An Italian lies of the popular John Eliot Mass will be held at K-8 School that the City has St. Leonard Church on acquired nearby North Hanover Street, North Bennet Street School build- End, Boston at 10:30 am. ings, allowing for expansion Following the Mass there of the Eliot in the coming will be a procession years. through the streets of “The Eliot K-8 is a true the North End with the gem, which is attracting statue of Saint Pio. All young families to Boston,” are welcome to attend said Mayor Menino. “Parents this wonderful event. have urged us to expand this Saint Pio (Pius) of small, successful school. Pietrelcina, O.F.M. Expanding the program helps Cap., (25 May 1887 – us deliver on our promise to 23 September 1968) was provide quality educational a Capuchin Catholic choices in every part of priest from Italy who is Boston and connect schools venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. He was born with the communities they are just one tenth of a mile cess, which culminated to- Francesco Forgione, and given the name Pius (Italian: Pio) support.” from the Eliot K-8 School. day with a vote by the city’s when he joined the Capuchins, thus he was popularly The four buildings located The properties will be reno- Public Facilities Commis- known as Padre Pio. He became famous for his bearing at 37–39 North Bennet vated by the city and will sion, accepts an offer valued the stigmata. On 16 June 2002, he was canonized by Pope Street and 48–52 Tileston open in the next few years. John Paul II. Street in the North End — This year-and-a-half pro- (Continued on Page 4) The statue, a gift from Anna D’Amore Sirignano, was shipped from Italy to Boston and remains at St. Leonard Church. CITY OF BOSTON UPCOMING Anna D’Amore Sirignano is the organizer of the event along with the help of Natalina Tizzano, Francesco Bruno, Norma Cappuccio, Maria Cucciniello and Carmen Guarino. MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCES The Boston Parks and Rec- On Sunday, May 27, a reation Department has an- Memorial Day ceremony will nounced several Memorial be held at Mount Hope Cem- Day observances taking etery, 355 Walk Hill St., News Briefs place in City-owned parks Mattapan, from 11:00 am to by Sal Giarratani and cemeteries. 2:00 pm. The event will On Thursday, May 24, the include a short parade from Massachusetts Military He- inside the cemetery gate Rubio on Obama roes Fund, a non-profit dedi- up to the WWI and WWII Recently, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) made cated to the families of mili- Monument where the cer- some great points about President Obama. Did you tary service personnel from emony will be held. For fur- know that since Obama went into the White Massachusetts fallen in ser- ther information, please House, America has spent itself into $5 trillion vice to the United States, contact Arthur Smith of more in long-term debt? How about the fact that will host a service at 10:30 the American Legion at under the Obama Administration, we have more am at the Soldiers and Sail- (617) 298-7509. people unemployed or who have given up looking ors Monument on Boston On Memorial Day, Mon- for jobs all together since 1981 when President Common. day, May 28, services will Reagan replaced Jimmy Carter? The event will include the be held at Fairview Cem- As far as using the Osama Anniversary, Obama- reading of the names of Bay Soldiers and Sailors Monu- etery, 45 Fairview Avenue, Biden shamelessly used a unifying event to di- State soldiers killed as a ment on Boston Common. Hyde Park at 11:00 am. The vide America for electoral purposes. result of current military op- day’s activities begin with Rubio’s comments should become the mantra erations in Iraq and Afghanistan among a an 8:00 am service at the Fogg-Roberts of the Romney campaign. flag garden with thousands of miniature American Legion Post 78 located at Wisdom from a Founding Father American flags honoring the sacrifices of 56 Harvard Avenue in Hyde Park. “If the American people ever allow private banks all fallen Massachusetts service men and From there participants will march to a to control the issue of their money, first by infla- women. Mass at Most Precious Blood Parish at tion and then by deflation, the banks and corpo- Every year for the past 66 years, the City 43 Maple Street and then return to the Post rations that will grow up around them will deprive of Boston’s Veterans Services, in conjunc- for the start of a tour of local veteran’s the people of their property until their children tion with the American Legion, AMVETS, squares. The procession will end up at the will wake up homeless on the continent their fa- Veterans of Foreign Wars, and other veter- Civil War Memorial at Fairview Cemetery thers conquered. The issuing power should be ans’ organizations, hosts a commemorative for the closing ceremony at 11:00 am. For taken from the banks and restored to the people, Memorial Day Service. more information, please contact Andy to whom it properly belongs.” This year’s service will be held on Satur- Murphy of the Fogg Post at (617) 364-1636. President Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the day, May 26, at 11:00 am at the Sgt. Charles A Memorial Day observance will also be Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin. A. MacGillvary Veterans Memorial Park held at Evergreen Cemetery, 2060 Common- located in the Back Bay Fens opposite the wealth Avenue, Brighton, from 10:00 am to (Continued on Page 14) rear of the Museum of Fine Arts and adja- 2:00 pm. For further information, please call cent to Roberto Clemente Stadium. The the City of Boston’s Cemetery Division at event is free and open to the public. (617) 635-7361. THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 18, 2012 Speaker DeLeo to be Honored with MBA Legislator of the Year Award at Annual Dinner Winthrop resident and House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo will be presented with the 2012 Legislator of CHOW DOWN IN OLD ROME, Part I the Year Award at the Mas- Food-food-food, where the historic man ate his food incredible culinary concoc- sachusetts Bar Association’s h____ does it all come from? raw. Then by accident or by tions. It was in the homes of Annual Dinner on May 31 I think one of the most forest fire, he discovered the the wealthy that the dining at the Westin Boston Water- humorous of the quickies is additional joy of eating room (triclinium) was no front. The dinner will also told by a TV comedian who cooked food (similar to our longer reserved for simple include a keynote address presents his candidate for newlyweds of today). This family meals, but became a from Victoria Reggie Kennedy the bravest person in the was the beginning of the circus for acrobats and and the distribution of the world — the primitive man long and slow process of dis- clowns. Annual Access to Justice who first spotted a cow and covering which meats were Throughout this classical Awards. said to his friend, “do you see best prepared by heat and period, breakfast, lunch and “Speaker DeLeo is to be that animal with the big bag away from direct flame and dinner as we know them lauded for his commitment hanging down? I’m going to which were best cooked were called “jentaculum, to court management re- subdue it, then squeeze that over, in, or under the fire. prandium and cena.” Both form, of which he has been bag and whatever comes out The early Romans were a jentaculum and prandium a true leader. Massachu- vance MBA-supported legis- — I’ll drink it.” Dio mio what frugal people, the poorer were simple meals for all setts could never have lation. This is DeLeo’s sec- guts he must have had. I of- classes subsisted on a basic classes. The jentaculum achieved these historic re- ond time receiving the ten wondered if his friend diet of coarse bread and a varied from only a glass of forms without his vision,” honor; the first came in might have said, “O.K. and porridge made from millet or water in some instances to MBA President Richard P. 1998 for his support of guard- if there is any of that stuff polenta meal. The usual porridge, bread, cheese and Campbell said. “The MBA is ianship legislation. left over we’ll put it out in the drink was water. High fire sometimes a watered down grateful for all the hard work The MBA Legislator of the sun for a week or so.
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