Albret, Jean D' Entries Châlons-En-Champagne (1487)
Index Abbeville 113, 182 Albret, Jean d’ Entries Entries Charles de Bourbon (1520) 183 Châlons-en-Champagne (1487) 181 Charles VIII (1493) 26–27, 35, 41, Albret, Jeanne d’ 50–51, 81, 97, 112 Entries Eleanor of Austria (1531) 60, 139, Limoges (1556) 202 148n64, 160–61 Alençon, Charles, duke of (d.1525) 186, Henry VI (1430) 136 188–89 Louis XI (1463) 53, 86n43, 97n90 Almanni, Luigi 109 Repurchased by Louis XI (1463) 53 Altars 43, 44 Abigail, wife of King David 96 Ambassadors 9–10, 76, 97, 146, 156 Albon de Saint André, Jean d’ 134 Amboise 135, 154 Entries Amboise, Edict of (1563) 67 Lyon (1550) 192, 197, 198–99, 201, 209, Amboise, Georges d’, cardinal and archbishop 214 of Rouen (d.1510) 64–65, 130, 194 Abraham 96 Entries Accounts, financial 15, 16 Noyon (1508) 204 Aeneas 107 Paris (1502) 194 Agamemnon 108 Saint-Quentin (1508) 204 Agen Amelot, Jacques-Charles 218 Entries Amiens 143, 182 Catherine de Medici (1578) 171 Bishop of Charles IX (1565) 125–26, 151–52 Entries Governors 183–84 Nicholas de Pellevé (1555) 28 Oath to Louis XI 185 Captain of 120 Preparing entry for Francis I (1542) 79 Claubaut family 91 Agricol, Saint 184 Confirmation of liberties at court 44, Aire-sur-la-Lys 225 63–64 Aix-en-Provence Entries Confirmation of liberties at court 63n156 Anne of Beaujeu (1493) 105, 175 Entries Antoine de Bourbon (1541) 143, 192, Charles IX (1564) 66n167 209 Bernard de Nogaret de La Valette (1587) Charles VI and Dauphin Louis (1414) 196n79 97n90, 139, 211n164 Françoise de Foix-Candale (1547) Léonor dʼOrléans, duke of Longueville 213–14 (1571)
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