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Download Date 30/09/2021 03:17:07 Molecular biodiversity of Red Sea demosponges Item Type Article Authors Erpenbeck, Dirk; Voigt, Oliver; Al-Aidaroos, Ali M.; Berumen, Michael L.; Büttner, Gabriele; Catania, Daniela; Guirguis, Adel Naguib; Paulay, Gustav; Schätzle, Simone; Wörheide, Gert Citation Molecular biodiversity of Red Sea demosponges 2016 Marine Pollution Bulletin Eprint version Post-print DOI 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.12.004 Publisher Elsevier BV Journal Marine Pollution Bulletin Rights NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Marine Pollution Bulletin. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, 7 January 2016. DOI: 10.1016/ j.marpolbul.2015.12.004 Download date 30/09/2021 03:17:07 Link to Item GW26969 Jazirat Burcan Geodia sp. Geodia cydonium HM592814 Geodia cydonium HM592806 83 89 Geodia cydonium EU552081 Geodia cydonium HM592805 100 Geodia papyracea EU552084 Geodia papyracea FJ717707 Geodia macandrewi EU552082 90 Geodia conchilega HM592808 100 Geodia conchilega HM592807 Geodia barretti HM592809 100 Geodia barretti EU552080 Geodia hentscheli EU552083 84100 Geodia megastrella HM592810 Geodia megastrella HM592811 Geodia megastrella HM592812 Ecionemia robusta HM592801 91 Ecionemia robusta HM592802 Ecionemia sp HM592803 GW6138 Al Lith Stelletta sp. Stelletta sp FJ711650 100 Stelletta fibrosa KC869612 100 Stelletta fibrosa FJ711649 100 Stelletta tuberculata HM592800 Stelletta tuberosa HM592799 100 Geodia vosmaeri HM592816 88 Geodia vosmaeri EU552086 Geodia vosmaeri HM592817 Geodia corticostylifera HM592815 Geodia gibberosa FJ717708 90 Geodia gibberosa EU552085 Ecionemia megastylifera FJ711648 Rhabdastrella cordata HM592813 Erylus discophorus EU552089 Erylus discophorus HM592822 Erylus sp HM592823 Erylus mamillaris EU552090 100 Erylus deficiens EU552088 Erylus granularis HM592827 Penares cf. alata KC869466 Melophlus sp HM592821 Penares helleri HM592828 99 Penares sclerobesa HM592829 93 Penares helleri AF062598 90 Erylus euastrum AF062600 Pachymatisma johnstonia HM592832 78 Pachymatisma normani EU552087 Pachymatisma johnstoni AF062601 Erylus topsenti HM592831 Calthropella geodioides HM592826 Calthropella geodioides HM592825 Pachastrissa pathologica AF062596 Calthropella durissima HM592824 Caminella intuta HM592804 100 Theonella conica HM592818 100 Theonella swinhoei HM592820 Discodermia polydiscus AF062603 100 Discodermia polymorpha HM592819 100 Pachastrella ovisternata HM592774 Pachastrella sp HM592775 Triptolemma intextum HM592777 100 Poecillastra amygdaloides HM592772 Poecillastra amygdaloides HM592773 Characella pachastrelloides HM592781 Characella pachastrelloides HM592780 Characella pachastrelloides HM592778 Characella pachastrelloides HM592779 Pachastrella sp KC869483 Exsuperantia sp HM592830 Corallistes masoni AF0626021 100 Neamphius huxleyi HM592776 Penares nux KC869460 Stelletta grubii HM592787 78 Stelletta grubii HM592789 Stelletta grubii HM592788 Stelletta grubii HM592786 Stelletta carolinensis HM592798 Stelletta normani HM592792 86 Stelletta normani EU552091 Stelletta normani HM592793 Stelletta raphidiophora HM592791 76 Stelletta raphidiophora HM592790 Stelletta lactea HM592794 84 100 Stelletta lactea HM592795 82 Disyringa dissimilis KC869622 Tethyopsis mortenseni KC869618 Ancorina sp HM592785 91 Stelletta sp HM592796 Stelletta clarella HM592797 Asteropus radiocrusta HM592784 99 Stryphnus mucronatus AF062597 93 Stryphnus raratriaenus FJ711647 Stryphnus ponderosus HM592783 100 Stryphnus fortis HM592782 Thenea valdiviae HM592763 Thenea valdiviae HM592762 Thenea valdiviae HM592761 Thenea muricata HM592767 80 Thenea schmidti HM592769 100 Thenea abyssorum HM592770 Thenea levis HM592764 97 71 95 Thenea levis HM592765 Thenea levis HM592766 Vulcanella ornata HM592771 100 Poecillastra compressa AF062599 92 Poecillastra compressa HM592757 Vulcanella aberrans HM592759 100 Vulcanella aberrans HM592758 Vulcanella gracilis HM592760 GW3412 Al Wajh Cinachyrella sp. 92 Cinachyrella apion HM592753 95 Cinachyrella schulzei AF0626041 Craniella sp HM592754 100 Thrombus abyssi HM592755 Thrombus abyssi HM592756 GW3076 OTU#31 Thuwal Reefs GW3425 OTU#31 Duba GW3318 OTU#31 Al Wajh GW3188 OTU#31 Thuwal Reefs GW3512 OTU#31 Al Khorayba 85 GW3245 OTU#31 Al Wajh GW3426 OTU#31 Duba GW3274 OTU#31 Al Wajh GW3440 OTU#31 Duba GW6108 OTU#31 Al Lith GW3427 OTU#31 Duba GW3421 OTU#31 Duba GW6178 OTU#31 Al Lith GW3004 OTU#31 Thuwal Reefs GW3359 OTU#31 Al Wajh 31 Stylissa carteri GW3422 OTU#31 Duba GW3132 OTU#31 Thuwal Reefs GW3428 OTU#31 Duba GW3096 OTU#31 Thuwal Reefs GW6130 OTU#31 Al Lith GW26928 OTU#31 Thuwal GW5870 OTU#31 Farasan Islands 97 GW5993 OTU#31 Farasan Islands GW5813 OTU#31 Farasan Islands 87 GW3555 OTU#31 Al Khorayba GW5807 OTU#31 Farasan Islands Axinella sp AY561925 83 Stylissa carteri EU146398 Axinella corrugata AY864741 100 Axinella corrugata DQ299258 Prosuberites laughlini AY626320L Axinella damicornis HQ379198 100 Axinella damicornis HQ379394 Axinella damicornis GQ466058 74 Axinella damicornis AF062605 Prosuberites longispinus HQ379245 Hymerhabdia typica HQ379223 96 Hymerhabdia typica HQ379398 100 Axinella corrugata KC869458 Axinella corrugata KC869523 Cymbastela cantharella GQ466064 95 Axinella verrucosa GQ466063 Raspailia sp EU146434 Ceratopsion sp EU146399 Amphinomia sulphurea EU146396 87 Amphinomia sulphurea EU146397 66 99 Agelas dispar AY864740 75 Acanthostylotella cornuta KC869600 Astrosclera willeyana JQ387733 Agelas conifera KC869634 98 Agelas conifera AY864738 Agelas clathrodes AY864739 Agelas sp AY561929L Astrosclera willeyana AY561928 Astrosclera willeyana JQ362353 GW3193 OTU#37 Thuwal Reefs GW26987 OTU#37 Thuwal 37 Astrosclera willeyana GW26961 OTU#37 JazAir Sila Astrosclera willeyana KC869525 100 Tethya hibernica HQ379405 Tethya hibernica HQ379238 Tethya citrina HQ379237 GW6033 Qunfudhah Tethya sp. 73 100 GW26972 Gulf of Aqaba Tethya sp. 86 GW26962 JazAir Sila Tethya sp. 99 Tethya sp KC869527 Tethya seychellensis KC869475 Tethya sp AY626300 74 Xenospongia patelliformis KC869650 Tethytimea stellagrandis AY561920 Stellitethya ingens AY561899 100 Tectitethya keyensis KC869616 Tectitethya keyensis KC869588 Raspailia australiensis EU146439 93 100 Raspailia australiensis EU146438 Ceratopsion axiferum EU146406 Hemiasterella sp AY561901 Axos cliftoni AY626308 82 Tethyid sp AY561904 99 Adreus fascicularis HQ379239 Tethyidae sp HQ379236 98 Timea sp AY561907 97 Timea sp AY626303 GW3417 Al Wajh Trachycladus digitatus EU146435 Trachycladus laevispirulifer AY626305 Trachycladus sp KC869579 Trachycladus cf digitatus EU146436 Trachycladus stylifer KC869453 100 GW26943 OTU#36 Farasan Banks GW26927 OTU#36 Thuwal 36 Halichondria melanadocia KC869508 Pseudosuberites sp AY561917 95 GW3535 Al Khorayba GW3375 Al Wajh Terpios aploos KC869465 Hymeniacidon heliophila KC869620 86 Ulosa stuposa HQ379227 Hymeniacidon kitchingi HQ379243 Terpios granulosa HQ379250 82 98 Halichondria panicea HQ379242 Halichondria panicea AF062607 85 74 Halichondria bowerbanki HQ379241 Hemiastrella sp AY561947 Ciocalypta penicillus HQ379240 Suberites sp KC869500 Suberites sp KC869467 Suberites aurantiacus KC869577 Suberites massa HQ379406 76 100 Suberites massa HQ379249 89 Rhizaxinella sp AY561910L Aaptos aaptos KC869496 100 97 GW6149 Al Lith 82 Suberites ficus AY026381 Suberites domuncula emb AJ620113 Suberites pagurorum HQ379248 Suberites ficus HQ379247 100 Homaxinella subdola HQ379244 Pseudosuberites sulphureus HQ379246 91 Polymastia corticata EU005552 84 Sphaerotylus sp HQ379233 Polymastia invaginata AY561922 Polymastia penicillus HQ393895 Polymastia pachymastia AY561924L 99 Tentorium semisuberites HQ379404 Polymastia boletiformis HQ379232 Desmacella cf annexa HQ379225 Lissodendoryx fibrosa KC869479 96 Lissodendoryx fibrosa KC869529 Lissodendoryx sp KC869506 75 Acanthancora sp KC869649 Crella elegans HQ393894 Hymedesmia sp HQ379401 Hymedesmia pansa HQ379229 GW27000 Oman Lissodendoryx arenaria KC869561 Phorbas dives HQ379402 Crella incrustans KC869608 100 Crella incrustans KC869608 2 Hemimycale columella HQ379400 73 Tsitsikamma pedunculata KC869512 100 Latrunculia lunaviridis KC869489 Zyzzya fuliginosa KC869478 100 100 Myxilla cf rosacea HQ379403 Myxilla cf rosacea HQ379231 Myxilla ancorata HQ379230 Tedania tubulifera KC869548 96 Tedania strongylostyla KC869515 100 Forcepia sp KC869627 Lissodendoryx sigmata KC869509 83 88 AY026376 GW6038 OTU#02 Farasan Islands 100 GW3462 OTU#02 Duba 02 88 Clathria eccentrica KC869597 Echinochalina sp KC869603 Clathria sp DQ299249 Echinoclathria dichotoma KC869501 96 Antho sp KC869629 Antho inconstans HQ379399 Clathria reinwardti KC869449 95 Mycale mirabilis KC869613 100 Mycale setosa KC869624 94 Mycale macilenta KC869541 Guitarra fimbriata KC869537 Iotrochota birotulata AY561884 Mycale laevis KC869556 GW6183 Jazan cf. Iotrochota baculifera GW5881 OTU#29 Farasan Islands 87 GW6028 OTU#29 Qunfudhah 29 Monanchora quadrangulata 97 Monanchora unguiculata KC869564 99 Crambe crambe AY561883 Monanchora arbuscula KC869447 GW6003 OTU#08 Farasan Islands 83 GW5991 OTU#08 Farasan Islands GW5992 OTU#08 Farasan Islands 08 Negombata magnifica GW3024 OTU#08 Thuwal Reefs 81 GW26968 OTU#08 Jazirat Burcan GW3126 Thuwal Reefs 100 Diacarnus sp. GW26971 Jazirat Burcan Diacarnus sp. Isodictya frondosa KC869477
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    A phylogeographic study of the deep-sea sponge Geodia barretti using Exon-Primed Intron-Crossing (EPIC) markers Isabel Ordaz Németh Degree project in biology, Bachelor of science, 2014 Examensarbete i biologi 15 hp till kandidatexamen, 2014 Biology Education Centre and Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University Supervisors: Mikael Thollesson and Paco Cárdenas Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Poriferan Bauplan 4 Ecology and importance 4 Phylogeny and evolution 5 Geodia barretti 5 Genetic markers: Exon-Primed Intron-Crossing 8 Aims of the project 9 Materials and Methods 10 Finding introns 10 Sample dataset 10 PCR program 11 Electrophoresis 12 Purification and sequencing 12 Software used 12 Designing and testing new primers 13 Analysis of the data 14 Results 15 Evaluation of the universal primers 15 Pairwise distances between the sponges 15 Phylogenetic trees 17 Discussion 19 PCR troubleshooting 19 Pairwise distance matrix and phylogenetic trees 19 Conclusion 22 Acknowledgements 22 References 23 Appendix 25 2 Abstract Background: There is a limited number of genetic markers suitable for phylogeographic and population genetic studies in non-model organisms, particularly various marine invertebrates, such as sponges. The possibility of using Exon-Primed Intron-Crossing (EPIC) markers in the deep-sea sponge species Geodia barretti is explored in this project. The sponge specimens that were tested came from different localities of the North Atlantic. Results: An EPIC marker was found to show genetic variability among the sponge specimens. Based on the resulting DNA sequences of the sponges, a phylogenetic analysis was made, which showed the genetic connectivity among them. Conclusions: EPIC markers are effective genetic markers variable enough to apply them to poorly studied marine species such as G.
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