123 bus time schedule & line map

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The 123 bus line (Beverley) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Beverley: 12:53 PM (2) Bransholme: 10:30 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 123 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 123 bus arriving.

Direction: Beverley 123 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Beverley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 12:53 PM North Point Shopping Centre, Bransholme Tuesday 12:53 PM Bransholme Library, Bransholme Goodhart Road, Wednesday 12:53 PM

Bude Road, Bransholme Thursday 12:53 PM Friday 12:53 PM Northcott School, Kingswood Bude Road, Saturday 12:53 PM

Grimscott Close, Kingswood

Wawne Drain, Kingswood 123 bus Info Raich Carter Way, Kingswood Direction: Beverley Stops: 30 Asda Kingswood, Kingswood Trip Duration: 32 min Line Summary: North Point Shopping Centre, A1174, Dunswell Bransholme, Bransholme Library, Bransholme, Bude Road, Bransholme, Northcott School, Kingswood, Grimscott Close, Kingswood, Wawne Drain, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell Kingswood, Raich Carter Way, Kingswood, Asda Kingswood, Kingswood, Dunswell A1174, Dunswell, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Beverley Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Tokenspire, Beverley, Beverley Hull Road, Beverley, Beverley Hull Road, Beverley, Beverley Swinemoor Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Lane, Beverley, Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley, Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley, Beverley Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Swinemoor Lane, Beverley, Beverley Higheld Road, Beverley, Beverley Norwood, Beverley, Beverley Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Norwood, Beverley, Beverley Norwood, Beverley, Beverley Bs, Beverley Beverley Tokenspire, Beverley Beverley Hull Road, Beverley

Beverley Hull Road, Beverley

Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley

Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley

Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley

Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley

Beverley Higheld Road, Beverley Brooklands Close, Beverley

Beverley Norwood, Beverley Hull Bridge Road, Beverley

Beverley Norwood, Beverley

Beverley Norwood, Beverley 5-7 Norwood, Beverley

Beverley Bs, Beverley Sow Hill Road, Beverley Direction: Bransholme 123 bus Time Schedule 27 stops Bransholme Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:30 AM Beverley Bs, Beverley Sow Hill Road, Beverley Tuesday 10:30 AM

Beverley Norwood, Beverley Wednesday 10:30 AM Recreation Club Lane, Beverley Thursday 10:30 AM Beverley Norwood, Beverley Friday 10:30 AM

Beverley Hull Bridge Road, Beverley Saturday 10:30 AM Poplar Drive, Beverley

Beverley Hull Bridge Road, Beverley

Er Community Hospital, Beverley 123 bus Info Direction: Bransholme Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley Stops: 27 Fotherby Walk, Beverley Civil Parish Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: Beverley Bs, Beverley, Beverley Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley Norwood, Beverley, Beverley Norwood, Beverley, St Annes Close, Beverley Civil Parish Beverley Hull Bridge Road, Beverley, Beverley Hull Bridge Road, Beverley, Er Community Hospital, Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley Beverley, Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley, A1174, Beverley Civil Parish Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley, Beverley Swinemoor Lane, Beverley, Beverley Hull Road, Beverley Hull Road, Beverley Beverley, Beverley Tokenspire, Beverley, Woodmansey Beverley Rd, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Beverley Tokenspire, Beverley Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Beverley Rd, Woodmansey Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Woodmansey, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell, Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell, Asda Kingswood, Kingswood, Hemble Way, Kingswood, Cambeak Close, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Kingswood, Dulverton Close, Kingswood, Honiton Road, Bransholme, North Point the Foredyke, Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey Bransholme

Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey

Woodmansey Hull Road, Woodmansey

Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell

Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell

Dunswell Beverley Road, Dunswell

Asda Kingswood, Kingswood

Hemble Way, Kingswood Cambeak Close, Kingswood Cambeak Close, Kingston Upon Hull

Dulverton Close, Kingswood

Honiton Road, Bransholme

North Point the Foredyke, Bransholme 123 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in East Midlands. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved