469-507.qxd 11/27/06 12:09 PM Page 485 United States vendor/prime contractor, its credit quali- In addition, but less of concern, is the ty, the quality of its product and services quality of the vendor, since a problem Leasing services and the quality of the organisation. Also, vendor might lead to a reason for non- some performance risk is minimised by appropriation. Edwards & Angell, LLP 2800 Financial Plaza, Providence, RI 02874, US. Tel: +1 (401) 276 assuring the installation and perform- Compliance with federal tax require- 6636; Fax: +1 (888) 325 9065; Email:
[email protected]. Managing Partner: Terry Finn; ance of the asset with acceptance of the ments is also of importance on lease-pur- Partner: Business Aviation Practice Group: Edward H. Kammerer. asset by the federal government at the chase transactions to preserve the Activities: Counsels both financial institutions and their customers in all aspects of business aircraft finance, acquisitions and outset before funding. tax-exempt status of the transaction. operations. There does not exist an opinion prac- Federal leasing, with the superb credit Edwin E Huddleson, III, Esq. tice of getting opinions on the legal, valid quality of the US government, focuses on 1250 Connecticut Avenue, NW. Suite #200, Washington, DC 20036, US. Tel: +1 (202) 543 2233; Fax: +1 (202) 783 7678; Email: and binding nature of a federal lease on the essential use of the asset to the feder-
[email protected]; Website: www.lawyers.com/huddleson. Chief the federal government due mainly to the al government due to the federal govern- Executive: Edwin E.