
Edward J. Drexler An NMR Study of Keto- and Kurt W. Field I University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Whitewater. 53190 Tautomerism in ,8- Compounds

Ketones readily undergo acid or catalyzed a-hydro- Percent Enol Tautomerr and Equilibrium Connants gen substitution reactions in which the rate determining far O-Dicarbonvl Com~ounds step is the formation of the enol or enolate anion 20% in CCI, H Neat n Enol. Enol. % Keq" % Keqa

Acety lacetone 74.7 2.95 90.3 9.33 Ethyl Aceto- acetate Ethyl Ben- roylacetate l-Benroylace- tone Diethyl 1.3- - ate

Compared to the acid catalyzed process, the self enolization OKeq = lenol)f(ketal:rPectrarecorded at 37 t 2"c (tautomerization) of most is negligible;' the keto be = end; K = keto; t =total. form is favored almost exclusively (I ). &Dicarbonyl com- pounds also undergo tautomerization; however, the en01 .e 'b l,.,.a 7s " ,. * may predominate at equilibrium. The enol iso- - m ,... . mer is stablized relative to the keto form via resonance through the conjugated *-system and by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. 0 0 IIHII = R',C\C/C\R,, \R Ke to -.~- OFFSET h, C'C~ 660 HI I I CH, I

(1) 1n1 En01 4- 30 I,,.o so .a * An investigation of the keto-enol tautomerization of 0- - .' dicarbonvl compounds provides an excellent underprad- uate physwd organic or instrumental analvsis experiment. k TMS The eiiwts of ;

measurements (4, 12). The volumetric method may, in I I I1 .a I. I,',.. %o %L ' Acetone exists as 0.00025% end; see Ref. (I). Figure 1. Proton nmr spectra of acetyiacetone and emyl acetoacetate as 2 With 8-dicarhanvl eom~oundsin which R' and R" (eqn. (2)) neat lbquids at 37 + 2'C are not idkntical, two different may be possible, (I) and (11). Due to differences in Rand R" (st+ and electronic) the two ends should have different equilibrium constants. The determination of some instances, give erroneous results due to the chemical these rate constants is usually not possible by proton nmr tech- disturbance of the equilihrium. A quantitative determina- niques because the proton and electronic shifts are faster than the tion of K., by absorption methods may be complicated by proton nmr time scale. The Koqk can he obtained for these suh- deviations from Beer's Law and possible differences in the strates via orveen-17.- nmr (14). infrared (15). and ultraviolet (16) absorptivities of the keto and en01 carhonyl hands. Nmr spectroscopy. appears to be the method of choice because under normal

392 / Journal of Chemical Education operating conditions, the conversion rate between the two is sufficiently slow so that a combined spectrum of each tautomer is ~htained.~In addition to providing in- formation ahout K,,-> the nmr method can he used to deter- mine the thermodynamic parameters for tautomerization bv measurine the temperature dependence of K,..-- We offer herein experiments designed to use the nmr ~Dectrometeras an analvtical instrument from which an understanding of a number of the factors involved in the keto-enol tautomerism is obtained. Determination of Enol Content In the initial portion of the experiment, the enol content 20 40 60 80 100 of several 0-dicarbonyl compounds and their equilibrium WEffiHT PERCENT constants are determined (see the table). The spectra of Figure 2. Effect of solvent and concentration on the ketwnol equilibrium acetylacetone and ethyl acetoacetate and their interpreta- of acetylacetane at 37 + PC. (0)CCI,; (A) CHCI,: (0)CH2CI2: (A) tions are reproduced in Figure 1. HCON(CH,),. Solvent Effects The second portion of the experiment involves the deter- mination of the equilibrium constants in several solvents at various concentrations (9, 10) and constant temperature. Figure 2 reveals that both solvent and concentration have a pronounced effect on K.,. The en01 form of a P-diketone or 6-keto is the least polar of the two tautomers because the intramolecular hydrogen bonding in the enol helps re- duce the dipole-dipole repulsion of the carhonyl groups which occurs in the keto form (I). Consequently, as the polar carbonyl compounds are progressively diluted with non-polar solvents the enol content of the system increases. Likewise, at constant concentrations, the differences in po- larity between these "inert" solvents also produces predict- able shifts in the equilibrium. Conversely, progressive dilu- Figure 3. The temperature dependence of K., for the tautomerization of tion of the 0-dicarbonyl with a more polar solvent than the acetylacetone. solute increases the stability of the keto form relative to the enol. cases the assignments may be confirmed by diluting the 0- Thermodynamic Functions dicarhonyl with a non-polar solvent which increases the The final portion of the experiment involves the deter- enol content, or by measuring Kegat two temperatures, the mination of the thermodynamic parameters for enolization higher temperature favoring the keto form. by measuring Keq as a function of temperature (4.10). Fig- Additional Experiments ure 3 represents a plot of log K, versus 1/T for the tau- The literature ahounds with other keto-enol systems tomerization of acetylacetone. The thermodvnamic data amenable to nmr study. The method has been used to ex- for acetylacetone determined hy this method-is: AH(-2.7 amine a homologous series of 0-diketones in which the kcallmole), AS(W.3 callmole deg), and AGd-776 cal). structures of R' and R" (eqn. (2)) are varied. Such studies Experimental Section revealed that the en01 content increases as the steric re- The nmr spectra were recorded on a Varian A-60 instru- quirements of the suhstituents increase (13).In addition to ment eaui~oedwith a variable temperature probe. The variations in Keg, solvent effects are also responsible for probe tekperatures were determined by using ethylene predictable chemical shifts of the -OH proton in the 0- glycol reference. The spectra in Figure 2 were ohtained dicarbonyl relative to the neat material (9). using tetramethylsilane (sealed capillary) as an internal Literature Cited reference. The solvents (s~ectrograde) and B-dicarhonvl 11) Could, E. S.. "Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry." Holf, Rimhart. compounds were used as received kxcept for acetylacetone and Winrtnn,NewYork, 1959,~.376ff. and ethyl acetoacetate which were distilled prior to use. (2) Ward, C. H., J. CHBM. RDlIC..39.9S (1982). (3) Lcxkwod. K.L.. J. CHEM.EDUC..42.481 11965). For the solvent studies, weight percent solutions of the so- (4) Dawber, J. C.,and Crane. M. M...J.CHEM. BDUC.44. IS0 11967). lutes (2,5, 10,20,40,60, and 80%) were prepared. (5) M~~~~,K.H.,A~~..3~n.21211911). 16) Porlin.,J..and Rernsiein. H.,J Amer Chem. Sor.. 73.4353 (1951). The equilibrium constantsVthe table), solvent data (Fig. 17) Rrie~leh.G..andStrohmeier.W..Z Noturlnrsch.. 6b.6 119511. 2), and thermodynamic parameters (Fig. 3) were obtained 18) Jarnett, H. S.,Sadl~i,M. %and Shnnlery. .J.N.. J. Chem Phys.. 21,2W2(1953). by integrating (10 determinations) the appropriate en01 19) RII@E,M.T..and Burdeit. J. L.. Con. J Chem.. 43.1516 119651. (10) Alien. G.,snd Dwek, R.A., J. Chcm Soc, 8.161 11966). and keto signals. The standard deviation in the determina- 111) Sehweitzer.G. K..and Benson. E. W.. J Chem Ew Doto. 13.452 (1SfiRi. tion of percent en01 was less than f 4%.3 The slope of the (12) Meyor. K. H., and Wilisn. F. G.. Them Rrr. 47,837 11914). 119) Kmhimura. H..Saito. J..and Okubo.T.HuJI. Chem Snc. Jog. 46,692 119731. line from a plot of log K., versus 1/T afforded -AHIR. The (14) Tnm,deL1ky,M..Luz,Z..and Marur.Y.. J. Amer Chrm Soc. R9.1183 (1967). free energy changes at the various temperatures were cal- (16) Fomon, S., Morenyi,F..and Niisson, M.,Arlo Chem Srand., 18,1208, 11964). culated using AC = -2.303 RT log K.,. (16) Rarnum, D. W.. J~lnorp.Nucl Chem.. 21. 221 (1961). Proton Assignments The proton assignments for the resonances of the com- Computer programs are available from the authors to calculate pounds listed in the table are based on relative signal in- the K,,, % end and standard deviations, and to determine the tensities, chemical shifts, and peak multiplicities. In many thermodynamic quantities. They are written in PL1 language.

Voluk53, Number 6, June 1976 / 393