Sunday 13 December

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Sunday 13 December Sunday 13 December 9:00-11:00 Opening plenum: New alignments in the global economic balance of power Introduction: Haggai Golan, Editor-in-Chief, Globes Speakers: Prof. Ilian Mihov, Dean of Research and Professor of Economics, INSEAD. Specialist in monetary and fiscal policies, economic growth, and political economy Galia Maor, CEO, Bank Leumi Dov Baharav, President and CEO, Amdocs Haim Shani, Director General, Minister of Finance Moderator: Daniel Gross, Economics Editor and Business Columnist, Newsweek. Expert in economic policy and the links between business and politics 11:00-11:30 Networking 11:30-13:00 Israel's banks and capital markets – will change be cosmetic or real? The challenges banking and finance will face in 2010. Must a bank have a controlling shareholder? Speakers: Rony Hizkiyahu, Supervisor of Banks, Bank of Israel Shlomo Eliahu, Chairman, Eliahu Insurance Company Participants: Dr. Yossi Bachar; Smadar Barber-Zadik, CEO, First International Bank of Israel; David Baruch, CEO, Excellence Nessuah; Dr. Ehud Shapira, Chairman, Israel Phoenix Insurance; Eli Yones, President and CEO, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Moderator: Irit Avissar, Capital Market correspondent, Globes Management at turning points Inspirational leadership for social change Health IT Forum Approaches for volatile economic times. What tools serve managers Speakers: What opportunities arise from U.S. healthcare reform best at critical crossroads? Stanley Gold, President, Shamrock and computerization. Advantages and challenges for Speaker: Holdings - "The Challenges being the Israeli companies in penetrating the US market Larry Hirst, Chairman, IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa - chairman of the Jewish Federation of LA." Participants: Dr. Gilead Fortuna, Senior Researcher, "Management in times of change" Gil Ilutowich, Executive Director, Compedia Samuel Neaman Institute; Boaz Hirsh, Director, Participants: Ilan Grinboim, CEO, Eurocom Cellular Yossi Rozen, Chariman, Oil Refineries Foreign Trade Administration, Ministry of Industry, Communications; Haim Romano, CEO El Al Israel Airlines; Gil Moderator: Sophie Blum, CEO, Procter & Trade and Labor; Aharon Mankovsky, Managing Sharon, CEO Pelephone; Yaki Vadmani, CEO, Electra Consumer Gamble Israel General Partner, Pitango Venture Capital and Israel Products In the presence of Natan Sharansky, Venture Association Chairman; Nitza Sneh, founder Moderator: Nitza Bartur Sasson, Senior Partner, TEFEN Chairman, The Jewish Agency for Israel and CEO CliniWorks Moderator: Itzhak Peterburg, Fellow, Milken Institute 13:00-14:30 Networking Program is subject to changes 14:30-16:00 Plenum: Enhancing innovation for sustainable Growth - in cooperation with the World Economic Forum Members of the World Economic Forum community in Israel and internationally will discuss latest insights into how innovation clusters and global knowledge networks can help businesses meet the challenge and harness the opportunity of a more sustainable future Globes and the World Economic Forum Announce the 2009 Global Growth Companies Innovation Award in Israel Speakers: Marcel Malczewski, CEO of Brazilian Bematech Andre Schneider, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, World Economic Forum Saul Singer, Author of "Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle" Ofra Strauss, Chairperson, Strauss Group Yoram Tietz, Co-CEO, Ernst & Young Israel Moderator: Dan Gillerman, Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Social Entrepreneurship 2009 Award Ceremony The highroad to advanced transportation Internet - the decade ahead Forum: Cleantech – from Copenhagen to Jerusalem The challenges facing Israel in transport and Who will the revenue go to? In collaboration with The Milken Institute and Globes infrastructure. When will we pay for content? Research The dilemmas and obstacles in the major projects. What impact will other media have? The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, and beyond - What will Israel’s future transportation map look like? How will Israeli websites survive - by how can Israel become a global cleantech leader? Speaker: Eyal Gabbai, Director General, Prime collaborating, or by merging? How should we gear up to meet European greenhouse gas Minister's Office Speakers: reduction targets? Participants: Yossi Gordon, CEO, Association of Jared Cohen, at the US State Secretary's Policy Participants: Ofira Ayalon, Energy and Environment Projects Constructors and Builders in Israel; Ronit Kan, Director Planning Staff he is responsible for counter- Manager, Samuel Neaman Institute; Asher Greenbaum, General, Antitrust Authority; Dr. Tomer Godovich, terrorism, Public Diplomacy, Muslim world Chairman, Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Environmental Society transportation advisor for Veolia for the Houston light rail outreach, new technology and eMedia, and at the Manufacturers Association in Israel; Hillel Milo, project, and lecturer, Tel Aviv University; Dr. Yair Youth issues. Managing Partner, AquAgro Fund; Booky Oren, Chairman, Hamburger, Chairman and CEO, Harel Insurance, a Participants: Meir Brand, Israel Country Miya, Arison Group; Shlomo Shmeltzer, Chairman, Shlomo shareholder in Jerusalem light rail franchisee CityPass; Manager, Google; Gigi Levy, CEO, 888; Yuval Group; Avi Temkin, Director, Globes Research Efraim Weinhaber, Transportation Engineer Natan, CEO and Editor-in-Chief, mako; Ilan Moderator: Prof. Glenn Yago, Director of Capital Studies, Moderator: Moshe Lichtman, Economic commentator, Yeshua, CEO, Walla Communications; Gadi Milken Institute Globes Shimshon, Blogs Publisher In the presence of Minister of Environmental Protection In the presence of Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv- Moderator: Rottem Danon, Editor, Firma MK Gilad Erdan, and Minister of Infrastructure MK Dr. Uzi Jaffa Landau * Space is limited 16:00-16:30 Networking Program is subject to changes 16:30-18:00 Where to put the money Have we passed the low point in the capital markets? Where are the markets headed? What are next year’s investment opportunities? Guest speaker: Daniel Gross, Economics Editor & Business Columnist, Newsweek. Expert in economic policy, the links between business and politics and the culture of Wall Street Speakers: Dr. Amram Aharoni, Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center - "On experts and analysts: is there a prophet amongst them?"; Gabriel Perel, Managing Director, Odin Investments Participants: Yael Andoran, CEO, Amitim; Vered Dar, Chief Economist, Psagot Investment House; Zvi Lubetzky, CEO, IBI Investment House; Victor Shamrich, Co-CEO, DS Apex Holdings; Zvi Stepak, Chairman, Meitav Investment House; Roy Yakir, CEO, Clal Finance Management Moderator: Eran Peer, Banking Correspondent, Globes Israel knocks on the OECD's door 17:00-19:00 Technology without frontiers Workshop: Relationships for revenue What is the significance of Israel joining the OECD? Where are we up to in cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian growth* How can Israel cooperate more closely with the world’s IT companies? Led by Keith Ferrazzi, Specialist in developed economies? What collaboration opportunities are there? How can cooperation strategic relationship management, Speaker: Nicola Bonucci, Responsible for Israel's be leveraged to a global level? author of the best-selling books Never accession to the OECD Participants: Zika Abzuk, Manager PBI Europe, Middle East & Eat Alone and Who's Got Your Back Participants: Ambassador Daniel Ayalon, Deputy Foreign Africa, Cisco; Ziad Jaser, ICT Program Manager, Mercy Coprs; * Space is limited – advance Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Shraga Brosh, Ihab Jabari, ICT sector Development Leader, Carana Corporation; registration required President, Manufacturers' Association; Ami Erel, Chairman, Scott Klienberg, USAID - Initiatives and Incentives for co- The Israel Export & International Cooperation Industry; operation; Dr. Zvi Schreiber, CEO,; Mourad Tahbub, Sharon Kedmi, Director General, Ministry of Industry, Trade Managing Director, ASAL Technologies & Labor Moderator: Sherif El-Diwani, Head of Middle East and Arab Moderator: Dr. Esther Luzzatto, Partner, Luzzatto & Business Council, World Economic Forum. Served as senior Luzzatto adviser to World Bank, UN, EU and several international and Arab In the presence of Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, corporations MK Binyamin (Fouad) Ben Eliezer and, Minister of Minority Affairs MK Avishay Braverman 18:30 Forum: Round table: Milken Institute Israel Center and Koret-Milken Institute Fellows on the Israeli capital market Round table: Milken Institute Israel Center and Koret-Milken Institute Fellows on the Israeli capital market Koret-Milken Institute fellows who intern at the Bank of Israel, Ministry of Finance and Israel Securities Authority will join investors, experts, and regulators to discuss the challenges and opportunities that Israel faces as a developed market in a global economy, as well as international and institutional investors' needs and other issues. Program is subject to changes Monday 14 December 9:00-11:00 Closing plenum: Today's students, tomorrow's human capital Where is education placed in Israel's list of national priorities? Is the education budget perceived as an investment or an expense? Under the current circumstances, can Israel compete internationally? Introduction: Eitan Madmon, CEO, Globes Participants: Yair Lapid, Journalist; Yoav Karni, Globes Correspondent in Washington; Sever Plocker, Senior Commentator, Yediot Aharonot; Yair Seroussi, Chairman, Hapoalim Bank In the presence of Education Minister MK Gideon Saar 10:30 Prime
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