rkm.saveurbanheritage.eu COMMUNAL HOSTEL 1928-30 Located outside the itineraries which traditionally guide the flow В отличии от традиционных маршрутов, ведущих потоки туристов of tourists through the cities of Kiev and Moscow, the guided по Киеву и Москве, экскурсиии, организованные RKM - Save Our tours organized by the RKM_Save Urban Heritage project offer Urban Heritage (РКМ – Рим, Киев, Москва– Сохранение нашего a transversal view of the cities’ urban fabric, focusing upon the городского наследия) предлагают обзор городской структуры в architecture of the ‘20s and ‘30s which only in rare cases has been более широком разрезе, уделяя особое внимание архитектуре granted the status of “protected monument”. 20-х и 30-х годов, объектам, которым лишь в редких случаях был Designed around distinct thematic bases, the tours involve areas or присвоен статус «охраняемого памятника». neighbourhoods which may lie outside those usually considered to be Экскурсии, разработанные на определённой основе, затрагивают tourist attractions, offering a fresher and more thorough view of the районы и участки города, которые могут быть расположены за complex composition of the two cities. When the tours include places чертой туристических достопримечательностей, предлагая более which are traditionally popular with tourists in their itinerary, they свежий и полный взгляд на сложную композицию двух городов. also seek to focus on modern buildings which are often not afforded Когда в экскурсии включены маршруты типичных туристических adequate consideration from a historical/cultural viewpoint. The tours достопримечательностей, РКМ стремится сосредотиться на involving those areas where the largest number of historic buildings современных зданиях, которым не уделяется достаточное are concentrated therefore offer the possibility to experience the внимание с историческо-культурной точки зрения. Экскурсии urban fabric as a whole, examining its transformations and the РКМ включают районы города с наибольшим сосредоточениием constant alternation between classical and modern. исторических построек, тем самым способствуя возможности The singular development of Moscow after the October Revolution целиком прочувствовать городскую ткань, а также изучить его with the creation of new neighbourhoods to house the industrial преобразования и постоянное чередование классического и workforce gave life to residential complexes with specific functions, современного. organised according to homogenous architecture and town planning Уникальный план развития Москвы после Октябрьской criteria. The purpose of the RKM itineraries is precisely that of Реводюции – образование новых жилых районов для расселения highlighting the original meaning of these structures, extracting промышленного рабочего класса – дал жизнь жилым кварталам them from an urban fabric which over the years has been radically особого назначения, организованным в соответствии с transformed, and placing the constructivist architectural heritage однородной архитектурой и особенностями градостроительных at their heart as historical/cultural heritage to be preserved and критериев. Цель маршрутов РКМ заключается в том, чтобы developed. подчеркнуть первоначальное значение этих строений, The historical city of Kiev is characterised by a gradual superposition выделяя их из общегородских, претерпевших за долгие годы of diverse architectural styles, where the religious complexes of коренные изменения, тем самым призывая к признанию того the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the great neo-classical Констуктивисткого архитектурного наследия, лежащего в их buildings of the early twentieth century designed as seats of power основе, достойного сохранения и развития с историческо- and the simplicity of the constructivist style meld in a harmonious and культурной точки зрения. gradual development, revealing - through architecture - the identities Историческому городу Киев свойственно наложение различных of the Ukrainian . архитектурных стилей, где религиозные сооружения XVII-XVIII вв., великолепные неоклассические здания, спроектированные для правительственных нужд в начале XX в., и простота Конструктивизма сливаются в гармоничном и последовательном развитии, проявляя при помощи архитектуры неповторимую индивидуальность Украинской столицы. SHABOLOVKA RAIDO RADIOTOWER 1919-1922 01_Constructivism and rationalism КОНСТРУКТИВИЗМ И РАЦИОНАЛИЗМ 02_THE RED RADIUS КРАСНЫЙ РАДИУС 03_FROM SUKHAREVKA TO MIUSSKAYA PLOSCHAD ОТ СУХАРЕВКИ ДО МИУССКОЙ ПЛОЩАДИ 04_FROM BELORUSSKI STATION TO BAKHMETEVSKY BUS GARAGE ОТ БЕЛОРУССКОГО ВОКЗАЛА ДО БАХМЕТЬЕВСКОГО ГАРАЖА 05_THE DANGAUEROVKA SETTLEMENT: ДАНГАУЭРОВСКАЯ СЛОБОДА 06_STUDENT CAMPUS AND SCIENCE INSTITUTES СТУДЕНЧЕСКИЕ ГОРОДКИ И НАУЧНЫЕ ИНСТИТУТЫ 07_FROM AVANT-GARDE TO ART- DECO ОТ АВАНГАРДА К АР-ДЕКО 08_AROUND THE ZIL AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY CLUB ДОМ КУЛЬТУРЫ МОСКОВСКОГО АВТОЗАВОДА И ВОКРУГ НЕГО 09_MOSCOW’S AVANT-GARDE ALL-STARS КРАСНЫЙ РАДИУС developed by Nikolai Vassiliev подготовлен Николаем Васильевым and rationalism 01 КОНСТРУКТИВИЗМ И РАЦИОНАЛИЗМ

This walking tour begins at the ‘Leninsky Prospect’ metro Экскурсия начинается от северного выхода из станции station (northern exit to ulitsa Ordzhonikidze) and метро «Ленинский Проспект» (к ул. Орджоникидзе) и continues along Serphukhovsky Val, the historical border проходит вдоль Серпуховского Вала - старой границы of Moscow established in 1774. Prior to the 1920s this was Москвы, появившейся в 1774 году. До 1920-х годов эта the very edge of the city, characterised by one to two- часть города была застроена одно-двух этажными storey rural wooden buildings and various industrial домами селького типа и небольшими промышленными facilities. After the October Revolution this became one of предприятиями. После Октябрьской Революции этот the primary areas of development in the city, lead by such район стал одним из ключевых для нового строительства, famous architects and engineers as Ivan Nikolaev, Nikolai происходившего при участии известнейших Travin and . архитекторов и инженеров ― Ивана Николаева, Николая During this tour you will see examples of experimental Травина, Владимира Шухова и других. Маршрут включает housing, including two Dom Kommuna, typical residential экспериментальное жилье - два дома-коммуны, несколько quarters and social infrastructures such as public baths, жилых кварталов, здания социальной инфраструктуры ― the Danilovsky Univermag Department Store and the area’s школы, бани и универмаг Мосторга. Закончится экскурсия world famous Shabolovka Radio Tower. у всемирно известной Шаболовской радиобашни. The Shabolovskya district is also the target of the Этот район был выбран для [пилотного проекта RKM], RKM_Pilot Project developed by the Sapienza University of разработанного совместно университетом Ла Сапиенца Rome and the MGHAKiS - Moscow State Academy of Municipal в Риме и Московской государственной академией Economy and Construction. коммунального хозяйства и строительства в Москве. 1. Communal Hostel Общежития- 6. 1st Zamoskvorechye 8. “GOZNAK” FACTORY RESIDENTIAL 9. Residential Buildings Жилые 11. School Школа 1934 Коммуна 1928-1930 Cooperative Communal House QUARTER КВАРТАЛ ЖИЛЫХ ДОМОВ Дома 1931-34 I. Antipov И. Антипов Ivan Nikolaev И.Николаев ДОМ-КОММУНЫ КООПЕРАТИВА ФАБРИКИ «ГОЗНАК» 1926, 1936 Architects Unknown UL. Khavskaya, 5 UL. Ordzhonikidze, 8/9; 7-9; 9 «I-Е ЗАМОСКВОРЕЧЬЕ» N. Kurochkin, N. Alekseev Архитектор Неизвестен Ул. Хавская, 5 Ул. Орджоникидзе, 8/9; 7-9; 9 ПЕРВОНАЧАЛЬНО «ЖИР-КОСТЬ» Н. КУРОЧКИН, Н. АЛЕКСЕЕВ UL. Shukhova, 7/2, 7/5, 4, 6, 8, 10 12. Shabolovka Radio Tower 2. Textile Institute Hostel 1927 UL. Mytnaya , 23,23 B. 1, 25, 25 B. 1, UL. Mytnaya, 56 Шаболовка Радиобашня Общежитие Текстильного G. Volfenzon Engineers: S. 27, 27 B. 1 Ул. Шухова, 7/2, 7/5, 4, 6, 8,10; 1919-1922 Института 1927-28 Ayzikovich, A. Barulin, S. UL. Lyusinovskaya , 64, 64 b. 1, 66, Ул. Мытная, 56 Vladimir Shukhov Шуховская Architect unknown Leontovich АРХИТЕКТОР Г. 66 b 1, 68, b. 1 10. Residential Building Жилой башня Архитектор Неизвестен ВОЛЬФЕНЗОН ИНЖЕНЕРЫ Ул. МЫТНАЯ, 23,23 К. 1, 25, 25 К. 1, Дом 1930 UL. Shabolovka, 53 2nd Donskoy Pereulok, 7/1 С. АЙЗИКОВИЧ, А. БАРУЛИН, 27, 27 К. 1, A. Aronov А. Аронов Шаболовка, 53 2-Й Донской Пр., 7/1 С. ЛЕОНТОВИЧ Ул. ЛЮСИНОВСКАЯ, 64, 64 К. 1, 66, UL. Mytnaya, 52 3. Donskiye Public Bath Донские UL. Lesteva, 18 66 К. 1, 68, К. 1 Ул. Мытная, 52 Бани Late 20s - Early 30s Ул. Лестева, 18 Ivashkevich Ивашкевич 7. Moskvoretsky Mostorg UL. Ordzhonikidze, 1 (Danilovsky Univermag Ул. Орджоникидзе, 1 Department Store) 4. Khavsko-Shabolovsky Москворецкий Мосторг Residential Complex (Даниловский Универмаг) ЖИЛОЙ КОМПЛЕКС «ХАВСКО- 1929-1934 ШАБОЛОВCКИЙ» G. Oltarzhevsky Engineer 1927-1930 A. Boldyrev Г. Олтаржевский В. N. Travin. B. Blokhin and I. Олтаржевский Shabolovskaya Yozefovich with other members UL. Lyusinovskaya, 70 B. 1 Шаболовская M

У л . Хавска я

я я тна Мы . л

of ASNOVA group Н. ТРАВИН, Б. Ул. Люсиновская, 70, С. 1 У БЛОХИН, И. ЙОЗЕФОВИЧ И ДР. ЧЛЕНЫ ГРУППИРОВКИ АСНОВА UL. Lesteva, 13, К. 3; 15, К. 1, 2; 19, К. 1, 2; 21, К. 2. UL. Shabolovka , 63, B. 2; 65, B.2; 67 Serpukhovskiy Val, 22, B. 2, 3; 24, ulitsa Shukhova B. 1, 2; 28 У л . Лю синовска я Ул. Лестева, 13, К. 3; 15, К. 1, 2; 19, К. 1, 2; 21, К. 2. Шаболовка, 63, К. 2; 65, К. 2; 67. Серпуховский Вал, 22, К. 2, 3; 24, К. 1, 2; 28 5. 1st Zamoskvorechye Ул. Лестева Cooperative ЖИЛЫЕ ДОМА КООПЕРАТИВА «I-Е ЗАМОСКВОРЕЧЬЕ» ПЕРВОНАЧАЛЬНО «ЖИР-КОСТЬ» 1928-1930

Ул. Шаболовка

я Хавска . N. Travin, B. Blokhin, G. ул Volfenzon, E. Volkov Engineers: ул. Большая S. Ayzikovich, A. Barulin С. АЙЗИКОВИЧ, А. БАРУЛИН, С. Серпуховский Вал ЛЕОНТОВИЧ, С. НОСОВ UL. Lesteva, 16, 18, 22, 24, , 20/14

UL. Khavskaya, 18 Пр. 2-Й Донской Ул. Орджоникидзе UL. Shukhova, 11/16; 13, B. 1, 2; 17, B. 3 УЛ. ЛЕСТЕВА, 16, 18, 22, 24, , 20/14 УЛ. ХАВСКАЯ, 18 УЛ. ШУХОВА 11/16, 13, К. 1, К. 2; 17, К. 3

Tul’skaya M Тульская

Leninskiy prospekt Ленинский проспект M ул. Вавилова 2 COMMUNAL HOSTEL 1928-1930 IVAN NIKOLAEV UL. ORDZHONIKIDZE, 8/9 accessing personal lockers and passing through the hygienic wing, students could enter the low communal block using a stairwell or the triangular ramp visible on the exterior. This Blossoming student life in the late 1920s required new campuses for 10,000 students based block contained a communal kitchen and dining hall, assembly hall, library, rooms for group on ideas of communal living and the total collectivisation of life. The most interesting of these projects, cells for individual lessons, a roof terrace and a nursery. The communal spaces Dom Kommuna is the so-called Dom Nikolaev, built from 1929 to 1931 by Ivan Nikolaev. were covered by a shed roof with north-facing skylights, typical to pre-revolution industrial More than an attempt to create a residential structure whose inhabitants shared all aspects architecture, and used here perhaps for the first time in a public building. The dormitory’s of social life, and an experiment in architectural and building technology, it is a rare example steel frame ensured flexibility, modifications in plan and long ribbon windows to illuminate of a complete and total compliance with a radical original concept. the sleeping cells. In early 1930, shocked by what he deemed a shameful waste of ‘strategic Nikolaev’s competition winning design was based on a strict, carefully considered and materials’, an inspector ordered the journalist Mikhail Koltsov to publish a satirical cartoon almost industrial vision of daily student life. The three large volumes of this unique structure, in the Pravda newspaper. While names were altered, Nikolaev and his site supervisor were reminiscent of an airplane in flight, were designed for sleeping, hygienic services and clearly the target. Ridiculed and fearing for their arrest, the story ended with a simple communal activities. Personal space inside the 200-meter long dormitory wing was reduced transfer to an industrial construction office. to an absolute minimum. Seven residential floors with a long central corridor provided The dormitory wing is currently being reconstructed, while the communal wing with its access to a total of 1,008 sleeping cells measuring 2.3 by 2.7 meters. Fitted with two beds characteristic shed roof was damaged by fire in November 2010. Portions of the building are and two stools, the cells were off-limits during the day. After waking, students walked to the also occupied by other uses, including a lighting showroom, architectural office and even an adjacent eight-story hygienic wing to shower and exercise, either in or out of doors. After automobile repair garage. ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO n ev Arsse PHOTO

12 SHABOLOVKA RAIDO RADIOTOWER 1919-1922 VLADIMIR SHUKHOV SHABOLOVKA UL., 53 subsequent tiers assembled inside it, and then hoisted into place using winches and pullyes, similar to the extension of a telescope. During construction a cable snapped, causing the The Shabolovka Radio Tower was built between 1919 and 1922 according to the design of the section of the tower being raised to break loose and damage other structures. Shukhov great engineer Vladimir Shukhov. The first such tower, based on Shukhov’s revolutionary use received a suspended death sentence and was warned of the dire consequences that awaited of lattice shell hyperboloids, was erected in 1885 at the Fair (now moved him should the tower not be completed on time. In 1939 the tower withstood the impact of to the Nechaev-Maltsev country estate in Polibino). Of the more than one hundred towers a small plane crashing into it, and has remained standing to this day without having been erected by Shukhov throughout his lifetime, the Shabolovka Radio Tower is tallest. Originally restored or repaired. Initially used for radio broadcasts and later to transmit television slated to rise some 350-meters – taller than the Eiffel Tower and three times lighter - the signals, it now serves as a cellular communications repeater. lack of building materials resulting from the devastations of the caused the As a note of interest, the 610-meter tall Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower, completed in final height of the tower to be reduced to 160 meters. 2006, owes its design to Shukhov’s work with hyperboloid lattice shells. Hyperboloid and The uniqueness of Shukhov’s construction is not only its lightness and economy, but also lattice shell structures have also been used by Antoni Gaudì, , Oscar Niemeyer, its crane-less erection. Assembly began with the construction of the lowest tier, with the Frei Otto, Norman Foster and Frank O. Gehry. THE RED RADIUS КРАСНЫЙ РАДИУС 02

The tour begins at the Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad metro Начало маршрута у станции метро «Преображенская station (western exit to ulitsa Bukhvostov). Площадь» (западный выход, к ул. Бухвостова). This particular route runs parallel to one of the earliest Этот маршрут проходит параллельно одной из planning axes of Moscow - alongside the Yauza river. Tsar древнейших планировочных осей Москвы – вдоль реки Ivan III owned a country manor at the end of present-day Яузы. Еще у Ивана III был загородный терем в конце ulitsa Pokrovka, and later Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov теперешней Покровки, а Алексей Михайлович Романов built a hunting lodge on a vacant lot on the Yauza near построил охотничий теремной дворец на пустыре близ present-day pereulok Kolodezni. The direction from теперешнего Колодезного переулка на Яузе. Направление downtown to the northeast became one of Moscow’s first на Северо-восток от центра стало одним из первых attempts to break free of the radial-ring planning system. выходов Москвы за пределы радиально-кольцевой From the end of the seventeenth century, Russian планировочной системы. sovereigns and nobility would build their palaces on the С конца XVII века русские государи и знать строят banks of the Yauza river, and Peter I moved to the German по берегам Яузы свои дворцы, а Петр I практически Quarter and positioned the first European-style military переезжает в Немецкую Слободу и размещает вверх по regiments upstream. In the nineteenth century, the area течению свои первые солдатские полки европейского became the privileged axis for the construction of summer образца. В XIX веке в этом направлении стоят дачи, residences, hospitals and new industrial enterprises. больницы и новые промышленные предприятия. После After the October Revolution, northeast Moscow, the революции северо-восток Москвы (в пределах Камер- area inside the Kamer-Kollezhski rampart, the custom’s Коллежского Вала) снова становится направлением boundary of Moscow established in 1742, once again became интенсивного строительства. Недаром и первая линия a focus of intensive construction. It is thus no surprise метро прошла именно здесь. that the first subway line ran through this area. Данный маршрут показывает почти все распространенные This tour presents examples of many common typologies типологии жилых и общественных зданий, кроме from this period, from residential and public buildings to гаражей, которых в конце 1920-х – начале 1930-х годов workers’ clubs, with the exception of the garage typology, строилось не столь много. of which only a few were built in the late 20s/early 30s. 1. Long-Range Radio Institute 3. Administrative And Industrial 5. Rusakov Communal Workers’ Нии Дальней Радиосвязи Facility Административно- Club Клуб Коммунальников Им. (Ниидар) Late 20s – Early 30s Производственное Здание Русакова 1927-1929 Architect Unknown 1929-1932 Архитектор Неизвестен A. Yuganov А. Юганов Константин Мельников 1st Bukhvostova UL., 12/1 B. 12 Stromynka, 16 Stromynka, 6 1-Я Ул. Бухвостова. 12/1, К. 12 Стромынка, 16 Стромынка, 6 2. Residential Complex Жилой 4. Matrosskaya Tishina Residential Комплекс 1926-1930 Complex M. Motylev, A. Zhukov, Engineer: Жилые Дома Матросская Gretsov М. Мотылев, А. Жуков, Тишина Late 20s – Early 30s Инженер: Грецов Architect unknown Архитектор Ul. Kolodeznaya, 7 B. 1-8 Неизвестен Kolodezny Pereulok, 2 B. 1-2 Ul. Matrosskaya Tishina, 16, 16A, UL. Korolenko, 7 B. 1-3 19 B. 1-3, 21, 23, 23 B.1 UL. Stromynka, 21, 23 Ул. Матросская Тишина 16, 16а, Преображенская площадь Preobrazhenskaya ploshchad

Ул. Колодезная , 7, К. 1-8 19, К. 1-3, 21, 23, 23 С. 1

востова х Бу . л У Я 1- Колодезный Пер., 2, К. 1-2 Ул. Короленко M Ул. Короленко, 7, К. 1-3

ул. Большая Черкизовская Сокольники ул. Преображенская Sokolniki PARK ул. Колодезная ул. Стромынка

ул. Стромынка 3-Я Рыбинская Ул.

ул. Маленковская Сокольники ул. Шумкина M Sokol’niki Ул. Матросская Тишина

6. Burevestnik Shoe Factory Club Клуб Обувной Фабрики Буревестник 1927-1929 Konstantin Melnikov Константин Мельников

Ул. Русаковская 3rd Rybinskaya UL., 17 3-Я Рыбинская Ул., 17 7. Schools Школы 1928, 1933-1935 I. Fedorov, D. Fridman И. Федоров, Д. Фридман UL. Rusakovskaya, 10 Ул. Русаковская , 10 8. Residential Complex Жилые Дома 1926-1928 M. Motylev М. Мотылев Rusakovskaya UL., 2/1 B. 1; 2, 4, 6, 8 B. 3 Gavrikova UL., 3/1 Русаковская 2/1 К. 1; 2, 4, 6,8 К. 3 Красносельская Гаврикова Ул. 3/1 Krasnosel’skaya M 9. Workers’ Model Houses Показательные Жилые Дома Для Рабочих 1925-1930 ул. Краснопрудная B. Iofan Б. Иофан UL.Rusakovskaya, 7 B. 1-3 Ул. Русаковска, 7, К. 1-3 a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

2 RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX 1926-1930 M. MOTYLEV, A. ZHUKOV, ENGINEER: GRETSOV houses between 1970 and 1990, the block has not lost the typical appeal of human-scaled UL. KOLODEZNAYA, 7 B. 1-8 / KOLODEZNY PEREULOK, 2 B. 1-2 / UL. KOROLENKO,, 7 B. 1-3 proportions appreciated by its residents. One building in the first part of this complex UL. STROMYNKA, 21, 23 has retained its corner balconies, the glass-enclosed stairwell and the specific visual combination of regular windows, which resemble strip windows due to the relief brickwork. This example of one the first ‘workers’ settlements’ stands on a lot once occupied by a royal A factory-kitchen (a large-scale, mechanised public dining facility, common in the USSR hunting palace from the late seventeenth century. in the 1920s and 1930s that handled the entire cycle of food production, from original The design of this still-attractive block is the work of the architect Michael Motylev, a processing of raw materials to final meal preparation) was set up in one of the other master of residential architecture who directed the Sokolnicheski Construction Bureau. buildings. The two-storey windows serve as a reminder of the nature of this facility. The plan forms a system of courtyards running along two perpendicular axes. The complex The last apartment house to be built, overlooking the bridge over the river, is adorned by was developed gradually, starting from ulitsa Korolenko and moving inward. A number balconies arranged along the sides of the angled corner section. of courtyards descend towards the Yauza, with the last blocks looking out onto the river. The apartment buildings were settled by workers from nearby factories and plants, actively All of the buildings on this block were based on the typical MOSSOVET (Moscow City expanding and modernising their activities in the late 1920s. The poetess Marina Tsvetaeva Council) section. Despite the addition of extra stories and the reconstruction of most of the lived in one of the first houses on this block for several years. a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

5 Rusakov Communal Workers’ Club 1927-1929 KONSTANTIN MELNIKOV the projecting blocks of the amphitheatres, while a stage entrance is located on the opposite UL. STROMYNKA, 6 side, with its acute angle and domestic façade. As in the design of the Bakhmetevsky and Mossovet garages, here Melnikov applied the idea of a continuous flow to organise flows Undoubtedly one of Konstantin Melnikov’s most famous buildings, the Club Rusakova entering and leaving the building, offering the possibility to arrive directly from the atrium is a faithful representation of his original intentions. Despite common programmatic to the public gallery, and from here to the street. Visible from a great distance, the large requirements and the need for a compact layout, each of Melnikov’s club designs is a highly end walls of the tribunes served as supports for Soviet propaganda slogans and images. complex and individual representation of typological intentions. The innovative cantilevered tribunes also became a model for architects around the globe, The façade clearly reveals the internal layout and function of the building, divided into sectors with other cinema-theatres successively designed based on the same principle. Though the and with a three-tiered auditorium. Three cantilevered balconies project towards the street Red Army Theatre by Karo Alabyan and Vasiliy Simbirtsev utilises many of Melnikov’s ideas, and converge in plan toward the space in front of the stage. concealed beneath the pompous decoration typical of Stalin-era architecture, Alabyan did not Beneath each gallery are three sectors with level floors that could be separated from the fail to stigmatise Melnikov as a formalist, a career, when not life-threatening accusation akin others by screens and moving walls, allowing the auditorium to change its structure and to heresy. A planned restoration of the Club includes the reopening of the side windows that seating capacity, from 350 to 1,295 people. The theatre also featured a complex mechanical once illuminated the hall, closed during 1950s. The Club Rusakova was included in the 1998 system of moveable screens, while the stairs were subdivided into separate sectors to allow World Monuments Watch list of the 100 most endangered buildings drawn up by the World independent activities, study groups, rehearsals, etc. The main entrance is located beneath Monuments Fund. FROM SUKHAREVKA TO MIUSSKAYA PLOSCHAD ОТ СУХАРЕВКИ ДО МИУССКОЙ 03 ПЛОЩАДИ

The tour begins in the historic centre of Moscow at the Маршрут начинается в историческом центре Москвы Sukharevskaya metro station. It encompasses not only около станции метро «Сухаревская». Он охватывает residential and public buildings, but also a number of не только жилые и общественные здания, но и industrial structures, many of which were located to the промышленные ансамбли, которые во множестве north of here. Many of these avant-garde projects were появлялись к северу от исторического центра. developed as printing facilities. Значительная часть таких объектов периода авангарда – The Sukharev Tower, demolished in 1933, was one of the few полиграфические комплексы. Zemlyanoy Val structures, located along one of the city’s Сухарева башня, снесенная в 1933 году, была одной из late sixteentht century earthwork rampart lines to have немногих построек Земляного Вала, дошедших до XX survived to the twentieth century. While the tower had века. Безусловно, она потеряла свое фортификационное already lost its original value as a fortification by the значение уже к Петровской эпохе, но зато была одним из time of , it was nonetheless one of the most известнейших старинных зданий Москвы. Снос Красных famous ancient landmarks in the city. The demolition of the Ворот в 1927 году, а затем снос храма Христа Спасителя и Red Gates in 1927, followed by the elimination of the Christ Китайгородской стены, знаменовали начало сталинской the Savior Cathedral and the Kitay-gorod Wall, announced реконструкции Москвы. Согласно ее концепции, сносить the Stalinist reconstruction of Moscow. Its concept stated исторические памятники было можно и должно. that historical monuments not only could be torn down, but more improtantly that they should be torn down. Сущёвская Ул.

Достоевская Менделеевская M Dostoyevskaya Mendeleevskaya M

Новослободская Краснопролетарская Ул. Novoslobodskaya M

ул. Садовая-Сухаревская/эст ул. Селезневская

Чаянова Ул.

Белорусская Belorusskaya M Чаянова Ул.

Чаянова Ул.

я я вска е ар х у С . л П Сухаревская Пл. Сухаревская Sukharevskaya M Пл. Сухаревская

Цветной бульвар Tsvetnoy bul’var M 1. Narkontyzhprom Residential 5. «ZHURGAZ» COOPERATIVE 9. Sovetsky Kompositor Building Жилой Дом RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Cooperative Residential Наркомтяжпрома 1930-1937 Кооперавтивный Жилой Building РЖСКТ СОВЕТСКИЙ D. Bulgakov, H. Remele Дом Журнально-Газетного КОМПОЗИТОР 1939 Большой Сухаревский Пер. Г. Ремеле; Д. Булгаков Объединения 1933-1935 G. Ludwig Г. ЛЮДВИГ

Bolshaya Sukharevskya Mikhail Barsch, G. Zundblad Ul.Chayanova, 10, P. 1

тной е в Ц . ул

Ploshchad, 14 М. Барщ, Г. Зундблад УЛ.ЧАЯНОВА, Д.10, СТР.1 б

я на б ру Т . Пл. Сухаревская, 14 1st Samotechny lane, 17, A 10. Presnensky District Council ул 2. Novosukharevsky Market 1-Й Самотечный Пер., 17, A Building Здание Пресненского Трубная Новосухаревский Рынок 6. Krasny Proletary Printing Райсовета Late 20s M Trubnaya 1924-1925 Plant Club Клуб Типографии A. Golubev, N. Tscherbakov Пл. Сухаревская Konstantin Melnikov Красный Пролетарий 1928-30 А. Голубев, Н. Щербаков Константин Мельников S. Pen, Panteleimon Golosov Miusskaya Ploshchad. 2/2 Тургеневская Bolshoi Sukharevsky Pereulok, 9 С. Пэн, П. Голосов Миусская Пл., 2/2 M Turgenevskaya Большой Сухаревский Пер., 9 UL. Krasnoproletarskaya, 32 11. zUEV Communal Workers' Union Сретенский бульвар 3. Literaturnaya Newspaper Ул. Краснопролетарская, 32 Club Клуб Коммунальников Sretenskiy bul’var M Headquarters Здание 7. «MOLODAYA GVARDIYA» PUBLISHING Имени Зуева 1927-1929 M Литературной Газеты 1931 HOUSE Издательство Молодая И. Голосов Чистые пруды Chistye prudy M. Modorov, N. Lukin М. Модоров, Гвардия Mid 1930’s Ul. Lesnaya, 18 Н. Лукин Architect unknown Архитектор Пл. Лесная, 18 Kostiansky Pereulok, 13 Неизвестен Костянский Переулок, 13 UL. Sushchevskaya, D. 21 4. Ogonyok Printing Plant Пл.Сущёвская, Д. 21 ТИПОГРАФИЯ «ОГОНЁК» 1930-1934 8. Komvuz Student Hostel El Lissitsky, M. Barsch, Общежития Комвуза P. Antonov Л. ЛИСИЦКИЙ, Late 20s - Early 30s М. БАРЩ, П. АНТОНОВ E. Shervinsky Е. Шервинский 1-Й САМОТЕЧНЫЙ ПЕР., 17, С. 4 Miusskaya Ploshchad, 6 1-Й Самотечный Пер., 17, С. 4 Пл. Миусская, 6 O K NA USS OGI N O PHOTO

4 OGONYOK PRINTING PLANT 1930-1934 EL LISSITSKY, MIKHAIL BARSCH, P. ANTONOV windows. The initial design was conceived as a complex composition of interconnected 1ST SAMOTECHNY PEREULOK, 17, C. 4 buildings. The central building was designed with a roof-terrace. The plant for rotary printing machines was designed with a ceiling suspended from the open arched frame. The solution The building is considered the only built work by the highly proclaimed master of the Russian constructed was far simpler. The printing plant is currently abandoned and in a dangerous avant-garde movement . Scaled-down from the original design, the building is state. At the time of the development of this application, the building was threatened with a four-story central mass with adjoining one-story buildings housing the plants. All of the imminent demolition. An international petition has been developed to urge local authorities parts of the printing facility are characterised by large glazed surfaces and numerous round and the owners of the building to preserve this unique structure. a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

11 ZUEV COMMUNAL WORKERS’ UNION CLUB 1927-1929 ILYA GOLOSOV UL. LESNAYA, 18 also contains numerous other rooms for a range of activities. Despite a major overhaul in the 1970s, the interiors have been largely conserved and the small exhibition of the blueprints One of the most architecturally interesting workers’ clubs in Moscow, the Zuev has served its drafted by Golosov in the auditorium foyer is worth a visit. original function since opening in 1929. The exterior has suffered numerous modifications, including the conversion of its flat roof The club is a perfect example of Ilya Golosov’s preference for dynamic forms, rather than the into a pitched section, and the addition of a cornice. The external balcony that once ran along logic driving other contemporary works. Preferred to that of Konstantin Melnikov, Golosov’s the lane side elevation has been eliminated. Many of the original exterior window openings competition entry represented an expressive, angular building with a large glass cylinder have been bricked over, converting what was once a dynamic mass of perforations into a that breaks the corner at the street, wrapping a grand spiral stair, intersected by a horizontal more bulky box. succession of floor plates, expressed on the exterior as projections, recesses and loggias. In 2009 the glass cylinder hosted a site-specific installation by the German artist Achim The main foyer is located on the first floor, and the auditorium on the third floor. The club Wollscheid as part of the Moskonstruct European project. FROM BELORUSSKI STATION TO BAKHMETEVSKY BUS GARAGE ОТ БЕЛОРУССКОГО ВОКЗАЛА ДО 04 БАХМЕТЬЕВСКОГО ГАРАЖА

The tour begins at the Belorusskaya-Radialnaya Metro Маршрут начинается от станции метро «Белорусская- Station. Encompassing the north-western periphery Радиальная» и охватывает северо-западную периферию of central of Moscow, it spans the broad arc running центра Москвы, проходя широкой дугой между северо- between the north-western and northern parts of the западным и северным радиусами города. Задача city. The itinerary presents buildings with new types and маршрута – показать здания новых типов и функций, functions characteristic of avant-garde architecture. характерные для архитектуры авангарда. В этом районе Residential, social and culturally-oriented buildings in жилые дома и постройки социально-культурного this area face out onto both Tverskaya Zastava ploschad назначения ориентированы как на площадь Тверской as well as major thoroughfares (Leningradsky Prospekt, Заставы, так и на крупные магистрали (Ленинградский Suschevsky Val, etc.), while more industrial facilities are проспект, Сущевский Вал и другие). Промышленные located in the interior of the urban blocks. предприятия расположены в глубине кварталов. 1. Belorussky Station Admnistrative Facility Административные Здания Белорусского Вокзала Late 20s - Early 30s M Савеловская Architect unknown Архитектор Savelovskaya Марьина роща M Неизвестен Mar’ina roshcha Tverskaya Zastava Ploshchad, 3, 5 Площадь Тверская Застава, 3, 5 2. Residential Building Жилой Дом Сущевский Вал Ул. Образцова ул. Нижняя Масловка Late 20s - Early 30s Сущевский Вал Architect unknown Архитектор Неизвестен Новослободская Ул. Gruzinsky Val, 28/45 Грузинский Вал, 28/45

Ул. Правды

Ул. Образцова

3. Administrative Facility 7 Aviakhim Sports Palace (Krilya 11. Suschevka Residential Complex (Border Defence Academy) Sovetov) Дворец Спорта Жилой Комплекс Сущевка Административное Здание Авиахим (Крылья Советов) 1931 Late 20s - Early 30s (Пограничная Академия) N. Metlin Н. Метлин B. Blokhin Б. Блохин Late 20s - Early 30s Leningradsky Prospekt, 24 Suschevsky Val, 14/22 B. 1-7 Architect unknown Архитектор Ленинградский Прсп., 24 Сущевский Вал, 14/22, К. 1-7 Неизвестен 8. Pravda Newspaper Printing 12. Intourist Garage Leningradsky Prospekt, 3 Plant Полиграфический ГАРАЖ ИНТУРИСТА 1930-1934 Leningradsky Prospekt Ленинградский Прсп., 3 Комбинат Газеты Правда Konstantin Melnikov, V. 4. Residential Building Жилой Дом 1929-1935 Kurochkin К. МЕЛЬНИКОВ, Late 20s - Early 30s Panteleimon Golosov П. Голосов В. КУРОЧКИН Architect unknown Архитектор Ul. Pravdy, 24 Suschevsky Val, 33 Неизвестен Ул. Правды, 24 Сущевский Вал, 33 UL. Nizhnyaya, 3 9. Residential Building 13. Miit Palace Of Culture And Ул. Нижняя, 3 Жилой Дом Early 30s Student Hostels Дк Мииtа И 5. Communal Kitchen №1 Фабрика- Architect unknown Архитектор Общежития Late 20s - Early 30s Кухня № I 1928 Неизвестен S. Gerolsky С. Герольский Белорусская A. Meshkov А. Мешков Ul. Novoslobodskaya, 67-69 Ul. Obraztsova, 7, 9, 11 M Belorusskay Leningradsky Prospekt, 7 Новослободская Ул. 67-69 Ул. Образцова, 7, 9, 11 Ленинградский Прсп., 7 10. Residential Building 14. Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage 6. Novaya Moskva Cooperative Жилой Дом Late 20s - Early 30s Бахметьевский гараж Residential Buildings Architect unknown Архитектор 1926-1933 Жилой Дом Кооператива Новая Неизвестен Konstantin Melnikov Engineer: Москва 1927-1928 1950’s Novoslobodskaya, 62 Vladimir Shukhov Константин N. Kolli, S. Kozhin Новослободская Ул. 62 Мельников, Инженер: Влади Н. Колли, С. Кожин мир Шухов Leningradsky Prospekt, 14 Ul. Obraztsova, 19a Грузинский Вал Ленинградский Пр., 14 Ул. Образцова, 19а a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

PRAVDA NEWSPAPER PRINTING PLANT 1929-1935 PANTALEIMON GOLOSOV UL. PRAVDY, The symmetrical composition of the main facade emphasises the significance of this 8 24 institution as the ideological center of the . The façade of the three-storey printing facility facing out onto the 5th ulitsa Yamskogo Polya is The Pravda newspaper printing plant is one of the last and most monumental works of the designed less pretentiously with ribbon windows and round openings at its summit. avant-garde period. The building was developed by Panteleimon Golosov, the brother of Ilya The base of the street façade is encased in large pieces of ‘jagged’ granite to create a more Golosov, based on the competition entry submitted also by the architect El Lissitsky. Rumor representative image. The interior decor was done in a retrospective style, without the has it that Le Corbusier once stated he wished he could claim this building as one of his own. participation of the architect, an advocate of strict and functional architecture. The nine-storey headquarters building presents an E-shaped plan, with two interior The building was severely damaged by fire in February 2006. courtyards. It is adjoined to the lower production section, which occupies an entire block. ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO

INTOURIST GARAGE 1930-1934 KONSTANTIN MELNIKOV, V. KUROCHKIN by the Suprematists with simple Platonic forms, embellished by classical elements, most 12 UL. SUSCHEVSKY VAL, 33 likely a response to the new style ushered in by Stalin’s rise to power. Triangles, rectangles and a large circle intersect one another, creating vertical and horizontal movement, and an This large rectangular building is based on a design developed by the architects Konstantin unmistakable reference to the building’s modern function. What is more, the ramps and floor Melnikov and V. Kurochkin. The original version of the project called for a monumental, levels of the garage are visible behind the large industrial windows. isolated building with a decorative corner carved out by a tall niche containing a large The giant orders of paired columns and fragments of cornices does not refer to classical sculpture. prototypes, simplified and set atop an inclined base course to create a highly modern and Melnikov’s idea, only partially implemented, now appears as a striking, dynamic façade expressive gesture. The final result remains suspended between Expressionism and Art along the Sushchevsky Val. The composition of the façade recalls the experiments made Deco. THE DANGAUEROVKA SETTLEMENT 05 ДАНГАУЭРОВСКАЯ СЛОБОДА

The intensive housing construction undertaken by the Moscow City Council Интенсивное жилищное строительство, которое вел Моссовет в 1926-31 годах in 1926-1931 on the industrial outskirts of the city was a social policy initiative на промышленных окраинах города, было своего рода социальной политикой and an encouragement to Moscow workers’, considered active participants in и поощрением московских рабочих – активных участников Революции. the October Revolution. This process ran parallel to the modernisation of old Этот процесс шел параллельно с модернизацией старых промышленных industrial facilities and included the latest infrastructural developments: предприятий и включал новейшую по тем временам инфраструктуру: public buildings, fire departments, etc. общественные здания, пожарную часть и пр. The tour begins at the Aviamotornaya Metro station and runs along the south Маршрут начинается от станции метро «Авимоторная» и проходит по южной side of the Entuziastov Shosse – the Enthusiast’s Highway - so named in 1922 at стороне шоссе Энтузиастов, названного так в 1922 году по инициативе the initiative of the People’s Commissar Lunacharsky. There was apparently наркома Луначарского. В таком названии, видимо, не было никакой иронии: no irony in this name – after all, the ulitsa Vladimir was an age-old route for Владимирский тракт был древним путем в Сибирь для каторжников, многие sending convicts to Siberia, many of whom were revolutionaries. Near the из которых были революционерами. Близ пересечения тракта и Казанской intersection of the trail and the Kazan Railway was a place where the relatives железной дороги находилось место прощания родственников с угоняемыми of convicts being sent off to exile said their last goodbyes. в ссылку осужденными. The slums of the Dangauer and Kaiser (later Kotloapparat and Kompressor) Трущобы рабочей слободы завода Дангауэра и Кайзера (впоследствии factory workers’ quarter did not add to the appeal of this area, which owes its «Котлоаппарат» и «Компрессор») не добавляли району привлекательности. name to that of the first owner of the factory. Собственно, фамилия первого владельца завода и дала название местности. Dangauerovka was the last and largest area of integrated development Дангауэровка стала последним и крупнейшим районом комплексной implemented by the Moscow City Council. The original version of this застройки, осуществленной Моссоветом. По первоначальному варианту development by the architects Mikhail Motylev and R. Wegner occupied он занимал более 50 га. Генеральный план, выполненный архитекторами М. more than 50 hectares. The overall plan, unfortunately, would not be fully Мотылевым и Р. Вегнером, к сожалению, не удалось в свое время полностью implemented at the time. реализовать. Aside from a residential complex, the master plan also included a landscaped Кроме жилого комплекса генеральный план включал благоустроенный сквер, park, schools, a kindergarten, a club, public baths, and a fire department (it школы, детский сад, клуб, бани и пожарную часть (не хватало только фабрики- lacked only a factory-kitchen and a laundry). The apartment buildings were кухни и механической прачечной). Жилые дома были организованы в систему positioned in an elongated system of blocks between the two industrial zones. кварталов, вытянутую между двумя промышленными зонами. Before construction of the subway station, the residents’ primary reference До постройки станции метро основным ориентиром для жителей points were their place of work (the two factories and the Thermo-electric оставались места их работы (два завода и ТЭЦ). Планировка кварталов была Energy Plant). The layout of the blocks was oriented towards helping workers ориентированана движение на работу, а после нее – в сторону жилища. move easily back and forth between work and home. The transverse axis of the Поперечная ось генплана Дангауэровки соединяла проходную завода Dangauerovka master plan connected the entrance to the Ruskabel factory «Рускабель» на западе и несохранившийся до наших дней виадук через in the west and a railway viaduct, now demolished, to the east. This explains the железную дорогу на востоке. Это и объясняет общий архитектурный замысел. overall architectural design. Интересно, что главный герой знаменитого фильма Марлена Хуциева «Застава Interestingly, the protagonist of the film Zastava Ilyich by the famous film Ильича» проживал именно в одном из этих домов, хотя съемки шли по всей director Marlen Khutsiev, lived in one of these apartment buildings (although Москве. Этот квартал считался достойным жилищем вплоть до 1960-х годов. the film was shot throughout Moscow). The settlement was considered very decent housing until the 1960’s. 1. fIRE-Station №19 Пожарная Часть № 19 1927-1929 A. Kurovsky А. Куровский Entuziastov Shosse, 11 Шоссе Энтузиастов, 11 2. School Школа 1928 I. Rybchenkov, A. Zharov И. Рыбченков, А. Жаров Entuziastov Shosse, 16 Шоссе Энтузиастов Шоссе Энтузиастов 16 Авиамоторная 3. Dangauerovka Residential M Aviamotornaya

Complex Жилой Комплекс Ул. Авиамоторная Дангауэровка 1928-1932 M. Motylev, R. Vegner, B. Blokhin, I. Zvezdin. N. Molokov, E. Shervinsky М. Мотылев, Р. Вегнер, Б. Блохин, И. Звездин, Н. Шоссе Энтузиастов Молоков, Е. Шервинский Ul. Aviamotornaya, 14; 20/17; 22/12; 26/5; 28/4, 3, 4, 7; 49/1 51, B. 1 UL. 2nd Kabelnaya, 4, 10 UL. 3rd Kabelnaya, 2, 4/28 UL. Prud Kluchiki, 3; 5 Entuziatov Shosse, 18, 20, 20а, 20б, Ул. 2-Я Кабельная Ул. Пруд Ключики 20в, 22/8 Ул. Авиамоторная, 14; 20/17; 22/12; 26/5; 28/4, 3, 4, 7; 49/1 51, С. 1 Ул. 2-Я Кабельная, 4, 10 Ул. 3-Я Кабельная, 2, 4/28 Ул. Пруд Ключики, 3; 5 Ш. Энтузиастов, 18, 20, 20а, 20б, 20в, 22/8 Ул. 3-Я Кабельная 4. School Школа 1933-1935 Ул. Авиамоторная D. Fridman Д. Фридман Aviamotornaya UL., 26 Авиамоторная Ул., 26 5. Gosplan Garage Гараж Госплана 1934-1936 Konstantin Melnikov, V. Kurochkin Константин Мельников, В. Курочкин Aviamotornaya UL., 63 Авиамоторная Ул., 63 6. Kompressor Factory Proletary Club Клуб Пролетарий Завода Компрессор 1926 V. Vladimirov В. Владимиров Entuziastov Shosse, 28

Шоссе Энтузиастов, 28

я виамоторна А . л У 3 DANGAUEROVKA RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX 1928-32 M. MOTYLEV, R. VEGNER, B. BLOKHIN, I. ZVEZDIN. N. MOLOKOV, E. SHERVINSKY UL. AVIAMOTORNAYA, 14; 20/17; 22/12; 26/5; 28/4, 3, 4, 7; 49/1 51, B. 1 UL. 2ND KABELNAYA, 4, 10 UL. 3RD KABELNAYA, 2, 4/28 UL. PRUD KLUCHIKI, 3; 5 SHOSSE ENTUZIASTOV, 18, 20, 20А, 20Б, 20В, 22/8

This complex represents the best work by Mikhail Motylev, the architect of many similar projects from the second half of the 1920s. The Dangauerovka apartment houses are diverse in form and façade detailing, although built according to the standard MOSSOVET section. The composition of the blocks was developed along the central axis parallel to ulitsa Aviamotornaya. Two symmetrical S-shaped buildings, consisting of thirteen sections, draw our attention. They were designed by Motylev for American specialists (invited to help with the reconstruction of the Ruskabel Plant). These buildings frame a square courtyard with a flowerbed and a statue of Lenin in the centre. Precisely this area has been singled out for preservation, though the architectural designs of many other buildings in this area are more original. Examples include the apartment building at ulitsa Aviamotornaya 22 designed by N. Molokov, which has become a sort of ‘calling card’ for the area. The Dangauerovka apartments remain a textbook example of a large residential complex in Moscow of the 1920s. Unfortunately, in our time, several buildings, with the consent of officials, are being demolished or reconstructed, with no consideration of their historical and architectural value. ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO 5 GOSPLAN GARAGE 1934-1936 KONSTANTIN MELNIKOV, V. KUROCHKIN UL. AVIAMOTORNAYA, 63

This parking garage is the last of the built works of the famous avant- garde architect Konstantin Melnikov. The building consists of two main parts – a low garage, covered by steel trusses, and the taller mass of the administrative section. The most remarkable element here is undoubtedly the large round window in the former dining hall, behind which rose a chimney. The elevated volume of the administrative building is adorned with exaggerated fluting. The main façade of the complex resembles half of a typical car from the 1930s, seen from the front: the window represents a headlight, the fluting a radiator grille, and the low slope of the roof the fender. The original architectural elements of this unique work have been significantly altered: the chimney is fractured, the large round opening has been converted into a false window with plastic millwork and blinds, while in the courtyard two new entrances have been brutally attached to the façade. While the originally unified interior space was subsequently divided by partitions, it is sill possible to observe the geometrical capitals characteristic of the period. a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO STUDENT CAMPUS AND SCIENCE INSTITUTES СТУДЕНЧЕСКИЕ ГОРОДКИ И 06 НАУЧНЫЕ ИНСТИТУТЫ

The tour begins at the Aviamotornaya metro station and Маршрут начинается от станции метро «Авиамоторная». visits the eastern area of Moscow, situated between Эту территорию на востоке Москвы, между шоссе the Entuziastov Shosse and the Yauza River. This area Энтузиастов и Яузой, можно назвать первым советским can be considered t the first Soviet Campus. Several кампусом. На месте Анненгофской Рощи, пришедшей в scientific and educational institutions were built on the упадок и запустение, были построены несколько научных site of the dilapidated and deserted Annenhof Grove, и учебных институтов. Так район стал крупнейшим для which represented the largest training, production довоенного СССР учебно-производственным и научным and scientific town in the pre-war Soviet Union. Many городком. Множество зданий сохранилось внутри более structures remained inside the later development, which поздней застройки на территории, до сих пор закрытой remains closed to the public to this day. However, several для публичного доступа. Однако несколько выдающихся prominent buildings are accessible for viewing. построек все же доступны для осмотра. They include two projects by the Movchan brothers and the Kosos Tsagi Aircraft Experimental Design Division Sector by A. Kuznetsov and Viktor Vesnin. 1. fIRE-Station №19 Пожарная 4. Annegofskaya Roscha Student 5. Student Residences 6. VEI Administrative Office 8. Kosos Tsagi Aircraft Часть № 19 1927-1929 Campus Студенческий Городок Студенческие Общежития Building Of The All-Russian Experimental Design Division A. Kurovsky А. Куровский Аннегофская Роща 1929-1931 1929-1931 Institute Of Energy Sector Конструкторский Entuziastov Shosse, 11 P. Blokhin, B. Gladkov, A. Architect unknown Архитектор Административно-Конторский Отдел Сектора Опытного Шоссе Энтузиастов, 11 Zaltzman П. Блохин, Б. Гладков, Неизвестен Корпус Всероссийского Самолетостроения Косос Цаги 2. Institute Of Communications А.Зальцман UL. Energeticheskaya , 8, 6 Энергетического Института 1932-35 Hostel Общежития Института UL. Energeticheskaya, 14, 10 Ул. Энергетическая , 8, 6 1929-1931 A. Kuznetsov, Victor Vesnin And Связи Late 20s Ул. Энергетическая , 14, 10 L. Meylman, V. Movchan, G. Others А. Кузнецов, В. Веснин И Architect unknown Архитектор Movchan Л. Мейльман, В. Другие Неизвестен Мовчан И Г. Мовчан Ul. Radio, 24 UL. Aviamotornaya, 8, P. 1 Ul. Krasnokazarmennaya, 13 Ул. Радио, 24 Ул. Авиамоторная , 8 С. 1 Ул. Красноказарменная, 13 9. Tsagi Central Aero- 3. Institute Of Communications 7. D'B Housing For Teachers Hydrodynamics Институт Связи 1931-1936 And Graduate Students Institute Центральный A. Solomonov А. Соломонов Жилые Дома Преподавателей И Аэрогидродинамический UL. Aviamotonaya , 8a Аспирантов D'B 1928 Институт Цаги 1927-1930 Ул. Авиамоторная , 8а V. Movchan, G. Movchan В. Engineers: A. Kuznetsov, B. Парк Лефортово Мовчан И Г. Мовчан Gladkov, H. Karlsen, S. Kozhin, PARK LEFORTOVO Ul. Krasnokazarmennaya, 12 V. Movchan, G. Movchan, Ivan Ул. Красноказарменнаяу , 12 Nikolaev, A. Fisenko Инженеры: А. Кузнецов Б. Гладков, Г. Карлсен, С. Кожин, В. Мовчан, Г. Мовчан, И. Николаев, А. Фисенко Ul. Radio, 17 Ул. Радио, 17 ул. РадиоУл

Красноказарменная Ул

Энергетическая Улица

ул. Лефортовский

. л У я виамоторна А

Красноказарменная Ул

ул. ЛапинаВал Авиамоторная Ул.

Авиамоторная M Aviamotornaya

Шоссе Энтузиастов ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO

4 ANNEGOFSKAYA ROSCHA STUDENT CAMPUS 1929-1931 P. BLOKHIN, B. GLADKOV, four buildings were developed based on a different design of twin rectangular sets with A. ZALTZMAN UL. ENERGETICHESKAYA, 14, 10, 8, 6 setback sections framing courtyards. Two budings overlooking the Lefortovsky val were reconstructed and fitted out with 1950’s décor. This is one of three campuses for 10,000 students built according to the same design, the The buildings retain their interesting spatial design, cylindrical bay windows, semicircular others being the dormitories in Vsekvsvyatskoye - All Saints - village and that along ulitsa balconies, and vertical stairwell windows. Studencheskaya. none of these complexes have been preserved in their original form, A few of the buildings featured flat roofs used for sports activities, some even equipped with with dagmges wrought in each case to various buildings. The campus consists of two a swimming pool. While none have survived, they were beautifully represented by Alexander H-shaped structures for families, and four elongated blocks for single residents. In addition, Rodchenko in his famous photo essay. 8 TSAGI AIRCRAFT EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN DIVISION SECTOR 1932-1935 A. KUZNETSOV, VIKTOR VESNIN AND OTHERS UL RADIO, 24

The building, completed using skeleton framework with large glass surfaces, is distinguished by the protruding cylindrical element that marks the corner, and a square tower on the roof. The facades are adorned with a simplified cornice, decorative framework and corbels. Renovations have stripped the building of many of its original façade details, in many cases replaced with more,decorative alternatives. This building housed the so-called “Tupolev sharashka” - a secret research institute with a special, almost prison-like regime. Employees were not allowed to leave the institution, and were even forced to take their walks on a platform situated on the roof of the building. It is here that many legendary aircraft designers worked and many unique airplanes were designed. ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO FROM AVANT-GARDE TO ART-DECO ОТ 07 АВАНГАРДА К АР-ДЕКО

The route runs along the old border of Moscow - the Маршрут проходит вдоль старинной границы Москвы – Kamer-Kollezhski Val (Rampart), then proceeds along Камер-Коллежского Вала, а потом вдоль проложенного the prospekt Budennogo, laid down after the October после Революции проспекта Буденного. Здесь мы Revolution. The tour presents both typical workers’ встретим как типичные для конца 1920-х годов рабочие settlements from the late 1920’s, as well as more recent поселки с обслуживающей инфрастуктурой, так и более examples of the transitional style and other typologies. In поздние примеры переходного стиля и другой типологии. contrast to central areas of the city, there are almost no В отличие от центральных районов города, здесь почти не representative buildings of the 1930s to be found - except встречаются представительные постройки 1930-х годов, for one of the largest movie theaters in pre-war Moscow. за исключением одного из крупнейших кинотеатров However, many buildings begun in the strict avant-garde довоенной Москвы. Однако многие здания, начатые в style, would, in the end, acquire richer decor. строгой авангардной стилистике, в конце-концов обрели более богатый декор. 1 Residential Quarter Жилой Квартал Early 30s Ivan Nikolaev and others И. Николаев И Др. Deviataya Rota, 14 Девятая Рота, 14 Преображенская площадь 2 Residential Building Жилые M Preobrazhenskaya ploshchad Дома Early 30s Architect unknown Архитектор Измайловский Вал Неизвестен Ul. Suvorovskaya, 2/1,K. 2,4 Ул. Суворовская, 2/1, К. 2, 4. 3 Baumanskiy Stroitel Residential Девятая Рота Building Жилые Дома Бауманский Строитель 1929 B. Sidorov Б. Сидоров M. Semenovskaya 15/17b Etc.. Измайловский Вал М. Семеновская, 15/17б И Др. 4 Baumanskiy District Communal Ткацкая Ул Kitchen Фабрика-Кухня Late 20s - Early 30s B. Vilensky Б. Виленский Семеновская M Semenovskaya Tkatzkaya UL., 11 Электрозаводская Ткацкая Ул., 11 Elektrozavodskaya M ул. Большая ул. Большая 5 Rodina Cinema Кинотеатр Родина Семеновская Семеновская 1937-1938 V. Kalmykov, Ya. Kornfeld В. Калмыков, Я. Корнфельд Izmailovsky Val, 5 Измайловский Вал, 5 Буденного Проспект 6 Shopping Center Универмаг Late 20s Architect unknown Архитектор Неизвестен Izmailovsky Val, 3 Измайловский Вал, 3 7 Communal Kitchen Фабрика- Кухня Early 30s Architect unknown Архитектор Неизвестен Budeonnogo Prospekt, 21 Буденного Проспект, 21 Буденного Проспект 8 Club Dorprofsozha Клуб Дорпрофсожа 1928 G. Goltz Г. Гольц Budennogo Prospekt, 32 Буденного Проспект, 32 9 Tetz-11 Hostel Общежитие Тэц-11 Late 20s Architect unknown Архитектор Неизвестен Entuziastov Shosse, 34 Энтузиастов Шоссе, 34 M Энтузиастов ШоссеШоссе Энтузиастов Shosse Entuziastov

Энтузиастов Шоссе ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO

1 RESIDENTIAL QUARTER EARLY 30S IVAN NIKOLAEV AND OTHERS sections of the two buildings, but. also remarkable for the symmetrical axes of the interior UL. PREOBRAZHENSKY VAL, 24, K. 1-6 / UL. DEVIATAYA ROTA, 14 courtyards running towards the bell tower of the former St. Nicholas Yedinovercheski Monastery. This refutes the stereotypical concepts that such avant-garde masters as Ivan This is one of the most interesting residential neighborhoods of the late 1920’s. Apartment Nikolaev, one of the leaders of the constructivist movement, ignored the prevailing historical houses were created using the standard Moscow City Council MOSSOVET sectional design. context of urban development. The budlngs in this complex were not subjected to repair Noteworthy are designs entailing curved sections of the buildings – with living-rooms and or reconstruction, and have thus retained almost all of their original elements, with the bedrooms along the curve facing outward, and kitchens and bathrooms facing inward. exception of the balconies. The design included a landscaped park sloping down toward the The special design concept for this block is interesting not only in terms of the curved corner dammed Khapilovka Brook to the south of the block, and currently filled in. ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO

3 BAUMANSKIY STROITEL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 1929 B. SIDOROV been closed off. From ulitsa Malaya Semyonovskaya, one’s attention is drawn by the unique UL. M. SEMENOVSKAYA, 15/17B, ETC. monumental gateway formed by the elevated end sections of the buildings. The building along Izmailovski Val - developed last - is stuccoed and finished entirely in the Art Deco These simply-shaped, five-story buildings feature typical configurations and “striped” style – with rounded attic windows, balcony walls with simplified railings, and decorative facades. The corner building - 15/17B – is notable for its expressive corner section, elevated window-framing. to a sixth floor, and the culminating tower anchoring the corner of the block. An elevator The block once featured a landscaped park adjacent to it on the north side that,. according to was later installed in the niche formed by the right angle connection between the sections. the original design, gently sloped down to the shores of the dammed up Khapilovka Brook, The vertical stairwell window that once rested atop an elegantly rounded front entryway has now filled in and at the time separating the two apartment complexes. AROUND THE ZIL AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY CLUB ДОМ КУЛЬТУРЫ МОСКОВСКОГО 08 АВТОЗАВОДА И ВОКРУГ НЕГО

This route runs through an area of large industiral Маршрут проходит в районе крупных заводов: facilities: an automobile plant, which belonged to the автомобильного, до революции принадлежавшего Riabushinsky family prior to the Ocotber Revolution, the Рябушинским, завода имени Сталина и завода имени Stalin Plant and the the Likhachev Plant, also known and Лихачева (АМО, ЗИС, ЗИЛ). the AMO, ZIS and ZIL. До постройки станции метро «Автозаводская» (1943) Prior to the construction of the Avtozavodskaya Metro данный район был достаточно изолирован и плохо связан station (1943), this area was fairly isolated and poorly с центром города. Он был расположен между Москва- connected to the city centre. It was located between the рекой и крупными предприятиями, выступавшими Moscow River and large enterprises, the former major основными работодателями и застройщиками. employers and developers of the city. Велозаводская Ул Дубровка M Dubrovka ул. Шарикоподшипниковскаяиковская

Восточная Улица 1-Я У. Машиностроения

л У я лозаводска Ве

Ослябинский Пер

2. Rogozhsko-Simonovsky District 7. Leninskaya Sloboda Residential Public Bath with Swimming Pool Quarter Жилой Квартал Ул. Ленинская Слобода Бани С Бассейном Рогожско- Ленинская Слобода Симоновского Района 1930 Late 20s - Early 30s V. Panin В. Панин Architect unknown Архитектор Ul. Avtozavodskaya, 21 Неизвестен Автозаводская Ул., 21 UL. Vostochnaya, 7, K.6, 4, K.2; 3. Tramline Pavilion Павильон Peresvet Pereulok. 6 Ул. Мастеркова Трамвайной Линии Ул. Восточная, 7, К. 6, 4, К.2. Late 20s - Early 30s Пересветов Пер., 6 Автозаводская Architect unknown Архитектор 8. fIRE Station Пожарное Депо M Avtozavodskaya Неизвестен Early 30s Ul. Avtozavodskaya, 1 S. Kurowski С. Куровский Ул. Автозаводская, 1 Oslyabinsky Pereulok, 2 4 Avtozavoda Residential Building Ослябинский Пер., 2 Жилые Дома Автозавода Mid 30s 9. zIL Avtozavoda Palace Of Architect unknown Архитектор Culture Дворец Культуры Неизвестен Автозавода 1931-1937 1st Ul. Mashinostroeniya, 4 K1, K2 , Viktor Vesnin, втозаводская Ул. 1-Я У. Машиностроения 4 К1, К2 Leonid Vesnin А. , В., Л. Веснины 5. School Школа 1933-35 UL. Vostochnaya , 4, K. 1 A. Liursa А. Люрса Ул. Восточная, 4, К. 1 1st UL. Mashinostroeniya, 16 10. Dinamo Power Plant Завод 1. Residential Building Жилой Дом 1-Я У. Машиностроения, 16 Электросила Динамо 1932 Early 30s 6. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AVTOZAVODA Architect unknown Архитектор Автозаводская Ул Architect unknown Архитектор Жилые Дома Автозавода 1932 Неизвестен Неизвестен I. Milinis И. Милинис Ul. Leninskaya Sloboda, 26 Ul. Avtozavodskaya, 19 K. 1, 2, 17; Ul. Velozavodskaya, 3 /1 Ул. Ленинская Слобода, 26 K. 1, 2, 3 Ul. Novoostapovkaya, 4, K.1, 6 11. Dinamo Factory Communal Ул. Автозаводская, 19, К. 1, 2, 17; Ул. Велозаводская , 3/1 Kitchen Фабрика-Кухня Завода К. 1, 2, 3 Ул. Новоостаповская, 4, К. 1; 6 Динамо Late 20s – Early 30s Architect unknown Архитектор Неизвестен Ul. Masterkova, 17 Ул. Мастеркова, 17 ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO

9 ZIL Avtozavoda Palace Of Culture 1931-1937 A. VESNIN, B. VESNIN, L. VESNIN in the foyer, a theatre, a conference hall, expansive hallways, numerous club rooms, a library UL. VOSTOCHNAYA, 4, 1 K. and a ground-floor indoor garden, featuring another bay window overlooking the Moscow River. This multi-purpose building, situated on the site of the almost entirely demolished Simonov The complex’s flat roof, once used as terraces, even contains an observatory. Between Monastery, is one of the finest works by the prominent office of the . However, the lobby of the auditorium and that of the main building there was once an archway for the brothers were not able to fully implement the second stafe of the project, for a large driving into the maintenance yard. Over the years this space is built up, and now houses capacity entertainment complex. a restaurant. The spatial organisaction of the project reflects the general trends of 1930s The structure of the Palace of Culture is remarkable for its contrast of symmetrical elements Soviet architecture: a gigantic scale and spaces reminiscent of classical suites of rooms. arranged along the longitudinal and transversal axes of the composition. While many of the interior details were lost during reconstruction works in the late 1970’s The ZIL consists of a large auditorium on the 2nd floor, with an impressive glass bay window and 2000’s,. the ZIL is one of the rare buildings that continues to serve its original purpose. MOSCOW’S AVANT-GARDE ALL-STARS ШЕДЕВРЫ МОСКОВСКОГО 09 АВАНГАРДА

The Moscow Avant-garde All-Stars Tour is designed to Экскурсия «Все звёзды Авангарда Москвы» предлагает offer a general overview of the importance of Moscow’s общий обзор значимости Конструктивисткого и avant-garde and constructivist heritage, using a Авангардистского наследия Москвы с использованием selection of buildings found in the other RKM_Guided отдельных зданий той эпохи, указанных в других Tours, together with a few additional examples. The экскурсиях РКМ, наряду с другими образцами. Начиная buildings range from early examples of Soviet avant- с ранних образцов Советского архитектуного Авангарда, garde architecture, realised soon after the October чьё строительство было осуществлено вскоре после M Revolution and later works, in which the influences of the Октябрьской революции, и поздние работы, в которых new State-imposed decorative style becomes increasingly влияние декоративного стиля, навязанного новым more evident, marking the end of the rapid rise of the государственным строем, становится более очевидным, Constructivist movement. и считается началом заката стремительно вознесшегося The tour is divided into two parts, given the amount of Конструктивисткого движения. material to be visited and the distances to be covered. В связи с объёмом материала, количеством объектов Part I begins at the Arbatskya metro station to visit посещений, и расстоянием между ними, экскурсия the Melnikov House, Lenin’s Mausoleum, Le Corbusier’s разделена на две части. Tsentrosoyuz building and the Ogonyok Printing Plant, the Часть I: начинается у станции Метро Арбатская с sole existing work by the avant-garde master El Lissitsky. посещения дома-музея архитектора Мельникова, затем Part II begins at the Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage by – мавзолей Ленина, здание Центосоюза постройки Le Konstantin Melnikov and Vladimir Shukhov – use the Corbusier, и наконец, типография журнала «Огонёк», Novoslobodskaya/Mendelevskaya station and tram n. 19 - единственная существующая работа мастера авнгарда Эл and ends with a visit to the Usachevka Residential District, Лисицкого. near the Sportvnaya metro station. Часть II: начинается с посещения Бахметьевсого автобусного парка – постройки Константина Мельникова и Владимира Шухова. Пользуемся станциями Метро Менделеевская и Новослободская, затем трамваем № 19. Экскурския заканчивается обзором жилого района Усачёвка. Цветной бульвар M Tsvetnoy bul’var Сухаревская M Sukharevskaya

09A Маяковская 1. Melnikov House Дом Мельникова M Mayakovskaya 1927-1929 Konstantin Melnikov Константин Трубная Мельников M Trubnaya Krivoarbatsky Pereulok, 10 Пушкинская Тургеневская Pushkinskaya M Чеховская M Turgenevskaya Кривоарбатский пер., 10 M Chekhovskaya 2. Mausoluem of Vladimir Lenin Тверская Сретенский бульвар Чистые пруды Tverskaya M Sretenskiy bul’var M M Мавзолей Ленина 1929-1930 Chistye prudy Alexey Schusev, I. Frantsuz А. Щусев, И. Француз Red Square Кузнецкий мост Kuznetskiy most M Красная площадь Баррикадная 3. Narkomfin Apartment House Дом M Barrikadnaya Наркомфина 1928-1930 M Лубянка Краснопресненская M Lubyanka Mosei Ginzburg, Ignati Milinis Krasnopresnenskaya Театральная M Engineer: S. Prohorov Teatral’naya М. Гинзбург, И. Милинис, инженер Охотный ряд С. Прохоров Okhotnyy ryad M Площадь Революции 11. NKPS building (People's M Ploshchad’ Revolyutsii Novinsky Bul'var, 25 Commissariat of Transportation) Китай-город Здание НКПС 1928-1931 Новинский бульвар, 25 Kitay-gorod M 4. The Moscow Planetarium И. Фомин Планетарий 1927-1929 Библиотека имени В. И. Ленина UL. Novaya-Basmannaya, 2/1 Mikhail Barsch, M Sinyavsky Biblioteka imeni V. I. Lenina Ул. Новая Базманная, 2/1 Engineer: G. Zundblad М. Барщ, М. Арбатская M Александровский сад 12. Gostorg Building Здание Arbatskaya M M Синявский, инженер Г. А. Зундлат Aleksandrovskiy sad Госторга 1926-1927 UL. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5 Боровицкая B. Velikovsky, V. Vladimirov, M Borovitskaya Садовая-Кудринская Ул., 5 with Mikhail Barsch, G. Vegman, 5. Political Prisoners Society Club M. Gaken, A. Langman Б. Клуб общества Политкаторжан Великовский, В. Владимиров, Смоленская Михаил Барщ, Г. Вегман, М. Гакен, 1930-1932 Smolenskaya M A., B., L. Vesnin А., В., и Л. Веснины А. Лангман UL. Povarskaya, 33 8. Dinamo Sports Club Ul. Myasnitskaya, 47 Ул. Поварская, 33 M Кропоткинская Headquarters Ул.Мясницкая, 47 6. Pokazatelnoe stroitelstvo Kropotkinskaya Здание спортивного общества 13. Krasnye Vorota Metro Station Cooperative Residential Building “Динамо” 1928-1932 Street Level Pavilion Наземный Жилой дом кооператива I. Fomin, A. Langman павильон станции метро Показательное строительство” И. Фомин, А. Лангман “Красные Ворота” 1935 1929-1930 fURKASOVSKY PEREULOK, 1/12 Nikolai Ladovsky Mikhail Barsch, V. Vladimirov, фУРКOСOВСКИЙ пер., 1/12 Николай Ладовский Ignati Milinis, M. Sinyavsky, A. 9. NARKOMZEM HEADQUARTERS Krasnye Vorota Ploshchad Pasternak engineer S. Orlovsky (PEOPLE'S COMMISSARIAT OF Площадь Красные Ворота М. Барщ, В. Владимиров, Л. AGRICULTURE) Здание Наркомзема 14. Kauchuk Factory Club Клуб Милинис, А. Пастернак, Л. Славина, 1928-1933 завода “Каучук” 1927-1929 инженер С. Орловский A. SCHUSEV, A. GREENBERG AND Konstantin Melnikov OTHERS А. ЩУСЕВ, А. ГРИНБЕРГ И Константин Мельников Gogolevsky Bul'var, 8 Парк культуры Гоголевский бульвар, 8 MPark kul’tury ДРУГИЕ Ul. Plyuschikha, 64 7. Izvestia Headquarters and Ul. Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 11/1 Ул. плющиха, 64 Printing Plan Здание редакции и Ул. Садовая-Спасская, 11/1 15. Mosselprom Headquarters типографии “Известия ВЦИК” 10. Tsentrosoyuz Building Здание Здание Моссельпрома 1913-1925 1925-1927 Центрсоюза 1929-1936 D. Kogan, A. Loleyt, V. Tsvetaev G.B. Barkhin, M. G Barkhin Г.Б. Le Corbusier, P. Jeanneret, N. N. Strukov, V. Tsvetayev, artist Бархин, М. Г. Бархин Kolli Ле Корбузье, Пьер Жаннере, Д. КОГАН, Pushkinskaya Ploshchad, 5 Николай Колли А.Лолейт, Н. Струков, В. Цветаев Пушкинская площадь, 5 Ul. MYASNITSKAYA, 39 ХУДОЖНИК А. Родченко Ул. МЯСНИЦКАЯ, 39 Kalashny Pereulok, 2/10 Калашный пер. 2/10 Петровско-Разумовская 09B M Petrovsko-Razumovskaya ВДНХ Дмитровская M VDNKh 16. Ogonyok Printing Plant 23. 1st Sovnarkom Building 1-й Дом M Dmitrovskaya Типография Огонёк 1930-1934 Совнаркома 1928-1931 El Lissitsky, MIKHAIL Barsch, P. B. and D. Iofan Antonov Л. Лисицкий, М. Барщ, Б. М. иофан, Д. М. Иофан и Др. П. Антонов Bersenevskaya Naberezhnaya, 1st Samotechny Pereulok, 17, C. 4 20/2 Сокол Алексеевская 1-Й Самотечный Пер., 17, С. 4 Берсеневская набережная, 20/2 M Sokol M Alekseevskaya 17. Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage 24. Moscow Power Plant №1 МОГЭС Бахметьевский гараж 1926-33 №1 1925-1926 Аэропорт Марьина роща M Aeroport Mar’ina roshcha Konstantin Melnikov Engineer: И. Жолтовский Рижская Vladimir Shukhov Константин Ul. Sadovniheskaya M Савеловская M Rizhskaya Мельников Инженер: Влади Садовническая ул. M Savelovskaya мир Шухов 25. School Школа 1931-1933 Динамо Dinamo M UL. Obraztsova, 19a I. Zvezdin И. Звездин Сокольники Ул. Образцова, 19а Sadovniheskaya emb. M Sokol’niki 18. National Minorities of the Садовническая наб. Достоевская West Communist University 26. Telephone Station Телефонная Dostoyevskaya Student Hostel Общежитие станция M Проспект Мира студентов Коммунистического Pokrovsky Bul'var Новослободская M Prospekt Mira Полежаевская Novoslobodskaya M университета национальных Покровский бульвар M Polezhaevskaya меньшинств запада 1929-1931 27. Usachevka Residential District G. Dankman, M. Rusanov Жилой район «Усачевка» Сухаревская Бауманская M Sukharevskaya M Г. ДАНКМАН, М. РУСАНОВА 1925-1928 Baumanskaya Petroverigsky Pereulok, 8/6 Meshkov, N. Molokov, Петроверигский пер., 8/6 N.Shcherbakov, et. al. Тверская Чистые пруды 19. Sovnarkom Garage Гараж Engineers: G. Maslennikov, Tverskaya M Лубянка M Chistye prudy Совнаркома 1927-1928 A. Volkov А. МЕШКОВ, Н. МОЛОКОВ, Краснопресненская Lubyanka M Курская Krasnopresnenskaya M M Kurskaya G. Holtz, V. Tretyakov Г. Гольц, В. Н. ЩЕРБАКОВ И ДР. ИНЖЕНЕРЫ: Театральная Чкаловская Третьяков Г. МАСЛЕННИКОВ, А. ВОЛКОВ Teatral’naya M M Chkalovskaya Karetny Ryad Ul. leitya Octyabrya, 10 Китай-город Kitay-gorod M Каретный Ряд УЛ. 10-летия Октября Выставочная Арбатская Vystavochnaya Arbatskaya M 20. Ptitsevodsoyuz Headquartes 28. Svoboda Factory Club Клуб Боровицкая Птицеводсоюз 1927-1930 фабрики «Свобода» 1927-29 Международная M Смоленская MBorovitskaya Mezhdunarodnaya M Smolenskaya M V. Tsvetayev В. Цветаев Konstantin Melnikov Новокузнецкая Ul. Maroseika Константин Мельников Кропоткинская M Novokuznetskaya Kropotkinskaya M Ул. Маросейка UL. Vyatskaya, 41a Таганская 21. Mossovet Truck Garage Гараж Ул. Вятская, 41a M Taganskaya автобусов Моссовета 1926-1928 29. Timiryazev Agriculture Парк Победы Konstantin Melnikov Engineer: Academy Complex Комплекс Park Pobedy M Парк культуры M Park kul’tury Vladimir Shukhov Константин сельхозакадемии им. Пролетарская M Proletarskaya Мельников Инженер: Влади Тимирязева Октябрьская мир Шухов Listvenninchnaya Alleya M Oktyabr’skaya UL. Novoryazanskaya, 27 Лиственничная Аллея Серпуховская M Serpukhovskaya Ул. Новорязанская, 27 30. Univermag Department Store Спортивная M 22. Molotov Gosplan Academy УНИВЕРМАГ мосторг 1927-1928 M Sportivnaya Волгоградский проспект Volgogradskiy prospekt Академия Госплана им. A., Leonid and V. Vesnin Шаболовская Молотова 1935-1937 Александр, Леонид и Виктор M Shabolovskaya D. Razov Д. Разов Веснины UL. Spartakovskaya Krasnopresnenskaya Ул. Спартаковская Zastava Ploshchad, 2/48 Воробьёвы горы Красная Площадь, 2/48 M ВОРОБЬЕВЫ ГОРЫ Тульская M Tul’skaya Автозаводская M Avtozavodskaya MOORROOM PHOTO

1 MELNIKOV HOUSE 1927-1929 KONSTANTIN MELNIKOV KRIVOARBATSKY PEREULOK, 10 the entire height of the building – is located on the second floor. Adjoined to it is a round bedroom shared by all members of the family. An expansive studio flooded by light through Comprised of two, overlapping equal-diameter cylinders fitted into one another, Konstantin 38 of the distinctive hexagonal windows is located on the second floor, featuring a small Melnikov built his house using wood and brick, the most widely available materials at the mezzanine exiting out onto a roof-top terrace. The only distinctly separate rooms in the time, and paid for by the architect himself. The walls of the cylinders form a meshwork house are the bathroom, toilet, and children’s rooms – all having conventional doors. The casing resembling the hyperboloids lattice shells employed by the engineer Vladimir bedroom, as well as the entry-way, is cordoned off by a mobile glass partition. Paintings and Shukhov, with whom Melnikov developed numerous projects in the mid-1920s. The resulting graphics by the architect and his son adorn interiors appointed with antique furniture. hexagonal-shaped voids were either used as windows or filled with insulation. The bedroom once featured unique beds designed in the art-deco style by the architect, Inside, the unfinished brick chimneys located at the point of overlap of the two cylinders, are which seemingly to gradually “grow” out of the floor. All rooms have their own special colour used as exhaust ducts for ventilation and heating. A furnace located in the basement, stoked schemes – the living room has pink-purple walls, the bedroom is yellow, while the ground- by peat and coal, distributed warm air throughout all the rooms using a system of ducts, floor ceiling in the children’s’ rooms is finished off with coloured wedges. innovative for its time. Melnikov lived in the house until his death in 1974, after which it was inhabited by his son, The entry-way, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, dressing room, and two children’s activity the artist Viktor Melnikov. The house is currently occupied by Melnikov’s granddaughter rooms are on the ground floor. A spiral staircase is located at the point where the two Ekaterina. There are plans calling for its conversion into a museum of the works of cylinders intersect. The living room-studio – lit by the immense double glass window running Konstantin and Viktor. O K NA USS OGI N O PHOTO

3 NARKOMFIN APARTMENT HOUSE 1928-1930 MOSEI GINZBURG, IGNATI MILINIS 10 versions, including non-standard or modified units, such as Milyutin’s stunning roof-top NOVINSKY BUL’VAR, 25 penthouse, or the apartment with two semi-circular balconies on the short end of the building. The use of two-level residential units enabled the creation of a tall living room and This is an experimental residential structure designed by the leading constructivist architect compact bedrooms, while retaining the overall dimensions of a traditional apartment. This Moisei Ginzburg and his colleague Ignati Milinis, and commissioned by the Finance Minister in turn meant dedicating less volume to the corridors, located here on every second floor. Nikolai Milyutin. The Narkomfin apartment house has been mistakenly termed a Dom- Apartment entrance doors lead to the inner stairs, moving either up or down. Kommuna when in fact it is a “transitional-type” of structure. The shfit toward fully socialised The same principle was later used by Hans Scharoun in his Breslau dormitory, as well as by day-to-day life was supposed to be gradual, and the apartments were still provided with Le Corbusier in his Marseilles “Unité d’Habitation”. The Swiss architect had spent time on individual, albeit minuscule cooking facilities and bathrooms. A communal block, designed the Narkomfin construction site and saw the architect’s drafts, and there is even a legend to accommodate a dining hall and library, is located next to the residential building and that he took them with him to France. connected by a passageway. A mandatory stop on any architectural pilgrimage to Moscow, the Narkomfin is currently The majority of the flats in the building are two-story experimental type K, 2A, and F in very poor condition. There were plans for its conversion into a boutique hotel, after the residential “cells”. Surviving examples of these units can be found in the Moscow apartment conservation under the direction of Ginzburg’s grandson Alexei. Access to the interior is near building at Gogolevsky Bul’var, 10 built at the same time. The Narkomfin featured more than impossible. a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

9 NARKOMZEM HEADQUARTERS (PEOPLE’S COMMISSARIAT OF AGRICULTURE) 1928-1933 structure, a tool employed by to achieve the impressive appearance of the USSR’s main ALEXEY SCHUSEV, A. GREENBERG AND OTHERS UL. SADOVAYA-SPASSKAYA, 11/1 ideological centre.. What is more, the use of jagged stone to finish off the base of the Pravda building was analogous to Shchusev’s. The Administrative Building of the Ministry of Agriculture on the occupied an Shchusev’s Ministry of Agriculture – with its powerful monumental forms – has to this day entire block. It has a trapezoid-shaped courtyard and anchors two corners, one across from retained its compositional “leadership” over the Garden Ring, even after completion of the Ulitsa Myasnitskaya, the other is the corner of the then newly created Novokirovsky Prospekt. neabry Tsentrosoyuz Building by the prophet of , Le Corbusier (1928- Both of these corner elements of the Ministry, while designed differently, are distinguished by 34), and the architect Ivan Fomin’s conversion of a former “wayside” palace, once used by their special plasticity. traveling royalty on long voyages, into offices for the Ministry of Railways (early 1930s). Of particular merit not just for , but also the leading associates of his studio, The significance of the Agriculture Ministry was in no way diminished by Nikolai Ladovsky’s was the painstaking attention to detail in this building, distinguished by its inventive plasticity unique seashell-shaped entrance to the Krasnye Vorota metro station. Nor has its emphasising the asymmetry of the total composition. It should also be noted that many “compositional leadership” status been altered by either the construction of a skyscraper innovations, such as the constantly operating paternoster elevators, were installed here at the Red Gates in the 1950s (by architects A. Dushkin and B. Mezentsev), or the later before those in Le Corbusier’s Tsentrosoyuz Building, and continued to operate until 2010. development of Sakharov Avenue, including the administrative building of the Computing The Agricultural Ministry begs comparison with the Pravda printing complex by Panteleimon Center of the USSR State Planning Committee by L. Pavlov. Golosov and recognised as a masterpiece of late Constructivism. Characteristically, the Few of Shchusev’s fellow colleagues and masters of avant-garde could boast of such a Shchusev building lacks strict symmetry; its main façade is without any explicit axial representative and fully-realised structure. a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

10 TSENTROSOYUZ BUILDING 1929-1936 LE CORBUSIER, PIERRE JEANNERET, N. KOLLI ‘five points’ which called for the use of pilotis, curtain-wall façades, a free floor plan, strip UL. MYASNITSKAYA, 39 windows and a flat roof. The circulation ramps inside the building are reminiscent of the circulation inside the Ville Savoye, from the same period. Though complete working drawings The Tsentrosoyuz or Centrosoyuz Building, designed by [Le Corbusier], Pierre Jeanneret were sent to Moscow in 1929, material shortages resulting from Stalin’s first Five Year Plan and Nikolai Kolli, was realised for the Central Union of Consumer Cooperatives, a branch of caused delays to construction. These same shortages also led to the rejection of many of Soviet government. Originally designed as office space for some 3,500 people, the building the innovations proposed by the architect, including the use of mechanical ventilation and a also contained a restaurant, lecture halls and a theatre. The main entrance was originally system of heating/cooling that exploited pipes inserted between the double glass insulating located along the western side, from Prospekt Akademika Sakharova. façade. The blocks of red stone, quarried in the Caucasus, are used to insulate the building’s The Tsentrosoyuz is the result of three architectural competitions held in the late 1920s, concrete structure. Criticised by some as an “orgy of glass and concrete”, the leading all three won by Le Corbusier, who had this to say: “I shall bring to this task all that I have constructivist architect [Aleksandr Vesinin] hailed the building as the “the best to have been learned in architecture [and] with great joy I shall contribute to a nation being organised built in Moscow in over a century”, an opinion that cost him dearly under Stalin’s reign. The in accordance with its new spirit.” The building is a textbook application of Le Corbusier’s building currently houses the Goskomstat, the Russian State Committee for Statistics. 13 KRASNYE VOROTA STREET LEVEL PAVILION AND METRO STATION 1932-1935 the entrance. Like all first stage deep-level stations of the Sokolniki (red) line, Krasnye Vorota I. FOMIN, N. ANDRIKANIS, N. LADOVSKY, A. DUSHKIN ULITSA SADOVAYA-SPASSKAYA 21 is three vaulted. However, hydraulic conditions were too complicated to have a central hall. When building was nearing completion, it turned out that the reinforced concrete pylons The Krasnye Vorota, or, Red Gate metro station is named after the Victory Red Gate erected could not support the load and alternate archways from the central hall to the platforms in 1757, which gave its name to the entire district. In 1927 the Gate was pulled down for had to be blocked up, which increased the support and enhanced the station’s monumental obstructing tramlines, and not even the creative intelligentsia of the period, including the appearance. director of the Tretyakov Gallery Alexey Shchusev and Ivan Fomin, the future architect of The caissons in the ground-level hall have moulded reliefs with views of Moscow, horns of omonymous metro station, could save it. Fomin thus conceived of the metro station as a plenty and five-pointed stars. The south vestibule is a gigantic cylindrical caisson vault which tribute to the memory of the Red Gate and the street level pavilion, designed by Nikolai seems to grow out of the ground and the second vestibule was built in the 1950s, during Ladovsky, clearly pays homage to the lost monument with its symmetrical arches that frame construction of the multi-storey building on the far side of the Garden Ring. O K NA USS OGI N O PHOTO O K NA USS OGI N O PHOTO

15 MOSSELPROM HEADQUARTERS 1913-1925 D. KOGAN, A. LOLEYT, N. STRUKOV, V. The eastern side of the building once featured paintings based on sketches by Alexander TSVETAEV ARTIST: ALEXANDER RODCHENKO KALASHNY PEREULOK, 2/10 Rodchenko, with images of the main wares offered (candy, packs of cigarettes, chocolate, beer and bottled water, etc.) as well as texts containing the slogan “Only at Mosselprom!” This building was initially one of the typical turn of the century rental properties built in 1913 created by Vladimir Mayakovsky, an initial adherent of the Futurist movement, and one of the based on a design by the civil engineer N.D. Strukov. The building collapsed immediately most famous Russian “propagandist” poets of the early Soviet years. after construction and was rebuilt in 1925 by the civil engineer V.D. Tsvetaev. The building To coincide with the 750th anniversary of Moscow in 1997, a project was developed to housed the administration and warehouses of the Moscow Agribusiness Trust. The engineer recreate the works of Mayakovsky and Rodchenko (the author was E. Ovsyannikova). The A.F. Loleit adorned this building with a tower housing a clock easily visible from the Arbat facades and the property were surveyed, measured and prepared for painting, and despite Square (which unfortunately has not survived). the rain, snow and freezing weather, the final paintings were completed on plaster at the end The first thing that catches the eye is the building’s color scheme – designed to modernise of 1997. This design was based on the “ideal” approach to façade decoration represented by the building in the spirit of the latest architecture, and representing its constructional Rodchenko in his heavily retouched photograph. In fact, the side-end wall was left without framework. However, the most interesting thing is tucked away on the opposite side. plaster, and still-lifes were done on plywood attached to the wall. ssiliev Va a i Nikol PHOTO

17 BAKHMETEVSKY BUS GARAGE 1926-1933 KONSTANTIN MELNIKOV, VLADIMIR SHUKHOV transport infrastructures but also employed in numerous public buildings. The main façade UL. OBRAZTSOVA, 19a along Ulitsa Obraztsova also presents vertical strip windows from floor to ceiling and large round windows above the bus entrances. This façade is also decorated with bold graphics The Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage was designed in 1926 to house the fleet of British ‘Leyland’ of text and numbers above the portals. The daring roof structure, designed by the structural buses acquired by the MOSSOVET, the Moscow City Council. Konstantin Melnikov developed engineer Vladimir Shukhov, is comprised of long-span steel trusses that do not interfere a special circulation system of a ‘continuous flow’ of vehicles, based on an unbuilt proposal with the movement of the buses below. The innovative pattern of overlapping and opposing for a garage for 1,000 taxis in . The scheme was first used here, and later for the sheds floods the interior space with natural light. The building was used as a bus garage Mossovet Truck Garage and allows for vehicles to move in an arc without having to back up, until the 1990s, when it fell into serious disrepair. Following a lengthy and in-depth renovation inside the garage. completed in 2000, it was reopened as the Garage CCC - Centre for Contemporary Culture, The Bakhmetevsky Garage is based on a parallelogram plan with saw-toothed end façades, which closed to the public in late 2011. one with six entry doors and the other with six exits for the buses. This system of internal The building is scheduled to become the home of the Russian-Jewish Museum of Tolerance, movement became one of the most important innovations in Melnikov’s designs, not only for designed by the German office Graft architects. a a M elikov a li t N a PHOTO

21 MOSSOVET TRUCK GARAGE / 1926-1929 KONSTANTIN MELNIKOV , VLADIMIR SHUKHOV Entry and exit was earlier provided for at the side ends of the building, which once featured UL. NOVORYAZANSKAYA, 27, BLDG. 1. large glass surfaces and projecting elements with gates (now sealed off) topped by circular windows. The administrative unit is located in the centre of the semi-circular garage building The MOSSOVET Truck Garage is a unique semi-circular building, reminiscent of a lcomotive with corner tower masses and tall vertical windows. All the walls of the two structures are depot, was designed by the great avant-garde master Konstantin Melnikov from 1926-1929. brick. The semi-circular walls of the garage have uniformly slotted windows. Interestingly, The garage’s unique metal truss ceiling is the work of the famous Russian engineer Vladimir they are reinforced by cantilevered projections, used to support the steel trusses inside, and Shukhov. topped with a cornice of continuous ribbon windows.