GB 0212 A/SWA

Ceredigion Archives

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NRA 33935

The National Archives ACC. 245 A/SWA

Deposited In the Cardiganshire Record Office by the Welsh Water Authority, Area Office, . 17 January 1980

Introduction Administrative history Arrangement of records Aberaeron RDC 1 BDC 1 Aberystwyth Borough 5 Aberystwyth Rural Sanitary Authority 7 Larapeter RDC 7 Llandyssul/Teifiside RDC 7 Newcastle Ealyn RDC 9 Tragaron RDC 9 South Cardiganshire and Cardiganshire Water Boards Clark's/Treasurer's Departments 10 Engineer's Department 30 Welsh Water Authority / Rational Development Agency 50 Introduction.

Administrative History:

From the later nineteenth century down to 1957 (1962 in the case of Aberystwyth Borough and R.D.C.) responsibility for water provision in Cardiganshire, as elsewhere, lay in the hands of borough and rural district councils or sanitary authorities.

The South Cardiganshire Water Board was constituted by an Order of 12 March 1956 made by the Minister of Housing and Local Government, in exercise of his powers under section 9 of the Water Act 1945, and case into operation on 29 March of the same year. The day of transfer of the constituent authorities to the board was 1 April 1957.

The Cardiganshire Water Board was constituted by an Order (Ho. 270) made on 9 January 1962 by the Minister, as above. The Order came into operation on 14 February 1962; the appointed day of transfer wa9 1 April 1962 but the actual hand-over took place on 1 October 1962. The water functions of seven constitutent authorities were transferred together with those of Aberystwyth Borough and R.D.C.

In 1974 the Welsh Water Authority took over the Cardiganshire Water Board.

Arrangement of Records:

The malor problem with the pre-Vater Boards material i s that nore than one file reference exists. This doubtless reflects efforts to bring files from diverse sources into one system, following the creation of the South Cardiganshire or Cardiganshire Water Board. For authorities other than water boards the arrangement adopted is alphabetical, by authority, and chronological within these authorxties. With so much of the original provenance lost and the addition of later refenences an accurate reconstruction of the original filing system would have posed insoluble problems. As far as the South Cardiganshire and Cardiganshire Water Boards are concerned the two main divisions are those of the Clerk/Treasurer and Engineer's departments. An attempt has been made within these broad categories to retrieve large tracts of the filing system (which is often quite possible). The order on the whole, however, remains problematic. In every case where there is more than one file reference all are given in the apparent order of their allocation. The word "Contract1 has been standardised throughout to (C). The files themselves consist largely of correspondence and working papers, often with plans. A brief indication of subject matter i s given only when there is no title or that title is not sufficiently explanatory.

For related material in the Cardiganshire Record Office see A/SWA/1/1-3 and SRD/2/167. ' f""!F?­.


Aberaeron R.D.C.

5/73 lp/19; 21 ] t. ' Scheme1 ; Talaam to Troed-rhiw, Penlan to Velindre,

Llundaln-fach to Dolbwa , Pentre Boeth and Treifan School. November 1947 - 1953

29/401 [23/33 3 t. 'Plwap Water' and Synod Inn. July 1950 - December 1955

4/64 [23/53; 4713 Re enquiries from anxious residents about mains extension to Postbach district of Llandyssul. October 1955 - July 1957

3/39 [23/5] t. 'Battw3 Bledrwe to Pencoed Uchaf; Llangybi scheme. August 1955 - May 1957

3/49 [23/55; 48 3 t. 'Cefnrhuddlan Uehaf to Cenrhuddlan Panol'. Deceraber 1955 - January 1957

4/63 [23/64 3 t. "Additional Interim Schemes'; supply extension from Nanternls to Brynonnen, p. Llanllwch­ haiarn.

January 1957

Aberyatyyth R.D.C.

7/88 [127 1 Re Rentrebottt water. Hoveiaber 1919 - January 1923

2/33 [ 1083 t. 'Bow Street Water: Old Source of Supply'. July 1930 - January 1934

2/30 [ 2270; 3142;103 3 t. ' Water.' September 1932 - June 1962 2.

6/79 [l09^ t. "Llanrhysty d Water Supply: Old Source File No. 1': Includes report by County Medical Officer of Health re typhoid outbreaks and serious local sanitary conditions.

December 1934 - October 1936

6/83 [31* 110] t. 'Llanrhysty d Water Supply: Old Source File No. 2.'

January 1937 - June 1942

6/80 [4283; 15] t. "Craigypistyl l Catchment Area: Papers re Fencing Land'; litigation with Gogerddan Estate.

Kay 1940 - Februery 1948

23/394 Re supply scheme.

August 1940 ­ September 1942

6/84 [4260; 120] t. ' Bontgoch Treatment Flrnnt.'

August 1945 ­ September 1948

17/254 [196; 66] t. 'T*,a r Ynys Water'; Talybont area.

9opterber 1948 - September 1957

11/164 [242; 67] t. "Cross Clarach to Tydu Upper '. July 1950 - January 1956

25/398 Pe Joppa supply scheme.

June 1951 - February 1964

"Valuation. Waterworks Undetaking'; for Inland Revenue 2/29 [2986; 107] t. purposes.

December 1951 - September 1962

Re Old Goginian supply scheme.

21/307 February 1952 - February 1962

2/38 [98; C.5] t. "Wate r Supply Reservoir to Cwmheidol and Llanrhystyd File No. 2'; interie cost estimates, etc/

April 1952 - February 1958 3.

9/132 [2270; 104] t. 'Brynafon Water'; supplies to various properties In Llangadfan parish. April 1953 ­ July 1962

3/50 t. "Aberyatwyth Rural District Council Southern Division Water Scheme. Pipeline and Filter Rouse Extension. Contract No. 1.' June 1953

6/32 [4258; 113] t. "Water Supply; Glanpaith, Dyffryn Paith and Southgate.' December 1954 ­ July 1962

2/35 Re. sub-committee of Aberystwyth R.D.C. about compensation assessment for disruption to various farms by contractors. March 1955

1/19 t. "Transfer of Undertakings'; acquisition of land for access road to Capel Seion reservoir site. May 1955 - April 1957

Jl/165 [4201; 116] t. "Upper Llanafan Water.' September 1955 ­ June 1962

6/81 [4257; 114] t. 'Water Supply; Rheidol Valley Extension.' Kay 1957 ­ March 1962

10/159 [4004; 140/30,32] t. 'Cwra Symlojr, Salem, Penrhlar, Rhos y Cell, Llanfihangel Upper; potential customers to these areas and Devil's Bridge via proposed Trisant supply scheme. July 1957 ­ October 1960

2/24 [2270; 99; C.5] t. 'Water Supply Reservoir to Cwm­ rheidol and Llanrhystyd File No. 2"; interim cost estimates etc. September 1952 ­ June 1962 2/37 [2537; 106] t. 'C.K.G .rA; acquisition of land at Craig y , Capel Tabor Road: Rheidol hydro-electric scheme (Nant y Moch reservoir). February 1958 - November 1962 1/6 [3879] Re Llyn Craig y Pistyll reservoir and dam project for severage and water supply for Aberystwyth and district. February 1958 April 1966 20/289 Re North Cardiganshire augmentation prolect for nupply of Aberystwyth and district by fiengaer reservoir. April 1958 - September 1962 12/172 [123 t. 'Worth Cardiganshire Augmentation Works (i) Additional Bulk Supply (ii) Hengaer Peservoir File No. 2..* January 1959 - September 1962

6/85 [2649: 118] t. 'Cwnystvryth Water.' April 1959 - February 1962

16/229 [83] t. 'llenr-ae r Reservoir'; covered service reservoir in p. Tir-y­ mynach. April 1959 - April 1962 "North Cardiganshire Water Supply 23/399 t. Augmentation Uork s 1960. General reasons for and description of Works with appendices A - C.' 1960

'Water Supply Diversion of Main 2/31 [2251] t. at Cogerddan. ' May 1961 - January 1962 5

Aberystwyth Borough.

8/111 [67] t . 'Borough of Aberystwyth - Confidential Water Supply'; Aberystwyth R.D.C.'s attempts to acquire Llyn-Craig-y-Pistyll reservoir by parliamentary bill and Borough opposition in House of Lords: contamination of borough water supply and shortages. June 1395 - August 1955

18/262 [35] t . "(1934) TVsed"; appointment of enzineer to inspect Plynlymon water supply and service reservoirs under Reservoirs (Safety Provisions Act 1930.

January - Kay 1934

29/402 [148; 36] t . "Reservoirs'; safety inspection of Plynlimon Reservoir. January 1935

1/21 [W.5] t . 'f*o?inian Water Supply'; project by borough on behalf of Aberystwyth R.D.C. Daeerier 1938 - January 1965

29/409 [W.13] t . "Duplicate File (Duplicate copies of letters, reports, etc.)'; liaison with Aberystwyth R.D.C. and other local authorities re setting un of Forth Cardiganshire *v*ater Board; Central Electricity Generating Board end supplies from Nant y Koch reservoir for supply of Abery9twyth and district.

Farch 1947 - August 1939

16/223 [70] t . 'Rorth Hydro-electric Bill.' August 1954 - March 1955

11/168 [tf.20; 77] t . "Nantymoch Adit.'; abstraction of water from Nant-y-Koch reservoir by Central Electricity Generating Board in p. Welindwr for use of Aberystwyth Borough and parts of Rural District.

October 1954 - April 1962 6.

8/112 [68] t. *Rheido l Hydro-electric Scheme; reports and documents'; opposition of Borough to bill in Parliament and by Cardiganshire County Council and River Board. September 1954 - October 1955

8/109 [69] t. 'Rheido l Hydro-electric Scheme; reports and documents *. September 1954 - Kirch 1956

13/176 [71] t. 'Goginla n Water Supply'. November 1954 - July 1960

6/78 [72] t. 'Water miscellaneous 1955, 1956'; Aberystwyth Borough supply scheme. Hay 1955 - February 1962

10/150 [W.143 t. *Mew mainc, others'; renewal of mains and extension of supplies in the Buath, St. Kary*s College, Primrose Hil l to Llanbadarn Fawr, Penglais, Caradoc Road and Southgote to Llanb&darn areas of Aberyfctwyth. April 1957 - September 1962

6/37 [4262; 124] t. 'Water Supply, North Cards. Augmentation Works, including (i) New Treatment Plant, (ii) Reservoir.' January 1958 - December 1960

16/226 [W.18; 82] t. investigatio n of Additional Water Supplies.' August - October 1958

16/227 [W.19; 80] t. *Bontgoc h Treatment Works'. Septender 1958 - January 1960

8/113 P*.21] t. Permanen t diversion of Mountain Main'; in Nant y Moch and Llyn Llygald area for supply of Aberystwyth Borough. April 1959 - December 1960 t. 8/110 [863 'Water Shortage 195$*. Fay - December 1959

27/372 [W/14/A] Re proposed North Cardiganshire augmentation works for supply of Aberystwyth Borough. January - December 1960

29/403 t . "North Cardiganshire Hater Supply Scheme, Augmentation Works I960'; detailed report on proposed scheme indicating which reservoirs to serve which parishes etc.

*'ay 1960

Aberystwyth Rural 5anitary^uthorIty.

6/86 [126] t. "Aberystwyt h Rural Sanitary Authority. Borth Waterworks. The report of ^r. Thomas Roberts, Civil Engineer, as to the condition of reservoir and the works generally.'

June 1887

Lajunej^ejr R.D.C.

16/221 [23/21] t. "Lannoter R.D.C. re Cwrtnewydd Water.'

Kay - July 1931

LIandyssy1/Te1f iside R.D.C.

23/322 [9043/4; 6] t. "Water 9043/4 - Llardyssul Reservoir'.

April 1927 - torch 1952

24/344 [9043/14 ] Re Twyrgwyn supply scheme.

August 1935 - September 1956

12/174 (9043/632: 6] Re to Beulah/Bryngwyn and Dryslvyn supply scheme.

April 1500 - August 1951 8.

3/41 [38] Re and supply scheiae. Kay 1934 - August 1941

6/77 [55] 'Vagwr Water Scheme'; Aberporth, Adpar, Capel Cynon, Ffynnon­ llawddog, Llandyssul, Pontgareg, Ponthirwaun, Rhosmaen, Rhydlewis, Tresaith, Vagwr, Penpxrc, Verwig and Wemddu areas. September 1935 ­ August 1941

16/219 [9043/5C] t. 'Vagwr Extension, Contract and Specifications'; from Vagwr to Bowles and Nantgwylan to Aberdauddwr. March 1952 ­ October 1956

18/265 [9043/6C; 4] t. 'Glynarthen Extension, contract and specifications'. June 1952 ­ June 1957

3/42 [9043/63; 5] t. 'Glynarthen Extension, Approval of Planning.' November 1952 ­ March 1957

16/224 t. 'Vagwr W/S, ext. to Bowes [and! Blaanpistyll. February ­ October 1955

14/136 W/106/M Re liaison by Teifiside R.D.C. with County Surveyor about installation of water services to various properties within its area. May ­ October 1955

14/187 [W/106.N] Re Teifiside R.D.C. and County Surveyor. September 1955 ­ September 1956

J.4/188 [W/106/0] Re applications to Teifiside R.D.C. for mains connection. October 1950 ­ February 1957 Newcastle Emlvn R.D.C.

24/348 Agreement between Llandyssul and R.D.C's re Llandyssul water scheme.

May 1932 - September 1919

2/26 [10] t. 'Teify View . w/s-, Llanfihangel ar arth.' February 1935 - July 1946

Tregaron F..D.C.

28/392 t. 'Treparon Rural District Council... Glanbrennig Springs Supplementary Source.' May ­ August 1952

28/387 t. "Trernron Rural District Council, proposed vater supply for .' September 1952 10.

South Cardiganshire and Cardiganshire Water Boards..

Clerk/Treasurer*g Dcpartpcntg.

3/40 [1/1] t. 'General' ; mainly arrangements for meetings of South Cardiganshire Water Board. April 1956 - February 1957

13/185 [1/3] t . General'; liaison with other local authorities; dealings- Iwith Welsh Office, contractors re tenders, and consumers. July 1957 -- March 1958

12/173 [1/7] t. 'General'; mostly recovery of debts fron consumers.

October 1960 - July 1961

22/318 [1/3] Re legal proceedings to recover unpaid water rates: agenda for annual meetings of board. July 19C1 - April 1962

21/304 Fl ] Petty bills for hiring of halls for meetings, supply of maps, etc. Hcveraber 1962 - December 1963

8/108 f3D] t. "Water Hngirceer.' Completed application forms of unsuccessful candidates, also application requests, references, short lists. December 1956 - January 1957

J7/257 [3D] Re appointment of engineer. December 1956 - January 1957

5/74 [5/1] t . 'Staff . ra appointments. March 1956 - March 1959

3/51 Re staffinp- waiters. April 1959 - October 1962 11.

21/305 [6C ] Re compensation to Mr. W.D. Oven, . April 1955 - April 1964

21/302 [6(D)] t. 'Water Board - Meinigwynian Bach'; acquisition of land in Llandyssul and parishes for Rhos Ymryscn and Mynydd Back service reservoir schemes. ^Cs 9 and 13). September 1956 - July 1959

21/301 [6(E)] t. "Pen Par e Reservoir'; acquisition 6f tenancy of land at Bronallt, Tremain and it'a purchase thereafter for Fenparc reservoir scheme; proposed reservoir scheme at Glanbran, Cardigan. November 1960 - September 196:

21/300 [6(F)] t. 'Fenddolfawr' ; acquisition of land near Pontrhydfendigaid for site of proposed Strata Plorida treatment works. September 1956 - December 195!

21/299 [6(G)] t. "Water Board - land at '; acquisition for Llanfair Clydogau and Cellan augmentation schemes. August 1957 - September 1955

21/295 [6(H)] t. 'Water Board- part of Great Abbey farm; Strata Florida Treatment Works, National Bank Ltd.J land acquisition. September 1956 - March 1958

21/296 [6(1)] t. 'Water Board - land at Llanwenog, plot no. 19'; land acquisition for Teifi Pools scheme. May 1957 - February 1959 II.

21/294 [6(K)] t. "Henffedda n Wood Easement: Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; land acquisition in Llambed [sic] Forest for Llangybi to Rhos Ymryson vater main. (C.7B). October 1960 - April 1961

21/293 [6(P)] t. 'Wate r Board 6(P); acquisition of site for Service Reservoir at Cardigan.* June 1962 - January 1964

25/357 [6Q ] Re land acquisition at Ponterwyd. May 1963 - February 1964

'Water Board 6(Q); land at Penfoel, Rhydlewis'; land acquisitions by Cardiganshire [6Q3 8/105 t. Water Boar d for Twrgwyn scheme. May 1963 - February 1965

Re land acquisition at Llyn Gognant.

25/358 [6(R)] September 1956 - February 1964

'H*m Baker and Co.'; delivery of materials for Rhos Ymryson reservoir scheme (C.4). September 1958 - February 1959 3/44 [9] t.

'General1 ; suppliers and certificates issued in favour of various contractors engaged on Toifi Pools scheme.

9/125 [9] t. January 1960 - September 1962

17/244 [9A] t. 'Hussey Logan and Pickmere'; contractor, various contracts. May 1957 - September 1962 13.

13/177 l$B 3 t . fDudley Bosvell, 9B'; contractors engaged on Strata Florida to Rhos Ymryson main-laying schetse (C.'s 6, 7A and 73). October 1958 - May 1962

15/20e [9D 1 t . *Beechvood Construction'; re various contracts. November 1958 - October 1962 9/139 C9E (2)] t . 'Williams and Morgan'; dispute re withholding of payment from contractors due to alleged faulty workmanship and damaged supplies in respect of various contracts under Teifi Fools scheme. June 1962 - September 1962

9/129 t9F f 3 t . 'Gibeon and Xing 9F j recovery of debt, by South Cardiganshire Water Board, from firm engaged on Mynydd Bach to Aberaeron and Cross Inn to main-laying schemes on same going bankrupt. (CIA) March 1960 - February 1963

14/199 [9G 3 t . 'D-L. Evans'; contractors engaged on Aberaeron to Poetxawr mains scheme. (C.15A). September 1957 - August 1962

14/196 [9H 3 t . "Crawsliaw Robbins'; contractors engaged on to Tan­ y-groes main-laying scheme. (C.16B).

December 1959 - May 1962

14/193 [9K 3 t . 'Thy*sen (Great Britain) Ltd.'; contractors engaged on reservoir scheme. (C.24)

November 1960 - August 1962

17/247 [9Q 1 t . "The Stavely Iron & Chemical Co.*; supply of iron pipes for Rhos Ymrysonservice reservoir. (C.310.

November 1957 - July 1961 14.

17/242 [9R] t. 'Stewnrt 5 Lloyd's'; supply of steel pipes and specials for contract I3A. January 1958 - January 1962

1/5 [9S] t. *Parmutl t Co.'; construction of filtration plants at Strata Florida and Teifi Pools (C.8). October 1357 - February 1962

17/245 [3T] t. "Cochrane s Ltd.'; supply of Iron pipes and joints for Rhos Yraryson service reservoir. (C.33) November 1957 - November 1960 17/249 [9U] t. 'Clay Cross' : raanufneturerand supply of spun iron pipes for Rhos Yttrryeon service reservoir. (C.3H). November 1957 - September 1962

17/248 [9V] t. '?JaK Sake r fi Co.'; supply of sluice valves, penstocks etc. for Contract A. November 1957 - August 1962

17/243 [9Y] t. "Turners Asbestos'; supply of asbestos cement pipes end specials for various contracts. Hovc-ibcr 1957 - September 1962

15/209(a)[ 12] Re corrpensatiem payable by contractors in relation to various contracts. September 1961

15/212(b)[ 12D] Pis trie t Valuer's luvolveisent re compensation payable in relation to Strata Florida to Llangybi main-laying scheme. (C.7A) January - March 1962

5/69 [12F(4)] Re compensation payable In relation to various Teifi Pools contracts. October 1962 - March 1963 15.

15/212(b) [12F(5)] Re compensation payable In relation to various contracts engaged on by Beechwood Construction. February - October 1963

15/211 [12F(6)] t. 'Beec!iwood Construction'; compensation payable consequent upon schemes engaged upon by Beechwood Construction. November 1963 - March 1964

15/210 [12K(3)] t. 'Dan E Evans & Sons'; compensation payable in relation to various contracts engaged on by same. Sentember 1962 - November 1963

15/209(b) [ 12M ] t. "Water Board: claims for compensation'; various contracts. November 1961 - October 1963

A/59 [15 ] t. 'Water T ')0.ird'; relations with Joint Industrial Council for the Waterworks Undertaking Industry ro Industrial relations and staff conditions. Kay 1961 - September 1962

21/303 [16 ] t. 'Tithe'- annuities payable under Tithe Acts 1936 and 1951 for districts of Caron, Llanarth and Llanroedmore. September 1958 - September 195!

23/327 [W.M.4] t. 'Aberaeron U.D.C.'; watcr-by­ rretre account remittances. October 1962 - October 1969

23/329 [W.M.6] t. *Aberaeron P.D.C.*; water-by­ netre accounts.' April - December 1968

23/323 [W.M.8] Re water-by-raetre accounts in Teifiside R.D.C. area. January 1965 - April 1966 16.

17/250 [W.K.8] t. 'Teifislda Rural District Council"; wster-by-netre accounts. July 1967 - June 1968

1/17 t. "Loan Sanntions'; by Welsh Office for schemes by Teifieide, Trejraxon and Aberaeron R.D.C.*s and South Cardiganshire Water Board. August 1952 - December 1961

2'8/390 t. "South Cardiganshire Water Board Telfi Pools Scheme; General Expenditure Accounts to 30/9/53'. April 1957 - December 1960

1/13 t. "South Cardiganshire Water Board Accounts Schedule 1960-61, 1961-62, 1962-63': out-payments only. April 1937 - September 1962

29/405 t. 'Order on Treasurer: South Cardiganshire Water -Board'. Kovemher 1957 - August 1962

29/411 t. "Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956' recoverable charges relating to fire hydrant installation in the Cwm Ptb, T,lanllyr, , "ettvs Pencoed-TTchaf and Pfynnonllys areas. 1957 2/34 Re. Rafe and Rafferty, consultant engineers to South Cardiganshire Water Bocrd, about orders to Turners Asbestos Company in relation to various Teifi Pools contracts. Kerch 1953 - February 1962

9/135 t. "Mrect jBanking into S.C.W.B. Fund, 1958-1963'; advice notes from National Provincial Bank re account credits from various sources. April 1959 - September 1963 17.

20/287 Re agreements between water board and developments of housing projects re payments for install? ation of mains supplies under section 37 of Water Act 1945.

October 1950 ­ September 1968

9/134 Re incosae derived from water metre accounts. 1959 ­ 1961

1/lfl "Grants, Correspondence etc.'; grants under Rural Supplies and Geverape Acts 1944-55. May 1960 ­ March 1961

17/241 t. 'Half Year 31/3/63*; wage tabulations, loan repayments etc.

June 1060 ­ October-1963

20/290 Pvc claims by water board for repayment of loans incurred ins tailing fire hydrants in relation to various contracts.

1960 ­ Varch 1969

8/107 t. 'Compensation Claims'; by those affected by various Teifi Pools contracts.

September 1961 ­ September 196'

20/235 Re rJ.Bcollaneous insurance matters. January 1962 ­ May 1968

25/359 'Workins? Papers, half year to 30th September 1962*; expenditure, salaried, etc. September 1962

13/266 t . Correspondence re Completion of Schemes (Final Costs)*: with Welsh Office. December 1962 ­ Janmsry 1970 18.

4/56 t. 'Coding; Schedule, Cardiganshire Water Board 1962'; detailed lis t of expenditure codes re various schemes undertaken, including constituent authorities' accounts. 1962

25/349 t. "Estimates 1963/64'; working papars. January 1963

3/52 Re raising of loans from various sources. November 1963 ­ August 1964

21/298 t. Estimates 1964/65'; breakdown of Cardiganshire Water Board expanses with estimates of water rate income. December 1963 -1965

25/356 t. 'Deposit Receipts'; loans made by water board. January 1964 ­ Kay 1966

1/16 t. "Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Acts Applications for Grant'; various contracts. February 1964 - September 1964

15/213 t. 'Sundry Debtors - finished March 1969'. March 1965 ­ March 1969

4/61 t. 'Temporary Loans'; by water board from various sources. July 1965 - February 1966

26/364 t. 'Deposit Receipts'; temporary loans made by water board. Kay 1966 ­ May 1968 19.

4/55 t. * Temporary Loans"; by water board. April 1967 ­ October 1967

25/352 t. 'Temporary Loand'; by water board. November 1967 ­ March 1968

22/310 Re temporary loans by water board. April ­ December 1968

'British Waterworks Association 5/75 t. from 1st April 1969'. April 1969 ­ January 1971

"South Cardiganshire Water Board'; 1/2 t. print-out of wages paid. n.d.

Re water-by-metre accounts in 18/271 Aberaeron and Teifiside R.D.C. areas. 1957 ­ September 1963

2/22 t. 'Lanpeter Borough Consumers Correspondence1 . January 1961 ­ September 1962

9/133 t. "South Cardiganshire Water Board, water-by-metre Posting Slips'; monies paid direct to board and forwarded to appropriate local authorities. April 1961 - August 1962

2/23 t. *Lanpeter Borough Direct Payments' metre payments due to but paid to South Cardiganshire Water Board and forwarded. July 1961 - July 1962

9/136 t. 'Current C0LL/1 Forms'; monthly returns of monies collected by various local authorities and forwarded to water board. April ­ September 1962 20.

9/137 t. 'Abernvron 17.P.C. Consumers' Correspondence'; re metre accounts. December 1960 - August 1962

9/141 t. 'Aberayron U.D.C. Direct Payments'; consumer payments sent direct to board and forwarded to same. !'arcb - September 1961

2/27 t. 'CarcH^an Borough Consumers Correspondence'. July 1961 - August 1962

2/28 t. 'Paymerts forwarded to Cardigan TJorouph'; water metre accounts paid initially to board.

7/101 t. 'The South Wales and Konmouth district Council of the Joint Inrkintri^l Council for the WnterworVs Undertaking Industry (No. 11 Pistrlct)'; industrial relations, conditions of service, trpJnin-^ schemes, etc.

October 1962 - July 1970

26/365 t. 'Staff Training ; Water Supply Industry Training 7!oard'; includes statutory returns. December 1965 - December 1969

1/14 Re travelling and industrial training board expenses. April 19CS - March 1969

4/67 Re candidates for divisional engineer'8 post at Aberystwyth. n.d. [1962]

29/412 Re appointment of water Inspector to South Cardiganshire Water Board (blank forms). n.d. 21.

18/270 Ro properties rented by the Cardiganshire Water Board from Aberystwyth and Lampeter Boroughs and R.D.C. (rent cards). 1963 - 1%9

21/297 t. 'Storfis'; schedule. April 1965 ­ torch 1966

1/H [Cl] t. "Teifi Pools Contract 1'; filtration scheme. November 1957 ­ February 1967

7/94 [C.2] Re Teifi reservoir/lakes scheme September 1957 ­ February 1967

23/334 [C.2] Re geological aspects of Teifi resewoir scheme and payment of surveyor. August ­ December 1958

3/54 [C.3A] t. *Teifi Pools, Contract 3A : steel tubes and castings for Strata Florida treatment works. "arch 1958 ­ August 1959

17/246 [C.33] "Teifi Tools": spun iron pipes and castings for Thos Ymryson service rorrervoir. November 1957 ­ June 1963

9/124 [C.3C] t. "Contract 3C (Turners Asbestos)'; dispute over supply of defective asbestos pipes etc. August 1962 ­ Mav 1968

20/29 Re litigation between Water Board and Dudley Boswell and Co., contractors engaged on construction of raw vater main between Teifi reservoir and Strata Florida treatment works and trunk mains from Strata Florida and Rhos Ymryson (C.'s 6, 7JL and 73). December 1957 - June 1967 22.

, 5/72 [C.6] t. 'Mainlaying - Teifi Pools to Strata Florida'. August 1957 - October 1958

5/70 [C'e 7A and 73] t. 'Hainlaying - Strata Florida to Llangybi, mainlaylnp: - Llangybi to Strata Florida'; includes earlier Aberaeron R.D.C. plans re Cellan and Llanfair Clydojtau scheme, valuation forms, material concerning conpensitlon claims, etc. March 1957 - May 1963

3/53 [Cfs 7A and 73] Re claims for daaages arising fron work on trunk wains from Strata Florida to Rhos Yraryson reservoir. September l n 59 - September 1961

10/143 [C.9 ] t. 1 Teifi Fools Scheme': Rhos Ynryson reservoir section. October 1953 - April 1965

10/14A [CIO] t. 'Flics Yuryson - Fostmawr and Llandyssul Main Link'; interim certificates of payment submitted on behalf of contractors. April 1^59 - December 1967

9/12C [CIO] t. Clearance Certificates, Teifi Fools Scheme'; re. reinstatement work In relation to Rhos Ymryson to Fostnawr and Llandyssul link main schemes. May 1*60 - July 1061

9/123 [C.12] t. Contract 12': Cammer Fawr to Mynydd Bach reservoir main­ laying; scheme. December 1959 - February 1971

9/130 [C.14] t. Contract 14 (including extension) Williams and Morgan'; Mynydd Bach reservoir to Aberaeron and Llanon to Penuvch, including debts from bankrupt contractors. February 1960 - January 1969 23.

14/190 [C.153] t. 'Teifi Pools (Laiapeter - Aberayron) distribution wain construction. February 1959 - June 1967

14/197 [C.16A] Re distribution wain construction between Rhos Ymyrson and Handy fr log. October 1959 - January 1968

14/193 [C.163] t. "Telf i Pools (jMlnlaying) *; Llandyfriog and Tyn-y-Groes distribution main. October 1959 - October 1969

14/206 [C.17] t. 'Pontrhydfendij$aid to Pontrhyd­ ygroes etc.': nalnlaying, also between Ty'n-y-Craig and Yatrad Mauri? to Swydd-ffunon. April 1959 - November 1969

14/204 [CIO] t, "Development at Llyn Egnant'. March 1956 - June 1970

14/203 [C.'s 18, 20-21] t. 'Egnan:t Impounding Reservoir.

Additional Filtration Plant, t Raw Water Main, Egnant Reservoirj' includes earlier plans drawn up for Tregaron R.D.C. September 1956 - February 1966

4/205 [C.16] t. "Official Opening - Llyn Egnant FJSservoir'. June - July 1966

14/202 fC.21] t. "Raw Water Main'; Llyn Egnant impoudtiing reservoir and Strata Florida treatment works. May 1*)62 - January 1967

14/139 C.22 part 1/2 Re link main schemes in the Mydrollin, Dihewid, Llwynygroes, and Llanddewi-Brefi areas. September 1959 - January 1968 '-YyUs* 3 Sip


14/191 [C.23] He link main construction to serve the Verwig, Tresaith, Llangranog, Pentre-gat, Ffynnon- Llnvddog, Ponthirwaun, Rhydlawia, Capel Cynon, , Pisgah, Trefilan, Cwracoy, Adpar and areas. December 1959 - December 1966

14/192 [C.2*j] t. 'Penparc Service Reservoir'; modification of existing reservoir between Cardigan and Aberaeron. February 1961 - October 1966

14/194 [C.23] t. 'Strata Florida Treatment Works, Additional Sludge Tank'. December 1963 - November 1966

28/393 fC.33] t. "Scheme 33, Llyn Craig-y-Pistyll Kainlaying and Permanent Access Track'. August 1952 - April 1968

7/93 [C.34J t. 'Scheme 34 - Works at Llyn Llygad Kheldol and Nant-Llyn'. January 1963 - April 1968

1/10 [C.35] t. "Contract V.o. 35 Brynmor'; Bryn-y-Mor supply scheme for Abery*fewyth Borough.

September 1962 - March 1968

26/366 [C.36] t. 'Frongoch Reservoir'; supply of Penglais site of College. October 1962 - December 1968

9/140 [C.*e 57 and 58] t. "Grouped Extensions Nos. 6/1-6/11, 6/13-6/15"; to various properties in the Llanon, Ewlchyfadfa, Penbryr Maesllyn, Penffordd/Bancyplas, Postbach, /Llainwen Road, Penwrch/Bwlchllantto Llangeitbo, Pennar Fawr, Llangybl, Crugefa, Rsgerwen and Rhoscraonog areas.

November 1961 - February 1968 25

9/133 [C.59] t . 1 Grouped Extensions 7/1; Webley Hotel, Cardigan'; including proposed new main at St. Dogoaels. November 1962 - February 1972

17/240 [C.603 t . "Grouped Extensions 8/1-1/3*t in the Llanio Road to Llwynygroes, Capel Bettws, Lleucu, Bronant, Rosf:a..and Llangranog areas. November 1962 - January 1969

10/149 [CGI] t "Buarth Water Mains'; extensions to the various properties with some material relating to an earlier Aberystwyth Borough scheme January 1962 - Kay 1966

10/1S1 [C.62] t . 'llew Service Reservoir at Cardigan.' June 1962 - October 1967

10/152 [C.637a)] t. "Contract 63 (7a); Grouped extensions 10/1-10/3'; various properties in and parishes. July 1963 - February 1967

7/51 [C.64] t. *l.lanrhystyd to Nebo Scheme.' December 1964 - February 1971

14/207 [ C.66 J t. 'Scheme No. 66, 16/1-1678 - Scotland Hill...Bronwydd and Pengallt, '; extensions to various properties in the , Llanarth, Ffycnon Ceitho, Llangeitho, Groyallt, Aberaeron, Lanpeter and Aberbanc areas.

June 1965 - January 1968

14/201 [C.66] t . 'Pan.tybeudy Hall to Ffynnon Ceitho, Llanreitho Mains Extension claims for damages resulting from work to connect various properties June 1965 - August 1965 26.

14/200 [C.67] t. 'Larapeter Depot'; proposed construction of. *arch 1965 - July 1968

1/7 [C.705 t. Contract 70 - Proposed bungalow at lion t goch'; for works superintendent at treatment works. January 1966 - February 1967

1/9 [C71] t. 'Southern Division Water Supply Scheme; Section - Extension from Village to Fengelly. September 1962 - December 1962

1/12 [C.73] t. ' Capel Seion F.e.servofr to Llanfihan^el-y-Creuddyn'; extension of reservoir. September 1962 - March 1965

10/145 [C.74] t. "Tristant Mater Supply Scheme'; Upper Llanfihan&el-y-Creuddyn scheme, formerly the concern of Aberystwyth R.D.C. March 1950 - November 1967

9/116 [C.75] t. "Llnnllar to Mains Extensions, proposed scheme no. 75'. January 1963 - November 1966

10/147 [C.77] t. "Diversion of Mountain Main'; that part of the Llyn Llygad Fhoidol reservoir to Aberystwyth Borough which wa3 to have been covered by part of the Nant-y- Mocti reservoir as part of the hydro-electric scheme. February 1965 - June 1969

9/115 [C.7S] t. 'Llanfihangel-y-Creuddyn to Cwnch Coch": extension of supplies to various properties In p. Lower Llanfihanrel-y-Creuddyn. July 1963 - December 1966 27.

10/146 [C.30] t. 'Kains renewal at Dolybont, etc.1 ; including Buildings In Aberystwyth Borough and Penrhodyn, Tregaron.

August 1963 - August 1965

11/1-11/3'; 9/114 [C.81] t. "Grouped Extensions to various properties in Tlan­ gvyryfon, Lover Llanbadarn-y- Creuddyn and .

August 1963 - November 1966

7/100 [C.82] t. 'Grouped Extensions 12/1-12/6'; to variou Breachs propertie, s in the Tenbryn New Quay, Lampoter, and Goginian areas.

February 1953 - December 1966

9/120 [C.33] t. 'Mains Extension, Llangeitho (13/1-13/6)'. January 1964 - June 1964

9/119 (C.63] t. 'Cosmiins - mains extension 13/5'; compensation claims consequent upon pipe laying.

February, March 1964

9/117 [C.83] t. 'Crouped Extensions 13/1-13/6'; to various properties ic the Gvbert, Tresaith, Prengwyn, Cwrtnevydd, Aberarth and Llangeitho areas.

1964 - 1968

/118 [C.83] t. 'Maesymeillion mains extension'; compensation claims consequent upon pipe laying.

March 1964

/OO IC.84] t. 'Grouped Extensions 14/1-14/5'; to the Pontrhydygroes, Llanilar to Llidiardau, Llanvnen to Allt­ yblaca, Borth and Dolybont areas.

September 1964 - October 1967 28.

/97 [C3£] t. "Mains extension, Llangybi'; and the Llanfair, Capel Ban (tor, Bethania and areas. August 1963 - March 1965

/98 [C.86] t. 'Scheme 86. Grouped Extensions 15/1-15/2 Llangybi (15/1), to Clarach Bay'; and Pont Cogoyan. 1'arch 1965 - October 1868

/96 [C.37] t. 'Contract No. 87. Extensions 17/1­ 17/5': to the Abermajrwr, lalybont, Llanbadam Favr, Bethania and Llwyngwyryfon areas. January 1965 - July 1969

/122 [C.87(]7/l)] t. 'Aberrr,a^vr ^ains Extension'. February - November 1965

/94 [C.87(17/3)] t. "Dol-zerddinen - Llnnbadarn I tains Extension'. December 1965

9/123 [C.S7(17M)1 t. 'Bethanla "nins Extension, r 'or*lfryn Main'. March 1964 - December 1965

9/121 [C.87(17/5)] t. "Maesllyn, Llangwyryfon Mains Extension'. December 1965

10/156 [C.88] t. 'Car?iran 'iepot Bath House Site'; acquisition of land for. September 1964 - May 1968

10/155 [C.89] t. 'Cross Inn to Cilgynlle'; extension of supplies to various properties in the Llanllwcharian area of New Quay. ii September 1966 - October 1968

10/157 [C.90] t. 'Replacement of Mountain Main at Capcl Bangor*. October 1966 - August 1969 29.

10/148 [t.91] t. "Contrac t No. 91 - Mains Extension to Parcllyn, Aberporth'; including extension from Blaenanerch. November 1966 - March 1970

10/154 [C.92] t. ' Mines Mains Extension'; requests for supplies and completed forms of satisfaction upon surface reinstatement. May 1966

/153 [C.92] t. "New Cvmsyralog Water Supply'; construction of collecting chamber and storage tanks in p. Trefeiriog. December 1966 November 1967

/57 t. 'Water Supply Easement'; re works at Llechwedd Gwineu in Rheidol Forest in relation to Aberystwyth U.D.C. supply scheme. July 1949 - January 1966

/230 t. 'Twrgwyn Water Scheme'. January 1953 - May 1966

/413 Re proposed Blaunwallen scheme (Cardigan Borough), Llandyssul service reservoir and unidentified project, (odd plans) February 1956

/312 Ro supply easment i n Rheidol Forest, including Aberystwyth R.D.C. material. June 1956 - October 1964

/2S6 Re Joppa, Dura and Llanrhystyd water supply scheme including plan prepared for Aberystwyth R.D.C. April 1957 - March 1971 30.

29/40A t. 'Llangwyfron*; Incorporates previous Aberystwyth R.D.C. file .

December 1958 ­ March 1965

1/3 Re Hen Oaer reservoir and supply scheme no. 31.

October 1959, November 1964

28/397 t. 'Vaunsegllr-Isa£, St. Dogmael's"; establishment of ownership of laud at.

March ­ May 1963

1/4 ' Rechargeable',; completion of mains diversions at Penparc, Caerfelin, Aberporth, Cross Inn, Nebo and Llanon and related capital rechargeable claims.

1963 ­ February 1968

29/403 t. "South Cardiganshire Water Board, To if, is Ida Area. Grouped Extension No. 1'; bill, of quantities, tender form etc.


Kngineers' Departments.

11/60 [TPS/1] t. "General': Teifi Pools Scheme for supply of Cardlgan/Aberaeron coastal strip Including land tribunal papers (Viscount Vaughan and Cardiganshire Water Board) and litigation between same and Dudley Bosell & Company.

October 1956 ­ March 1969

27/375 [TPS/1/1] Re laboratory results of water sample analysis from various sites in Telfl Pools area.

May ­ September 1957

27/381 [TPS1/2] Re expenditure estimates of various Teifi Pools Contracts.

August 1957 ­ January 1961 31.

13/1S2 [TTS1/4] t. "Planning developments - Tolfi Toolsr e various contracts. August 1957 - October 1963

10/267 [TPS1/5] Re easements in relation to Teifi Fools to Strata Florida raw water nain (C.6) and Strata Florida to Pbosymryson sains f (C. s 7A and 7B). February 1958 - July 1960

19/282 [TPS/1/G] Re appointment of engineering staff, for Teifi Fools scheme; requests for references by potential employers about former staff.

Fay 105" - December 196 3

17/25: [TPS1/9U6A)] P.e co--xensation claims consequent upon damace caused by Rhost ymryson to Llandyfriog mainf laying.

January 1960 - January 1966

It. "^District 11/167 [TP31/3 (Cs' 6, 7A and IK) Valuer (File No. 2) end'; mainly re cos npens at ion claims consequent upon mainlayfng from Teifi reservoir to Strata Florida treatment works and thence to Rhos Ymryson.

August ^961 - Hay 1967

23/400 [TPS1/9U0)] Pe compensation claims consequent upon Rhos Ymryson to Synod Inn Mainlaying. (CIO). July 1960 - January 1965

4/65 [TPS i/:.9(H)3 Re compensation claims consequent upon Llondre, Tremaln and Cardigan sections of Tan-y-Croes to Cardigan distribution main scheme (c.11).

September 1969 - ray 1967 4/66 [TPS 1/9(22)] Re compensation claims consequent upon several Teifi Pools contracts, mainly link mains in Mydroilin, Dihewid, Llwynygroes, Llangeitho and Llanddewi areas (C.22). November 1959 - July 1965

19/234 [TPS 3] Re Teifi Pools reservoir. (C.2). June 1957: - April 1966

15/215 [TPS 3/9] t. 1 Interi m Certificates1 ; submitted by consultants on behalf of contractors engaged on Teifi reservoir scheme. (C.21X. June 1958 - September 1966

28/391 [TPS 3/10] Re Teifi reservoir (C.2). July 1958 - April 1960

16/216 [TPS/5] "Contract No. 4. Values etc. File No. 3': payment for supplies for (C.s 4 and 14). December 1961 - December 1963

23/336 [TPS 7/213] Re interim payments to contractors in relation to Strata Florida treatment works and water main scheme. (C.6) September 1953 - October 1962

19/280 [TPS/7/3] Re raw water main between Teifi Pools reservoir and Strata Florida treatment works (C.6). September 1958 - October 1959

13/179 [ TPS 3 ] Re Teifi reservoir to Strata Florida raw water main and Stata Florida to Rhos Yraryson main-laying. (C.'s 6, 7A and 7B). October 1957 - February 1959 33.

10/158 [TPS/8] Fe Strata Florida treatment works and mainlayinr from same to Rhos Ymyryson (C.' s 6, 7A and 7B). January 1959 - June 1960

22/316 [TPS/8/3] Re interim and final certificates in relation to Strata Florida to Llansybl malnlaylng. (C.7A). December 1953 - October 1962

1/1 [TPS/3/5A] t. Contrac t 7A - Highways Correspondence, Street Works Act 1950, South Wales Electricity Board, South River Board'; Strata Florida to Llaneybi malnlaying. (C.7A). November 1957 - August 1962

27/3S0' [TP3/10/1] Re cost of trial boles for Strata Florida treatment works. (C.8). August - September 1958

26/361 [TPS 10] Re Strata Florida treettmmt works. November 1958 - July 1969

21/306 [TPS 12] Re Rhos--Ymryson to Postmawr/ Llandyssul and Cardigan link mains (C.'s 10 and 11) and installation of metres and fire hydrants. Septeiaber 1957 - December 1967

23/324 [TPS 12/31 t/ Contract 10. Interim Certificates': Bhos Yraryson to Postmawr and Llandyssul main­ laying . September 1959 - June 1962

13/264 [TPS 13/1T t. Contrac t Ho. 11A. Distribution Mains (Plwrap - Henr,ell Links) ' * June 1957 - January 1961 34.

23/321 [TPS 13] t. "Contrac t 11. Distribution Mains (Postmaur - Cardigan)'; main­ laying between Tan-y-Groee and Cardigan. (C.11). November 1957 - February 1967

13/261 [TPS 13/3] t. "Contrac t Ho. 11. Easements"; Tan-y-Croes to Cardigan main­ laying. (C.11). July 1959 - July 1963

12/170 [TPS 13/5f t. "Interi m Certificates Contract 11"; Tany^roes to Cardigan mainlaying. (C.11). May 1959 - January 1962

22/315 [TPS 13/6 ] t. "Contract 11 - Variation Orders"; Tanygroes to Cardigan taainlaying. (C.11). March - June 1960 22/317 [TPS/14/1] Re Tregaron to Mynydd Bach mainlay in?. (C.12). October 1959 - March 1960

3/43 fTFS 14/2] t. "Easements' ; Tregaron to Mynpdd Bach mainlaying. (C.12). March 1960 - June 1961

17/255 [TPS 14/2] t. 'Teif i Pools Scheme. Statutory Notices and Satisfaction Notes'; properties affected by Tregaron to Mynydd Bach mainlaying. April 1960 - June 1962

24/340 [TPS 14/3] t. 'Contrac t No. 12. Interim Certificates'; Tregaron to Mynydd Bach mainlaying. August 1960 - May 1963

13/258 [TPS 16/2] t. 'Contrac t 14. Easements": Mynydd Bach to Aberaeron and Llanon mainlaying. March 1960 - September 1966 35.

2S/383 [TPS 16/3 3 Re interim payments to contractors in relation to Mynydd Bach to Aberaeron and Cross Inn to Llanon mainlaying. (C.14). Saptanfcar 1960 - Movecber 1963

16/225 [TPS 16/4] t. Contract Ho. 14 - Variation Ordara'; Munydd Bach to Aberaeron and Llanon nainlaying. September - October 1961

27/370 [TPS 19/1] Re easements in relation to Larcpeter to Aberaeron Main­ laying (C.153).. January 1959 - December 1960

3/47 [TPS 19./2] t. "Aheraeron to Lampeter (Highways Department Correspondence)'; liaison with County Surveyor over Lanpeter to Aberaeron distribution main scheme. (C.15B). September 195G - Decerher 1963

19/281 [TPS 19/4] Re variation orders in relation to Lanpeter to Aberaeron nainlaying. (C.15B). September 1959 - November 1960

27/376 [TPS/20/1] Re liaison with County Surveyor over route of Rhos Ymryson to Llandyfriog water main and road reinstatement costs. (C.16A), August 1959 - June: .1964

15/214 [TPS/20] t. Contract No. 16A. Distribution Itains. (Rhos Ymryson - Llandyfriog)! September 1959 - October 1965

1/20 [TPS/20/3] t. 'Interim Certificates'; submitted in relation to Rhos Ymryson to Llandyfriog mainlaying scheme. (C.16A). March 1960 - August 1962 36.

16/232 [TPS/21] t. "Contrac t 16B - Distribution Mains (Llandyfriop-Tanygroes) '. April 1955 - April 1965

28/396 [TPS/21/4] Re variation order In relation to Llandyfriog to Tanygroes mainleying, (C.16B). October - Voverrh&r 1960

23/319 [TPS/22/2] t . "Contract 17 - Easements': mainlayinp in Pontrbydfendigaid and areas. July 1959 - August 1962

26/388 [TPS 22/3] Re interim payments in relation to Tontrbydfendigaid to Pont­ rhydysroes and Ty'n-y-Craig to Swyddffynon mainlaying. (C.17).

January 1960 - July 1962

14/195 [TPS 23/1] t. "Contract 2L - Penp&rc Reservoir, Variation Order'; piping to be used. March 1962 - July 1963

13/183 [TPS/24A] t . "Contract 22, Part 1'; main link projects in the Kydroilin, Deherwyd, Llwynygroes, Llangeitho and Unndewi Brefi areas. (C.22). September 1959 - September 196^

22, t. "Contract Part 1 (Link Vains) 23/33/: [TP3/24/2(A)] Easements'; tnainlaying in the Kydroilin, Dihewid, Llwynygroes, Llanfoitho and Llanddewi areas. (C.22) . Movenber 1959 - November 1963

"Contract 22 (Part 1 and 2). 26/3G0 [TPS 24/3(A)] t. Interim Certificates'; all relate to the ?'ydroilin, Dihewid, Llvyny­ groes, Llangeitho and Llanddewi scheme.

April 1960 - July 1962 37

28/389 [TPS/24/4] Re variation orders in relation to Llangeitho link main (C.22)

November 1960 - November 1961

19/283 [TPS/25] Re link main laying in the Verwig, Tresaith, Llangranog, Pentregat, Ffynnon Llanddog, Rhydlewis, Pigsah, Trefilian, Cwmcoy, Adpar, Ponthirwaun, New Quay and Ffynnon Bedr areas. (C.23).

December 1959 - December 1966

27/368 [TPS/25/1] Re reinstatement of highways, consequent upon link mainlaying intthe Verwig, New Quay and Tresaith areas. (C.23).

December 1959 - November 1964

28/382 [TPS/25/3] Re interim payments to contractors in relation to link main laying in the New Quay, Ffynnon-Berw, Adpar, Pentre-Gat, , Capel Cynon, Tresaith, Verwig, Cwmcoy, Pigsah, Rhydlewis and Ffynnon-Llawddog areas. (C.23).

May 1960 - October 1962

23/320 [TPS/27] t . "Contract No. 20 - additional Filtration Plant'; at Strata Florida treatment works.'

Kay 1962 - November 1966

4/62 [NWS/1] Re Aberporth/Verwig water scheme including earlier Telflslde R.D.C. material. (C.32).

April 1957 - November 1961

24/343 [NWS/2] Re proposed Swyddffynon scheme taken over from Tregaron R.D.C.

March - June 1957 33.

23/333 [NWS 3/1] t. 'Callan and Llanfair Clydogen Water Scheme - Clerk of Works Reports'; includes earlier Aberaeron R.O.C. material. March 1957 - March 1960

13/178 [NWS 8] t. *Cellan and Llanfair Clydogau Water Supply'. April 1957 - December 1960

19/275 [NW3/9/2] Re final cost3 etc. of nain laying in the Llangoedmore, Betws "van and areas (Teifialde Grouped Extensions '.!o.l). January 1958 - June 1960

18/260 [NWS/10] Re expenditure estimates, test hole results and final statements etc. in relation to the Ffynnon Rhys scheme for Aberystwyth P..D.C. April 1957 - January 1959

24/347 [NWSj/13/3] "e properties affected by grouped extensions in the , Mydroilin, Llanarth, Ciliau Aaron, Cardieap and Llandyssul areas. (C.51). April 1961 - March 1962

7/92 [KWS/15] t. "Proposed Extensions in Cardigan Borough'. September 1953 - July 1960

16/223 [HWS16] t. 'Mains extension in . Mains extension in Latnpeter'. January 1958 - November 1960

13/181 [NWS 17(52)] t. "Grouped Extensions No. 2. Contract Mo. 52'; additions to existing mains in the Cardigan Borough, Aberporth to Tresaith, Lampeter to Llanfair Fach and Llangoedmore areas. (C.52).

December 1957 - May 1965 39.

7/89 [NWS 17/52] t . "Contract 52, Order File1 ; materials.

April 1961 - January 1963

11/163 [NWS 17/A (52A)] t. "Contract 52. Contractor^ File'; re train lay in?, in the Aberporth to Tresaith, ^oedmore, Foad, Llanfair Fach and Clanpwllafon areas. (C.52A).

June 1961 - April 1963

19/277 [NWS.19(2)] Re material orders for iralnlaying in the Clllau Aeron to Bwlchblaen­ cannop, Dihewid to Ciliau Aeron and , Cwrtnevydd to Cvmsych­ pant and Espaireluion area.9.

August 1961 - June 1963

11/166 [NWS/20] t. "Contrac t 56 - Easements': various link main projects.

May 1962 - November 1966

27/377 [NNS/52/1] Re liaison vith County Surveyor and Chief Fire Officer re fire hydrants in relation to grouped extensions in the Glanpwllafofi (Cardigan), Aberporth to Tresaith, Llanvmen and Llanfair ^ach (Lampeter) and Hendy (Llangoednore) areas. (C.52).

March 1961 - Kay 1964 5/76 [N'vS 53A] t . "Contrac t 53, Contractor's File'.

September 1961 - September 1964

22/313 [NWS 54/1] t . "Contracts 54 and 55: Extensions 4/1-4/10 Highways, Planning, River Board, Fire'; extension i n the Penuch [sic] to Bwlchllan, Cros3 Inn to Cilcennin, Ciliau Aeron to Bwlc^blaencannog, Gartheli to Aberweurlc, Hwynygroes to Denmark Hill, Dihewid to Ciliau Aeron, Cwrtnetrydd to Cwmsyehpant, Esjerionion and Nebo areas.

July 1961 - November 1965 40.

23/333 [NWS 54A ] t. "Contract 54 ­ Contractor^ File'; extensions as above. February 1962 ­ March 1964

21/303 [NWS 54/3] Re easements and compensation claims in relation to C.54 extensions as above. November 1961 ­ February 1966

I Re easements and interim certificate! ^B36B [NWS 54/4] In relation to C.54 extensions as above. April 1962 ­ March 1963

27/374 [NWS/55/3] Re casements in relation to Ciliau Aeron and Dthewid to Cribyn mainlaying. (C.55). May 1962 ­ July 1966

Il68 [NWS 55A] t. "Contractor^ File": link rain in Cwrtnewydd area. (C.55). June 1962 ­ June 1965

5/68 [NWS 58/4] t. "Contract 53. Interim Certificates File": completion of various stares of mainlaying scheme in the Bvlchyfadfa, Penbryn, ^wlch to Fhostrapol, Alltyblacr. to Llanwenog, Postbach, Llainwen Road to Brynhoffnant, Pennar Fawr, Tiogerwen to Llanarth and Rhoscanror­ areas, areas. (C.53). July 1963 ­ Jure 1965

F 276 [NWS/56/4] Re mainlaying in the Pontshaen, Verwig Mountain, Capel Dewi, Rhyddlan and Penbryn parish areas. (C.56). May 1962 April 1965

7/90 [NWS/60] t. "Contract No. 60. Grouped Extensions 8/1-0/3;' to various properties in the Llanio Road to Llwynyproes and Capel Bcttws, Leucu, Bronant and Rhosfa,and Llangranog areas. (6.60). May 1960 ­ February 1968 41.

17/236 [Cll] t. "Clearance Certificates: TeifL. Pools Scheme Hainlaying'; property owners affected by Tanygroes to Cardigan mainlaying. August 1960 - June 1961

8/106 [C.16B] t. "Statutory Notices and Satisfaction Notes. Teifi Pools Scheme'; property owners affected by Llandyfrio?; to Tanygroe3 rcialnlayingg including raterial on the Camrer T&\-rr to Kynydd Bach reservoir scheme. (C.12), September 1957 - Pecewber 1961

23/335 [C.16S] t. 'Interiro and Final Certificates'; Rhos Ynryson to Tan-y-Croes main laying. n.d. [1960-61]

23/336 [C.21] t. "Order rile': materials for raw water Tain from ^gnant reservoir to Strata Florida. December 1963 - June 1964

2/325 [ C - 23] t * 'Store.". (Icid) Weekly Progress Report'; stores laid out and contractors' reports re link main projects in the Vervig, New Quay and Trescith areas. October 1960 - April 1961

1/3 t. 1 Contract 24, Penpar c Reservoir'; interim certificates. 1962

16/236 [C.37] t. 'P..n.' s Reports'; of resident engineer, supervising Bontgoch treatment vorks scheme, to consult­ ont enpinoers to water board. November 1964 - October 1966

16/235 [C.37] t. 'C.W." s Reports'; Clerk of vork*a reports re Bontgoch treatment works scheme and daily labour returns. November 1964 - October 1966 42.

16/238 [C.37] t. "Quantities Register'; Bontgoch treatment works, mostly undated.

April 1965 - November 1966

16/233 [C.37] t. Tlans and Orders for D/L Mainlaying'; Bontgoch treatment works.

April 1965 - September 1967

16/234 [C.37] t . *C/W Records, Bontgoch D/L Mains'; clerk of works reports etc.

November 1965 - December 1966

16/237 [C.37] t. "Quantities Payment Register'; Bontgoch. n.d. [1960s]

27/371 [C/63/A] Re Ciliau Aeron to Lletty, Cribyn, to Dihewid end LlanfIhangel Ystrad parish mains extension scheme.

September 1964 - November 1965

16/239 [C.65] t. "Contract 65 [Llangoedmore - Llechryd]'.

October 1964 - June 1969

19/279 fc.65/4 ] Re interim certificates, final payments etc. in relation to Llechryd mainlaying.

February 1964 - May 1968

27/373 fc.65A] Re Llechryd mainlaying.

May 1965 - February 1968

12/171 fc.65/2] t. "Contract 65: Highways, Fire, etc.'; liaison with Connty Surveyor and fire authorities re fire hydrant installation in relation to Llechryd aalnlaying.

January 1965 - November 1967 43.

24/345 [C.fi6] P.e grouped extensions In the I,1andy**vy;dd, Llanarth, Lampeter, Bronvydd and Aheraeron areas. October 1961 - December 1967

17/251 [C.66X1] t. "Contrac t 66, Highways etc.'; liaison with County Surveyor and fire authorities over grouped extensions in the Llandygwydd, Penlnnymor, Ffynon Ceitbo, Llangeitho to Coyallt, Aberaeron, Talywaun to Slsyllt, Cellar., Bronvydd and Pengallt areas. July 1965 - October 1966

3,0/291 [C.'s 70 and 7C ] Pe eormensation claims consequent upon "chores nt Joppa' (Llanrhystyd) and in Llanafan. November 1962 January 1965

23/331 [C.71] t. 'Aberystvy tfc R.D.C., Tlangwyrfon - Fence 1]i Scheme'. ! ay 1962 - July 1966

19/273 [C.74] n e extTiioti^ to Clanllyn, Trisant and Devil'a bridge.

August 1362 - October 1962

13/272 t. "Prwnnador "ach to Tv?rry Orrond'; nainlaylng at Cwrtnevydd and Oerrv 0 rt! ion d. June 1953

9/127 Re tenders for mainlaying C.'s 57 ami 53 [grouped extensions in the T.3anon, Bvlchyfndfa, Penbryn, Maesllyn, Penffordd/ Bancyplas, Postbach, Brynhoffnant/ Llainwen Pond, Penuch/Bwlchllan to Llangeitho, Pentior-Pawr, Llangybl, Crugefa, Esgerwen and Rhosgrannog areas]. July - August 1962 44.

' IV]!! peiran, Hater Supply'. January 1963

12/175 Re miscellaneous matters dealt with by engineer.

February - April 1968

5/71 [S/11.3/25;C.S] t. "Strata Florida treatment works f cnerai! file '.

Septpr-her 1964 - July 1967

29/407 [Dist./2/l] t. 'Rlaenbaroe W/S'; R.D.C. Material.

r ] - April 1 Q 38

22/30? [Pist 2/1] lie requests for mains connection. * ril 1960 - July ? 1961

22/314 (D:ist. 2/2] Re cot-si" .T matters.

\ i-ll 1957 - June 1962

3/4' [Hist. 2/01 t . 'Triflside rural - Treatment'; samples taker under Public Jlealtb regulations.

rove: her 1957 - November 1961

3/4S [Dist. 2/91 t . "Teifiside rural - Pumping'; :. reclamation of expenses consequent upon use of pumps by consumers and maintenance of same by water board.

March 1^59 - Noverber 1959

'iIousing Site, 23/330 [Dist. 2/11 (507)1 t . Pencartws, Teifiside R.D.C. Section 37 Water Act 1945'; liaison with local and fire authori ties re supply extension and hydrant Installation. i December 1962 - September 1965 45.

16/213 [Dist./3/9 ] t. "Lampeter Urban - Pumping Plant'; Installation and maintenance of. November 1958 ­ March 1960

2/25 [Dist 4/1] Re requests for mains connection. April 1957 - July 1960

19/274 [Dlst./4/l] Re consumers and supply installation. July 1960 - July 1967

16/220 [Dl8t./4/4 ] t. 'Aberayron Rural - Maintenance Headwords'; minor repnir work consequent upon complaints. June 1 -57 - March 1965

15.7263 [Dist A/10] t. *Planning Developments ­ Aberayron Rural' lirison with County Surveyor over various schemes, mainly caravan sitcr. and sever?.gc works. September 1953 - July 1965

20/238 [Dist. 4/11] t. 'Ahera :vnn rural District (-!('!",::- - rroprame and Other Development? *: mainly re bungalov and caravan niter;. December 1958 - April 1969

3/46 [Dlst./S/4] t. '!fcwqu0,y Urban ­ Maintenance Jleadworka'; supply by means of Ffynon - ;Tdevi springs. September - December 1958

23/323 [Diat. 6/11] t. "Housing Programme, Aberaeron U.D.'. July 1959 - December 1960

23/337 [Dist./7/4] t. 'Tregaron Rural ­ Maintenance fleadworks'. December 1956 - April 1965.

16/222 [Diat./8/3] t. 'Ceneral - Maintenance of Mains and Fittings'. November 1961 - February 1965 46.

ll/161(a) [Dist./8/5] t. "General - Metered Supplies'; metre installation and account collection by South Cardiganshire Water Board and local authorities on its behalf.

Kay 1957 - November 1959

24/346 [Dist./3/9] T\c. supplier quotations. October 1960 - April 1962

Re delivery notes in relation to 17/252 [Bist. 3/9] supply of machine tools and plant.

Anril 1962 - February 1965

22/011 [Dlst. 8/9/1] He suppliers. July i '- 4 - July 1965

"General - Analysis [Pist./£/10] t. 16/217 (bacteriological) '.

Anril I.057 - June 1965

r testing of supplies 24/339 [Dlst.8/11] :r chemical ir Tcifiside area. TlUv 1*1 9 - May 1965

Pr South and 27/373 [Dlst. :i/12l Vales Monmouthshire Industrial Council for the Waterworks t-ndertakings Industry (industrial relations and service conditions).

* ay 1961 - July 1965

27/37S [Dist.8/12] Pe South Vales and Monmouthsire industrial Council...for Waterworks Industry. Nay 1961 - July .1965

26/363 [Dist./8/16] Re annual estimates. January 1953 - March 1967

18/208 [Dist. 3/17] Re various capital rechargeable worts jobs.

March 1958 - May 1965 47.

27/367 [Dist. 8/18] P,e liaison with County Surveyor over various road works and electricity schemes.

Junel961 - August 1965

housing - 3onrd Staff . 23/326 [Dist. 8/21] t . September 1959 June 1961

24/342 [D9/6(3)] Ke miscellaneous developments in Aberystwyth Rural District. January 196.'* - June 1/69

ennuirv ^^out purchase of 28/385 [Dist. 11/9] Llanbadarn nump house from water board for usa as decorator' r. "nrhshop.

"arch 1963

[Gen. /I] t . - ,-.i'( .,ro 23/325 firr : ' : ^"^^ratulatory 1 ntt rr to v."'' Ab**r**s twvth

December 1 0 5 0 - January 1959

lT, r 11/162 [Can. 10] t . 1ra "-ri^a^a r^poril ile) and - -^'^ -. 'rnn' * installation r r and r rvaintevancc " fire hydrant at

December 1964 - July 1965

- 26/362 [Gen. 20] He co if' sat i.on clairs consequent p upon hlanddewi .refi water scheme including Toifiside and Tre^aron R.D.C. raterial.

March 10S7 - November 1960

16/231 [Cen. 2(4] t . 'Caron-I*-ClPvdd and Trefilan Mains Extensions'. October 10*2

27/379 [Cen. 31] Fa various water schemes in progress including expenditure breakdowns on schemes [undertaken] by Aberaeron and Tror,aron F..D.C. 's. April 1958 - January 1959 48.

23/332 [3.11 t. "Annual Tenders'; (Gen.59)] (File No. 2)'. April - December 1965

25/353 [Ledger ,!A" ] t. "Stores'' schedules of Aberystvyth divisional office.

Jarc'-' l^l - March 1964

25/351 t. "Abcrystwyth Monthly Records l r 64/C5'-- stores.

0 April 3 64 - March 1965

25/350 t. "Stores Aberystwyth 66/67'.

April 3 966 - March 1967

25/355 t. 'Store? Records, Aberystvyth 67/68'.

! May 1966 - ' arch 1968

Stores lie (General) fror. 18/259 [3 2] t. Decea-ht r 1966'.

ngcorber 1966 - January 1968

'Stores l4'67/68 Aberaeron'. 25/354 t. t

r \pril i ''7 - March 1963

13/269 t. "Brynderven Stores Book'. November 1968 - April 1969

13/18C [A/8 ] t. "Brit Waterworks Association'; includes literature on intcrn?t1oral congresses.

June 1965 - November 1966

4/58 [A.13] t. 'A/c*s REpairs to Fire Hydrants'; at various sites.

August 1961 - January 1966 49

10/142 [A. 21] t . '0ffic e Equipment, Stationery'. August 1962 - June 1969

1/15 1A. 28] t . 'Fubllc Utilities Street Uorka Act'; liaison vith other bodies esp. South Wales Electricity Bonrd about locationoof trains, etc. tfarch 1968 - November 1969

A/60 [A.2S] t. *Public Utilities Street Works Act 1950'; liaison with various bocHe*3 over vater, road, electricity nnr' rep. schemes. October 1966 - March 1968 24/341 [A33/1] He ,Tater Supply Industry Training ?.oard. January 1967 - September 1969

29/406 "South Cardiganshire ^'ater Board. First Annual Report of the Engineer': corrected type^' and draf ts. 1 Ar,r!l 1937 - March 1958

2/36 Re Engineer's Report. July August 1961

29/410 Jouroal of the Institute of Municipal Engineers, June 1957.

29/41& South Cardiganshire Water Board Advisory Cpra\ittee, January 22nd 1960. Engineer7 a Renort, January 196C.

18/273 Cardiganshire Water Board; Third Annual geoort of the Engineer and Manager, April 1965 - March 1966.

13/184 The South West Wales River Authority, Second Statutory Annual Report, 1966*67. 50.

Welsh Water Authority National Development Agency.

/103 t. 'Miscellaneous Receipts'. March 1972 - March 197^

/131 t. 'Correspondence -- Sundry Debtors'. September 1975 - March 1973

/102 t. "Telephone A/c's. Receipts'. September 197G - December 197;8

/l.n/( t. "Miscellaneous Receipts'. April 1978 - June 1979 W55

AUG 1991

Acc. 236 A/SWA/2

Deposited by Mr. D. C. Gibbs, Divisional Administrator, Welsh Water Authority, Meyler House, Haverfordwest. (per Record)

18th December, 1979.

South West Wales River Authority

1. Ninth and Final Statutory Annual Report 1973 - 74 ACC. 431 A/SWA/2

Deposited by Mr. J. M. Fnrrer, County Archivist, Cambridgeshire, per Record Office. 21st February, 1984.

South T^est Wales River Authority

2. Third Statutory Annual Report, 1967 - 68

3. Fourth Statutory Annual Report, 1968 - 69

4. Sixth Statutory Annual Report, 1970 - 71

5. Seventh Statutory Annual Report, 1971 - 72

6. Eighth Statutory Annual Report, 1972 - 73

South West Wales River Board

7. Seventh Statutory Annual Report, year ending 31 March 1953 AUG 1991

ACC. 540 A/SWA/3

Deposited in the Cardiganshire Record Office by Mrs. A. Nicol, Liaison Officer, Public Record Office, Kew

3rd December, 1985

Statutory Reports of the South West Wales River Board

1. First Statutory Report, 1952

2. Fifth Statutory Report, 1956

3. Sixth Statutory Report, 1957

4. Eighth Statutory Report, 1959

5. Ninth Statutory Report, 1960

6. Tenth Statutory Report, 1961

7. Eleventh Statutory Report, 1962

8. Twelfth Statutory Report, 1963

f AUG 1991

ACC. 521 A/SWA/4

Deposited in the Cardiganshire Record Office by the Welsh Water Authority, Aberaeron

11th September 1985

South Cardiganshire Water Board

1. Attendance Register May 1956 - December 1961

Cardiganshire Water Board

2. Minutes - Advisory Committees April 1957 - September 1962

3. Minutes - Advisory Committees September 1962 - March 1964

4. Minutes - Advisory Committees May 1962 - June 1968

5- Minutes - Advisory Committees May 1962 - October 1967

6. Minutes - Advisory Committees November 1963 - November 1964

7. Minutes - Advisory Committees January 1965 - March 1966

8. Minutes - Advisory Committees October 1968 - July 1969

9 - Minutes - Advisory Committees November 1966 - May 1969

10. Minutes - Advisory Committees October 1969 - March 1977

11. Minutes - Advisory Committees October 1970 - Feb. 1974