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Respiratory system challenge Test your knowledge with this quick quiz.

1. Gas exchange takes place in the 8. Which continuous breath sounds are 14. most commonly suggest a. pharynx. c. alveoli. relatively high pitched with a hissing a. secretions in large airways. b. larynx. d. trachea. or shrill quality? b. abnormal lung tissue. a. coarse c. wheezes c. airless lung areas. 2. The area between the lungs is b. rhonchi d. fine crackles d. narrowed airways. known as the a. thoracic cage. c. pleura. 9. Normal breath sounds heard over 15. Which of the following indicates a b. mediastinum. d. hilum. most of both lungs are described as partial obstruction of the larynx or being trachea and demands immediate 3. Involuntary is controlled by a. loud. c. very loud. attention? a. the pulmonary arterioles. b. intermediate. d. soft. a. rhonchi c. pleural rub b. the bronchioles. b. d. mediastinal crunch c. the alveolar capillary network. 10. Bronchial breath sounds are d. neurons located in the medulla and normally heard 16. Which of the following would you pons. a. over most of both lungs. expect to find over the involved area b. between the scapulae. in a patient with lobar ? 4. The sternal angle is also known as c. over the manubrium. a. vesicular breath sounds the d. over the trachea in the neck. b. egophony a. suprasternal notch. c. scapula. c. decreased tactile b. xiphoid process. d. angle of Louis. 11. Which is correct about vesicular d. muffled and indistinct transmitted voice breath sounds? sounds 5. Soft and low-pitched breath sounds a. Inspiratory sounds last longer than normally heard over most of both expiratory ones. 17. Findings in a patient with pneu- lungs are b. Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are mothorax include a. bronchovesicular. c. tracheal. about equal. a. a dull note. b. bronchial. d. vesicular. c. Expiratory sounds last longer than b. decreased to absent breath sounds. inspiratory ones. c. increased tactile fremitus. 6. High-pitched breath sounds are best d. Inspiratory and expiratory sounds are d. late inspiratory crackles. " heard by using indistinguishable. a. the diaphragm of the . b. the bell of the stethoscope. 12. Which percussion note would you c. both the bell and the diaphragm of the hear over the airless area in atelectasis? stethoscope. a. dull c. flat

d. a stethoscope with tubing at least 20” b. resonant d. hyperresonant Answers

b c d 15. 15. 10. (50 cm) in length. 5.

d d d 14. 14. 9. 13. Although the exact cause is un- 4.

b c d 13. 13. 8.

7. Louder, clearer voice sounds during known, pulmonary fibrosis has most 3.

b a c b 17. 17. 12. 7. of the lungs are called commonly been associated with 2.

b a a c 16. 16. 11. 6. a. adventitious sounds. a. . 1. b. egophony. b. cigarette smoking. c. . c. prolonged . Source: Breath Sounds Made Incredibly Easy!, d. fremitus. d. immobility. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.

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