
J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 DOI 10.1007/s11051-013-1946-1


The new world of , , and : convergence of knowledge, , and

Mihail C. Roco • William S. Bainbridge

Received: 13 August 2013 / Accepted: 14 August 2013 Springer +Business Media Dordrecht (outside the USA) 2013

Abstract Convergence of knowledge and technol- , development, and applications based on ogy for the benefit of society (CKTS) is the core dynamic system-logic deduction, (3) enhancement of opportunity for in the twenty-first century. and innovation through evolutionary pro- CKTS is defined as the escalating and transformative cesses of convergence that combines existing princi- interactions among seemingly different disciplines, ples and divergence that generates new ones, (4) the , communities, and domains of human of higher-level cross-domain languages to activity to achieve mutual compatibility, synergism, generate new solutions and support transfer of new and integration, and through this process to create knowledge, and (5) the of vision-inspired basic added value and branch out to meet shared goals. research embodied in grand challenges. CKTS is a Convergence has been progressing by stages over the general purpose approach in knowledge society. It past several decades, beginning with nanotechnology allows society to answer questions and resolve prob- for the material world, followed by convergence of lems that isolated capabilities cannot, as well as to nanotechnology, biotechnology, information, and create new competencies, knowledge, and technolo- cognitive science (NBIC) for . gies on this basis. Possible solutions are outlined for CKTS is the third level of convergence. It suggests a key societal challenges in the next decade, including general process to advance creativity, innovation, and support for foundational emerging technologies NBIC societal progress based on five general purpose to penetrate essential platforms of human activity and principles: (1) the interdependence of all components create new industries and jobs, improve lifelong of nature and society, (2) decision analysis for wellness and human potential, achieve personalized and integrated healthcare and education, and secure a sustainable for all. This paper provides a This article contains excerpts from ‘‘Converging Knowledge, 10-year ‘‘NBIC2’’ vision within a longer-term frame- Technology and Society: Beyond Convergence of Nano-Bio- for converging technology and human progress Info-Cognitive Technologies’’, edited by M.C. Roco, W.S. outlined in a previous study of unifying principles Bainbridge, B. Tonn and G. Whitesides, National Science across ‘‘NBIC’’ fields that began with nanotechnology, Foundation/World Technology Evaluation Center report, Springer 2013, Boston (available on http://www.wtec.org/ biotechnology, information technology, and technol- NBIC2-report) (Accessed on 27 Aug 2013). ogies based on and enabling cognitive science (Roco and Bainbridge, Converging technologies for improv- & M. C. Roco ( ) W. S. Bainbridge ing human performance: nanotechnology, biotechnol- National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, USA ogy, information technology and cognitive , e-mail: [email protected] 2003). 123 Page 2 of 17 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946

Keywords Nanotechnology Biotechnology invention of the and the lever, effective Information technology Cognitive science technologies have increased human potential, but system Innovation now capability augmentation of entirely new kinds is Vision-inspired research Governance Societal becoming possible. The challenge will be to increase implications the capabilities of both individuals and in a manner conducive to collective and individual human well-being and freedom, and based on respect for commonly held ethical principles. Introduction The five CKTS principles and their implications are discussed in the following sections. Nanoscale science and technology can play decisive roles in a coming transformation of science, technol- ogy, and society marked by convergence across tech- The convergence vision nical fields and domains of human activity. Research and at the nanoscale already draw upon and Interdependencies between the human mind and the link together physics, chemistry, biology, and engi- surrounding natural system determine a coherent neering and science. This article presents a convergence–divergence evolutionary process in the perspective on the wider environment in which nano- interconnected knowledge, technology, and societal technology and its co-development with modern biol- development that leads to creation of added value and ogy, information technology, and cognitive sciences progress. Convergence includes bringing together all will take place, while implementation details are relevant areas of human, , and natural presented in the full report (Roco et al. 2013). CKTS resource capability that enable society to answer is the natural extension of precursor unifying principles questions and resolve problems that isolated capabil- in science and technology (S&T) (AAAS 1989; Wilson ities cannot; divergence creates and disseminates new 1999; Roco and Bainbridge 2003; Sharp and Langer competencies, technologies, and products. The con- 2011). The study was sponsored by the National vergence–divergence process aims at what is essential Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, in a system: synergism, new pathways, innovation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the efficiency, and simplicity. CKTS provides a system- Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of atic approach to connect and enable emerging tech- Defense, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and nologies and then implement them in essential international partners from Asia, Europe, and Australia. domains of human activity: Technology-scale, The prime insight is that convergence of knowledge and Human-scale, Earth-scale, and Societal-scale. Con- technology for the benefit of society CKTS is the core vergence processes already have begun between opportunity for progress in the twenty-first century. The several specific domains of science and technology dynamic integration of knowledge, technologies, and (Kurzweil 1999; Gregorian 2004; Hey et al. 2009; society is a fundamental opportunity for human Dunbar 2003; NRC 2010; Sharp and Langer 2011; progress as expansion in harnessing Earth’s resources Hood and Flores 2012; Roco and Bainbridge 2012). and availability of larger investments have reached Nature is a single coherent system, and diverse limitations. It is reflected in bridging the divide between methods of scientific and engineering investigations research, education, innovation, and needs should reflect this interlinked and dynamic unity. in national and global activities. Accordingly, general concepts and ideas should be Intellectual unification of the diverse branches of developed systematically in interdependence, with science and engineering should progress hand-in-hand cause-and-effect pathways, for improved outcomes in with expanding the cultural unification and economic knowledge, technology, and applications. At the same effectiveness of the world as an interdependent system. time, industrial and social applications rely on inte- However, interdependence and convergence of gration of disciplines and unification of knowledge. approaches should increase rather than diminish the Thus, convergence is both a fundamental principle of importance of the individual human being. Since the nature and a timely opportunity for human progress.

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‘‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’’ blueprint of the global status of human society and So Dickens described the changes of a desirable, immediate goals: inclusive economic devel- past century. But the words aptly describe the opment, inclusive social development, environmental collection of scientific and social revolutions currently , and peace and security. The concept of raging today, some admirable—such as increased the convergence of knowledge, technology, and soci- human connectivity enabled by new digital technol- ety is an approach to addressing human challenges ogies, and the eradication of starvation and epidemic through the synergism it generates in creativity, diseases in nation after nation facilitated by medical innovation, and decision-making. The 2011–2013 and social —and some lamentable, such as NBIC2 or CKTS study that informs this article global economic crises and bloodshed fueled by ethnic received input from leading academic, industry, and and ideological intolerance. The most powerful cre- government experts from four continents and a number ations of the human mind—science, technology, and of major , including the United States, ethical society—must become the engines of progress Australia, China, the , Japan, Korea, to transport the world away from suffering and conflict and America, in the context of five workshops. to prosperity and harmony. Today, because science Convergence of knowledge and technology has been and society are already changing so rapidly and identified as an emerging field around the world, with irreversibly, the fundamental principle for progress specific actions recommended to accelerate progress and must be convergence, the creative union of sciences, to benefit from it as promptly as possible. For example, technologies, and peoples, focused on mutual benefit. the European Union draft program HORIZON 2020 has The discrepancy in most of the world’s economies used convergence principles and was the subject of EU– between the accelerated quasi-exponential growth of U.S. workshop deliberations. In another example, the knowledge (discoveries and innovations) since 2000 South Korea program ‘‘Convergence Research and the relatively slow quasi-linear Development Centre’’ was the subject of U.S.–South underlines the unmet potential of governance to Korea–Japan workshop deliberations. Building an inter- improve technology deployment for economic benefit, national network to collaboratively advance the methods and the need for a better approach. Convergence and applications of convergence would be valuable to all approaches offer added value solutions in many nations. The primary conclusion of the U.S. panel’s application areas to address this knowledge outcomes deliberations has been that a Federal CKTS initiative gap and eventually accelerate economic and societal could best take advantage of this fundamental opportu- development. Implementation of convergence nity for progress in the United States. approaches is timely, as recent statistics show a Having a vision and projecting trends into the deceleration of GDP per capita growth rate in devel- , of course, are not sufficient to specify the scope oping countries, including in the United States (Mouw and direction of such an initiative. Goals in science and Kalleberg 2010). and engineering must be pursued rigorously, and with Furthermore, in the last decades, there has been a constant, critical debate among professionals and with gap between the rates of growth of R&D invest- representatives of the wider society. Indeed, much ments—which indicate future trends in knowledge research will need to focus on convergence itself, to growth—in several countries and the rate of GDP achieve better understanding of the processes that growth. For example, in the United States, the Federal achieve it, to develop methods for improving it, and to spending for research and development grew at just ensure it benefits humanity through transformed 1.3 % annually from 1989 to 2009, while gross governance (see the CKTS conductor in domestic product rose annually 2.4 % (National Fig. 1). Notably, convergence incorporating knowl- Science Board 1991–2012; Reif and Barrett 2013). edge and technology progress must serve three Because of this investment slow-down, finding cost- humanistic goals: (1) improved economic productiv- effective means to address the knowledge outcomes ity, (2) increased human potential, and (3) securing a gap discussed in the previous paragraph is an even sustainable quality of life for all. more timely opportunity. Three successive levels of convergence have been The 2011, 2012a, b, c studies on described by increasingly holistic U.S. Government- human development provide a well-considered sponsored studies: 123 Page 4 of 17 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946

Each level of convergence changes in a specific way the network connections, the nodes, and the human activity system. Around four hundred million years ago, the ances- tors of all four-legged animals, including us, left the sea to walk on land. Fins evolved into legs, gills into lungs, and brains adapted to the radically changed environment. We are currently at a similar threshold, and as no intelligent fish could have imagined what its descendants could achieve, it is only with great difficulty that we can plan for the radical transforma- tion that lays ahead of us. As in the case of the emergence of the amphibia, however, the future will be a combination of incremental changes and disjunc- tive adjustments in the functioning of a complex, adaptive system.

A dynamic systems approach

Fig. 1 CKTS Logo: the conductor suggests societal gover- nance of converging human activity platforms for societal Each level of convergence is defined by an application benefit (the ribbons from left to right suggest: Earth-scale domain and a specific process of integration. There are platform, nano-bio-info-cogno technologies, Human-scale hierarchical levels of the convergence domains, the platform) top level being the global and evolutionary human activity system driven by societal values and needs for • First, in the late 1990s moving into the 2000s, progress in human development. Under this, the four nanotechnology provided integration of disci- essential convergence platforms (see Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5) plines and technology sectors of the material are each defined by a core system with key players world building on new knowledge of the nanoscale (individuals, , and technologies), spe- (Roco and Williams 1999; Roco and Bainbridge cific interactions and characteristics, , and 2001, 2007), which is at the transition from fixed outcomes. of atoms to a variety of materials, In considering this complex system of systems, a devices and inert or living systems encountered at good starting point is the original NBIC convergence macroscale. conception that began with nanotechnology, recognized • Second, in the 2000s, converging nanotechnology, the significant connections that already existed with biotechnology, information technology, and cogni- biotechnology and information technology, and then tive (‘‘NBIC’’) technologies—starting from basic proposed that cognitive science and new technologies elements, atoms, DNA, bits, and synapses—led to based on it were needed to complete a set of Founda- foundational tools that integrated (both horizontally tional Tools/Technologies (Roco and Bainbridge and vertically) various emerging technologies into 2002). Each of these starts from a basic element (atom, multifunctional hierarchical systems (Roco and DNA, bit, or synapse), which serve as twenty-first Bainbridge 2002, 2003; Roco and Montemagno century building blocks for progress, and is integrated 2004; Bainbridge and Roco 2006a, b). into multiple systems, ultimately forming NBIC. • Third, moving into the 2010s and beyond, CKTS Nanotechnology and Information Technology (framed (also referred to as ‘‘beyond-NBIC’’ or ‘‘NBIC2’’) in the schematic) are two general purpose enabling is integrating essential human activities in knowl- technologies providing methods and connections for the edge, technology, human behavior, and society, material/biomedical world and information/communi- distinguished by a purposeful focus on supporting cation/computing, respectively. Biotechnology and societal values and needs. Cognitive Sciences (on shaded background) are the 123 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 Page 5 of 17

Fig. 2 The Foundational Tools/Technology (NBIC) platform and the spin-off research branched out from each N, B, I, and C and between them since 2000

main knowledge and technology drivers of the devel- by the activities and systems that link individuals and opment to satisfy human needs in biomedical/environ- groups on several larger scales; it consists of collective mental and cognitive areas, respectively. All four activities, organizations, and procedures, including foundational emerging and converging technologies governance. The platform is enabled by two general NBIC are connected using a general purpose system fields (Human–technology co-evolution and Gover- approach. Each foundational emerging technology has nance, investment and , both spin-offs in its own area or at the intersection with one or framed in Fig. 4) and two key drivers bio-physical more of the NBIC domains, as shown in Fig. 2. (health, education, infrastructure) and cognitive From the very beginning, the National Nanotech- (Moral, ethical) needs. nology Initiative (NNI) has emphasized that the must At some time in the perhaps distant future, human serve the needs of human beings, in an ethical and society will extend beyond our small planet to sensitive manner, and as the convergence–divergence encompass the solar system, but at present the largest process progresses more and more of the applications scale for concerted human activities is the Earth-scale serve individual users. The second major platform to platform. This is the environment for human activities, consider is the Human-scale platform, characterized by the interactions between individuals by pairs and in groups, between humans and and comput- ers, and between humans and the environment. The platform is enabled by two general fields (Human– technology–environment and Human- virtual integration, both framed in Fig. 3) and two key drivers Bio-physical needs and Cognitive needs. The Human-scale interactions between individuals go beyond cognitive science, requiring involvement of social psychology and the social sciences more generally, which prepares for the third system com- ponent, the Societal-scale platform. It is characterized Fig. 3 The Human-scale platform 123 Page 6 of 17 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946

Fig. 4 The Societal-scale platform Fig. 6 The complete evolutionary human activity system. It including global natural systems, communication includes four essential convergence platforms: Foundational systems, and the global ; there are limitations Tools/Technologies, Human-scale, Earth-scale, and Societal- for human intervention. The platform is enabled by scale. In this figure, the projection of the creativity and innovation spiral covers all essential convergence platforms of two general fields (Earth-technology integration and the system Earth systems, both framed in Fig. 5) and two key drivers Global bio-physical needs and Global cogni- tive needs. One can recognize a progression of the One focus of CKTS is penetration of high added platform components and their systems from the value emerging NBIC technologies on the essential foundational converging tools (Fig. 2) to the other platforms of human activity. By establishing the three (Figs. 3, 4, 5). essential platforms and their connections, it is possible In the total evolutionary human activity system, to use logical deduction and induction between feedback interaction loops operate within each plat- various hierarchical levels of the system for deci- form, and integrate them into a general spiral of sion-making, establishing partnerships, and for other creativity and innovation. Figure 6 outlines this con- purposes. ceptualization, incorporating placeholder boxes for each of the four platforms illustrated in finer detail above. Complete evolutionary human activity Global The convergence–divergence evolution process system interactions are driven by societal values and needs (see the core in Fig. 6) that causes actions and The first phase of NBIC convergence integrated transformations in one or more of the four essential, foundational, emerging technologies that are defined general convergence platforms, and finally leading to from elementary components and interact at all scales progress in human development, having their effect and levels of complexity. CKTS builds on that primarily in one or more of the four general conver- foundation to achieve integrated knowledge and gence platforms. capability across all fields of science and engineering, based on common convergence platforms and con- cepts, to achieve societal benefits. The core ideas are that CKTS: • Advances an integrative approach across human dimensions, encompassing value systems, operat- ing at societal and global scales, while remaining valuable for each individual person. • Is based on the material unity at the nanoscale, integrated systems, and information universes, connected via human behavior and other integrators. • Is best facilitated by a holistic approach with Fig. 5 The Earth-scale platform shared methodologies, theories, and goals, which 123 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 Page 7 of 17

is quite different from traditional forms of collab- other, and are applicable to the various human activity oration in which a division of labor separates platforms noted earlier. disciplines from each other. Figure 7 outlines the process in terms of four • Renews the focus on people’s capabilities and conceptually distinct phases, although in any signif- human outcomes, rather than allowing decisions to icant field of endeavor they overlap and are constantly be technology-driven, and seeks to transcend influencing each other. In the Creative Phase, previ- existing human conflicts to achieve vastly ously separate multidisciplinary components achieve improved conditions for work, learning, aging, significant synergy but maintain a degree of indepen- physical and cognitive wellness, and to achieve dence. Then, in the Integration Phase they fuse into a shared human goals. new and unified system, which might be mistaken for the conclusion of the convergence. However, at this The convergence process is defined as the escalat- point multiple synergies launch the Innovation Phase, ing and transformative interactions among seemingly leading to new competencies and products, which not different disciplines, technologies, and communities only diffuse across the boundaries of the original to achieve mutual compatibility, synergism, and convergence and contribute to more distant fields, but integration, and thus to create added value to meet also may bring into being entirely new scientific, shared goals. This societal convergence definition engineering and societal activities. The Outcome expands on convergence–divergence concepts in sci- Phase consists of new applications and new inputs ence and engineering megatrends (Roco 2002) and that feed back into the Creative Phase of successive applies them to unprecedented interconnected cycles of convergence and divergence. advancements in knowledge, technology, and social Convergence as a process unites knowledge, tech- systems. The result of societal convergence thus nology, and applications, both across traditionally broadly conceived is expected to be numerous new separate disciplines, and across multiple levels of applications of science and technology with signifi- abstraction and . Divergence as a process cant added value to society. Convergence is not a starts after the formation of the new system and leads to simple, unidirectional process. The convergence– new competencies, products, and application areas for divergence processes follow in cycles of various the knowledge achieved in the convergence process. intervals, in topical and temporal coherence with each

Fig. 7 The convergence (A, B)–divergence (C, D) cycle. It includes (A) a creative phase dominated by synergism between multidisciplinary components, (B) integration/ fusion into a new system, (C) an innovative phase leading to new competencies and products, and (D) an outcome phase leading to new technologies, commercialization and societal outcomes. The knowledge confluence (creativity) spiral and innovation spiral are dominant in the creative phase and innovative phase, respectively

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The rapid pace of change in science and the emergence the development of the cell phone platform,wherea of new technologies require new approaches that wide range of technologies including high-frequency manage complexity, achieve sophisticated functional- and packet switching protocols (for ity, and yet are intelligible for ordinary human users of connections to global networks); materials science and the applications. Convergence thus extends beyond nanotechnology (for CPUs, data storage, touch screens, science and technology, even beyond new applica- antennas, etc.); and cognitive science and human– tions, to include harmonious unification of activities computer interface technologies (for the user interface) across the entire societal spectrum. converged to create the ‘‘smart phone’’ about a decade One way to conceptualize this is in terms of the ago. This is now diverging into thousands of applica- complementary functions of the human brain, recog- tions scarcely imagined 10 years ago, from social nizing that in fact brain lateralization is only modest in networks to controlling swarms of very inexpensive degree, and individuals differ in the specialization of miniaturized satellites, and many other examples, too their brain hemispheres. The convergence phase— many to list, affecting virtually every aspect of our characterized by analysis, creative connections, and society. These impacts in turn have profound implica- integration—is perhaps best done by the left half of the tions for and secondary impacts on areas as diverse as brain. The divergence phase—characterized by syn- national security, education, and cognitive science. thesis or formation of the new system, innovation in Another more general example of the convergence– applying to new areas, finding new things (outcomes in divergence process is in creating and implementing knowledge, technology, and society), and multidimen- S&T programs (such as the space program, or a sional outcomes—may best be done by the right half of program on sustainable urban systems) that seek to the brain. Whatever model or metaphor one prefers, the deliver solutions by linking the creative phase of convergence–divergence process reflects two comple- scientific excellence available in society to generate mentary roles of brain functions. Decision-making converging knowledge and technologies that can then follows a convergence–divergence process driven by be used to address technology needs and societal grand the need for improvement and added value that is at the challenges. core of human thought and behavior, which also is A good example is the convergence–divergence reflected in group and organization actions. process for nanotechnology development between Each convergence–divergence process is cause- about 2000 and 2020, shown in Fig. 8. Knowledge and-effect connected to upstream and downstream confluence (of bottom-up and top-down disciplines, in related processes and is in coherence with other various sectors from materials to medicine, adopting simultaneous CKTS processes at various domain and new tools and methods of investigation and synthesis) temporal scales. One way to consider and better use is leading to control of matter at the nanoscale. such longer-range coherence is by engaging the brain Increasing control at the nanoscale enables the crea- functions of contemplation and reflection that may be tion/integration of four successive generations of called ‘‘mindfulness’’ (Fichman 2004; Langer 1997)to nanotechnology products and productive methods focus on making the most beneficial decisions by (for passive nanostructures, active nanostructures, considering the relevant events and by anticipating system of nanosystems, and molecular nanosystems) and avoiding unintended harmful aspects of the new marked by . In the divergent phase, the spiral powerful and connected technologies. Mindfulness is of innovation leads to new products and applications distinguished by expanded perspective, context-rele- that are estimated to $3 billion in 2020 (Roco 2011) and vant interpretations, and receptiveness that can lead to branching out to new activities including spin-off more long-range, discriminating, and holistic innova- disciplines and productive sectors, business models, tion and solutions. Contemplation and reflection in expertize, and decision-making approaches. research and education will also help provide a The size and time scales of the information foundation for enhancing human capacity and unity exchange in the system (Fig. 6) and the characteristics of purpose in terms of addressing longer-term aspects of the convergence–divergence cycle (Fig. 7) are key of wellness, creativity, and innovation. factors for the creativity and innovation outcomes. To One specific example of convergence and of the conceptualize the influence of convergence on crea- convergence–divergence process described above is tivity and innovation, we have defined an index of 123 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 Page 9 of 17

Fig. 8 2000–2020 convergence–divergence cycle for global nanotechnology development

innovation rate (I). This index is estimated to be in & Varian, 1999). The (O/TT) term in the Eq. (1)isin direct proportion to the size S of the convergence agreement with the empirical exponential growth domain from where information is collected (the model for science and technology (illustrated by the domain circumscribed by the innovation spiral, or the well-known semiconductor industry Moore’s Law and number of disciplines or application areas intersected Kurzweil 1999). The remaining (1/T) term is propor- by the circumferential creativity and innovation spiral, tional with the rate of technology diffusion. in Fig. 6); the speed of information exchange sup- To reduce this time, one can develop better porting innovation in that platform (S/t) where t is the communication and collaboration tools, including time scale of information exchange; the speed of the the wide-ranging networks called collaboratories. A convergence–divergence cycle (1/T) where T is the profoundly important example is the Network for duration of the cycle (from phase A to phase D, in Computational Nanotechnology, nanoHUB.org, Figs. 7 and 8); and the divergence angle in realizing which supports a global ecosystem of connectivity the outcomes (*O/T): and collaboration for the nanotechnology community, now serving about 300,000 users annually. Equally I kSðÞðÞS=t ðÞ1=T ðÞO=T kS2O=ðÞTTt k0S2O=T3 important are programs to link innovation to upstream ð1Þ discovery and innovation and downstream commer- where t * T (the time scale t for the circumferential cialization and societal acceptance, such as the multi- projection is proportional with the time scale T for the agency Small Business Innovation Research and convergence–divergence cycle, both being projections Small Business programs, and of the same three-dimensional spiral), O is the outcome special National Science Foundation programs like size, and k and k’ are coefficients of proportionality. Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with This qualitative correlation underlines the importance Industry (GOALI) and Innovation Corps (I-Corps). of the size of the convergence domain (S2) and time scale of the convergence–divergence cycle (1/T3)on the innovation rate. The (S2) term in the equation High level convergence languages agrees nicely with the well-known ‘‘Metcalf’s Law’’ (which states that the value of a network scales as the The cultivation of higher-level (multidomain) lan- square of the number of nodes in the network; Shapiro guages is to support fruitful transfer and application of 123 Page 10 of 17 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 new knowledge in planning, management, and other identify where to focus the efforts, steer the interest to areas. broader goals, spotlight the key areas for creativity and By convergence language we understand the com- innovation, and better communicate across fields. mon concepts, network relationships, methods, and An example of a process to establish a convergent nomenclature used in a multidomain of science, language is using shared databases to connect com- technology, and society. Languages evolve over time. puter simulations and evaluation methods for the Each scientific discipline and technology area has a respective convergence platforms such as NBIC or specific language. An effective convergence process Earth-scale. This would facilitate interactions and across a CKTS platform will require a more compre- broad principles of optimization. hensive and faster exchange language for communi- An approach to establishing a convergence plat- cation and synergism among its disciplines, areas of form and its suitable convergence language is to relevance, and stakeholders. This would allow for identify the knowledge and technology integrators better integration of the components and faster spirals describing the essential features of the platform. A of creativity and innovation in order to support higher level of generality of a convergence platform successful communication and synergism across dis- and its language are reached when the respective ciplines and cultures. Establishing of multidomain integrators are applicable for larger domains and with convergent (or higher-level) languages is using faster information exchanges. Three successive levels knowledge, technology, and cultural integrators such of convergence have been reached, by advancing as unifying theories. The approach finds what is nanotechnology in 2000 (NNI convergence principles common and essential in multiple domains, and in societal system in 2000), foundational emerging bottom-up and horizontally establishes languages technologies in 2002 (NBIC 2003), and convergence and rules that are suitable to all those involved. principles in societal system in CKTS (2013). An example of an existing convergence language is using music to help bridge cultural divides at the human and societal-scales. Throughout human his- Vision-inspired basic research and grand tory—probably before word-driven language—music challenges has been used to create a common mood, bringing people together during important social events, from The first step in ‘‘thinking outside the box’’ is to tribal meetings to funerals and modern military recognize that the box exists. Indeed, science and parades; it is a universal means of communication. engineering are collections of boxes, and multidisci- Music education can contribute to development of the plinary work is one way to escape some of them. But human personality, be used as therapy in difficult life there also exist more general conceptual boxes that situations, and be a means of communication and may be more difficult to perceive and thus to escape. mutual understanding between different cultures in One of the most influential conceptual frameworks problem-solving processes. for thinking about the goals of research was proposed Another example of a convergence language is one by Stokes (1997), who advocated research in what he that will support understanding, reasoning, and deci- called Pasteur’s quadrant. This is defined as research sion analysis with respect to unstructured data, motivated in such a way that both of the following patterns, and methods. Such languages are in devel- questions are answered in the affirmative: ‘‘Are opment and will allow generalizations across appar- considerations of the practical utility of the results ently unrelated fields, solutions, and new crucial?’’ and ‘‘Is the research a quest for fundamental mathematical concepts. understanding?’’ Visionary research may also fit both Unifying physical, chemical, and biological con- of these criteria, but adds two others: ‘‘Is the research cepts would lead to a convergent scientific language leading to emerging uses beyond known applica- for those scientific domains. tions?’’ and ‘‘Is the work transformative in the Multidomain benchmarking is a form of higher- that entirely new ideas are being explored and level language relevant to both knowledge and tech- invented?’’ nology areas. It can be used in both creative and The CKTS methods may be used to set up the divergent phases of convergence. It may help to connection between long-term science and technology 123 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 Page 11 of 17 visions and basic research activities. As shown in 1. Theory, modeling, and simulation: 1,000 times Fig. 9, this proposed ‘‘Vision-Inspired Basic faster in 2020 as compared to 2010, essential in Research’’ domain will expand the existing four nanoscale system and engineering . domains of the Stokes diagram to a new quadrangle 2. ‘‘Direct’’ measurements of nanoscale struc- dedicated to basic research for new emerging appli- tures—6,000 times brighter, accelerate R&D & cations inspired by a vision (‘‘new use’’) beyond the use. Pasteur quadrangle that has been defined for prede- 3. A shift from ‘‘passive’’ to ‘‘active’’ nanostruc- termined applications (‘‘known use’’). The work done tures and nanosystems. in the Vision-inspired Basic Research quadrangle is 4. Semi-autonomous nanosystems: some self pow- complementary to that in the Pasteur quadrangle. ered, self repairing, dynamic. Different basic research approaches are needed as a 5. Penetration of nanotechnology in industry function of the phase in the knowledge and technology (toward mass use; catalysts, electronics; inno- convergence–divergence process (Fig. 7): the Bohr vation) by means of platforms, consortia. approach corresponds to the Creative Phase (A), the 6. Nanotechnology environmental, health and Pasteur approach mostly to the Integration/fusion safety management: more predictive, serviced Phase (B) when the application is known, and Vision- by a multidomain database and informatics, inspired Basic Research mostly to the Divergent Phase integrated with nanobiology and environmental (C and D). Using forecasting, early signs of change, science. science and economy based scenario setting, and other 7. Personalized nanomedicine, from monitoring to approaches, it is possible to establish a credible vision treatment. for what is desired in the longer term for a knowledge 8. Photonics, electronics, magnetics—new capa- and technology field. For example, NNI has been bilities, integrated developed by formulating a twenty year vision 9. Energy photosynthesis and efficient storage, (2000–2020) followed by a longer view fostering rendering solar energy highly economic in knowledge and technology convergence. The NNI with fossil fuels. vision has had specific scientific and engineering 10. Enabling and integrating with new areas, notably targets established for 2001–2010 (Roco and Williams biotechnology, information technology, and new 1999) and with a successive group of scientific and cognitive technologies, as well as breakthrough engineering targets for 2011–2020 (Roco et al. 2011). technology in addressing sustainable society. The 2020 targets include:

Fig. 9 Schematic for the proposed ‘‘Vision-inspired Basic Research’’ domain in the modified Stokes (1997) diagram. Three basic research approaches (Pure, Use-inspired, and Vision- inspired) are suggested to be implemented as a function of the respective phase in the knowledge and technology convergence–divergence process: creative phase, integration/fusion phase, and divergence phase, respectively (see Fig. 7)

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11. Earlier educational preparation for nanotechnol- Table 1 Three phases of CKTS convergence ogy workers—system integration. Time Phase Characteristics 12. Governance of nanotechnology for societal frame benefit via institutionalization. 2001–2010 Reactive Coincidental, based on ad hoc The National Nanotechnology Initiative has been a convergence collaborations of partners or high priority for the past three U.S. administrations, individual fields for a and it has developed to the point where its long-term predetermined goal view can continue driven by the nanoscale science and 2011–2020 Proactive More principled and inclusive, convergence approaching convergence engineering community alone. On January 21, 2000, through more explicit decision President Clinton gave a major speech at Caltech analysis; the immediate future about the need to increase and refocus federal funding of CKTS for scientific research and technology development, After 2020 Systemic Holistic, with higher-level with nanotechnology for the first time taking a convergence (multidomain) purpose, with input from convergence/ preeminent place (Sadava and Oh 2000). On Decem- governance organizations ber 3, 2003, President Bush signed the twenty-first Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, and the Obama administration has continued to transformative actions are presented in the following support this crucial emerging field. NNI preparation sections. took place in the period 1997–2000, with visioning and international benchmarking, and formal strategic plans were published in 2004, 2007, and 2011. Now, Emerging paradigms of human benefit nanotechnology can play a leading role in conver- gence of knowledge and technology for the benefit of Convergence of knowledge, technology, and society society. can benefit humanity in many significant ways. In a Vision-inspired research is a way to advance long- sense, convergence can be viewed as the ultimate term convergence through forecasting, scenario set- grand challenge, which if successfully achieved, can ting and other methods, optimize convergence–diver- pave the way to achieve the numerous other grand gence processes in time, and create new solutions. challenges for society. This is because convergence, as defined in this study, provides approaches for added value and synergistic benefits for human endeavors to: Timeline (1) improve wellness and human development, (2) increase and promote economic devel- Because convergence is a process operating on a vast opment, (3) achieve societal sustainability, (4) scale and along many dimensions and time scales, as it empower individuals and communities, (5) expand is achieved, its own focus and characteristics will human knowledge and education, and (6) achieve an continue to evolve. We can identify three successive innovative and equitable society (details are discussed and overlapping phases in the convergence of science, in the full CKTS study, www.wtec.org/NBIC2- technology, and society, as described in Table 1. report). Building on previous NBIC studies, the CKTS Improving human development is a main societal report seeks to provide a vision for the future of societal goal, not merely combatting disease but increasing convergence and to define transformational actions for physical well-being, enhancing intellectual capacity, key stakeholders. This includes understanding conver- and extending the healthy lifespan. All forms of gence mechanisms and methods to improve the scientific and technological progress will depend upon outcomes in various human activity areas on this basis, the ability of human beings to have the intelligence, defining the roles of national science and technology wisdom, and health to invest energy into new projects strategies, and open governance approaches. The and make carefully considered decisions about con- study’s key findings on future trends, methods for vergence and developments that fundamentally convergence, and overarching opportunities for impact their lives. It is realistic to believe that physical 123 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 Page 13 of 17 and cognitive potential can indeed be increased at the improvement of economic productivity, human poten- individual and collective levels to a significant extent, tial, and life security, including sustainable develop- and one key facilitator will be a holistic approach for ment. Despite the popular perception that we have healthcare, achieving a range of goals, such as: reached the state of post-industrial society, advancing manufacturing through converging NBIC technolo- • Improved methods will detect cancer and chronic gies will be essential to the progress of the economy diseases earlier and identify the appropriate treat- and quality of life initiatives. Three areas show ment for the particular condition and patient, with promise: reduced side effects. • Improved collection, analysis, and delivery of data • Distributed and connected manufacturing— will monitor general health, as well as a myriad of enabled by process flexibility, modularity, in- specific conditions, toward wellness and preven- process metrology, predictive sciences and tech- tion of disease. nologies, and human–machine interaction—could • Given more effective ways to halt the progress of a greatly improve the ease and efficiency of making disease, the emphasis will shift to repairing products available, customizing (from damage and restoring healthy functioning, includ- performance-specific wearable sensors to replace- ing tissue regeneration and advanced prosthetics. ment body parts for surgery or individual art • Radically improved understanding of the complex works), and scalability from small- to large-batch human immune system, including swift and effi- production. cient analysis of biomarkers in individual patients, • ‘‘Manufacturing process DNA’’ is a metaphor will harness the immune system as a constant suggesting that the design of manufacturing pro- monitor of health and disease, and enhance its cesses could be structured in a manner like the curative powers. genetic code, allowing the rapid switching in and • Reduction in the time needed to detect and treat the out of production steps and system components, emergence of highly infectious diseases at the and allowing precise control over product param- global level will occur, along with design and eters with very little effort. development of cost-effective medical responses • Integration of the social and physical sciences to the threats, repurposing of drugs, the tailoring of could optimize design and production methods, drug and vaccine use to the individual, and seeking not merely relying upon the functioning of market innovative cures for currently untreatable mechanisms to determine what products are pro- conditions. duced, but also incorporating sustainability and general human welfare into decision-making at all Productivity and require stages of manufacturing toward knowledge-, cap- improved human capabilities, decision processes, and ital-, and skill-intensive innovation cycles. infrastructure, which at this point in only convergence can provide. Without progress in these Societal sustainability is an absolutely crucial goal areas, it will be difficult to create new types of useful, for humanity, because current energy consumption, meaningful, and well-paying jobs, and thus without water usage patterns, agricultural practices, manufac- convergence the economic condition of the population turing practices, climate stability, clean environment, is likely to worsen. The convergence–divergence communities, and other components of modern life process generally implies an increase in diversity, and economies are not currently sustainable within the not in uniformity, within a set of rational overarching Earth’s boundaries. In the absence of sustainability in principles. Thus, development of a global economy any of these areas, humanity faces not only a degraded can be compatible with local autonomy; for example, but also severe threats to world the growth of largely self-sufficient urban communi- peace, as economic crises bring undemocratic forces ties can rely heavily upon renewable resources such as to power in nations suffering from one or more solar energy and conducting much manufacturing unsustainable conditions. Conflict would further locally, even as information is shared worldwide. degrade the world’s ability to deal with these Transformation of organizations and businesses would problems; thus, it is essential to bind the people of guide convergence by higher-purpose criteria such as the world together, and knowledge and technology 123 Page 14 of 17 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946 convergence will play a key role in that global a new field will emerge, Cultural Science, includ- unification: ing the most rigorous parts of cultural anthropol- ogy, , political science, and social • Given that the world is an integrated natural, psychology. human, and technological system, it will be • Flexible anticipation of change through conver- impossible to achieve sustainability without a gence will transform education into an engine of global data and information infrastructure, mea- creativity and innovation, both person-centered suring in real time a wide range of sustainability and based in new forms of supportive infrastruc- indicators, from air and water quality to the ture: physical, informational, and institutional migrations and health of key species. (NRC 2012). • The convergence of intelligent software, ubiqui- • and citizen engineering will tous sensors, and mobile devices can substantially achieve serious involvement of non-specialists in increase the efficiency of megacities with respect research and development, enlisting the energies to transportation, energy production and consump- of large numbers of volunteers and creating a well- tion, and manufacturing. informed citizenry that can participate positively • The convergence of NBIC2 technologies can in the governance of science and engineering. support fresh approaches to reducing fossil fuel use, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, and Human knowledge will not only grow but also the development of new sustainable technologies consolidate, undergoing evolution and even possibly such as water-related systems ranging from small- revolution, with enormous implications for education. scale purification to large-scale desalinization. We are already witnessing converging disciplines, • Earth is a single ecosystem, upon which a unified design principles, and transformative tools. Transdis- economic system of production, distribution, and ciplinary approaches are linking together disparate resource use is consolidating, so future activities knowledge bases to produce new knowledge. Conver- need to be focused on the sustainability of global gence can achieve even the of the human- society by considering demographics, societal ities with the natural and social sciences. Innovation needs, and governance, and enabling CKTS solu- occurs best in the modern world by integration into a tions for mitigation and life security. single system of science, engineering, and society, through a process with two fundamental phases: (1) Empowered individuals and communities will the novel, creative assembling of previous knowledge result from systematic convergence, giving hundreds and technology components into a new system, and (2) of millions of people the ability to explore new from the original application pathways to improving the quality of their lives. to others that may be far removed in materials, goals, NBIC2 technologies can support the development of and design traditions. New communication and design tools for lifelong-learning, participation in public platforms—hardware, software, cognitions, and cul- policy decision-making, and peer production of infor- tures—can accelerate the spirals of creativity and mation resources, software, and other goods and innovation: services. It is important, though, that these tools be designed with respect for human cognitive capabilities • Powerful scientific and engineering computer and limitations: simulation and material processing tools have been developed over the past few decades in each • A new form of large-scale organization may of the four NBIC disciplines, and further progress evolve, the Cognitive Society, bestowing intelli- needs a new class of tools to address problems at gence on a unified world, based on a new cognitive the interfaces of these disciplines and many others. model of the social mind and empirical research to • Exciting new educational initiatives are bringing understand our evolving mentality, cognitive low-cost, high-quality educational resources to a computing, cognition and communication in team global audience via open online courses, and a science, and a cognitive science of science. similarly ambitious initiative is needed to develop • By analogy with the multidisciplinary conver- new approaches to education that are specifically gence by which cognitive science came into being,

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designed for the era of convergence, which will gain knowledge about the universe in which we require new types of computer simulation tools, dwell. new conceptual frameworks, and new approaches to education. • Scalable universal databases are needed for con- The future converging society vergence, providing publications as well as the data on which they were based, which requires a The envisioned benefits of convergence can be brought major transformation of current scientific publish- to life through a coordinated CKTS Initiative based on ing practice that poses substantial economic, (1) the convergence–divergence process in science, organizational, and technical challenges. technology, and applications; (2) a holistic deductive Achieving an innovative and equitable society faces approach based on the bottom-up, top-down, and challenges that include developing the multidisciplin- interdisciplinary horizontal interconnected knowl- ary knowledge foundation, strengthening the innova- edge, technology, and societal system; (3) establish- tion chain from priority-setting and discovery to ment of higher-level, multi-domain languages in societal use, addressing broader societal implications planning and management; (4) vision-inspired basic including risk management, and creating the tools, research and grand challenges enabled by conver- people, and organizations to responsibly develop and gence, and (5) opportunities to channel public and equitably distribute the benefits of the new technolo- private efforts that are now contributing only chaoti- gies. The governance of knowledge and technology cally, into a proactive, systematic approach. currently involves very complex economic, legal, and Opportunities for the CKTS Initiative are in the management systems, and it seems unlikely that the following areas: institutions developed decades ago are perfectly • National Convergence Centers and Networks designed for today’s rapidly changing circumstances. would be established in research and education There are clear signs that problems are endemic in the institutions to address the formation and dissem- current system, as illustrated by the public controver- ination of CKTS, in such fields as education, sies about , healthcare, and national biomedical technologies, and new combinations of defense investments—all of which have substantial theory and methods. science and engineering components—plus difficult • Converging knowledge, technology, and society debates about growing income inequality that brings research platforms, created in areas of national into question the very concept of human progress: interest, could improve R&D focus on priority • The transformative power of convergence must be topics: manufactured products, environmental used for human benefit, which means more than sensors, Cognitive Society, mapping brain activity merely having good intentions, but also possessing (Alivisatos et al. 2012), cognitive computing, the fact-based wisdom to avoid negative unin- sustainable urban communities, and the sustain- tended consequences. able water, energy, and materials nexus. • The overarching challenge is to support rational • Societal convergence data, systemics, and infor- governance of visionary ideas that benefit from matics research could develop new methodologies their positive possibilities, without being deceived and paradigms to achieve integration across topics, by fads or abandoning those practices of the past scales, and time in parallel with revision of rules that still function well. and regulations to advance individual and group • Fundamental reconceptualization of the social creativity and innovation in convergent processes sciences may be needed, if they are to play the in the economy as a critical condition for crucial new roles assessing the functionality of competitiveness. existing societal institutions, and developing better • Transformation of organizations and businesses is alternatives. an essential precondition for convergence, with • The emphasis on converging technologies, and on emphasis on monitoring increasing human poten- basic research in strategic application areas, should tial, improving decision analysis, and supporting not detract from the importance of pure research to citizen science. 123 Page 16 of 17 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1946

• Increasing human potential will require human society as electricity has been a general purpose capacity-centered convergence, including human– technology in industrial society changing the connec- machine interaction, computer-supported collabo- tions, the nodes and the system itself. The CKTS ration, complementary robotics, brain-to-brain Initiative has the potential to impact every sector of communication, biomedicine-centered conver- society, from improving education to enhancing gence, cognitive computing, and brain activity wellness, from achieving environmental sustainability mapping. to promoting innovative economic development. • Application of converging revolutionary technol- There is an urgent need to nationally and interna- ogies to individualized services could be invalu- tionally take advantage of this opportunity and to take able, where individual services include providing concrete steps to implement convergence in a timely and receiving personalized education, medicine, way to deal most effectively with the serious problems production, and general services (web-based or facing humanity today. The prospect of new knowl- not), and creating personalized smart environmen- edge, ideas, materials, and technologies that will tal and cultural surroundings. emerge from convergent activities is profoundly • Fostering an ecosystem for increased creativity, exciting. Their impact on everyday lives is expected invention, and innovation. to be extraordinarily beneficial in terms of the way we • Government coordination and support will be and our descendants learn, work, thrive, and age. needed in the highest-priorities areas of physical Societal convergence has the potential to greatly and and mental wellness, fostering discovery, inven- efficiently improve human capabilities, economic tion and innovation processes, sustainable Earth competitiveness, and life security. systems, and the ethical, legal, and public partic- ipation aspects of societal convergence. Acknowledgments The National Science Foundation (NSF)/ • A CKTS Federal Convergence Office would have World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC) international study was completed with panel members and expert the responsibility to identify, facilitate, and coor- contributions from U.S., and abroad (www.wtec.org/NBIC2- dinate opportunities of convergence in the Federal report). The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed here Government, and between Federal and local are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views governments, the private sector, and civic organi- of the National Science Foundation or National Science and Technology Council/Nanoscale Science, Engineering and zations, as well as taking the lead on visionary Technology committee. planning, promoting integration of the compo- nents, and revising rules and regulations to advance individual and group creativity. References

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