
County Track Meet I I I 1 Meet With Mt. Union (At Lisbon) M;ty 10 I · !May 24 ! [ , ! Everybody's Going_! I THE ,QUAKER ! Everybody Out ! _I ((

VOL. IV. No. 13. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL, SALEM, OHIO, MAY 2, 1924. Price 10 Cents DINAMO SCORES SENIOR SPEECHES Pupils Display Ability in Public Speaking SCHOOLS UNITE FOR UNUSUAL SUCCESS On Tuesday, Ap il 15, Vernetta depends upon the young persons' ELABORATE AFFAIR Moores gave her senior speech on thoughts as to their work. "Seek work "THE COPPERHEAD" PRESENTED "Dreaming and ,· Doing." She said which is a pleasure to work for" she SALEM SCHOOLS JOIN FOR BY STRONG CAST "Achievement is gained in carrying said. out one's dreams." She also told that In assembly Tuesday, April 22, MAY FETE Too much credit cannot be given to one's own convictions should be fol- Doris Parsons spoke on "Does It Pay." lowed for most valuable treasures She used as a fine example of hard the Dinamo Society for the fine play Pre_parations are being made for a are found along unfrequented paths. work and perseverance. Cornell, foun­ which they produced, April 18 and 19. May. Day Fete to be held in the latter der of Cornell University. She said, The performance of Augustus Thom­ Dorothy Moore gave a splendid talk part · -Of the ' month at Reilly Field. "No matter how small a beginning as' drama "The Copperhead;" which on books in her speech called "Hidden Coach Rfohtman will direct the events. make it the best of its kind. they put on, rivalled any performance Treasures." She told of the value in Cecilia Shriver has been elected given by professionals. It un­ "Do Your Best" was the subject of different types of book. She said by the. high school students . tq · be doubtedly the heaviest drama ever a very good speech given by Elizabeth that shallow -books, are as harmful Queen of th~ May. Members of her attempted by pupils of Salem High. as good ones are helpful. One very Reese. Some very fine and true Every member of the cast showed ex­ true statement she made was, "I can things she said were, "Easy problems cellent training and practice. tell what you are by what you read." are not ,worth the solution. Failure is a personal habit," and "Never quit Most of the credit goes to Helen Ursula Mullins gave one of the best until your good is better, and your Flick and John Cavanaugh who as senior speeches yet given this year. better best." " Ma" and "Milt Shanks" gave per­ Her subject was, "Vaiue of the Class­ "The· Psychology of a Laugh" was formances almost unbelievable of ics." Very c ~ ear l y and accurately she the subject of an amusing yet in­ amateurs. Equally as enjoyable was told why Latin classics are one of structive talk by Scott. She retinue are being appointed to take the acting of Ruby Tinsman as the most valuable assets to American finished her speech with some good part in the procession. The. grades, "Grandma Perely," Thurlo Thomas students. advice, "Laugh whenever the occas­ as well as Junior Hi will be included as "Newt Gillespie," Lester Crutch­ ion demands, but be sure to laugh at in the grand march which will proceed ley as "Lem Tollard" and Thomas The Salem Hi students listened to the right time. through the business district to the Martin as "Joey Shanks." The minor four Senior Speeches on April 18, at "Character," a speech by Orein field of celebration. They will also characters who helped to make the assembly. Catherine Schaffer spoke N aragan was very good. The boys have individual events in the spectacle first epoche so impressive were: on "Getting on in the World." She upon the green. · and giris were told by Orein that Mary Helen Cornwall as "Mrs. Bates, said that the world is always grop­ character is made up of a course of Martha Calkins as "Sue Perely," and ing for men of worth and integrity. The May Fete is known to be the actions and that it is no use to hitch Marion Van Syoc as "Captain Hardy," Ethel Shears told of the necessity most spectacular production of the one's wagon to a star if one doesn't Neil Srisez as "Mr. Andrews" the min­ for good English in. clear, accurate Salem schools as one great unit. This keep driving. ister and Leland Duncan as "Sam thinking in her speech entitled " Eng­ fete promises to be equally as magni­ Carter." lish in Relation to Thought." ficent as· was the exhibition last year THRIFT CONTEST Finer thought and standards are which was under the direction of for­ The ease and facility with which In our thrift contest which closed mer Coach Vivian: rarely found than were expressed in John Cavanaugh and Thurlo Thomas Friday, March 28, Miss Meyers class Cecilia Shriver's speech on "The Gol­ played their parts as old men in the won the banner. A good showing den Rule." She gave the different second epoch made the audience was made by every class, a·nd since versions of the "Golden Rule," as practically think that they had been the close of the contest the banking found in all religions. She said that Dinamo News transformed into old men, aside from is well kept up. The amount saved "Do unto others as you would be done these two characters, the majority of from January 28 to March 28 was A brief meeting was held by the the success of the second epoch goes by," does not mean that one must as follows: Dinamo Society in Room 107 on to Alton Allen and Florence Cos­ walk on the clouds while the truth Wednesday, April 23. The applica­ slips by underneath." If the Golden Grade 1 ······ ·· ·· · ·· -·--- ~- --·········· · ··· · ···$ 27.46 gro.ve, who as Phillip Manning and Grade 2 ...... 51.77 tion of R. P. Vickers, teacher of chem­ Rules were put into use, war would Madeline King caused many tears. Grade 3 ...... 38.98 istry and physics, was accepted at cease and hate be vanquished, and Elizabeth Bunn, as Mrs. Manning Grade 4 ...... 52.16 this time. peace on earth good will to men would made a most dignified mother, and Grade 5N...... 64.76 take their places; this was the splen­ Grant Eugene Hill portrayed the re­ Grade 5S ...... 127.56 It was decided that all new mem­ did thought in her talk. jected suitor most successfully. Grade 6N ...... 156.11 bers should be initiated at the annual Elizabeth Speidel spoke on Grade 6S...... 90.52 picnic enjoyed by the Society members The High School orchestra offered at the close of the school year. A the best since their organiza­ "Thoughts for the Future.'; She told the students that America's future Total...... $609.32 motion was carried that "eats" should tion, and were well received by the be served at the next meeting A mo­ audience. 111111 111111 111 111111i1 11111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 11 11111111111111 11 11111 111 111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111 tion was carried likewise to dispense Costumes and lighting effects added with the party previously voted to be much to the effect of the play. Mr. held. Drennan deserves the most praise pos­ Juniors Win Preliminary Track Meet sible, as his production will be remem­ A report upon the proceeds of the bered by everyone who saw it as the play, "The Copperhead," which was ANNUAL EVENT FAILS TO PRODUCE ANY OUT­ heaviest production ever given in the presented by the Dinamo members on STANDING STARS. high school auditorium. April 18 and 19, was called for but had not been completed. There being no further business, the meeting was Teacher-"What kind of a bird is Salem High School held its annual night of the meet looked like .a walk- adjourned. mostly kept in captivity?" preliminary track and field meet on away for the Juniors but they worked Student-"A jail bird." Monday and Tuesday, April 21 and for every point they got. 22, after the school hours. From the looks of things now SPELLING MATCH :;: * * * * * . * * The Juniors were t he easy victors Salem will have a fair track team but In the spelling match Friday, April '' SECOND SEMESTER DATES * with a total of 45 1-2 points while will not be up to the standard. Coach 11, 6N defeated 6S with a score of * their nearest rivals, the Seniors, fin­ Richtman is now b~sy getting a track 4 to 2. '' May · 9-Brooks Contest Final * ished with a total of 36 points. V. team in shape for the county meet * May 16-Senior Play * Judge was the individual star of the which will be held at Lisbon, Satur- * May 17-Senior Play * meet with a total of 11 points. C. day, May 10th. There are no stars * May 23-Junior-Senior Banquet * Coffee was a close second with 10 1-2 in Salem High this year but other , A large framed picture of the class ·~ June 1-Baccalaureate * points. county schools are the same. Col- \ of '23 has been presented to the school * June 2~Senior Farewell Party * umbiana and East Liverpool schools by the Rembrandt Studio. All the * June 5-Commenceme:rit * Owing to the cold, wet weather the report that their track teams will be photography for Salem Hi is done at "' res ul~ s were very poor. The first * * * * * * * * * * * (Turn to Page Five) . this . studio. • 2 , THE QUAKER

of, which are inadequa_te,: where exe- stances, unrelentlessly pµshing for- ·1 I THE QUAKER cutive' ability is the essential thing'. ward toward the goal of better ser- j JAURETTA COY vice. j I Published bi-weekly from October Sclwol election.s. should teach us to make selections discriminately in or­ DEPARTMENT I to June by Salem High School Today that one of those companies I .I ~tudents. · der that we may learn · ow and whom stands out as a model of · success, to choose when we go to the polls on thriving under very different condi­ "JAURETTA SOLVES YOUR election day some ·few years from tions and still unceasingly striving'for PROBLEMS Vol. IV May 2, 1924. No. 13 now. It is evident that the American . _better service. The · times have en­ people did not know their men nor tirely reversed yet through that re­ Dear Jauretta- their qualifications for holding office What is Sir Newton's first name? Editor-in-Chief.... Mary Helen Cornwall verse has ever held true and un­ when they elected many of the Con­ Ralph Atkinson Business Manager ...... J ohn Cavanaugh changed the motto, "Better Service." gressmen of · the present. administra­ Fig. Faculty Advisors C. M. Rohrabaugh - Ella Thea Smith tion. Undoubtedly, the Congressional I wonder what each one of us would scandals being spread broadcast so find life like if we held before our Say J a uretta- p'rofusely today will suffice to show eyes the motto, "Service." I heard there was quite a K. K. K. Subscription ...... $1.50 per year us the need for .more definite consid­ Surely it would arouse our sense of affair last week ~ Was there? eration and rr(o.re accurate · discrimin­ responsibility and duty, and create in Tot ation. us a desire to do our little bit in the Entered as second class mail I should say so! Even the rain December 1, 1921 at. the Post Office Too often in our school, elections world. came down in sheets. at Salem, Ohio, under an act of March are made because of a persons being 3, 1879. New decision pending. . The flippant recklessness of those considered "a good sport" rather than Dear J auretta- Persons wishing to subscribe ' for big-hearted, turbulent Americans, so his being steady. What were you going thru the the Quaker may do so by mailing quick of tongue and action, was calendar so for the other day? $1.50 with name and address to the mingled with a stern sense of res­ Manager of the " Quaker"-Salem Ethel High School. "TRUE" ponsibility and duty to be done. I was wondering on what day Nut Sundae fell this year. By E_?gar A. Guest. We cari be like our western fore- fathers-even better for we have bet- Jauretta Dear- DISCRIMINATION When he began it Many sneered; ter conditions under which to do big What record would you like most thing·s-under which to develop our More and more in the course of our But when he conquered to break? better natures, and forward the whole educational careers is the power of Then they cheered. "Deac" development about us. discrimination · being granted us. The one our neighbors play every Through . the broader and more diver­ The quickest ones '--Julia Patten '26 Sunday A. M. when I want to sleep. sified pursuits in education and in­ To give applause dustry, choices equally as extensive Are those who never Dear Jauretta- and varied evist. The matter of choice Help the cause. Do you think there is such. a thing · deserves quite as . much training as "MEMOIRS OF A SEAT IN 206" as woman's supremacy? that of character building. Much is Heed not the jeers, .Pude Amos "Uh-Oh," groaned a little seat in said about the blue prints for this Be brave; be strong; Is there! From the time a boy architectural structure called char­ Only the victor 206 as a big freshman sat down sits under a street-light playing with acter, but very few designers have Draws the throng. rather s~lidly in it. toads until he is blind and old and the kindness to oiler a pamphlet of toothless he has to explain to some "My you'd think he was trying to "rules and methods for construction." What can be done woman why . he didn't come home crush me, and. its just the same every Men never guess, earlier. In speaking of character the age day he comes in too. He's jarred two Until it's proven old subject of habit aiways comes up of my screws loose already; it cer­ By success. for recognition. · The. cha~acter arch­ tainly is a wonder that I am able to Dear Miss Coy- itect says, " Don't form bad habits , stand, ouch! there he goes carving I'm sorry I was so absent-minded And those who sneer when once made they are very diffi­ my face again, gee! I wish he would when you spoke to me this A. M. cult to break." So far the instruc­ As you begin, but I was wrapped up in thought. Will loudly cheer quit it; he's halfway through me al­ tion is good; but it does not go far ready. There, he's gone and scraped Ralph A. enough. If our choice for the better The day you win. That's alright but I do hop'e you Black & White, Carrollton, Ohio another piece o fvarnish off, what will things were cultivated good habits I do ? . My brothers and sisters hardly didn't take a cold! would follow accordingly. Our habits recognize me anymore? New let's see, · are formed because we wish them so. was it just yesterday or the day before Dear Jerry- We hear someone say, "Oh, I have the OUR DEVELOPMENT that they had to take my companion What was the occasion for the worst habit of chewing my finger Cowboys, cow-ponies, lassoes and across the aisle away from here. He quotation, "Why don't you speak for nails," or "Gosh, I have the awfulest branding irons, hard rides and round­ was very · badly wounded and you yourself, John?" habit of using slang." ups, lonely open ranges and boister­ could see scars all over him. And now Eugene ous cow towns,-how they tell the E vidently that person's choice for they've substituted a female, and John Alden was t rying to fix up a 1story of the wild and wooly west well-groomed hands and the use of she's so young and beautiful that blind date for his roommate, Miles filled with adventures romances and more adequate English expression has she won't look at an old veteran like Standish. fascinating danger~a picture faded not been cultivated properly. He has me. But never mind, just wait till now forever though still celebratea in no one to blame but himself; the this time next year, I'll bet she won't song and story and movie. ' Dear Jauretta- choice is his own. No one told him be so beautiful. Well for cat's sake Why doe's Margaret call her Eastern cities beginning to teem to chew his finger nails nor doubtless what does that fool boy think I am, Imagination? w ith new and bigger industries after was he persuaded to use the vernacu­ sticking chewing gum on me just be­ Edna Ogden the Civil War, were filling up with lar. cause the teacher looked at him. Because she lets it run away with people from the country, and all the Some people will never learn that Very small children have but little her. East was clamoring for meat that g um is not to be chewed in school. chance to exercise their power of local sources could not supply. My mouth! Why it's an eyesore to the choice because that responsibility is Say J erry- Beyond the Missouri lay the vast school. I used to hold the best of usually ably carried by their elders, stretches of Prairie land, where from books, and be a friend of all the stu­ Please tell me the latest thing in but the older they grow, the greater men's clothes. time immemorial bison fed on the dents, but now, oh! its awful. I am their chances for personal .choice be­ bunch grass growing in abundance-­ just a waste basket, full of torn Walt come. With this power of discrimin­ Women. . while farther west, lush valleys crept paper and everything else imaginable. ation wi.thin their grasp, however, in between foothills and ranges of the I hope that boy doesn't tear up any their own responsiblity for forming Rockies. more paper today. Dear Jauretta- habits and character become the Men brought cattle there-Texas Do you think Mr. Swanson is in greater. It is then that this matter' cattle first. Expanding herds soon "I've· never yet seen the freshman ? of choice needs the m ost careful at­ .filled the plains; cowboys, . ranches, that could sit still, he just squirms Heart-broken Senior tention and direction. ranges, joined in an outdoor industry and makes me squeak something h_or­ Well what else would make a man absent-minded enough to put his The matter of school elections is unique in all time. rible. I wish I could take a drink of soiled shirt to bed and jump down the one of the' best means. of training boys Natural conditions brought about oil now and then, but all I get is ink clothes chute? and girls to discriminate in seie.cting the great cattle days of the West. To and that's awful stuff to drink. leaders. This is a problem which .the bring this food to the crowded East, ·"Well there goes the bell, now I'll Dear J auretta...:... American people are facing every day, great companies were formed, the have a little rest. Oh gee, he sw:e Why does Betty Jones r est her chin and one which is most vital in the business of which it was to prepare scraped the paint ~f my shins ge~ting\ on her hand when she thinks? coming November election. Yet the and deliver this all-sustaining product out. . Well I guess I'll sleep for a Rosemary qualifications of the chosen leader lire of food. :Vhile, good night! To keep her mouth shut so she so often passed over lightly with ex­ TJ:ien, <;me . of those companies won't disturb herself. · cuses of politics or popularity, both thrived under very trying . circum- -Kenneth Jones, '2.4 · (Turn to Page Three) I I •I THE QUAKER 3

Fair Co-ed-"Why, Bill, I thought "So your father is ill? I hope it is Bald-headed guest-"Well, sonny, Two men by the wayside sat, I told you to come up after supper. nothing contagious." what is it that amuses you?" And both bemoaned their lot; Freshman (dolled up) - "That's "So do I. The doctor says he is Sonny-"Nothing, only mother has The one because he had buried his what I am here for." suffering from overwork." put a brush and· comb in your bed wife, r room." The other because he had not. He-"W ould you a.ccept a pet mon­ How To Ke p Warm Miss Woods-"Who can tell me key." ( 1) Smoke a cigarette in bed, doze Miss Clark (in English class)- what the dying words of Lord Ches­ She-"Oh this is so sudden, you'll off and leave 'cigarette lit. It keeps "Russell, what can you tell us about terfield were?" the home fires burning. · Milton?" have to ask father." Gust Shuster-"They .satisfy.'.' (2) Throw rocks at a teacher-he'll "Pete'.' Stratton (recovering from make it hot for you. "Red"-"! hear you have been tak- a doze)-"He won the 500 mile race Rubb-"Did you ever hear the story ing girls out in your car." at Indianapolis, Decoration Day." about the Jew going off and leaving 1st Stew-"Whasha· time?" "Joe"-"The only feminine thing his change on the counter." that has been in my car is the mi.ss in 2nd Stew-"One." She-"Yes, father has always given Dubb-"Never heard it." the engine." 1st Stew-"You're a liar." me a book for my birthday." Rubb-"Neither have I." 2nd Stew- ~ ! ain't, I hearrd the He-"My, what a wonderful library Dobbs-"What became of that por­ clock strike one three times." you must have.'' "Hello, Jim, I hear you're working table garage of yours?" in a shirt factory." Gobbs-"I tied a dog to it and a Mr. Drennan-"His work is rare." "Yes, I am." ·"When my wife starts to scold, I cat went by. Mr. Metzger-"Rare ?" "Well, why aren't you working to". go for a walk.'' day?." Mr. Drennan-"Yes sir, not well "Indeed! The shoemaker told me R. Reasbeck-"How long do you "Oh, we're making night shirts this done." you were one of his best customers." suppose a fellow can live without we.ek.'' brains?" Neil- "What makes your car ·.t, Zimmy-"Dunno. How old are "Edna, did that young man smoke Black-"Could you give me just,: squeak so?" you?" in the parlor last night? I found one minute of your time: I want to G.ene-"There's pig iron in the burnt matches there.'' borrow ten dollars:•· axles. He_:_"But on what grounds does "Oh no, mama, he just lit one or White~"That would be g1vmg you your father object to me?" two matches to see what time it was." two full days, I only get thirty dol­ "My son, women are awful geese," lars per week." She-"On any grounds within a declared the minister. Arthur Yengling-"There are an mile of our house.'' Paul WaltOn (having difficulty in "Is that what you meant last night awful lot of girls who don't want to constructing geometric figure)-"Welr when you said you had been on a get married." Ray C.-"Can you tell me where wild goose chase.'' Eleanore?" the other side of the street is?" Mrs. Y engling-"How do you,.. Eleanore .. Scott-"Put your leg·' at know?"· Jim-"Over there." point A and draw an arc.'' Farmer (addressing hen house)­ Arthur Y.-"I've asked them." Paul-"! can't.'' · Ray C.-"That's funny, I was just "Who's in thar?" over there and they said it was over I Response-"N obody but jes' us A young lady (in distress to a far- JAUR.~'.fTA COY l>EPA~TMENT here." '- chickens." . nler)-My car ·s stalled. D (Continued From Page Two) 1 . o you Dear J aretta- have a spare plug?" Senior-"! hear the police of this What is a radio 'cigar? I hear it's "How did you say you became an i. town all have to be vaccinated." Farmer-"Sorry, lady, I don't chew the latest thing. · orator?" but I got an old cigar I can give you.'' Junior-"No need of that, they Nixon "I began by addressing envelopes.'' o'ne that is smoked ' never catch anything." in Ashtabula ' Mr. Bloomfield-"I'll give you one and smelled in Salem. Tailor-"Do you want a cuff on the "How did Steve hurt his hand?" day to hand in that paper.'' Dear Jerry- trousers?." "He was nailing up a horseshoe for Harry Houser-"That's all right, Have you any thumb tacks? · h luck." how about July 4.'' Corwin-"Do you want a bat m t e · "Fuz.zy" jaw?" Nope-just finger nails. Father-"Margaret, you might give "Do you know that I am quite a Dry Friend-"You had better take that young man; Ralph, who comes to lady-killer?" Oh Jaretta- see you in the evening, a message.'' a taxi home.'' "Sure, one look at you is enough to Our preacher says that the auto is Daughter, (blushing)-"Yes, dad.'' kill her}' a menace to 'l'eligion. Drunkard-"N o thanks, my garage Dorothy F. ish full already." Father-"Tell him that ·I've got no objections to him running up the gas Maybe he has a s.econd-hand car. "Dumb David"-"! fell last night bills, but we'd rather he wouldn't take Gusto- and hit my head on the pian~." . Jauretta- Hat Salesman (looking at the morning paper when he leaves.'' mer's head)-"About seven.'' Frank-"Hurt yourself?" . Father said my conversation is Customer-"No, just one, thank D. D.-"No, I hit the soft pedal." like a musical scale. What did he "Do you thing Henry Ford would you." mean? make a good president?" "Mitz" "Did the doctor ·know what you "Yes, because he's got the making John-"Father, what is the differ­ You start with dough and finish of a Lincoln." ence between vision and sight?." with dough. had?" Father-"Well, my son, you can "Seemed to have a pretty good idea. flatter a girl by calling her a vision, Dear Jauretta- He asked me for ten dollars and I Miss Clark-"What was Washing­ ton's Farewell address?" but don't call her a sight." How far is it from ear to ear? had eleven dollars." .John Cavanaugh Beat C.-"Heaven, I guess." One block. Ethel Fluckiger still thinks two J oe-"My brother had over 50,000 people can live more cheaply than She (sipping tea)-"Isn't this de- men under him." Dear Jauretta- one-just ask her about it. licious ?" Jim-"He must have been some Don't you think talkative women He (absently)-"! love to take tea general." ii.re .the most popular? "Good English shows more strong with a little lemon." Joe-'"No, he was in a balloon.'' ' Helen Glass feeling than swearing.'' What other kfods are there? "Well, then, why don't you use it?" Mr. Bloomfield in speaking of the He-"I threw ·a kiss at Mary , D J --- '- ear auretta- Republican Platforms, said, "Douglas, today." ' With such a fine job I should think what do the Republicans stand for?" "Is it the real thing?" Roommate-"What did .she · say?" you'd be fired with enthusiasm. "Yes, I saw them unload it off the Douglas (seriously)-"Because they He-"She said I was the laziest "Tom" boat myself.'' don't sit· down.'' man in the world.'' Yeh-I was . • _ _J I



THOR WASHERS , Gr With The Poets Install a Thor Washer in your home now. We can supply your desire as the Thor line consists of Cyl- inder, Vacuum Cup and Oscillating Washers. The Beauty of Ruskin's "Crown of Wild Olive" He called. it "The Cro"vn of Wild Olive." The Salem Ligl1ting Co. I think it's the song of a soul PHONE 48 The guide, pointing upward and onward COURTESY EFFICIENCY S~RVICE To a truer and higher goal. ~ I It's honest and strong and straight forward :=-o111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 It comforts and soothes and inspires, :.:~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mr•' When it seems that the world is against us, And we're fighting for worthless desires. And always the song is of beauty­ True beauty in perfect form, Most Folks Listen to Reason- Scorning sham and falseness, Exposing the strife and the storm -GOOD LISTENERS Of bitter and narrow hatred, 'Vhen men are so steeped in sin BUILT THIS BUSINESS That they live in eternal darkness, Afraid, lest the light creep in. Ah-his is the gift of music, "Hallmark" Store C. M. WILSON The music that rings through the heart, And soars to the vaulted heavens To an ideal world-apart. ?, 111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111u111111111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111umm11111111m1111ru111~ ' -Mildred Birch '24 ~1111111111111111 ! 1111111 111111111111mu11mm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u111111111111m111111111111111111nm111111111111m1111111111·,. EARLY HABITS Early Ha.bits Mold Future ·Character! On The Source Of Inspiration Those who early acquire the habit of Saving lay the A streak of fire, a flash of flame, foundation of success. Runs through my heart and bids me sing. A Savings Account is an absolute proof of the right I know not whence the songs have come. character. I only know it must be done. Nothing adds more to self-respe_ct than a growing I do not know what guides my pen, Savings Account. I only feel a thrill, and then THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK OF SALEM The songs pour forth "A BANK FOR SAVINGS" From unknown source. I wish that I might know just how 1111 llllllllllUllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllUlllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIUllUllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllUlllllllllllllllHlllllllUllllllllllllllllllUUllllllllllllll.: The spell comes over me which now Gilds all my world with. fancy's hue, And bids me pass my thoughts to you. l""'""'~""-"';;~;;-·~~;~""";~~;~~;~·-"'-"'-"'i -Mildred Birch ,24. ; We are taking orders now for all kinds of Engrav- ; ~ ing. Calling Cards. All the Types and Sizes in Cards. ~ ~ Lowest Prices to be had any place. ~ To Morning · I Wedding Invitations and Announcements. Above the sweeping hill tops, Beyond the purple line .I Ask to See Our Samples Cast by dark rocks worn smooth with age, And gently m~rmurin g pine- I. D. & J. H. CAMPBELL The faintest tint of crimson I Colors the eastern sky, ~111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111m1m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m111um111111m1m1111111111u11111m11 •• And darkens into scarlet :1.mmtmmtmim1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111uu11111111111111111111111111111mmn111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111111u111111111111111111111111111111m1111111111111_: A s it slowly mounts on high. BANANA SPLITS AT WERNER'S 25c I 'Tis heralding the sunrise With its purple and its go}d Try One i Which is softly creeping upward Where the evening stars unfold. WERNER'S CONFECTIONERY I And I think of all the colors 68 Garfield A venue ~ That have flashed before my eyes, _. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii I still love best, that rosy tint - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: In the early morning skies. I No Spring Outfit is Complete Without -Mildred Birch ,24. ~ a New Pair of Shoes BlJNNS What's the Use O' Living THE SHOE STORE OF QUALITY I'm si<:k of this sort of living ~ 111111111 , 1111111 11 1 111 1 11111111111111111i1111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111u1111. When you have so much to do ~·111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;~111~~1111~~~~~~1~1111~1;~1;1~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! That you scramble and rush from morning till night And then never seem to get through. I'm tired of it all I tell you For your soul is not your own BAHM BROTHERS i Its sometimes this and often that 35-37 East Main Stre~t SALEM, OHIO i Till joy dies and is gone I like to look at the sunset - . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111uuu1111111111111111m111111111mmum111i I love to watch the sky F~;~it~;; ~f Q~;Iit; But I've always got something else to do r...... ! And the time goes flying by. And so l labor onward \ Hating the rush and ' the strife, ; W. S. ARBAUGH I Missing ha:lf of the joy i PIONEER BLOCK, SALEM, OHIO ~ And half of the fun in life. ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111m 1 n111i1;; -Mildred Birch '24 T It E QUAKER 5

And the stud~nt ·whispers softly and .'lllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'. the study echoes loftily. The whispered "Nevermore." Headquarters Nevermore I'll strive to cram the night before the dread "exams," Tennis Supplies But always and forever I shall do each day a part. · RACKETS, BALLS .JUNIORS WIN PRELIMIN·ARY Chillis, Junior and Graf­ So that there shall be no rapping­ TRACK MEET ton, Junior, tied for second. tapping at my study door. SHOES Spiker, Senior and Lodge Heralding a weird procession, ghosts (Continued From Page One) Junior, tied for fourth. no human ever say before­ Re-Stringing about the same as Salem's team. 220 Yard Hurdles-Time 28 1-5 sec. Said the student smiling tearfully, Keds Crepe Soled Reports from East Palestine High 1st-Judge, Junior "Henceforth I shall study cheer­ say that Ward is the outsanding star 2nd-Jones, Seh ior fully,'' Shoes of the County this year and is faster 3rd-Weing.art, Senior Yes, oh yes, for evermore! 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 in the · dashes than he was last year 4th-Simni.onds, Soph. -The Fram, Sandusky, Ohio and still has his old form on the Two lap Relay Salem Newspaper broadjump. Salem has not much in 1st-Juniors Agency TWO WAYS OF LOOKING the weights this year. 2nd-Seniors Phone 621 79 Main Street 3rd-Sophomores Florence Jones Hadley. Gaunt is showing up well in the 4th-Freshmen If you look for trouble you'll find it shot and Konnert in the discus. Just waiting beside the way, Summary of Points Harsh and C. Coffee are taking care Just peeping around the corner of the high jump while Leibshner and Juniors 45 1-2. Wherever you work or play. ;:~ii~~i~;~: Houser are making bids for the pole Seniors 36 \ r...... vault. In the dashes Salem has some Sophom™:es 33 5-6 If you ' look for thorns on the rose Freshmen 21 1-3 o·ood material with H . Martin, Bing­ spray ham, K. Jones, and V. Judge. The You will find them without a doubt Guaranteed One distance runs are taken care of by WITH APOLOGIES TO EDGAR If you look for clouds in the June Year Perkins, Marietta, Brewer and Hic­ sky key. With all put together and ALLEN POE The clouds will surely peep out. SPECIAL $1 · each· plenty of hard work and training Once upon a midnight dreary, a stu- Salem should have a good track team dent pondered, bored and weary, If you look for faults in another R. E. Grove Electric Co. at the county field meet May 10th. Over many a heavy volume of un- y OU will find that the faults are ''Things Electrical" Following are the results of the learned lore- · there; Reliable Wiring Quality .Fixtures preliminary meet. While he nodded, nearly napping, If you search for good you will find suddenly there cai:ne a tapping 71111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111.== Javelin-Distance 109 feet it As of someone gently rapping---:rap­ 1st-C, Coffee, Soph. ping at his study door- 2nd-Lodge, Soph. " 'Tis friend Bill,'' he muttered, tap­ 3rd-Harsh,. Senior ping at my study door 4th-Sidinger, Soph. Only he and nothing more." w~~;;;~:~:~~~~:~f ~~:~;.!::: : l=====_"'""";::~slll~ElllllE~U~S"~Fllllo~llll·R~~::"'l Shot Put-Distance 36 ft. 11 in. So why not forget there is evil 1st-Gaunt, Junior Open here he flung the door, trem_­ An search for the good and the 2nd-Dixon, Soph. bling to the very core, true? QUALITY, .SERV.ICE and 3rd-Sidinger, Soph. In there stepped a strange proces­ :_Publisher 'Unknown. 4th-Weingart, Senior sion, stranger than the myths of MATERIAL Discus-Distance 80 ft., 9 in. yore; 1st-Konnert, Senior Not a sound nor murmur made they, OPPORTUNITY W. E. Mounts & Co. 2nd-Weingart, Senior not a minute stopped nor stayed With doubt and dismay you are At Carr's Hdwe. Phone 986 3rd-C. Coffee, Soph. they, smitten 4th-Catlin, Junior But with slow and stately tr.ead, :-~1111111111111111 .1111111mm111111111111111111111111111111nmwwm111u1111111111111111111111.i You think there's no chance for 1-2 Mile-Time 2:22 3-5 'ranged them by the wall instead, you, son? . • 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111· 1~ 1st-Perkins, Freshman While the student stood and shivered, Why, the best books haven't been 2nd-Hickey, Senior shivered by the open door, written; 3rd-Hill, Senior Simply shivered and nothing more. 4th-Simmonds, Soph. The best race hasn't been run; Buy Your Eats at The best score hasn't been made yet; 220 Yd. Dash-Time 24 sec. First there came with a stately tread, The best song hasn't been sung; -Our New Home 1st-Bingham, Junior figure bold, and countenance The best tune hasn't been played yet; 2nd-V. Judge, · Junior dread, Cheer up, for the. world is young! 3rd-W. Coffee, Junior A Roman in a toga wrapped, with 25 East Main Street 4th-C. Coffee, Soph. his feet in sandals strapped, · No chance? Why the world is just Next door to Votaw's Meat Market Broad .Jump-Distance 18 ft., 5 in. "Cicero" the ancients called him, as eager 1st-Gregg, Soph. they bowed in reverence to him, For things that you ought to create; 2nd-Bingham, Junior And the student trembled tearfully Its store of true wealth is still 3rd-H. Martin, Freshman and his conscience smote him meager; The Smith Co. 4th-Negrotto, Freshman fearfully, Its needs are incessant and great; ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:; Mile Run-Time 5 min., 26 1-5 sec. As he. thought of countless lessons, It yearns for mqre power and beauty, 1st-Marietta, Soph. unprepared in days before. · More laughter and love and 2nd-Brewer, Junior Quoth the student, "Nevermore!" romance, 3rd-Werner, Freshman More loyalty, labor and duty, f"'OIJ'R""'N'EW""'ADD'R'E'SS"""I 4th-F. Hill, Senior Next there came a shade Saturnian, No chance-why there's nothing with a countenance Hibernian 100 yd. Dash.-Time 11 4-5 sec. but chance! And the student saw that he was next 1st-H. Martin, Freshman , ...... RE~:Jti~DT"""'"' ' to take the floor. 2nd-Bingham, Junior For the best Verse hasn't been rhymed "What is that law of confined gasses, 3rd-W. Coffee, Junior yet; which was taught you in your 4th-Spiker, Senior The best house hasn't been planned; 105Y:! MAIN STREET classes?" Phone 157R High .Jump-Heighth 4 ft. 8 in. The highest peak hasn't been climbed Thus it seemed. the eyes did speak, lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllJlllllllllllllllllllJlllllllllllll/lllllllt 1st-Harsh, Senior; C. yet; and the student grew more weak The mightiest rivers aren't spanned Coffee, Sophomore, tied. As he thought of hours wasted, Family Groups Day or 3rd-H. Martin, Freshman, Don't worry and fret, faint hearted, Night springs of knowledge yet un­ The chances have just begun, Liebschner, Freshman and tasted, - Gregg, Sophomore, tied. For the Best jobs haven't been started, ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;'. The Best work hasn't been done. ~==_·11111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•__§==_-· 440 Yd. Dash-Time 56 3-5 sec. Queens and kings and counselors, ex­ -The Maple Leaf 1st-Jones, Senior porers and discoverers, You Can Get Your Spring House- 2nd-Judge, Junior Gathered in that strange procession, ' ~ hold · and Housecleaning Needs at ~ 3rd-Duncan, Senior in that silent, weird procession, "They sometimes launder soiled \ i=====- · i===-=: 4th-Bingham, Junior Come from books of student lore. bills in the treasury." THEChina. HOME and Kitchenware STORE Pole Vault-Heighth 9 ft. Stayed they but a little space, van­ "Can you tell ml'! where they hang 98 Main St Salem, 0 1st-Leibschner, Fresh . ished then each spectral face, 'em out?'' ~u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111uu1111111111111111, ~ • 6 T H-E QUAKER

Brooks' Contest arms of a young corporal who was HAPPINESS IN THE GROUP I standing ju'st behind ·her. · LITERARY CONTESTANTS MEET "Oh, I beg your pardon," she (Hester Brown '24) IN CLOSE COMPETITION gasped, blushing, "I was frightened by the rifles." One evening when Mary .came home · "Thi~ is my cousin, Mr. Donnaly," About ninety entries have been from school her mother sll0wed her a she said, pres ~tirtg the older man, made for preliminary judging in the "Quite .· all right," replied the cor­ letter which had come that afternoon. "and this is his son, Paul." .Brooks' contest. This is ortiy about poraL Then he added. ·hopefully, It was from one of Mrs. Slack's dear­ sixteen per cent of the entire enroll­ "Let's go over and watch the heavy It happened that these gentlemen est friends and . contained two tickets ment. However the in~erest which is artillery for awhile." lived in the west and were paying a · for a new show which was at Bran­ being shown by that number is quite visit to their cousin. They were ford, ten miles from Joselyn, where intense. According to the 'rules, five charming talkers and had many in­ the Slack's lived. The friend said stories, essays, or orations, should be PEDIGREED teresting things to tell. In spite of that she would call for th.em that' chosen from each of 'these· three the'. fact that Mary ha:d made up her Iri a New Brunswick village a town evening at seven o'clock, and they classes by the preliminary judges, mind to be, miserable, she enjoyed her­ character who preferred emphasis to must be ready. "Won't that be who are, Mrs. I: D . .- Campbell, prin­ self. Paul was,· ·a' very attractive the verities was a witness in a petty fine?" questioned Mrs. Slack eagerly, cipal of Jr. Hi and teacher of English, young man and as he sat beside her trial involving an auger. He posi­ I haven't been any place for so .long Miss Effie Cameron, English teacher, tively identified it as the property of at the show, Mary did not even have also of Jr. Hi, and Mr. Bruce Swan­ time to wonder ~-how, \l\1rs. Lewin ever one of the parties to the suit.' "I don't see anyt,hing. fine about 1 son, faculty member of Salem Hi. it," grumbled Mary; "Mrs·. Lewin is discovered such an uri'iriteresting show However if the qualifications are not "But," asked the attorney for the Mary and Paul had a little show all an awfully tiresome person and the . met by the contestants a. fewer num­ other side, "do you , swear that you last show she took us to was simply their · own. He was the hero, and she ber may try out in the finals. know this auger?" ' . terrible. Besides I wanted to go to was the heroine, and, although they !'Yes, sir." the basket ball game with the girls." did not end in each others arms .as Thursday evening, April 8th, has 'How long have you known it?" he the players did, he had asked per­ been set for the final judging. As continued. Mrs. Slack looked disappointed, but mission to call-r the next evening by yet only two judges have been se­ she said resignedly, "I suppose I can the end of the second act. cured, they are: Miss Gladys Ryme:r, ' '. I have known this auger," said make some excuse to. Mrs. Lewin, but instructor of English at Columbiana the witness impressively, "ever since Mrs. Slac~ enjoyed herself so much I did want to go so. bad." it was a gimlet." in listening to Mr. Donnelly that she High school, and Mr. Kneasel, princi ~ pal of East Palestine High School. "You can go," returned Mary, "you forgot her vexation of a few hours before. When she reacher home she The contestants for the finals are have. you_r good time, :j:nd I'll ha;ve as follows: PERSONAL mine." sighed happily. Essays Frank Kille, '22 has been made cap­ "I don't know when I've had such "You don't understand, dear,"- re­ 1. Neil Grisez tain of the Sophomore Debate team an enjoyable evening," she remarked. plied her mother, "Mrs·. Lewin does 2. Junia Jones at Wooster, according to a )etter re­ "And just to think if we had backed not approve of the young people of 3. Alleen Moores ceived from John Siskowic who is at­ out at the last minute, as you wanted today, and if I allowed you to go to 4. Esther Rogers tending the same college. . to, we would still have been trying the game she would lecture to me all 5. Cecilia Shriver to bite each others heads off." evening about how .I should bring you \ Short· Stories up. I shouldn't be able to enjoy a "I guess I was pretty snappy," said 1. John Cavanaugh bit of the show. She is my dearest Mary, "Really, I felt like killing some­ 2. Mary Helen Cornwall Don't Forget friend, but she certainly has her one when I got into that car." 3. Orville Huffman faults." ON "The show wasn't very good," con­ 4. Fred Hutson "Well, I guess I'll- have to go," cinued Mrs. Slack, "it was· those men 5. Helen Stewart MOTHER'S DAY Mary said resignedly. She knew .Mrs. who made the evening interesting. Orations (MAY llTH) Lewin of old, and what her mother They had so many odd things to tell. 1. Hester Brown An Appropriate Box of said was perfectly true. So she ac-, The West must be a wonderful place." 2. Helen Flick quiesced, but she was very ungracious ·. 3. Helen Reitzell be," Mary DeKlyn's .. a~~~ , "It must repeated. · 4. Debora Stratton dreamily. 5. Thurlo Thomas Crane's or Morse "'That's right," her mother said,, "you'll have to hurry." "I would like to see those men Chocolates Of course Mary had 'to call ' up the again," said her mother. "WRITE LIKE THE :DICKENS" girls and tell them she could not go WILL D'ELIGHT HER "You probably will," said Mary IS RIGHT to the game, and she talked to them happily. AT so long that she· had only fifteen An Oriental paper, having an Eng­ minutes ieft to eat supper and That was all she said, but she was lish section, printed th'e following CAV ITT'S CONFECTIONERY scramble into her clothes. Her sup- thinking that Paul was going to stay notice: Order Now! per was a very ·sketchy affair and . two months, and lots of things can "The news of English we tell the :.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111if: her dressing was interrupted· as usual happen in · two · mop.ths. latest. Writ in perfectly style · and by excited hunts for shoes, stockings, most earliest. Do a murder commit, dress, nailfile, comb, hat, coat, veil, we hear of and tell it. Do a mighty · and all . other needful articles of chief die, we publish it and in borders clothing. By the appointed time somber. Staff has each one been Mary was ready, but she was more colleged and write like ·the Kipling angry than ever at Mrs. Lewin, and . Thank God- and the Dickens. We circle every her senseless show. Mrs. Slack was every morning when you town and extortionate not for adver- a nervous wreck, and had lost all get up tisements." desire to see a show that night or -Co-operation. that you have something any other night, besides, Mary was WARK'S to do continually grumbling about having · FapJtless Drp Cleaning to go to ·the show, and missing the which must be done · "Papa, what do you call a man who runs an automobile?" • game of the season. whether you like Phone 777 it or not "It all depends upon how near it "For goodnes·s · sake," exclaimed comes to hitting me." :;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;§ Mrs. Slack impatiently, "stay at home being forced to work if you don't want to go:" and forced to do your best will breed in you Skinny-'-"When will there be 25 letters in the alphabet?" "I wouldn't stay home now for any­ temperance ... thing," retorted Mary, "I've made up -"Beyond me." ·-·~~;;;~~:~~~~~- , my mind to have a miserable even­ self-control, diligence Skinny-'-"When U and I ·are one." ing, and I intend to have one." strength of will, content \ ~ and a hundred virtues ALERT! :.,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ "Then keep quiet," commanded her which the. idle mother. will never Just then Mrs. Lewin's car -d.rove know up and Mrs. Slack and Mary got in. -Kingsley. To their surprise two men · were seated in the car. Mrs. Lewin intro­

duced them. .ff1111111111111111 f1111111111111111111111111H1111111111111111111111n1i.11111111111111ni1111111111111~ · T"H E QUAKER 7

";.!n1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111G The Lakeman Ranch on Goblei's Knob

(Helen Flick '24) It is. possible that a home with a A ·pair of chubby bare feet pattered population of five or six young souls, around the table to impart an eggy Mother, Dad, d-0g, cat and bicycle kiss to Sis's cheek, a token of thanks I Tff.!~~;~:r~~?OL I have a pea~ e able and liv~able atmos­ that meant an untold lot. So break­ phere. Such . a place was the Lake­ fast proceeded as the eight Lakeman's man ranch on Gobler's Knob, as it ate wholesome and delicious food. Showsthe~~~~~;r;~%~ownforthe ! wa s lovingly called. Who . prepared it? You can be sure I It was not a home of luxury and there was no maid. The girls did of ., , ease, nor were the desires and long­ course while Mother scrubbed the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m ings of each individual fulfilled, for two younger Lake'man's ear ~ and it kept Dad Lakeman humping to sorted out the .laundry. M~Y 2 AND 3-VIOLA DANA feed; shoe and house those six In­ It's noon riow and the Brother Of dians." Why all this contrast to so the family is about ready to· go back "In Search of a Thrill" many large and growing tribes? Why to school. Some how something is was it that a sense -0f appreciation bothering him. Finally Sis and he W~ll Rogers in "Great Moments" and gratitude was felt even for the happen to be alone and the story is baby's scuffed and badly worn shoes blustered out by a fiery faced boy. Sport Lights that she still lovingly called "my new "Tomorrow is Jane's birthday." shoesies my Daddy brot to Baby." "Well who is Jane and wh.at of it?" 11111:11111111111111111111 Let us listen in for a moment and g uess why. "Well Jane is a girl and it follows that Budd, well he likes her, and so MAY 9 and·10-Reginald Barker's It is Spring time on "Gobblers does Jim Harris, and Budd has almost Knob" and so at five-thirty sharp a enough dough to get something nicer "Pleasure Mad" rosy cheeked and husky boy and his than Jim can get, but he needs fifty Our Gang Comedy-Sport Lights Dad roll out and dress in quiet com­ cents more and-and a-" panionship, then race down the back 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lawn for tools and soon are busily "Well Budd I have some money you planting onion sets, radishes and let­ can have." Metro Pictures "The World's Best tuce. The dog's there to, let's listen.· "But you did just give me some for "Dad will it be all right if I quit a a necktie." little early if I work after school?" "That's all right kid, forget it." 111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i: "Sure, why?" comes from a red face, "Thanks Sis and could you-would as Dad straighhtened up. you, i mean can you go with me to get "Well, you see Mother is getting it." up at six-thirty to set out her posies "Sure after school." and I wanted to surprise her and have Evening is here and Betty is dress­ The Citizens Savings Bank it done." ing while Mother cleans her white "Beat it then." shoes for her. · At eight a healthy family was at "Say Mother, why don't you and "You can't keep warm in the future on money breakfast. In front of each place Dad go along to the dance with Bill burned up in the past.'_' was a sweet little hand painted box and me?" filled with the best of home made "Oh, honey, I couldn't, I haven't chocolates. Some exited little squeals anything to wear and I'm afraid we Play Safe and Start a Savings Account and a sweet and happy smile accom­ might spoil your evening." ~anied Dad's question. "Oh, :i:or the love of PP.te. wear "Sis made 'em Dad to surprise us," Sis's blue crepe and let her wave 1llllllllllllllllllllUUUUlllllUllllllllllllllllllllUllUlllllllllllllllllllll1lllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllUIRlllllllilllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUOUlll~ somebody answered. your hair. Come on, I'll call Dad." In ten minutes all was a happy bustle as the two girls and Dad helped ~ i~·:·· ~ "AT YOUR SERVICE" ...... J ..: ...... Mother dress for the Dance. l...... G.;1·;·;·;· ...... _ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n Have you guessed why all this A FULL LINE OF peace, companionship and happiness comes about?" I have. Love does FISHING TACKLE it.-H. Flick '24. BASE BALL and BARBER SHOP TENNIS ALL MAY READ SUPPLIES Se.niors .llllllllllflllllllllllllUllll/11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 36 Main Street Primi:s ad sonnas, R. J. Burns Hdw. Co. Primus oriri, ... = l Phone 807 55 Main St. Hominem Facit r .JllllllllllllUllllllJlfllllllll111111111111fllll111fllllllll11111111111Jlll111flllfllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllJlllllllll1111flllllltlllllJllllllllflllll111111111111111t11111Jl111111111Jlllllll111":" Bonum, divitem, 0 ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. :•1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli1111i111111 i 111111111111111r: Consilium atque. KODAKS Juniors I ha~~~!igc~~e~hJa:!i;• for planting and growing-'-the ! Temprano en acostar se § Commence to save NOW. "Plant" your money = Developing · and· Temprano en levantarse Hoace un hombre ~':.r:e~f~;!n;;re t!c::ir:!~growth and the Printing Bueno, hico, y conocido. ! . l YO U PRESS THE BUTTON-. Sophomores WE DO THE REST i De bonne heure se coucher First National Bank ~ ~ ~ BENNETT'S De bonne heure se lever Il fait un homme DRUG STORE En bonnesante', riche, et sage. OHIO _ Kodak Agent ! SALE~ Freshmen ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111:: ?.11111111111111111111111111! .l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllUI~ Early to bed, 'UlllllllllllllllUllllUllllllllllUlllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllUlllUllllllllllllllllllll,.- Early to rise, """'"""""'""'"" " " '.'. ""'""'"""""""""""'""Ii~·"'"T~ ...... c.uR:'Tis""'""""""'""""'"""'"""'""'""""""""""""'·~ Makes a man f Healthy, wealthy and wise .

. Our Assistant Business Manager, Marion Van Syoc is going in the shoe . ' . . ' 1.... :;'.;:~~~=::~~t:;:J bu s ine ~ s-a s k him about it. t...... ~.: . : ....:.:.: .... ~:.~.~~=~~f ?.~~~~~~~:~.'.'. ... :.::.::.... ::.: .:.:...... J • 8 THE QUAKER

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!_; i Complete Compact Assortment BOVA'S . ~ ~- · ~ Double and Single Compacts, Rouge all shades, com- When you want some­ n11111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i 1111111111111111111, ~ pact refills .and Rouge refills. thing good to eat and you know it is made Choice Fruits

======_! Cara Nome, Jonteel, Coty's l{aress Fiancee, Djer Kiss, N yalotes and all other standard brands. Get your clean, try the and favorite compact where you have all shades. The best Produce brands for your selection. New System's I If it's to be had we have it. J. H. Lease Drug Co,.; ... Bakery Goods . '11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\lllllllllllllllfllllllllllllll . Floding Drug Store Bolger & French Main Street

11111111111111111111111111 1mm111111111111111111u11111111111111 11 11111i111111111111111111111111m 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1 11111111~ ?;11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1 11 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111.~ =:i 111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\-::

~11111111111111111mnmnmm1111111111n,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111m1un11111111m1111111111111111111 1 r~ ·1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111·.: I SPECIAL SHOWINGof FINE SUITS I i FOR I Hemmeter Store- News = = Leaders of Fashion GRADUATION IRENE CASTLE FROCKS for Young Men and Boys PEGGY PARIS-COATS AND SUITS EVERYTHING IN NEW FURNISHINGS AT PIDGEON-Guaranteed Silk Hose B L 0 0 M B E R. G 'S Royal Society Art Needlework

:.:1111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•.:. flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllYlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' i HAVE YOU TRIED OUR TASTY COMBINATION i § CLUB SANDWICHES? § Is the result of saving $5.00 a week for five The La Palma Restaurant years at 5% interest. in ALSO Special Luncheons and Dinners ?neSECVAITV At 50c BUILDING U LOAN ASS'N OPEN DAY AND NIGHT C. B. MOORE 64 MAIN ST. SALEM.OHIO "Put your savings in THE SECURITY." ;;:11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 •. -~1-111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111n:=

~111111111111Rl!!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111tlllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111UllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllll'"; ~ .. ~ ,...... ~ .. ·-;~~·~ .. :·::::~~·:·::~:·:~~"-:::::~""-""~, f A. B. C. Washing ' Real Estate and Insurance i I Machines Room 4, Hemmeter Bldg. = Phone 680 i J. R. STRATTON & COMPANY SALEM, OHIO ~ HIGH GRADE PLUMBING § 15 Main Street Phone 487 ~ SALEM, OHIO i The Tmyn Clock is Next to Our Place ?. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n111111111111111111111111111111 u 111111111111111111111111111111111111!111111 , ~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJUllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllJIUlllllllJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1 . -

,.,JlllllllllllllllllllllllllJllUlllllllJUJlllllll-llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUllllllllllllllO.: ; . ~~ . ! i MAXWELL I SPRING DAYS ~ THERE is no secret about 'the su- ~ are treacherous ~ periorities which are so obvious ~ § in the good Maxwell.. § Hang Out Your ~ They are the direct a~d natural re-. ~ , g sults of sheer quality in engineering § ICE CARD *,/,' § and construction-quality which is § / g actually not excelled in cars costing g ~ many hundreds of dollars more. = The Citizens Ice & Coal Co. -r- 192 E. PHONE 645 ~ p~;~e SMITH GARAGE 4th St. MILL STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA R. R j

~olllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll lllllllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllJIUlllllll~llJlllllllllllllllJlllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll lllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllC: ;1111111111 11 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111.~ ~1111111111111 i 11111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111111111 111 ~ r1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;~~·;·i·~·~"';~;;,, i ·~~,, ..;·;·;;111111111 11 111111111111 11 111111111111111111111I i MOTHER'S DAY CARDS i ~ WE HAVE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ~ ~ The most beautiful aisse>rtment will be , opened right ~ § after Easter at \ · · ~ E ' ~ I The- Salem Hardware Company I I MacMillan's Book Shop, 27 Main Street i Hardware, Plumbing, Roofing ''The Pioneer Store" g g g A CHANCE TO PLEASE MOTHER ~ - ='.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,u11111111111111111111m111111111m1•1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111J11111111111111111111111urmm1111111nununuru17 ~11111111 111 1111111111111 11 11111n11m11111111111 1 1111;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:111111111111111111 i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .11111 l u11111111u111111111111111111:=::