MAGAZINE AND EVENT GUIDE #biometrics2015 #biometricslive ORGANISED BY: IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: SPONSORED BY: PREMIER MEDIA PARTNER: ES 3136 Biometrics Promo.qxp_Biometrics Research A4 Ad 25/09/2015 14:50 Page 1 CELEBRATING THE BREADTH OF Independent, Impartial, International BIOMETRICS The Biometrics Institute Promoting the responsible use of biometrics ESEARCH Our mission is to promote the responsible use of biometrics as an independent R and impartial international forum for biometric users and other interested parties. VIRTUAL SPECIAL ISSUE In an industry with ever-changing technologies and standards, our role is pivotal in providing organisations with the right information and a network of people to assist with building your business and sharing best-practice. EDITOR: Kevin W. Bowyer, University of Notre Dame, USA and Academic Chair of Biometrics 2015 Come and join us on this journey as a member! The Biometrics Institute is at the forefront in working with government, industry and regulators to promote the responsible use of biometrics. Our members and board directors include representatives from: Department of Homeland Security, USA, FBI, UK Home Office, Immigration New Zealand, Australian Attorney-General’s, Federal Office for Information Security BSI, Germany, Prime Minister’s Office Israel, International Airlines Group, Royal Bank of Scotland, Wells Fargo. For further information, please contact Michelle Whitfield at the Biometrics Institute. Free access to papers Biometrics Institute Limited Australia: Ph: +61 2 9431 8688 | UK: Ph: +44 7952 712 310 |
[email protected] April 2016 ACCESS THE VIRTUAL SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE JOURNAL HOMEPAGE BELOW: BRUSSELS LONDON SINGAPORE SYDNEY WASHINGTON WELLINGTON ShowGuideFinal 2015.indd 1 24/09/2015 4:36 pm v Dear Industry Colleagues, ContentsContents On behalf of the organisers Elsevier and its partner, the Biometrics Institute, I am Biometrics Newsbytes .