Ref. no. (to be filled out by CISU) 1. Cover page THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND SMALL-SCALE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (budget up to DKK 500,000) Mapping of LGBTI individuals, groups, networks and organisations in Project title rural Uganda E-mail:
[email protected] Danish applicant organisation LGBT Danmark Other Danish partner(s), if any No other Danish partners Name: Nicole Scharf E-mail:
[email protected] Contact person for the intervention Country’s GNI per Local partner organisation(s) capita Country(-ies) (please insert the necessary rows below) $ 584.2 (2012, UN Data) Rainbow Health Foundation Mbarara Uganda Queer Youth Uganda Uganda Commencement Completion date Number of date 20.06.2015 20.12.2015 months 6 Amount applied for (DKK) 498.075 DKK Is this a re-submission? [X] No [ ] Yes, please note the [X] a new project? Is this [ ] a project in extension of another project previously supported (by the Civil Society Fund or others)? Do you want a response letter in (choose one) [ ] Danish or [X] English Do you want the Assessment Committee’s notes about the application [ ] Danish or [X] English in (choose one) THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND – Small-scale development projects (less than DKK 500,000), rev. January 2015 0 2. Application text Structure: A. THE PARTNERS A.1 The Danish organisation LGBT Denmark, the Danish National Organisation for Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals and Trans Persons, was founded in 1948. The NGO works with sexual orientation and gender identity and expression (SOGIE) both nationally and internationally, while also providing social networks for LGBT people in Denmark.