An Authoritative Look at Book Publishing Startups In the United States Thad McIlroy The Future of Publishing January 10, 2017
[email protected] Book Publishing Startups 1 Introduction This study offers an overview of the book publishing startup scene in the United States. The core of the report is a detailed spreadsheet listing some 900 companies, mostly founded since Amazon launched the Kindle in 1997. What makes the spreadsheet particularly valuable is that it lists more than just the company name. For each company it also provides: Brief mission statement Type of product or service provided Funding Current operating status (whether still in business) Just as importantly the report includes summary data that defines the scope of the book startup industry, including: Total funds raised by all startups Average per funded company Median per funded company % of startups with declared funding % of startups no longer in business % of Exits/Acquisitions/Mergers Number of IPOs This offers, for the first time, a measurement of how significant the startup activity is to the larger book publishing industry. I encourage you to pause here and turn to the spreadsheet for several minutes to get a sense of its scope and detail. (After page 8, or download it separately in Excel format.) January, 2017 Book Publishing Startups 2 The Startup Listings I began compiling this list in early 2012 after a presentation I made at the Tools of Change conference on the topic of startups. At that time I learned that Michael Bashkar was maintaining a list of startups ( His list however included just the company name and URL, had only 325 names and was not regularly maintained (last update March, 2015).