Happy 15Th Birthday

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Happy 15Th Birthday Happy 15th Birthday. KRAB!! TOWARDS A GRASSROOTS FOREIGtl POll CY Towards a Grassroots ForeiQn Policy takes a vacation this month, and the radio shoWS will This month's subject for TOl-lilrds a Grass­ be replaced by past proQrams from this and other roots Forei~n Policy is the Trilateral Partner­ series on foreiCln policy and trilatera1isrrt. ship of Japan, t/. America, and \'I. Europe, an AQa in, see the proqrarrt 1i stinns for detail s. alliance envisioned by the Trilateral Commission. LINER NOTES: I~e will then return in January with one The Trilateral Commission was founded by David more proqram in the Trilateral Partnership December promises to be an excellent month Rockefeller and Zbiqniew Brzezinski (current cluster, a very important prooram on economic National Security Council Advisor to the Pres­ for KRAB listening. To begin with KRAB has 2 recovery and protectionism, featurinq repre­ new regular programs ~/orthy of mention: On I~ed­ ident) as an elite qroup of private business sentatives from the AFL-CIO and Heyerhaeuser and academic leaders from Japan, N. America, nesday afternoons from 4-5:30, Kimson Plout pre­ Co. If you would like more details on the sents an earth music show of ethnic and folk mu­ and ~1. Europe, \~hat the Commission calls the series, please write or call me at KRAB, "Advanced industrial derrtocracies" 'and which are, 325-5110. sic from around the world, entitled simply e­ nough, "Earth t~usi c." Secondly, every Sunday accordinq to Brzezinski, "The most essential This series is rroduced by KRAB and funded ~ component of the world's econorrtY." The COrrt­ at 6:00 pm is "Sunday Et Cetera," a new maqa­ in part by a grant from the Washinqton Com­ zine of-the-air format proqram produced by Doua mission vias thrust into world.olirle attention mission for the Humanities. with the election of Jimmy Carter as President Ekblade and Kathy Bottoms. of the United States, and most of the top Also, KRAB is pleased to be presentinq some foreiqn policy positions in the Carter admin­ --John B. Smith exciting special programminq this month. The istration are filled by members or forrrter mem­ following is a brief sampling of vlhat to look to bers of the Trilateral Commission. forward to: Much has been written about the conspira­ KRAB's 15th Anniversary is this month , and to torial aspects of the COllT'lission, its Rockefeller celebrate, John Ross has produced a two-hour connections, its role in electinCl "outsider" special highlighting some of the more outraM Ca rte r. He wi 11 res i s t the teMptation to no geous moments in KRAB's history, Tues. Dec. 13, into this aspect, hovlever, and focus on the 7:30 pm. merits themselves of trilateralism as a foreion A 3-part series on red1ining will look at policy, and the problems the trilateralists several aspects of this problem in depth. Pre­ must overcome to succeed. These include dis­ sented on Dec. 6,13 & 20th at 10:30 pm and pro­ putes withi n and betl~een the nati ons of the STAFF: duced by Nick Licata, Executive Director of three reqions, relations between them and WashPI RG. I the developing countries, and to some extent Tom Eckels - Chief Engineer An interview with Sam Lovejoy of "Lovejoy's the East-Ilest relations vie discussed last month. Doug Ekblade - Station t1anager Nuclear War" fame 'wi 11 be ai red Fri., Dec. 2nd The first public forum in this cluster has Jeff Follette - Programming at 7:30 pm. Produced by Phil Andrus. al ready happened, but you can hear the tape at Julie Harris - Programming Denney Goodhew, one of the area 0 s outstandi nq 9:30 Thursday Dec. 1 or 3:00 Friday Dec. 2. It Gre~ory Harrop - International News experimental jazz musicians, will be featured concerns the future Of Euro!1ean i ntenrati on Chr1s Minerd - Operations on Tuesday Night Live,Dec. 13th at 9:30 pm •. through the Common !larket. The next two Tues. John Smith - International News Count Carnette, a psychic pianist who cla1ms night forums will be: John Townes - Operations to receive masterpieces from dead classical com­ Stu Witmer - Early Mus; c i Program Gui de posers will discuss and play some Of these Dec. 6: EUROC0I1MUNISf1 AUD THE FUTURE OF NATO: Adam Woog - Programming pieces. Friday. Dec. 2: 8:l5 pm. • A QUESTION OF TRUST? Steve Hodes is produc1ng a half-hour spec1al Speakers: Profs. Herbert Ellison,. John on energy neWs updates of national and regional Burke, and Michael Zierrtann, Univ. Of Hash. concern. To be aired Dec. 16 at 9:00 pm. and James tloceri, U.S. Info. Aoency (ret.) The Red Clay Ramblers and Ralph Stanley Se­ Dec. 13: THE U.S., JAPAN, AND NORTHEAST ASIA: attle Concert of Nov. 5th will be aired Friday, THE It1PLlCATIONS OF KOREA. Dec. 23 at 7: 30 pm for blue grass fans who may Speakers: Profs. Donald Hellmann, James have missed it or for those who want to hear Pa1ais, and Bruce Cuminns, Univ. Of lJash. it again. Check the guide for further details on all The Tuesrlay forums vlill be at 8:00 pm at the these and other special programs. DOImtown Yt1CA, 909 4th, between t1ari on and t1ad­ ison. -- Programmi n9 For KRAB radio shows, here's the format: Every Monday at 7:30 pm, we will broadcast an introductOI"J pr'ogram featurinq interviews with State Dept. officers responsible for policy All KRAB listeners should be aware Of the 15 on that topic. Then on Thursday at 9:30 pm year anniversary tominq up in December. and aqain Friday at 3:00 pm, we'll broadcast We on ly hope the next 15 are as eventful a tape of the Tuesday ni ght forum. For detai 1s, as the fi rs t ... 0 r do we? see the program listings. ~ ' 1- 6:00 AM EARLY t1USIC ., • BBC Radio Newsreel at 7:00, f11m reV1ew at 8A5, 7:00 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 10:30 LEROY JENKINS SOLO CONCERT. Stu Wi,tmer and the pre-classic t:lassics else­ Produced every weeknight at this time by John B. The flanboyant violinist-composer and le~der where. Smith and the International News staff. of The Revol utionary Ensenb le (a pretent1 ous . misnomer, but a good band anyway), recorded 1n 10:00 MORNING READING 7: 30 EUROPE REVIE\~ a solo concert in 'January, 1977 at the Peace Kathy Bottoms reading from the stories of Doro­ Recent events discussed by the KRAB Internation­ Church in New York. thy Parker. al news staff. 11:00 VARIATIONS FOR A DOOR AND A SI~H. 8:00 THE IN CROWD More on studies of parapsycholo(ly, wlth Don 10:30 KRABJAZZ "The {).ojl and the Eag,le." The fi rst half of a Caldwell. Hosted by Jeff Follette. Midday jazz of sufficient variety to suit most talk with Indian Bill Settler (of the Seattle tastes. Chosen and discussed by Kirby Cooper. Alcobolism Program) about What he does in his work ~ with Indians of All Tribes at the Monroe 2 :00 THURSDAY AFTERNOON Reformatory. At 2:30 an interview with John t1011oy. il.uthor of the ~\{omen' s Dress for Success" book. At 8:30 CLASSIC JAZZ 4'00 the weekly film review with Richard Jami­ Bob West and John Dehs host with a program of s~n ~nd Kathleen Murphn at 5:00, "Report to the traditional jazz and blues. 6:00 AM EARLY MUSIC Stu ~litmer hosts a proQram of music you Listener" with Station Manager Doug Ekb1ade. 9:30 TRILATERALISM AND THE FUTURE OF THE EURO­ And music with emphasis on the new and unu­ select: it's request rrtorning. Call 325-5110 PEAN COMt1UNITY. with yours. Hith the BRC newsreel at 7:00. sual. in between. Stu Witmer and Adam Woog host. A Tape of Tuesday nioht's public forum in the "Towards a Grass roots Forei gn Pol icy" series. 10:00 MORNING READING 5: 30 JAl~BREAKER Features a discussion o. Carter's Trilateral "The Chi1dren of Llyr" retold by Evangeline \~al­ Kathy O'Bottoms continues with reariin!,s from foreiqn poliey 1inkinq the U.S. wit~ Japa~. Dorothy Parker. ton. The second branch of The Mabi~ogion, ad­ Canada, and Western Europe, and a rl1scuss1on venture stories from old WeTSn mYthology. on one problem in that alliance -- the future 10:30 KRABJAZZ: THE INSIDE REAL )f Europe's Common Market -- led by business 6:00 ALL OF US "A man can pretend to be unconscio~Js, b~t and political science professors from the U.W. conscious??" Conscious and unconSC10US HZZ, Music relating to Black People throughout the Wi 11 be rebroRdcast tomorrow afternoon at 3. world, with Daye. chosen w1th a minimum of thinkinq by Herb Levy. 2:00 THE DISINTEGRATION OF AARON WEISS. 10:30 WHAT'S GOING DOWN The heart-rending story of a youn,g graduate Community issues with Flo Ware. student suffering from diarrhea and emotional inadequacy. Written by Mark Medoff. 11:00 HEMERAPHONIA ~ 1- Kick .off Chanukkah with music of a diverse na­ 3:00 TRILATERALISM AND THE FUTURE OF THE EURO­ 8:00 AM THE NEW LIFE PROGRAM tUre, with di verse 1y natured John Townes. PEAN COMMUNITY. A pr09ram for and about the Vietnamese refugees A repeat of the tape of last Tuesday's public residlng in King County: music, news, and ad­ forum (see last night at 9:30). vi ce for people in a new envi ronment. In Vietnamese and English. Produced by Nxon Do. 4:00 TRUEGRASS. Real b1ue<lrass on real records with Thane 9:00 TINIG NG PILIPINO - Mitchell most of the time and Bill Scott part Filipino ethnic hour, featuring traditional and of the time.
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