



Weeks 1



Intro to Study:

Let’s look at some of the things that had happened leading up to evening and . Just four days prior to then Jesus had made a triumphant enter into . The crowds were shouting “ the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the names of . Hosanna in the highest !” To the disciples, it looked like the had finally come when Jesus was going to declare His kingdom on earth. But on the other hand they saw how angry the religious rulers were at Jesus and knew that would be a problem. Jesus did nothing to help that situation by going to the Temple and running all the venders out of the courtyard for the second time and preaching at the Temple every day. Not just preaching but also criticizing the priests and calling them hypocrites. These things just added fuel to the fire and confusion for the disciples.

Read: :12-16

1. Jesus chose two disciples to prepare the meal. Mark does not tell us who they were but their names can be found in :8. Who were they & why were they chosen?

Ask class for ideas.

I believe Peter and John were chosen by Jesus based on his knowledge of things to come. In the account of the Passion what three disciples play a major roll in what is happening? Peter, John & Judas. Peter and his denial of . John being asked to take Mary as his Mother. Judas and his betrayal of Christ. In the case of Peter and John there had to be a tremendous amount of trust in them on the part of Jesus.

Jesus referred to Peter as the “Rock” and said that he would be the foundation His church would be built upon. Sure Peter, just like any human, was weak in his denial of Christ but Jesus knew that was only temporary. He knew the Peter would repent and become his strongest follower. Jesus trusted Peter.

Jesus referred to John as “His Beloved”. He saw in John a sincerity and type love that was not present in the other disciples. John was chosen to have one of the seats of honor on the night of the Last Supper. John did desert Jesus. But when Jesus was hanging on the cross, who was standing at his feet with Mary? John. Who did Jesus give his Mother to; to be cared for? John. Jesus trusted John.

So these two men were asked to be responsible for the preparation of the very last supper Jesus would have with his disciples before his death.


2. Jesus instructed Peter & John to find a man carrying a water jar and arrange for the Upper Room. What would have made this man stand out so that he could have been easily identified?


The disciples could have easily identified the man at the well with the water jar because of a couple of reasons. First of all, men did not fetch the water. That was women’s work. And second, the man was a wealthy man, someone who owned property and would have been dressed accordingly. Easy to spot.

3. It is thought that the site of the upper room where Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples is the same room where the original remaining disciples fled after Jesus was crucified and resurrected (:121-14) and stayed for 10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven & when 120 disciples gathered on the Day of to witness the coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:15 & 2:1-4). Why was this room chosen for the Last Supper?

Anyone want to answer?

There are a couple of accepted theories as to how this particular room was selected. One is that Jesus had prearranged with the owner of the room for the meal. Or the other is that Jesus was using the supernatural powers had given Him. The knowledge of things to come.

4. Why would the disciples flee back to this place after the death of Christ?

Jesus had a reputation that preceded Him wherever he went. If He had prearranged for the room the owner would have known who was using the place and would have been comfortable with Jesus and the disciples being there. That could not have been said of just anyone. Many folks would have been afraid to have Jesus or his followers anywhere close.

So, surely after Jesus died the landlord would have been OK with letting the disciples hide out at his place until things cooled off.

5. Why would 120 disciples gather in the same room on the Day of Pentecost?

Pentecost occurred 50 days after the of Jesus and 10 days after his ascension into heaven. The original disciples already knew about the large room where they had stayed after Jesus died and knew it would hold a large number of people. It was a familiar place that would accommodate their current number of 120.

In , on the night of the Last Supper, Jesus teaches the disciples about the Holy Spirit. What better place to receive the Holy Spirit than in the room where Jesus foretold its coming. It was a God thing.

Read: Mark 14:17-21


All arrive for the celebration of the Passover Meal, which was to be a joyous time of food, reflection, and friendship. However, Jesus’ mood was anything but joyous. He knew what was facing him and what he wanted more than anything was to be with his friends and help them understand what was coming. He had been trying for some time to prepare them for his leaving them but they just could not comprehend what he was saying and tonight was no different.

6. The Last Supper was likely eaten around a triclinium. If that is the case, we see that Jesus would have been flanked on his right side by John and on his left by according to :21-27. Why was that type of seating used for the Last Supper?

Ask class for response

In the culture of Jesus’ time it was tradition that formal meals be taken at a triclinium. It was used by both the Roman and . It was a low, three sided table (tri) at which the participants reclined while eating their meal. This served a couple of useful proposes. First it was easy for the servants to serve the food and wash the feet of those at the table. Second, it allowed for a pecking order with the seating. The seats to the right and the left of the host were always considered the honored seats. These two people were picked by the host. All others sat where they could get a seat.

7. Why were John and Judas in the seats of honor?

I don’t know why John as seated at the right side of Jesus. The only one of the books in the Gospel that mentions it is the book of John. So I guess he should know. He was certainly one of the three that formed the inner circle of the disciples (Peter, John & James). You will recall that it was John & James that posed the question to Jesus about who would sit at his right and his left when Jesus came into his kingdom.

I am sure there is no question as to why Judas was at the left side of Jesus. He had to be there in order for things to work out that night. Jesus chose him because he knew he was the one who was to betray him. It says that Judas dips his bread in the bowl with Jesus. In order for this to happen they have to be sitting by each other. Jesus and Judas were the only two people at the table that understood what was happening.

8. According to Jewish tradition the ritual Passover meal is intended to make the vital story of Israel’s deliverance accessible to all those around the table. What is the purpose of the Seder Meal?

It is a meal in which the Jewish people recount God’s freeing them from slavery and delivering them from bondage. It is done to celebrate the beginning of the Jews as a people.

9. What is the purpose of the “Last Supper”, “the Lords Supper” or “”?

Just as the Jews remember that they were freed from slavery and bondage we come to the table to remember that we too were slaves to and death, living for ourselves and on our own. But after receiving Christ we leave the meal free, knowing our Savior and choosing to follow him, accepting his grace and mercy in our lives. It commemorates 4

Christ’s death on the cross for and offers us the opportunity to celebrate our salvation.

10. Early into the meal Jesus announces, “One of you will betray me.” Of course, this got everyone’s attention, even Judas who probably wondered how Jesus knew it was him. This statement immediately got everyone at the table to wondering who the traitor would be and why would any of Jesus’ chosen friends and followers want to do such a thing. How could Judas sit there next to Jesus, sharing a meal & , yet in his heart betray Him?

Judas, the very man who would betray Jesus, was at the table with the others. Judas had already determined to betray Jesus, but in cold-blooded hypocrisy he shared the fellowship of this meal. Money was more important to Judas and the life of His Savior. It is easy to become enraged or shocked by what Judas did yet professing commitment to Christ then denying him with one’s life is also betraying him. As Christians it is very important that our words match our actions or our actions match our words so that we do not become betrayers of Christ. If you are going to talk the talk you be ready to walk the walk.

Read: Mark 14:22-26

To the Christian, Holy Communion is done to recall the “Last Supper” and to acknowledge the new , to remember God’s love, his grace, and the of his Son. The bread is representative of Jesus’ body which was broken on the cross for all. The wine is symbolic of Jesus’ which was poured out on the cross for the forgiveness of sin.

11. This action was called the . What was the new covenant?

This meant that through Jesus’s death and resurrection we no longer have to go through someone else to be forgiven of our sins nor do we have to sacrifice an animal. Jesus was the lamb. The final sacrifice for atonement of our sins. Holy Communion is the celebration of God’s liberation of all humankind from slavery in sin and death. When Jesus served that first Holy Communion God gave the entire human race new life, a new beginning and made those who chose to follow Jesus into his people. In this meal and through His death and resurrection, Jesus invited all humankind to become God’s covenant people.

Read: Mark 14:27-31

Next Jesus tells Peter that he would deny Him three that evening. Of course, Peter declared that he would never do such a thing and again everyone wondered why Jesus would say such a thing. Peter was one of the three disciples that made up the inner circle of Jesus’ closest and most trusted friends – Peter, John & James. Why do you think Peter said he would not deny Jesus?

Peter loved Jesus and was very devoted to Him and His ministry. I think Peter, like the rest of the disciples, did not remotely understand what was about to happen to Jesus. Jesus knew and he had been trying to prepare Peter and the other but they were blind to the dangers He was facing. At that point in the evening, Peter’s heart was speaking when he said he would never disown Jesus and I think he was sincere.


12. If you were sitting down to what you knew to be your last meal, whom would you want sitting around the table with you?

1. In most cases the first people to be included at the meal would be our family. There may be cases where this might not apply but those should be rare.

2. Next would probably be our close friends.

Jesus was no different. Although he did not have his family with him he did have his closest friends. They were a strange mix of folks, fishermen, a zealot, a tax collector and others. One would betray him, one would deny him, and all the others would desert him; but they were still his friends. In breaking bread with them, he taught them one last time. He showed them his love. He gave them a meal by which they would remember him for the rest of their lives. And from that time to the present, every time Jesus’ disciples, you and I, have shared this meal of bread and wine, it has bound us together as his followers and reminded us that he is never far away.

Closing Prayer