Defer Field Improvements Back on Track

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Defer Field Improvements Back on Track ~ws Detroit and Pointes join forces in a JCleansweep' The JOint CltHeS Development the pal ks, and I' p<lrt of Detro1t's Warren/Conner Development see volunteer~ r31smg funds and Development Corp, which also owns Corp a non profit group con~erned annual "Clean~l\lep da) Apnl 26 CoalitIOn s "Youth on the Edge of deslgnmg the parks through the sum- the adJo1nmg Rent-A-Center bulldmg \Il' h the phY~lcal barner' "hlch have Commumt) dean up wIll fo~us on one Greatne~~" program, as well as youth mer, culmInatmg WIth a bUild out and and addItIOnal structures In ItS dl\ 1ded DetroIt from the Gro,se of the l\IO future park ~lte~ - the from Gro~se Pomte Park's Boy Scout dedicatIon festival 10 September Mack/Alter Square development The POlntes, 1:' planmng to turn tllO ,acant lot at the "outhwe"t corner of Troop 86, to clean the area and draw east wall of the Rent-A-Center, now lacant lots on the Mack Ave border Mack and Alter, adj<l~ent to the Rent- attention to future JOInt actIVItIes One lot at the corner of bare, WIll serve as the SIte of the com- mto park~ - one of them complete A-Center The group has plans to develop two Beaconsfield on the north SIde of muOlty mural ""th a commumt, mural Adult, from DetrOIt and the Grosse vacant loh on Mack mto pocket parks Mack has been vacant for years The In addition to Jomt CIties members Thp efTort Will Involve commumty Pomt~s will be Jomed by DetrOit for use by area reSIdents and ch11- other lot, on the southwest corner of and volunteers, a number of commu- res1dents and chIldren m the de~lgtl 'outh part1clpatmg under the dlrec- dren The clean-up IS the first phase Mack and Alter has been donated by con,tructlOn and ImplementatIOn of tlOn of Sharlonda GIlhs In the of the six-month project \\hlch WIll the DetrOIt East CommunIty See CLEANSWEEP, page 2A IN THI. Issue. Defer field 1 improvements 'It back on track By Shirley A. McShane outdated, shabby and worn StaffWnter if "When I read about the plans ; I .. t. I III '1 It's not that they have any- (In the local newspaper), I dId- thIng agamst LIttle League n't really object," SaId Gregory .. • .. I till" r "1J•••• 1t: .. f" Dunn, who lives In the 1200 HOME IMPROVEMENT I III To the contrary, a group of i ..."'.•... l'lft ;.1..:"." 4•• ,,. .. ~ • block ofNottmgham "But then Grosse POInte Park reSIdents SPRING '97 last week the cmder blocks who live adjacent to Defer'~ - were brought 10 I moved playfield say they have been here because I liked the arch1- Photo by 8u%y Berschback good neIghbors to the school tectural dIverSIty of the neigh- The Grosse Pointe Yacht Club is a landmark, but apparently it's noticed around system and have accepted tpe WEEK AHEAD borhoods I dIdn't move here to the country. too, since it was recently named the nation's best private yacht club. traffic and actiVIty that comes look at a cmder block faCility" Thursday, April 24 WIth the LIttle League sea~on The concrete blocks erected The Grosse Pomte League But a recent gIft from the on Defer field were a ghtch m of Women Voters wIll Local private clubs \\Tin Grosse Pomte Park LIttle the plans, saId assIstant school address concern~ about Lake League much-needed supenntendent Chn~ Fenton St Clalr m a town meetmg dugouts for the field - eliCIted followmg the Apnl 14 school at 7 30 p m In the Grosse more concerns than excitement board meetIng, at whIch resI- Pomte War Memonal, 32 top national recognition among the neighbors Lakeshore, Grosse Pomte dents lodged their complaInts Farms Call (313) 881-7511 By Amy Andreou Miller wa~ ranked among the top 70 All the preVIOusly-men- The re~.dents approached The next eveOlng Fenton for more Information Staff Wnter pnvate country club~ In the tioned MIChIgan clubs earned the school board at March and talked WIth the Park LIttle The Gro~,e Pomte Yacht countn , ('ry~tal Downs "platmum" rankmg Apnl meetIngs, becau~e thev League and met WIth the re~l- Club Wdq voted recently <l~ Country Club m Frankfort, All survey respondents saId they weren't mformed of dents to work out a solutIOn thp be,t pnvate ~a~ht club m and POInt 0' Woods Golf and were asked to rank the top the field Improvements and Friday, April 25 The concrete walls were NatIOnal Arbor Day Plant the country by more than Country Club In Benton five clubs m each off'ive major that when the constructIOn of razed and open-backed bnck 2,5JO private club general IJarbor bot.h of '\ hH.h ,...ere t. \tegoMC'" country club<=;, golf dugontc:: ~('?.nn ,t .rl,,,n't "pp<:"nr a tree dUgOUt8 are now beIng con- to be m the best mterest of the manager ..., pre~ldents, dlrec ranked among the top 30 pn- clubs, dmmg clubs, athletIC structed Fenton Said It came clubs, and yacht clubs, commumty Saturday, April 26 tors, and owners vate golf clubs In the country down to a mlsunderstandmg ~Jso, the DetrOIt AthletIc ThIS survey, which resulted according to S.bbald's pubh- A bUIldIng matenals and What appeared to be gOIng between the LIttle League and Club, WAC) ofwh1ch many of 10 cahan "Club Leaders Forum" exchange runs from 10 am such mentonous rankmgs, up on the field were cmder the people dOIng the construc- Jt~ 3,265 members are Grosse was conducted by John The defimtlOn of each type to noon m the Grosse POInte block dugouts, whIch reSIdents tIOn POInters, was voted the sec- S.bbald ASSOCIates Inc , a St of club, accordmg to the sur- South HIgh School parkmg descnbed as "utlhtanan" and ond-beqt athletIC club 10 the LOUIs-based company consld vey, IS as fall 0\\ s "The LIttle League IS a vol- lot ofT Grosse POInte "ugly" and prOVIded the perfect country unteer organIzatIOn," DmdofTer Boulevard Bnng reusable ered to be the nation's pre- • Country Clubs - These opportumty for young people to And the same natIOnal sur. are full semce, family onent- said "We are trymg our best to lumber, floonng, gutters and mIer consultmg and engage In a vanety of Illegal vey of club leaders al~o saw search/placement firm for pn- ed, country clubs, as distIn- meet the expectatIOns of the other leftovers at 9 a m Call and salacIOUS behaVIOr They them rankmg the Country vate clubs Never before, has guIshed from golf clubs, and school board, to take the donat- (313) 886-1935 for more saId they already have con- Club of DetrOIt, (CCD), locat- a comprehensl\e ~urvey on usually prOVIde SWImmIng ed funds we \\ere gIVen and mformatIon cerns about 100tenng and htter. 10 and tenms In addItion to golf spend them Wlsely SometImes ed Grosse Pomte Farms, pnvate clubs been done untIl mg after hours on the field among the top 70 country thIS one and dmIng commUnIcatIOn IS not as good Monday, April 28 c1ub~ In the Dmted States Slbbald conducted the sur- • Golf Clubs - These are In February, the Grosse as It should be We are fixmg The Grosse Pomte Park The other wmners m the vey to determIne and rank country clubs offenng essen- Pomte Park LIttle League, rep- that" CIty Councll meets at 7 p m resented by ItS preSIdent, state of MIchIgan were clubs wlthm the DOlted tially golf semces They often "The reSIdents had a legIti- m the mumclpal offices at Fredenck J DmdofTer, pre- Oakland HlIb Country Club, State~ a~ deservmg of a plat- do not have sWImmIng, ten- mate concern," Fenton saId "A 15115 E JefTer~on ms, and active famlly/jumor sented a $30,000 gIft to the whIch was ranhed 13 <lmong mum ratmg - the top 150, or dugout WIth a (full back wall) school sy~tem for constructIOn • countn clubs Bloomfield 2 percent of Amenca s nearly to It IS not safe If my property The Grosse POlnte Library of dugouts HIlls Countr) Club whIch 10,000 pnvate clubs See CLUBS, page 15A was abutting that I would be board conducts It~ monthly The dugouts were to be one Just as concerned as they meetmg at 730 p m In the part of what the Park Little were" Nelghborhood Club, 17150 League referred to as Its "field Kelly Boll, who lI>p~ 10 the Waterloo, CIty of Grosse of dreams" project that 1200 block ofNottmgham, ~ald POinte Includes reconstructIOn of the earher thl~ week that ~he was ball d1amonds, renovatmg the satIsfied that the school board Tuesday, April 29 storage area and proVldmg rest has listened to she and her Um,erslty LIggett School rooms The field Improve- neIghbors' concerns and that hosts Grosse Pomte South ments, to be done over tIme as the SItuatIOn had been Hlgh School m a boys tenms fundmg from a variety of re~olved match at 4 pm Both tea'Tl' sources IS obtaIned, are are ranked m the top fi, e In deSIgned to bnng Defer field up Fenton said the dugouts at the latest ~tate coaches' poll to par Wlth other POInte Little Defer, \I hen fimshed, wIll be League fields ~lmIlar to those recently con- The current SIte IS descnbed structed on Gro,se Pomte INSIDE by the Park LIttle League as South s athletic field Opmwn 6A Obltuanes 9A Senwr'i IDA Autos llA S('hool'i I8A Home: CIty of Gros,e Pomte BUl>me'is 22A 7B Entertamment Age: 56 Sport'i Ie Cla"'il{ted ads 4(' Family: Divorced daughter, Damelle, son, Alfred III Occupation: Admml,triltlv(, judg(' Horsing around Quote: 'DetrOIt I' dlv('r~(' Dalmatlons - or all things spotted - was the theme of Annie Red1awskl's birth.
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    CExhExh Ex CCm Batch Name Check Number Check Date Check Amount Vendor Name Bank Account MULTIPLE 95150315 08/25/1987 200.77 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Chase Disbursements MULTIPLE 95196301 01/13/1988 348.75 CONSTABLE EQUIPMENT CO INC Chase Disbursements PV67810540 95196162 01/13/1988 90.00 AMERICAN INST OF ARCHITECTS Chase Disbursements PV5388-9000880 95199487 01/14/1988 175.00 POPA, TRAIAN 69 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9010760 95200081 01/14/1988 220.00 SUH, KIMG S 79 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9011210 95199801 01/14/1988 175.00 SHAPIRO, ABRAM 25 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9012020 95199172 01/14/1988 175.00 MOSLEY, FLORENCE 7 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9012770 95199789 01/14/1988 220.00 SEZONOV, ANDREI 82 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9015030 95197314 01/14/1988 130.00 CHATEN, ROY 11 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9017480 95198738 01/14/1988 175.00 LEE, CHOO M 57 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9017620 95198624 01/14/1988 175.00 KINZIE, MARTHA 71 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9025150 95199326 01/14/1988 175.00 PACHECO, ERNEST 31 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9025420 95197740 01/14/1988 175.00 FARRIS, CLEMMIE 58 Chase Disbursements FILED DATE: 8/19/2019 5:28 PM 2019CH09581 PV5388-9026470 95198938 01/14/1988 175.00 MANNEL, LORENA 6 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9027720 95198720 01/14/1988 220.00 LE, MYTAN 32 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9029320 95200519 01/14/1988 130.00 WILLIAMS, LENORE M 93 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9029390 95198058 01/14/1988 175.00 HAMILTON, LORETTA 1 Chase Disbursements PV5388-9029770 95199445 01/14/1988 220.00 PHAN, NGOAN THI 39 Chase
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