Hemodynamic Effects of 2% with 1:80000 Epinephrine in Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block

A. Haghighat DDS*, N. Kaviani MD*, R. Panahi DDS**

ABSTRACT Introduction: Lidocaine plus epinephrine is the most common anesthetic drug used in dentistry which has important cardiovascular side-effects like increase in blood pressure and cardiac . The goal of this study was to evaluat cardiovascular effects of one cartridge of 2% lidocaine + 1:80000 epinephrine. Methods and Materials: 60 Cases without any systemic diseases who had been admitted for right and lower molar tooth extraction were studied. For all of them, inferior alveolar nerve was blocked with one cartridge of %2 lidocaine + 1:80000 epinephrine. Blood pressure and pulse rate were measured with Omron digital sphigmomanometer (model M4) and recorded in 5 stages (At the admit time until 10 minutes after injection), and compared with together. Results: The findings of our study showed that injection of one Cartridge of 2% lidocaine + 1:80000 epinephrine has negligible effects on blood pressure and pulse rate. Discussion: Because of the minimum cardiovascular effects of one cartridge of %2 lidocaine + 1:80000 epinephrine in healthy cases, it seems tobe safe for patients with mild cardiovascular disease. Key words: Epinephrine, Lidocaine, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate. [Dental Research Journal (Vol. 3, No.1, Spring - Summer 2006)]

Introduction such as hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, and Lidocaine with epinephrine is the most common cardiac depression can be seen and CNS local anesthetic drug used in Dentistry 1. complications usually occure after Epinephrine is added to lidocaine to: cardiovascular ones 4. 1- minimize the hemorrhage, It is well known that epinephrine has 2- minimize systemic absorbsion of lidocaine, and arrhythmogenic effect that can be life- 3- increase duration of anesthesia 2. threatening when interacting with the One of the most important side-effects of electrophysiological abnormalities of the lidocaine /epinephrine is its cardiovascular effect infarcted myocardium 5. that limits its use in some specific cases 1. With recommended dose, cardiovascular Anesthetic success of 2% lidocaine + effects of lidocaine/epinephrine are due to 1:100000 epinephrine for molar teeth is 50%, systemic absorption of epinephrine from site of and its duration of action is 30 minutes that this injection or to its intravascular injection 2. duration is ideal for dentistry 3. Systemic absorption of epinephrine causes Systemic absorption of lidocaine initially cardiovascular effects such as , causes central nervous system (CNS) symptoms, chest pain, , and other cardiac such as vertigo, dizziness, light headedness, and arrhythmia 6. Maximum dose of epinephrine in seizure. If a large dose of lidocaine is injected in healthy dental patients is 200 micrograms of to intravascular space, cardiac complications 1/250000 solution 6. Hypertension is the blood pressure over than

*Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Department, Dental Faculty, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. **Dentist

Dental Research Journal (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring - Summer 2006) 5 Hemodynamic Effects of …

140/90 mmHg and if occures during dental %2 lidocaine + 1:80000 epinephrine for right, procedure, needs special considerations and inferior third molar to be extracted by the probably treatment 7, 8. investigator. Total administrated drugs were 36 In one study, it was determined that there mg of lidocaine and 28 µg of epinephrine. were no significant changes in the blood Systolic and diastolic blood pressures and PR pressure (BP) and the pulse rate (PR) of were measured in 5 stages by Omron digital hypertensive patients during surgical procedure, sphigmomanometer (model M4): with one cartridge in local anesthesia with BP and PR were reported as mmHg and beat lidocaine containing 0.012 mg of epinephrine, per minute (bpm), respectively. and it may be used safely in hypertensive First stage: at the admit time, before injection. patients with blood pressure equal to or smaller Second stage: at the beginning of injection, than 154 / 99 mm Hg 9. from the time that dental syringe was seen by the Inappropriate reactions which have been patient, until when the needle was inserted in to reported include: central nervous system the tissue. After insertion of needle, aspiration stimulation manifesting as nausea, vomiting, was performed. If blood seen we the operation syncope, blurred vision, convulsion, central was cessated and patient was excluded from nervous system depression, decreased tolerance, study. and allergic reactions. Allergic reactions, Third stage: during injection, from beginning of however, may not be related to the anesthesia injection to the end of cartridge lasted for 60 itself but are more commonly caused by the seconds. 10 additive adjuants . Fourth stage: at the end of injection, when the Prolonged diplopia following a mandibular dental syringe was extracted. block injection of 2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 Fifth stage: 10 minutes after injection. epinephrine can occure. Since the complications was performed after the completion have relatively slow onsets and last for 24 hours, of blood pressure and pulse rate measurement, at the commonly suggested explanations based on least 15 minutes after local anesthesia injection. vascular, lymphatic, and neural route theories do Patients data were recorded and analyzed in 11 not adequately fit the observations . SPSS software, version 10, with Repeated Unintended intravascular injections during Measure Test (one type of ANOVA) and t-test. inferior alveolar nerve blocks results in both P-value less than 0.05 was considered 12 systemic and local complications . statistically significant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular effects (changes in BP and PR) Results after infiltration of one cartridge of %2 lidocaine Systolic blood pressure rised during the + 1:80000 epinephrine for inferior alveolar injection, but 10 minutes later (stage 5), it was nerve block to extract right, inferior third molar. lower than that during injection (stage 3) with significant difference (P= 0.008). No significant Methods and Materials difference was seen between systolic blood In a clinical trials study, 60 patients with no pressure of the other stages (figure 1). systemic diseases (ASA PS- Class 1∗) at the age In all stages, systolic blood pressures were of 20 to 40 years old who had been referred to lower than 130 mmHg; Systolic hypertension oral surgery department of Isfahan dental faculty was not seen in these five stages. were choosen 2. For all of them, right inferior The comparison between diastolic blood alveolar nerve was blocked with one cartridge of pressures of five stages showed a slight, but meaningful, vacillation. A slight decrease in ∗ ASA PS= American Society of Anesthesiologists diastolic blood pressure was seen at the end of Physical Status : injection (stage 4) and 10 minutes after injection Class 1 = A normal healthy patient (stage 5), comparing with beginning of injection Class 2 = A patient with mild systemic disease (stage 2). In all stages, diastolic blood pressures Class 3 = A patient with sever systemic disease were lower than 77 mmHg and diastolic Class 4 = A patient with sever systemic disease that is constant threat to life

Dental Research Journal (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring - Summer 2006) Hemodynamic Effects of… hypertension was not seen in any stage (figure (P=0.001). Similarly, the PR, 10 minutes after 2). injection (stage 5) has predictable increase, The comparison between diastolic and comparing to before injection (stage 1) (P=0). systolic blood pressures of two groups of 20 – The highest PR was seen in stage 3 with 30 and 30-40 years old patients showed no mean as 84.34/bpm (SD= 14.73). The range was significant difference. In males, diastolic blood from 69 to 100 which was in normal range (PR pressure was more than females in stags 1 and 2 lower than 60/bpm is called and (P<0.05). higher than 100/bpm is called tachycardia that Another studied index was pulse rate (PR), non of them was seen in this study) (figure 3). that has predictable increase during injection (stage 2), comparing to before injection (stage 1)

140 123.1887 130 122.2453 122.0566 122.4528 120.6601 120 )

g 110 H

m 100 m ( 90 P

B 80 S 70 60 50 B B D E 1 e e u n 0 fo g ri d m r in n o in e n g f u in in in in te j g je je s e o c c f ct t a ti io io ft o in n n e n je r c in tio je n ct io n Figure 1. Mean systolic blood pressures in 5 stages.

74.5849 73.2261 75 72.5472 72.7358 71.3774

70 ) g 65 H m m (

P 60 B D


50 1 B B D E 0 e e u n m fo g ri d r in n o in e n g f u in in in t j g in j e e je e s c o c c a ti f t tio ft o in io n e n je n r c in tio je n ct io n

Dental Research Journal (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring - Summer 2006) 7 Hemodynamic Effects of…

Figure 2. Mean diastolic blood pressures in 5 stages.

87.1698 90 85.366 83.2133 83.3962 85 81.3208

80 ) o

N 75 ( R

P 70



55 time

50 B B D E 1 e e u n 0 fo g ri d m r in n o in e n g f u in in in in te j g je je s e o c c f ct t a ti io io ft o in n n e n je r c in tio je n ct io n Figure 3. Means of pulse rate in 5 stages.

Discussion the injection (stage 1) (P=0.001) which can be Systolic BP didn't rise during the injection and due to fear of injection and needle. Similarly at this showed that the increase of BP at the 10 minutes after injection (stage 5), PR has beginning of dental operation was probably due significant increase, comparing to that before to stress. injection (stage 1) (P=0), which can be due to In statistical analysis, systolic BP at 10 lidocaine vasodilating effect. Prevalence of minutes after injection (stage 5) was lower than severe bradycardia, tachycardia, and other that during injection (stage 3) with meaningful hazardous arrhythmia, due to hemodynamic difference (P= 0.008); It is probably because of changes after administration of one cartridge of disappearance of patients fear and stress after the %2 lidocaine + 1:80000 epinephrine are very injection. Most of patients were more worried low and it's safe to use it in ASA PS class 1 about the injection than the treatment plan. patients. Considerable decrease in diastolic BP in Findings of this study showed that one stages 4 and 5, comparing with stage 2 could be cartridge of lidocaine/epinephrine has slight because of decrease in dental syringe phobia clinical effects on BP, and the prescribed dosage after local anesthesia infiltration. In males, the is without any sever hemodynamic effect on diastolic BPs were more than in females in healthy patient. The effects of these drugs need stages 1 and 2, which was probably due to a pain further study in patients with compromised prohibition and feeling expression. cardiovascular system. During the injection (stage 2), PR has significant increases comparing to that before

Dental Research Journal (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring - Summer 2006) Haghighat et al 7

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Dental Research Journal (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring - Summer 2006)