Biographical Sketch

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Biographical Sketch


Name: Happi T. Christian Position/Title: Professor & Director, World Bank funded African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID) eRA Commons Username: CTHAPPI

Current Working Addresses:

1. Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Redeemers’ University, Ede, Osun Sate, .

2. Office of the Director, African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID), Redeemer’s University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

3. Office of the Director, Directorate of Research, Innovations and Partnerships (DRIPs), Redeemer’s University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

Current Employer (s):

Redeemers’ University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.



Harvard University, School of Public Postdoctoral Fellow 2000-2003 Molecular Biology Health, Boston, MA, USA

University of Ibadan, Nigeria PhD 2000 Molecular Parasitology

University of Ibadan, Nigeria M.Sc 1995 Molecular Parasitology

University of Yaounde, Cameroon B.Sc (Hons) 1992 Biochemistry

A. Positions and employments

2017- Director, Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnerships, Redeemer’s University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

2013-2018- Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

2012- 2016: Dean, College of Postgraduate Studies, Redeemer’s University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

2012- Present: Senior Associate Member, The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

2011- Present: Professor of Molecular Biology and Genomics, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Redeemers’ University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria.

2011-Present: Fellow, Exxon-Mobil Corp, USA, Leadership Programme, Harvard Malaria Initiative, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.

2010-2012: Consultant and Technical Expert, International Atomic Energy Agency, AFRA Programme.

2009-2012: Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Division of and Immunity, School of Medicine, University of Glasgow, Scotland, .

2009-Present: Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.

2007- present: Adjunct Faculty, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

2006- Visiting Faculty, Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2004-2009: Research Fellow, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.

2003-2012: Committee member and Temporary advisor, WHO/TDR Transfection Technology Network.

2003-2012: Principal Investigator, Malaria Research Laboratories, IMRAT, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

2002-2013: Visiting Research Scientist, Division of Experimental Therapeutics, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Springs, MD, USA.

2002-2009: Nigerian National Coordinator, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) RAF/0625/UNDP project Monitoring Drug Resistance to Malaria and Tuberculosis.

2001 to 2005: WHO/TDR Molecular Biologist Consultant, MIM/TDR Antimalarial Drugs Resistance Network in Africa.

2000 to 2003: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.

1997-2000: Junior Research Fellow, Malaria Research Laboratories, PIMRAT, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

B. Honors and Awards.

2016- National Universities Commission Award for the Best Nigerian Academic Researcher in the field of Life Sciences and Medicine.

2015- Vice-Chancellor’s Hero Award, Redeemer’s University 10th Anniversary.

2015- Best Researcher Award, Redeemer’s University 10th Anniversary.

2014-2018 World Bank Grant Award to establish the African Centre of Excellence of Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID).


2013-2017 USA, NIH Grant Award to Characterize Fevers of Unknown Origin through Microbial Metagenomics.

2011-2016 Exxon-Mobil Corp. USA, Harvard University Malaria Leadership Fellowship Award (USA).

2011- 2011, Merle A. Sande Health Leadership Award (Accordia Foundation, USA).

2010-2015 USA, NIAID Grant Award to study Host Genetic Factors in Resistance to .

2010-2014 USA, NIH Grant Award to study Host Pathogen Evolution in Lassa fever.

2010- Scholarship to attend the Second Annual Course on Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health, University of Washington Seattle (USA).

2010- Boroughs Wellcome and Bill & Melinda Gates Awards (USA).

2009-2014 USA, NIAID Grant to study the Roles of Protective or Pathogenic B cell Epitopes in Human Lassa Fever.

2009-2014 Wellcome Trust Research Grant Award (UK).

2009- 2011 European Union-Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Senior Research Fellowship Award (The Hague, Netherlands).

2008- Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee Africa Health Research Organization (AHRO) (Ghana).

2007-2011 NIH/Fogarty International Centre Research Collaboration Grant Award. (NIH, USA).

2007- Turner Biosciences Research Grant Award (USA).

2005-2008 WHO/TDR Plasmodium falciparum Pathogenesis and Applied Genomics Research Grant Award (World Bank/ UNICEF/WHO/TDR).

2005-2006 International Society of Infectious Diseases (ISID) Research Grant Award (USA).

2004-2005 Research Award for Microarrays Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Genome (MR4, USA).

2004 Chair, Molecular Parasitology session, 50th Annual Meeting and Anniversary of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

2003-2006 NIH/Fogarty International Center Research Collaboration Grant Award (NIH, USA).

2000-2003 WHO/TDR Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award (World Bank/UNICEF/WHO/TDR).

1999 Award of the Best Postgraduate Student, University of Ibadan (Nigeria).

1998 Wellcome Trust Travel Award to attend the 1st Gordon Conference on Malaria (Oxford, UK).

1995 Award of the Best International Student, University of Ibadan (Nigeria).

1994-1997 Organization of African Unity (OAU), PhD Scholarship Award.

1988-1993 Cameroon Government Scholarship.

C. Membership of Learned Society.

1. Member Advisory Board, 2016 World Innovation Summit for Health Conference, Doha, Qatar

2. Member, International Scientific Organizing Committee, 9th Pan-African MIM Conference (Senegal, 2017) 3

3. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Keystone Symposia Africa (Keystone Symposia USA)

4. Member Scientific Advisory Board, NIH funded BRAINS Project, Harvard University-University of Lagos, Nigeria

5. Member Scientific Advisory Board, NIH funded STAMINA Project, Harvard University-University of Jos, Nigeria

6. Member, Wellcome Trust-CIDRAP Vaccine Team B (2014)

7.Board Member, African Health Research Organization (AHRO), Ghana

8. Member, USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) International Centers of Infectious Diseases Research (ICIDR) Review Committee. (2014)

9. Member, USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) Centers of Excellence for Translational Research (CETR) Review Committee and Special Emphasis Panel. (2013).

10. Senior Associate Member, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT

11. Member Steering Committee H3 Africa Consortium

12. Member, International Scientific Advisory Board, Accordia Global Health Foundation, Washington, DC, USA. (2011-2014).

13. Member of the African Academy of Science. (2004-Date)

14. International Scientific Committee Member, 4th Pan-African MIM conference (Cameroon).

15. Member of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine, UK. (2001-date)

16. Member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, USA. (2000-date)

17. Foundation member, Worldwide Antimalarial drugs Resistance Network [WWARN] (USA).

D. Peer-Review.

Member of Editorial Board/ Reviewer for Internationally Peer-reviewed Journals including:

1. Acta Tropica (Sweden); 2. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (Nigeria); 3. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (USA); 4. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (UK); 5. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (USA); 6. BMC Infectious Diseases (UK); 7. Drug Design, Development and Therapy (USA); 8. Emerging Infectious Diseases (USA); 9. Experimental Parasitology (USA); 10. Genome Biology (UK) 11. Infectious Disease News (USA); 12. International Journal of Parasitology (Australia); 13. Journal of Bacteriology and Parasitology (USA); 14. Journal of Infectious Diseases (USA); 15. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (Canada); 16. Journal of Travel Medicine (USA); 17. Lancet Infectious Diseases (UK); 18. Malaria Journal (UK); 4

19. Parasitology Research (Germany); 20. Parasitology International (Japan) 21. Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics (Australia); 22. PLOS Genetics (USA) 23. PLOS Infectious Diseases (USA); 24. PLOS Medicine (USA); 25. PLOS One (USA); 26. Science (USA) 27. The Open Tropical Medicine Journal (USA); 28. The Medical Letter (USA); 29. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (UK); 30. Tropical Medicine and International Health (UK).

E. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications (Selected out of >150 in Reverse Chronological Order).

1. Gytis Dudas, Luiz Max Carvalho, Trevor Bedford, Andrew J. Tatem, Guy Baele, Nuno R. Faria, Daniel J. Park, Jason T. Ladner, Armando Arias, Danny Asogun, Filip Bielejec, Sarah L. Caddy, Matthew Cotton, Jonathan D’Ambrozio, Simon Dellicour, Antonino Di Caro, Joseph W. Diclaro II, Sophie Duraffour, Michael J. Elmore, Lawrence S. Fakoli III, Ousmane Faye, Merle L. Gilbert, Sahr M. Gevao, Stephen Gire, Adrianne Gladden-Young, Andreas Gnirke, Augustine Goba, Donald S. Grant, Bart L. Haagmans, Julian A. Hiscox, Umaru Jah, Brima Kargbo, Jeffrey R. Kugelman, Di Liu, Jia Lu, Christine M. Malboeuf, Suzanne Mate, David A. Matthews, Christian B. Matranga, Luke W. Meredith, James Qu, Joshua Quick, Suzan D. Pas, My VT Phan, Georgios Pollakis Chantal B. Reusken, Mariano Sanchez-Lockhart, Stephen F. Schaffner, John S. Schieffelin, Rachel S. Sealfon, Etienne Simon-Loriere, Saskia L. Smits, Kilian Stoecker, Lucy Thorne, Ekaete Alice Tobin, Mohamed A. Vandi, Simon J. Watson, Kendra West, Shannon Whitmer, Michael R. Wiley, Sarah M. Winnicki, Shirlee Wohl, Roman W olfel, Nathan L.Yozwiak, Kristian G. Andersen, Sylvia O. Blyden, Fatorma Bolay, Miles W. Carroll, Bernice Dahn, Boubacar Diallo, Pierre Formenty, Christophe Fraser, George F. Gao, Robert F. Garry, Ian Goodfellow, Stephan Gunther, Christian T. Happi, Edward C. Holmes, Brima Kargbo, Sakoba Keıta, Paul Kellam, Marion P. G. Koopmans, Jens H. Kuhn, Nicholas J. Loman, N’Faly Magassouba, Dhamari Naidoo ,Stuart T. Nichol, Tolbert Nyenswah, Gustavo Palacios, Oliver G. Pybus, Pardis C. Sabeti, Amadou Sall, Ute Stroher, Isatta Wurie, Marc A. Suchard, Philippe Lemey & Andrew Rambaut. (2017). Virus genomes reveal factors that spread and sustained the Ebola epidemic. Nature (In Press).

2. Sowunmi A, Akano K, Ayede AI, Adewoye EO, Ntadom G, Fatunmbi B, Gbotosho GO, Folarin OA, Happi CT. (2017). Early rising asexual parasitaemia in Nigerian children following a first dose of artemisinin-based combination treatments of falciparum malaria. BMC Infect Dis. 17(1):110. doi: 10.1186/s12879-016-2173-z.

3. Akintunde Sowunmi, Kazeem Akano, Godwin Ntadom, Adejumoke I. Ayede, Folasade O. Ibironke, Temitope Aderoyeje, Elsie O. Adewoye, Bayo Fatunmbi, Stephen Oguche, Henrietta U. Okafor, Ismaila Watila, Martin Meremikwu, Philip Agomo, William Ogala, Chimere Agomo, Onikepe A. Folarin, Grace O. Gbotosho, Christian Happi. (2016), Therapeutic efficacy and effects of artemisinin-based combination treatments on uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum-associated anaemia in Nigerian children during seven years of adoption as first-line treatments. Infectious Disease of Poverty. 6(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s40249-016-0217-7.

4. Olumuyiwa B. Salu, Ayorinde B. James, Bamidele O. Oke, Mercy R. Orenolu, Roosevelt A. Anyanwu, Maryam A. Abdullah, Christian Happi, Jide Idris, Ismail A. Abdus-Salam, Abdul-Salam Nasidi, Folashade T. Ogunsola, Oyewale Tomori, Sunday AOmilabu. (2016). Biosafety level-2 laboratory diagnosis of Zaire Ebola virus disease imported from Liberia to Nigeria. Afr J Lab Med. 2016;5(1),


5. Olumide O Adenmosun, Christian Happi, Oluwaseyi Ogunmodede, Yemi Adesokan and Obidele Samuel Opeyemi. (2016). Preventing resurgence of Ebola Resurgence from Zoonotic Routes: A Random Assessment of Bat populations in Osun State, Nigeria. J Prev Inf Cntrl. 2016, 2:2.15. DOI: 10.21767/2471-9668.100024

6. Goba A, Khan SH, Fonnie M, Fullah M, Moigboi A, Kovoma A, Sinnah V, Yoko N, Rogers H, Safai S, Momoh M, Koroma V, Kamara FK, Konowu E, Yillah M, French I, Mustapha I, Kanneh F, Foday M, McCarthy H, Kallon T, Kallon M, Naiebu J, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Massaly JL, Kargbo D, Kargbo B, Vandi M, Gbetuwa M, Gevao SM, Sandi JD, Jalloh SC, Grant DS, Blyden SO, Crozier I, Schieffelin JS, McLellan SL, Jacob ST, Boisen ML, Hartnett JN, Cross RW, Branco LM, Andersen KG, Yozwiak NL, Gire SK, Tariyal R, Park DJ, Haislip AM, Bishop CM, Melnik LI, Gallaher WR, Wimley WC, He J, Shaffer JG, Sullivan BM, Grillo S, Oman S, Garry CE, Edwards DR, McCormick SJ, Elliott DH, Rouelle JA, Kannadka CB, Reyna AA, Bradley BT, Yu H, Yenni RE, Hastie KM, Geisbert JB, Kulakosky PC, Wilson RB, Oldstone MB, Pitts KR, Henderson LA, Robinson JE, Geisbert TW, Saphire EO, Happi CT, Asogun DA, Sabeti PC, Garry RF; Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. (2016). An Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the Lassa Fever Zone. J Infect Dis. 214(suppl 3):S110-S121.

7. Folarin OA, Ehichioya D, Schaffner SF, Winnicki SM, Wohl S, Eromon P, West KL, Gladden-Young A, Oyejide NE, Matranga CB, Deme AB, James A, Tomkins-Tinch C, Onyewurunwa K, Ladner JT, Palacios G, Nosamiefan I, Andersen KG, Omilabu S, Park DJ, Yozwiak NL, Nasidi A, Garry RF, Tomori O, Sabeti PC, Happi CT. (2016). Ebola Virus Epidemiolpgy and Evolution in Nigeria. J Infect Dis. 214(suppl 3):S102-S109

8. Yozwiak NL, Happi CT, Grant DS, Schieffelin JS, Garry RF, Sabeti PC, Andersen KG. (2016). Roots, Not Parachutes: Research Collaborations Combat Outbreaks. Cell. 2016 Jun 30;166(1):5-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.06.029.

9. Robinson JE, Hastie KM, Cross RW, Yenni RE, Elliott DH, Rouelle JA, Kannadka CB, Smira AA, Garry CE, Bradley BT, Yu H, Shaffer JG, Boisen ML, Hartnett JN, Zandonatti MA, Rowland MM, Heinrich ML, Martínez- Sobrido L, Cheng B, de la Torre JC, Andersen KG, Goba A, Momoh M, Fullah M, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Koroma VJ, Fonnie R, Jalloh SC, Kargbo B, Vandi MA, Gbetuwa M, Ikponmwosa O, Asogun DA, Okokhere PO, Folarin OA, Schieffelin JS, Pitts KR, Geisbert JB, Kulakoski PC, Wilson RB, Happi CT, Sabeti PC, Gevao SM, Khan SH, Grant DS, Geisbert TW, Saphire EO, Branco LM, Garry RF. (2016). Most neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies target novel epitopes requiring both Lassa virus glycoprotein subunits. Nat Commun.7:11544. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11544.

10. G. David Poznik, Yali Xue, Fernando L. Mendez, Thomas F. Willems, Andrea Massaia, Melissa A. Wilson Sayres, Qasim Ayub, Shane A. McCarthy, Apurva Narechania, Seva Kashin, Yuan Chen, Ruby Banerjee, Juan L. Rodriguez-Flores, Maria Cerezo, Haojing Shao, Melissa Gymrek, Ankit Malhotra, Sandra Louzada, Rob Desalle, Graham R. S. Ritchie, Eliza Cerveira, Tomas W. Fitzgerald, Erik Garrison, Anthony Marcketta, David Mittelman, Mallory Romanovitch, Chengsheng Zhang, Xiangqun Zheng-Bradley, Goncalo R. Abecasis, Steven A. McCarroll, Paul Flicek, Peter A. Underhill, Lachlan Coi, Daniel R. Zerbino, Fengtang Yang, Charles Lee, Laura Clarke, Adam Auton, Yaniv Erlich, Robert E. Handsaker, The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Carlos D. Bustamante, and Chris Tyler-Smith. (2016). Punctuated bursts in human male demography inferred from 1,244 worldwide Y-chromosome sequences. Nature Genetics. 48(6): 593–599. doi:10.1038/ng.3559.

11. Osterholm M, Moore K, Ostrowsky J, Kimball-Baker K, Farrar J; Wellcome Trust-CIDRAP Ebola Vaccine Team B. (2016). The Ebola Vaccine Team B: a model for promoting the rapid development of medical countermeasures for emerging infectious disease threats. Lancet Infect Dis. 16(1):e1-9. doi: 10.1016/S1473- 3099(15)00416-8.

12. Sudmant PH, Rausch T, Gardner EJ, Handsaker RE, Abyzov A, Huddleston J, Zhang Y, Ye K, Jun G, Hsi- Yang Fritz M, Konkel MK, Malhotra A, Stütz AM, Shi X, Paolo Casale F, Chen J, Hormozdiari F, Dayama G, Chen K, Malig M, Chaisson MJ, Walter K, Meiers S, Kashin S, Garrison E, Auton A, Lam HY, Jasmine Mu X, Alkan C, Antaki D, Bae T, Cerveira E, Chines P, Chong Z, Clarke L, Dal E, Ding L, Emery S, Fan X, Gujral M, Kahveci F, Kidd JM, Kong Y, Lameijer EW, McCarthy S, Flicek P, Gibbs RA, Marth G, Mason CE, Menelaou A, Muzny DM, Nelson BJ, Noor A, Parrish NF, Pendleton M, Quitadamo A, Raeder B, Schadt EE, Romanovitch M, Schlattl A, Sebra R, Shabalin AA, Untergasser A, Walker JA, Wang M, Yu F, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zheng- 6

Bradley X, Zhou W, Zichner T, Sebat J, Batzer MA, McCarroll SA; 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Mills RE, Gerstein MB, Bashir A, Stegle O, Devine SE, Lee C, Eichler EE, Korbel JO. An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes. (2015). Nature. 526(7571):75-81. doi: 10.1038/nature15394.

13. 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Auton A, Brooks LD, Durbin RM, Garrison EP, Kang HM, Korbel JO, Marchini JL, McCarthy S, McVean GA, Abecasis GR. (2015). A Golobal reference for human genetic variations. Nature. 526(7571):68-74. doi: 10.1038/nature15393.

14. Kristian Graugaard Andersen, B. Jesse Shapiro, Christian B Matranga, Rachel Sealfon, Aaron E Lin, Lina M Moses, Onikepe A Folarin, Augustine Goba, Ikponmwonsa Odia, Philomena E Ehiane, Mambu Momoh, Eleina M England, Sarah Winnicki, Luis M Branco, Stephen K Gire, Eric Phelan, Ridhi Tariyal, Ryan Tewhey, Omowunmi Omoniwa, Mohammed Fullah, Richard Fonnie, Mbalu Fonnie, Lansana Kanneh, Simbirie Jalloh, Michael Gbakie, Sidiki Saffa, Kandeh Karbo, Adrianne D Gladden, James Qu, Matthew Stremlau, Mahan Nekoui, Hilary K Finucane, Shervin Tabrizi, Joseph J Vitti, Bruce Birren, Michael Fitzgerald, Caryn McCowan, Andrea Ireland, Aaron M Berlin, James Bochicchio, Barbara Tazon-Vega, Niall J Lennon, Elizabeth M Ryan, Zach Bjornson, Danny A Milner JR, Amanda K Lukens, Nisha Broodie, Megan Rowland, Megan Heinrich, Marjan Akdag, John S Schieffelin, Danielle Levy, Henry Akpan, Daniel G Bausch, Kathleen Rubins, Joseph B McCormick, Eric S Landers, Stephan Gunther, Lisa Hensley, Sylvanus Okogbenin, Stephen F Schaffner, Peter O Okokhere, S. Humarr Khan, Donald S Grant, George O Akpede, Danny A Asogun, Andreas Gnirke, Joshua Levin, Christian T. Happi, Robert F Garry, Pardis C Sabeti. (2015). Genome-sequencing from clinical and field samples uncovers ancient origins and intra-host evolution of Lassa virus. Cell. 162(4): 738-750. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.07.20.

15. Park DJ, Dudas G, Wohl S, Goba A, Whitmer SLM, Andersen KG, Sealfon RS, Ladner JT, Kugelman JR, Matranga CB, Winnicki SM, Qu J, Gire SK, Gladden-Young A, Jalloh S, Nosamiefan D, Yozwiak NL, Moses L, Jiang P-P, Lin AE, Schaffner SF, Bird B, Towner J, Mamoh M, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Kargbo D, Massally JLB, Kamara FK, Konuwa E, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Mustapha I, Foday M, Yillah M, Erickson BR, Sealy T, Blau D, Paddock C, Brault A, Amman B, Basile J, Bearden S, Belser J, Bergeron E, Campbell S, Chakrabarti A, Dodd K, Flint M, Gibbons A, Goodman C, Klena J, Mc- Mullan L, Morgan L, Russell B, Salzer J, Sanchez A, WAng D, Jungreis I, Tomkins-Tinch C, Kislyuk A, Lin MF, Chapman S, MacInnis B, Matthews A, Bochicchio J, Hensley LE, Kuhn JH, Nusbaum C, Scheiffelin JS, Birren BW, Forget M, Nichol ST, Palacios GF, Ndiaye D, Happi C, Gevao SM, Vandi MA, Kargbo B, Holmes EC, Bedford T, Gnirke A, Stroeher U, Rambaut A, Garry RF, Sabeti PC. (2015). Ebola virus epidemiology, transmission, and evolution during seven months in Sierra Leone. Cell. 161(7): 1516-26. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.06.007.

16. Jessica N Hartnett, Matthew L Boisen1, Darin Oottamasathien, Abigail B Jones, Molly M Millett, Diana S Nelson, Ivana J Muncy, Augustine Goba, Mambu Momoh, Mohammed Fullah, Chad E Mire, Joan B Geisbert, Thomas W Geisbert, Debra L Holto, Julie A Rouelle, Chandrika B Kannadka, Ashley A Reyna, Lina M Moses, S Humarr Khan, Sahr M Gevao, Donald S Grant, James E Robinson, Christian Happi, Kelly R Pitts, Robert F Garry, Luis M Branco & the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. (2015). Current and emerging strategies for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Lassa fever. Future Virol. (2015) 10(5), 559–584.

17. Matthew H. Stremlau, Kristian G. Andersen, Onikepe A. Folarin, Jessica N. Grove, Ikponmwonsa Odia, Philomena E. Ehiane, Omowunmi Omoniwa, Omigie Omoregie, Pan-Pan Jiang, Nathan L. Yozwiak, Christian B. Matranga, Xiao Yang, Stephen K. Gire, Sarah Winnicki, Ridhi Tariyal, Stephen F. Schaffner, Peter O. Okokhere, Sylvanus Okogbenin, George O. Akpede, Danny A. Asogun, Dennis E. Agbonlahor, Peter J. Walker, Robert B. Tesh, Joshua Z. Levin, Robert F.Garry, Pardis C. Sabeti, and Christian T. Happi. (2015). Discovery of Novel Rhabdoviruses in the Blood of Healthy Individuals from West Africa. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(3): e0003631. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003631.

18. Falajiki FY, Akinola O, Abiodun OO, Happi CT, Sowunmi A and Gbotosho GO. (2015). Amodiaquine- Ciprofloxacin: a potential combination therapy against drug resistant malaria. Parasitology. 4: 1-6.

19. Jens H. Kuhn, Kristian G. Andersen, Sylvain BAIZE, Yīmíng Bào, Sina Bavari, Nicolas Berthet, Olga Blinkova, J. Rodney Brister, Anna N. Clawson, Joseph Fair, Martin Gabriel, Robert F. Garry, Stephen K. Gire, Augustine Goba, Jean-Paul Gonzalez, Stephan Günther, Christian T. Happi, Peter B. Jahrling, Jimmy 7

Kapetshi, Gary Kobinger, Jeffrey R. Kugelman, Eric M. Leroy, Gael Darren Maganga, Placide K. Mbala, Lina M. Moses, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, Magassouba N’Faly, Stuart T. Nichol, Sunday A. Omilabu, Gustavo Palacios, Daniel J. Park, Janusz T. Paweska, Sheli R. Radoshitzky, Cynthia A. Rossi, Pardis C. Sabeti, John C. Schieffelin, Randal J. Schoepp, Rachel Sealfon, Robert Swanepoel, Jonathan S. Towner, Jiro Wada, Nadia Wauquier, Nathan L. Yozwiak, Pierre Formenty. (2014). Nomenclature- and database- compatible names for the two Ebola virus variants that emerged in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2014. Viruses. 6(11):4760-99. doi: 10.3390/v6114760.

20. Matranga CB, Andersen KG, Winnicki S, Busby M, Gladden AD, Tewhey R, Stremlau M, Berlin A, Gire SK, England E, Moses LM, Mikkelsen TS, Odia I, Ehiane PE, Folarin O, Goba A, Kahn S, Grant DS, Honko A, Hensley L, Happi C, Garry RF, Malboeuf CM, Birren BW, Gnirke A, Levin JZ, Sabeti PC. Enhanced methods for unbiased deep sequencing of Lassa and Ebola RNA viruses from clinical and biological samples. Genome Biol. 2014 Nov 18;15(11):519.

21. Onikepe A Folarin, Anise N Happi and Christian T Happi. (2014). Empowering African Genomics for infectious disease control. Genome Biol. 15 (11):515.

22. Schieffelin JS, Shaffer JG, Goba A, Gbakie M, Gire SK, Colubri A, Sealfon RS, Kanneh L, Moigboi A, Momoh M, Fullah M, Moses LM, Brown BL, Andersen KG, Winnicki S, Schaffner SF, Park DJ, Yozwiak NL, Jiang PP, Kargbo D, Jalloh S, Fonnie M, Sinnah V, French I, Kovoma A, Kamara FK, Tucker V, Konuwa E, Sellu J, Mustapha I, Foday M, Yillah M, Kanneh F, Saffa S, Massally JL, Boisen ML, Branco LM, Vandi MA, Grant DS, Happi C, Gevao SM, Fletcher TE, Fowler RA, Bausch DG, Sabeti PC, Khan SH, Garry RF; the KGH Lassa Fever Program, the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium, and the WHO Clinical Response Team. (2014). Clinical Illness and Outcomes in Patients with Ebola in Sierra Leone. N Eng J Med. 371(22): 2092-100. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1411680.

23. Kuhn JH, Andersen KG, Bào Y, Bavari S, Becker S, Bennett RS, Bergman NH, Blinkova O, Bradfute S, Brister JR, Bukreyev A, Chandran K, Chepurnov AA, Davey RA, Dietzgen RG, Doggett NA, Dolnik O, Dye JM, Enterlein S, Fenimore PW, Formenty P, Freiberg AN, Garry RF, Garza NL, Gire SK, Gonzalez JP, Griffiths A, Happi CT, Hensley LE, Herbert AS, Hevey MC, Hoenen T, Honko AN, Ignatyev GM, Jahrling PB, Johnson JC, Johnson KM, Kindrachuk J, Klenk HD, Kobinger G, Kochel TJ, Lackemeyer MG, Leroy EM, Lever MS, Mühlberger E, Netesov SV, Olinger GG, Omilabu SA, Palacios G, Panchal RG, Park DJ, Patterson JL, Paweska JT, Peters CJ, Pettitt J, Pitt L, Radoshitzky SR, Ryabchikova EI, Saphire EO, Sabeti PC, Sealfon R, Smither SJ, Sullivan NJ, Swanepoel R, Takada A, Towner JS, van der Groen G, Volchkov VE, Volchkova VA, Wahl-Jensen V, Warren TK, Warfield KL, Weidmann M, Nichol ST, Fackner DF, Shestopalov AM. (2014). Filovirus RefSeq Entries: Evaluation and Selection of Filovirus Type Variants, Type Sequences, and Names. Viruses. 26;6(9):3663-82. doi: 10.3390/v6093663.

24. Gire SK, Goba A, Andersen KG, Sealfon RS, Park DJ, Kanneh L, Jalloh S, Momoh M, Fullah M, Dudas G, Wohl S, Moses LM, Yozwiak NL, Winnicki S, Matranga CB, Malboeuf CM, Qu J, Gladden AD, Schaffner SF, Yang X, Jiang PP, Nekoui M, Colubri A, Coomber MR, Fonnie M, Moigboi A, Gbakie M, Kamara FK, Tucker V, Konuwa E, Saffa S, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Kovoma A, Koninga J, Mustapha I, Kargbo K, Foday M, Yillah M, Kanneh F, Robert W, Massally JL, Chapman SB, Bochicchio J, Murphy C, Nusbaum C, Young S, Birren BW, Grant DS, Scheiffelin JS, Lander ES, Happi C, Gevao SM, Gnirke A, Rambaut A, Garry RF, Khan SH, Sabeti PC. (2014). Genomic Surveillance elucidates Ebola Virus Origins and Transmission during the 2014 Outbreak. Science. 345(6202): 1369-72. doi: 10.1126/Science.1259657.

25. Badejo JA, Abiodun OO, Akinola O, Happi CT, Sowunmi A, Gbotosho GO. (2014). Interaction between rifampicin, amodiaquine and artemether in mice infected with chloroquine resistant Plamodium berghei. Malar J. 5;13:299. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-299.

26. Falade MO, Akinboye DO, Gbotosho GO, Ajaiyeoba EO, Happi TC, Abiodun OO, Oduola AM. (2014). In vitro and In vivo Antimalarial Activity of Ficus thonningii Blumes (Moraceae) and Lophira alata banks (Ochnaceae), Indentified from the Ethnomedicine of the Nigerian Middle Belt. J Parasitol Res. 2014;2014:972853. doi: 10.1155/2014/972853.


27. Asogun D, Tobin EA, Gunther S, Happi C, Ikponwosa O. (2014). Dealing with the unseen. Fear and stigma in Lassa fever. Int J Infect Dis. 04: (21). 258. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.881

28. Tobin EA, Asogun D, Happi C, Ogbaini E, Gunther S. (2014). Risk factors for Lassa fever in endemic communities of Edo State, Nigeria. Int J Infect Dis. 04: (21): 258-259. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.958.

29. H3Africa Consortium., Rotimi C, Abayomi A, Abimiku A, Adabayeri VM, Adebamowo C, Adebiyi E, Ademola AD, Adeyemo A, Adu D, Affolabi D, Agongo G, Ajayi S, Akarolo-Anthony S, Akinyemi R, Akpalu A, Alberts M, Alonso Betancourt O, Alzohairy AM, Ameni G, Amodu O, Anabwani G, Andersen K, Arogundade F, Arulogun O, Asogun D, Bakare R, Balde N, Baniecki ML, Beiswanger C, Benkahla A, Bethke L, Boehnke M, Boima V, Brandful J, Brooks AI, Brosius FC, Brown C, Bucheton B, Burke DT, Burnett BG, Carrington- Lawrence S, Carstens N, Chisi J, Christoffels A, Cooper R, Cordell H, Crowther N, Croxton T, de Vries J, Derr L, Donkor P, Doumbia S, Duncanson A, Ekem I, El Sayed A, Engel ME, Enyaru JC, Everett D, Fadlelmola FM, Fakunle E, Fischbeck KH, Fischer A, Folarin O, Gamieldien J, Garry RF, Gaseitsiwe S, Gbadegesin R, Ghansah A, Giovanni M, Goesbeck P, Gomez-Olive FX, Grant DS, Grewal R, Guyer M, Hanchard NA, Happi CT, Hazelhurst S, Hennig BJ, Hertz- C, Fowler, Hide W, Hilderbrandt F, Hugo-Hamman C, Ibrahim ME, James R, Jaufeerally-Fakim Y, Jenkins C, Jentsch U, Jiang PP, Joloba M, Jongeneel V, Joubert F, Kader M, Kahn K, Kaleebu P, Kapiga SH, Kassim SK, Kasvosve I, Kayondo J, Keavney B, Kekitiinwa A, Khan SH, Kimmel P, King MC, Kleta R, Koffi M, Kopp J, Kretzler M, Kumuthini J, Kyobe S, Kyobutungi C, Lackland DT, Lacourciere KA, Landouré G, Lawlor R, Lehner T, Lesosky M, Levitt N, Littler K, Lombard Z, Loring JF, Lyantagaye S, Macleod A, Madden EB, Mahomva CR, Makani J, Mamven M, Marape M, Mardon G, Marshall P, Martin DP, Masiga D, Mason R, Mate-Kole M, Matovu E, Mayige M, Mayosi BM, Mbanya JC, McCurdy SA, McCarthy MI, McIlleron H, Mc'Ligeyo SO, Merle C, Mocumbi AO, Mondo C, Moran JV, Motala A, Moxey-Mims M, Mpoloka WS, Msefula CL, Mthiyane T, Mulder N, Mulugeta Gh, Mumba D, Musuku J, Nagdee M, Nash O, Ndiaye D, Nguyen AQ, Nicol M, Nkomazana O, Norris S, Nsangi B, Nyarko A, Nyirenda M, Obe E, Obiakor R, Oduro A, Ofori-Acquah SF, Ogah O, Ogendo S, Ohene-Frempong K, Ojo A, Olanrewaju T, Oli J, Osafo C, Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer O, Ovbiagele B, Owen A, Owolabi MO, Owolabi L, Owusu-Dabo E, Pare G, Parekh R, Patterton HG, Penno MB, Peterson J, Pieper R, Plange-Rhule J, Pollak M, Puzak J, Ramesar RS, Ramsay M, Rasooly R, Reddy S, Sabeti PC, Sagoe K, Salako T, Samassékou O, Sandhu MS, Sankoh O, Sarfo FS, Sarr M, Shaboodien G, Sidibe I, Simo G, Simuunza M, Smeeth L, Sobngwi E, Soodyall H, Sorgho H, Sow Bah O, Srinivasan S, Stein DJ, Susser ES, Swanepoel C, Tangwa G, Tareila A, Tastan Bishop O, Tayo B, Tiffin N, Tinto H, Tobin E, Tollman SM, Traoré M, Treadwell MJ, Troyer J, Tsimako-Johnstone M, Tukei V, Ulasi I, Ulenga N, van Rooyen B, Wachinou AP, Waddy SP, Wade A, Wayengera M, Whitworth J, Wideroff L, Winkler CA, Winnicki S, Wonkam A, Yewondwos M, sen T, Yozwiak N, Zar H. (2014). Enabling African Scientists for the Genomic Revolution. Science. 344(6190):1346-8. doi: 10.1126/science.1251546.

30. Shaffer JG, Grant DS, Schieffelin JS, Boisen ML, Goba A, Hartnett JN, Levy DC, Yenni RE, Moses LM, Fullah M, Momoh M, Fonnie M, Fonnie R, Kanneh L, Koroma VJ, Kargbo K, Ottomassathien D, Muncy IJ, Jones AB, Illick MM, Kulakosky PC, Haislip AM, Bishop CM, Elliot DH, Brown BL, Zhu H, Hastie KM, Andersen KG, Gire SK, Tabrizi S, Tariyal R, Stremlau M, Matschiner A, Sampey DB, Spence JS, Cross RW, Geisbert JB, Folarin OA, Happi CT, Pitts KR, Geske FJ, Geisbert TW, Saphire EO, Robinson JE, Wilson RB, Sabeti PC, Henderson LA, Khan SH, Bausch DG, Branco LM, Garry RF; Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. Lassa Fever is post-conflict Sierra Leone. (2014). PLOS Negl Trop Dis;8(3):e2748.

31. Agbonlahor DE, Happi C, Igere B, Oviasogie Fe, abbey S, Tatfeng YM, Folarin OA, Ehiaghe JI, Omole E, and Ngialue EA. (2013). Resolution of Disputed Paraentage, Employing Traditional serologic Markers and DNA Short Tandem repeat Multiplex System in Nigeria. Journal of Medical Laboratory Science: 22 (1): 27- 33.

32. Carolina Bustamante, Onikepe A. Folarin, Olusola G. Gbotosho, Camila N. Batista, Elieth A. Mesquita, Rodrigo M. Brindeiro, Amilcar Tanuri, Claudio J. Struchiner, Akintunde Sowunmi, Ayoade Oduola, Dyann F. Wirth, Mariano G. Zalis & Christian T. Happi. (2012). In vitro Reduced Susceptibility to Artemether in P. falciparum and its Association with Polymorphisms on Transporter Genes. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 206: 324-332.


33. Akintunde Sowunmi, Grace Olusola Gbotosho, Christian Tientcha Happi, Titilope Okuboyejo, Abayomi Sijuade, Obaro Michael, Elsie O Adewoye, and Onikepe Folarin (2013): Therapeutic Efficacy of Artesunate- Amodiaquine Combinations and the Plasma and Saliva Concentrations of Desethylamodiaquine in Children with Acute Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria. American Journal of Therapeutics: 20(1): 48-56.

34. Bolaji OM, Happi CT, Babunmi EA. (2012). Assessment and Characterization of Ca2+ - ATPase expression in selected isolates and clones of Plasmodium falciparum. Niger J Physiol Sci. 27 (1): 35-39.

35. Gire SK, Stremlau M, Andersen KG, Schaffner SF, Bjornson Z, Joseph McCormick J, Lander ES, Garry RF, Happi C, Sabeti PC. (2012). Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers: Emerging Disease or Emerging Diagnoses? Science. 338:750-752.

36. Asogun D, Okokhere P, Tobin E, Okogbenin SA, Akpede G, Happi C, Gunther S. (2012). Lassa fever practice challenges in Nigeria. Int J Infect Dis. 06:16:e69. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2012.05.170.

37. Akintunde Sowunmi, Titilope M. Okuboyejo, Grace O. Gbotosho , Christian T. Happi. (2012). Early changes in Plasmodium falciparum asexual and sexual populations in children with acute infections following treatment with artemisinin-based combination drugs. Malaria Chemotherapy, Control and Elimination Journal. (In press).

38. Danny A. Asogun., Donatus I. Adomeh., Jacqueline Ehimuan., Ikponmwonsa Odia., Meike Hass, Martin Gabriel., Stephan Olschlager., Beate Becker-Ziaja., Onikepe Folarin., Eric Phelan., Philomena E. Ehiane., Veritas E. Ifeh., Eghosasere A. Uyigue., Yemisi T. Oladapo., Ekene B. Muoebonam., Osagie Osunde., Andrew Dongo., Peter O. Okokhere., Sylvanus A. Okogbenin., Mojeed Momoh., Sylvester O. Alikah., Odigie C. Akhuemokhan., Peter Imomeh., Maxy A. C. Odike., Stephen Gire., Kristian Andersen., Pardis C. Sabeti., Christian T. Happi., George O. Akpede., Stephan Gunther. (2012). Molecular Diagnostics for Lassa fever at Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Nigeria: Lessons Learnt from Two Years of Laboratory Operation. PLOS Negelected Infectious Diseases. 6 (9): e1839.

39. Gbotosho GO, Happi CT, Lawal O, Sijuade A, Sowunmi A, Oduola A. (2012). A high performance liquid chromatographic assay of Mefloquine in saliva after a single oral dose in healthy adult Africans. Malaria Journal. 11(1): 59.

40. Kristian G. Andersen, Ilya Shylakhter, Shervin Tabrizi, Sharon R. Grossman, Christian T. Happi, Pardis C. Sabeti. (2012). Genome-wide scans provide evidence for positive selection of genes implicated in Lassa fever. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London. Biological Sciences. 367: 868-877.

41. Gbotosho Grace O., Folarin Onikepe., Bustamante Carolina., Sowunmi Akintunde., Zalis Mariano., Oduola Ayoade and Christian Happi. (2012). Different patterns of pfcrt and pfmdr1 polymorphisms in P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria and Brazil: The potential role of antimalarial drugs selection pressure. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.86 (2): 211-213.

42. Grace O. Gbotosho, Akintunde Sowunmi, Titilope M. Okuboyejo and Christian T. Happi. (2012). Oral artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine in the treatment of uncomplicated hyperparasitaemic Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. Journal of Tropical Pediatics. 58 (2): 151-153.

43. Grace O. Gbotosho, Akintunde Sowunmi, Titilope M. Okuboyejo, Christian T. Happi, Onikepe O. Folarin and Elsie O. Adewoye. (2011). A Simple Dose Regimen of Artesunate and Amodiaquine Based on Age or Body Weight Range for Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria in Children: Comparison of Therapeutic Efficacy With Standard Dose Regimen of Artesunate and Amodiaquine and Artemether–Lumefantrine. American Journal of Therapeutics. 19(4):e122-131.

44. Gbotosho GO, Happi CT., Woranola O., Abiodun OO., Sowunmi A., Oduola AM. (2012). Interaction between ciprofloxacin and chloroquine in mice infected with chloroquine resistant Plasmodium berghei. Parasitology Research. 110: 895-899.


45. Sowunmi A, Akinrinola IA, Gbotosho GO, Okuboyejo TM, Happi CT. (2012). A Simple Dose Regimen of Artesunate and Amodiaquine Based on Arm Span- or Age Range for Childhood Falciparum Malaria: A Preliminary Evaluation. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 58(4): 263-8.

46. Grace O. Gbotosho, Christian T. Happi, Abayomi Sijuade, Akin Sowunmi, and Ayoade M. J. Oduola. (2012). Pharmacokinetics disposition of sulphadoxine in children with acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria treated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Southwest Nigeria. American Journal of Therapeutics. 19(5): 338- 345.

47. Bolaji OM, Happi TC, Oduola AJ, Bababunmi EA. (2011). Effect of chloroquine phosphate and toxic concentrations of lead acetate on Ca2+-ATPase activity in isolates and clones of Plasmodium falciparum. Niger J Physiol Sci. 26 (2): 167-172.

48. Gbotosho G. O., Sowunmi A., Okuboyejo T. M., & Happi CT. (2011). Fall in hematocrit per one thousand parasites cleared from peripheral blood: a simple method for estimating drug related fall in hematocrit following treatment of malaria infections. American Journal of Therapeutics. October 26, 2011. Epub Ahead of Print.

49. Akintunde Sowunmi, Titilope M. Okuboyejo, Grace O. Gbotosho & Christian T. Happi. (2011). Risk factors for gametocyte carriage in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children: before and after artemisinin- based combination treatments. Chemotherapy. 57:597-503.

50. Gbotosho G. O., Sowunmi A., Happi CT. (2011). Kinetics of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte sex ratios: application to the evaluation of the potential of antimalarial drugs to influence malaria transmission. The Open Tropical Medicine Journal. 4:33-38.

51. Folarin OA., Gbotosho GO., Bustamante C., Sowunmi A., Zalis MG, Oduola AMJ and CT Happi. (2011). In vitro amodiaquine resistance and it association with mutations in pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Nigeria. Acta Tropica. 120 (3): 224-230.

52. Gbotosho G. O., Sowunmi A., Happi CT. & Okuboyejo T. M. (2011). Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage, sex ratios and asexual parasite rates in Nigerian children before and after protocol policy change instituting the use of artemisinin-based combination therapies. Memoirs do Institute Oswaldo Cruz. 106 (6): 685-90.

53. Sowunmi A, Gbotosho G.O., Okuboyejo T.M., Happi CT. (2011). Risk factors for Plasmodium falciparum hyperparasitaemia in malarious children. BMC infectious Diseases. 11 (1): 268.

54. Gbotosho G.O., Sowunmi A., Okuboyejo T.M., Happi CT., Michael S.O., Folarin O. A., Adewoye E.O. (2011). Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage, emergence, clearance, and population sex ratios in anaemic and non-anaemic malarious children. Memoirs do Institute Oswaldo Cruz. 106 (5). 562-569.

55. Grace O Gbotosho, Titilope M Okuboyejo, Christian T. Happi and Akintunde Sowunmi. (2011). Recrudescent Plasmodium falciparum infections in children in an endemic area following artemisinin-based combination treatments: Implications for disease control. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases. July, 2011. 1-8.

56. Grace O Gbotosho, Titilope M Okuboyejo, Christian T Happi, Akintunde Sowunmi (2011). Plasmodium falciparum hyperparasitaemia in Nigerian children: epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and therapeutic responses to oral artemisinin-based combination treatments. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases. May, 2011. 85-93.

57. Daria Van Tyne, Daniel J. Park, Stephen F. Schaffner, Daniel E. Neafsey, Elaine Angelino, Joseph F. Cortese, Kayla G. Barnes, David M. Rosen, Amanda K. Lukens, Rachel F. Daniels, Danny A. Milner, Jr, Charles A. Johnson, Ilya Shlyakhter, Sharon R. Grossman, Justin S. Becker, Daniel Yamins, Elinor K. Karlsson, Daouda Ndiaye, Ousmane Sarr, Souleymane Mboup, Christian Happi, Nicholas A. Furlotte, Eleazar Eskin, Hyun Min Kang, Daniel L. Hartl, Bruce W. Birren, Roger C. Wiegand, Eric S. Lander, Dyann F. Wirth, Sarah K. Volkman, Pardis C. Sabeti. (2011). Identification and Functional Validation of the Novel Antimalarial


Resistance Locus PF10_0355 in Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS Genetics. E1001383.doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001383.

58. The malERA Consultative Group on Basic Science and Enabling Technologies. (2011). A Research Agenda for Malaria Eradication: Basic Science and Enabling Technologies. PLoS Medicine. 8(1):e1000399.

59. Gbotosho, Grace O; Sowunmi, Akintunde; Okuboyejo, Titilope; Happi, Christian; Folarin A, Onikepe; Michael, Obaro; Adewoye, Elsie. (2011). Therapeutic efficacy and effects of artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine co-formulated or co-packaged, on malaria-associated anemia in children with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southwest Nigeria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 84 (5): 813-819.

60. Gbotosho, Grace O; Sowunmi, Akintunde; Happi, Christian; Okuboyejo, Titilope. (2011). Therapeutic efficacies of artemisinin-based combination therapies in Nigerian children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria during five years of adoption as first-line treatments. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 84(6): 936-943.

61. Oyindamola Abiodun, Grace Gbotosho, Edith Ajaiyeoba, Christian Tientcha Happi, Mofolusho Falade, Sergio Wittlin, Akintunde Sowunmi, Reto Brun, and Ayoade Oduola. (2011). In vitro antiplasmodial activity and toxicity assessment of some plants from Nigerian ethnomedicine. Pharmaceutical Biology 49 (1): 9-14.

62. Akpede G, Asogun D, Okokhere P, Okogbenin S, Akpan H, Ehiemuan J, Happi C, Gunther S. (2010). Spatial and temporal trends of the Lassa fever epidemic in Nigeria 2001 — 2009, with particular reference to the Edo State experience. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 14 (1): e747-e747.

63. Ikeoluwapo O Ajayi, Catherine O Falade, Bidemi O Yusuf, Grace O Gbotosho, Christian T Happi, Franco Pagnoni. (2010): Feasibility, acceptability and use of artemisinin-based combination therapy for home management of malaria in south-west Nigeria. Bull WHO. DOI: 10.2471/BLT.08.055038.

64. Obaro S Michael, Grace O Gbotosho, Onikepe A Folarin, Titilope Okuboyejo, Akintunde Sowunmi, Ayoade MJ Oduola and Christian T Happi. (2010). Early variations in Plasmodium falciparum dynamics in Nigerian children after treatment with two artemisinin-based combinations: implications on delayed parasite clearance. Malaria Journal. 9:335.

65. Grace O. Gbotosho, Christian Happi, Onikepe Folarin, Ochuko Keyamo, Akintunde Sowunmi, and Ayoade MJ Oduola. (2010). Rapid Detection of Lactate Dehydrogenase and Genotyping of Plasmodium falciparum in Saliva of Children with Acute Uncomplicated Malaria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 83 (3): 496-501.

66. Abiodun OO, Gbotosho GO, Ajaiyeoba EO, Happi CT, Hofer S, Wittlin S, Sowunmi A, Brun R, Oduola AM. (2010). Comparison of SYBR Green I-, PicoGreen-, and 3H-hypoxanthine-based assays for in vitro antimalarial screening of plants from Nigerian ethnomedicine. Parasitology Research. 106(4):933-9.

67. Akintunde Sowunmi, Elsie O Adewoye, Grace O Gbotosho, Christian T Happi, Abayomi Sijuade, Onikepe A Folarin, Titilope M Okuboyejo and Obaro S Michael. (2010). Factors contributing to delay in parasite clearance in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children. Malaria Journal. 9(1):53.

68. Sowunmi A; Gbotosho GO, Happi CT and Fateye BA. (2010). Factors contributing to anaemia after acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. Acta Tropica. 113 (2): 155-161.

69. Akpede G, Asogun D, Okokhere P, Okogbenin S, Akpan H, Ehiemuan J, Happi C, Gunther S. (2010). Spatial and temporal trends of the Lassa fever epidemic in Nigeria 2001 – 2009, with particular reference to the Edo State experience. (2010). Int J Infect Dis. 03:14. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2010.02.677

70. Okogbenin SA, Asogun D, Akpede G, Okokhere P, Gunther S, Happi C. (2010). New lessons from a case series review of Lassa fever in Pregnancy. Int J Infect Dis. 03:14. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2010.02.466


71. Akpede G, Odike A, Okokhere P, Olomu SC, Asogun D, Happi C, Gunther S. (2010). Prevalence and presentation of Lassa fever in Nigerian children . Int J Infect Dis. 03: 14:e380. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2010.02.465

72. Asogun A, Okokhere P, Okogbenin SA, Akpede G, Gunther S, Happi C. (2010). Lassa fever awareness and practices in a Nigerian rural community. Int J Infect Dis. 03:14. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2010.02.1950.

73. Akintunde Sowunmi, Grace Olusola Gbotosho, Christian Tientcha Happi, Onikepe Folarin, Titilope Okuboyejo, Obaro Michael and Bayo Fatunmbi (2009). Use of area under the curve to evaluate the effects of antimalarial drugs on malaria associated anemia after treatment. American Journal of Therapeutics.18 (3): 190-197.

74. Grace O Gbotosho, Christian T Happi, Abideen Ganiyu, Olumide A Ogundahunsi, Akin Sowunmi and Ayoade M Oduola. (2009). Potential contribution of prescription practices to the emergence and spread of chloroquine resistance in southwest Nigeria: Caution in the use of artemisinin combination therapy. Malaria Journal.8:313.

75. Akintunde Sowunmi, Oluchi O Nkogho, Titilope M Okuboyejo, Grace O Gbotosho, Christian T Happi and Elsie O Adewoye. (2009). Effects of mefloquine and artesunate mefloquine on the emergence, clearance and sex ratio of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes in malarious children. Malaria Journal: 8 (1):297.

76. Akintunde Sowunmi, Grace O. Gbotosho, Christian Happi, Titilope Okuboyejo, Onikepe Folarin, Sulayman Balogun and Obaro Michael. (2009). Therapeutic Efficacy and Effects of Artesunate-Mefloquine and Mefloquine Alone on Malaria-Associated Anemia in Children with Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Southwest Nigeria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 81(6): 979-986.

77. Grace O Gbotosho, Happi CT, Abayomi O Sijuade, Akin Sowunmi and Ayoade M Oduola. (2009). A simple cost effective high performance liquid chromatographic assay of sulphadoxine in whole blood spotted on filter paper for field studies. Malaria Journal.8 (1): 238.

78. Sowunmi A, Gbotosho GO, Happi CT, Folarin OA, Balogun ST. (2009). Population structure of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte sex ratios in malarious children in an endemic area. Parasitology. International. 58(4):438-43.

79. Happi CT; Gbotosho GO; Folarin OA; Sowunmi A; Hudson T; O’Neil M; Milhous W; Wirth DF and Oduola AMJ. (2009). Selection of Plasmodium falciparum Multidrug Resistance Gene 1 Alleles in Asexual stages and Gametocytes by Artemether-Lumefantrine in Nigerian Children with Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 53 (3):888-895.

80. Sowunmi A, Balogun ST, Gbotosho GO, Happi CT. (2009). Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte sex ratios in symptomatic children treated with antimalarial drugs. Acta Tropica. 109(2):108-117.

81. Sowunmi A, Balogun ST, Gbotosho GO, Happi CT. (2009). Effects of amodiaquine, artesunate, and artesunate-amodiaquine on Plasmodium falciparum malaria-associated anaemia in children. Acta Tropica. 109: 55-60.

82. Akinboye DO, Ovansa JU, Okwong E, Fawole O, Agbolade OM, Akinboye OO, Amosu AM, Atulumah NOS, Happi TC, Oduola O, Owodunmi BM, Rebecca SN and Falade M. (2009). Malaria and genetic polymorphisms of haemoglobin genotypes and ABO blood groups. Acta SATECH. 3 (1):122-131.

83. Akintunde Sowunmi, Sulayman T. Balogun, Grace O. Gbotosho, & Christian T. Happi. (2008). Some aspects of primary and recrudescent, amodiaquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum infections in Nigerian children. Memorias Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 103 (8): 754-759.

84. Ajayi IO, Browne EN, Bateganya F, Yar D, Happi C, Falade CO, Gbotosho GO, Yusuf B, Boateng S, Mugittu K, Cousens S, Nanyunja M, Pagnoni F. (2008). Effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapy used in the context of home management of malaria: A report from three study sites in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria Journal. 27; 7:190.


85. Sowunmi A, Balogun ST, Gbotosho GO, Happi CT. (2008). Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte sex ratios in children with acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated infections treated with amodiaquine. Malaria Journal. 2 (7):169.

86. Folarin OA, Gbotosho GO, Sowunmi A, Olorunsogo OO, Oduola AMJ and Happi CT. (2008). Chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Nigeria: Relationship between pfcrt and pfmdr1 polymorphisms, In-vitro resistance and Treatment outcome. The Open Tropical Medicine Journal. 1. 74-82.

87. Yusuf OB, Falade CO, Ajayi IO, Gbotosho GO, Happi TC and Pagnoni F. (2008). Community Effectiveness of Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy for malaria in Rural SouthWestern Nigeria. Int. Q. Comm. Health. Edu. 45-56.

88. Akintunde Sowunmi, Sulayman T. Balogun, Grace O. Gbotosho and Christian T. Happi. (2008). Influence of Anemia on Plasmodium falciparum Gametocyte Sex Ratios in Acutely Symptomatic Children. The Open Tropical Medicine Journal. 1. 13-20.

89. Fehintola FA, Adedeji AA, Gbotosho GO, Happi CT, Balogun ST, Folarin OA, Sijuade AO, Sowunmi A. (2008). Effects of artesunate-cotrimoxazole and amodiaquine-artesunate against asexual and sexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Nigerian children. Journal of Infections & Chemotherapy. 4(3):188-194.

90. Ajayi IO, Falade CO, Olley BO, Yusuf B, Gbotosho S, Iyiola T, Olaniyan O, Happi C, Munguti K, Pagnoni F. (2008). A qualitative study of the feasibility and community perception on the effectiveness of artemether- lumefantrine use in the context of home management of malaria in South-west Nigeria. BMC Health Serv Res. 1 (8):119.

91. Akintunde Sowunmi, Tunde Balogun, Grace O. Gbotosho, Christian T. Happi, Ahmed A. Adedeji, Olayinka M. Bolaji, Fatai A. Fehintola & Onikepe A. Folarin. (2008). Activities of artemether-lumefantrine and amodiaquine-sulfalene-pyrimethamine against sexual stage parasites in falciparum malaria in children. Chemotherapy. 54 (3): 201-108.

92. Akintunde Sowunmi, Grace O. Gbotosho, Ahmed A. Adedeji, OM Bolaji, Fatai A. Fehintola, Babasola A. Fateye, Ernest Tambo & Christian T. Happi. (2008). Herpes labialis in children with falciparum malaria. Acta Tropica. 106 (1): 68-71.

93. Gbotosho GO., Happi CT., Sijuade A., Ogundahunsi OA, Sowunmi A., Oduola A.M.J. (2008). Comparative study of interactions between chloroquine and chlorpheniramine or promethazine in healthy volunteers: a potential combination-therapy phenomenon for resuscitating chloroquine for malaria treatment in Africa. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 102(1):3-9.

94. Christopher V. Plowe, Cally Roper, John W. Barnwell, Christian T. Happi, Hema H. Joshi, Wilfred Mbacham, Steven R. Meshnick, Kefas Mugittu, Inbarani Naidoo, Ric N. Price, Robert W. Shafer, Carol H. Sibley, Colin J. Sutherland, Peter A. Zimmerman and Philip J. Rosenthal. (2007). World Antimalarial Resistance Network (WARN) III: Molecular markers for drug resistant malaria. Malaria Journal. 6. 121.

95. Falade CO., Fadero FF., Happi CT, Adegbola DH, Gbotosho GO., Ayede I, Falade AG, Oduola AMJ and Salako L. (2007). comparative efficacy of dihyroartemisinin suppository versus intramuscular artemether followed by oral sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in the management of moderately severe malaria in Nigerian children. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 76 (1): 1-6.

96. Sowunmi A, Balogun T, Gbotosho GO, Happi CT, Adedeji AA, Fehintola FA. (2007). Activities of amodiaquine, artesunate, and artesunate-amodiaquine against asexual- and -sexual stage parasites in falciparum malaria in children. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy. 51 (5): 1694-1699.

97. Sowunmi A, Gbotosho GO, Adedeji AA, Fateye BA, Sabitu MF, Happi CT, Fehintola FA. (2007). Effects of acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria on body weight in children in an endemic area. Parasitology Research. 101(2):349-349.


98. A. Sowunmi, G.O. Gbotosho, C.T. Happi, A.A. Adedeji, O. M. Bolaji, B.A. Fateye & A.M.J. Oduola. (2007). Enhancement of the antimalarial efficacy of amodiaquine by chlorpheniramine in vivo. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 102 (3): 417-420.

99. Akintunde Sowunmi, Grace O. Gbotosho, Christian T. Happi, Ahmed A. Adedeji, Fatai A. Fehintola, Onikepe A. Folarin, Ernest Tambo & Babasola A. Fateye. (2007). Therapeutic efficacy and effects on gametocyte carriage of artemether-lumefantrine and amodiaquine-pyrimethamine-sulfalene among children wihth uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in southwest Nigeria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 77 (2): 235-241.

100. A Sowunmi, AA Adedeji, GO Gbotosho, BA Fateye, & TC Happi. (2006). Effects of pyrimethamine- sulphadoxine, chloroquine plus chlorpheniramine, and amodiaquine plus pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine on gametocytes during and after treatment of acute, uncomplicated malaria in children. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz.101 (8):887-893.

101. A. Sowunmi, G.O. Gbotosho, A.A. Adedeji, E. Tambo, B.A. Fateye, C.T. Happi & A.O.J. Amoo. (2006). The effects of artemether-lumefantrine versus amodiaquine-sulfalene-pyrimethamine on the hepatomegaly associated with Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. Parasitology Research. 100 (3): 511-518.

102. Happi CT, Gbotosho, GO., Folarin, OA., Sowunmi A., Bolaji, OM., Fateye, BA., Kyle DE., Milhous, WK., Wirth, DF., Oduola AMJ. (2006). Linkage disequilibrium between two distinct loci in chromosomes 5 and 7 of Plasmodium falciparum and in vivo chloroquine resistance in Southwest Nigeria. Parasitology Research.100 (1): 141-148.

103. Christian T Happi, Grace O Gbotosho, Onikepe A Folarin, Danny A Milner, Ousmane Sarr, Akintunde Sowunmi, Dennis E Kyle, Wilbur K Milhous, Dyann F Wirth, Ayoade MJ Oduola. (2006). Confirmation of emergence of mutations associated with atovaquone/proguanil resistance in unexposed Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Africa. Malaria Journal. 5 (1):82.

104. Ajaiyeoba EO, Abiodun OO, Falade MO, Ogbole NO, Ashidi JS, Happi CT, Akinboye DO. (2006). In vitro cytotoxicity studies of 20 plants used in Nigerian antimalarial ethnomedicine. Phytomedicine. 13 (4):295-8.

105. Gbotosho, G.O., Ogundahunsi, O.A., Happi, C.T., Kyle, D.E., Gerena, L., Milhous W., Sowunmi, A., Oduola, A.M.J and Salako, L.A. (2006). The effects of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein on the potential clinical application of the reversal of chloroquine resistance phenomenon. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 100 (7): 571-578.

106. Happi CT, Gbotosho, GO., Folarin, OA., Bolaji, OM., Sowunmi A., Kyle DE., Milhous, WK., Wirth, DF., Oduola AMJ. (2006). Association between mutations in pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes and In vivo amodiaquine resistance in falciparum malaria-infected children in Nigeria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 75 (1):155-161.

107. Sowunmi A, Fateye, BA, Adedeji, FA, Gbotosho, GO, Happi, TC, Bamgboye, OA, Bolaji, OM, and AMJ Oduola. (2006). Predictors of treatment failure to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in children with acute with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria, in Nigeria. Acta Tropica. 98 (1):6-14.

108. Ebong OO, Ajaiyeoba EO, Ononiwu IM, Eteng MJ, Akinboye DO, Gbotosho GO, Falade CO, Bolaji OM, Oladepo O, Osowole OS, Happi TC, Fawole OF, Ogundahunsi OAT, Agbagwa IM, Oduola O and Oduola AMJ. (2005). Contribution of indigeneous health care givers to the herbal management of febrile illnesses in Rivers Sate, South-South Nigeria. West. Afr. J. Pharmacol. Drug. Res. 21 (1&2): 48-54.

109. A. Sowunmi, F.A. Fehintola, A.A. Adedeji, G.O. Gbotosho, E. Tambo, B.A. Fateye, T.C. Happi & A.M..J. Oduola. (2005). Open randomized study of artesunate-amodiaquine versus chloroquine-pyrimethamine- sulfadoxine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Nigerian children. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 10(11):1161-70.


110. Adedeji, A.A., Fehintola, F.A., Fateye, B.A., Happi, T.C., Amoo, A.O.J., Gbotosho, G.O. and A. Sowunmi. (2005). Plasmodium falciparum malaria during high and low transmission seasons in Nigerian children: gametocyte carriage and response to oral chloroquine. Journal of Tropical Paediatrics. 51(5):288-94.

111. Sowunmi A, Fateye BA, Adedeji AA, Fehintola FA, Gbotosho GO, Happi TC, Tambo E and AMJ Oduola. (2005). Predictors of failure of treatment with chloroquine in children with acute, uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria, in an area with high increasing incidences of chloroquine resistance. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 99 (6):535-544.

112. Sowunmi A, Fateye BA, Adedeji AA, Fehintola FA, Bamgboye EA, Babalola CP, Happi TC and Gbotosho GO. (2005). Effects of antifolates – co-trimoxazole and pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine on gametocytes in children with acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 100 (4): 451-455.

113. Happi CT, Gbotosho GO, Folarin OA, Akinboye DO, Yusuf BO, Ebong, OO, Sowunmi A, Kyle DE, Milhous W, Wirth DF and AMJ Oduola. (2005). Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum dhfr and dhps genes and age related in vivo sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in malaria-infected patients from Nigeria. Acta Tropica. 95 (3):183-193.

114. Sowunmi A, Fateye BA, Adedeji AA, Fehintola FA, Gbotosho GO, Happi TC, Oduola AM. (2005). Predictors of the failure of treatment with chloroquine plus chlorpheniramine, in children with acute, uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 99(4):331-8.

115. Sarah J. Bates, Peter A. Winstanley, William M. Watkins, Ali Alloueche, Juma Bwika, Christian T. Happi, Peter G. Kremsner, James G. Kublin, Zul Premji, Carol Hopkins Sibley. (2004). Rare, highly pyrimethamine- resistant alleles of Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase from five African sites. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 190(10):1783-92.

116. Sowunmi, A., Fateye, B.A., Adedeji, A.A., Fehintola, F.A. & Happi, T.C. (2004). Risk factors for gametocyte carriage in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children. Parasitology. 129:255-62.

117. Sowunmi, A., Happi, T.C. & Oduola, A.M.J. (2004). Reversal of chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum. Journal of Applied Therapeutic Research. 5 (1): 3-11.

118. Oduola, O.O., Happi T.C., Gbotosho, G.O., Ogundahunsi, O. A. T., Falade, C. O., Akinboye, D.O., Sowunmi, A., and A.M.J.Oduola. (2004). Plasmodium berghei: efficacy and safety of combinations of chloroquine and promethazine in chloroquine resistant infections in gravid mice. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 33. 77-81.

119. Happi, C.T., Gbotosho, G.O., Sowunmi, A., Falade, C.O., Akinboye, D.O. Oladepo O., and AMJ Oduola (2004). Malaria diagnosis: False negative parasighttm-f tests in falciparum malaria patients in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 33. 15-18.

120. Sowunmi, A., Fehintola, F.A., Adedeji, A.A., Gbotosho, G.O., Falade, C.O., Tambo, E., Fateye, B.A., Happi, T.C. & Oduola, A.M.J. (2004). Open randomized study of pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine versus pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine plus probenecid for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 9 (5): 606–614.

121. Fehintola, F.A., Adedeji, A.A., Tambo, E., Fateye, B.B., Happi, T.C. & Sowunmi, A. (2004). Cotrimoxazole in the treatment of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Nigerian children: a controlled clinical trial. Clinical Drugs Investigation. 24 (3): 149-155.

122. Happi CT, Gbotosho GO, Sowunmi A, Falade CO, Akinboye DO, Gerena L, Kyle DE, Milhous W, Wirth DF and AMJ Oduola (2004). Molecular analysis of recrudescent Plasmodium falciparum malaria infections in children treated with chloroquine in Nigeria. American Journal Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 70 (1): 20-26.

123. Ajaiyeoba EO, Oladepo O, Fawole OI, Bolaji OM, Akinboye DO, Ogundahunsi OA, Falade CO, Gbotosho GO, Itiola OA, Happi TC, Ebong OO, Ononiwu IM, Osowole OS, Oduola OO, Ashidi JS, Oduola AM. (2003). 16

Cultural categorization of febrile illnesses in correlation with herbal remedies used for treatment in Southwestern Nigeria. J Ethnopharmacology. 85 (2-3):179-85.

124. Sowunmi, A., Fateye, B.A., Happi, TC., Gbotosho, G.O. & Odula, A.M.J. (2003). Plasmodium falciparum gametocytaemia in Nigerian children: peripheral immature gametocytaemia as indicator of response to chloroquine treatment and its relationship to molecular determinants of chloroquine resistance. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology.97 (5): 453-468.

125. Happi CT, Thomas SM, Gbotosho GO, Falade CO, Akinboye DO, Gerena L, Hudson T, Sowunmi A, Kyle DE, Milhous W, Wirth DF, and AMJ Oduola. (2003). Point mutations in the pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes of Plamsodium falciparum and clinical response to chloroquine in malaria patients from Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology.97 (5): 439-451.

126. Sowunmi, A., A. I. Ayede, A. G. Falade, V. N. Ndikum, C. O. Sowunmi, A. A. Adedeji, C. O. Falade, TC. Happi and A. M. Oduola (2001). Randomized comparison of chloroquine and amodiaquine in the treatment of acute, uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 95(6): 549-58.

127. Sowunmi, A., A. A. Adedeji, C. O. Sowunmi, C. O. Falade, A. G. Falade, B. Ohaeri, T. C. Happi and A. M. Oduola (2001). Clinical characteristics and disposition kinetics of the hepatomegaly associated with acute, uncomplicated, Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 95(1): 7-18.

128. Sowunmi, A, Falade, C.O, A.A Adedeji, Happi, T.C., C.O.Sowunmi, and A.B.Ofi, F.A. Okunlawon and A.M.J Oduola (2000). Electrocardiograhic changes during chloroquine and halofantrine treatment in patients of southwest Nigeria. Clinical Drugs Investigation. 20 (4): 229-235.

129. Sowunmi, A., F. A. Fehintola, O. A. Ogundahunsi, A. B. Ofi, T. C. Happi and A. M. Oduola (1999). Comparative cardiac effects of halofantrine and chloroquine plus chlorpheniramine in children with acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 93(1): 78-83.

E. Research Support.

Ongoing Support

1. African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID).

Role: Centre Director: Funding: World Bank. Period: 2014-2018.

This project aims at establishing at Redeemer’s University an African Center of Excellence devoted to the genomics of Infectious diseases. ACEGID has as one of its mandates to use knowledge of genomics to the issue of Infectious diseases in Africa. In addition, ACEGID will develop a critical mass of well-trained African scientists that will use genomics knowledge to address African health problems. ACEGID will also establish in Nigeria the first postgraduate curriculum in Genomics and the first formal postdoctoral training programme in Infectious diseases of Africa.

2. Characterizing Fevers of Unknown Origin through Microbial Metagenomics

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: NIH (USA) 1U01HG007480 - 01. Period: 2013-2017.

Major efforts in this project will devoted to establish a West African genomics Research (WAGER) Network. Initial members of the WAGER network consist of Institutions in Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra-Leone. Scientific activities around the network will consist of using the microbial metagenomics approach to characterize fever of unknown origin and for pathogen discovery in West Africa.


3. Development of a novel malaria-screening tool in resource-poor settings using a simple, power-free cell phone device

Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Funding: NIH (USA) 1R21TW009915-01. Period: 2015-2017

Efforts in this project were devoted to use an innovative approach that combines, malaria biology, Magnetic levitation and smart phone technology to develop a simple power free tool for malaria diagnosis in resource poor settings of Africa.


1. Host and Pathogen Evolution in Lassa Fever.

Role: International project Director. Funding: National Institutes of Health (USA). Period: 2010-2015

The project has three specific efforts: 1) Support the field-site in Nigeria where we collect samples of both patients of Lassa virus and their contacts. 2) Sequence virus from patients with Lassa virus to study viral diversity and develop a diagnostic, 3) Genotype both human patients with Lassa virus and healthy contacts to identify genetic factors driving Lassa susceptibility, 4) work on computational methods to detect natural selection in humans and to carry out functional validation of candidate loci.

2. Host Genetic Factors in Resistance to Lassa Hemorrhagic Fever

Role: International Project Director. Funding: NIAID (USA). Period: 2010-2015.

The goal of this Project is to replicate strong signals of natural selection found in Yorubas at genes critical for with Lassa virus (LASV) in four additional West African populations, and to localize and characterize the key functional mutations. Seventy (70) mother-father-child trios from 4 populations with high rates of Lassa Fever (Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea) will be recruited. We will also collect 500-1000 cases of severe Lassa fever (LF) and 1500-2000 controls at the Specialist Teaching Hospital in Irrua, Nigeria, perform Lassa Fever genome wide association study (GWAS) in Nigeria and Sierra Leone, and localize causal variants in candidate regions.

3. Roles of protective or pathogenic B cell epitopes in human Lassa Fever

Role: International Project Director. Funding: NIAID (USA). Period: 2009-2014.

The goal of this program is to identify novel B cell epitopes on Lassa virus (LASV) proteins and elucidate novel mechanisms of antibody-mediated protection or pathogenesis in humans Lassa fever (LF).

4. Validation of New Biomarkers for Monitoring Plasmodium falciparum Reduced susceptibility/Tolerance or Resistance to Artemisinin Derivatives and Partner Drugs in Nigeria.

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: EDCTP (EU). Period: 2009-2013.

Activities in this project aim at validating new biomarkers of Plasmodium falciparum reduced susceptibility/tolerance/resistance to artemisinin derivatives and lumefantrine in clinical testing centers of Nigeria.

5. Genetic determinants of human susceptibility to Lassa Fever Virus.

Role: International Project Director. Funding: Harvard University (USA). Period: 2008- 2013.


This project has two major objectives. 1) use of the understanding of genetic variation in Lassa virus sequences for development of a rapid and reliable diagnostic for Lassa fever virus and 2) use a genome- wide sequencing approach to identify and validate genetic determinants of human susceptibility to Lassa fever virus.

6. Molecular determinants of P. falciparum resistance to ACTs in Nigeria.

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: NIH/FIC (USA). Period: 2008-2011.

The major goal of this project is identify new molecular determinants of P. falciparum resistance to artermisinin derivatives and partner drugs used for treatment of acute uncomplicated malaria in Nigeria and other African countries.

7. Molecular determinants of drug response and resistance in P. falciparum of Africa and South- America.

Role: Principal investigator. Funding: WHO/TDR. Period: 07/2005-09/2009.

The goal of this project is to explore the geographic differential expression profiles of P. falciparum genes in culture adapted isolates from Nigeria and Brazil.

8. Plasmodium Transfection Network: Nigeria Center.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Funding: WHO/TDR. Period: 2003-2012

This project aims at using the transfection technology to develop unique animals and human models of malaria parasites for antimalarial drugs screening in vitro and in vivo. This project also aims at building capacity in transfection technology among Young Nigerian scientists.

9. World-wide Plasmodium Genetic Diversity.

Role: Co-investigator. Funding: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Period: 2009-2012.

The aim of this project is to study and understand genome diversity in the Plasmodium specie from different endemic areas of the world.

10. Validation of a new fluoremetric method for determining Plasmodium falciparum susceptibility to antimalarial drugs in vitro in fresh patients’ samples.

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: TurnerBiosciences, USA. Period: 12/2007-12/2009.

The goal of this project is to use a TBS-380 fluorescence detector to validate SYBR Green as an alternative colorimetric assay for determination of Plasmodium falciparum susceptibility to antimalarial drugs in vitro in Nigeria.

11. Molecular determinants of drug resistant malaria in Nigeria

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: NIH/Fogarty International Centre. 10/01/2003- 10/11/2007.

The major goal of this project is identify new molecular determinant of drug response in fresh field isolates of P. falciparum from Nigeria.

12. Improving home management of malaria using the combination of artemether-lumefantrine in southwest Nigeria.

Role: Co-investigator. Funding: WHO/TDR. 04/2005-12/2007.

The main objective of the study is to produce evidence on the feasibility, acceptability and safety of the use of Artemether-lumefantrine in the context of Home Management of Malaria (HMM) in Nigeria.


13. Antimalarial Drug Resistant Network in Africa: Defining and Monitoring Drug Resistant P. falciparum In Southwest Nigeria.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Funding: WHO/MIM/TDR. 04/2002- 10/2006.

The aim of the project was to define the characteristics of P. falciparum resistance to standard antimalarial drugs (chloroquine, sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine). Clinical outcome of patients were collated with parasitological and pharmacokinetics data in children treated with the first (Cchloroquine) and second line (Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine) antimalarial drugs in Nigeria.

14. MIM/TDR Antimalaria drug resistant network Analytical and Training Center for pharmacokinetics

Role: Co-principal Investigator. Funding:WHO/MIM/TDR. 04/2002-10/2006.

Efforts in this study were devoted to providing support and the protocols for drug analysis adopted by the MIM/TDR antimalarial drug resistance network. In addition, the project provided training on pharmacokinetic analysis and facilitated transfer of technology to the network sites.

15. A collaborative approach for monitoring the spread of resistant Plasmodium falciparum infections in Nigeria Role: Principal investigator. Funding: IAEA /UNDP. 01/10/2003-31/06/2006.

The dot-blot technique was used for identification of markers of chloroquine and sulfadoxine pyrimethamine resistance in patients isolates of P. falciparum in Nigeria, through a partnership between the Malaria Research Laboratories (MRL), University of Ibadan, the International atomic energy Agency (IAEA) and WHO-Roll back malaria.

16. Identification of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Plasmodium falciparum isolates showing false negative results using the parasight®-f dipstick.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Funding: International Society for Infectious Diseases. 10/2002-10/2005.

This study involves a multidisciplinary approach in ascertaining the existence of candidate SNPs in HRPII gene of Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Ibadan, Nigeria.

17.Microarrays analysis of fresh field isolates of drug resistant P. falciparum from Nigeria and Brazil.

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: MR4/NIAD, USA. Period: 2004-2005.

The goal of this project was to use the microarrays technology for discerning temporal and geographical differential gene expression profiles in field isolates of P. falciparum from Nigeria and Brazil. Clustering of specific drug resistance patterns and gene expression responses to therapy were used to evaluate the relationship between treatment modalities and the development of unique drug resistant phenotypes.

18. Studies of Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity in Nigeria.

Role: Co- Investigator. Funding: Exxon Mobil Corporation, USA. Period: 2002- 2005.

Efforts in this project were devoted in understanding genetic diversity of P. falciparum populations in various areas of Nigeria.

19. Validation of molecular markers, determinants and clinical relevance in chloroquine resistance P. falciparum infections in Benin Republic and Nigeria.

Role: Principal Investigator. Funding: WHO/TDR. 30/04/2001-30/10/2003.

The project focused on Identification and validation of mutations in targeted genes known to be associated with chloroquine resistance (Pfmdr1 and Pfcrt) and correlate the prevalence of these mutations with in vitro susceptibility of parasites to chloroquine and clinical response in patients in Nigeria and Benin Republic.

120. Intersectoral model for management, control and policy formulation on drug resistant malaria in Nigeria. 20

Role: Co-investigator. Funding: WHO/MIM/TDR. Period: 03/1998- 12/2002

Efforts in this study are devoted to improving the clinical management of drug resistant malaria. Part of the study includes validation of a new diagnostic kit based on a biological phenomenon in the malaria parasites for detecting and documenting drug resistant parasites. The study also involves a collaborative network between the malaria research group, the Oyo state ministry of health, the Oyo state hospital management board and the development policy center.



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